Poster Session
Poster Session 1 West
West Ballroom A-D
Fast Proxy Experiment Design for Causal Effect Identification
Sepehr Elahi · Sina Akbari · Jalal Etesami · Negar Kiyavash · Patrick Thiran
Identifying causal effects is a key problem of interest across many disciplines. The two long-standing approaches to estimate causal effects are observational and experimental (randomized) studies. Observational studies can suffer from unmeasured confounding, which may render the causal effects unidentifiable. On the other hand, direct experiments on the target variable may be too costly or even infeasible to conduct. A middle ground between these two approaches is to estimate the causal effect of interest through proxy experiments, which are conducted on variables with a lower cost to intervene on compared to the main target. In an earlier work, we studied this setting and demonstrated that the problem of designing the optimal (minimum-cost) experiment for causal effect identification is NP-complete and provided a naive algorithm that may require solving exponentially many NP-hard problems as a sub-routine in the worst case. In this work, we provide a few reformulations of the problem that allow for designing significantly more efficient algorithms to solve it as witnessed by our extensive simulations. Additionally, we study the closely-related problem of designing experiments that enable us to identify a given effect through valid adjustments sets.
DiffPhyCon: A Generative Approach to Control Complex Physical Systems
Long Wei · Peiyan Hu · Ruiqi Feng · Haodong Feng · Yixuan Du · Tao Zhang · Rui Wang · Yue Wang · Zhi-Ming Ma · Tailin Wu
Controlling the evolution of complex physical systems is a fundamental task across science and engineering. Classical techniques suffer from limited applicability or huge computational costs. On the other hand, recent deep learning and reinforcement learning-based approaches often struggle to optimize long-term control sequences under the constraints of system dynamics. In this work, we introduce Diffusion Physical systems Control (DiffPhyCon), a new class of method to address the physical systems control problem. DiffPhyCon excels by simultaneously minimizing both the learned generative energy function and the predefined control objectives across the entire trajectory and control sequence. Thus, it can explore globally and plan near-optimal control sequences. Moreover, we enhance DiffPhyCon with prior reweighting, enabling the discovery of control sequences that significantly deviate from the training distribution. We test our method on three tasks: 1D Burgers' equation, 2D jellyfish movement control, and 2D high-dimensional smoke control, where our generated jellyfish dataset is released as a benchmark for complex physical system control research. Our method outperforms widely applied classical approaches and state-of-the-art deep learning and reinforcement learning methods. Notably, DiffPhyCon unveils an intriguing fast-close-slow-open pattern observed in the jellyfish, aligning with established findings in the field of fluid dynamics. The project website, jellyfish dataset, and code can be found at
Sample Complexity of Interventional Causal Representation Learning
Emre Acartürk · Burak Varıcı · Karthikeyan Shanmugam · Ali Tajer
Consider a data-generation process that transforms low-dimensional _latent_ causally-related variables to high-dimensional _observed_ variables. Causal representation learning (CRL) is the process of using the observed data to recover the latent causal variables and the causal structure among them. Despite the multitude of identifiability results under various interventional CRL settings, the existing guarantees apply exclusively to the _infinite-sample_ regime (i.e., infinite observed samples). This paper establishes the first sample-complexity analysis for the finite-sample regime, in which the interactions between the number of observed samples and probabilistic guarantees on recovering the latent variables and structure are established. This paper focuses on _general_ latent causal models, stochastic _soft_ interventions, and a linear transformation from the latent to the observation space. The identifiability results ensure graph recovery up to ancestors and latent variables recovery up to mixing with parent variables. Specifically, ${\cal O}((\log \frac{1}{\delta})^{4})$ samples suffice for latent graph recovery up to ancestors with probability $1 - \delta$, and ${\cal O}((\frac{1}{\epsilon}\log \frac{1}{\delta})^{4})$ samples suffice for latent causal variables recovery that is $\epsilon$ close to the identifiability class with probability $1 - \delta$.
Mutli-Armed Bandits with Network Interference
Abhineet Agarwal · Anish Agarwal · Lorenzo Masoero · Justin Whitehouse
Online experimentation with interference is a common challenge in modern applications such as e-commerce and adaptive clinical trials in medicine. For example, in online marketplaces, the revenue of a good depends on discounts applied to competing goods. Statistical inference with interference is widely studied in the offline setting, but far less is known about how to adaptively assign treatments to minimize regret. We address this gap by studying a multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem where a learner (e-commerce platform) sequentially assigns one of possible $\mathcal{A}$ actions (discounts) to $N$ units (goods) over $T$ rounds to minimize regret (maximize revenue). Unlike traditional MAB problems, the reward of each unit depends on the treatments assigned to other units, i.e., there is *interference* across the underlying network of units. With $\mathcal{A}$ actions and $N$ units, minimizing regret is combinatorially difficult since the action space grows as $\mathcal{A}^N$. To overcome this issue, we study a *sparse network interference* model, where the reward of a unit is only affected by the treatments assigned to $s$ neighboring units. We use tools from discrete Fourier analysis to develop a sparse linear representation of the unit-specific reward $r_n: [\mathcal{A}]^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R} $, and propose simple, linear regression-based algorithms to minimize regret. Importantly, our algorithms achieve provably low regret both when the learner observes the interference neighborhood for all units and when it is unknown. This significantly generalizes other works on this topic which impose strict conditions on the strength of interference on a *known* network, and also compare regret to a markedly weaker optimal action. Empirically, we corroborate our theoretical findings via numerical simulations.
Drift-Resilient TabPFN: In-Context Learning Temporal Distribution Shifts on Tabular Data
Kai Helli · David Schnurr · Noah Hollmann · Samuel Müller · Frank Hutter
While most ML models expect independent and identically distributed data, this assumption is often violated in real-world scenarios due to distribution shifts, resulting in the degradation of machine learning model performance. Until now, no tabular method has consistently outperformed classical supervised learning, which ignores these shifts. To address temporal distribution shifts, we present Drift-Resilient TabPFN, a fresh approach based on In-Context Learning with a Prior-Data Fitted Network that learns the learning algorithm itself: it accepts the entire training dataset as input and makes predictions on the test set in a single forward pass. Specifically, it learns to approximate Bayesian inference on synthetic datasets drawn from a prior that specifies the model's inductive bias. This prior is based on structural causal models (SCM), which gradually shift over time. To model shifts of these causal models, we use a secondary SCM, that specifies changes in the primary model parameters. The resulting Drift-Resilient TabPFN can be applied to unseen data, runs in seconds on small to moderately sized datasets and needs no hyperparameter tuning. Comprehensive evaluations across 18 synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate large performance improvements over a wide range of baselines, such as XGB, CatBoost, TabPFN, and applicable methods featured in the Wild-Time benchmark. Compared to the strongest baselines, it improves accuracy from 0.688 to 0.744 and ROC AUC from 0.786 to 0.832 while maintaining stronger calibration. This approach could serve as significant groundwork for further research on out-of-distribution prediction.
Linear Causal Representation Learning from Unknown Multi-node Interventions
Burak Varıcı · Emre Acartürk · Karthikeyan Shanmugam · Ali Tajer
Despite the multifaceted recent advances in interventional causal representation learning (CRL), they primarily focus on the stylized assumption of single-node interventions. This assumption is not valid in a wide range of applications, and generally, the subset of nodes intervened in an interventional environment is fully unknown. This paper focuses on interventional CRL under unknown multi-node (UMN) interventional environments and establishes the first identifiability results for general latent causal models (parametric or nonparametric) under stochastic interventions (soft or hard) and linear transformation from the latent to observed space. Specifically, it is established that given sufficiently diverse interventional environments, (i) identifiability up to ancestors is possible using only soft interventions, and (ii) perfect identifiability is possible using hard interventions. Remarkably, these guarantees match the best-known results for more restrictive single-node interventions. Furthermore, CRL algorithms are also provided that achieve the identifiability guarantees. A central step in designing these algorithms is establishing the relationships between UMN interventional CRL and score functions associated with the statistical models of different interventional environments. Establishing these relationships also serves as constructive proof of the identifiability guarantees.
Hybrid Top-Down Global Causal Discovery with Local Search for Linear and Nonlinear Additive Noise Models
Sujai Hiremath · Jacqueline Maasch · Mengxiao Gao · Promit Ghosal · Kyra Gan
Learning the unique directed acyclic graph corresponding to an unknown causal model is a challenging task. Methods based on functional causal models can identify a unique graph, but either suffer from the curse of dimensionality or impose strong parametric assumptions. To address these challenges, we propose a novel hybrid approach for global causal discovery in observational data that leverages local causal substructures. We first present a topological sorting algorithm that leverages ancestral relationships in linear structural causal models to establish a compact top-down hierarchical ordering, encoding more causal information than linear orderings produced by existing methods. We demonstrate that this approach generalizes to nonlinear settings with arbitrary noise. We then introduce a nonparametric constraint-based algorithm that prunes spurious edges by searching for local conditioning sets, achieving greater accuracy than current methods. We provide theoretical guarantees for correctness and worst-case polynomial time complexities, with empirical validation on synthetic data.
Marginal Causal Flows for Validation and Inference
Daniel de Vassimon Manela · Laura Battaglia · Robin Evans
Investigating the marginal causal effect of an intervention on an outcome from complex data remains challenging due to the inflexibility of employed models and the lack of complexity in causal benchmark datasets, which often fail to reproduce intricate real-world data patterns. In this paper we introduce Frugal Flows, a likelihood-based machine learning model that uses normalising flows to flexibly learn the data-generating process, while also directly targeting the marginal causal quantities inferred from observational data. We provide a novel algorithm for fitting a model to observational data with a parametrically specified causal distribution, and propose that these models are exceptionally well suited for synthetic data generation to validate causal methods. Unlike existing data generation methods, Frugal Flows generate synthetic data that closely resembles the empirical dataset, while also automatically and exactly satisfying a user-defined average treatment effect. To our knowledge, Frugal Flows are the first generative model to both learn flexible data representations and also \textit{exactly} parameterise quantities such as the average treatment effect and the degree of unobserved confounding. We demonstrate the above with experiments on both simulated and real-world datasets.
Benchmarking Counterfactual Image Generation
Thomas Melistas · Nikos Spyrou · Nefeli Gkouti · Pedro Sanchez · Athanasios Vlontzos · Yannis Panagakis · Giorgos Papanastasiou · Sotirios Tsaftaris
Generative AI has revolutionised visual content editing, empowering users to effortlessly modify images and videos. However, not all edits are equal. To perform realistic edits in domains such as natural image or medical imaging, modifications must respect causal relationships inherent to the data generation process. Such image editing falls into the counterfactual image generation regime. Evaluating counterfactual image generation is substantially complex: not only it lacks observable ground truths, but also requires adherence to causal constraints. Although several counterfactual image generation methods and evaluation metrics exist a comprehensive comparison within a unified setting is lacking. We present a comparison framework to thoroughly benchmark counterfactual image generation methods. We evaluate the performance of three conditional image generation model families developed within the Structural Causal Model (SCM) framework. We incorporate several metrics that assess diverse aspects of counterfactuals, such as composition, effectiveness, minimality of interventions, and image realism. We integrate all models that have been used for the task at hand and expand them to novel datasets and causal graphs, demonstrating the superiority of Hierarchical VAEs across most datasets and metrics. Our framework is implemented in a user-friendly Python package that can be extended to incorporate additional SCMs, causal methods, generative models, and datasets for the community to build on. Code:
DTGB: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Dynamic Text-Attributed Graphs
Jiasheng Zhang · Jialin Chen · Menglin Yang · Aosong Feng · Shuang Liang · Jie Shao · Rex Ying
Dynamic text-attributed graphs (DyTAGs) are prevalent in various real-world scenarios, where each node and edge are associated with text descriptions, and both the graph structure and text descriptions evolve over time. Despite their broad applicability, there is a notable scarcity of benchmark datasets tailored to DyTAGs, which hinders the potential advancement in many research fields. To address this gap, we introduce Dynamic Text-attributed Graph Benchmark (DTGB), a collection of large-scale, time-evolving graphs from diverse domains, with nodes and edges enriched by dynamically changing text attributes and categories. To facilitate the use of DTGB, we design standardized evaluation procedures based on four real-world use cases: future link prediction, destination node retrieval, edge classification, and textual relation generation. These tasks require models to understand both dynamic graph structures and natural language, highlighting the unique challenges posed by DyTAGs. Moreover, we conduct extensive benchmark experiments on DTGB, evaluating 7 popular dynamic graph learning algorithms and their variants of adapting to text attributes with LLM embeddings, along with 6 powerful large language models (LLMs). Our results show the limitations of existing models in handling DyTAGs. Our analysis also demonstrates the utility of DTGB in investigating the incorporation of structural and textual dynamics. The proposed DTGB fosters research on DyTAGs and their broad applications. It offers a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating and advancing models to handle the interplay between dynamic graph structures and natural language. The dataset and source code are available at
A Cross-Domain Benchmark for Active Learning
Thorben Werner · Johannes Burchert · Maximilian Stubbemann · Lars Schmidt-Thieme
Active Learning (AL) deals with identifying the most informative samples forlabeling to reduce data annotation costs for supervised learning tasks. ALresearch suffers from the fact that lifts from literature generalize poorly andthat only a small number of repetitions of experiments are conducted. To overcomethese obstacles, we propose CDALBench, the first active learning benchmarkwhich includes tasks in computer vision, natural language processing and tabularlearning. Furthermore, by providing an efficient, greedy oracle, CDALBenchcan be evaluated with 50 runs for each experiment. We show, that both thecross-domain character and a large amount of repetitions are crucial forsophisticated evaluation of AL research. Concretely, we show that thesuperiority of specific methods varies over the different domains, making itimportant to evaluate Active Learning with a cross-domain benchmark.Additionally, we show that having a large amount of runs is crucial. With onlyconducting three runs as often done in the literature, the superiority ofspecific methods can strongly vary with the specific runs. This effect is so strong, that, depending on the seed, even a well-established method's performance can be significantly better and significantlyworse than random for the same dataset.
BIGOS V2 Benchmark for Polish ASR: Curated Datasets and Tools for Reproducible Evaluation
Michał Junczyk
Speech datasets available in the public domain are often underutilized because of challenges in accessibility and interoperability. To address this, a system to survey, catalog, and curate existing speech datasets was developed, enabling reproducible evaluation of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. The system was applied to curate over 24 datasets and evaluate 25 ASR models, with a specific focus on Polish. This research represents the most extensive comparison to date of commercial and free ASR systems for the Polish language, drawing insights from 600 system-model-test set evaluations across 8 analysis scenarios. Curated datasets and benchmark results are available publicly. The evaluation tools are open-sourced to support reproducibility of the benchmark, encourage community-driven improvements, and facilitate adaptation for other languages.
WildPPG: A Real-World PPG Dataset of Long Continuous Recordings
Manuel Meier · Berken Utku Demirel · Christian Holz
Reflective photoplethysmography (PPG) has become the default sensing technique in wearable devices to monitor cardiac activity via a person’s heart rate (HR). However, PPG-based HR estimates can be substantially impacted by factors such as the wearer’s activities, sensor placement and resulting motion artifacts, as well as environmental characteristics such as temperature and ambient light. These and other factors can significantly impact and decrease HR prediction reliability. In this paper, we show that state-of-the-art HR estimation methods struggle when processing representative data from everyday activities in outdoor environments, likely because they rely on existing datasets that captured controlled conditions. We introduce a novel multimodal dataset and benchmark results for continuous PPG recordings during outdoor activities from 16 participants over 13.5 hours, captured from four wearable sensors, each worn at a different location on the body, totaling 216 hours. Our recordings include accelerometer, temperature, and altitude data, as well as a synchronized Lead I-based electrocardiogram for ground-truth HR references. Participants completed a round trip from Zurich to Jungfraujoch, a tall mountain in Switzerland over the course of one day. The trip included outdoor and indoor activities such as walking, hiking, stair climbing, eating, drinking, and resting at various temperatures and altitudes (up to 3,571 m above sea level) as well as using cars, trains, cable cars, and lifts for transport—all of which impacted participants’ physiological dynamics. We also present a novel method that estimates HR values more robustly in such real-world scenarios than existing baselines.Dataset & code for HR estimation:
SciInstruct: a Self-Reflective Instruction Annotated Dataset for Training Scientific Language Models
Dan Zhang · Ziniu Hu · Sining Zhoubian · Zhengxiao Du · Kaiyu Yang · Zihan Wang · Yisong Yue · Yuxiao Dong · Jie Tang
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown promise in assisting scientific discovery. However, such applications are currently limited by LLMs' deficiencies in understanding intricate scientific concepts, deriving symbolic equations, and solving advanced numerical calculations. To bridge these gaps, we introduce SciInstruct, a suite of scientific instructions for training scientific language models capable of college-level scientific reasoning. Central to our approach is a novel self-reflective instruction annotation framework to address the data scarcity challenge in the science domain. This framework leverages existing LLMs to generate step-by-step reasoning for unlabelled scientific questions, followed by a process of self-reflective critic-and-revise. Applying this framework, we curated a diverse and high-quality dataset encompassing physics, chemistry, math, and formal proofs. We analyze the curated SciInstruct from multiple interesting perspectives (e.g., domain, scale, source, question type, answer length, etc.). To verify the effectiveness of SciInstruct, we fine-tuned different language models with SciInstruct, i.e., ChatGLM3 (6B and 32B), Llama3-8B-Instruct, and Mistral-7B: MetaMath, enhancing their scientific and mathematical reasoning capabilities, without sacrificing the language understanding capabilities of the base model. We release all codes and SciInstruct at
Hints-In-Browser: Benchmarking Language Models for Programming Feedback Generation
Nachiket Kotalwar · Alkis Gotovos · Adish Singla
Generative AI and large language models hold great promise in enhancing programming education by generating individualized feedback and hints for learners. Recent works have primarily focused on improving the quality of generated feedback to achieve human tutors' quality. While quality is an important performance criterion, it is not the only criterion to optimize for real-world educational deployments. In this paper, we benchmark language models for programming feedback generation across several performance criteria, including quality, cost, time, and data privacy. The key idea is to leverage recent advances in the new paradigm of in-browser inference that allow running these models directly in the browser, thereby providing direct benefits across cost and data privacy. To boost the feedback quality of small models compatible with in-browser inference engines, we develop a fine-tuning pipeline based on GPT-4 generated synthetic data. We showcase the efficacy of fine-tuned Llama3-8B and Phi3-3.8B 4-bit quantized models using WebLLM's in-browser inference engine on three different Python programming datasets. We will release the full implementation along with a web app and datasets to facilitate further research on in-browser language models.
Navigating the Maze of Explainable AI: A Systematic Approach to Evaluating Methods and Metrics
Lukas Klein · Carsten Lüth · Udo Schlegel · Till Bungert · Mennatallah El-Assady · Paul Jaeger
Explainable AI (XAI) is a rapidly growing domain with a myriad of proposed methods as well as metrics aiming to evaluate their efficacy. However, current studies are often of limited scope, examining only a handful of XAI methods and ignoring underlying design parameters for performance, such as the model architecture or the nature of input data. Moreover, they often rely on one or a few metrics and neglect thorough validation, increasing the risk of selection bias and ignoring discrepancies among metrics. These shortcomings leave practitioners confused about which method to choose for their problem. In response, we introduce LATEC, a large-scale benchmark that critically evaluates 17 prominent XAI methods using 20 distinct metrics. We systematically incorporate vital design parameters like varied architectures and diverse input modalities, resulting in 7,560 examined combinations. Through LATEC, we showcase the high risk of conflicting metrics leading to unreliable rankings and consequently propose a more robust evaluation scheme. Further, we comprehensively evaluate various XAI methods to assist practitioners in selecting appropriate methods aligning with their needs. Curiously, the emerging top-performing method, Expected Gradients, is not examined in any relevant related study. LATEC reinforces its role in future XAI research by publicly releasing all 326k saliency maps and 378k metric scores as a (meta-)evaluation dataset. The benchmark is hosted at:
The PRISM Alignment Dataset: What Participatory, Representative and Individualised Human Feedback Reveals About the Subjective and Multicultural Alignment of Large Language Models
Hannah Rose Kirk · Alexander Whitefield · Paul Rottger · Andrew M. Bean · Katerina Margatina · Rafael Mosquera-Gomez · Juan Ciro · Max Bartolo · Adina Williams · He He · Bertie Vidgen · Scott Hale
Human feedback is central to the alignment of Large Language Models (LLMs). However, open questions remain about the methods (how), domains (where), people (who) and objectives (to what end) of feedback processes. To navigate these questions, we introduce PRISM, a new dataset which maps the sociodemographics and stated preferences of 1,500 diverse participants from 75 countries, to their contextual preferences and fine-grained feedback in 8,011 live conversations with 21 LLMs. With PRISM, we contribute (i) wider geographic and demographic participation in feedback; (ii) census-representative samples for two countries (UK, US); and (iii) individualised ratings that link to detailed participant profiles, permitting personalisation and attribution of sample artefacts. We target subjective and multicultural perspectives on value-laden and controversial issues, where we expect interpersonal and cross-cultural disagreement. We use PRISM in three case studies to demonstrate the need for careful consideration of which humans provide alignment data.
UltraEdit: Instruction-based Fine-Grained Image Editing at Scale
Haozhe Zhao · Xiaojian (Shawn) Ma · Liang Chen · Shuzheng Si · Rujie Wu · Kaikai An · Peiyu Yu · Minjia Zhang · Qing Li · Baobao Chang
This paper presents UltraEdit, a large-scale (~ 4M editing samples), automatically generated dataset for instruction-based image editing. Our key idea is to address the drawbacks in existing image editing datasets like InstructPix2Pix and MagicBrush, and provide a systematic approach to producing massive and high-quality image editing samples: 1) UltraEdit includes more diverse editing instructions by combining LLM creativity and in-context editing examples by human raters; 2) UltraEdit is anchored on real images (photographs or artworks), which offers more diversity and less biases than those purely synthesized by text-to-image models; 3) UltraEdit supports region-based editing with high-quality, automatically produced region annotations. Our experiments show that canonical diffusion-based editing baselines trained on UltraEdit set new records on challenging MagicBrush and Emu-Edit benchmarks, respectively. Our analysis further confirms the crucial role of real image anchors and region-based editing data. The dataset, code, and models will be made public.
A Large-Scale Human-Centric Benchmark for Referring Expression Comprehension in the LMM Era
Fangyun Wei · Jinjing Zhao · Kun Yan · Hongyang Zhang · Chang Xu
Prior research in human-centric AI has primarily addressed single-modality tasks like pedestrian detection, action recognition, and pose estimation. However, the emergence of large multimodal models (LMMs) such as GPT-4V has redirected attention towards integrating language with visual content. Referring expression comprehension (REC) represents a prime example of this multimodal approach. Current human-centric REC benchmarks, typically sourced from general datasets, fall short in the LMM era due to their limitations, such as insufficient testing samples, overly concise referring expressions, and limited vocabulary, making them inadequate for evaluating the full capabilities of modern REC models. In response, we present HC-RefLoCo (Human-Centric Referring Expression Comprehension with Long Context), a benchmark that includes 13,452 images, 24,129 instances, and 44,738 detailed annotations, encompassing a vocabulary of 18,681 words. Each annotation, meticulously reviewed for accuracy, averages 93.2 words and includes topics such as appearance, human-object interaction, location, action, celebrity, and OCR. HC-RefLoCo provides a wider range of instance scales and diverse evaluation protocols, encompassing accuracy with various IoU criteria, scale-aware evaluation, and subject-specific assessments. Our experiments, which assess 24 models, highlight HC-RefLoCo’s potential to advance human-centric AI by challenging contemporary REC models with comprehensive and varied data. Our benchmark, along with the evaluation code, are available at
Cooperation, Competition, and Maliciousness: LLM-Stakeholders Interactive Negotiation
Sahar Abdelnabi · Amr Gomaa · Sarath Sivaprasad · Lea Schönherr · Mario Fritz
There is a growing interest in using Large Language Models (LLMs) in multi-agent systems to tackle interactive real-world tasks that require effective collaboration and assessing complex situations. Yet, we have a limited understanding of LLMs' communication and decision-making abilities in multi-agent setups. The fundamental task of negotiation spans many key features of communication, such as cooperation, competition, and manipulation potentials. Thus, we propose using scorable negotiation to evaluate LLMs. We create a testbed of complex multi-agent, multi-issue, and semantically rich negotiation games. To reach an agreement, agents must have strong arithmetic, inference, exploration, and planning capabilities while integrating them in a dynamic and multi-turn setup. We propose metrics to rigorously quantify agents' performance and alignment with the assigned role. We provide procedures to create new games and increase games' difficulty to have an evolving benchmark. Importantly, we evaluate critical safety aspects such as the interaction dynamics between agents influenced by greedy and adversarial players. Our benchmark is highly challenging; GPT-3.5 and small models mostly fail, and GPT-4 and SoTA large models (e.g., Llama-3 70b) still underperform in reaching agreement in non-cooperative and more difficult games.
Muharaf: Manuscripts of Handwritten Arabic Dataset for Cursive Text Recognition
Mehreen Saeed · Adrian Chan · Anupam Mijar · joseph Moukarzel · Gerges Habchi · Carlos Younes · amin elias · Chau-Wai Wong · Akram Khater
We present the Manuscripts of Handwritten Arabic (Muharaf) dataset, which is a machine learning dataset consisting of more than 1,600 historic handwritten page images transcribed by experts in archival Arabic. Each document image is accompanied by spatial polygonal coordinates of its text lines as well as basic page elements. This dataset was compiled to advance the state of the art in handwritten text recognition (HTR), not only for Arabic manuscripts but also for cursive text in general. The Muharaf dataset includes diverse handwriting styles and a wide range of document types, including personal letters, diaries, notes, poems, church records, and legal correspondences. In this paper, we describe the data acquisition pipeline, notable dataset features, and statistics. We also provide a preliminary baseline result achieved by training convolutional neural networks using this data.
SHDocs: A dataset, benchmark, and method to efficiently generate high-quality, real-world specular highlight data with near-perfect alignment
Jovin Leong · Koa Di · Benjamin Cham · Shaun Heng
A frequent problem in vision-based reasoning tasks such as object detection and optical character recognition (OCR) is the persistence of specular highlights. Specular highlights appear as bright spots of glare that occur due to the concentrated reflection of light; these spots manifest as image artifacts which occlude computer vision models and are challenging to reconstruct. Despite this, specular highlight removal receives relatively little attention due to the difficulty of acquiring high-quality, real-world data. We introduce a method to generate specular highlight data with near-perfect alignment and present SHDocs—a dataset of specular highlights on document images created using our method. Through our benchmark, we demonstrate that our dataset enables us to surpass the performance of state-of-the-art specular highlight removal models and downstream OCR tasks. We release our dataset, code, and methods publicly to motivate further exploration of image enhancement for practical computer vision challenges.
GC-Bench: An Open and Unified Benchmark for Graph Condensation
Qingyun Sun · Ziying Chen · Beining Yang · Cheng Ji · Xingcheng Fu · Sheng Zhou · Hao Peng · Jianxin Li · Philip S Yu
Graph condensation (GC) has recently garnered considerable attention due to its ability to reduce large-scale graph datasets while preserving their essential properties. The core concept of GC is to create a smaller, more manageable graph that retains the characteristics of the original graph. Despite the proliferation of graph condensation methods developed in recent years, there is no comprehensive evaluation and in-depth analysis, which creates a great obstacle to understanding the progress in this field. To fill this gap, we develop a comprehensive Graph Condensation Benchmark (GC-Bench) to analyze the performance of graph condensation in different scenarios systematically. Specifically, GC-Bench systematically investigates the characteristics of graph condensation in terms of the following dimensions: effectiveness, transferability, and complexity. We comprehensively evaluate 12 state-of-the-art graph condensation algorithms in node-level and graph-level tasks and analyze their performance in 12 diverse graph datasets. Further, we have developed an easy-to-use library for training and evaluating different GC methods to facilitate reproducible research.The GC-Bench library is available at
Arctique: An artificial histopathological dataset unifying realism and controllability for uncertainty quantification
Jannik Franzen · Claudia Winklmayr · Vanessa Emanuela Guarino · Christoph Karg · Xiaoyan Yu · Nora Koreuber · Jan Albrecht · Philip Bischoff · Dagmar Kainmueller
Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) is crucial for reliable image segmentation. Yet, while the field sees continual development of novel methods, a lack of agreed-upon benchmarks limits their systematic comparison and evaluation: Current UQ methods are typically tested either on overly simplistic toy datasets or on complex real-world datasets that do not allow to discern true uncertainty. To unify both controllability and complexity, we introduce Arctique, a procedurally generated dataset modeled after histopathological colon images. We chose histopathological images for two reasons: 1) their complexity in terms of intricate object structures and highly variable appearance, which yields challenging segmentation problems, and 2) their broad prevalence for medical diagnosis and respective relevance of high-quality UQ. To generate Arctique, we established a Blender-based framework for 3D scene creation with intrinsic noise manipulation. Arctique contains up to 50,000 rendered images with precise masks as well as noisy label simulations. We show that by independently controlling the uncertainty in both images and labels, we can effectively study the performance of several commonly used UQ methods. Hence, Arctique serves as a critical resource for benchmarking and advancing UQ techniques and other methodologies in complex, multi-object environments, bridging the gap between realism and controllability. All code is publicly available, allowing re-creation and controlled manipulations of our shipped images as well as creation and rendering of new scenes.
Mitigating Object Hallucination via Concentric Causal Attention
Yun Xing · Yiheng Li · Ivan Laptev · Shijian Lu
Recent Large Vision Language Models (LVLMs) present remarkable zero-shot conversational and reasoning capabilities given multimodal queries. Nevertheless, they suffer from object hallucination, a phenomenon where LVLMs are prone to generate textual responses not factually aligned with image inputs. Our pilot study reveals that object hallucination is closely tied with Rotary Position Encoding (RoPE), a widely adopted positional dependency modeling design in existing LVLMs. Due to the long-term decay in RoPE, LVLMs tend to hallucinate more when relevant visual cues are distant from instruction tokens in the multimodal input sequence, Additionally, we observe a similar effect when reversing the sequential order of visual tokens during multimodal alignment. Our tests indicate that long-term decay in RoPE poses challenges to LVLMs while capturing visual-instruction interactions across long distances. We propose Concentric Causal Attention (CCA), a simple yet effective positional alignment strategy that mitigates the impact of RoPE long-term decay in LVLMs by naturally reducing relative distance between visual and instruction tokens. With CCA, visual tokens can better interact with instruction tokens, thereby enhancing model's perception capability and alleviating object hallucination. Without bells and whistles, our positional alignment method surpasses existing hallucination mitigation strategies by large margins on multiple object hallucination benchmarks.
MmCows: A Multimodal Dataset for Dairy Cattle Monitoring
Hien Vu · Omkar Chandrakant Prabhune · Unmesh Raskar · Dimuth Panditharatne · Hanwook Chung · Christopher Choi · Younghyun Kim
Precision livestock farming (PLF) has been transformed by machine learning (ML), enabling more precise and timely interventions that enhance overall farm productivity, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability. However, despite the availability of various sensing technologies, few datasets leverage multiple modalities, which are crucial for developing more accurate and efficient monitoring devices and ML models. To address this gap, we present MmCows, a multimodal dataset for dairy cattle monitoring. This dataset comprises a large amount of synchronized, high-quality measurement data on behavioral, physiological, and environmental factors. It includes two weeks of data collected using wearable and implantable sensors deployed on ten milking Holstein cows, such as ultra-wideband (UWB) sensors, inertial sensors, and body temperature sensors. In addition, it features 4.8 million frames of high-resolution image sequences from four isometric view cameras, as well as temperature and humidity data from environmental sensors. We also gathered milk yield data and outdoor weather conditions. One full day’s worth of image data is annotated as ground truth, totaling 20,000 frames with 213,000 bounding boxes of 16 cows, along with their 3D locations and behavior labels. An extensive analysis of MmCows is provided to evaluate the modalities individually and their complementary benefits. The release of MmCows and its benchmarks will facilitate research on multimodal monitoring of dairy cattle, thereby promoting sustainable dairy farming. The dataset and the code for benchmarks are available at
Evaluating Large Vision-and-Language Models on Children's Mathematical Olympiads
Anoop Cherian · Kuan-Chuan Peng · Suhas Lohit · Joanna Matthiesen · Kevin Smith · Josh Tenenbaum
Recent years have seen a significant progress in the general-purpose problem solving abilities of large vision and language models (LVLMs), such as ChatGPT, Gemini, etc.; some of these breakthroughs even seem to enable AI models to outperform human abilities in varied tasks that demand higher-order cognitive skills. Are the current large AI models indeed capable of generalized problem solving as humans do? A systematic analysis of AI capabilities for joint vision and text reasoning, however, is missing in the current scientific literature. In this paper, we make an effort towards filling this gap, by evaluating state-of-the-art LVLMs on their mathematical and algorithmic reasoning abilities using visuo-linguistic problems from children's Olympiads. Specifically, we consider problems from the Mathematical Kangaroo (MK) Olympiad, which is a popular international competition targeted at children from grades 1-12, that tests children's deeper mathematical abilities using puzzles that are appropriately gauged to their age and skills. Using the puzzles from MK, we created a dataset, dubbed SMART-840, consisting of 840 problems from years 2020-2024. With our dataset, we analyze LVLMs power on mathematical reasoning; their responses on our puzzles offer a direct way to compare against that of children. Our results show that modern LVLMs do demonstrate increasingly powerful reasoning skills in solving problems for higher grades, but lack the foundations to correctly answer problems designed for younger children. Further analysis shows that there is no significant correlation between the reasoning capabilities of AI models and that of young children, and their capabilities appear to be based on a different type of reasoning than the cumulative knowledge that underlies children's mathematical skills.
Touchstone Benchmark: Are We on the Right Way for Evaluating AI Algorithms for Medical Segmentation?
Pedro R. A. S. Bassi · Wenxuan Li · Yucheng Tang · Fabian Isensee · Zifu Wang · Jieneng Chen · Yu-Cheng Chou · Yannick Kirchhoff · Maximilian R. Rokuss · Ziyan Huang · Jin Ye · Junjun He · Tassilo Wald · Constantin Ulrich · Michael Baumgartner · Saikat Roy · Klaus Maier-Hein · Paul Jaeger · Yiwen Ye · Yutong Xie · Jianpeng Zhang · Ziyang Chen · Yong Xia · Zhaohu Xing · Lei Zhu · Yousef Sadegheih · Afshin Bozorgpour · Pratibha Kumari · Reza Azad · Dorit Merhof · Pengcheng Shi · Ting Ma · Yuxin Du · Fan BAI · Tiejun Huang · Bo Zhao · Haonan Wang · Xiaomeng Li · Hanxue Gu · Haoyu Dong · Jichen Yang · Maciej Mazurowski · Saumya Gupta · Linshan Wu · Jia-Xin Zhuang · Hao CHEN · Holger Roth · Daguang Xu · Matthew Blaschko · Sergio Decherchi · Andrea Cavalli · Alan Yuille · Zongwei Zhou
How can we test AI performance? This question seems trivial, but it isn't. Standard benchmarks often have problems such as in-distribution and small-size test sets, oversimplified metrics, unfair comparisons, and short-term outcome pressure. As a consequence, good performance on standard benchmarks does not guarantee success in real-world scenarios. To address these problems, we present Touchstone, a large-scale collaborative segmentation benchmark of 9 types of abdominal organs. This benchmark is based on 5,195 training CT scans from 76 hospitals around the world and 5,903 testing CT scans from 11 additional hospitals. This diverse test set enhances the statistical significance of benchmark results and rigorously evaluates AI algorithms across various out-of-distribution scenarios. We invited 14 inventors of 19 AI algorithms to train their algorithms, while our team, as a third party, independently evaluated these algorithms on three test sets. In addition, we also evaluated pre-existing AI frameworks---which, differing from algorithms, are more flexible and can support different algorithms—including MONAI from NVIDIA, nnU-Net from DKFZ, and numerous other open-source frameworks. We are committed to expanding this benchmark to encourage more innovation of AI algorithms for the medical domain.
DetectRL: Benchmarking LLM-Generated Text Detection in Real-World Scenarios
Junchao Wu · Runzhe Zhan · Derek Wong · Shu Yang · Xinyi Yang · Yulin Yuan · Lidia Chao
Detecting text generated by large language models (LLMs) is of great recent interest. With zero-shot methods like DetectGPT, detection capabilities have reached impressive levels. However, the reliability of existing detectors in real-world applications remains underexplored. In this study, we present a new benchmark, DetectRL, highlighting that even state-of-the-art (SOTA) detection techniques still underperformed in this task. We collected human-written datasets from domains where LLMs are particularly prone to misuse. Using popular LLMs, we generated data that better aligns with real-world applications. Unlike previous studies, we employed heuristic rules to create adversarial LLM-generated text, simulating advanced prompt usages, human revisions like word substitutions, and writing errors. Our development of DetectRL reveals the strengths and limitations of current SOTA detectors. More importantly, we analyzed the potential impact of writing styles, model types, attack methods, the text lengths, and real-world human writing factors on different types of detectors. We believe DetectRL could serve as an effective benchmark for assessing detectors in real-world scenarios, evolving with advanced attack methods, thus providing more stressful evaluation to drive the development of more efficient detectors\footnote{Data and code are publicly available at:
VERIFIED: A Video Corpus Moment Retrieval Benchmark for Fine-Grained Video Understanding
Houlun Chen · Xin Wang · Hong Chen · Zeyang Zhang · Wei Feng · Bin Huang · Jia Jia · Wenwu Zhu
Existing Video Corpus Moment Retrieval (VCMR) is limited to coarse-grained understanding that hinders precise video moment localization when given fine-grained queries. In this paper, we propose a more challenging fine-grained VCMR benchmark requiring methods to localize the best-matched moment from the corpus with other partially matched candidates. To improve the dataset construction efficiency and guarantee high-quality data annotations, we propose VERIFIED, an automatic \underline{V}id\underline{E}o-text annotation pipeline to generate captions with \underline{R}el\underline{I}able \underline{FI}n\underline{E}-grained statics and \underline{D}ynamics. Specifically, we resort to large language models (LLM) and large multimodal models (LMM) with our proposed Statics and Dynamics Enhanced Captioning modules to generate diverse fine-grained captions for each video. To filter out the inaccurate annotations caused by the LLM hallucination, we propose a Fine-Granularity Aware Noise Evaluator where we fine-tune a video foundation model with disturbed hard-negatives augmented contrastive and matching losses. With VERIFIED, we construct a more challenging fine-grained VCMR benchmark containing Charades-FIG, DiDeMo-FIG, and ActivityNet-FIG which demonstrate a high level of annotation quality. We evaluate several state-of-the-art VCMR models on the proposed dataset, revealing that there is still significant scope for fine-grained video understanding in VCMR.
Mining and Transferring Feature-Geometry Coherence for Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration
KeZheng Xiong · Haoen Xiang · Qingshan Xu · Chenglu Wen · Siqi Shen · Jonathan Jun LI · Cheng Wang
Point cloud registration, a fundamental task in 3D vision, has achieved remarkable success with learning-based methods in outdoor environments. Unsupervised outdoor point cloud registration methods have recently emerged to circumvent the need for costly pose annotations. However, they fail to establish reliable optimization objectives for unsupervised training, either relying on overly strong geometric assumptions, or suffering from poor-quality pseudo-labels due to inadequate integration of low-level geometric and high-level contextual information. We have observed that in the feature space, latent new inlier correspondences tend to clusteraround respective positive anchors that summarize features of existing inliers. Motivated by this observation, we propose a novel unsupervised registration method termed INTEGER to incorporate high-level contextual information for reliable pseudo-label mining. Specifically, we propose the Feature-Geometry Coherence Mining module to dynamically adapt the teacher for each mini-batch of data during training and discover reliable pseudo-labels by considering both high-level feature representations and low-level geometric cues. Furthermore, we propose Anchor-Based Contrastive Learning to facilitate contrastive learning with anchors for a robust feature space. Lastly, we introduce a Mixed-Density Student to learn density-invariant features, addressing challenges related to density variation and low overlap in the outdoor scenario. Extensive experiments on KITTI and nuScenes datasets demonstrate that our INTEGER achieves competitive performance in terms of accuracy and generalizability.
CableInspect-AD: An Expert-Annotated Anomaly Detection Dataset
Akshatha Arodi · Margaux Luck · Jean-Luc Bedwani · Aldo Zaimi · Ge Li · Nicolas Pouliot · Julien Beaudry · Gaetan Marceau Caron
Machine learning models are increasingly being deployed in real-world contexts. However, systematic studies on their transferability to specific and critical applications are underrepresented in the research literature. An important example is visual anomaly detection (VAD) for robotic power line inspection. While existing VAD methods perform well in controlled environments, real-world scenarios present diverse and unexpected anomalies that current datasets fail to capture. To address this gap, we introduce CableInspect-AD, a high-quality, publicly available dataset created and annotated by domain experts from Hydro-Québec, a Canadian public utility. This dataset includes high-resolution images with challenging real-world anomalies, covering defects with varying severity levels. To address the challenges of collecting diverse anomalous and nominal examples for setting a detection threshold, we propose an enhancement to the celebrated PatchCore algorithm. This enhancement enables its use in scenarios with limited labeled data. We also present a comprehensive evaluation protocol based on cross-validation to assess models' performances. We evaluate our Enhanced-PatchCore for few-shot and many-shot detection, and Vision-Language Models for zero-shot detection. While promising, these models struggle to detect all anomalies, highlighting the dataset's value as a challenging benchmark for the broader research community. Project page:
Semi-Truths: A Large-Scale Dataset of AI-Augmented Images for Evaluating Robustness of AI-Generated Image detectors
Anisha Pal · Julia Kruk · Mansi Phute · Manognya Bhattaram · Diyi Yang · Duen Horng Chau · Judy Hoffman
Text-to-image diffusion models have impactful applications in art, design, and entertainment, yet these technologies also pose significant risks by enabling the creation and dissemination of misinformation. Although recent advancements have produced AI-generated image detectors that claim robustness against various augmentations, their true effectiveness remains uncertain. Do these detectors reliably identify images with different levels of augmentation? Are they biased toward specific scenes or data distributions? To investigate, we introduce **Semi-Truths**, featuring $27,600$ real images, $223,400$ masks, and $1, 329, 155$ AI-augmented images that feature targeted and localized perturbations produced using diverse augmentation techniques, diffusion models, and data distributions. Each augmented image is accompanied by metadata for standardized and targeted evaluation of detector robustness. Our findings suggest that state-of-the-art detectors exhibit varying sensitivities to the types and degrees of perturbations, data distributions, and augmentation methods used, offering new insights into their performance and limitations. The code for the augmentation and evaluation pipeline is available at
DrivingDojo Dataset: Advancing Interactive and Knowledge-Enriched Driving World Model
Yuqi Wang · Ke Cheng · Jiawei He · Qitai Wang · Hengchen Dai · Yuntao Chen · Fei Xia · ZHAO-XIANG ZHANG
Driving world models have gained increasing attention due to their ability to model complex physical dynamics. However, their superb modeling capability is yet to be fully unleashed due to the limited video diversity in current driving datasets. We introduce DrivingDojo, the first dataset tailor-made for training interactive world models with complex driving dynamics. Our dataset features video clips with a complete set of driving maneuvers, diverse multi-agent interplay, and rich open-world driving knowledge, laying a stepping stone for future world model development. We further define an action instruction following (AIF) benchmark for world models and demonstrate the superiority of the proposed dataset for generating action-controlled future predictions.
GameTraversalBenchmark: Evaluating Planning Abilities Of Large Language Models Through Traversing 2D Game Maps
Muhammad Umair Nasir · Steven James · Julian Togelius
Large language models (LLMs) have recently demonstrated great success in generating and understanding natural language. While they have also shown potential beyond the domain of natural language, it remains an open question as to what extent and in which way these LLMs can plan. We investigate their planning capabilities by proposing \texttt{GameTraversalBenchmark (GTB)}, a benchmark consisting of diverse 2D grid-based game maps. An LLM succeeds if it can traverse through given objectives, with a minimum number of steps and a minimum number of generation errors. We evaluate a number of LLMs on \texttt{GTB} and found that GPT-4-Turbo achieved the highest score of $44.97\%$ on \texttt{GTB\_Score} (GTBS), a composite score that combines the three above criteria. Furthermore, we preliminarily test large reasoning models, namely o1, which scores $67.84\%$ on GTBS, indicating that the benchmark remains challenging for current models. Code, data, and documentation are available at \url{}.
DART-Eval: A Comprehensive DNA Language Model Evaluation Benchmark on Regulatory DNA
Aman Patel · Arpita Singhal · Austin Wang · Anusri Pampari · Maya Kasowski · Anshul Kundaje
Recent advances in self-supervised models for natural language, vision, and protein sequences have inspired the development of large genomic DNA language models (DNALMs). These models aim to learn generalizable representations of diverse DNA elements, potentially enabling various genomic prediction, interpretation and design tasks. Despite their potential, existing benchmarks do not adequately assess the capabilities of DNALMs on key downstream applications involving an important class of non-coding DNA elements critical for regulating gene activity. In this study, we introduce DART-Eval, a suite of representative benchmarks specifically focused on regulatory DNA to evaluate model performance across zero-shot, probed, and fine-tuned scenarios against contemporary ab initio models as baselines. Our benchmarks target biologically meaningful downstream tasks such as functional sequence feature discovery, predicting cell-type specific regulatory activity, and counterfactual prediction of the impacts of genetic variants. We find that current DNALMs exhibit inconsistent performance and do not offer compelling gains over alternative baseline models for most tasks, while requiring significantly more computational resources. We discuss potentially promising modeling, data curation, and evaluation strategies for the next generation of DNALMs. Our code is available at
Benchmarking Generative Models on Computational Thinking Tests in Elementary Visual Programming
Victor-Alexandru Pădurean · Adish Singla
Generative models have demonstrated human-level proficiency in various benchmarks across domains like programming, natural sciences, and general knowledge. Despite these promising results on competitive benchmarks, they still struggle with seemingly simple problem-solving tasks typically carried out by elementary-level students. How do state-of-the-art models perform on standardized programming-related tests designed to assess computational thinking and problem-solving skills at schools? In this paper, we curate a novel benchmark involving computational thinking tests grounded in elementary visual programming domains. Our initial results show that state-of-the-art models like GPT-4o and Llama3 barely match the performance of an average school student. To further boost the performance of these models, we fine-tune them using a novel synthetic data generation methodology. The key idea is to develop a comprehensive dataset using symbolic methods that capture different skill levels, ranging from recognition of visual elements to multi-choice quizzes to synthesis-style tasks. We showcase how various aspects of symbolic information in synthetic data help improve fine-tuned models' performance. We will release the full implementation and datasets to facilitate further research on enhancing computational thinking in generative models.
AllClear: A Comprehensive Dataset and Benchmark for Cloud Removal in Satellite Imagery
Hangyu Zhou · Chia-Hsiang Kao · Cheng Perng Phoo · Utkarsh Mall · Bharath Hariharan · Kavita Bala
Clouds in satellite imagery pose a significant challenge for downstream applications.A major challenge in current cloud removal research is the absence of a comprehensive benchmark and a sufficiently large and diverse training dataset.To address this problem, we introduce the largest public dataset -- *AllClear* for cloud removal, featuring 23,742 globally distributed regions of interest (ROIs) with diverse land-use patterns, comprising 4 million images in total. Each ROI includes complete temporal captures from the year 2022, with (1) multi-spectral optical imagery from Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8/9, (2) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery from Sentinel-1, and (3) auxiliary remote sensing products such as cloud masks and land cover maps.We validate the effectiveness of our dataset by benchmarking performance, demonstrating the scaling law - the PSNR rises from $28.47$ to $33.87$ with $30\times$ more data, and conducting ablation studies on the temporal length and the importance of individual modalities. This dataset aims to provide comprehensive coverage of the Earth's surface and promote better cloud removal results.
Multi-Chain Graphs of Graphs: A New Approach to Analyzing Blockchain Datasets
Bingqiao Luo · Zhen Zhang · Qian Wang · Bingsheng He
Machine learning applied to blockchain graphs offers significant opportunities for enhanced data analysis and applications. However, the potential of this field is constrained by the lack of a large-scale, cross-chain dataset that includes hierarchical graph-level data. To address this issue, we present novel datasets that provide detailed label information at the token level and integrate interactions between tokens across multiple blockchain platforms. We model transactions within each token as local graphs and the relationships between tokens as global graphs, collectively forming a "Graphs of Graphs" (GoG) approach. This innovative approach facilitates a deeper understanding of systemic structures and hierarchical interactions, which are essential for applications such as link prediction, anomaly detection, and token classification. We conduct a series of experiments demonstrating that this dataset delivers new insights and challenges for exploring GoG within the blockchain domain. Our work promotes advancements and opens new avenues for research in both the blockchain and graph communities. Source code and datasets are available at
Virtual Scanning: Unsupervised Non-line-of-sight Imaging from Irregularly Undersampled Transients
Xingyu Cui · Huanjing Yue · Song Li · Xiangjun Yin · Yusen Hou · Yun Meng · Kai Zou · Xiaolong Hu · Jingyu Yang
Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging allows for seeing hidden scenes around corners through active sensing.Most previous algorithms for NLOS reconstruction require dense transients acquired through regular scans over a large relay surface, which limits their applicability in realistic scenarios with irregular relay surfaces.In this paper, we propose an unsupervised learning-based framework for NLOS imaging from irregularly undersampled transients~(IUT).Our method learns implicit priors from noisy irregularly undersampled transients without requiring paired data, which is difficult and expensive to acquire and align. To overcome the ambiguity of the measurement consistency constraint in inferring the albedo volume, we design a virtual scanning process that enables the network to learn within both range and null spaces for high-quality reconstruction.We devise a physics-guided SURE-based denoiser to enhance robustness to ubiquitous noise in low-photon imaging conditions. Extensive experiments on both simulated and real-world data validate the performance and generalization of our method.Compared with the state-of-the-art (SOTA) method, our method achieves higher fidelity, greater robustness, and remarkably faster inference times by orders of magnitude.The code and model are available at
FinBen: A Holistic Financial Benchmark for Large Language Models
Qianqian Xie · Weiguang Han · Zhengyu Chen · Ruoyu Xiang · Xiao Zhang · Yueru He · Mengxi Xiao · Dong Li · Yongfu Dai · Duanyu Feng · Yijing Xu · Haoqiang Kang · Ziyan Kuang · Chenhan Yuan · Kailai Yang · Zheheng Luo · Tianlin Zhang · Zhiwei Liu · GUOJUN XIONG · Zhiyang Deng · Yuechen Jiang · Zhiyuan Yao · Haohang Li · Yangyang Yu · Gang Hu · Huang Jiajia · Xiaoyang Liu · Alejandro Lopez-Lira · Benyou Wang · Yanzhao Lai · Hao Wang · Min Peng · Sophia Ananiadou · Jimin Huang
LLMs have transformed NLP and shown promise in various fields, yet their potential in finance is underexplored due to a lack of comprehensive benchmarks, the rapid development of LLMs, and the complexity of financial tasks. In this paper, we introduce FinBen, the first extensive open-source evaluation benchmark, including 42 datasets spanning 24 financial tasks, covering eight critical aspects: information extraction (IE), textual analysis, question answering (QA), text generation, risk management, forecasting, decision-making, and bilingual (English and Spanish). FinBen offers several key innovations: a broader range of tasks and datasets, the first evaluation of stock trading, novel agent and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) evaluation, and two novel datasets for regulations and stock trading. Our evaluation of 21 representative LLMs, including GPT-4, ChatGPT, and the latest Gemini, reveals several key findings: While LLMs excel in IE and textual analysis, they struggle with advanced reasoning and complex tasks like text generation and forecasting. GPT-4 excels in IE and stock trading, while Gemini is better at text generation and forecasting. Instruction-tuned LLMs improve textual analysis but offer limited benefits for complex tasks such as QA. FinBen has been used to host the first financial LLMs shared task at the FinNLP-AgentScen workshop during IJCAI-2024, attracting 12 teams. Their novel solutions outperformed GPT-4, showcasing FinBen's potential to drive innovations in financial LLMs. All datasets and code are publicly available for the research community, with results shared and updated regularly on the Open Financial LLM Leaderboard.
RedPajama: an Open Dataset for Training Large Language Models
Maurice Weber · Dan Fu · Quentin Anthony · Yonatan Oren · Shane Adams · Anton Alexandrov · Xiaozhong Lyu · Huu Nguyen · Xiaozhe Yao · Virginia Adams · Ben Athiwaratkun · Rahul Chalamala · Kezhen Chen · Max Ryabinin · Tri Dao · Percy Liang · Christopher Ré · Irina Rish · Ce Zhang
Large language models are increasingly becoming a cornerstone technology in artificial intelligence, the sciences, and society as a whole, yet the optimal strategies for dataset composition and filtering remain largely elusive. Many of the top-performing models lack transparency in their dataset curation and model development processes, posing an obstacle to the development of fully open language models. In this paper, we identify three core data-related challenges that must be addressed to advance open-source language models. These include (1) transparency in model development, including the data curation process, (2) access to large quantities of high-quality data, and (3) availability of artifacts and metadata for dataset curation and analysis. To address these challenges, we release RedPajama-V1, an open reproduction of the LLaMA training dataset. In addition, we release RedPajama-V2, a massive web-only dataset consisting of raw, unfiltered text data together with quality signals and metadata.Together, the RedPajama datasets comprise over 100 trillion tokens spanning multiple domains and with their quality signals facilitate the filtering of data, aiming to inspire the development of numerous new datasets. To date, these datasets have already been used in the training of strong language models used in production, such as Snowflake Arctic, Salesforce's XGen and AI2's OLMo. To provide insight into the quality of RedPajama, we present a series of analyses and ablation studies with decoder-only language models with up to 1.6B parameters. Our findings demonstrate how quality signals for web data can be effectively leveraged to curate high-quality subsets of the dataset, underscoring the potential of RedPajama to advance the development of transparent and high-performing language models at scale.
CryoBench: Diverse and challenging datasets for the heterogeneity problem in cryo-EM
Minkyu Jeon · Rishwanth Raghu · Miro Astore · Geoffrey Woollard · J. Feathers · Alkin Kaz · Sonya Hanson · Pilar Cossio · Ellen Zhong
Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is a powerful technique for determining high-resolution 3D biomolecular structures from imaging data. Its unique ability to capture structural variability has spurred the development of heterogeneous reconstruction algorithms that can infer distributions of 3D structures from noisy, unlabeled imaging data. Despite the growing number of advanced methods, progress in the field is hindered by the lack of standardized benchmarks with ground truth information and reliable validation metrics. Here, we introduce CryoBench, a suite of datasets, metrics, and benchmarks for heterogeneous reconstruction in cryo-EM. CryoBench includes five datasets representing different sources of heterogeneity and degrees of difficulty. These include conformational heterogeneity generated from designed motions of antibody complexes or sampled from a molecular dynamics simulation, as well as {compositional heterogeneity from mixtures of ribosome assembly states or 100 common complexes present in cells. We then analyze state-of-the-art heterogeneous reconstruction tools, including neural and non-neural methods, assess their sensitivity to noise, and propose new metrics for quantitative evaluation. We hope that CryoBench will be a foundational resource for accelerating algorithmic development and evaluation in the cryo-EM and machine learning communities. Project page:
BuckTales: A multi-UAV dataset for multi-object tracking and re-identification of wild antelopes
Hemal Naik · Junran Yang · Dipin Das · Margaret Crofoot · Akanksha Rathore · Vivek Hari Sridhar
Understanding animal behaviour is central to predicting, understanding, and miti-gating impacts of natural and anthropogenic changes on animal populations andecosystems. However, the challenges of acquiring and processing long-term, eco-logically relevant data in wild settings have constrained the scope of behaviouralresearch. The increasing availability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), cou-pled with advances in machine learning, has opened new opportunities for wildlifemonitoring using aerial tracking. However, the limited availability of datasets with wildanimals in natural habitats has hindered progress in automated computer visionsolutions for long-term animal tracking. Here, we introduce the first large-scaleUAV dataset designed to solve multi-object tracking (MOT) and re-identification(Re-ID) problem in wild animals, specifically the mating behaviour (or lekking) ofblackbuck antelopes. Collected in collaboration with biologists, the MOT datasetincludes over 1.2 million annotations including 680 tracks across 12 high-resolution(5.4K) videos, each averaging 66 seconds and featuring 30 to 130 individuals. TheRe-ID dataset includes 730 individuals captured with two UAVs simultaneously.The dataset is designed to drive scalable, long-term animal behavior tracking usingmultiple camera sensors. By providing baseline performance with two detectors,and benchmarking several state-of-the-art tracking methods, our dataset reflects thereal-world challenges of tracking wild animals in socially and ecologically relevantcontexts. In making these data widely available, we hope to catalyze progress inMOT and Re-ID for wild animals, fostering insights into animal behaviour, conser-vation efforts, and ecosystem dynamics through automated, long-term monitoring.
Advancing Video Anomaly Detection: A Concise Review and a New Dataset
Liyun Zhu · Lei Wang · Arjun Raj · Tom Gedeon · Chen Chen
Video Anomaly Detection (VAD) finds widespread applications in security surveillance, traffic monitoring, industrial monitoring, and healthcare. Despite extensive research efforts, there remains a lack of concise reviews that provide insightful guidance for researchers. Such reviews would serve as quick references to grasp current challenges, research trends, and future directions. In this paper, we present such a review, examining models and datasets from various perspectives. We emphasize the critical relationship between model and dataset, where the quality and diversity of datasets profoundly influence model performance, and dataset development adapts to the evolving needs of emerging approaches. Our review identifies practical issues, including the absence of comprehensive datasets with diverse scenarios. To address this, we introduce a new dataset, Multi-Scenario Anomaly Detection (MSAD), comprising 14 distinct scenarios captured from various camera views. Our dataset has diverse motion patterns and challenging variations, such as different lighting and weather conditions, providing a robust foundation for training superior models. We conduct an in-depth analysis of recent representative models using MSAD and highlight its potential in addressing the challenges of detecting anomalies across diverse and evolving surveillance scenarios.
Einsum Benchmark: Enabling the Development of Next-Generation Tensor Execution Engines
Mark Blacher · Christoph Staudt · Julien Klaus · Maurice Wenig · Niklas Merk · Alexander Breuer · Max Engel · Sören Laue · Joachim Giesen
Modern artificial intelligence and machine learning workflows rely on efficient tensor libraries. However, tuning tensor libraries without considering the actual problems they are meant to execute can lead to a mismatch between expected performance and the actual performance. Einsum libraries are tuned to efficiently execute tensor expressions with only a few, relatively large, dense, floating-point tensors. But, practical applications of einsum cover a much broader range of tensor expressions than those that can currently be executed efficiently. For this reason, we have created a benchmark dataset that encompasses this broad range of tensor expressions, allowing future implementations of einsum to build upon and be evaluated against. In addition, we also provide generators for einsum expressions and converters to einsum expressions in our repository, so that additional data can be generated as needed. The benchmark dataset, the generators and converters are released openly and are publicly available at
BABILong: Testing the Limits of LLMs with Long Context Reasoning-in-a-Haystack
Yury Kuratov · Aydar Bulatov · Petr Anokhin · Ivan Rodkin · Dmitry Sorokin · Artyom Sorokin · Mikhail Burtsev
In recent years, the input context sizes of large language models (LLMs) have increased dramatically. However, existing evaluation methods have not kept pace, failing to comprehensively assess the efficiency of models in handling long contexts. To bridge this gap, we introduce the BABILong benchmark, designed to test language models' ability to reason across facts distributed in extremely long documents. BABILong includes a diverse set of 20 reasoning tasks, including fact chaining, simple induction, deduction, counting, and handling lists/sets. These tasks are challenging on their own, and even more demanding when the required facts are scattered across long natural text. Our evaluations show that popular LLMs effectively utilize only 10-20% of the context and their performance declines sharply with increased reasoning complexity. Among alternatives to in-context reasoning, Retrieval-Augmented Generation methods achieve a modest 60% accuracy on single-fact question answering, independent of context length. Among context extension methods, the highest performance is demonstrated by recurrent memory transformers after fine-tuning, enabling the processing of lengths up to 50 million tokens. The BABILong benchmark is extendable to any length to support the evaluation of new upcoming models with increased capabilities, and we provide splits up to 10 million token lengths.
HW-GPT-Bench: Hardware-Aware Architecture Benchmark for Language Models
Rhea Sukthanker · Arber Zela · Benedikt Staffler · Aaron Klein · Lennart Purucker · Jörg Franke · Frank Hutter
The increasing size of language models necessitates a thorough analysis across multiple dimensions to assess trade-offs among crucial hardware metrics such as latency, energy consumption, GPU memory usage, and performance. Identifying optimal model configurations under specific hardware constraints is becoming essential but remains challenging due to the computational load of exhaustive training and evaluation on multiple devices. To address this, we introduce HW-GPT-Bench, a hardware-aware benchmark that utilizes surrogate predictions to approximate various hardware metrics across 13 devices of architectures in the GPT-2 family, with architectures containing up to 1.55B parameters. Our surrogates, via calibrated predictions and reliable uncertainty estimates, faithfully model the heteroscedastic noise inherent in the energy and latency measurements. To estimate perplexity, we employ weight-sharing techniques from Neural Architecture Search (NAS), inheriting pretrained weights from the largest GPT-2 model. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of HW-GPT-Bench by simulating optimization trajectories of various multi-objective optimization algorithms in just a few seconds.
A Benchmark Suite for Evaluating Neural Mutual Information Estimators on Unstructured Datasets
Kyungeun Lee · Wonjong Rhee
Mutual Information (MI) is a fundamental metric for quantifying dependency between two random variables. When we can access only the samples, but not the underlying distribution functions, we can evaluate MI using sample-based estimators. Assessment of such MI estimators, however, has almost always relied on analytical datasets including Gaussian multivariates. Such datasets allow analytical calculations of the true MI values, but they are limited in that they do not reflect the complexities of real-world datasets. This study introduces a comprehensive benchmark suite for evaluating neural MI estimators on unstructured datasets, specifically focusing on images and texts. By leveraging same-class sampling for positive pairing and introducing a binary symmetric channel trick, we show that we can accurately manipulate true MI values of real-world datasets. Using the benchmark suite, we investigate seven challenging scenarios, shedding light on the reliability of neural MI estimators for unstructured datasets.
MMScan: A Multi-Modal 3D Scene Dataset with Hierarchical Grounded Language Annotations
Ruiyuan Lyu · Jingli Lin · Tai WANG · Shuaiyang · Xiaohan Mao · Yilun Chen · Runsen Xu · Haifeng Huang · Chenming Zhu · Dahua Lin · Jiangmiao Pang
With the emergence of LLMs and their integration with other data modalities, multi-modal 3D perception attracts more attention due to its connectivity to the physical world and makes rapid progress. However, limited by existing datasets, previous works mainly focus on understanding object properties or inter-object spatial relationships in a 3D scene. To tackle this problem, this paper builds the first largest ever multi-modal 3D scene dataset and benchmark with hierarchical grounded language annotations, MMScan. It is constructed based on a top-down logic, from region to object level, from a single target to inter-target relationships, covering holistic aspects of spatial and attribute understanding. The overall pipeline incorporates powerful VLMs via carefully designed prompts to initialize the annotations efficiently and further involve humans' correction in the loop to ensure the annotations are natural, correct, and comprehensive. Built upon existing 3D scanning data, the resulting multi-modal 3D dataset encompasses 1.4M meta-annotated captions on 109k objects and 7.7k regions as well as over 3.04M diverse samples for 3D visual grounding and question-answering benchmarks. We evaluate representative baselines on our benchmarks, analyze their capabilities in different aspects, and showcase the key problems to be addressed in the future. Furthermore, we use this high-quality dataset to train state-of-the-art 3D visual grounding and LLMs and obtain remarkable performance improvement both on existing benchmarks and in-the-wild evaluation.
Understanding Hallucinations in Diffusion Models through Mode Interpolation
Sumukh K Aithal · Pratyush Maini · Zachary Lipton · J. Zico Kolter
Colloquially speaking, image generation models based upon diffusion processes are frequently said to exhibit ''hallucinations'' samples that could never occur in the training data. But where do such hallucinations come from? In this paper, we study a particular failure mode in diffusion models, which we term mode interpolation. Specifically, we find that diffusion models smoothly ``interpolate'' between nearby data modes in the training set, to generate samples that are completely outside the support of the original training distribution; this phenomenon leads diffusion models to generate artifacts that never existed in real data (i.e., hallucinations). We systematically study the reasons for, and the manifestation of this phenomenon. Through experiments on 1D and 2D Gaussians, we show how a discontinuous loss landscape in the diffusion model's decoder leads to a region where any smooth approximation will cause such hallucinations. Through experiments on artificial datasets with various shapes, we show how hallucination leads to the generation of combinations of shapes that never existed. We extend the validity of mode interpolation in real-world datasets by explaining the unexpected generation of images with additional or missing fingers similar to those produced by popular text-to-image generative models. Finally, we show that diffusion models in fact know when they go out of support and hallucinate. This is captured by the high variance in the trajectory of the generated sample towards the final few backward sampling process. Using a simple metric to capture this variance, we can remove over 95\% of hallucinations at generation time. We conclude our exploration by showing the implications of such hallucination (and its removal) on the collapse (and stabilization) of recursive training on synthetic data with experiments on datasets like MNIST .
SWT-Bench: Testing and Validating Real-World Bug-Fixes with Code Agents
Niels Mündler · Mark Müller · Jingxuan He · Martin Vechev
Rigorous software testing is crucial for developing and maintaining high-quality code, making automated test generation a promising avenue for both improving software quality and boosting the effectiveness of code generation methods. However, while code generation with Large Language Models (LLMs) is an extraordinarily active research area, test generation remains relatively unexplored. We address this gap and investigate the capability of LLM-based Code Agents to formalize user issues into test cases. To this end, we propose a novel benchmark based on popular GitHub repositories, containing real-world issues, ground-truth bug-fixes, and golden tests. We find that LLMs generally perform surprisingly well at generating relevant test cases, with Code Agents designed for code repair exceeding the performance of systems designed specifically for test generation. Further, as test generation is a similar but more structured task than code generation, it allows for a more fine-grained analysis using issue reproduction rate and coverage changes, providing a dual metric for analyzing systems designed for code repair. Finally, we find that generated tests are an effective filter for proposed code fixes, doubling the precision of SWE-Agent. We release all data and code at
Animal-Bench: Benchmarking Multimodal Video Models for Animal-centric Video Understanding
Yinuo Jing · Ruxu Zhang · Kongming Liang · Yongxiang Li · Zhongjiang He · Zhanyu Ma · Jun Guo
With the emergence of large pre-trained multimodal video models, multiple benchmarks have been proposed to evaluate model capabilities. However, most of the benchmarks are human-centric, with evaluation data and tasks centered around human applications. Animals are an integral part of the natural world, and animal-centric video understanding is crucial for animal welfare and conservation efforts. Yet, existing benchmarks overlook evaluations focused on animals, limiting the application of the models. To address this limitation, our work established an animal-centric benchmark, namely Animal-Bench, to allow for a comprehensive evaluation of model capabilities in real-world contexts, overcoming agent-bias in previous benchmarks. Animal-Bench includes 13 tasks encompassing both common tasks shared with humans and special tasks relevant to animal conservation, spanning 7 major animal categories and 819 species, comprising a total of 41,839 data entries. To generate this benchmark, we defined a task system centered on animals and proposed an automated pipeline for animal-centric data processing. To further validate the robustness of models against real-world challenges, we utilized a video editing approach to simulate realistic scenarios like weather changes and shooting parameters due to animal movements. We evaluated 8 current multimodal video models on our benchmark and found considerable room for improvement. We hope our work provides insights for the community and opens up new avenues for research in multimodal video models. Our data and code will be released at
Efficient Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding using Low-Rank Matrix Completion Algorithms
Firas Trabelsi · David Vilar · Mara Finkelstein · Markus Freitag
Minimum Bayes Risk (MBR) decoding is a powerful decoding strategy widely used for text generation tasks but its quadratic computational complexity limits its practical application. This paper presents a novel approach for approximating MBR decoding using matrix completion techniques, focusing on a machine translation task. We formulate MBR decoding as a matrix completion problem, where the utility metric scores between candidate hypotheses and reference translations form a low-rank matrix. First we empirically show that the scores matrices indeed have a low-rank structure. Then we exploit this by only computing a random subset of the scores and efficiently recover the missing entries in the matrix by applying the Alternating Least Squares (ALS) algorithm, thereby enabling fast approximation of the MBR decoding process. Our experimental results on machine translation tasks demonstrate that the proposed method requires 1/16 utility metric computations compared to the vanilla MBR decoding while achieving equal translation quality measured by COMET on the WMT22 dataset (en<>de, en<>ru). We also benchmark our method against other approximation methods and we show significant gains in quality.
ABCFair: an Adaptable Benchmark approach for Comparing Fairness Methods
MaryBeth Defrance · Maarten Buyl · Tijl De Bie
Numerous methods have been implemented that pursue fairness with respect to sensitive features by mitigating biases in machine learning. Yet, the problem settings that each method tackles vary significantly, including the stage of intervention, the composition of sensitive features, the fairness notion, and the distribution of the output. Even in binary classification, the greatest common denominator of problem settings is small, significantly complicating benchmarking.Hence, we introduce ABCFair, a benchmark approach which allows adapting to the desiderata of the real-world problem setting, enabling proper comparability between methods for any use case. We apply this benchmark to a range of pre-, in-, and postprocessing methods on both large-scale, traditional datasets and on a dual label (biased and unbiased) dataset to sidestep the fairness-accuracy trade-off.
FairJob: A Real-World Dataset for Fairness in Online Systems
Mariia Vladimirova · Federico Pavone · Eustache Diemert
We introduce a fairness-aware dataset for job recommendation in advertising, designed to foster research in algorithmic fairness within real-world scenarios. It was collected and prepared to comply with privacy standards and business confidentiality. An additional challenge is the lack of access to protected user attributes such as gender, for which we propose a pragmatic solution to obtain a proxy estimate. Despite being anonymized and including a proxy for a sensitive attribute, our dataset preserves predictive power and maintains a realistic and challenging benchmark. This dataset addresses a significant gap in the availability of fairness-focused resources for high-impact domains like advertising -- the actual impact being having access or not to precious employment opportunities, where balancing fairness and utility is a common industrial challenge. We also explore various stages in the advertising process where unfairness can occur and introduce a method to compute a fair utility metric for the job recommendations in online systems case from a biased dataset. Experimental evaluations of bias mitigation techniques on the released dataset demonstrate potential improvements in fairness and the associated trade-offs with utility.The dataset is hosted at Source code for the experiments is hosted at
Harnessing Multiple Correlated Networks for Exact Community Recovery
Miklos Z. Racz · Jifan Zhang
We study the problem of learning latent community structure from multiple correlated networks, focusing on edge-correlated stochastic block models with two balanced communities. Recent work of Gaudio, Rácz, and Sridhar (COLT 2022) determined the precise information-theoretic threshold for exact community recovery using two correlated graphs; in particular, this showcased the subtle interplay between community recovery and graph matching. Here we study the natural setting of more than two graphs. The main challenge lies in understanding how to aggregate information across several graphs when none of the pairwise latent vertex correspondences can be exactly recovered. Our main result derives the precise information-theoretic threshold for exact community recovery using any constant number of correlated graphs, answering a question of Gaudio, Rácz, and Sridhar (COLT 2022). In particular, for every $K \geq 3$ we uncover and characterize a region of the parameter space where exact community recovery is possible using $K$ correlated graphs, even though (1) this is information-theoretically impossible using any $K-1$ of them and (2) none of the latent matchings can be exactly recovered.
Replicability in Learning: Geometric Partitions and KKM-Sperner Lemma
Jason Vander Woude · Peter Dixon · A. Pavan · Jamie Radcliffe · N. V. Vinodchandran
This paper studies replicability in machine learning tasks from a geometric viewpoint. Recent works have revealed the role of geometric partitions and Sperner's lemma (and its variations) in designing replicable learning algorithms and in establishing impossibility results. A partition $\mathcal{P}$ of $\mathbb{R}^d$ is called a $(k,\epsilon)$-secluded partition if for every $\vec{p}\in\mathbb{R}^d$, an $\varepsilon$-radius ball (with respect to the $\ell_{\infty}$ norm) centered at $\vec{p}$ intersects at most $k$ members of $\mathcal{P}$. In relation to replicable learning, the parameter $k$ is closely related to the $\textit{list complexity}$, and the parameter $\varepsilon$ is related to the sample complexity of the replicable learner. Construction of secluded partitions with better parameters (small $k$ and large $\varepsilon$) will lead to replicable learning algorithms with small list and sample complexities. Motivated by this connection, we undertake a comprehensive study of secluded partitions and establish near-optimal relationships between $k$ and $\varepsilon$. 1. We show that for any $(k,\epsilon)$-secluded partition where each member has at most unit measure, it must be that $k \geq(1+2\varepsilon)^d$, and consequently, for the interesting regime $k\in[2^d]$ it must be that $\epsilon\leq\frac{\log_4(k)}{d}$. 2. To complement this upper bound on $\epsilon$, we show that for each $d\in\mathbb{N}$ and each viable $k\in[2^d]$, a construction of a $(k,\epsilon)$-secluded (unit cube) partition with $\epsilon\geq\frac{\log_4(k)}{d}\cdot\frac{1}{8\log_4(d+1)}$. This establishes the optimality of $\epsilon$ within a logarithmic factor.3. Finally, we adapt our proof techniques to obtain a new ``neighborhood'' variant of the cubical KKM lemma (or cubical Sperner's lemma): For any coloring of $[0,1]^d$ in which no color is used on opposing faces, it holds for each $\epsilon\in(0,\frac12]$ that there is a point where the open $\epsilon$-radius $\ell_\infty$-ball intersects at least $(1+\frac23\epsilon)^d$ colors. While the classical Sperner/KKM lemma guarantees the existence of a point that is "adjacent" to points with $(d+1)$ distinct colors, the neighborhood version guarantees the existence of a small neighborhood with exponentially many points with distinct colors.
OxonFair: A Flexible Toolkit for Algorithmic Fairness
Eoin Delaney · Zihao Fu · Sandra Wachter · Brent Mittelstadt · Chris Russell
We present OxonFair, a new open source toolkit for enforcing fairness in binary classification. Compared to existing toolkits: (i) We support NLP and Computer Vision classification as well as standard tabular problems. (ii) We support enforcing fairness on validation data, making us robust to a wide range of overfitting challenges. (iii) Our approach can optimize any measure based on True Positives, False Positive, False Negatives, and True Negatives. This makes it easily extensible and much more expressive than existing toolkits. It supports all 9 and all 10 of the decision-based group metrics of two popular review articles. (iv) We jointly optimize a performance objective alongside fairness constraints. This minimizes degradation while enforcing fairness, and even improves the performance of inadequately tuned unfair baselines. OxonFair is compatible with standard ML toolkits, including sklearn, Autogluon, and PyTorch and is available at
Decision-Making Behavior Evaluation Framework for LLMs under Uncertain Context
Jingru (Jessica) Jia · Zehua Yuan · Junhao Pan · Paul McNamara · Deming Chen
When making decisions under uncertainty, individuals often deviate from rational behavior, which can be evaluated across three dimensions: risk preference, probability weighting, and loss aversion. Given the widespread use of large language models (LLMs) in supporting decision-making processes, it is crucial to assess whether their behavior aligns with human norms and ethical expectations or exhibits potential biases. Although several empirical studies have investigated the rationality and social behavior performance of LLMs, their internal decision-making tendencies and capabilities remain inadequately understood. This paper proposes a framework, grounded in behavioral economics theories, to evaluate the decision-making behaviors of LLMs. With a multiple-choice-list experiment, we initially estimate the degree of risk preference, probability weighting, and loss aversion in a context-free setting for three commercial LLMs: ChatGPT-4.0-Turbo, Claude-3-Opus, and Gemini-1.0-pro. Our results reveal that LLMs generally exhibit patterns similar to humans, such as risk aversion and loss aversion, with a tendency to overweight small probabilities, but there are significant variations in the degree to which these behaviors are expressed across different LLMs. Further, we explore their behavior when embedded with socio-demographic features of human beings, uncovering significant disparities across various demographic characteristics.
Algorithms with predictions is a recent framework for decision-making under uncertainty that leverages the power of machine-learned predictions without making any assumption about their quality. The goal in this framework is for algorithms to achieve an improved performance when the predictions are accurate while maintaining acceptable guarantees when the predictions are erroneous. A serious concern with algorithms that use predictions is that these predictions can be biased and, as a result, cause the algorithm to make decisions that are deemed unfair. We show that this concern manifests itself in the classical secretary problem in the learning-augmented setting---the state-of-the-art algorithm can have zero probability of accepting the best candidate, which we deem unfair, despite promising to accept a candidate whose expected value is at least $\max\{\Omega (1) , 1 - O(\varepsilon)\}$ times the optimal value, where $\varepsilon$ is the prediction error.We show how to preserve this promise while also guaranteeing to accept the best candidate with probability $\Omega(1)$. Our algorithm and analysis are based on a new ``pegging'' idea that diverges from existing works and simplifies/unifies some of their results. Finally, we extend to the $k$-secretary problem and complement our theoretical analysis with experiments.
Referring Human Pose and Mask Estimation In the Wild
Bo Miao · Mingtao Feng · Zijie Wu · Mohammed Bennamoun · Yongsheng Gao · Ajmal Mian
We introduce Referring Human Pose and Mask Estimation (R-HPM) in the wild, where either a text or positional prompt specifies the person of interest in an image. This new task holds significant potential for human-centric applications such as assistive robotics and sports analysis. In contrast to previous works, R-HPM (i) ensures high-quality, identity-aware results corresponding to the referred person, and (ii) simultaneously predicts human pose and mask for a comprehensive representation. To achieve this, we introduce a large-scale dataset named RefHuman, which substantially extends the MS COCO dataset with additional text and positional prompt annotations. RefHuman includes over 50,000 annotated instances in the wild, each equipped with keypoint, mask, and prompt annotations. To enable prompt-conditioned estimation, we propose the first end-to-end promptable approach named UniPHD for R-HPM. UniPHD extracts multimodal representations and employs a proposed pose-centric hierarchical decoder to process (text or positional) instance queries and keypoint queries, producing results specific to the referred person. Extensive experiments demonstrate that UniPHD produces quality results based on user-friendly prompts and achieves top-tier performance on RefHuman val and MS COCO val2017.
Mitigating Spurious Correlations via Disagreement Probability
Hyeonggeun Han · Sehwan Kim · Hyungjun Joo · Sangwoo Hong · Jungwoo Lee
Models trained with empirical risk minimization (ERM) are prone to be biased towards spurious correlations between target labels and bias attributes, which leads to poor performance on data groups lacking spurious correlations. It is particularly challenging to address this problem when access to bias labels is not permitted. To mitigate the effect of spurious correlations without bias labels, we first introduce a novel training objective designed to robustly enhance model performance across all data samples, irrespective of the presence of spurious correlations. From this objective, we then derive a debiasing method, Disagreement Probability based Resampling for debiasing (DPR), which does not require bias labels. DPR leverages the disagreement between the target label and the prediction of a biased model to identify bias-conflicting samples—those without spurious correlations—and upsamples them according to the disagreement probability. Empirical evaluations on multiple benchmarks demonstrate that DPR achieves state-of-the-art performance over existing baselines that do not use bias labels. Furthermore, we provide a theoretical analysis that details how DPR reduces dependency on spurious correlations.
Free-Rider and Conflict Aware Collaboration Formation for Cross-Silo Federated Learning
Mengmeng Chen · Xiaohu Wu · Xiaoli Tang · Tiantian He · Yew Soon Ong · QIQI LIU · Qicheng Lao · Han Yu
Federated learning (FL) is a machine learning paradigm that allows multiple FL participants (FL-PTs) to collaborate on training models without sharing private data. Due to data heterogeneity, negative transfer may occur in the FL training process. This necessitates FL-PT selection based on their data complementarity. In cross-silo FL, organizations that engage in business activities are key sources of FL-PTs. The resulting FL ecosystem has two features: (i) self-interest, and (ii) competition among FL-PTs. This requires the desirable FL-PT selection strategy to simultaneously mitigate the problems of free riders and conflicts of interest among competitors. To this end, we propose an optimal FL collaboration formation strategy -FedEgoists- which ensures that: (1) a FL-PT can benefit from FL if and only if it benefits the FL ecosystem, and (2) a FL-PT will not contribute to its competitors or their supporters. It provides an efficient clustering solution to group FL-PTs into coalitions, ensuring that within each coalition, FL-PTs share the same interest. We theoretically prove that the FL-PT coalitions formed are optimal since no coalitions can collaborate together to improve the utility of any of their members. Extensive experiments on widely adopted benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of FedEgoists compared to nine state-of-the-art baseline methods, and its ability to establish efficient collaborative networks in cross-silos FL with FL-PTs that engage in business activities.
Fairness in image restoration tasks is the desire to treat different sub-groups of images equally well. Existing definitions of fairness in image restoration are highly restrictive. They consider a reconstruction to be a correct outcome for a group (e.g., women) only if it falls within the group's set of ground truth images (e.g., natural images of women); otherwise, it is considered entirely incorrect. Consequently, such definitions are prone to controversy, as errors in image restoration can manifest in various ways. In this work we offer an alternative approach towards fairness in image restoration, by considering the Group Perceptual Index (GPI), which we define as the statistical distance between the distribution of the group's ground truth images and the distribution of their reconstructions. We assess the fairness of an algorithm by comparing the GPI of different groups, and say that it achieves perfect Perceptual Fairness (PF) if the GPIs of all groups are identical. We motivate and theoretically study our new notion of fairness, draw its connection to previous ones, and demonstrate its utility on state-of-the-art face image restoration algorithms.
Theoretical and Empirical Insights into the Origins of Degree Bias in Graph Neural Networks
Arjun Subramonian · Jian Kang · Yizhou Sun
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) often perform better for high-degree nodes than low-degree nodes on node classification tasks. This degree bias can reinforce social marginalization by, e.g., privileging celebrities and other high-degree actors in social networks during social and content recommendation. While researchers have proposed numerous hypotheses for why GNN degree bias occurs, we find via a survey of 38 degree bias papers that these hypotheses are often not rigorously validated, and can even be contradictory. Thus, we provide an analysis of the origins of degree bias in message-passing GNNs with different graph filters. We prove that high-degree test nodes tend to have a lower probability of misclassification regardless of how GNNs are trained. Moreover, we show that degree bias arises from a variety of factors that are associated with a node's degree (e.g., homophily of neighbors, diversity of neighbors). Furthermore, we show that during training, some GNNs may adjust their loss on low-degree nodes more slowly than on high-degree nodes; however, with sufficiently many epochs of training, message-passing GNNs can achieve their maximum possible training accuracy, which is not significantly limited by their expressive power. Throughout our analysis, we connect our findings to previously-proposed hypotheses for the origins of degree bias, supporting and unifying some while drawing doubt to others. We validate our theoretical findings on 8 common real-world networks, and based on our theoretical and empirical insights, describe a roadmap to alleviate degree bias.
Differentiable Quantum Computing for Large-scale Linear Control
Connor Clayton · Jiaqi Leng · Gengzhi Yang · Yi-Ling Qiao · Ming Lin · Xiaodi Wu
As industrial models and designs grow increasingly complex, the demand for optimal control of large-scale dynamical systems has significantly increased. However, traditional methods for optimal control incur significant overhead as problem dimensions grow. In this paper, we introduce an end-to-end quantum algorithm for linear-quadratic control with provable speedups. Our algorithm, based on a policy gradient method, incorporates a novel quantum subroutine for solving the matrix Lyapunov equation. Specifically, we build a quantum-assisted differentiable simulator for efficient gradient estimation that is more accurate and robust than classical methods relying on stochastic approximation. Compared to the classical approaches, our method achieves a super-quadratic speedup. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first end-to-end quantum application to linear control problems with provable quantum advantage.
Learning from Snapshots of Discrete and Continuous Data Streams
Pramith Devulapalli · Steve Hanneke
Imagine a smart camera trap selectively clicking pictures to understand animal movement patterns within a particular habitat. These "snapshots", or pieces of data captured from a data stream at adaptively chosen times, provide a glimpse of different animal movements unfolding through time. Learning a continuous-time process through snapshots, such as smart camera traps, is a central theme governing a wide array of online learning situations. In this paper, we adopt a learning-theoretic perspective in understanding the fundamental nature of learning different classes of functions from both discrete data streams and continuous data streams. In our first framework, the update-and-deploy setting, a learning algorithm discretely queries from a process to update a predictor designed to make predictions given as input the data stream. We construct a uniform sampling algorithm that can learn with bounded error any concept class with finite Littlestone dimension. Our second framework, known as the blind-prediction setting, consists of a learning algorithm generating predictions independently of observing the process, only engaging with the process when it chooses to make queries. Interestingly, we show a stark contrast in learnability where non-trivial concept classes are unlearnable. However, we show that adaptive learning algorithms are necessary to learn sets of time-dependent and data-dependent functions, called pattern classes, in either framework. Finally, we develop a theory of pattern classes under discrete data streams for the blind-prediction setting.
Active Classification with Few Queries under Misspecification
Vasilis Kontonis · Mingchen Ma · Christos Tzamos
We study pool-based active learning, where a learner has a large pool $S$ of unlabeled examples and can adaptively ask a labeler questions to learn these labels. The goal of the learner is to output a labeling for $S$ that can compete with the best hypothesis from a given hypothesis class $\mathcal{H}$. We focus on halfspace learning, one of the most important problems in active learning.It is well known that in the standard active learning model, learning the labels of an arbitrary pool of examples labeled by some halfspace up to error $\epsilon$ requires at least $\Omega(1/\epsilon)$ queries. To overcome this difficulty, previous work designs simple but powerful query languages to achieve $O(\log(1/\epsilon))$ query complexity, but only focuses on the realizable setting where data are perfectly labeled by some halfspace.However, when labels are noisy, such queries are too fragile and lead to high query complexity even under the simple random classification noise model. In this work, we propose a new query language called threshold statistical queries and study their power for learning under various noise models. Our main algorithmic result is the first query-efficient algorithm for learning halfspaces under the popular Massart noise model. With an arbitrary dataset corrupted with Massart noise at noise rate $\eta$, our algorithm uses only $\mathrm{polylog(1/\epsilon)}$ threshold statistical queries and computes an $(\eta + \epsilon)$-accurate labeling in polynomial time. For the harder case of agnostic noise, we show that it is impossible to beat $O(1/\epsilon)$ query complexity even for the much simpler problem of learning singleton functions (and thus for learning halfspaces) using a reduction from agnostic distributed learning.
On the Comparison between Multi-modal and Single-modal Contrastive Learning
Wei Huang · Andi Han · Yongqiang Chen · Yuan Cao · Zhiqiang Xu · Taiji Suzuki
Multi-modal contrastive learning with language supervision has presented a paradigm shift in modern machine learning. By pre-training on a web-scale dataset, multi-modal contrastive learning can learn high-quality representations that exhibit impressive robustness and transferability. Despite its empirical success, the theoretical understanding is still in its infancy, especially regarding its comparison with single-modal contrastive learning. In this work, we introduce a feature learning theory framework that provides a theoretical foundation for understanding the differences between multi-modal and single-modal contrastive learning. Based on a data generation model consisting of signal and noise, our analysis is performed on a ReLU network trained with the InfoMax objective function. Through a trajectory-based optimization analysis and generalization characterization on downstream tasks, we identify the critical factor, which is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), that impacts the generalizability in downstream tasks of both multi-modal and single-modal contrastive learning. Through the cooperation between the two modalities, multi-modal learning can achieve better feature learning, leading to improvements in performance in downstream tasks compared to single-modal learning. Our analysis provides a unified framework that can characterize the optimization and generalization of both single-modal and multi-modal contrastive learning. Empirical experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets further consolidate our theoretical findings.
Statistical-Computational Trade-offs for Density Estimation
Anders Aamand · Alexandr Andoni · Justin Chen · Piotr Indyk · Shyam Narayanan · Sandeep Silwal · Haike Xu
We study the density estimation problem defined as follows: given $k$ distributions $p_1, \ldots, p_k$ over a discrete domain $[n]$, as well as a collection of samples chosen from a "query" distribution $q$ over $[n]$, output $p_i$ that is "close" to $q$. Recently Aamand et al. gave the first and only known result that achieves sublinear bounds in both the sampling complexity and the query time while preserving polynomial data structure space. However, their improvement over linear samples and time is only by subpolynomial factors.Our main result is a lower bound showing that, for a broad class of data structures, their bounds cannot be significantly improved. In particular, if an algorithm uses $O(n/\log^c k)$ samples for some constant $c>0$ and polynomial space, then the query time of the data structure must be at least $k^{1-O(1)/\log \log k}$, i.e., close to linear in the number of distributions $k$. This is a novel statistical-computational trade-off for density estimation, demonstrating that any data structure must use close to a linear number of samples or take close to linear query time. The lower bound holds even in the realizable case where $q=p_i$ for some $i$, and when the distributions are flat (specifically, all distributions are uniform over half of the domain $[n]$). We also give a simple data structure for our lower bound instance with asymptotically matching upper bounds. Experiments show that the data structure is quite efficient in practice.
A two-scale Complexity Measure for Deep Learning Models
Massimiliano Datres · Gian Leonardi · Alessio Figalli · David Sutter
We introduce a novel capacity measure 2sED for statistical models based on the effective dimension. The new quantity provably bounds the generalization error under mild assumptions on the model. Furthermore, simulations on standard data sets and popular model architectures show that 2sED correlates well with the training error. For Markovian models, we show how to efficiently approximate 2sED from below through a layerwise iterative approach, which allows us to tackle deep learning models with a large number of parameters. Simulation results suggest that the approximation is good for different prominent models and data sets.
Statistical Estimation in the Spiked Tensor Model via the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
Leo Zhou · Joao Basso · Song Mei
The quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) is a general-purpose algorithm for combinatorial optimization that has been a promising avenue for near-term quantum advantage. In this paper, we analyze the performance of the QAOA on the spiked tensor model, a statistical estimation problem that exhibits a large computational-statistical gap classically. We prove that the weak recovery threshold of $1$-step QAOA matches that of $1$-step tensor power iteration. Additional heuristic calculations suggest that the weak recovery threshold of $p$-step QAOA matches that of $p$-step tensor power iteration when $p$ is a fixed constant. This further implies that multi-step QAOA with tensor unfolding could achieve, but not surpass, the asymptotic classical computation threshold $\Theta(n^{(q-2)/4})$ for spiked $q$-tensors. Meanwhile, we characterize the asymptotic overlap distribution for $p$-step QAOA, discovering an intriguing sine-Gaussian law verified through simulations. For some $p$ and $q$, the QAOA has an effective recovery threshold that is a constant factor better than tensor power iteration.Of independent interest, our proof techniques employ the Fourier transform to handle difficult combinatorial sums, a novel approach differing from prior QAOA analyses on spin-glass models without planted structure.
Active Learning of General Halfspaces: Label Queries vs Membership Queries
Ilias Diakonikolas · Daniel Kane · Mingchen Ma
We study the problem of learning general (i.e., not necessarily homogeneous) halfspaces under the Gaussian distribution on $\mathbb{R}^d$ in the presence of some form of query access. In the classical pool-based active learning model, where the algorithm isallowed to make adaptive label queries to previously sampled points, we establish a strong information-theoretic lower bound ruling out non-trivialimprovements over the passive setting. Specifically, we show thatany active learner requires label complexity of $\tilde{\Omega}(d/(\log(m)\epsilon))$, where $m$ is the number of unlabeled examples. Specifically, to beat the passive label complexity of $\tilde{O}(d/\epsilon)$, an active learner requires a pool of $2^{\mathrm{poly}(d)}$ unlabeled samples.On the positive side, we show that this lower bound can be circumvented with membership query access, even in the agnostic model. Specifically, we give a computationally efficient learner with query complexity of $\tilde{O}(\min(1/p, 1/\epsilon) + d\mathrm{polylog}(1/\epsilon))$achieving error guarantee of $O(\mathrm{opt}+\epsilon)$. Here $p \in [0, 1/2]$ is the bias and $\mathrm{opt}$ is the 0-1 loss of the optimal halfspace. As a corollary, we obtain a strong separation between the active and membership query models. Taken together, our results characterize the complexity of learning general halfspaces under Gaussian marginals in these models.
Group-wise oracle-efficient algorithms for online multi-group learning
Samuel Deng · Jingwen Liu · Daniel Hsu
We study the problem of online multi-group learning, a learning model in which an online learner must simultaneously achieve small prediction regret on a large collection of (possibly overlapping) subsequences corresponding to a family of groups. Groups are subsets of the context space, and in fairness applications, they may correspond to subpopulations defined by expressive functions of demographic attributes. In this paper, we design such oracle-efficient algorithms with sublinear regret under a variety of settings, including: (i) the i.i.d. setting, (ii) the adversarial setting with smoothed context distributions, and (iii) the adversarial transductive setting.
Efficient Graph Matching for Correlated Stochastic Block Models
Shuwen Chai · Miklos Z. Racz
We study learning problems on correlated stochastic block models with two balanced communities. Our main result gives the first efficient algorithm for graph matching in this setting. In the most interesting regime where the average degree is logarithmic in the number of vertices, this algorithm correctly matches all but a vanishing fraction of vertices with high probability, whenever the edge correlation parameter $s$ satisfies $s^2 > \alpha \approx 0.338$, where $\alpha$ is Otter's tree-counting constant. Moreover, we extend this to an efficient algorithm for exact graph matching whenever this is information-theoretically possible, positively resolving an open problem of Rácz and Sridhar (NeurIPS 2021). Our algorithm generalizes the recent breakthrough work of Mao, Wu, Xu, and Yu (STOC 2023), which is based on centered subgraph counts of a large family of trees termed chandeliers. A major technical challenge that we overcome is dealing with the additional estimation errors that are necessarily present due to the fact that, in relevant parameter regimes, the latent community partition cannot be exactly recovered from a single graph. As an application of our results, we give an efficient algorithm for exact community recovery using multiple correlated graphs in parameter regimes where it is information-theoretically impossible to do so using just a single graph.
Efficiency for Free: Ideal Data Are Transportable Representations
PENG SUN · Yi Jiang · Tao Lin
Data, the seminal opportunity and challenge in modern machine learning, currently constrains the scalability of representation learning and impedes the pace of model evolution.In this work, we investigate the efficiency properties of data from both optimization and generalization perspectives.Our theoretical and empirical analysis reveals an unexpected finding: for a given task, utilizing a publicly available, task- and architecture-agnostic model (referred to as the `prior model' in this paper) can effectively produce efficient data.Building on this insight, we propose the Representation Learning Accelerator (ReLA), which promotes the formation and utilization of efficient data, thereby accelerating representation learning.Utilizing a ResNet-18 pre-trained on CIFAR-10 as a prior model to inform ResNet-50 training on ImageNet-1K reduces computational costs by $50\%$ while maintaining the same accuracy as the model trained with the original BYOL, which requires $100\%$ cost.Our code is available at: \url{}.
No-Regret Learning for Fair Multi-Agent Social Welfare Optimization
Mengxiao Zhang · Ramiro Deo-Campo Vuong · Haipeng Luo
We consider the problem of online multi-agent Nash social welfare (NSW) maximization. While previous works of Hossain et al. [2021], Jones et al. [2023] study similar problems in stochastic multi-agent multi-armed bandits and show that $\sqrt{T}$-regret is possible after $T$ rounds, their fairness measure is the product of all agents' rewards, instead of their NSW (that is, their geometric mean). Given the fundamental role of NSW in the fairness literature, it is more than natural to ask whether no-regret fair learning with NSW as the objective is possible. In this work, we provide a complete answer to this question in various settings. Specifically, in stochastic $N$-agent $K$-armed bandits, we develop an algorithm with $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(K^{\frac{2}{N}}T^{\frac{N-1}{N}})$ regret and prove that the dependence on $T$ is tight, making it a sharp contrast to the $\sqrt{T}$-regret bounds of Hossain et al. [2021], Jones et al. [2023]. We then consider a more challenging version of the problem with adversarial rewards. Somewhat surprisingly, despite NSW being a concave function, we prove that no algorithm can achieve sublinear regret. To circumvent such negative results, we further consider a setting with full-information feedback and design two algorithms with $\sqrt{T}$-regret: the first one has no dependence on $N$ at all and is applicable to not just NSW but a broad class of welfare functions, while the second one has better dependence on $K$ and is preferable when $N$ is small.Finally, we also show that logarithmic regret is possible whenever there exists one agent who is indifferent about different arms.
Improved Analysis for Bandit Learning in Matching Markets
Fang Kong · Zilong Wang · Shuai Li
A rich line of works study the bandit learning problem in two-sided matching markets, where one side of market participants (players) are uncertain about their preferences and hope to find a stable matching during iterative matchings with the other side (arms). The state-of-the-art analysis shows that the player-optimal stable regret is of order $O(K\log T/\Delta^2)$ where $K$ is the number of arms, $T$ is the horizon and $\Delta$ is the players' minimum preference gap. However, this result may be far from the lower bound $\Omega(\max\{N\log T/\Delta^2, K\log T/\Delta\})$ since the number $K$ of arms (workers, publisher slots) may be much larger than that $N$ of players (employers in labor markets, advertisers in online advertising, respectively). In this paper, we propose a new algorithm and show that the regret can be upper bounded by $O(N^2\log T/\Delta^2 + K \log T/\Delta)$. This result removes the dependence on $K$ in the main order term and improves the state-of-the-art guarantee in common cases where $N$ is much smaller than $K$. Such an advantage is also verified in experiments. In addition, we provide a refined analysis for the existing centralized UCB algorithm and show that, under $\alpha$-condition, it achieves an improved $O(N \log T/\Delta^2 + K \log T / \Delta)$ regret.
The Many Faces of Optimal Weak-to-Strong Learning
Mikael Møller Høgsgaard · Kasper Green Larsen · Markus Engelund Mathiasen
Boosting is an extremely successful idea, allowing one to combine multiple low accuracy classifiers into a much more accurate voting classifier. In this work, we present a new and surprisingly simple Boosting algorithm that obtains a provably optimal sample complexity. Sample optimal Boosting algorithms have only recently been developed, and our new algorithm has the fastest runtime among all such algorithms and is the simplest to describe: Partition your training data into 5 disjoint pieces of equal size, run AdaBoost on each, and combine the resulting classifiers via a majority vote. In addition to this theoretical contribution, we also perform the first empirical comparison of the proposed sample optimal Boosting algorithms. Our pilot empirical study suggests that our new algorithm might outperform previous algorithms on large data sets.
Information-theoretic Generalization Analysis for Expected Calibration Error
Futoshi Futami · Masahiro Fujisawa
While the expected calibration error (ECE), which employs binning, is widely adopted to evaluate the calibration performance of machine learning models, theoretical understanding of its estimation bias is limited. In this paper, we present the first comprehensive analysis of the estimation bias in the two common binning strategies, uniform mass and uniform width binning.Our analysis establishes upper bounds on the bias, achieving an improved convergence rate. Moreover, our bounds reveal, for the first time, the optimal number of bins to minimize the estimation bias. We further extend our bias analysis to generalization error analysis based on the information-theoretic approach, deriving upper bounds that enable the numerical evaluation of how small the ECE is for unknown data. Experiments using deep learning models show that our bounds are nonvacuous thanks to this information-theoretic generalization analysis approach.
Training Dynamics of Transformers to Recognize Word Co-occurrence via Gradient Flow Analysis
Hongru Yang · Bhavya Kailkhura · Zhangyang "Atlas" Wang · Yingbin Liang
Understanding the training dynamics of transformers is important to explain the impressive capabilities behind large language models. In this work, we study the dynamics of training a shallow transformer on a task of recognizing co-occurrence of two designated words. In the literature of studying training dynamics of transformers, several simplifications are commonly adopted such as weight reparameterization, attention linearization, special initialization, and lazy regime. In contrast, we analyze the gradient flow dynamics of simultaneously training three attention matrices and a linear MLP layer from random initialization, and provide a framework of analyzing such dynamics via a coupled dynamical system. We establish near minimum loss and characterize the attention model after training. We discover that gradient flow serves as an inherent mechanism that naturally divide the training process into two phases. In Phase 1, the linear MLP quickly aligns with the two target signals for correct classification, whereas the softmax attention remains almost unchanged. In Phase 2, the attention matrices and the MLP evolve jointly to enlarge the classification margin and reduce the loss to a near minimum value. Technically, we prove a novel property of the gradient flow, termed \textit{automatic balancing of gradients}, which enables the loss values of different samples to decrease almost at the same rate and further facilitates the proof of near minimum training loss. We also conduct experiments to verify our theoretical results.
Exploring the Precise Dynamics of Single-Layer GAN Models: Leveraging Multi-Feature Discriminators for High-Dimensional Subspace Learning
Andrew Bond · Zafer Dogan
Subspace learning is a critical endeavor in contemporary machine learning, particularly given the vast dimensions of modern datasets. In this study, we delve into the training dynamics of a single-layer GAN model from the perspective of subspace learning, framing these GANs as a novel approach to this fundamental task. Through a rigorous scaling limit analysis, we offer insights into the behavior of this model. Extending beyond prior research that primarily focused on sequential feature learning, we investigate the non-sequential scenario, emphasizing the pivotal role of inter-feature interactions in expediting training and enhancing performance, particularly with an uninformed initialization strategy. Our investigation encompasses both synthetic and real-world datasets, such as MNIST and Olivetti Faces, demonstrating the robustness and applicability of our findings to practical scenarios. By bridging our analysis to the realm of subspace learning, we systematically compare the efficacy of GAN-based methods against conventional approaches, both theoretically and empirically. Notably, our results unveil that while all methodologies successfully capture the underlying subspace, GANs exhibit a remarkable capability to acquire a more informative basis, owing to their intrinsic ability to generate new data samples. This elucidates the unique advantage of GAN-based approaches in subspace learning tasks.
Optimal Parallelization of Boosting
Arthur da Cunha · Mikael Møller Høgsgaard · Kasper Green Larsen
Recent works on the parallel complexity of Boosting have established strong lower bounds on the tradeoff between the number of training rounds $p$ and the total parallel work per round $t$.These works have also presented highly non-trivial parallel algorithms that shed light on different regions of this tradeoff.Despite these advancements, a significant gap persists between the theoretical lower bounds and the performance of these algorithms across much of the tradeoff space.In this work, we essentially close this gap by providing both improved lower bounds on the parallel complexity of weak-to-strong learners, and a parallel Boosting algorithm whose performance matches these bounds across the entire $p$ vs. $t$ compromise spectrum, up to logarithmic factors.Ultimately, this work settles the parallel complexity of Boosting algorithms that are nearly sample-optimal.
Distributed Least Squares in Small Space via Sketching and Bias Reduction
Sachin Garg · Kevin Tan · Michal Derezinski
Matrix sketching is a powerful tool for reducing the size of large data matrices. Yet there are fundamental limitations to this size reduction when we want to recover an accurate estimator for a task such as least square regression. We show that these limitations can be circumvented in the distributed setting by designing sketching methods that minimize the bias of the estimator, rather than its error. In particular, we give a sparse sketching method running in optimal space and current matrix multiplication time, which recovers a nearly-unbiased least squares estimator using two passes over the data. This leads to new communication-efficient distributed averaging algorithms for least squares and related tasks, which directly improve on several prior approaches. Our key novelty is a new bias analysis for sketched least squares, giving a sharp characterization of its dependence on the sketch sparsity. The techniques include new higher moment restricted Bai-Silverstein inequalities, which are of independent interest to the non-asymptotic analysis of deterministic equivalents for random matrices that arise from sketching.
On the Impacts of the Random Initialization in the Neural Tangent Kernel Theory
Guhan Chen · Yicheng Li · Qian Lin
This paper aims to discuss the impact of random initialization of neural networks in the neural tangent kernel (NTK) theory, which is ignored by most recent works in the NTK theory. It is well known that as the network's width tends to infinity, the neural network with random initialization converges to a Gaussian process (f^{\mathrm{GP}}), which takes values in (L^{2}(\mathcal{X})), where (\mathcal{X}) is the domain of the data. In contrast, to adopt the traditional theory of kernel regression, most recent works introduced a special mirrored architecture and a mirrored (random) initialization to ensure the network's output is identically zero at initialization. Therefore, it remains a question whether the conventional setting and mirrored initialization would make wide neural networks exhibit different generalization capabilities. In this paper, we first show that the training dynamics of the gradient flow of neural networks with random initialization converge uniformly to that of the corresponding NTK regression with random initialization (f^{\mathrm{GP}}). We then show that (\mathbf{P}(f^{\mathrm{GP}} \in [\mathcal{H}^{\mathrm{NT}}]^{s}) = 1) for any (s < \frac{3}{d+1}) and (\mathbf{P}(f^{\mathrm{GP}} \in [\mathcal{H}^{\mathrm{NT}}]^{s}) = 0) for any (s \geq \frac{3}{d+1}), where ([\mathcal{H}^{\mathrm{NT}}]^{s}) is the real interpolation space of the RKHS (\mathcal{H}^{\mathrm{NT}}) associated with the NTK. Consequently, the generalization error of the wide neural network trained by gradient descent is (\Omega(n^{-\frac{3}{d+3}})), and it still suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Thus, the NTK theory may not explain the superior performance of neural networks.
Strategic Littlestone Dimension: Improved Bounds on Online Strategic Classification
Saba Ahmadi · Kunhe Yang · Hanrui Zhang
We study the problem of online binary classification in settings where strategic agents can modify their observable features to receive a positive classification. We model the set of feasible manipulations by a directed graph over the feature space, and assume the learner only observes the manipulated features instead of the original ones. We introduce the Strategic Littlestone Dimension, a new combinatorial measure that captures the joint complexity of the hypothesis class and the manipulation graph. We demonstrate that it characterizes the instance-optimal mistake bounds for deterministic learning algorithms in the realizable setting. We also achieve improved regret in the agnostic setting by a refined agnostic-to-realizable reduction that accounts for the additional challenge of not observing agents' original features. Finally, we relax the assumption that the learner knows the manipulation graph, instead assuming their knowledge is captured by a family of graphs. We derive regret bounds in both the realizable setting where all agents manipulate according to the same graph within the graph family, and the agnostic setting where the manipulation graphs are chosen adversarially and not consistently modeled by a single graph in the family.
Taming Heavy-Tailed Losses in Adversarial Bandits and the Best-of-Both-Worlds Setting
Duo Cheng · Xingyu Zhou · Bo Ji
In this paper, we study the multi-armed bandit problem in the best-of-both-worlds (BOBW) setting with heavy-tailed losses, where the losses can be negative and unbounded but have $(1+v)$-th raw moments bounded by $u^{1+v}$ for some known $u>0$ and $v\in(0,1]$. Specifically, we consider the BOBW setting where the underlying environment could be either (oblivious) adversarial (i.e., the loss distribution can change arbitrarily over time) or stochastic (i.e., the loss distribution is fixed over time) and is unknown to the decision-maker a prior, and propose an algorithm that achieves a $T^{\frac{1}{1+v}}$-type worst-case (pseudo-)regret in the adversarial regime and a $\log T$-type gap-dependent regret in the stochastic regime, where $T$ is the time horizon. Compared to the state-of-the-art results, our algorithm offers stronger \emph{high-probability} regret guarantees rather than expected regret guarantees, and more importantly, relaxes a strong technical assumption on the loss distribution. This assumption is needed even for the weaker expected regret obtained in the literature and is generally hard to verify in practice. As a byproduct, relaxing this assumption leads to the first near-optimal regret result for heavy-tailed bandits with Huber contamination in the adversarial regime, in contrast to all previous works focused on the (easier) stochastic regime. Our result also implies a high-probability BOBW regret guarantee when the bounded true losses are protected with pure Local Differential Privacy (LDP), while the existing work ensures the (weaker) \emph{approximate} LDP with the regret bounds in expectation only.
On the Minimax Regret for Contextual Linear Bandits and Multi-Armed Bandits with Expert Advice
Shinji Ito
This paper examines two extensions of multi-armed bandit problems: multi-armed bandits with expert advice and contextual linear bandits. For the former problem, multi-armed bandits with expert advice, the previously known best upper and lower bounds have been $O(\sqrt{KT \log \frac{N}{K} })$ and $\Omega( \sqrt{KT \frac{ \log N }{\log K }} )$, respectively. Here, $K$, $N$, and $T$ represent the numbers of arms, experts, and rounds, respectively. We provide a lower bound of $\Omega( \sqrt{KT \log \frac{N}{K}} )$ for the setup in which the player chooses an expert before observing the advices in each round. For the latter problem, contextual linear bandits, we provide an algorithm that achieves $O ( \sqrt{d T \log ( K \min\{ 1, \frac{S}{d} \} )} )$ together with a matching lower bound, where $d$ and $S$ represent the dimensionality of feature vectors and the size of the context space, respectively.
OctreeOcc: Efficient and Multi-Granularity Occupancy Prediction Using Octree Queries
Yuhang Lu · Xinge ZHU · Tai WANG · Yuexin Ma
Occupancy prediction has increasingly garnered attention in recent years for its fine-grained understanding of 3D scenes. Traditional approaches typically rely on dense, regular grid representations, which often leads to excessive computational demands and a loss of spatial details for small objects. This paper introduces OctreeOcc, an innovative 3D occupancy prediction framework that leverages the octree representation to adaptively capture valuable information in 3D, offering variable granularity to accommodate object shapes and semantic regions of varying sizes and complexities. In particular, we incorporate image semantic information to improve the accuracy of initial octree structures and design an effective rectification mechanism to refine the octree structure iteratively. Our extensive evaluations show that OctreeOcc not only surpasses state-of-the-art methods in occupancy prediction, but also achieves a 15%-24% reduction in computational overhead compared to dense-grid-based methods.
No-Regret M${}^{\natural}$-Concave Function Maximization: Stochastic Bandit Algorithms and NP-Hardness of Adversarial Full-Information Setting
Taihei Oki · Shinsaku Sakaue
M${}^{\natural}$-concave functions, a.k.a. gross substitute valuation functions, play a fundamental role in many fields, including discrete mathematics and economics. In practice, perfect knowledge of M${}^{\natural}$-concave functions is often unavailable a priori, and we can optimize them only interactively based on some feedback. Motivated by such situations, we study online M${}^{\natural}$-concave function maximization problems, which are interactive versions of the problem studied by Murota and Shioura (1999). For the stochastic bandit setting, we present $O(T^{-1/2})$-simple regret and $O(T^{2/3})$-regret algorithms under $T$ times access to unbiased noisy value oracles of M${}^{\natural}$-concave functions. A key to proving these results is the robustness of the greedy algorithm to local errors in M${}^{\natural}$-concave function maximization, which is one of our main technical results. While we obtain those positive results for the stochastic setting, another main result of our work is an impossibility in the adversarial setting. We prove that, even with full-information feedback, no algorithms that run in polynomial time per round can achieve $O(T^{1-c})$ regret for any constant $c > 0$ unless $\mathsf{P} = \mathsf{NP}$. Our proof is based on a reduction from the matroid intersection problem for three matroids, which would be a novel idea in the context of online learning.
Improved learning rates in multi-unit uniform price auctions
Marius Potfer · Dorian Baudry · Hugo Richard · Vianney Perchet · Cheng Wan
Motivated by the strategic participation of electricity producers in electricity day-ahead market, we study the problem of online learning in repeated multi-unit uniform price auctions focusing on the adversarial opposing bid setting. The main contribution of this paper is the introduction of a new modeling of the bid space. Indeed, we prove that a learning algorithm leveraging the structure of this problem achieves a regret of $\tilde{O}(K^{4/3}T^{2/3})$ under bandit feedback, improving over the bound of $\tilde{O}(K^{7/4}T^{3/4})$ previously obtained in the literature. This improved regret rate is tight up to logarithmic terms. %by deducing a lower bound of $\Omega (T^{2/3})$ from the dynamic pricing literature, proving the optimality in $T$ of our algorithm up to log factors. Inspired by electricity reserve markets, we further introduce a different feedback model under which all winning bids are revealed. This feedback interpolates between the full-information and bandit scenarios depending on the auctions' results. We prove that, under this feedback, the algorithm that we propose achieves regret $\tilde{O}(K^{5/2}\sqrt{T})$.
PRODuctive bandits: Importance Weighting No More
Julian Zimmert · Teodor Vanislavov Marinov
Prod is a seminal algorithm in full-information online learning, which has been conjectured to be fundamentally sub-optimal for multi-armed bandits.By leveraging the interpretation of Prod as a first-order OMD approximation, we present the following surprising results:1. Variants of Prod can obtain optimal regret for adversarial multi-armed bandits. 2. There exists a simple and (arguably) importance-weighting free variant with optimal rate. 3. One can even achieve best-both-worlds guarantees with logarithmic regret in the stochastic regime.The bandit algorithms in this work use simple arithmetic update rules without the need of solving optimization problems typical in prior work. Finally, the results directly improve the state of the art of incentive-compatible bandits.
A Simple and Adaptive Learning Rate for FTRL in Online Learning with Minimax Regret of $\Theta(T^{2/3})$ and its Application to Best-of-Both-Worlds
Taira Tsuchiya · Shinji Ito
Follow-the-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) is a powerful framework for various online learning problems. By designing its regularizer and learning rate to be adaptive to past observations, FTRL is known to work adaptively to various properties of an underlying environment. However, most existing adaptive learning rates are for online learning problems with a minimax regret of $\Theta(\sqrt{T})$ for the number of rounds $T$, and there are only a few studies on adaptive learning rates for problems with a minimax regret of $\Theta(T^{2/3})$, which include several important problems dealing with indirect feedback. To address this limitation, we establish a new adaptive learning rate framework for problems with a minimax regret of $\Theta(T^{2/3})$. Our learning rate is designed by matching the stability, penalty, and bias terms that naturally appear in regret upper bounds for problems with a minimax regret of $\Theta(T^{2/3})$. As applications of this framework, we consider three major problems with a minimax regret of $\Theta(T^{2/3})$: partial monitoring, graph bandits, and multi-armed bandits with paid observations. We show that FTRL with our learning rate and the Tsallis entropy regularizer improves existing Best-of-Both-Worlds (BOBW) regret upper bounds, which achieve simultaneous optimality in the stochastic and adversarial regimes. The resulting learning rate is surprisingly simple compared to the existing learning rates for BOBW algorithms for problems with a minimax regret of $\Theta(T^{2/3})$.
Rethinking Transformer for Long Contextual Histopathology Whole Slide Image Analysis
Honglin Li · Yunlong Zhang · Pingyi Chen · Zhongyi Shui · Chenglu Zhu · Lin Yang
Histopathology Whole Slide Image (WSI) analysis serves as the gold standard for clinical cancer diagnosis in the daily routines of doctors. To develop computer-aided diagnosis model for histopathology WSIs, previous methods typically employ Multi-Instance Learning to enable slide-level prediction given only slide-level labels.Among these models, vanilla attention mechanisms without pairwise interactions have traditionally been employed but are unable to model contextual information. More recently, self-attention models have been utilized to address this issue. To alleviate the computational complexity of long sequences in large WSIs, methods like HIPT use region-slicing, and TransMIL employs Nystr\"{o}mformer as an approximation of full self-attention. Both approaches suffer from suboptimal performance due to the loss of key information. Moreover, their use of absolute positional embedding struggles to effectively handle long contextual dependencies in shape-varying WSIs.In this paper, we first analyze how the low-rank nature of the long-sequence attention matrix constrains the representation ability of WSI modelling. Then, we demonstrate that the rank of attention matrix can be improved by focusing on local interactions via a local attention mask. Our analysis shows that the local mask aligns with the attention patterns in the lower layers of the Transformer. Furthermore, the local attention mask can be implemented during chunked attention calculation, reducing the quadratic computational complexity to linear with a small local bandwidth. Additionally, this locality helps the model generalize to unseen or under-fitted positions more easily.Building on this, we propose a local-global hybrid Transformer for both computational acceleration and local-global information interactions modelling. Our method, Long-contextual MIL (LongMIL), is evaluated through extensive experiments on various WSI tasks to validate its superiority in: 1) overall performance, 2) memory usage and speed, and 3) extrapolation ability compared to previous methods.
Online paging is a fundamental problem in the field of online algorithms, in which one maintains a cache of $k$ slots as requests for fetching pages arrive online. In the weighted variant of this problem, each page has its own fetching cost; a substantial line of work on this problem culminated in an (optimal) $O(\log k)$-competitive randomized algorithm, due to Bansal, Buchbinder and Naor (FOCS'07).Existing work for weighted paging assumes that page weights are known in advance, which is not always the case in practice.For example, in multi-level caching architectures, the expected cost of fetching a memory block is a function of its probability of being in a mid-level cache rather than the main memory.This complex property cannot be predicted in advance; over time, however, one may glean information about page weights through sampling their fetching cost multiple times.We present the first algorithm for online weighted paging that does not know page weights in advance, but rather learns from weight samples.In terms of techniques, this requires providing (integral) samples to a fractional solver, requiring a delicate interface between this solver and the randomized rounding scheme; we believe that our work can inspire online algorithms to other problems that involve cost sampling.
Exact, Tractable Gauss-Newton Optimization in Deep Reversible Architectures Reveal Poor Generalization
Davide Buffelli · Jamie McGowan · Wangkun Xu · Alexandru Cioba · Da-shan Shiu · Guillaume Hennequin · Alberto Bernacchia
Second-order optimization has been shown to accelerate the training of deep neural networks in many applications, often yielding faster progress per iteration on the training loss compared to first-order optimizers. However, the generalization properties of second-order methods are still being debated. Theoretical investigations have proved difficult to carry out outside the tractable settings of heavily simplified model classes - thus, the relevance of existing theories to practical deep learning applications remains unclear. Similarly, empirical studies in large-scale models and real datasets are significantly confounded by the necessity to approximate second-order updates in practice. It is often unclear whether the observed generalization behaviour arises specifically from the second-order nature of the parameter updates, or instead reflects the specific structured (e.g. Kronecker) approximations used or any damping-based interpolation towards first-order updates. Here, we show for the first time that exact Gauss-Newton (GN) updates take on a tractable form in a class of deep reversible architectures that are sufficiently expressive to be meaningfully applied to common benchmark datasets. We exploit this novel setting to study the training and generalization properties of the GN optimizer. We find that exact GN generalizes poorly. In the mini-batch training setting, this manifests as rapidly saturating progress even on the training loss, with parameter updates found to overfit each mini-batch without producing the features that would support generalization to other mini-batches. In contrast to previous work, we show that our experiments run in the feature learning regime, in which the neural tangent kernel (NTK) changes during the course of training. However, changes in the NTK are not associated with any significant change in neural representations, explaining the lack of generalization.
Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Regression through Stochastic Approximate Gradients
Yuri Fonseca · Caio Peixoto · Yuri Saporito
Instrumental variables (IVs) provide a powerful strategy for identifying causal effects in the presence of unobservable confounders. Within the nonparametric setting (NPIV), recent methods have been based on nonlinear generalizations of Two-Stage Least Squares and on minimax formulations derived from moment conditions or duality. In a novel direction, we show how to formulate a functional stochastic gradient descent algorithm to tackle NPIV regression by directly minimizing the populational risk. We provide theoretical support in the form of bounds on the excess risk, and conduct numerical experiments showcasing our method's superior stability and competitive performance relative to current state-of-the-art alternatives. This algorithm enables flexible estimator choices, such as neural networks or kernel based methods, as well as non-quadratic loss functions, which may be suitable for structural equations beyond the setting of continuous outcomes and additive noise. Finally, we demonstrate this flexibility of our framework by presenting how it naturally addresses the important case of binary outcomes, which has received far less attention by recent developments in the NPIV literature.
BPQP: A Differentiable Convex Optimization Framework for Efficient End-to-End Learning
Jianming Pan · Zeqi Ye · Xiao Yang · Xu Yang · Weiqing Liu · Lewen Wang · Jiang Bian
Data-driven decision-making processes increasingly utilize end-to-end learnable deep neural networks to render final decisions. Sometimes, the output of the forward functions in certain layers is determined by the solutions to mathematical optimization problems, leading to the emergence of differentiable optimization layers that permit gradient back-propagation.However, real-world scenarios often involve large-scale datasets and numerous constraints, presenting significant challenges. Current methods for differentiating optimization problems typically rely on implicit differentiation, which necessitates costly computations on the Jacobian matrices, resulting in low efficiency.In this paper, we introduce BPQP, a differentiable convex optimization framework designed for efficient end-to-end learning. To enhance efficiency, we reformulate the backward pass as a simplified and decoupled quadratic programming problem by leveraging the structural properties of the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) matrix. This reformulation enables the use of first-order optimization algorithms in calculating the backward pass gradients, allowing our framework to potentially utilize any state-of-the-art solver. As solver technologies evolve, BPQP can continuously adapt and improve its efficiency.Extensive experiments on both simulated and real-world datasets demonstrate that BPQP achieves a significant improvement in efficiency—typically an order of magnitude faster in overall execution time compared to other differentiable optimization layers. Our results not only highlight the efficiency gains of BPQP but also underscore its superiority over differential optimization layer baselines.
Non-asymptotic Analysis of Biased Adaptive Stochastic Approximation
Sobihan Surendran · Adeline Fermanian · Antoine Godichon-Baggioni · Sylvain Le Corff
Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with adaptive steps is widely used to train deep neural networks and generative models. Most theoretical results assume that it is possible to obtain unbiased gradient estimators, which is not the case in several recent deep learning and reinforcement learning applications that use Monte Carlo methods.This paper provides a comprehensive non-asymptotic analysis of SGD with biased gradients and adaptive steps for non-convex smooth functions. Our study incorporates time-dependent bias and emphasizes the importance of controlling the bias of the gradient estimator. In particular, we establish that Adagrad, RMSProp, and AMSGRAD, an exponential moving average variant of Adam, with biased gradients, converge to critical points for smooth non-convex functions at a rate similar to existing results in the literature for the unbiased case. Finally, we provide experimental results using Variational Autoenconders (VAE) and applications to several learning frameworks that illustrate our convergence results and show how the effect of bias can be reduced by appropriate hyperparameter tuning.
Memory-Efficient LLM Training with Online Subspace Descent
Kaizhao Liang · Bo Liu · Lizhang Chen · Qiang Liu
Recently, a wide range of memory-efficient LLM training algorithms have gained substantial popularity. These methods leverage the low-rank structure of gradients to project optimizer states into a subspace using projection matrix found by singular value decomposition (SVD). However, convergence of these algorithms is highly dependent on the update rules of their projection matrix. In this work, we provide the \emph{first} convergence guarantee for arbitrary update rules of projection matrix. This guarantee is generally applicable to optimizers that can be analyzed with Hamiltonian Descent, including most common ones, such as LION, Adam. Inspired by our theoretical understanding, we propose Online Subspace Descent, a new family of subspace descent optimizer without SVD. Instead of updating projection matrix with eigenvectors, Online Subspace Descent updates projection matrix wtih online PCA. Online Subspace Descent is flexible and introduces only minimum overhead to training. We demonstrate that, for the task of pretraining LLaMA models ranging from 60M to 1B parameters on the C4 dataset, Online Subspace Descent achieves lower perplexity than state-of-the-art low-rank training methods across different settings and narrows the gap with full-rank baselines.
Stochastic Extragradient with Flip-Flop Shuffling & Anchoring: Provable Improvements
Jiseok Chae · Chulhee Yun · Donghwan Kim
In minimax optimization, the extragradient (EG) method has been extensively studied because it outperforms the gradient descent-ascent method in convex-concave (C-C) problems. Yet, stochastic EG (SEG) has seen limited success in C-C problems, especially for unconstrained cases. Motivated by the recent progress of shuffling-based stochastic methods, we investigate the convergence of shuffling-based SEG in unconstrained finite-sum minimax problems, in search of convergent shuffling-based SEG. Our analysis reveals that both random reshuffling and the recently proposed flip-flop shuffling alone can suffer divergence in C-C problems. However, with an additional simple trick called anchoring, we develop the SEG with flip-flop anchoring (SEG-FFA) method which successfully converges in C-C problems. We also show upper and lower bounds in the strongly-convex-strongly-concave setting, demonstrating that SEG-FFA has a provably faster convergence rate compared to other shuffling-based methods.
SequentialAttention++ for Block Sparsification: Differentiable Pruning Meets Combinatorial Optimization
Taisuke Yasuda · Kyriakos Axiotis · Gang Fu · Mohammadhossein Bateni · Vahab Mirrokni
Neural network pruning is a key technique towards engineering large yet scalable, interpretable, and generalizable models. Prior work on the subject has developed largely along two orthogonal directions: (1) differentiable pruning for efficiently and accurately scoring the importance of parameters, and (2) combinatorial optimization for efficiently searching over the space of sparse models. We unite the two approaches, both theoretically and empirically, to produce a coherent framework for structured neural network pruning in which differentiable pruning guides combinatorial optimization algorithms to select the most important sparse set of parameters. Theoretically, we show how many existing differentiable pruning techniques can be understood as nonconvex regularization for group sparse optimization, and prove that for a wide class of nonconvex regularizers, the global optimum is unique, group-sparse, and provably yields an approximate solution to a sparse convex optimization problem. The resulting algorithm that we propose, SequentialAttention++, advances the state of the art in large-scale neural network block-wise pruning tasks on the ImageNet and Criteo datasets.
Exploratory Retrieval-Augmented Planning For Continual Embodied Instruction Following
Minjong Yoo · Jinwoo Jang · Wei-Jin Park · Honguk Woo
This study presents an Exploratory Retrieval-Augmented Planning (ExRAP) framework, designed to tackle continual instruction following tasks of embodied agents in dynamic, non-stationary environments. The framework enhances Large Language Models' (LLMs) embodied reasoning capabilities by efficiently exploring the physical environment and establishing the environmental context memory, thereby effectively grounding the task planning process in time-varying environment contexts. In ExRAP, given multiple continual instruction following tasks, each instruction is decomposed into queries on the environmental context memory and task executions conditioned on the query results. To efficiently handle these multiple tasks that are performed continuously and simultaneously, we implement an exploration-integrated task planning scheme by incorporating the information-based exploration into the LLM-based planning process. Combined with memory-augmented query evaluation, this integrated scheme not only allows for a better balance between the validity of the environmental context memory and the load of environment exploration, but also improves overall task performance. Furthermore, we devise a temporal consistency refinement scheme for query evaluation to address the inherent decay of knowledge in the memory. Through experiments with VirtualHome, ALFRED, and CARLA, our approach demonstrates robustness against a variety of embodied instruction following scenarios involving different instruction scales and types, and non-stationarity degrees, and it consistently outperforms other state-of-the-art LLM-based task planning approaches in terms of both goal success rate and execution efficiency.
The Road Less Scheduled
Aaron Defazio · Xingyu Yang · Ahmed Khaled · Konstantin Mishchenko · Harsh Mehta · Ashok Cutkosky
Existing learning rate schedules that do not require specification of the optimization stopping step $T$ are greatly out-performed by learning rate schedules that depend on $T$. We propose an approach that avoids the need for this stopping time by eschewing the use of schedules entirely, while exhibiting state-of-the-art performance compared to schedules across a wide family of problems ranging from convex problems to large-scale deep learning problems. Our Schedule-Free approach introduces no additional hyper-parameters over standard optimizers with momentum. Our method is a direct consequence of a new theory we develop that unifies scheduling and iterate averaging. An open source implementation of our method is available at Schedule-Free AdamW is the core algorithm behind our winning entry to the MLCommons 2024 AlgoPerf Algorithmic Efficiency Challenge Self-Tuning track.
Stochastic contextual bandits with graph feedback: from independence number to MAS number
Yuxiao Wen · Yanjun Han · Zhengyuan Zhou
We consider contextual bandits with graph feedback, a class of interactive learning problems with richer structures than vanilla contextual bandits, where taking an action reveals the rewards for all neighboring actions in the feedback graph under all contexts. Unlike the multi-armed bandits setting where a growing literature has painted a near-complete understanding of graph feedback, much remains unexplored in the contextual bandits counterpart. In this paper, we make inroads into this inquiry by establishing a regret lower bound $\Omega(\sqrt{\beta_M(G) T})$, where $M$ is the number of contexts, $G$ is the feedback graph, and $\beta_M(G)$ is our proposed graph-theoretic quantity that characterizes the fundamental learning limit for this class of problems. Interestingly, $\beta_M(G)$ interpolates between $\alpha(G)$ (the independence number of the graph) and $\mathsf{m}(G)$ (the maximum acyclic subgraph (MAS) number of the graph) as the number of contexts $M$ varies. We also provide algorithms that achieve near-optimal regret for important classes of context sequences and/or feedback graphs, such as transitively closed graphs that find applications in auctions and inventory control. In particular, with many contexts, our results show that the MAS number essentially characterizes the statistical complexity for contextual bandits, as opposed to the independence number in multi-armed bandits.
F-OAL: Forward-only Online Analytic Learning with Fast Training and Low Memory Footprint in Class Incremental Learning
HUIPING ZHUANG · Yuchen Liu · Run He · Kai Tong · Ziqian Zeng · Cen Chen · Yi Wang · Lap-Pui Chau
Online Class Incremental Learning (OCIL) aims to train models incrementally, where data arrive in mini-batches, and previous data are not accessible. A major challenge in OCIL is Catastrophic Forgetting, i.e., the loss of previously learned knowledge. Among existing baselines, replay-based methods show competitive results but requires extra memory for storing exemplars, while exemplar-free (i.e., data need not be stored for replay in production) methods are resource friendly but often lack accuracy. In this paper, we propose an exemplar-free approach—Forward-only Online Analytic Learning (F-OAL). Unlike traditional methods, F-OAL does not rely on back-propagation and is forward-only, significantly reducing memory usage and computational time. Cooperating with a pre-trained frozen encoder with Feature Fusion, F-OAL only needs to update a linear classifier by recursive least square. This approach simultaneously achieves high accuracy and low resource consumption. Extensive experiments on bench mark datasets demonstrate F-OAL’s robust performance in OCIL scenarios. Code is available at:
Learning diffusion at lightspeed
Antonio Terpin · Nicolas Lanzetti · Martín Gadea · Florian Dorfler
Diffusion regulates numerous natural processes and the dynamics of many successful generative models. Existing models to learn the diffusion terms from observational data rely on complex bilevel optimization problems and model only the drift of the system.We propose a new simple model, JKOnet, which bypasses the complexity of existing architectures while presenting significantly enhanced representational capabilities: JKOnet recovers the potential, interaction, and internal energy components of the underlying diffusion process. JKOnet* minimizes a simple quadratic loss and outperforms other baselines in terms of sample efficiency, computational complexity, and accuracy. Additionally, JKOnet* provides a closed-form optimal solution for linearly parametrized functionals, and, when applied to predict the evolution of cellular processes from real-world data, it achieves state-of-the-art accuracy at a fraction of the computational cost of all existing methods.Our methodology is based on the interpretation of diffusion processes as energy-minimizing trajectories in the probability space via the so-called JKO scheme, which we study via its first-order optimality conditions.
Derivatives of Stochastic Gradient Descent in parametric optimization
Franck Iutzeler · Edouard Pauwels · Samuel Vaiter
We consider stochastic optimization problems where the objective depends on some parameter, as commonly found in hyperparameter optimization for instance. We investigate the behavior of the derivatives of the iterates of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with respect to that parameter and show that they are driven by an inexact SGD recursion on a different objective function, perturbed by the convergence of the original SGD. This enables us to establish that the derivatives of SGD converge to the derivative of the solution mapping in terms of mean squared error whenever the objective is strongly convex. Specifically, we demonstrate that with constant step-sizes, these derivatives stabilize within a noise ball centered at the solution derivative, and that with vanishing step-sizes they exhibit $O(\log(k)^2 / k)$ convergence rates. Additionally, we prove exponential convergence in the interpolation regime. Our theoretical findings are illustrated by numerical experiments on synthetic tasks.
Functionally Constrained Algorithm Solves Convex Simple Bilevel Problem
Huaqing Zhang · Lesi Chen · Jing Xu · Jingzhao Zhang
This paper studies simple bilevel problems, where a convex upper-level function is minimized over the optimal solutions of a convex lower-level problem. We first show the fundamental difficulty of simple bilevel problems, that the approximate optimal value of such problems is not obtainable by first-order zero-respecting algorithms. Then we follow recent works to pursue the weak approximate solutions. For this goal, we propose a novel method by reformulating them into functionally constrained problems. Our method achieves near-optimal rates for both smooth and nonsmooth problems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first near-optimal algorithm that works under standard assumptions of smoothness or Lipschitz continuity for the objective functions.
Interpretable Lightweight Transformer via Unrolling of Learned Graph Smoothness Priors
VIET HO TAM THUC DO · Parham Eftekhar · Seyed Alireza Hosseini · Gene Cheung · Philip Chou
We build interpretable and lightweight transformer-like neural networks by unrolling iterative optimization algorithms that minimize graph smoothness priors---the quadratic graph Laplacian regularizer (GLR) and the $\ell_1$-norm graph total variation (GTV)---subject to an interpolation constraint. The crucial insight is that a normalized signal-dependent graph learning module amounts to a variant of the basic self-attention mechanism in conventional transformers. Unlike "black-box" transformers that require learning of large key, query and value matrices to compute scaled dot products as affinities and subsequent output embeddings, resulting in huge parameter sets, our unrolled networks employ shallow CNNs to learn low-dimensional features per node to establish pairwise Mahalanobis distances and construct sparse similarity graphs. At each layer, given a learned graph, the target interpolated signal is simply a low-pass filtered output derived from the minimization of an assumed graph smoothness prior, leading to a dramatic reduction in parameter count. Experiments for two image interpolation applications verify the restoration performance, parameter efficiency and robustness to covariate shift of our graph-based unrolled networks compared to conventional transformers.
Adaptive Proximal Gradient Method for Convex Optimization
Yura Malitsky · Konstantin Mishchenko
In this paper, we explore two fundamental first-order algorithms in convex optimization, namely, gradient descent (GD) and proximal gradient method (ProxGD). Our focus is on making these algorithms entirely adaptive by leveraging local curvature information of smooth functions. We propose adaptive versions of GD and ProxGD that are based on observed gradient differences and, thus, have no added computational costs. Moreover, we prove convergence of our methods assuming only local Lipschitzness of the gradient. In addition, the proposed versions allow for even larger stepsizes than those initially suggested in [MM20].
A Simple and Optimal Approach for Universal Online Learning with Gradient Variations
Yu-Hu Yan · Peng Zhao · Zhi-Hua Zhou
We investigate the problem of universal online learning with gradient-variation regret. Universal online learning aims to achieve regret guarantees without prior knowledge of the curvature of the online functions. Moreover, we study the problem-dependent gradient-variation regret as it plays a crucial role in bridging stochastic and adversarial optimization as well as game theory. In this work, we design a universal approach with the *optimal* gradient-variation regret simultaneously for strongly convex, exp-concave, and convex functions, thus addressing an open problem highlighted by [Yan et al. [2023]]( Our approach is *simple* since it is algorithmically efficient-to-implement with a two-layer online ensemble structure and only $1$ gradient query per round, and theoretically easy-to-analyze with a novel and alternative analysis to the gradient-variation regret. Concretely, previous works on gradient variations require controlling the algorithmic stability, which is challenging and leads to sub-optimal regret and less efficient algorithm design. Our analysis overcomes this issue by using a Bregman divergence negative term from linearization and a useful smoothness property.
Promoting Fairness Among Dynamic Agents in Online-Matching Markets under Known Stationary Arrival Distributions
Will Ma · Pan Xu
Online (bipartite) matching under known stationary arrivals is a fundamental model that has been studied extensively under the objective of maximizing the total number of customers served. We instead study the objective of *maximizing the minimum matching rate across all online types*, which is referred to as long-run (individual) fairness. For Online Matching under long-run Fairness (OM-LF) with a single offline agent, we show that the first-come-first-serve (FCFS) policy is $1$-competitive, i.e., matching any optimal clairvoyant. For the general case of OM-LF: We present a sampling algorithm (SAMP) and show that (1) SAMP is of competitiveness of at least $1-1/e$ and (2) it is asymptotically optimal with competitiveness approaches one in different regimes when either all offline agents have a sufficiently large matching capacity, or all online types have a sufficiently large arrival rate, or highly imbalance between the total offline matching capacity and the number of online arrivals. To complement the competitive results, we show the following hardness results for OM-LF: (1) Any non-rejecting policy (matching every arriving online agent if possible) is no more than $1/2$-competitive; (2) Any (randomized) policy is no more than $(\sqrt{3}-1)$-competitive; (3) SAMP can be no more than $(1-1/e)$-competitive suggesting the tightness of competitive analysis for SAMP. We stress that all hardness results mentioned here are independent of any benchmarks. We also consider a few extensions of OM-LF by proposing a few variants of fairness metrics, including long-run group-level fairness and short-run fairness, and we devise related algorithms with provable competitive performance.
A Combinatorial Algorithm for the Semi-Discrete Optimal Transport Problem
Pankaj Agarwal · Sharath Raghvendra · Pouyan Shirzadian · Keegan Yao
Optimal Transport (OT, also known as the Wasserstein distance) is a popular metric for comparing probability distributions and has been successfully used in many machine-learning applications.In the semi-discrete $2$-Wasserstein problem, we wish to compute the cheapest way to transport all the mass from a continuous distribution $\mu$ to a discrete distribution $\nu$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$ for $d\ge 1$, where the cost of transporting unit mass between points $a$ and $b$ is $d(a,b)=||a-b||^2$. When both distributions are discrete, a simple combinatorial framework has been used to find the exact solution (see e.g. [Orlin, STOC 1988]). In this paper, we propose a combinatorial framework for the semi-discrete OT, which can be viewed as an extension of the combinatorial framework for the discrete OT but requires several new ideas. We present a new algorithm that given $\mu$ and $\nu$ in $\mathbb{R}^2$ and a parameter $\varepsilon>0$, computes an $\varepsilon$-additive approximate semi-discrete transport plan in $O(n^{4}\log n\log \frac{1}{\varepsilon})$ time (in the worst case), where $n$ is the support-size of the discrete distribution $\nu$ and we assume that the mass of $\mu$ inside a triangle can be computed in $O(1)$ time. Our algorithm is significantly faster than the known algorithms, and unlike many numerical algorithms, it does not make any assumptions on the smoothness of $\mu$.As an application of our algorithm, we describe a data structure to store a large discrete distribution $\mu$ (with support size $N$) using $O(N)$ space so that, given a query discrete distribution $\nu$ (with support size $k$), an $\varepsilon$-additive approximate transport plan can be computed in $O(k^{3}\sqrt{N}\log \frac{1}{\varepsilon})$ time in $2$ dimensions. Our algorithm and data structure extend to higher dimensions as well as to $p$-Wasserstein problem for any $p \ge 1$.
Freya PAGE: First Optimal Time Complexity for Large-Scale Nonconvex Finite-Sum Optimization with Heterogeneous Asynchronous Computations
Alexander Tyurin · Kaja Gruntkowska · Peter Richtarik
In practical distributed systems, workers are typically not homogeneous, and due to differences in hardware configurations and network conditions, can have highly varying processing times. We consider smooth nonconvex finite-sum (empirical risk minimization) problems in this setup and introduce a new parallel method, Freya PAGE, designed to handle arbitrarily heterogeneous and asynchronous computations. By being robust to "stragglers" and adaptively ignoring slow computations, Freya PAGE offers significantly improved time complexity guarantees compared to all previous methods, including Asynchronous SGD, Rennala SGD, SPIDER, and PAGE, while requiring weaker assumptions. The algorithm relies on novel generic stochastic gradient collection strategies with theoretical guarantees that can be of interest on their own, and may be used in the design of future optimization methods. Furthermore, we establish a lower bound for smooth nonconvex finite-sum problems in the asynchronous setup, providing a fundamental time complexity limit. This lower bound is tight and demonstrates the optimality of Freya PAGE in the large-scale regime, i.e., when $\sqrt{m} \geq n,$ where $n$ is \# of workers, and $m$ is \# of data samples.
Leveraging partial stragglers within gradient coding
Aditya RAMAMOORTHY · Ruoyu Meng · Vrinda Girimaji
Within distributed learning, workers typically compute gradients on their assigned dataset chunks and send them to the parameter server (PS), which aggregates them to compute either an exact or approximate version of $\nabla L$ (gradient of the loss function $L$). However, in large-scale clusters, many workers are slower than their promised speed or even failure-prone. A gradient coding solution introduces redundancy within the assignment of chunks to the workers and uses coding theoretic ideas to allow the PS to recover $\nabla L$ (exactly or approximately), even in the presence of stragglers. Unfortunately, most existing gradient coding protocols are inefficient from a computation perspective as they coarsely classify workers as operational or failed; the potentially valuable work performed by slow workers (partial stragglers) is ignored. In this work, we present novel gradient coding protocols that judiciously leverage the work performed by partial stragglers. Our protocols are efficient from a computation and communication perspective and numerically stable. For an important class of chunk assignments, we present efficient algorithms for optimizing the relative ordering of chunks within the workers; this ordering affects the overall execution time. For exact gradient reconstruction, our protocol is around $2\times$ faster than the original class of protocols and for approximate gradient reconstruction, the mean-squared-error of our reconstructed gradient is several orders of magnitude better.
LSH-MoE: Communication-efficient MoE Training via Locality-Sensitive Hashing
Xiaonan Nie · Liu Qibin · Fangcheng Fu · Shenhan Zhu · Xupeng Miao · Xiaoyang Li · Yang Zhang · Shouda Liu · Bin CUI
Larger transformer models perform better on various downstream tasks but require more cost to scale up the model size. To efficiently enlarge models, the Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) architecture is widely adopted, which consists of a gate network and a series of experts and keep the training cost constant by routing the input data to a fixed number of experts instead of all.In existing large-scale MoE training systems, experts would be distributed among different GPUs for parallelization, and thus input data requires additional all-to-all communication to access the target expert and conduct corresponding computation. However, upon evaluating the training process of three mainstream MoE models on commonly used GPU clusters, we found that the all-to-all communication ratio averaged around 45\%, which significantly hinders the training efficiency and scalability of MoE models.In this paper, we propose LSH-MoE, a communication-efficient MoE training framework using locality-sensitive hashing (LSH). We first present the problems of scaling MoE training in existing systems and highlight the potential of exploiting token similarity to facilitate data compression.Then, we introduce an efficient LSH-based compression technique, which utilizes the cross-polytope hashing for rapid clustering and implements a residual-based error compensation scheme to alleviate the adverse impact of compression. To verify the effectiveness of our methods, we conduct experiments on both language models (e.g., RoBERTa, GPT, and T5) and vision models (e.g., Swin) for both pre-training and fine-tuning tasks. The results demonstrate that our method substantially outperforms its counterparts across different tasks by 1.28-2.2$\times$ of speedup.
SpaFL: Communication-Efficient Federated Learning With Sparse Models And Low Computational Overhead
Minsu Kim · Walid Saad · Merouane DEBBAH · Choong Hong
The large communication and computation overhead of federated learning (FL) is one of the main challenges facing its practical deployment over resource-constrained clients and systems. In this work, SpaFL: a communication-efficient FL framework is proposed to optimize sparse model structures with low computational overhead. In SpaFL, a trainable threshold is defined for each filter/neuron to prune its all connected parameters, thereby leading to structured sparsity. To optimize the pruning process itself, only thresholds are communicated between a server and clients instead of parameters, thereby learning how to prune. Further, global thresholds are used to update model parameters by extracting aggregated parameter importance. The generalization bound of SpaFL is also derived, thereby proving key insights on the relation between sparsity and performance. Experimental results show that SpaFL improves accuracy while requiring much less communication and computing resources compared to sparse baselines. The code is available at
Thinking Forward: Memory-Efficient Federated Finetuning of Language Models
Kunjal Panchal · Nisarg Parikh · Sunav Choudhary · Lijun Zhang · Yuriy Brun · Hui Guan
Finetuning large language models (LLMs) in federated learning (FL) settings has become increasingly important as it allows resource-constrained devices to finetune a model using private data. However, finetuning LLMs using backpropagation requires excessive memory (especially from intermediate activations) for resource-constrained devices. While Forward-mode Auto-Differentiation (AD) can significantly reduce memory footprint from activations, we observe that directly applying it to LLM finetuning results in slow convergence and poor accuracy. In this paper, we introduce Spry, an FL algorithm that splits trainable weights of an LLM among participating clients, such that each client computes gradients using forward-mode AD that are closer estimations of the true gradients. Spry achieves a low memory footprint, high accuracy, and fast convergence. We formally prove that the global gradients in Spry are unbiased estimators of true global gradients for homogeneous data distributions across clients, while heterogeneity increases bias of the estimates. We also derive Spry's convergence rate, showing that the gradients decrease inversely proportional to the number of FL rounds, indicating the convergence up to the limits of heterogeneity. Empirically, Spry reduces the memory footprint during training by 1.4-7.1$\times$ in contrast to backpropagation, while reaching comparable accuracy, across a wide range of language tasks, models, and FL settings. Spry reduces the convergence time by 1.2-20.3$\times$ and achieves 5.2-13.5\% higher accuracy against state-of-the-art zero-order methods. When finetuning Llama2-7B with LoRA, compared to the peak memory consumption of 33.9GB of backpropagation, Spry only consumes 6.2GB of peak memory. For OPT13B, the reduction is from 76.5GB to 10.8GB. Spry makes feasible previously impossible FL deployments on commodity mobile and edge devices. Our source code is available for replication at
The Collusion of Memory and Nonlinearity in Stochastic Approximation With Constant Stepsize
Dongyan Lucy Huo · Yixuan Zhang · Yudong Chen · Qiaomin Xie
In this work, we investigate stochastic approximation (SA) with Markovian data and nonlinear updates under constant stepsize $\alpha>0$. Existing work has primarily focused on either i.i.d. data or linear update rules. We take a new perspective and carefully examine the simultaneous presence of Markovian dependency of data and nonlinear update rules, delineating how the interplay between these two structures leads to complications that are not captured by prior techniques. By leveraging the smoothness and recurrence properties of the SA updates, we develop a fine-grained analysis of the correlation between the SA iterates $\theta_k$ and Markovian data $x_k$. This enables us to overcome the obstacles in existing analysis and establish for the first time the weak convergence of the joint process $(x_k, \theta_k)$. Furthermore, we present a precise characterization of the asymptotic bias of the SA iterates, given by $\mathbb{E}[\theta_\infty]-\theta^\ast=\alpha(b_\textup{m}+b_\textup{n}+b_\textup{c})+\mathcal{O}(\alpha^{3/2})$. Here, $b_\textup{m}$ is associated with the Markovian noise, $b_\textup{n}$ is tied to the nonlinearity of the SA operator, and notably, $b_\textup{c}$ represents a multiplicative interaction between the Markovian noise and the nonlinearity of the operator, which is absent in previous works. As a by-product of our analysis, we derive finite-time bounds on higher moment $\mathbb{E}[||\theta_k-\theta^\ast||^{2p}]$ and present non-asymptotic geometric convergence rates for the iterates, along with a Central Limit Theorem.
Addressing Bias in Online Selection with Limited Budget of Comparisons
Ziyad Benomar · Evgenii Chzhen · Nicolas Schreuder · Vianney Perchet
Consider a hiring process with candidates coming from different universities. It is easy to order candidates with the same background, yet it can be challenging to compare them otherwise. The latter case requires additional costly assessments, leading to a potentially high total cost for the hiring organization. Given an assigned budget, what would be an optimal strategy to select the most qualified candidate?We model the above problem as a multicolor secretary problem, allowing comparisons between candidates from distinct groups at a fixed cost. Our study explores how the allocated budget enhances the success probability of online selection algorithms.
Bayesian Nonparametrics Meets Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Optimization
Nicola Bariletto · Nhat Ho
Training machine learning and statistical models often involves optimizing a data-driven risk criterion. The risk is usually computed with respect to the empirical data distribution, but this may result in poor and unstable out-of-sample performance due to distributional uncertainty. In the spirit of distributionally robust optimization, we propose a novel robust criterion by combining insights from Bayesian nonparametric (i.e., Dirichlet process) theory and a recent decision-theoretic model of smooth ambiguity-averse preferences. First, we highlight novel connections with standard regularized empirical risk minimization techniques, among which Ridge and LASSO regressions. Then, we theoretically demonstrate the existence of favorable finite-sample and asymptotic statistical guarantees on the performance of the robust optimization procedure. For practical implementation, we propose and study tractable approximations of the criterion based on well-known Dirichlet process representations. We also show that the smoothness of the criterion naturally leads to standard gradient-based numerical optimization. Finally, we provide insights into the workings of our method by applying it to a variety of tasks based on simulated and real datasets.
Remove that Square Root: A New Efficient Scale-Invariant Version of AdaGrad
Sayantan Choudhury · Nazarii Tupitsa · Nicolas Loizou · Samuel Horváth · Martin Takac · Eduard Gorbunov
Adaptive methods are extremely popular in machine learning as they make learning rate tuning less expensive. This paper introduces a novel optimization algorithm named KATE, which presents a scale-invariant adaptation of the well-known AdaGrad algorithm. We prove the scale-invariance of KATE for the case of Generalized Linear Models. Moreover, for general smooth non-convex problems, we establish a convergence rate of $O((\log T)/\sqrt{T})$ for KATE, matching the best-known ones for AdaGrad and Adam. We also compare KATE to other state-of-the-art adaptive algorithms Adam and AdaGrad in numerical experiments with different problems, including complex machine learning tasks like image classification and text classification on real data. The results indicate that KATE consistently outperforms AdaGrad and matches/surpasses the performance of Adam in all considered scenarios.
The Star Geometry of Critic-Based Regularizer Learning
Oscar Leong · Eliza O'Reilly · Yong Sheng Soh
Variational regularization is a classical technique to solve statistical inference tasks and inverse problems, with modern data-driven approaches parameterizing regularizers via deep neural networks showcasing impressive empirical performance. Recent works along these lines learn task-dependent regularizers. This is done by integrating information about the measurements and ground-truth data in an unsupervised, critic-based loss function, where the regularizer attributes low values to likely data and high values to unlikely data. However, there is little theory about the structure of regularizers learned via this process and how it relates to the two data distributions. To make progress on this challenge, we initiate a study of optimizing critic-based loss functions to learn regularizers over a particular family of regularizers: gauges (or Minkowski functionals) of star-shaped bodies. This family contains regularizers that are commonly employed in practice and shares properties with regularizers parameterized by deep neural networks. We specifically investigate critic-based losses derived from variational representations of statistical distances between probability measures. By leveraging tools from star geometry and dual Brunn-Minkowski theory, we illustrate how these losses can be interpreted as dual mixed volumes that depend on the data distribution. This allows us to derive exact expressions for the optimal regularizer in certain cases. Finally, we identify which neural network architectures give rise to such star body gauges and when do such regularizers have favorable properties for optimization. More broadly, this work highlights how the tools of star geometry can aid in understanding the geometry of unsupervised regularizer learning.
Learning to Handle Complex Constraints for Vehicle Routing Problems
Jieyi Bi · Yining Ma · Jianan Zhou · Wen Song · Zhiguang Cao · Yaoxin Wu · Jie Zhang
Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs) can model many real-world scenarios and often involve complex constraints. While recent neural methods excel in constructing solutions based on feasibility masking, they struggle with handling complex constraints, especially when obtaining the masking itself is NP-hard. In this paper, we propose a novel Proactive Infeasibility Prevention (PIP) framework to advance the capabilities of neural methods towards more complex VRPs. Our PIP integrates the Lagrangian multiplier as a basis to enhance constraint awareness and introduces preventative infeasibility masking to proactively steer the solution construction process. Moreover, we present PIP-D, which employs an auxiliary decoder and two adaptive strategies to learn and predict these tailored masks, potentially enhancing performance while significantly reducing computational costs during training. To verify our PIP designs, we conduct extensive experiments on the highly challenging Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Window (TSPTW), and TSP with Draft Limit (TSPDL) variants under different constraint hardness levels. Notably, our PIP is generic to boost many neural methods, and exhibits both a significant reduction in infeasible rate and a substantial improvement in solution quality.
Rethinking the Capacity of Graph Neural Networks for Branching Strategy
Ziang Chen · Jialin Liu · Xiaohan Chen · Wang · Wotao Yin
Graph neural networks (GNNs) have been widely used to predict properties and heuristics of mixed-integer linear programs (MILPs) and hence accelerate MILP solvers. This paper investigates the capacity of GNNs to represent strong branching (SB), the most effective yet computationally expensive heuristic employed in the branch-and-bound algorithm. In the literature, message-passing GNN (MP-GNN), as the simplest GNN structure, is frequently used as a fast approximation of SB and we find that not all MILPs's SB can be represented with MP-GNN. We precisely define a class of "MP-tractable" MILPs for which MP-GNNs can accurately approximate SB scores. Particularly, we establish a universal approximation theorem: for any data distribution over the MP-tractable class, there always exists an MP-GNN that can approximate the SB score with arbitrarily high accuracy and arbitrarily high probability, which lays a theoretical foundation of the existing works on imitating SB with MP-GNN. For MILPs without the MP-tractability, unfortunately, a similar result is impossible, which can be illustrated by two MILP instances with different SB scores that cannot be distinguished by any MP-GNN, regardless of the number of parameters. Recognizing this, we explore another GNN structure called the second-order folklore GNN (2-FGNN) that overcomes this limitation, and the aforementioned universal approximation theorem can be extended to the entire MILP space using 2-FGNN, regardless of the MP-tractability. A small-scale numerical experiment is conducted to directly validate our theoretical findings.
IPM-LSTM: A Learning-Based Interior Point Method for Solving Nonlinear Programs
Xi Gao · Jinxin Xiong · Akang Wang · qihong duan · Jiang Xue · Qingjiang Shi
Solving constrained nonlinear programs (NLPs) is of great importance in various domains such as power systems, robotics, and wireless communication networks. One widely used approach for addressing NLPs is the interior point method (IPM). The most computationally expensive procedure in IPMs is to solve systems of linear equations via matrix factorization. Recently, machine learning techniques have been adopted to expedite classic optimization algorithms. In this work, we propose using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks to approximate the solution of linear systems and integrate this approximating step into an IPM. The resulting approximate NLP solution is then utilized to warm-start an interior point solver. Experiments on various types of NLPs, including Quadratic Programs and Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programs, show that our approach can significantly accelerate NLP solving, reducing iterations by up to 60% and solution time by up to 70% compared to the default solver.
pFedClub: Controllable Heterogeneous Model Aggregation for Personalized Federated Learning
Jiaqi Wang · Qi Li · Lingjuan Lyu · Fenglong Ma
Federated learning, a pioneering paradigm, enables collaborative model training without exposing users’ data to central servers. Most existing federated learning systems necessitate uniform model structures across all clients, restricting their practicality. Several methods have emerged to aggregate diverse client models; however, they either lack the ability of personalization, raise privacy and security concerns, need prior knowledge, or ignore the capability and functionality of personalized models. In this paper, we present an innovative approach, named pFedClub, which addresses these challenges. pFedClub introduces personalized federated learning through the substitution of controllable neural network blocks/layers. Initially, pFedClub dissects heterogeneous client models into blocks and organizes them into functional groups on the server. Utilizing the designed CMSR (Controllable Model Searching and Reproduction) algorithm, pFedClub generates a range of personalized candidate models for each client. A model matching technique is then applied to select the optimal personalized model, serving as a teacher model to guide each client’s training process. We conducted extensive experiments across three datasets, examining both IID and non-IID settings. The results demonstrate that pFedClub outperforms baseline approaches, achieving state-of-the-art performance. Moreover, our model insight analysis reveals that pFedClub generates personalized models of reasonable size in a controllable manner, significantly reducing computational costs.
Near-Optimal Distributed Minimax Optimization under the Second-Order Similarity
Qihao Zhou · Haishan Ye · Luo Luo
This paper considers the distributed convex-concave minimax optimization under the second-order similarity.We propose stochastic variance-reduced optimistic gradient sliding (SVOGS) method, which takes the advantage of the finite-sum structure in the objective by involving the mini-batch client sampling and variance reduction.We prove SVOGS can achieve the $\varepsilon$-duality gap within communication rounds of ${\mathcal O}(\delta D^2/\varepsilon)$, communication complexity of ${\mathcal O}(n+\sqrt{n}\delta D^2/\varepsilon)$,and local gradient calls of $\tilde{\mathcal O}(n+(\sqrt{n}\delta+L)D^2/\varepsilon\log(1/\varepsilon))$, where $n$ is the number of nodes, $\delta$ is the degree of the second-order similarity, $L$ is the smoothness parameter and $D$ is the diameter of the constraint set.We can verify that all of above complexity (nearly) matches the corresponding lower bounds.For the specific $\mu$-strongly-convex-$\mu$-strongly-convex case, our algorithm has the upper bounds on communication rounds, communication complexity, and local gradient calls of $\mathcal O(\delta/\mu\log(1/\varepsilon))$, ${\mathcal O}((n+\sqrt{n}\delta/\mu)\log(1/\varepsilon))$, and $\tilde{\mathcal O}(n+(\sqrt{n}\delta+L)/\mu)\log(1/\varepsilon))$ respectively, which are also nearly tight.Furthermore, we conduct the numerical experiments to show the empirical advantages of proposed method.
Semi-Random Matrix Completion via Flow-Based Adaptive Reweighting
Jonathan Kelner · Jerry Li · Allen Liu · Aaron Sidford · Kevin Tian
We consider the well-studied problem of completing a rank-$r$, $\mu$-incoherent matrix $\mathbf{M} \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$ from incomplete observations. We focus on this problem in the semi-random setting where each entry is independently revealed with probability at least $p = \frac{\textup{poly}(r, \mu, \log d)}{d}$. Whereas multiple nearly-linear time algorithms have been established in the more specialized fully-random setting where each entry is revealed with probablity exactly $p$, the only known nearly-linear time algorithm in the semi-random setting is due to [CG18], whose sample complexity has a polynomial dependence on the inverse accuracy and condition number and thus cannot achieve high-accuracy recovery. Our main result is the first high-accuracy nearly-linear time algorithm for solving semi-random matrix completion, and an extension to the noisy observation setting.Our result builds upon the recent short-flat decomposition framework of [KLLST23a, KLLST23b] and leverages fast algorithms for flow problems on graphs to solve adaptive reweighting subproblems efficiently.
Guided Trajectory Generation with Diffusion Models for Offline Model-based Optimization
Taeyoung Yun · Sujin Yun · Jaewoo Lee · Jinkyoo Park
Optimizing complex and high-dimensional black-box functions is ubiquitous in science and engineering fields. Unfortunately, the online evaluation of these functions is restricted due to time and safety constraints in most cases. In offline model-based optimization (MBO), we aim to find a design that maximizes the target function using only a pre-existing offline dataset. While prior methods consider forward or inverse approaches to address the problem, these approaches are limited by conservatism and the difficulty of learning highly multi-modal mappings. Recently, there has been an emerging paradigm of learning to improve solutions with synthetic trajectories constructed from the offline dataset. In this paper, we introduce a novel conditional generative modeling approach to produce trajectories toward high-scoring regions. First, we construct synthetic trajectories toward high-scoring regions using the dataset while injecting locality bias for consistent improvement directions. Then, we train a conditional diffusion model to generate trajectories conditioned on their scores. Lastly, we sample multiple trajectories from the trained model with guidance to explore high-scoring regions beyond the dataset and select high-fidelity designs among generated trajectories with the proxy function. Extensive experiment results demonstrate that our method outperforms competitive baselines on Design-Bench and its practical variants. The code is publicly available in \url{}.
Multi-Stage Predict+Optimize for (Mixed Integer) Linear Programs
Xinyi HU · Jasper Lee · Jimmy Lee · Peter Stuckey
The recently-proposed framework of Predict+Optimize tackles optimization problems with parameters that are unknown at solving time, in a supervised learning setting. Prior frameworks consider only the scenario where all unknown parameters are (eventually) revealed simultaneously. In this work, we propose Multi-Stage Predict+Optimize, a novel extension catering to applications where unknown parameters are revealed in sequential stages, with optimization decisions made in between. We further develop three training algorithms for neural networks (NNs) for our framework as proof of concept, both of which handle all mixed integer linear programs. The first baseline algorithm is a natural extension of prior work, training a single NN which makes a single prediction of unknown parameters. The second and third algorithms instead leverage the possibility of updating parameter predictions between stages, and trains one NN per stage. To handle the interdependency between the neural networks, we adopt sequential and parallelized versions of coordinate descent for training. Experimentation on three benchmarks demonstrates the superior learning performance of our methods over classical approaches.
No Free Lunch Theorem and Black-Box Complexity Analysis for Adversarial Optimisation
Per Kristian Lehre · Shishen Lin
Black-box optimisation is one of the important areas in optimisation. The original No Free Lunch (NFL) theorems highlight the limitations of traditional black-box optimisation and learning algorithms, serving as a theoretical foundation for traditional optimisation. No Free Lunch Analysis in adversarial (also called maximin) optimisation is a long-standing problem [45 , 46]. This paper first rigorously proves a (NFL) Theorem for general black-box adversarial optimisation when considering Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium (NE) as the solution concept. We emphasise the solution concept (i.e. define the optimality in adversarial optimisation) as the key in our NFL theorem. In particular, if Nash Equilibrium is considered as the solution concept and the cost of the algorithm is measured in terms of the number of columns and rows queried in the payoff matrix, then the average performance of all black-box adversarial optimisation algorithms is the same. Moreover, we first introduce black-box complexity to analyse the black-box adversarial optimisation algorithm. We employ Yao’s Principle and our new NFL Theorem to provide general lower bounds for the query complexity of finding a Nash Equilibrium in adversarial optimisation. Finally, we illustrate the practical ramifications of our results on simple two-player zero-sum games. More specifically, no black-box optimisation algorithm for finding the unique Nash equilibrium in two-player zero-sum games can exceed logarithmic complexity relative to search space size. Meanwhile, no black-box algorithm can solve any bimatrix game with unique NE with fewer than a linear number of queries in the size of the payoff matrix.
Inversion-based Latent Bayesian Optimization
Jaewon Chu · Jinyoung Park · Seunghun Lee · Hyunwoo Kim
Latent Bayesian optimization (LBO) approaches have successfully adopted Bayesian optimization over a continuous latent space by employing an encoder-decoder architecture to address the challenge of optimization in a high dimensional or discrete input space. LBO learns a surrogate model to approximate the black-box objective function in the latent space. However, we observed that most LBO methods suffer from the `misalignment problem', which is induced by the reconstruction error of the encoder-decoder architecture. It hinders learning an accurate surrogate model and generating high-quality solutions. In addition, several trust region-based LBO methods select the anchor, the center of the trust region, based solely on the objective function value without considering the trust region's potential to enhance the optimization process. To address these issues, we propose $\textbf{Inv}$ersion-based Latent $\textbf{B}$ayesian $\textbf{O}$ptimization (InvBO), a plug-and-play module for LBO. InvBO consists of two components: an inversion method and a potential-aware trust region anchor selection. The inversion method searches the latent code that completely reconstructs the given target data. The potential-aware trust region anchor selection considers the potential capability of the trust region for better local optimization. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of InvBO on nine real-world benchmarks, such as molecule design and arithmetic expression fitting tasks. Code is available at
No-Regret Bandit Exploration based on Soft Tree Ensemble Model
Shogo Iwazaki · Shinya Suzumura
We propose a novel stochastic bandit algorithm that employs reward estimates using a tree ensemble model. Specifically, our focus is on a soft tree model, a variant of the conventional decision tree that has undergone both practical and theoretical scrutiny in recent years. By deriving several non-trivial properties of soft trees, we extend the existing analytical techniques used for neural bandit algorithms to our soft tree-based algorithm. We demonstrate that our algorithm achieves a smaller cumulative regret compared to the existing ReLU-based neural bandit algorithms. We also show that this advantage comes with a trade-off: the hypothesis space of the soft tree ensemble model is more constrained than that of a ReLU-based neural network.
Private Algorithms for Stochastic Saddle Points and Variational Inequalities: Beyond Euclidean Geometry
Raef Bassily · Cristóbal Guzmán · Michael Menart
In this work, we conduct a systematic study of stochastic saddle point problems (SSP) and stochastic variational inequalities (SVI) under the constraint of $(\epsilon,\delta)$-differential privacy (DP) in both Euclidean and non-Euclidean setups. We first consider Lipschitz convex-concave SSPs in the $\ell_p/\ell_q$ setup, $p,q\in[1,2]$. That is, we consider the case where the primal problem has an $\ell_p$-setup (i.e., the primal parameter is constrained to an $\ell_p$ bounded domain and the loss is $\ell_p$-Lipschitz with respect to the primal parameter) and the dual problem has an $\ell_q$ setup. Here, we obtain a bound of $\tilde{O}\big(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} + \frac{\sqrt{d}}{n\epsilon}\big)$ on the strong SP-gap, where $n$ is the number of samples and $d$ is the dimension. This rate is nearly optimal for any $p,q\in[1,2]$. Without additional assumptions, such as smoothness or linearity requirements, prior work under DP has only obtained this rate when $p=q=2$ (i.e., only in the Euclidean setup). Further, existing algorithms have each only been shown to work for specific settings of $p$ and $q$ and under certain assumptions on the loss and the feasible set, whereas we provide a general algorithm for DP SSPs whenever $p,q\in[1,2]$. Our result is obtained via a novel analysis of the recursive regularization algorithm. In particular, we develop new tools for analyzing generalization, which may be of independent interest. Next, we turn our attention towards SVIs with a monotone, bounded and Lipschitz operator and consider $\ell_p$-setups, $p\in[1,2]$. Here, we provide the first analysis which obtains a bound on the strong VI-gap of $\tilde{O}\big(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} + \frac{\sqrt{d}}{n\epsilon}\big)$. For $p-1=\Omega(1)$, this rate is near optimal due to existing lower bounds. To obtain this result, we develop a modified version of recursive regularization. Our analysis builds on the techniques we develop for SSPs as well as employing additional novel components which handle difficulties arising from adapting the recursive regularization framework to SVIs.
Differentially Private Set Representations
Sarvar Patel · Giuseppe Persiano · Joon Young Seo · Kevin Yeo
We study the problem of differentially private (DP) mechanisms for representingsets of size $k$ from a large universe.Our first construction creates$(\epsilon,\delta)$-DP representations with error probability of $1/(e^\epsilon + 1)$ using space at most $1.05 k \epsilon \cdot \log(e)$ bits wherethe time to construct a representation is $O(k \log(1/\delta))$ while decoding time is $O(\log(1/\delta))$.We also present a second algorithm for pure $\epsilon$-DP representations with the same error using space at most $k \epsilon \cdot \log(e)$ bits, but requiring large decoding times.Our algorithms match the lower bounds on privacy-utility trade-offs (including constants but ignoring $\delta$ factors) and we also present a new space lower boundmatching our constructions up to small constant factors.To obtain our results, we design a new approach embedding sets into random linear systemsdeviating from most prior approaches that inject noise into non-private solutions.
Unified Mechanism-Specific Amplification by Subsampling and Group Privacy Amplification
Jan Schuchardt · Mihail Stoian · Arthur Kosmala · Stephan Günnemann
Amplification by subsampling is one of the main primitives in machine learning with differential privacy (DP): Training a model on random batches instead of complete datasets results in stronger privacy. This is traditionally formalized via mechanism-agnostic subsampling guarantees that express the privacy parameters of a subsampled mechanism as a function of the original mechanism's privacy parameters. We propose the first general framework for deriving mechanism-specific guarantees, which leverage additional information beyond these parameters to more tightly characterize the subsampled mechanism's privacy. Such guarantees are of particular importance for privacy accounting, i.e., tracking privacy over multiple iterations. Overall, our framework based on conditional optimal transport lets us derive existing and novel guarantees for approximate DP, accounting with Renyi DP, and accounting with dominating pairs in a unified, principled manner. As an application, we analyze how subsampling affects the privacy of groups of multiple users. Our tight mechanism-specific bounds outperform tight mechanism-agnostic bounds and classic group privacy results.
Dual Critic Reinforcement Learning under Partial Observability
Jinqiu Li · Enmin Zhao · Tong Wei · Junliang Xing · SHIMING XIANG
Partial observability in environments poses significant challenges that impede the formation of effective policies in reinforcement learning. Prior research has shown that borrowing the complete state information can enhance sample efficiency. This strategy, however, frequently encounters unstable learning with high variance in practical applications due to the over-reliance on complete information. This paper introduces DCRL, a Dual Critic Reinforcement Learning framework designed to adaptively harness full-state information during training to reduce variance for optimized online performance. In particular, DCRL incorporates two distinct critics: an oracle critic with access to complete state information and a standard critic functioning within the partially observable context. It innovates a synergistic strategy to meld the strengths of the oracle critic for efficiency improvement and the standard critic for variance reduction, featuring a novel mechanism for seamless transition and weighting between them. We theoretically prove that DCRL mitigates the learning variance while maintaining unbiasedness. Extensive experimental analyses across the Box2D and Box3D environments have verified DCRL's superior performance. The source code is available in the supplementary.
Real-Time Recurrent Learning using Trace Units in Reinforcement Learning
Esraa Elelimy · Adam White · Michael Bowling · Martha White
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are used to learn representations in partially observable environments. For agents that learn online and continually interact with the environment, it is desirable to train RNNs with real-time recurrent learning (RTRL); unfortunately, RTRL is prohibitively expensive for standard RNNs. A promising direction is to use linear recurrent architectures (LRUs), where dense recurrent weights are replaced with a complex-valued diagonal, making RTRL efficient. In this work, we build on these insights to provide a lightweight but effective approach for training RNNs in online RL. We introduce Recurrent Trace Units (RTUs), a small modification on LRUs that we nonetheless find to have significant performance benefits over LRUs when trained with RTRL. We find RTUs significantly outperform GRUs and Transformers across several partially observable environments while using significantly less computation.
Distributional Preference Alignment of LLMs via Optimal Transport
Igor Melnyk · Youssef Mroueh · Brian Belgodere · Mattia Rigotti · Apoorva Nitsure · Mikhail Yurochkin · Kristjan Greenewald · Jiri Navratil · Jarret Ross
Current LLM alignment techniques use pairwise human preferences at a sample level, and as such, they do not imply an alignment on the distributional level. We propose in this paper Alignment via Optimal Transport (AOT), a novel method for distributional preference alignment of LLMs. AOT aligns LLMs on unpaired preference data by making the reward distribution of the positive samples stochastically dominant in the first order on the distribution of negative samples. We introduce a convex relaxation of this first-order stochastic dominance and cast it as an optimal transport problem with a smooth and convex cost. Thanks to the one-dimensional nature of the resulting optimal transport problem and the convexity of the cost, it has a closed-form solution via sorting on empirical measures. We fine-tune LLMs with this AOT objective, which enables alignment by penalizing the violation of the stochastic dominance of the reward distribution of the positive samples on the reward distribution of the negative samples. We analyze the sample complexity of AOT by considering the dual of the OT problem and show that it converges at the parametric rate. Empirically, we show on a diverse set of alignment datasets and LLMs that AOT leads to state-of-the-art models in the 7B family of models when evaluated with Open LLM Benchmarks and AlpacaEval. Code for $\mathsf{AOT}$ is available in the Hugging Face TRL library \url{}.
A Simulation Benchmark for Autonomous Racing with Large-Scale Human Data
Adrian Remonda · Nicklas Hansen · Ayoub Raji · Nicola Musiu · Marko Bertogna · Eduardo Veas · Xiaolong Wang
Despite the availability of international prize-money competitions, scaled vehicles, and simulation environments, research on autonomous racing and the control of sports cars operating close to the limit of handling has been limited by the high costs of vehicle acquisition and management, as well as the limited physics accuracy of open-source simulators. In this paper, we propose a racing simulation platform based on the simulator Assetto Corsa to test, validate, and benchmark autonomous driving algorithms, including reinforcement learning (RL) and classical Model Predictive Control (MPC), in realistic and challenging scenarios. Our contributions include the development of this simulation platform, several state-of-the-art algorithms tailored to the racing environment, and a comprehensive dataset collected from human drivers. Additionally, we evaluate algorithms in the offline RL setting. All the necessary code (including environment and benchmarks), working examples, and datasets are publicly released and can be found at:
Asynchronous Perception Machine for Efficient Test Time Training
Rajat Modi · Yogesh Rawat
In this work, we propose Asynchronous Perception Machine (APM), a computationally-efficient architecture for test-time-training (TTT). APM can process patches of an image one at a time in any order asymmetrically and still encode semantic-awareness in the net. We demonstrate APM's ability to recognize out-of-distribution images without dataset-specific pre-training, augmentation or any-pretext task. APM offers competitive performance over existing TTT approaches. To perform TTT, APM just distills test sample's representation once. APM possesses a unique property: it can learn using just this single representation and starts predicting semantically-aware features.APM demostrates potential applications beyond test-time-training: APM can scale up to a dataset of 2D images and yield semantic-clusterings in a single forward pass. APM also provides first empirical evidence towards validating GLOM's insight, i.e. input percept is a field. Therefore, APM helps us converge towards an implementation which can do both interpolation and perception on a shared-connectionist hardware. Our code is publicly available at now appears that some of the ideas in GLOM could be made to work. = Geoff's Latest Original Model..-""""""-. .' './ O O \| O | \ '------' / '. .' '-....-'Silent men in deep-contemplation.Silent men emerges only sometimes.Silent men love all.Silent men practice slow science.
Entropy-regularized Diffusion Policy with Q-Ensembles for Offline Reinforcement Learning
Ruoqi Zhang · Ziwei Luo · Jens Sjölund · Thomas Schön · Per Mattsson
Diffusion policy has shown a strong ability to express complex action distributions in offline reinforcement learning (RL). However, it suffers from overestimating Q-value functions on out-of-distribution (OOD) data points due to the offline dataset limitation. To address it, this paper proposes a novel entropy-regularized diffusion policy and takes into account the confidence of the Q-value prediction with Q-ensembles. At the core of our diffusion policy is a mean-reverting stochastic differential equation (SDE) that transfers the action distribution into a standard Gaussian form and then samples actions conditioned on the environment state with a corresponding reverse-time process. We show that the entropy of such a policy is tractable and that can be used to increase the exploration of OOD samples in offline RL training. Moreover, we propose using the lower confidence bound of Q-ensembles for pessimistic Q-value function estimation. The proposed approach demonstrates state-of-the-art performance across a range of tasks in the D4RL benchmarks, significantly improving upon existing diffusion-based policies. The code is available at
Doubly Mild Generalization for Offline Reinforcement Learning
Yixiu Mao · Qi Wang · Yun Qu · Yuhang Jiang · Xiangyang Ji
Offline Reinforcement Learning (RL) suffers from the extrapolation error and value overestimation. From a generalization perspective, this issue can be attributed to the over-generalization of value functions or policies towards out-of-distribution (OOD) actions. Significant efforts have been devoted to mitigating such generalization, and recent in-sample learning approaches have further succeeded in entirely eschewing it. Nevertheless, we show that mild generalization beyond the dataset can be trusted and leveraged to improve performance under certain conditions. To appropriately exploit generalization in offline RL, we propose Doubly Mild Generalization (DMG), comprising (i) mild action generalization and (ii) mild generalization propagation. The former refers to selecting actions in a close neighborhood of the dataset to maximize the Q values. Even so, the potential erroneous generalization can still be propagated, accumulated, and exacerbated by bootstrapping. In light of this, the latter concept is introduced to mitigate the generalization propagation without impeding the propagation of RL learning signals. Theoretically, DMG guarantees better performance than the in-sample optimal policy in the oracle generalization scenario. Even under worst-case generalization, DMG can still control value overestimation at a certain level and lower bound the performance. Empirically, DMG achieves state-of-the-art performance across Gym-MuJoCo locomotion tasks and challenging AntMaze tasks. Moreover, benefiting from its flexibility in both generalization aspects, DMG enjoys a seamless transition from offline to online learning and attains strong online fine-tuning performance.
We propose a method of offline reinforcement learning (RL) featuring the performance guarantee without any assumptions on the data support. Under such conditions, estimating or optimizing the conventional performance metric is generally infeasible due to the distributional discrepancy between data and target policy distributions. To address this issue, we employ a worst-case policy value as a new metric and constructively show that the sample complexity bound of $O(\epsilon^{−2})$ is attainable without any data-support conditions, where $\epsilon>0$ is the policy suboptimality in the new metric. Moreover, as the new metric generalizes the conventional one, the algorithm can address standard offline RL tasks without modification. In this context, our sample complexity bound can be seen as a strict improvement on the previous bounds under the single-policy concentrability and the single-policy realizability.
BECAUSE: Bilinear Causal Representation for Generalizable Offline Model-based Reinforcement Learning
Haohong Lin · Wenhao Ding · Jian Chen · Laixi Shi · Jiacheng Zhu · Bo Li · DING ZHAO
Offline model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) enhances data efficiency by utilizing pre-collected datasets to learn models and policies, especially in scenarios where exploration is costly or infeasible. Nevertheless, its performance often suffers from the objective mismatch between model and policy learning, resulting in inferior performance despite accurate model predictions. This paper first identifies the primary source of this mismatch comes from the underlying confounders present in offline data for MBRL. Subsequently, we introduce BilinEar CAUSal rEpresentation (BECAUSE), an algorithm to capture causal representation for both states and actions to reduce the influence of the distribution shift, thus mitigating the objective mismatch problem. Comprehensive evaluations on 18 tasks that vary in data quality and environment context demonstrate the superior performance of BECAUSE over existing offline RL algorithms. We show the generalizability and robustness of BECAUSE under fewer samples or larger numbers of confounders. Additionally, we offer theoretical analysis of BECAUSE to prove its error bound and sample efficiency when integrating causal representation into offline MBRL. See more details in our project page:
Measuring Dejavu Memorization Efficiently
Narine Kokhlikyan · Bargav Jayaraman · Florian Bordes · Chuan Guo · Kamalika Chaudhuri
Recent research has shown that representation learning models may accidentally memorize their training data. For example, the déjà vu method shows that for certain representation learning models and training images, it is sometimes possible to correctly predict the foreground label given only the representation of he background – better than through dataset-level correlations. However, their measurement method requires training two models – one to estimate dataset-level correlations and the other to estimate memorization. This multiple model setup becomes infeasible for large open-source models. In this work, we propose alter native simple methods to estimate dataset-level correlations, and show that these can be used to approximate an off-the-shelf model’s memorization ability without any retraining. This enables, for the first time, the measurement of memorization in pre-trained open-source image representation and vision-language models. Our results show that different ways of measuring memorization yield very similar aggregate results. We also find that open-source models typically have lower aggregate memorization than similar models trained on a subset of the data. The code is available both for vision ( and vision language ( models.
Private Stochastic Convex Optimization with Heavy Tails: Near-Optimality from Simple Reductions
Hilal Asi · Daogao Liu · Kevin Tian
We study the problem of differentially private stochastic convex optimization (DP-SCO) with heavy-tailed gradients, where we assume a $k^{\text{th}}$-moment bound on the Lipschitz constants of sample functions, rather than a uniform bound. We propose a new reduction-based approach that enables us to obtain the first optimal rates (up to logarithmic factors) in the heavy-tailed setting, achieving error $G_2 \cdot \frac 1 {\sqrt n} + G_k \cdot (\frac{\sqrt d}{n\epsilon})^{1 - \frac 1 k}$ under $(\epsilon, \delta)$-approximate differential privacy, up to a mild $\textup{polylog}(\frac{1}{\delta})$ factor, where $G_2^2$ and $G_k^k$ are the $2^{\text{nd}}$ and $k^{\text{th}}$ moment bounds on sample Lipschitz constants, nearly-matching a lower bound of [LR23].We then give a suite of private algorithms for DP-SCO with heavy-tailed gradients improving our basic result under additional assumptions, including an optimal algorithm under a known-Lipschitz constant assumption, a near-linear time algorithm for smooth functions, and an optimal linear time algorithm for smooth generalized linear models.
The Surprising Ineffectiveness of Pre-Trained Visual Representations for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
Moritz Schneider · Robert Krug · Narunas Vaskevicius · Luigi Palmieri · Joschka Boedecker
Visual Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods often require extensive amounts of data. As opposed to model-free RL, model-based RL (MBRL) offers a potential solution with efficient data utilization through planning. Additionally, RL lacks generalization capabilities for real-world tasks. Prior work has shown that incorporating pre-trained visual representations (PVRs) enhances sample efficiency and generalization. While PVRs have been extensively studied in the context of model-free RL, their potential in MBRL remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we benchmark a set of PVRs on challenging control tasks in a model-based RL setting. We investigate the data efficiency, generalization capabilities, and the impact of different properties of PVRs on the performance of model-based agents. Our results, perhaps surprisingly, reveal that for MBRL current PVRs are not more sample efficient than learning representations from scratch, and that they do not generalize better to out-of-distribution (OOD) settings. To explain this, we analyze the quality of the trained dynamics model. Furthermore, we show that data diversity and network architecture are the most important contributors to OOD generalization performance.
Generalizing Consistency Policy to Visual RL with Prioritized Proximal Experience Regularization
Haoran Li · Zhennan Jiang · YUHUI CHEN · Dongbin Zhao
With high-dimensional state spaces, visual reinforcement learning (RL) faces significant challenges in exploitation and exploration, resulting in low sample efficiency and training stability. As a time-efficient diffusion model, although consistency models have been validated in online state-based RL, it is still an open question whether it can be extended to visual RL. In this paper, we investigate the impact of non-stationary distribution and the actor-critic framework on consistency policy in online RL, and find that consistency policy was unstable during the training, especially in visual RL with the high-dimensional state space. To this end, we suggest sample-based entropy regularization to stabilize the policy training, and propose a consistency policy with prioritized proximal experience regularization (CP3ER) to improve sample efficiency. CP3ER achieves new state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in 21 tasks across DeepMind control suite and Meta-world. To our knowledge, CP3ER is the first method to apply diffusion/consistency models to visual RL and demonstrates the potential of consistency models in visual RL.
Time-Constrained Robust MDPs
Adil Zouitine · David Bertoin · Pierre Clavier · Matthieu Geist · Emmanuel Rachelson
Robust reinforcement learning is essential for deploying reinforcement learning algorithms in real-world scenarios where environmental uncertainty predominates.Traditional robust reinforcement learning often depends on rectangularity assumptions, where adverse probability measures of outcome states are assumed to be independent across different states and actions. This assumption, rarely fulfilled in practice, leads to overly conservative policies. To address this problem, we introduce a new time-constrained robust MDP (TC-RMDP) formulation that considers multifactorial, correlated, and time-dependent disturbances, thus more accurately reflecting real-world dynamics. This formulation goes beyond the conventional rectangularity paradigm, offering new perspectives and expanding the analytical framework for robust RL.We propose three distinct algorithms, each using varying levels of environmental information, and evaluate them extensively on continuous control benchmarks. Our results demonstrate that these algorithms yield an efficient tradeoff between performance and robustness, outperforming traditional deep robust RL methods in time-constrained environments while preserving robustness in classical benchmarks.This study revisits the prevailing assumptions in robust RL and opens new avenues for developing more practical and realistic RL applications.
No Representation, No Trust: Connecting Representation, Collapse, and Trust Issues in PPO
Skander Moalla · Andrea Miele · Daniil Pyatko · Razvan Pascanu · Caglar Gulcehre
Reinforcement learning (RL) is inherently rife with non-stationarity since the states and rewards the agent observes during training depend on its changing policy.Therefore, networks in deep RL must be capable of adapting to new observations and fitting new targets.However, previous works have observed that networks trained under non-stationarity exhibit an inability to continue learning, termed loss of plasticity, and eventually a collapse in performance.For off-policy deep value-based RL methods, this phenomenon has been correlated with a decrease in representation rank and the ability to fit random targets, termed capacity loss.Although this correlation has generally been attributed to neural network learning under non-stationarity, the connection to representation dynamics has not been carefully studied in on-policy policy optimization methods.In this work, we empirically study representation dynamics in Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) on the Atari and MuJoCo environments, revealing that PPO agents are also affected by feature rank deterioration and capacity loss.We show that this is aggravated by stronger non-stationarity, ultimately driving the actor's performance to collapse, regardless of the performance of the critic.We ask why the trust region, specific to methods like PPO, cannot alleviate or prevent the collapse and find a connection between representation collapse and the degradation of the trust region, one exacerbating the other.Finally, we present Proximal Feature Optimization (PFO), a novel auxiliary loss that, along with other interventions, shows that regularizing the representation dynamics mitigates the performance collapse of PPO agents.Code and run histories are available at
Mitigating Partial Observability in Sequential Decision Processes via the Lambda Discrepancy
Cameron Allen · Aaron Kirtland · Ruo Yu Tao · Sam Lobel · Daniel Scott · Nicholas Petrocelli · Omer Gottesman · Ronald Parr · Michael Littman · George Konidaris
Reinforcement learning algorithms typically rely on the assumption that the environment dynamics and value function can be expressed in terms of a Markovian state representation. However, when state information is only partially observable, how can an agent learn such a state representation, and how can it detect when it has found one? We introduce a metric that can accomplish both objectives, without requiring access to---or knowledge of---an underlying, unobservable state space. Our metric, the λ-discrepancy, is the difference between two distinct temporal difference (TD) value estimates, each computed using TD(λ) with a different value of λ. Since TD(λ=0) makes an implicit Markov assumption and TD(λ=1) does not, a discrepancy between these estimates is a potential indicator of a non-Markovian state representation. Indeed, we prove that the λ-discrepancy is exactly zero for all Markov decision processes and almost always non-zero for a broad class of partially observable environments. We also demonstrate empirically that, once detected, minimizing the λ-discrepancy can help with learning a memory function to mitigate the corresponding partial observability. We then train a reinforcement learning agent that simultaneously constructs two recurrent value networks with different λ parameters and minimizes the difference between them as an auxiliary loss. The approach scales to challenging partially observable domains, where the resulting agent frequently performs significantly better (and never performs worse) than a baseline recurrent agent with only a single value network.
Decision Mamba: A Multi-Grained State Space Model with Self-Evolution Regularization for Offline RL
Qi Lv · Xiang Deng · Gongwei Chen · MICHAEL YU WANG · Liqiang Nie
While the conditional sequence modeling with the transformer architecture has demonstrated its effectiveness in dealing with offline reinforcement learning (RL) tasks, it is struggle to handle out-of-distribution states and actions.Existing work attempts to address this issue by data augmentation with the learned policy or adding extra constraints with the value-based RL algorithm. However, these studies still fail to overcome the following challenges: (1) insufficiently utilizing the historical temporal information among inter-steps, (2) overlooking the local intra-step relationships among return-to-gos (RTGs), states, and actions, (3) overfitting suboptimal trajectories with noisy labels. To address these challenges, we propose $\textbf{D}$ecision $\textbf{M}$amba ($\textbf{DM}$), a novel multi-grained state space model (SSM) with a self-evolving policy learning strategy.DM explicitly models the historical hidden state to extract the temporal information by using the mamba architecture. To capture the relationship among RTG-state-action triplets, a fine-grained SSM module is designed and integrated into the original coarse-grained SSM in mamba, resulting in a novel mamba architecture tailored for offline RL. Finally, to mitigate the overfitting issue on noisy trajectories, a self-evolving policy is proposed by using progressive regularization. The policy evolves by using its own past knowledge to refine the suboptimal actions, thus enhancing its robustness on noisy demonstrations. Extensive experiments on various tasks show that DM outperforms other baselines substantially.
Disentangled Unsupervised Skill Discovery for Efficient Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
Jiaheng Hu · Zizhao Wang · Peter Stone · Roberto Martín-Martín
A hallmark of intelligent agents is the ability to learn reusable skills purely from unsupervised interaction with the environment. However, existing unsupervised skill discovery methods often learn entangled skills where one skill variable simultaneously influences many entities in the environment, making downstream skill chaining extremely challenging. We propose Disentangled Unsupervised Skill Discovery (DUSDi), a method for learning disentangled skills that can be efficiently reused to solve downstream tasks. DUSDi decomposes skills into disentangled components, where each skill component only affects one factor of the state space. Importantly, these skill components can be concurrently composed to generate low-level actions, and efficiently chained to tackle downstream tasks through hierarchical Reinforcement Learning. DUSDi defines a novel mutual-information-based objective to enforce disentanglement between the influences of different skill components, and utilizes value factorization to optimize this objective efficiently. Evaluated in a set of challenging environments, DUSDi successfully learns disentangled skills, and significantly outperforms previous skill discovery methods when it comes to applying the learned skills to solve downstream tasks.
Autoregressive Policy Optimization for Constrained Allocation Tasks
David Winkel · Niklas Strauß · Maximilian Bernhard · Zongyue Li · Thomas Seidl · Matthias Schubert
Allocation tasks represent a class of problems where a limited amount of resources must be allocated to a set of entities at each time step. Prominent examples of this task include portfolio optimization or distributing computational workloads across servers.Allocation tasks are typically bound by linear constraints describing practical requirements that have to be strictly fulfilled at all times. In portfolio optimization, for example, investors may be obligated to allocate less than 30\% of the funds into a certain industrial sector in any investment period. Such constraints restrict the action space of allowed allocations in intricate ways, which makes learning a policy that avoids constraint violations difficult.In this paper, we propose a new method for constrained allocation tasks based on an autoregressive process to sequentially sample allocations for each entity. In addition, we introduce a novel de-biasing mechanism to counter the initial bias caused by sequential sampling. We demonstrate the superior performance of our approach compared to a variety of Constrained Reinforcement Learning (CRL) methods on three distinct constrained allocation tasks: portfolio optimization, computational workload distribution, and a synthetic allocation benchmark. Our code is available at:
No Regrets: Investigating and Improving Regret Approximations for Curriculum Discovery
Alexander Rutherford · Michael Beukman · Timon Willi · Bruno Lacerda · Nick Hawes · Jakob Foerster
What data or environments to use for training to improve downstream performance is a longstanding and very topical question in reinforcement learning. In particular, Unsupervised Environment Design (UED) methods have gained recent attention as their adaptive curricula promise to enable agents to be robust to in- and out-of-distribution tasks.This work investigates how existing UED methods select training environments, focusing on task prioritisation metrics.Surprisingly, despite methods aiming to maximise regret in theory, the practical approximations do not correlate with regret but with success rate.As a result, a significant portion of an agent's experience comes from environments it has already mastered, offering little to no contribution toward enhancing its abilities. Put differently, current methods fail to predict intuitive measures of learnability. Specifically, they are unable to consistently identify those scenarios that the agent can sometimes solve, but not always.Based on our analysis, we develop a method that directly trains on scenarios with high learnability. This simple and intuitive approach outperforms existing UED methods in several binary-outcome environments, including the standard domain of Minigrid and a novel setting closely inspired by a real-world robotics problem. We further introduce a new adversarial evaluation procedure for directly measuring robustness, closely mirroring the conditional value at risk (CVaR).We open-source all our code and present visualisations of final policies here:
Diffusion-Reward Adversarial Imitation Learning
Chun-Mao Lai · Hsiang-Chun Wang · Ping-Chun Hsieh · Frank Wang · Min-Hung Chen · Shao-Hua Sun
Imitation learning aims to learn a policy from observing expert demonstrations without access to reward signals from environments. Generative adversarial imitation learning (GAIL) formulates imitation learning as adversarial learning, employing a generator policy learning to imitate expert behaviors and discriminator learning to distinguish the expert demonstrations from agent trajectories. Despite its encouraging results, GAIL training is often brittle and unstable. Inspired by the recent dominance of diffusion models in generative modeling, we propose Diffusion-Reward Adversarial Imitation Learning (DRAIL), which integrates a diffusion model into GAIL, aiming to yield more robust and smoother rewards for policy learning. Specifically, we propose a diffusion discriminative classifier to construct an enhanced discriminator, and design diffusion rewards based on the classifier’s output for policy learning. Extensive experiments are conducted in navigation, manipulation, and locomotion, verifying DRAIL’s effectiveness compared to prior imitation learning methods. Moreover, additional experimental results demonstrate the generalizability and data efficiency of DRAIL. Visualized learned reward functions of GAIL and DRAIL suggest that DRAIL can produce more robust and smoother rewards. Project page:
Reinforcement Learning Under Latent Dynamics: Toward Statistical and Algorithmic Modularity
Philip Amortila · Dylan J Foster · Nan Jiang · Akshay Krishnamurthy · Zak Mhammedi
Real-world applications of reinforcement learning often involve environments where agents operate on complex, high-dimensional observations, but the underlying (``latent'') dynamics are comparatively simple. However, beyond restrictive settings such as tabular latent dynamics, the fundamental statistical requirements and algorithmic principles for reinforcement learning under latent dynamics are poorly understood. This paper addresses the question of reinforcement learning under general latent dynamics from a statistical and algorithmic perspective. On the statistical side, our main negativeresult shows that most well-studied settings for reinforcement learning with function approximation become intractable when composed with rich observations; we complement this with a positive result, identifying latent pushforward coverability as ageneral condition that enables statistical tractability. Algorithmically, we develop provably efficient observable-to-latent reductions ---that is, reductions that transform an arbitrary algorithm for the latent MDP into an algorithm that can operate on rich observations--- in two settings: one where the agent has access to hindsightobservations of the latent dynamics (Lee et al., 2023) and onewhere the agent can estimate self-predictive latent models (Schwarzer et al., 2020). Together, our results serve as a first step toward a unified statistical and algorithmic theory forreinforcement learning under latent dynamics.
Graph learning is naturally well suited for use in symbolic, object-centric planning due to its ability to exploit relational structures exhibited in planning domains and to take as input planning instances with arbitrary number of objects. Numeric planning is an extension of symbolic planning in which states may now also exhibit numeric variables. In this work, we propose data-efficient and interpretable machine learning models for learning to solve numeric planning tasks. This involves constructing a new graph kernel for graphs with both continuous and categorical attributes, as well as new optimisation methods for learning heuristic functions for numeric planning. Experiments show that our graph kernels are vastly more efficient and generalise better than graph neural networks for numeric planning, and also yield competitive coverage performance over domain-independent numeric planners.
Towards Effective Planning Strategies for Dynamic Opinion Networks
Bharath Muppasani · Protik Nag · Vignesh Narayanan · Biplav Srivastava · Michael Huhns
In this study, we investigate the under-explored intervention planning aimed at disseminating accurate information within dynamic opinion networks by leveraging learning strategies. Intervention planning involves identifying key nodes (search) and exerting control (e.g., disseminating accurate/official information through the nodes) to mitigate the influence of misinformation. However, as the network size increases, the problem becomes computationally intractable. To address this, we first introduce a ranking algorithm to identify key nodes for disseminating accurate information, which facilitates the training of neural network (NN) classifiers that provide generalized solutions for the search and planning problems. Second, we mitigate the complexity of label generation—which becomes challenging as the network grows—by developing a reinforcement learning (RL)-based centralized dynamic planning framework. We analyze these NN-based planners for opinion networks governed by two dynamic propagation models. Each model incorporates both binary and continuous opinion and trust representations. Our experimental results demonstrate that the ranking algorithm-based classifiers provide plans that enhance infection rate control, especially with increased action budgets for small networks. Further, we observe that the reward strategies focusing on key metrics, such as the number of susceptible nodes and infection rates, outperform those prioritizing faster blocking strategies. Additionally, our findings reveal that graph convolutional network (GCN)-based planners facilitate scalable centralized plans that achieve lower infection rates (higher control) across various network configurations (e.g., Watts-Strogatz topology, varying action budgets, varying initial infected nodes, and varying degree of infected nodes).
Measuring Mutual Policy Divergence for Multi-Agent Sequential Exploration
Haowen Dou · Lujuan Dang · Zhirong Luan · Badong Chen
Despite the success of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) algorithms in cooperative tasks, previous works, unfortunately, face challenges in heterogeneous scenarios since they simply disable parameter sharing for agent specialization. Sequential updating scheme was thus proposed, naturally diversifying agents by encouraging agents to learn from preceding ones. However, the exploration strategy in sequential scheme has not been investigated. Benefiting from updating one-by-one, agents have the access to the information from preceding agents. Thus, in this work, we propose to exploit the preceding information to enhance exploration and heterogeneity sequentially. We present Multi-Agent Divergence Policy Optimization (MADPO), equipped with mutual policy divergence maximization framework. We quantify the policy discrepancies between episodes to enhance exploration and between agents to heterogenize agents, termed intra-agent and inter-agent policy divergence. To address the issue that traditional divergence measurements lack stability and directionality, we propose to employ the conditional Cauchy-Schwarz divergence to provide entropy-guided exploration incentives. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art sequential updating approaches in two challenging multi-agent tasks with various heterogeneous scenarios. Source code is available at \url{}.
Reciprocal Reward Influence Encourages Cooperation From Self-Interested Agents
John L Zhou · Weizhe Hong · Jonathan Kao
Cooperation between self-interested individuals is a widespread phenomenon in the natural world, but remains elusive in interactions between artificially intelligent agents. Instead, naïve reinforcement learning algorithms typically converge to Pareto-dominated outcomes in even the simplest of social dilemmas. An emerging literature on opponent shaping has demonstrated the ability to reach prosocial outcomes by influencing the learning of other agents. However, such methods differentiate through the learning step of other agents or optimize for meta-game dynamics, which rely on privileged access to opponents' learning algorithms or exponential sample complexity, respectively. To provide a learning rule-agnostic and sample-efficient alternative, we introduce Reciprocators, reinforcement learning agents which are intrinsically motivated to reciprocate the influence of opponents' actions on their returns. This approach seeks to modify other agents' $Q$-values by increasing their return following beneficial actions (with respect to the Reciprocator) and decreasing it after detrimental actions, guiding them towards mutually beneficial actions without directly differentiating through a model of their policy. We show that Reciprocators can be used to promote cooperation in temporally extended social dilemmas during simultaneous learning. Our code is available at
MADiff: Offline Multi-agent Learning with Diffusion Models
Zhengbang Zhu · Minghuan Liu · Liyuan Mao · Bingyi Kang · Minkai Xu · Yong Yu · Stefano Ermon · Weinan Zhang
Offline reinforcement learning (RL) aims to learn policies from pre-existing datasets without further interactions, making it a challenging task. Q-learning algorithms struggle with extrapolation errors in offline settings, while supervised learning methods are constrained by model expressiveness. Recently, diffusion models (DMs) have shown promise in overcoming these limitations in single-agent learning, but their application in multi-agent scenarios remains unclear. Generating trajectories for each agent with independent DMs may impede coordination, while concatenating all agents’ information can lead to low sample efficiency. Accordingly, we propose MADiff, which is realized with an attention-based diffusion model to model the complex coordination among behaviors of multiple agents. To our knowledge, MADiff is the first diffusion-based multi-agent learning framework, functioning as both a decentralized policy and a centralized controller. During decentralized executions, MADiff simultaneously performs teammate modeling, and the centralized controller can also be applied in multi-agent trajectory predictions. Our experiments demonstrate that MADiff outperforms baseline algorithms across various multi-agent learning tasks, highlighting its effectiveness in modeling complex multi-agent interactions.
Integrating Suboptimal Human Knowledge with Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Large-Scale Multiagent Systems
Dingbang Liu · Shohei Kato · Wen Gu · Fenghui Ren · Jun Yan · Guoxin Su
Due to the exponential growth of agent interactions and the curse of dimensionality, learning efficient coordination from scratch is inherently challenging in large-scale multi-agent systems. While agents' learning is data-driven, sampling from millions of steps, human learning processes are quite different. Inspired by the concept of Human-on-the-Loop and the daily human hierarchical control, we propose a novel knowledge-guided multi-agent reinforcement learning framework (hhk-MARL), which combines human abstract knowledge with hierarchical reinforcement learning to address the learning difficulties among a large number of agents. In this work, fuzzy logic is applied to represent human suboptimal knowledge, and agents are allowed to freely decide how to leverage the proposed prior knowledge. Additionally, a graph-based group controller is built to enhance agent coordination. The proposed framework is end-to-end and compatible with various existing algorithms. We conduct experiments in challenging domains of the StarCraft Multi-agent Challenge combined with three famous algorithms: IQL, QMIX, and Qatten. The results show that our approach can greatly accelerate the training process and improve the final performance, even based on low-performance human prior knowledge.
Opponent Modeling based on Subgoal Inference
XiaoPeng Yu · Jiechuan Jiang · Zongqing Lu
When an agent is in a multi-agent environment, it may face previously unseen opponents, and it is a challenge to cooperate with other agents to accomplish the task together or to maximize its own rewards. Most opponent modeling methods deal with the non-stationarity caused by unknown opponent policies via predicting the opponent’s actions. However, focusing on the opponent’s action is shortsighted, which also constrains the adaptability to unknown opponents in complex tasks. In this paper, we propose opponent modeling based on subgoal inference, which infers the opponent’s subgoals through historical trajectories. As subgoals are likely to be shared by different opponent policies, predicting subgoals can yield better generalization to unknown opponents. Additionally, we design two subgoal selection modes for cooperative games and general-sum games respectively. Empirically, we show that our method achieves more effective adaptation than existing methods in a variety of tasks.
DiffPO: A causal diffusion model for learning distributions of potential outcomes
Yuchen Ma · Valentyn Melnychuk · Jonas Schweisthal · Stefan Feuerriegel
Predicting potential outcomes of interventions from observational data is crucial for decision-making in medicine, but the task is challenging due to the fundamental problem of causal inference. Existing methods are largely limited to point estimates of potential outcomes with no uncertain quantification; thus, the full information about the distributions of potential outcomes is typically ignored. In this paper, we propose a novel causal diffusion model called DiffPO, which is carefully designed for reliable inferences in medicine by learning the distribution of potential outcomes. In our DiffPO, we leverage a tailored conditional denoising diffusion model to learn complex distributions, where we address the selection bias through a novel orthogonal diffusion loss. Another strength of our DiffPO method is that it is highly flexible (e.g., it can also be used to estimate different causal quantities such as CATE). Across a wide range of experiments, we show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance.
SustainDC: Benchmarking for Sustainable Data Center Control
Avisek Naug · Antonio Guillen-Perez · Ricardo Luna Gutierrez · Vineet Gundecha · Cullen Bash · Sahand Ghorbanpour · Sajad Mousavi · Ashwin Ramesh Babu · Dejan Markovikj · Lekhapriya Dheeraj Kashyap · Desik Rengarajan · Soumyendu Sarkar
Machine learning has driven an exponential increase in computational demand, leading to massive data centers that consume significant amounts of energy and contribute to climate change. This makes sustainable data center control a priority. In this paper, we introduce SustainDC, a set of Python environments for benchmarking multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) algorithms for data centers (DC). SustainDC supports custom DC configurations and tasks such as workload scheduling, cooling optimization, and auxiliary battery management, with multiple agents managing these operations while accounting for the effects of each other. We evaluate various MARL algorithms on SustainDC, showing their performance across diverse DC designs, locations, weather conditions, grid carbon intensity, and workload requirements. Our results highlight significant opportunities for improvement of data center operations using MARL algorithms. Given the increasing use of DC due to AI, SustainDC provides a crucial platform for the development and benchmarking of advanced algorithms essential for achieving sustainable computing and addressing other heterogeneous real-world challenges.
ZSC-Eval: An Evaluation Toolkit and Benchmark for Multi-agent Zero-shot Coordination
Xihuai Wang · Shao Zhang · Wenhao Zhang · Wentao Dong · Jingxiao Chen · Ying Wen · Weinan Zhang
Zero-shot coordination (ZSC) is a new cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) challenge that aims to train an ego agent to work with diverse, unseen partners during deployment. The significant difference between the deployment-time partners' distribution and the training partners' distribution determined by the training algorithm makes ZSC a unique out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization challenge. The potential distribution gap between evaluation and deployment-time partners leads to inadequate evaluation, which is exacerbated by the lack of appropriate evaluation metrics. In this paper, we present ZSC-Eval, the first evaluation toolkit and benchmark for ZSC algorithms. ZSC-Eval consists of: 1) Generation of evaluation partner candidates through behavior-preferring rewards to approximate deployment-time partners' distribution; 2) Selection of evaluation partners by Best-Response Diversity (BR-Div); 3) Measurement of generalization performance with various evaluation partners via the Best-Response Proximity (BR-Prox) metric. We use ZSC-Eval to benchmark ZSC algorithms in Overcooked and Google Research Football environments and get novel empirical findings. We also conduct a human experiment of current ZSC algorithms to verify the ZSC-Eval's consistency with human evaluation. ZSC-Eval is now available at
BenchMARL: Benchmarking Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Matteo Bettini · Amanda Prorok · Vincent MOENS
The field of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) is currently facing a reproducibility crisis. While solutions for standardized reporting have been proposed to address the issue, we still lack a benchmarking tool that enables standardization and reproducibility, while leveraging cutting-edge Reinforcement Learning (RL) implementations. In this paper, we introduce BenchMARL, the first MARL training library created to enable standardized benchmarking across different algorithms, models, and environments. BenchMARL uses TorchRL as its backend, granting it high-performance and maintained state-of-the-art implementations while addressing the broad community of MARL PyTorch users. Its design enables systematic configuration and reporting, thus allowing users to create and run complex benchmarks from simple one-line inputs. BenchMARL is open-sourced on GitHub at
SPO: Sequential Monte Carlo Policy Optimisation
Matthew Macfarlane · Edan Toledo · Donal Byrne · Paul Duckworth · Alexandre Laterre
Leveraging planning during learning and decision-making is central to the long-term development of intelligent agents. Recent works have successfully combined tree-based search methods and self-play learning mechanisms to this end. However, these methods typically face scaling challenges due to the sequential nature of their search. While practical engineering solutions can partly overcome this, they often result in a negative impact on performance. In this paper, we introduce SPO: Sequential Monte Carlo Policy Optimisation, a model-based reinforcement learning algorithm grounded within the Expectation Maximisation (EM) framework. We show that SPO provides robust policy improvement and efficient scaling properties. The sample-based search makes it directly applicable to both discrete and continuous action spaces without modifications. We demonstrate statistically significant improvements in performance relative to model-free and model-based baselines across both continuous and discrete environments. Furthermore, the parallel nature of SPO’s search enables effective utilisation of hardware accelerators, yielding favourable scaling laws.
Toward Self-Improvement of LLMs via Imagination, Searching, and Criticizing
Ye Tian · Baolin Peng · Linfeng Song · Lifeng Jin · Dian Yu · Lei Han · Haitao Mi · Dong Yu
Despite the impressive capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) on various tasks, they still struggle with scenarios that involves complex reasoning and planning. Self-correction and self-learning emerge as viable solutions, employing strategies that allow LLMs to refine their outputs and learn from self-assessed rewards. Yet, the efficacy of LLMs in self-refining its response, particularly in complex reasoning and planning task, remains dubious. In this paper, we introduce AlphaLLM for the self-improvements of LLMs, which integrates Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) with LLMs to establish a self-improving loop, thereby enhancing the capabilities of LLMs without additional annotations. Drawing inspiration from the success of AlphaGo, AlphaLLM addresses the unique challenges of combining MCTS with LLM for self-improvement, including data scarcity, the vastness search spaces of language tasks, and the subjective nature of feedback in language tasks. AlphaLLM is comprised of prompt synthesis component, an efficient MCTS approach tailored for language tasks, and a trio of critic models for precise feedback. Our experimental results in mathematical reasoning tasks demonstrate that AlphaLLM significantly enhances the performance of LLMs without additional annotations, showing the potential for self-improvement in LLMs.
Latent Plan Transformer for Trajectory Abstraction: Planning as Latent Space Inference
Deqian Kong · Dehong Xu · Minglu Zhao · Bo Pang · Jianwen Xie · Andrew Lizarraga · Yuhao Huang · Sirui Xie · Ying Nian Wu
In tasks aiming for long-term returns, planning becomes essential. We study generative modeling for planning with datasets repurposed from offline reinforcement learning. Specifically, we identify temporal consistency in the absence of step-wise rewards as one key technical challenge. We introduce the Latent Plan Transformer (LPT), a novel model that leverages a latent variable to connect a Transformer- based trajectory generator and the final return. LPT can be learned with maximum likelihood estimation on trajectory-return pairs. In learning, posterior sampling of the latent variable naturally integrates sub-trajectories to form a consistent abstrac- tion despite the finite context. At test time, the latent variable is inferred from an expected return before policy execution, realizing the idea of planning as inference. Our experiments demonstrate that LPT can discover improved decisions from sub- optimal trajectories, achieving competitive performance across several benchmarks, including Gym-Mujoco, Franka Kitchen, Maze2D, and Connect Four. It exhibits capabilities in nuanced credit assignments, trajectory stitching, and adaptation to environmental contingencies. These results validate that latent variable inference can be a strong alternative to step-wise reward prompting.
On the Complexity of Teaching a Family of Linear Behavior Cloning Learners
Shubham Bharti · Stephen Wright · Adish Singla · Jerry Zhu
We study optimal teaching for a family of Behavior Cloning learners that learn using a linear hypothesis class. In this setup, a knowledgeable teacher can demonstrate a dataset of state and action tuples and is required to teach an optimal policy to an entire family of BC learners using the smallest possible dataset. We analyze the linear family and design a novel teaching algorithm called `TIE' that achieves the instance optimal Teaching Dimension for the entire family. However, we show that this problem is NP-hard for action spaces with $|\mathcal{A}| > 2$ and provide an efficient approximation algorithm with a $\log(|\mathcal{A}| - 1)$ guarantee on the optimal teaching size. We present empirical results to demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm and compare it to various baselines in different teaching environments.
The Importance of Online Data: Understanding Preference Fine-tuning via Coverage
Yuda Song · Gokul Swamy · Aarti Singh · J. Bagnell · Wen Sun
Learning from human preference data has emerged as the dominant paradigm for fine-tuning large language models (LLMs). The two most common families of techniques -- online reinforcement learning (RL) such as Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) and offline contrastive methods such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) -- were positioned as equivalent in prior work due to the fact that both have to start from the same offline preference dataset. To further expand our theoretical understanding of the similarities and differences between online and offline techniques for preference fine-tuning, we conduct a rigorous analysis through the lens of dataset coverage, a concept that captures how the training data covers the test distribution and is widely used in RL. We prove that a global coverage condition is both necessary and sufficient for offline contrastive methods to converge to the optimal policy, but a weaker partial coverage condition suffices for online RL methods. This separation provides one explanation of why online RL methods can perform better than offline methods, especially when the offline preference data is not diverse enough. Finally, motivated by our preceding theoretical observations, we derive a hybrid preference optimization (HyPO) algorithm that uses offline data for contrastive-based preference optimization and online unlabeled data for KL regularization. Theoretically and empirically, we demonstrate that HyPO is more performant than its pure offline counterpart DPO, while still preserving its computation and memory efficiency.
RA-PbRL: Provably Efficient Risk-Aware Preference-Based Reinforcement Learning
Yujie Zhao · Jose Aguilar Escamilla · Weyl Lu · Huazheng Wang
Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) has recently surged in popularity, particularly for aligning large language models and other AI systems with human intentions. At its core, RLHF can be viewed as a specialized instance of Preference-based Reinforcement Learning (PbRL), where the preferences specifically originate from human judgments rather than arbitrary evaluators. Despite this connection, most existing approaches in both RLHF and PbRL primarily focus on optimizing a mean reward objective, neglecting scenarios that necessitate risk-awareness, such as AI safety, healthcare, and autonomous driving. These scenarios often operate under a one-episode-reward setting, which makes conventional risk-sensitive objectives inapplicable. To address this, we explore and prove the applicability of two risk-aware objectives to PbRL : nested and static quantile risk objectives. We also introduce Risk-AwarePbRL (RA-PbRL), an algorithm designed to optimize both nested and static objectives. Additionally, we provide a theoretical analysis of the regret upper bounds, demonstrating that they are sublinear with respect to the number of episodes, and present empirical results to support our findings. Our code is available in
Robot Policy Learning with Temporal Optimal Transport Reward
Yuwei Fu · Haichao Zhang · Di Wu · Wei Xu · Benoit Boulet
Reward specification is one of the most tricky problems in Reinforcement Learning, which usually requires tedious hand engineering in practice. One promising approach to tackle this challenge is to adopt existing expert video demonstrations for policy learning. Some recent work investigates how to learn robot policies from only a single/few expert video demonstrations. For example, reward labeling via Optimal Transport (OT) has been shown to be an effective strategy to generate a proxy reward by measuring the alignment between the robot trajectory and the expert demonstrations. However, previous work mostly overlooks that the OT reward is invariant to temporal order information, which could bring extra noise to the reward signal. To address this issue, in this paper, we introduce the Temporal Optimal Transport (TemporalOT) reward to incorporate temporal order information for learning a more accurate OT-based proxy reward. Extensive experiments on the Meta-world benchmark tasks validate the efficacy of the proposed method. Our code is available at:
LLM-based Skill Diffusion for Zero-shot Policy Adaptation
Woo Kyung Kim · Youngseok Lee · Jooyoung Kim · Honguk Woo
Recent advances in data-driven imitation learning and offline reinforcement learning have highlighted the use of expert data for skill acquisition and the development of hierarchical policies based on these skills. However, these approaches have not significantly advanced in adapting these skills to unseen contexts, which may involve changing environmental conditions or different user requirements. In this paper, we present a novel LLM-based policy adaptation framework LDuS which leverages an LLM to guide the generation process of a skill diffusion model upon contexts specified in language, facilitating zero-shot skill-based policy adaptation to different contexts. To implement the skill diffusion model, we adapt the loss-guided diffusion with a sequential in-painting technique, where target trajectories are conditioned by masking them with past state-action sequences, thereby enabling the robust and controlled generation of skill trajectories in test-time. To have a loss function for a given context, we employ the LLM-based code generation with iterative refinement, by which the code and controlled trajectory are validated to align with the context in a closed-loop manner. Through experiments, we demonstrate the zero-shot adaptability of LDuS to various context types including different specification levels, multi-modality, and varied temporal conditions for several robotic manipulation tasks, outperforming other language-conditioned imitation and planning methods.
Stepwise Alignment for Constrained Language Model Policy Optimization
Akifumi Wachi · Thien Tran · Rei Sato · Takumi Tanabe · Youhei Akimoto
Safety and trustworthiness are indispensable requirements for real-world applications of AI systems using large language models (LLMs). This paper formulates human value alignment as an optimization problem of the language model policy to maximize reward under a safety constraint, and then proposes an algorithm, Stepwise Alignment for Constrained Policy Optimization (SACPO). One key idea behind SACPO, supported by theory, is that the optimal policy incorporating reward and safety can be directly obtained from a reward-aligned policy. Building on this key idea, SACPO aligns LLMs step-wise with each metric while leveraging simple yet powerful alignment algorithms such as direct preference optimization (DPO). SACPO offers several advantages, including simplicity, stability, computational efficiency, and flexibility of algorithms and datasets. Under mild assumptions, our theoretical analysis provides the upper bounds on optimality and safety constraint violation. Our experimental results show that SACPO can fine-tune Alpaca-7B better than the state-of-the-art method in terms of both helpfulness and harmlessness.
Regularized Conditional Diffusion Model for Multi-Task Preference Alignment
Xudong Yu · Chenjia Bai · Haoran He · Changhong Wang · Xuelong Li
Sequential decision-making can be formulated as a conditional generation process, with targets for alignment with human intents and versatility across various tasks. Previous return-conditioned diffusion models manifest comparable performance but rely on well-defined reward functions, which requires amounts of human efforts and faces challenges in multi-task settings. Preferences serve as an alternative but recent work rarely considers preference learning given multiple tasks. To facilitate the alignment and versatility in multi-task preference learning, we adopt multi-task preferences as a unified framework. In this work, we propose to learn preference representations aligned with preference labels, which are then used as conditions to guide the conditional generation process of diffusion models. The traditional classifier-free guidance paradigm suffers from the inconsistency between the conditions and generated trajectories. We thus introduce an auxiliary regularization objective to maximize the mutual info
Beyond Optimism: Exploration With Partially Observable Rewards
Simone Parisi · Alireza Kazemipour · Michael Bowling
Exploration in reinforcement learning (RL) remains an open challenge.RL algorithms rely on observing rewards to train the agent, and if informative rewards are sparse the agent learns slowly or may not learn at all. To improve exploration and reward discovery, popular algorithms rely on optimism. But what if sometimes rewards are unobservable, e.g., situations of partial monitoring in bandits and the recent formalism of monitored Markov decision process? In this case, optimism can lead to suboptimal behavior that does not explore further to collapse uncertainty.With this paper, we present a novel exploration strategy that overcomes the limitations of existing methods and guarantees convergence to an optimal policy even when rewards are not always observable. We further propose a collection of tabular environments for benchmarking exploration in RL (with and without unobservable rewards) and show that our method outperforms existing ones.
Verified Safe Reinforcement Learning for Neural Network Dynamic Models
Junlin Wu · Huan Zhang · Yevgeniy Vorobeychik
Learning reliably safe autonomous control is one of the core problems in trustworthy autonomy. However, training a controller that can be formally verified to be safe remains a major challenge. We introduce a novel approach for learning verified safe control policies in nonlinear neural dynamical systems while maximizing overall performance. Our approach aims to achieve safety in the sense of finite-horizon reachability proofs, and is comprised of three key parts. The first is a novel curriculum learning scheme that iteratively increases the verified safe horizon. The second leverages the iterative nature of gradient-based learning to leverage incremental verification, reusing information from prior verification runs. Finally, we learn multiple verified initial-state-dependent controllers, an idea that is especially valuable for more complex domains where learning a single universal verified safe controller is extremely challenging. Our experiments on five safe control problems demonstrate that our trained controllers can achieve verified safety over horizons that are as much as an order of magnitude longer than state-of-the-art baselines, while maintaining high reward, as well as a perfect safety record over entire episodes. Our code is available at
Is Score Matching Suitable for Estimating Point Processes?
Haoqun Cao · Zizhuo Meng · Tianjun Ke · Feng Zhou
Score matching estimators for point processes have gained widespread attention in recent years because they do not require the calculation of intensity integrals, thereby effectively addressing the computational challenges in maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). Some existing works have proposed score matching estimators for point processes. However, this work demonstrates that the incompleteness of the estimators proposed in those works renders them applicable only to specific problems, and they fail for more general point processes. To address this issue, this work introduces the weighted score matching estimator to point processes. Theoretically, we prove the consistency of the estimator we propose. Experimental results indicate that our estimator accurately estimates model parameters on synthetic data and yields results consistent with MLE on real data. In contrast, existing score matching estimators fail to perform effectively. Codes are publicly available at \url{}.
Quantum algorithm for large-scale market equilibrium computation
Po-Wei Huang · Patrick Rebentrost
Classical algorithms for market equilibrium computation such as proportional response dynamics face scalability issues with Internet-based applications such as auctions, recommender systems, and fair division, despite having an almost linear runtime in terms of the product of buyers and goods. In this work, we provide the first quantum algorithm for market equilibrium computation with sub-linear performance. Our algorithm provides a polynomial runtime speedup in terms of the product of the number of buyers and goods while reaching the same optimization objective value as the classical algorithm. Numerical simulations of a system with 16384 buyers and goods support our theoretical results that our quantum algorithm provides a significant speedup.
Cross-Device Collaborative Test-Time Adaptation
Guohao Chen · Shuaicheng Niu · Deyu Chen · Shuhai Zhang · Changsheng Li · Yuanqing Li · Mingkui Tan
In this paper, we propose test-time Collaborative Lifelong Adaptation (CoLA), which is a general paradigm that can be incorporated with existing advanced TTA methods to boost the adaptation performance and efficiency in a multi-device collaborative manner. Specifically, we maintain and store a set of device-shared domain knowledge vectors, which accumulates the knowledge learned from all devices during their lifelong adaptation process. Based on this, CoLA conducts two collaboration strategies for devices with different computational resources and latency demands. 1) Knowledge reprogramming learning strategy jointly learns new domain-specific model parameters and a reweighting term to reprogram existing shared domain knowledge vectors, termed adaptation on principal agents. 2) Similarity-based knowledge aggregation strategy solely aggregates the knowledge stored in shared domain vectors according to domain similarities in an optimization-free manner, termed adaptation on follower agents. Experiments verify that CoLA is simple but effective, which boosts the efficiency of TTA and demonstrates remarkable superiority in collaborative, lifelong, and single-domain TTA scenarios, e.g., on follower agents, we enhance accuracy by over 30\% on ImageNet-C while maintaining nearly the same efficiency as standard inference. The source code is available at
Continuous Temporal Domain Generalization
Zekun CAI · Guangji Bai · Renhe Jiang · Xuan Song · Liang Zhao
Temporal Domain Generalization (TDG) addresses the challenge of training predictive models under temporally varying data distributions. Traditional TDG approaches typically focus on domain data collected at fixed, discrete time intervals, which limits their capability to capture the inherent dynamics within continuous-evolving and irregularly-observed temporal domains. To overcome this, this work formalizes the concept of Continuous Temporal Domain Generalization (CTDG), where domain data are derived from continuous times and are collected at arbitrary times. CTDG tackles critical challenges including: 1) Characterizing the continuous dynamics of both data and models, 2) Learning complex high-dimensional nonlinear dynamics, and 3) Optimizing and controlling the generalization across continuous temporal domains. To address them, we propose a Koopman operator-driven continuous temporal domain generalization (Koodos) framework. We formulate the problem within a continuous dynamic system and leverage the Koopman theory to learn the underlying dynamics; the framework is further enhanced with a comprehensive optimization strategy equipped with analysis and control driven by prior knowledge of the dynamics patterns. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach. The code can be found at:
Sketchy Moment Matching: Toward Fast and Provable Data Selection for Finetuning
Yijun Dong · Viet Hoang Phan · Xiang Pan · Qi Lei
We revisit data selection in a modern context of finetuning from a fundamental perspective. Extending the classical wisdom of variance minimization in low dimensions to high-dimensional finetuning, our generalization analysis unveils the importance of additionally reducing bias induced by low-rank approximation. Inspired by the variance-bias tradeoff in high dimensions from the theory, we introduce Sketchy Moment Matching (SkMM), a scalable data selection scheme with two stages. (i) First, the bias is controlled using gradient sketching that explores the finetuning parameter space for an informative low-dimensional subspace $\mathcal{S}$; (ii) then the variance is reduced over $\mathcal{S}$ via moment matching between the original and selected datasets. Theoretically, we show that gradient sketching is fast and provably accurate: selecting $n$ samples by reducing variance over $\mathcal{S}$ preserves the fast-rate generalization $O(\dim(\mathcal{S})/n)$, independent of the parameter dimension. Empirically, we concretize the variance-bias balance via synthetic experiments and demonstrate the effectiveness of SkMM for finetuning in real vision tasks.
Preference Learning of Latent Decision Utilities with a Human-like Model of Preferential Choice
Sebastiaan De Peuter · Shibei Zhu · Yujia Guo · Andrew Howes · Samuel Kaski
Preference learning methods make use of models of human choice in order to infer the latent utilities that underlie human behavior. However, accurate modeling of human choice behavior is challenging due to a range of context effects that arise from how humans contrast and evaluate options. Cognitive science has proposed several models that capture these intricacies but, due to their intractable nature, work on preference learning has, in practice, had to rely on tractable but simplified variants of the well-known Bradley-Terry model. In this paper, we take one state-of-the-art intractable cognitive model and propose a tractable surrogate that is suitable for deployment in preference learning. We then introduce a mechanism for fitting the surrogate to human data and extend it to account for data that cannot be explained by the original cognitive model. We demonstrate on large-scale human data that this model produces significantly better inferences on static and actively elicited data than existing Bradley-Terry variants. We further show in simulation that when using this model for preference learning, we can significantly improve utility in a range of real-world tasks.
Evidential Mixture Machines: Deciphering Multi-Label Correlations for Active Learning Sensitivity
Dayou Yu · Minghao Li · Weishi Shi · Qi Yu
Multi-label active learning is a crucial yet challenging area in contemporary machine learning, often complicated by a large and sparse label space. This challenge is further exacerbated in active learning scenarios where labeling resources are constrained. Drawing inspiration from existing mixture of Bernoulli models, which efficiently compress the label space into a more manageable weight coefficient space by learning correlated Bernoulli components, we propose a novel model called Evidential Mixture Machines (EMM). Our model leverages mixture components derived from unsupervised learning in the label space and improves prediction accuracy by predicting weight coefficients following the evidential learning paradigm. These coefficients are aggregated as proxy pseudo counts to enhance component offset predictions. The evidential learning approach provides an uncertainty-aware connection between input features and the predicted coefficients and components. Additionally, our method combines evidential uncertainty with predicted label embedding covariances for active sample selection, creating a richer, multi-source uncertainty metric beyond traditional uncertainty scores. Experiments on synthetic datasets show the effectiveness of evidential uncertainty prediction and EMM's capability to capture label correlations through predicted components. Further testing on real-world datasets demonstrates improved performance compared to existing multi-label active learning methods.
Clustering with Non-adaptive Subset Queries
Hadley Black · Euiwoong Lee · Arya Mazumdar · Barna Saha
Recovering the underlying clustering of a set $U$ of $n$ points by asking pair-wise same-cluster queries has garnered significant interest in the last decade. Given a query $S \subset U$, $|S|=2$, the oracle returns "yes" if the points are in the same cluster and "no" otherwise. We study a natural generalization of this problem to subset queries for $|S|>2$, where the oracle returns the number of clusters intersecting $S$. Our aim is to determine the minimum number of queries needed for exactly recovering an arbitrary $k$-clustering. We focus on non-adaptive schemes, where all the queries are asked in one round, thus allowing for the querying process to be parallelized, which is a highly desirable property. For adaptive algorithms with pair-wise queries, the complexity is known to be $\Theta(nk)$, where $k$ is the number of clusters. In contrast, non-adaptive pair-wise query algorithms are extremely limited: even for $k=3$, such algorithms require $\Omega(n^2)$ queries, which matches the trivial $O(n^2)$ upper bound attained by querying every pair of points. Allowing for subset queries of unbounded size, $O(n)$ queries is possible with an adaptive scheme. However, the realm of non-adaptive algorithms remains completely unknown. Is it possible to attain algorithms that are non-adaptive while still making a near-linear number of queries?In this paper, we give the first non-adaptive algorithms for clustering with subset queries. We provide, (i) a non-adaptive algorithm making $O(n \log^2 n \log k)$ queries which improves to $O(n \log k)$ when the cluster sizes are within any constant factor of each other, (ii) for constant $k$, a non-adaptive algorithm making $O(n \log{\log{n}})$ queries. In addition to non-adaptivity, we take into account other practical considerations, such as enforcing a bound on query size. For constant $k$, we give an algorithm making $\smash{\widetilde{O}(n^2/s^2)}$ queries on subsets of size at most $s \leq \sqrt{n}$, which is optimal among all non-adaptive algorithms within a $\log n$-factor. For arbitrary $k$, the dependence varies as $\tilde{O}(n^2/s)$.
Active Learning with LLMs for Partially Observed and Cost-Aware Scenarios
Nicolás Astorga · Tennison Liu · Nabeel Seedat · Mihaela van der Schaar
Conducting experiments and gathering data for machine learning models is a complex and expensive endeavor, particularly when confronted with limited information. Typically, extensive _experiments_ to obtain features and labels come with a significant acquisition cost, making it impractical to carry out all of them. Therefore, it becomes crucial to strategically determine what to acquire to maximize the predictive performance while minimizing costs. To perform this task, existing data acquisition methods assume the availability of an initial dataset that is both fully-observed and labeled, crucially overlooking the **partial observability** of features characteristic of many real-world scenarios. In response to this challenge, we present Partially Observable Cost-Aware Active-Learning (POCA), a new learning approach aimed at improving model generalization in data-scarce and data-costly scenarios through label and/or feature acquisition. Introducing $\mu$POCA as an instantiation, we maximise the uncertainty reduction in the predictive model when obtaining labels and features, considering associated costs. $\mu$POCA enhance traditional Active Learning metrics based solely on the observed features by generating the unobserved features through Generative Surrogate Models, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs). We empirically validate $\mu$POCA across diverse tabular datasets, varying data availability, acquisition costs, and LLMs.
On the Convergence of Loss and Uncertainty-based Active Learning Algorithms
Daniel Haimovich · Dima Karamshuk · Fridolin Linder · Niek Tax · Milan Vojnovic
We investigate the convergence rates and data sample sizes required for training a machine learning model using a stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm, where data points are sampled based on either their loss value or uncertainty value. These training methods are particularly relevant for active learning and data subset selection problems. For SGD with a constant step size update, we present convergence results for linear classifiers and linearly separable datasets using squared hinge loss and similar training loss functions. Additionally, we extend our analysis to more general classifiers and datasets, considering a wide range of loss-based sampling strategies and smooth convex training loss functions. We propose a novel algorithm called Adaptive-Weight Sampling (AWS) that utilizes SGD with an adaptive step size that achieves stochastic Polyak's step size in expectation. We establish convergence rate results for AWS for smooth convex training loss functions. Our numerical experiments demonstrate the efficiency of AWS on various datasets by using either exact or estimated loss values.
Learnability Matters: Active Learning for Video Captioning
Yiqian Zhang · Buyu Liu · Jun Bao · Qiang Huang · Min Zhang · Jun Yu
This work focuses on the active learning in video captioning. In particular, we propose to address the learnability problem in active learning, which has been brought up by collective outliers in video captioning and neglected in the literature. To start with, we conduct a comprehensive study of collective outliers, exploring their hard-to-learn property and concluding that ground truth inconsistency is one of the main causes. Motivated by this, we design a novel active learning algorithm that takes three complementary aspects, namely learnability, diversity, and uncertainty, into account. Ideally, learnability is reflected by ground truth consistency. Under the active learning scenario where ground truths are not available until human involvement, we measure the consistency on estimated ground truths, where predictions from off-the-shelf models are utilized as approximations to ground truths. These predictions are further used to estimate sample frequency and reliability, evincing the diversity and uncertainty respectively. With the help of our novel caption-wise active learning protocol, our algorithm is capable of leveraging knowledge from humans in a more effective yet intellectual manner. Results on publicly available video captioning datasets with diverse video captioning models demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms SOTA active learning methods by a large margin, e.g. we achieve about 103% of full performance on CIDEr with 25% of human annotations on MSR-VTT.
Online Bayesian Persuasion Without a Clue
Francesco Bacchiocchi · Matteo Bollini · Matteo Castiglioni · Alberto Marchesi · Nicola Gatti
We study online Bayesian persuasion problems in which an informed sender repeatedly faces a receiver with the goal of influencing their behavior through the provision of payoff-relevant information. Previous works assume that the sender has knowledge about either the prior distribution over states of nature or receiver's utilities, or both. We relax such unrealistic assumptions by considering settings in which the sender does not know anything about the prior and the receiver. We design an algorithm that achieves sublinear---in the number of rounds T---regret with respect to an optimal signaling scheme, and we also provide a collection of lower bounds showing that the guarantees of such an algorithm are tight. Our algorithm works by searching a suitable space of signaling schemes in order to learn receiver's best responses. To do this, we leverage a non-standard representation of signaling schemes that allows to cleverly overcome the challenge of not knowing anything about the prior over states of nature and receiver's utilities. Finally, our results also allow to derive lower/upper bounds on the sample complexity of learning signaling schemes in a related Bayesian persuasion PAC-learning problem.
We introduce a multi-winner reconfiguration model to examine how to transition between subsets of alternatives (aka. committees) through a sequence of minor yet impactful modifications, called reconfiguration path. We analyze this model under four approval-based voting rules: Chamberlin-Courant (CC), Proportional Approval Voting (PAV), Approval Voting (AV), and Satisfaction Approval Voting (SAV). The problem exhibits computational intractability for CC and PAV, and polynomial solvability for AV and SAV. We provide a detailed multivariate complexity analysis for CC and PAV, demonstrating that although the problem remains challenging in many scenarios, there are specific cases that allow for efficient parameterized algorithms.
Conformalized Credal Set Predictors
Alireza Javanmardi · David Stutz · Eyke Hüllermeier
Credal sets are sets of probability distributions that are considered as candidates for an imprecisely known ground-truth distribution. In machine learning, they have recently attracted attention as an appealing formalism for uncertainty representation, in particular, due to their ability to represent both the aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty in a prediction. However, the design of methods for learning credal set predictors remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we make use of conformal prediction for this purpose. More specifically, we propose a method for predicting credal sets in the classification task, given training data labeled by probability distributions. Since our method inherits the coverage guarantees of conformal prediction, our conformal credal sets are guaranteed to be valid with high probability (without any assumptions on model or distribution). We demonstrate the applicability of our method on ambiguous classification tasks for uncertainty quantification.
Multi-Agent Coordination via Multi-Level Communication
Gang Ding · Zeyuan Liu · Zhirui Fang · Kefan Su · Liwen Zhu · Zongqing Lu
The partial observability and stochasticity in multi-agent settings can be mitigated by accessing more information about others via communication. However, the coordination problem still exists since agents cannot communicate actual actions with each other at the same time due to the circular dependencies. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-level communication scheme, Sequential Communication (SeqComm). SeqComm treats agents asynchronously (the upper-level agents make decisions before the lower-level ones) and has two communication phases. In the negotiation phase, agents determine the priority of decision-making by communicating hidden states of observations and comparing the value of intention, which is obtained by modeling the environment dynamics. In the launching phase, the upper-level agents take the lead in making decisions and then communicate their actions with the lower-level agents. Theoretically, we prove the policies learned by SeqComm are guaranteed to improve monotonically and converge. Empirically, we show that SeqComm outperforms existing methods in a variety of cooperative multi-agent tasks.
Policy Optimization for Robust Average Reward MDPs
Zhongchang Sun · Sihong He · Fei Miao · Shaofeng Zou
This paper studies first-order policy optimization for robust average cost Markov decision processes (MDPs). Specifically, we focus on ergodic Markov chains. For robust average cost MDPs, the goal is to optimize the worst-case average cost over an uncertainty set of transition kernels. We first develop a sub-gradient of the robust average cost. Based on the sub-gradient, a robust policy mirror descent approach is further proposed. To characterize its iteration complexity, we develop a lower bound on the difference of robust average cost between two policies and further show that the robust average cost satisfies the PL-condition. We then show that with increasing step size, our robust policy mirror descent achieves a linear convergence rate in the optimality gap, and with constant step size, our algorithm converges to an $\epsilon$-optimal policy with an iteration complexity of $\mathcal{O}(1/\epsilon)$. The convergence rate of our algorithm matches with the best convergence rate of policy-based algorithms for robust MDPs. Moreover, our algorithm is the first algorithm that converges to the global optimum with general uncertainty sets for robust average cost MDPs. We provide simulation results to demonstrate the performance of our algorithm.
Offline Multitask Representation Learning for Reinforcement Learning
Haque Ishfaq · Thanh Nguyen-Tang · Songtao Feng · Raman Arora · Mengdi Wang · Ming Yin · Doina Precup
We study offline multitask representation learning in reinforcement learning (RL), where a learner is provided with an offline dataset from different tasks that share a common representation and is asked to learn the shared representation. We theoretically investigate offline multitask low-rank RL, and propose a new algorithm called MORL for offline multitask representation learning. Furthermore, we examine downstream RL in reward-free, offline and online scenarios, where a new task is introduced to the agent that shares the same representation as the upstream offline tasks. Our theoretical results demonstrate the benefits of using the learned representation from the upstream offline task instead of directly learning the representation of the low-rank model.
Sub-optimal Experts mitigate Ambiguity in Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Riccardo Poiani · Curti Gabriele · Alberto Maria Metelli · Marcello Restelli
Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) deals with the problem of deducing a reward function that explains the behavior of an expert agent who is assumed to act optimally in an underlying unknown task. Recent works have studied the IRL problem from the perspective of recovering the feasible reward set, i.e., the class of reward functions that are compatible with a unique optimal expert. However, in several problems of interest it is possible to observe the behavior of multiple experts with different degree of optimality (e.g., racing drivers whose skills ranges from amateurs to professionals). For this reason, in this work, we focus on the reconstruction of the feasible reward set when, in addition to demonstrations from the optimal expert, we observe the behavior of multiple sub-optimal experts. Given this problem, we first study the theoretical properties showing that the presence of multiple sub-optimal experts, in addition to the optimal one, can significantly shrink the set of compatible rewards, ultimately mitigating the inherent ambiguity of IRL.Furthermore, we study the statistical complexity of estimating the feasible reward set with a generative model and analyze a uniform sampling algorithm that turns out to be minimax optimal whenever the sub-optimal experts' performance level is sufficiently close to that of the optimal expert.
Bisimulation Metrics are Optimal Transport Distances, and Can be Computed Efficiently
Sergio Calo · Anders Jonsson · Gergely Neu · Ludovic Schwartz · Javier Segovia-Aguas
We propose a new framework for formulating optimal transport distances between Markov chains. Previously known formulations studied couplings between the entire joint distribution induced by the chains, and derived solutions via a reduction to dynamic programming (DP) in an appropriately defined Markov decision process. This formulation has, however, not led to particularly efficient algorithms so far, since computing the associated DP operators requires fully solving a static optimal transport problem, and these operators need to be applied numerous times during the overall optimization process. In this work, we develop an alternative perspective by considering couplings between a ``flattened'' version of the joint distributions that we call discounted occupancy couplings, and show that calculating optimal transport distances in the full space of joint distributions can be equivalently formulated as solving a linear program (LP) in this reduced space. This LP formulation formulation allows us to port several algorithmic ideas from other areas of optimal transport theory. In particular, our formulation makes it possible to introduce an appropriate notion of entropy regularization into the optimization problem, which in turn enables us to directly calculate optimal transport distances via a Sinkhorn-like method we call Sinkhorn Value Iteration (SVI). We show both theoretically and empirically that this method converges quickly to an optimal coupling, essentially at the same computational cost of running vanilla Sinkhorn in each pair of states. Along the way, we point out that our optimal transport distance exactly matches the common notion of bisimulation metrics between Markov chains, and thus our results also apply to computing such metrics, and in fact our algorithm turns out to be significantly more efficient than the best known methods developed so far for this purpose.
Taming "data-hungry" reinforcement learning? Stability in continuous state-action spaces
Yaqi Duan · Martin Wainwright
We introduce a novel framework for analyzing reinforcement learning (RL) in continuous state-action spaces, and use it to prove fast rates of convergence in both off-line and on-line settings. Our analysis highlights two key stability properties, relating to how changes in value functions and/or policies affect the Bellman operator and occupation measures. We argue that these properties are satisfied in many continuous state-action Markov decision processes. Our analysis also offers fresh perspectives on the roles of pessimism and optimism in off-line and on-line RL.
The Value of Reward Lookahead in Reinforcement Learning
Nadav Merlis · Dorian Baudry · Vianney Perchet
In reinforcement learning (RL), agents sequentially interact with changing environments while aiming to maximize the obtained rewards. Usually, rewards are observed only after acting, and so the goal is to maximize the expected cumulative reward. Yet, in many practical settings, reward information is observed in advance -- prices are observed before performing transactions; nearby traffic information is partially known; and goals are oftentimes given to agents prior to the interaction. In this work, we aim to quantifiably analyze the value of such future reward information through the lens of _competitive analysis. In particular, we measure the ratio between the value of standard RL agents and that of agents with partial future-reward lookahead. We characterize the worst-case reward distribution and derive exact ratios for the worst-case reward expectations. Surprisingly, the resulting ratios relate to known quantities in offline RL and reward-free exploration. We further provide tight bounds for the ratio given the worst-case dynamics. Our results cover the full spectrum between observing the immediate rewards before acting to observing all the rewards before the interaction starts.
Randomized algorithms and PAC bounds for inverse reinforcement learning in continuous spaces
Angeliki Kamoutsi · Peter Schmitt-Förster · Tobias Sutter · Volkan Cevher · John Lygeros
This work studies discrete-time discounted Markov decision processes with continuous state and action spaces and addresses the inverse problem of inferring a cost function from observed optimal behavior. We first consider the case in which we have access to the entire expert policy and characterize the set of solutions to the inverse problem by using occupation measures, linear duality, and complementary slackness conditions. To avoid trivial solutions and ill-posedness, we introduce a natural linear normalization constraint. This results in an infinite-dimensional linear feasibility problem, prompting a thorough analysis of its properties. Next, we use linear function approximators and adopt a randomized approach, namely the scenario approach and related probabilistic feasibility guarantees, to derive $\varepsilon$-optimal solutions for the inverse problem. We further discuss the sample complexity for a desired approximation accuracy. Finally, we deal with the more realistic case where we only have access to a finite set of expert demonstrations and a generative model and provide bounds on the error made when working with samples.
CoFie: Learning Compact Neural Surface Representations with Coordinate Fields
Hanwen Jiang · Haitao Yang · Georgios Pavlakos · Qixing Huang
This paper introduces CoFie, a novel local geometry-aware neural surface representation. CoFie is motivated by the theoretical analysis of local SDFs with quadratic approximation. We find that local shapes are highly compressive in an aligned coordinate frame defined by the normal and tangent directions of local shapes. Accordingly, we introduce Coordinate Field, which is a composition of coordinate frames of all local shapes. The Coordinate Field is optimizable and is used to transform the local shapes from the world coordinate frame to the aligned shape coordinate frame. It largely reduces the complexity of local shapes and benefits the learning of MLP-based implicit representations. Moreover, we introduce quadratic layers into the MLP to enhance expressiveness concerning local shape geometry. CoFie is a generalizable surface representation. It is trained on a curated set of 3D shapes and works on novel shape instances during testing. When using the same amount of parameters with prior works, CoFie reduces the shape error by 48% and 56% on novel instances of both training and unseen shape categories. Moreover, CoFie demonstrates comparable performance to prior works when using even 70% fewer parameters. Code and model can be found here:
Visual CoT: Advancing Multi-Modal Language Models with a Comprehensive Dataset and Benchmark for Chain-of-Thought Reasoning
Hao Shao · Shengju Qian · Han Xiao · Guanglu Song · ZHUOFAN ZONG · Letian Wang · Yu Liu · Hongsheng Li
Multi-Modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance in various VQA tasks. However, they often lack interpretability and struggle with complex visual inputs, especially when the resolution of the input image is high or when the interested region that could provide key information for answering the question is small. To address these challenges, we collect and introduce the large-scale Visual CoT dataset comprising 438k question-answer pairs, annotated with intermediate bounding boxes highlighting key regions essential for answering the questions. Additionally, about 98k pairs of them are annotated with detailed reasoning steps. Importantly, we propose a multi-turn processing pipeline that dynamically focuses on visual inputs and provides interpretable thoughts. We also introduce the related benchmark to evaluate the MLLMs in scenarios requiring specific local region identification.Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework and shed light on better inference strategies. The Visual CoT dataset, benchmark, and pre-trained models are available on this website to support further research in this area.
A Careful Examination of Large Language Model Performance on Grade School Arithmetic
Hugh Zhang · Jeff Da · Dean Lee · Vaughn Robinson · Catherine Wu · William Song · Tiffany Zhao · Pranav Raja · Charlotte Zhuang · Dylan Slack · Qin Lyu · Sean Hendryx · Russell Kaplan · Michele Lunati · Summer Yue
Large language models (LLMs) have achieved impressive success on many benchmarks for mathematical reasoning.However, there is growing concern that some of this performance actually reflects dataset contamination, where data closely resembling benchmark questions leaks into the training data, instead of true reasoning ability.To investigate this claim rigorously, we commission Grade School Math 1000 (GSM1k). GSM1k is designed to mirror the style and complexity of the established GSM8k benchmark,the gold standard for measuring elementary mathematical reasoning. We ensure that the two benchmarks are comparable across important metrics such as human solve rates, number of steps in solution, answer magnitude, and more.When evaluating leading open- and closed-source LLMs on GSM1k, we observe accuracy drops of up to 8%, with several families of models showing evidence of systematic overfitting across almost all model sizes.Further analysis suggests a positive relationship (Spearman's r^2=0.36) between a model's probability of generating an example from GSM8k and its performance gap between GSM8k and GSM1k, suggesting that some models may have partially memorized GSM8k.Nevertheless, many models, especially those on the frontier, show minimal signs of overfitting, and all models broadly demonstrate generalization to novel math problems guaranteed to not be in their training data.
Text to Blind Motion
Hee Jae Kim · Kathakoli Sengupta · Masaki Kuribayashi · Hernisa Kacorri · Eshed Ohn-Bar
People who are blind perceive the world differently than those who are sighted, which can result in distinct motion characteristics. For instance, when crossing at an intersection, blind individuals may have different patterns of movement, such as veering more from a straight path or using touch-based exploration around curbs and obstacles. These behaviors may appear less predictable to motion models embedded in technologies such as autonomous vehicles. Yet, the ability of 3D motion models to capture such behavior has not been previously studied, as existing datasets for 3D human motion currently lack diversity and are biased toward people who are sighted. In this work, we introduce BlindWays, the first multimodal motion benchmark for pedestrians who are blind. We collect 3D motion data using wearable sensors with 11 blind participants navigating eight different routes in a real-world urban setting. Additionally, we provide rich textual descriptions that capture the distinctive movement characteristics of blind pedestrians and their interactions with both the navigation aid (e.g., a white cane or a guide dog) and the environment. We benchmark state-of-the-art 3D human prediction models, finding poor performance with off-the-shelf and pre-training-based methods for our novel task. To contribute toward safer and more reliable systems that can seamlessly reason over diverse human movements in their environments, our text-and-motion benchmark is available at
GS-Blur: A 3D Scene-Based Dataset for Realistic Image Deblurring
Dongwoo Lee · JoonKyu Park · Kyoung Mu Lee
To train a deblurring network, an appropriate dataset with paired blurry and sharp images is essential.Existing datasets collect blurry images either synthetically by aggregating consecutive sharp frames or using sophisticated camera systems to capture real blur.However, these methods offer limited diversity in blur types (blur trajectories) or require extensive human effort to reconstruct large-scale datasets, failing to fully reflect real-world blur scenarios.To address this, we propose GS-Blur, a dataset of synthesized realistic blurry images created using a novel approach.To this end, we first reconstruct 3D scenes from multi-view images using 3D Gaussian Splatting~(3DGS), then render blurry images by moving the camera view along the randomly generated motion trajectories.By adopting various camera trajectories in reconstructing our GS-Blur, our dataset contains realistic and diverse types of blur, offering a large-scale dataset that generalizes well to real-world blur.Using GS-Blur with various deblurring methods, we demonstrate its ability to generalize effectively compared to previous synthetic or real blur datasets, showing significant improvements in deblurring performance.We will publicly release our dataset.
Motivated by the problem of compressing point sets into as few bits as possible while maintaining information about approximate distances between points, we construct random nonlinear maps $\varphi_\ell$ that compress point sets in the following way. For a point set $S$, the map $\varphi_\ell:\mathbb{R}^d \to N^{-1/2}\{-1,1\}^N$ has the property that storing $\varphi_\ell(S)$ (a sketch of $S$) allows one to report squared distances between points up to some multiplicative $(1\pm \epsilon)$ error with high probability. The maps $\varphi_\ell$ are the $\ell$-fold composition of a certain type of random feature mapping. Compared to existing techniques, our maps offer several advantages. The standard method for compressing point sets by random mappings relies on the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma and involves compressing point sets with a random linear map. The main advantage of our maps $\varphi_\ell$ over random linear maps is that ours map point sets directly into the discrete cube $N^{-1/2}\{-1,1\}^N$ and so there is no additional step needed to convert the sketch to bits. For some range of parameters, our maps $\varphi_\ell$ produce sketches using fewer bits of storage space. We validate the method with experiments, including an application to nearest neighbor search.
Achieving Optimal Clustering in Gaussian Mixture Models with Anisotropic Covariance Structures
Xin Chen · Anderson Ye Zhang
We study clustering under anisotropic Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs), where covariance matrices from different clusters are unknown and are not necessarily the identity matrix. We analyze two anisotropic scenarios: homogeneous, with identical covariance matrices, and heterogeneous, with distinct matrices per cluster. For these models, we derive minimax lower bounds that illustrate the critical influence of covariance structures on clustering accuracy. To solve the clustering problem, we consider a variant of Lloyd's algorithm, adapted to estimate and utilize covariance information iteratively. We prove that the adjusted algorithm not only achieves the minimax optimality but also converges within a logarithmic number of iterations, thus bridging the gap between theoretical guarantees and practical efficiency.
Breaking the curse of dimensionality in structured density estimation
Robert A. Vandermeulen · Wai Ming Tai · Bryon Aragam
We consider the problem of estimating a structured multivariate density, subject to Markov conditions implied by an undirected graph. In the worst case, without Markovian assumptions, this problem suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Our main result shows how the curse of dimensionality can be avoided or greatly alleviated under the Markov property, and applies to arbitrary graphs. While existing results along these lines focus on sparsity or manifold assumptions, we introduce a new graphical quantity called ``graph resilience'' and show that it dictates the optimal sample complexity. Surprisingly, although one might expect the sample complexity of this problem to scale with local graph parameters such as the degree, this turns out not to be the case. Through explicit examples, we compute uniform deviation bounds and illustrate how the curse of dimensionality in density estimation can thus be circumvented. Notable examples where the rate improves substantially include sequential, hierarchical, and spatial data.
Coherence-free Entrywise Estimation of Eigenvectors in Low-rank Signal-plus-noise Matrix Models
Hao Yan · Keith Levin
Spectral methods are widely used to estimate eigenvectors of a low-rank signal matrix subject to noise. These methods use the leading eigenspace of an observed matrix to estimate this low-rank signal. Typically, the entrywise estimation error of these methods depends on the coherence of the low-rank signal matrix with respect to the standard basis. In this work, we present a novel method for eigenvector estimation that avoids this dependence on coherence. Assuming a rank-one signal matrix, under mild technical conditions, the entrywise estimation error of our method provably has no dependence on the coherence under Gaussian noise (i.e., in the spiked Wigner model), and achieves the optimal estimation rate up to logarithmic factors. Simulations demonstrate that our method performs well under non-Gaussian noise and that an extension of our method to the case of a rank-$r$ signal matrix has little to no dependence on the coherence. In addition, we derive new metric entropy bounds for rank-$r$ singular subspaces under $\ell_{2,\infty}$ distance, which may be of independent interest. We use these new bounds to improve the best known lower bound for rank-$r$ eigenspace estimation under $\ell_{2,\infty}$ distance.
Kernel-Based Function Approximation for Average Reward Reinforcement Learning: An Optimist No-Regret Algorithm
Sattar Vakili · Julia Olkhovskaya
Reinforcement Learning (RL) utilizing kernel ridge regression to predict the expected value function represents a powerful method with great representational capacity. This setting is a highly versatile framework amenable to analytical results. We consider kernel-based function approximation for RL in the infinite horizon average reward setting, also referred to as the undiscounted setting. We propose an optimistic algorithm, similar to acquisition function based algorithms in the special case of bandits. We establish novel no-regret performance guarantees for our algorithm, under kernel-based modelling assumptions. Additionally, we derive a novel confidence interval for the kernel-based prediction of the expected value function, applicable across various RL problems.
AdaNovo: Towards Robust \emph{De Novo} Peptide Sequencing in Proteomics against Data Biases
Jun Xia · Shaorong Chen · Jingbo Zhou · Shan Xiaojun · Wenjie Du · Zhangyang Gao · Cheng Tan · Bozhen Hu · Jiangbin Zheng · Stan Z. Li
Tandem mass spectrometry has played a pivotal role in advancing proteomics, enabling the high-throughput analysis of protein composition in biological tissues. Despite the development of several deep learning methods for predicting amino acid sequences (peptides) responsible for generating the observed mass spectra, training data biases hinder further advancements of \emph{de novo} peptide sequencing. Firstly, prior methods struggle to identify amino acids with Post-Translational Modifications (PTMs) due to their lower frequency in training data compared to canonical amino acids, further resulting in unsatisfactory peptide sequencing performance. Secondly, various noise and missing peaks in mass spectra reduce the reliability of training data (Peptide-Spectrum Matches, PSMs). To address these challenges, we propose AdaNovo, a novel and domain knowledge-inspired framework that calculates Conditional Mutual Information (CMI) between the mass spectra and amino acids or peptides, using CMI for robust training against above biases. Extensive experiments indicate that AdaNovo outperforms previous competitors on the widely-used 9-species benchmark, meanwhile yielding 3.6\% - 9.4\% improvements in PTMs identification. The supplements contain the code.
Instance-adaptive Zero-shot Chain-of-Thought Prompting
Xiaosong Yuan · Chen Shen · Shaotian Yan · Xiaofeng Zhang · Liang Xie · Wenxiao Wang · Renchu Guan · Ying Wang · Jieping Ye
Zero-shot Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting emerges as a simple and effective strategy for enhancing the performance of large language models (LLMs) in real-world reasoning tasks. Nonetheless, the efficacy of a singular, task-level prompt uniformly applied across the whole of instances is inherently limited since one prompt cannot be a good partner for all, a more appropriate approach should consider the interaction between the prompt and each instance meticulously. This work introduces an instance-adaptive prompting algorithm as an alternative zero-shot CoT reasoning scheme by adaptively differentiating good and bad prompts. Concretely, we first employ analysis on LLMs through the lens of information flow to detect the mechanism under zero-shot CoT reasoning, in which we discover that information flows from question to prompt and question to rationale jointly influence the reasoning results most. We notice that a better zero-shot CoT reasoning needs the prompt to obtain semantic information from the question then the rationale aggregates sufficient information from the question directly and via the prompt indirectly. On the contrary, lacking any of those would probably lead to a bad one. Stem from that, we further propose an instance-adaptive prompting strategy (IAP) for zero-shot CoT reasoning. Experiments conducted with LLaMA-2, LLaMA-3, and Qwen on math, logic, and commonsense reasoning tasks (e.g., GSM8K, MMLU, Causal Judgement) obtain consistent improvement, demonstrating that the instance-adaptive zero-shot CoT prompting performs better than other task-level methods with some curated prompts or sophisticated procedures, showing the significance of our findings in the zero-shot CoT reasoning mechanism.
Motion Graph Unleashed: A Novel Approach to Video Prediction
Yiqi Zhong · Luming Liang · Bohan Tang · Ilya Zharkov · Ulrich Neumann
We introduce motion graph, a novel approach to address the video prediction problem, i.e., predicting future video frames from limited past data. The motion graph transforms patches of video frames into interconnected graph nodes, to comprehensively describe the spatial-temporal relationships among them. This representation overcomes the limitations of existing motion representations such as image differences, optical flow, and motion matrix that either fall short in capturing complex motion patterns or suffer from excessive memory consumption. We further present a video prediction pipeline empowered by motion graph, exhibiting substantial performance improvements and cost reductions. Extensive experiments on various datasets, including UCF Sports, KITTI and Cityscapes, highlight the strong representative ability of motion graph. Especially on UCF Sports, our method matches and outperforms the SOTA methods with a significant reduction in model size by 78% and a substantial decrease in GPU memory utilization by 47%.
ROIDICE: Offline Return on Investment Maximization for Efficient Decision Making
Woosung Kim · Hayeong Lee · Jongmin Lee · Byung-Jun Lee
In this paper, we propose a novel policy optimization framework that maximizes Return on Investment (ROI) of a policy using a fixed dataset within a Markov Decision Process (MDP) equipped with a cost function. ROI, defined as the ratio between the return and the accumulated cost of a policy, serves as a measure of efficiency of the policy. Despite the importance of maximizing ROI in various applications, it remains a challenging problem due to its nature as a ratio of two long-term values: return and accumulated cost. To address this, we formulate the ROI maximizing reinforcement learning problem as a linear fractional programming. We then incorporate the stationary distribution correction (DICE) framework to develop a practical offline ROI maximization algorithm.Our proposed algorithm, ROIDICE, yields an efficient policy that offers a superior trade-off between return and accumulated cost compared to policies trained using existing frameworks.
Vidu4D: Single Generated Video to High-Fidelity 4D Reconstruction with Dynamic Gaussian Surfels
Yikai Wang · Xinzhou Wang · Zilong Chen · Zhengyi Wang · Fuchun Sun · Jun Zhu
Video generative models are receiving particular attention given their ability to generate realistic and imaginative frames. Besides, these models are also observed to exhibit strong 3D consistency, significantly enhancing their potential to act as world simulators. In this work, we present Vidu4D, a novel reconstruction model that excels in accurately reconstructing 4D (i.e., sequential 3D) representations from single generated videos, addressing challenges associated with non-rigidity and frame distortion. This capability is pivotal for creating high-fidelity virtual contents that maintain both spatial and temporal coherence. At the core of Vidu4D is our proposed Dynamic Gaussian Surfels (DGS) technique. DGS optimizes time-varying warping functions to transform Gaussian surfels (surface elements) from a static state to a dynamically warped state. This transformation enables a precise depiction of motion and deformation over time. To preserve the structural integrity of surface-aligned Gaussian surfels, we design the warped-state geometric regularization based on continuous warping fields for estimating normals. Additionally, we learn refinements on rotation and scaling parameters of Gaussian surfels, which greatly alleviates texture flickering during the warping process and enhances the capture of fine-grained appearance details. Vidu4D also contains a novel initialization state that provides a proper start for the warping fields in DGS. Equipping Vidu4D with an existing video generative model, the overall framework demonstrates high-fidelity text-to-4D generation in both appearance and geometry.
Boosting Alignment for Post-Unlearning Text-to-Image Generative Models
Myeongseob Ko · Henry Li · Zhun Wang · Jonathan Patsenker · Jiachen (Tianhao) Wang · Qinbin Li · Ming Jin · Dawn Song · Ruoxi Jia
Large-scale generative models have shown impressive image-generation capabilities, propelled by massive data. However, this often inadvertently leads to the generation of harmful or inappropriate content and raises copyright concerns. Driven by these concerns, machine unlearning has become crucial to effectively purge undesirable knowledge from models. While existing literature has studied various unlearning techniques, these often suffer from either poor unlearning quality or degradation in text-image alignment after unlearning, due to the competitive nature of these objectives. To address these challenges, we propose a framework that seeks an optimal model update at each unlearning iteration, ensuring monotonic improvement on both objectives. We further derive the characterization of such an update. In addition, we design procedures to strategically diversify the unlearning and remaining datasets to boost performance improvement. Our evaluation demonstrates that our method effectively removes target classes from recent diffusion-based generative models and concepts from stable diffusion models while maintaining close alignment with the models' original trained states, thus outperforming state-of-the-art baselines.
Fast Graph Sharpness-Aware Minimization for Enhancing and Accelerating Few-Shot Node Classification
Yihong Luo · Yuhan Chen · Siya Qiu · Yiwei Wang · Chen Zhang · Yan Zhou · Xiaochun Cao · Jing Tang
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown superior performance in node classification. However, GNNs perform poorly in the Few-Shot Node Classification (FSNC) task that requires robust generalization to make accurate predictions for unseen classes with limited labels. To tackle the challenge, we propose the integration of Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM)--a technique designed to enhance model generalization by finding a flat minimum of the loss landscape--into GNN training. The standard SAM approach, however, consists of two forward-backward steps in each training iteration, doubling the computational cost compared to the base optimizer (e.g., Adam). To mitigate this drawback, we introduce a novel algorithm, Fast Graph Sharpness-Aware Minimization (FGSAM), that integrates the rapid training of Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) with the superior performance of GNNs. Specifically, we utilize GNNs for parameter perturbation while employing MLPs to minimize the perturbed loss so that we can find a flat minimum with good generalization more efficiently. Moreover, our method reutilizes the gradient from the perturbation phase to incorporate graph topology into the minimization process at almost zero additional cost. To further enhance training efficiency, we develop FGSAM+ that executes exact perturbations periodically. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed algorithm outperforms the standard SAM with lower computational costs in FSNC tasks. In particular, our FGSAM+ as a SAM variant offers a faster optimization than the base optimizer in most cases. In addition to FSNC, our proposed methods also demonstrate competitive performance in the standard node classification task for heterophilic graphs, highlighting the broad applicability.
Large Language Models-guided Dynamic Adaptation for Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning
Jiapu Wang · Sun Kai · LINHAO LUO · Wei Wei · Yongli Hu · Alan Wee-Chung Liew · Shirui Pan · Baocai Yin
Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning (TKGR) is the process of utilizing temporal information to capture complex relations within a Temporal Knowledge Graph (TKG) to infer new knowledge. Conventional methods in TKGR typically depend on deep learning algorithms or temporal logical rules. However, deep learning-based TKGRs often lack interpretability, whereas rule-based TKGRs struggle to effectively learn temporal rules that capture temporal patterns. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated extensive knowledge and remarkable proficiency in temporal reasoning. Consequently, the employment of LLMs for Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning (TKGR) has sparked increasing interest among researchers. Nonetheless, LLMs are known to function as black boxes, making it challenging to comprehend their reasoning process. Additionally, due to the resource-intensive nature of fine-tuning, promptly updating LLMs to integrate evolving knowledge within TKGs for reasoning is impractical. To address these challenges, in this paper, we propose a Large Language Models-guided Dynamic Adaptation (LLM-DA) method for reasoning on TKGs. Specifically, LLM-DA harnesses the capabilities of LLMs to analyze historical data and extract temporal logical rules. These rules unveil temporal patterns and facilitate interpretable reasoning. To account for the evolving nature of TKGs, a dynamic adaptation strategy is proposed to update the LLM-generated rules with the latest events. This ensures that the extracted rules always incorporate the most recent knowledge and better generalize to the predictions on future events. Experimental results show that without the need of fine-tuning, LLM-DA significantly improves the accuracy of reasoning over several common datasets, providing a robust framework for TKGR tasks.
TAPTRv2: Attention-based Position Update Improves Tracking Any Point
Hongyang Li · Hao Zhang · Shilong Liu · Zhaoyang Zeng · Feng Li · Bohan Li · Tianhe Ren · Lei Zhang
In this paper, we present TAPTRv2, a Transformer-based approach built upon TAPTR for solving the Tracking Any Point (TAP) task. TAPTR borrows designs from DEtection TRansformer (DETR) and formulates each tracking point as a point query, making it possible to leverage well-studied operations in DETR-like algorithms. TAPTRv2 improves TAPTR by addressing a critical issue regarding its reliance on cost-volume, which contaminates the point query’s content feature and negatively impacts both visibility prediction and cost-volume computation. In TAPTRv2, we propose a novel attention-based position update (APU) operation and use key-aware deformable attention to realize. For each query, this operation uses key-aware attention weights to combine their corresponding deformable sampling positions to predict a new query position. This design is based on the observation that local attention is essentially the same as cost-volume, both of which are computed by dot-production between a query and its surrounding features. By introducing this new operation, TAPTRv2 not only removes the extra burden of cost-volume computation, but also leads to a substantial performance improvement. TAPTRv2 surpasses TAPTR and achieves state-of-the-art performance on many challenging datasets, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach.
Federated Natural Policy Gradient and Actor Critic Methods for Multi-task Reinforcement Learning
Tong Yang · Shicong Cen · Yuting Wei · Yuxin Chen · Yuejie Chi
Federated reinforcement learning (RL) enables collaborative decision making of multiple distributed agents without sharing local data trajectories. In this work, we consider a multi-task setting, in which each agent has its own private reward function corresponding to different tasks, while sharing the same transition kernel of the environment. Focusing on infinite-horizon Markov decision processes, the goal is to learn a globally optimal policy that maximizes the sum of the discounted total rewards of all the agents in a decentralized manner, where each agent only communicates with its neighbors over some prescribed graph topology.We develop federated vanilla and entropy-regularized natural policy gradient (NPG) methods in the tabular setting under softmax parameterization, where gradient tracking is applied to estimate the global Q-function to mitigate the impact of imperfect information sharing. We establish non-asymptotic global convergence guarantees under exact policy evaluation, where the rates are nearly independent of the size of the state-action space and illuminate the impacts of network size and connectivity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that global convergence is established for federated multi-task RL using policy optimization. We further go beyond the tabular setting by proposing a federated natural actor critic (NAC) method for multi-task RL with function approximation, and establish its finite-time sample complexity taking the errors of function approximation into account.
RegExplainer: Generating Explanations for Graph Neural Networks in Regression Tasks
Jiaxing Zhang · Zhuomin Chen · hao mei · Longchao Da · Dongsheng Luo · Hua Wei
Graph regression is a fundamental task that has gained significant attention invarious graph learning tasks. However, the inference process is often not easilyinterpretable. Current explanation techniques are limited to understanding GraphNeural Network (GNN) behaviors in classification tasks, leaving an explanation gapfor graph regression models. In this work, we propose a novel explanation methodto interpret the graph regression models (XAIG-R). Our method addresses thedistribution shifting problem and continuously ordered decision boundary issuesthat hinder existing methods away from being applied in regression tasks. Weintroduce a novel objective based on the graph information bottleneck theory (GIB)and a new mix-up framework, which can support various GNNs and explainersin a model-agnostic manner. Additionally, we present a self-supervised learningstrategy to tackle the continuously ordered labels in regression tasks. We evaluateour proposed method on three benchmark datasets and a real-life dataset introducedby us, and extensive experiments demonstrate its effectiveness in interpreting GNNmodels in regression tasks.
Can Simple Averaging Defeat Modern Watermarks?
Pei Yang · Hai Ci · Yiren Song · Mike Zheng Shou
Digital watermarking techniques are crucial for copyright protection and source identification of images, especially in the era of generative AI models. However, many existing watermarking methods, particularly content-agnostic approaches that embed fixed patterns regardless of image content, are vulnerable to steganalysis attacks that can extract and remove the watermark with minimal perceptual distortion. In this work, we categorise watermarking algorithms into content-adaptive and content-agnostic ones, and demonstrate how averaging a collection of watermarked images could reveal the underlying watermark pattern. We then leverage this extracted pattern for effective watermark removal under both greybox and blackbox settings, even when the collection of images contains multiple watermark patterns. For some algorithms like Tree-Ring watermarks, the extracted pattern can also forge convincing watermarks on clean images. Our quantitative and qualitative evaluations across twelve watermarking methods highlight the threat posed by steganalysis to content-agnostic watermarks and the importance of designing watermarking techniques resilient to such analytical attacks. We propose security guidelines calling for using content-adaptive watermarking strategies and performing security evaluation against steganalysis. We also suggest multi-key assignments as potential mitigations against steganalysis vulnerabilities. Github page: \url{}.
The deep operator networks (DeepONet), a class of neural operators that learn mappings between function spaces, have recently been developed as surrogate models for parametric partial differential equations (PDEs). In this work we propose a derivative-enhanced deep operator network (DE-DeepONet), which leverages derivative information to enhance the solution prediction accuracy and provides a more accurate approximation of solution-to-parameter derivatives, especially when training data are limited. DE-DeepONet explicitly incorporates linear dimension reduction of high dimensional parameter input into DeepONet to reduce training cost and adds derivative loss in the loss function to reduce the number of required parameter-solution pairs. We further demonstrate that the use of derivative loss can be extended to enhance other neural operators, such as the Fourier neural operator (FNO). Numerical experiments validate the effectiveness of our approach.
Variational Flow Matching for Graph Generation
Floor Eijkelboom · Grigory Bartosh · Christian Andersson Naesseth · Max Welling · Jan-Willem van de Meent
We present a formulation of flow matching as variational inference, which we refer to as variational flow matching (VFM). We use this formulation to develop CatFlow, a flow matching method for categorical data that is easy to implement, computationally efficient, and achieves strong results on graph generation tasks. In VFM, the objective is to approximate the posterior probability path, which is a distribution over possible end points of a trajectory. VFM admits both the original flow matching objective and the CatFlow objective as special cases. We also relate VFM to score-based models, in which the dynamics are stochastic rather than deterministic, and derive a bound on the model likelihood based on a reweighted VFM objective. We evaluate CatFlow on one abstract graph generation task and two molecular generation tasks. In all cases, CatFlow exceeds or matches performance of the current state-of-the-art models.
SpeechAlign: Aligning Speech Generation to Human Preferences
Dong Zhang · Zhaowei Li · Shimin Li · Xin Zhang · Pengyu Wang · Yaqian Zhou · Xipeng Qiu
Speech language models have significantly advanced in generating realistic speech, with neural codec language models standing out. However, the integration of preference optimization to align speech outputs to human preferences is often neglected. This paper addresses this gap by first analyzing the distribution gap in codec language models, highlighting how it leads to discrepancies between the training and inference phases, which negatively affects performance. Then we explore leveraging preference optimization to bridge the distribution gap. We introduce SpeechAlign, an iterative self-improvement strategy that aligns speech language models to human preferences. SpeechAlign involves constructing a preference codec dataset contrasting golden codec tokens against synthetic tokens, followed by preference optimization to improve the codec language model. This cycle of improvement is carried out iteratively to steadily convert weak models to strong ones. Through both subjective and objective evaluations, we show that SpeechAlign can bridge the distribution gap and facilitating continuous self-improvement of the speech language model. Moreover, SpeechAlign exhibits robust generalization capabilities and works for smaller models. Demos are available at
Reparameterized Multi-Resolution Convolutions for Long Sequence Modelling
Jake Cunningham · Giorgio Giannone · Mingtian Zhang · Marc Deisenroth
Global convolutions have shown increasing promise as powerful general-purpose sequence models. However, training long convolutions is challenging, and kernel parameterizations must be able to learn long-range dependencies without overfitting. This work introduces reparameterized multi-resolution convolutions ($\texttt{MRConv}$), a novel approach to parameterizing global convolutional kernels for long-sequence modeling. By leveraging multi-resolution convolutions, incorporating structural reparameterization and introducing learnable kernel decay, $\texttt{MRConv}$ learns expressive long-range kernels that perform well across various data modalities. Our experiments demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on the Long Range Arena, Sequential CIFAR, and Speech Commands tasks among convolution models and linear-time transformers. Moreover, we report improved performance on ImageNet classification by replacing 2D convolutions with 1D $\texttt{MRConv}$ layers.
Sharpness-Aware Minimization Activates the Interactive Teaching's Understanding and Optimization
Mingwei Xu · Xiaofeng Cao · Ivor Tsang
Teaching is a potentially effective approach for understanding interactions among multiple intelligences. Previous explorations have convincingly shown that teaching presents additional opportunities for observation and demonstration within the learning model, such as data distillation and selection. However, the underlying optimization principles and convergence of interactive teaching lack theoretical analysis, and in this regard co-teaching serves as a notable prototype. In this paper, we discuss its role as a reduction of the larger loss landscape derived from Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM). Then, we classify it as an iterative parameter estimation process using Expectation-Maximization. The convergence of this typical interactive teaching is achieved by continuously optimizing a variational lower bound on the log marginal likelihood. This lower bound represents the expected value of the log posterior distribution of the latent variables under a scaled, factorized variational distribution. To further enhance interactive teaching's performance, we incorporate SAM's strong generalization information into interactive teaching, referred as Sharpness Reduction Interactive Teaching (SRIT). This integration can be viewed as a novel sequential optimization process. Finally, we validate the performance of our approach through multiple experiments.
Connecting Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture with Contrastive Self-supervised Learning
Shentong Mo · Peter Tong
In recent advancements in unsupervised visual representation learning, the Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture (JEPA) has emerged as a significant method for extracting visual features from unlabeled imagery through an innovative masking strategy. Despite its success, two primary limitations have been identified: the inefficacy of Exponential Moving Average (EMA) from I-JEPA in preventing entire collapse and the inadequacy of I-JEPA prediction in accurately learning the mean of patch representations. Addressing these challenges, this study introduces a novel framework, namely C-JEPA (Contrastive-JEPA), which integrates the Image-based Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture with the Variance-Invariance-Covariance Regularization (VICReg) strategy. This integration is designed to effectively learn the variance/covariance for preventing entire collapse and ensuring invariance in the mean of augmented views, thereby overcoming the identified limitations. Through empirical and theoretical evaluations, our work demonstrates that C-JEPA significantly enhances the stability and quality of visual representation learning. When pre-trained on the ImageNet-1K dataset, C-JEPA exhibits rapid and improved convergence in both linear probing and fine-tuning performance metrics.
Rethinking Decoders for Transformer-based Semantic Segmentation: A Compression Perspective
Qishuai Wen · Chun-Guang Li
State-of-the-art methods for Transformer-based semantic segmentation typically adopt Transformer decoders that are used to extract additional embeddings from image embeddings via cross-attention, refine either or both types of embeddings via self-attention, and project image embeddings onto the additional embeddings via dot-product. Despite their remarkable success, these empirical designs still lack theoretical justifications or interpretations, thus hindering potentially principled improvements. In this paper, we argue that there are fundamental connections between semantic segmentation and compression, especially between the Transformer decoders and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). From such a perspective, we derive a white-box, fully attentional DEcoder for PrIncipled semantiC segemenTation (DEPICT), with the interpretations as follows: 1) the self-attention operator refines image embeddings to construct an ideal principal subspace that aligns with the supervision and retains most information; 2) the cross-attention operator seeks to find a low-rank approximation of the refined image embeddings, which is expected to be a set of orthonormal bases of the principal subspace and corresponds to the predefined classes; 3) the dot-product operation yields compact representation for image embeddings as segmentation masks. Experiments conducted on dataset ADE20K find that DEPICT consistently outperforms its black-box counterpart, Segmenter, and it is light weight and more robust.
LCM: Locally Constrained Compact Point Cloud Model for Masked Point Modeling
Yaohua Zha · Naiqi Li · Yanzi Wang · Tao Dai · Hang Guo · Bin Chen · Zhi Wang · Zhihao Ouyang · Shu-Tao Xia
The pre-trained point cloud model based on Masked Point Modeling (MPM) has exhibited substantial improvements across various tasks. However, these models heavily rely on the Transformer, leading to quadratic complexity and limited decoder, hindering their practice application. To address this limitation, we first conduct a comprehensive analysis of existing Transformer-based MPM, emphasizing the idea that redundancy reduction is crucial for point cloud analysis. To this end, we propose a Locally constrained Compact point cloud Model (LCM) consisting of a locally constrained compact encoder and a locally constrained Mamba-based decoder. Our encoder replaces self-attention with our local aggregation layers to achieve an elegant balance between performance and efficiency. Considering the varying information density between masked and unmasked patches in the decoder inputs of MPM, we introduce a locally constrained Mamba-based decoder. This decoder ensures linear complexity while maximizing the perception of point cloud geometry information from unmasked patches with higher information density. Extensive experimental results show that our compact model significantly surpasses existing Transformer-based models in both performance and efficiency, especially our LCM-based Point-MAE model, compared to the Transformer-based model, achieved an improvement of 1.84%, 0.67%, and 0.60% in performance on the three variants of ScanObjectNN while reducing parameters by 88% and computation by 73%. The code is available at
SpGesture: Source-Free Domain-adaptive sEMG-based Gesture Recognition with Jaccard Attentive Spiking Neural Network
Weiyu Guo · Ying Sun · Yijie Xu · Ziyue Qiao · Yongkui Yang · Hui Xiong
Surface electromyography (sEMG) based gesture recognition offers a natural and intuitive interaction modality for wearable devices. Despite significant advancements in sEMG-based gesture recognition models, existing methods often suffer from high computational latency and increased energy consumption. Additionally, the inherent instability of sEMG signals, combined with their sensitivity to distribution shifts in real-world settings, compromises model robustness. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel SpGesture framework based on Spiking Neural Networks, which possesses several unique merits compared with existing methods: (1) Robustness: By utilizing membrane potential as a memory list, we pioneer the introduction of Source-Free Domain Adaptation into SNN for the first time. This enables SpGesture to mitigate the accuracy degradation caused by distribution shifts. (2) High Accuracy: With a novel Spiking Jaccard Attention, SpGesture enhances the SNNs' ability to represent sEMG features, leading to a notable rise in system accuracy. To validate SpGesture's performance, we collected a new sEMG gesture dataset which has different forearm postures, where SpGesture achieved the highest accuracy among the baselines ($89.26\%$). Moreover, the actual deployment on the CPU demonstrated a latency below 100ms, well within real-time requirements. This impressive performance showcases SpGesture's potential to enhance the applicability of sEMG in real-world scenarios. The code is available at
Non-Stationary Learning of Neural Networks with Automatic Soft Parameter Reset
Alexandre Galashov · Michalis Titsias · András György · Clare Lyle · Razvan Pascanu · Yee Whye Teh · Maneesh Sahani
Neural networks are most often trained under the assumption that data come from a stationary distribution. However, settings in which this assumption is violated are of increasing importance; examples include supervised learning with distributional shifts, reinforcement learning, continual learning and non-stationary contextual bandits. Here, we introduce a novel learning approach that automatically models and adapts to non-stationarity by linking parameters through an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with an adaptive drift parameter. The adaptive drift draws the parameters towards the distribution used at initialisation, so the approach can be understood as a form of soft parameter reset. We show empirically that our approach performs well in non-stationary supervised, and off-policy reinforcement learning settings.
SimVG: A Simple Framework for Visual Grounding with Decoupled Multi-modal Fusion
Ming Dai · Lingfeng Yang · Yihao Xu · Zhenhua Feng · Wankou Yang
Visual grounding is a common vision task that involves grounding descriptive sentences to the corresponding regions of an image. Most existing methods use independent image-text encoding and apply complex hand-crafted modules or encoder-decoder architectures for modal interaction and query reasoning. However, their performance significantly drops when dealing with complex textual expressions. This is because the former paradigm only utilizes limited downstream data to fit the multi-modal feature fusion. Therefore, it is only effective when the textual expressions are relatively simple. In contrast, given the wide diversity of textual expressions and the uniqueness of downstream training data, the existing fusion module, which extracts multimodal content from a visual-linguistic context, has not been fully investigated. In this paper, we present a simple yet robust transformer-based framework, SimVG, for visual grounding. Specifically, we decouple visual-linguistic feature fusion from downstream tasks by leveraging existing multimodal pre-trained models and incorporating additional object tokens to facilitate deep integration of downstream and pre-training tasks. Furthermore, we design a dynamic weight-balance distillation method in the multi-branch synchronous learning process to enhance the representation capability of the simpler branch. This branch only consists of a lightweight MLP, which simplifies the structure and improves reasoning speed. Experiments on six widely used VG datasets, i.e., RefCOCO/+/g, ReferIt, Flickr30K, and GRefCOCO, demonstrate the superiority of SimVG. Finally, the proposed method not only achieves improvements in efficiency and convergence speed but also attains new state-of-the-art performance on these benchmarks. Codes and models are available at
PaGoDA: Progressive Growing of a One-Step Generator from a Low-Resolution Diffusion Teacher
Dongjun Kim · Chieh-Hsin Lai · Wei-Hsiang Liao · Yuhta Takida · Naoki Murata · Toshimitsu Uesaka · Yuki Mitsufuji · Stefano Ermon
The diffusion model performs remarkable in generating high-dimensional content but is computationally intensive, especially during training. We propose Progressive Growing of Diffusion Autoencoder (PaGoDA), a novel pipeline that reduces the training costs through three stages: training diffusion on downsampled data, distilling the pretrained diffusion, and progressive super-resolution. With the proposed pipeline, PaGoDA achieves a $64\times$ reduced cost in training its diffusion model on $8\times$ downsampled data; while at the inference, with the single-step, it performs state-of-the-art on ImageNet across all resolutions from $64\times64$ to $512\times512$, and text-to-image. PaGoDA's pipeline can be applied directly in the latent space, adding compression alongside the pre-trained autoencoder in Latent Diffusion Models (e.g., Stable Diffusion). The code is available at
Scaling Retrieval-Based Language Models with a Trillion-Token Datastore
Rulin Shao · Jacqueline He · Akari Asai · Weijia Shi · Tim Dettmers · Sewon Min · Luke Zettlemoyer · Pang Wei Koh
Scaling laws with respect to the amount of training data and the number of parameters allow us to predict the cost-benefit trade-offs of pretraining language models (LMs) in different configurations. In this paper, we consider another dimension of scaling: the amount of data available at inference time. Specifically, we find that increasing the size of the datastore used by a retrieval-based LM monotonically improves language modeling and several downstream tasks without obvious saturation, such that a smaller model augmented with a large datastore outperforms a larger LM-only model on knowledge-intensive tasks. By plotting compute-optimal scaling curves with varied datastore, model, and pretraining data sizes, we show that using larger datastores can significantly improve model performance for the same training compute budget. We carry out our study by constructing a 1.4 trillion-token datastore named MassiveDS, which is the largest and the most diverse open-sourced datastore for retrieval-based LMs to date, and designing an efficient pipeline for studying datastore scaling in an accessible manner. Finally, we analyze the effect of improving the retriever, datastore quality filtering, and other design choices on our observed scaling trends. Overall, our results show that datastore size should be considered as an integral part of LM efficiency and performance trade-offs. To facilitate future research, we open-source our datastore and code at
Generalization Error Bounds for Two-stage Recommender Systems with Tree Structure
Jin Zhang · Ze Liu · Defu Lian · Enhong Chen
Two-stage recommender systems play a crucial role in efficiently identifying relevant items and personalizing recommendations from a vast array of options. This paper, based on an error decomposition framework, analyzes the generalization error for two-stage recommender systems with a tree structure, which consist of an efficient tree-based retriever and a more precise yet time-consuming ranker. We use the Rademacher complexity to establish the generalization upper bound for various tree-based retrievers using beam search, as well as for different ranker models under a shifted training distribution. Both theoretical insights and practical experiments on real-world datasets indicate that increasing the branches in tree-based retrievers and harmonizing distributions across stages can enhance the generalization performance of two-stage recommender systems.
Implicit Curriculum in Procgen Made Explicit
Zhenxiong Tan · Kaixin Wang · Xinchao Wang
Procedurally generated environments such as Procgen Benchmark provide a testbed for evaluating the agent's ability to robustly learn a relevant skill, by situating the agent in ever-changing levels. The diverse levels associated with varying contexts are naturally connected to curriculum learning. Existing works mainly focus on arranging the levels to explicitly form a curriculum. In this work, we take a close look at the learning process itself under the multi-level training in Procgen. Interestingly, the learning process exhibits a gradual shift from easy contexts to hard contexts, suggesting an implicit curriculum in multi-level training. Our analysis is made possible through C-Procgen, a benchmark we build upon Procgen that enables explicit control of the contexts. We believe our findings will foster a deeper understanding of learning in diverse contexts, and our benchmark will benefit future research in curriculum reinforcement learning.
Wings: Learning Multimodal LLMs without Text-only Forgetting
Yi-Kai Zhang · Shiyin Lu · Yang Li · YanQing Ma · Qingguo Chen · Zhao Xu · Weihua Luo · Kaifu Zhang · De-Chuan Zhan · Han-Jia Ye
Multimodal large language models (MLLMs), initiated with a trained LLM, first align images with text and then fine-tune on multimodal mixed inputs. However, during the continued training, the MLLM catastrophically forgets the text-only instructions that the initial LLM masters. In this paper, we present Wings, a novel MLLM that excels in both text-only and multimodal instructions. By examining attention across layers of MLLM, we find that text-only forgetting is related to the attention shifts from pre-image to post-image text. From that, we construct an additional Low-Rank Residual Attention (LoRRA) block that acts as the "modality learner" to expand the learnable space and compensate for the attention shift. The complementary learners, like "wings" on either side, are connected in parallel to each layer's attention block. The LoRRA mirrors the structure of attention but utilizes low-rank connections to ensure efficiency. Initially, image and text inputs are aligned with visual learners operating alongside the main attention, balancing focus on visual elements. Later, textual learners are integrated with token-wise routing, blending the outputs of both modality learners collaboratively. Our experimental results demonstrate that Wings outperforms equally-scaled MLLMs in both text-only and visual question-answering tasks. Wings with compensation of learners addresses text-only forgetting during visual modality expansion in general MLLMs.
One-Step Diffusion Distillation through Score Implicit Matching
Weijian Luo · Zemin Huang · Zhengyang Geng · J. Zico Kolter · Guo-Jun Qi
Despite their strong performances on many generative tasks, diffusion models require a large number of sampling steps in order to generate realistic samples. This has motivated the community to develop effective methods to distill pre-trained diffusion models into more efficient models, but these methods still typically require few-step inference or perform substantially worse than the underlying model. In this paper, we present Score Implicit Matching (SIM) a new approach to distilling pre-trained diffusion models into single-step generator models, while maintaining almost the same sample generation ability as the original model as well as being data-free with no need of training samples for distillation. The method rests upon the fact that, although the traditional score-based loss is intractable to minimize for generator models, under certain conditions we \emph{can} efficiently compute the \emph{gradients} for a wide class of score-based divergences between a diffusion model and a generator. SIM shows strong empirical performances for one-step generators: on the CIFAR10 dataset, it achieves an FID of 2.06 for unconditional generation and 1.96 for class-conditional generation. Moreover, by applying SIM to a leading transformer-based diffusion model, we distill a single-step generator for text-to-image (T2I) generation that attains an aesthetic score of 6.42 with no performance decline over the original multi-step counterpart, clearly outperforming the other one-step generators including SDXL-TURBO of 5.33, SDXL-LIGHTNING of 5.34 and HYPER-SDXL of 5.85. We will release this industry-ready one-step transformer-based T2I generator along with this paper.
Make-An-Agent: A Generalizable Policy Network Generator with Behavior-Prompted Diffusion
Yongyuan Liang · Tingqiang Xu · Kaizhe Hu · Guangqi Jiang · Furong Huang · Huazhe Xu
Can we generate a control policy for an agent using just one demonstration of desired behaviors as a prompt, as effortlessly as creating an image from a textual description?In this paper, we present Make-An-Agent, a novel policy parameter generator that leverages the power of conditional diffusion models for behavior-to-policy generation. Guided by behavior embeddings that encode trajectory information, our policy generator synthesizes latent parameter representations, which can then be decoded into policy networks. Trained on policy network checkpoints and their corresponding trajectories, our generation model demonstrates remarkable versatility and scalability on multiple tasks and has a strong generalization ability on unseen tasks to output well-performed policies with only few-shot demonstrations as inputs. We showcase its efficacy and efficiency on various domains and tasks, including varying objectives, behaviors, and even across different robot manipulators. Beyond simulation, we directly deploy policies generated by Make-An-Agent onto real-world robots on locomotion tasks. Project page:
Artificial Generational Intelligence: Cultural Accumulation in Reinforcement Learning
Jonathan Cook · Chris Lu · Edward Hughes · Joel Leibo · Jakob Foerster
Cultural accumulation drives the open-ended and diverse progress in capabilities spanning human history. It builds an expanding body of knowledge and skills by combining individual exploration with inter-generational information transmission. Despite its widespread success among humans, the capacity for artificial learning agents to accumulate culture remains under-explored. In particular, approaches to reinforcement learning typically strive for improvements over only a single lifetime. Generational algorithms that do exist fail to capture the open-ended, emergent nature of cultural accumulation, which allows individuals to trade-off innovation and imitation. Building on the previously demonstrated ability for reinforcement learning agents to perform social learning, we find that training setups which balance this with independent learning give rise to cultural accumulation. These accumulating agents outperform those trained for a single lifetime with the same cumulative experience. We explore this accumulation by constructing two models under two distinct notions of a generation: episodic generations, in which accumulation occurs via in-context learning and train-time generations, in which accumulation occurs via in-weights learning. In-context and in-weights cultural accumulation can be interpreted as analogous to knowledge and skill accumulation, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to present general models that achieve emergent cultural accumulation in reinforcement learning, opening up new avenues towards more open-ended learning systems, as well as presenting new opportunities for modelling human culture.
Consistency Purification: Effective and Efficient Diffusion Purification towards Certified Robustness
Yiquan Li · Zhongzhu Chen · Kun Jin · Jiongxiao Wang · Jiachen Lei · Bo Li · Chaowei Xiao
Diffusion Purification, purifying noised images with diffusion models, has been widely used for enhancing certified robustness via randomized smoothing. However, existing frameworks often grapple with the balance between efficiency and effectiveness. While the Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) offers an efficient single-step purification, it falls short in ensuring purified images reside on the data manifold. Conversely, the Stochastic Diffusion Model effectively places purified images on the data manifold but demands solving cumbersome stochastic differential equations, while its derivative, the Probability Flow Ordinary Differential Equation (PF-ODE), though solving simpler ordinary differential equations, still requires multiple computational steps. In this work, we demonstrated that an ideal purification pipeline should generate the purified images on the data manifold that are as much semantically aligned to the original images for effectiveness in one step for efficiency. Therefore, we introduced Consistency Purification, an efficiency-effectiveness Pareto superior purifier compared to the previous work. Consistency Purification employs the consistency model, a one-step generative model distilled from PF-ODE, thus can generate on-manifold purified images with a single network evaluation. However, the consistency model is designed not for purification thus it does not inherently ensure semantic alignment between purified and original images. To resolve this issue, we further refine it through Consistency Fine-tuning with LPIPS loss, which enables more aligned semantic meaning while keeping the purified images on data manifold. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our Consistency Purification framework achieves state-of-the-art certified robustness and efficiency compared to baseline methods.
DigiRL: Training In-The-Wild Device-Control Agents with Autonomous Reinforcement Learning
Hao Bai · Yifei Zhou · Jiayi Pan · Mert Cemri · Alane Suhr · Sergey Levine · Aviral Kumar
Pre-trained vision language models (VLMs), though powerful, typically lack training on decision-centric data, rendering them sub-optimal for decision-making tasks such as in-the-wild device control through Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) when used off-the-shelf. While training with static demonstrations has shown some promise, we show that such methods fall short when controlling real GUIs due to their failure to deal with real world stochasticity and dynamism not captured in static observational data. This paper introduces a novel autonomous RL approach, called DigiRL, for training in-the-wild device control agents through fine-tuning a pre-trained VLM in two stages: offline and offline-to-online RL. We first build a scalable and parallelizable Android learning environment equipped with a VLM-based general-purpose evaluator and then identify the key design choices for simple and effective RL in this domain. We demonstrate the effectiveness of DigiRL using the Android-in-the-Wild (AitW) dataset, where our 1.5B VLM trained with RL achieves a 49.5\% absolute improvement -- from 17.7 to 67.2\% success rate -- over supervised fine-tuning with static human demonstration data. It is worth noting that such improvement is achieved without any additional supervision or demonstration data. These results significantly surpass not only the prior best agents, including AppAgent with GPT-4V (8.3\% success rate) and the 17B CogAgent trained with AitW data (14.4\%), but also our implementation of prior best autonomous RL approach based on filtered behavior cloning (57.8\%), thereby establishing a new state-of-the-art for digital agents for in-the-wild device control.
Optimal Algorithms for Online Convex Optimization with Adversarial Constraints
Abhishek Sinha · Rahul Vaze
A well-studied generalization of the standard online convex optimization (OCO) framework is constrained online convex optimization (COCO). In COCO, on every round, a convex cost function and a convex constraint function are revealed to the learner after it chooses the action for that round. The objective is to design an online learning policy that simultaneously achieves a small regret while ensuring a small cumulative constraint violation (CCV) against an adaptive adversary interacting over a horizon of length $T$. A long-standing open question in COCO is whether an online policy can simultaneously achieve $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret and $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ CCV without any restrictive assumptions. For the first time, we answer this in the affirmative and show that a simple first-order policy can simultaneously achieve these bounds. Furthermore, in the case of strongly convex cost and convex constraint functions, the regret guarantee can be improved to $O(\log T)$ while keeping the CCV bound the same as above. We establish these results by effectively combining adaptive OCO policies as a blackbox with Lyapunov optimization - a classic tool from control theory. Surprisingly, the analysis is short and elegant.
PhyloGen: Language Model-Enhanced Phylogenetic Inference via Graph Structure Generation
ChenRui Duan · Zelin Zang · Siyuan Li · Yongjie Xu · Stan Z. Li
Phylogenetic trees elucidate evolutionary relationships among species, but phylogenetic inference remains challenging due to the complexity of combining continuous (branch lengths) and discrete parameters (tree topology). Traditional Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods face slow convergence and computational burdens. Existing Variational Inference methods, which require pre-generated topologies and typically treat tree structures and branch lengths independently, may overlook critical sequence features, limiting their accuracy and flexibility. We propose PhyloGen, a novel method leveraging a pre-trained genomic language model to generate and optimize phylogenetic trees without dependence on evolutionary models or aligned sequence constraints. PhyloGen views phylogenetic inference as a conditionally constrained tree structure generation problem, jointly optimizing tree topology and branch lengths through three core modules: (i) Feature Extraction, (ii) PhyloTree Construction, and (iii) PhyloTree Structure Modeling. Meanwhile, we introduce a Scoring Function to guide the model towards a more stable gradient descent. We demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of PhyloGen on eight real-world benchmark datasets. Visualization results confirm PhyloGen provides deeper insights into phylogenetic relationships.
Diffusion Actor-Critic with Entropy Regulator
Yinuo Wang · Likun Wang · Yuxuan Jiang · Wenjun Zou · Tong Liu · Xujie Song · Wenxuan Wang · Liming Xiao · Jiang Wu · Jingliang Duan · Shengbo Li
Reinforcement learning (RL) has proven highly effective in addressing complex decision-making and control tasks. However, in most traditional RL algorithms, the policy is typically parameterized as a diagonal Gaussian distribution with learned mean and variance, which constrains their capability to acquire complex policies. In response to this problem, we propose an online RL algorithm termed diffusion actor-critic with entropy regulator (DACER). This algorithm conceptualizes the reverse process of the diffusion model as a novel policy function and leverages the capability of the diffusion model to fit multimodal distributions, thereby enhancing the representational capacity of the policy. Since the distribution of the diffusion policy lacks an analytical expression, its entropy cannot be determined analytically. To mitigate this, we propose a method to estimate the entropy of the diffusion policy utilizing Gaussian mixture model. Building on the estimated entropy, we can learn a parameter $\alpha$ that modulates the degree of exploration and exploitation. Parameter $\alpha$ will be employed to adaptively regulate the variance of the added noise, which is applied to the action output by the diffusion model. Experimental trials on MuJoCo benchmarks and a multimodal task demonstrate that the DACER algorithm achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in most MuJoCo control tasks while exhibiting a stronger representational capacity of the diffusion policy.
Simplified and Generalized Masked Diffusion for Discrete Data
Jiaxin Shi · Kehang Han · Zhe Wang · Arnaud Doucet · Michalis Titsias
Masked (or absorbing) diffusion is actively explored as an alternative to autoregressive models for generative modeling of discrete data. However, existing work in this area has been hindered by unnecessarily complex model formulations and unclear relationships between different perspectives, leading to suboptimal parameterization, training objectives, and ad hoc adjustments to counteract these issues. In this work, we aim to provide a simple and general framework that unlocks the full potential of masked diffusion models. We show that the continuous-time variational objective of masked diffusion models is a simple weighted integral of cross-entropy losses. Our framework also enables training generalized masked diffusion models with state-dependent masking schedules. When evaluated by perplexity, our models trained on OpenWebText surpass prior diffusion language models at GPT-2 scale and demonstrate superior performance on 4 out of 5 zero-shot language modeling tasks. Furthermore, our models vastly outperform previous discrete diffusion models on pixel-level image modeling, achieving 2.75 (CIFAR-10) and 3.40 (ImageNet 64x64) bits per dimension that are better than autoregressive models of similar sizes.
Iterative Methods via Locally Evolving Set Process
Baojian Zhou · Yifan Sun · Reza Babanezhad Harikandeh · Xingzhi Guo · Deqing Yang · Yanghua Xiao
Given the damping factor $\alpha$ and precision tolerance $\epsilon$, \citet{andersen2006local} introduced Approximate Personalized PageRank (APPR), the \textit{de facto local method} for approximating the PPR vector, with runtime bounded by $\Theta(1/(\alpha\epsilon))$ independent of the graph size. Recently, Fountoulakis \& Yang asked whether faster local algorithms could be developed using $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(1/(\sqrt{\alpha}\epsilon))$ operations. By noticing that APPR is a local variant of Gauss-Seidel, this paper explores the question of *whether standard iterative solvers can be effectively localized*. We propose to use the *locally evolving set process*, a novel framework to characterize the algorithm locality, and demonstrate that many standard solvers can be effectively localized. Let $\overline{\operatorname{vol}}{ (\mathcal S_t)}$ and $\overline{\gamma_t}$ be the running average of volume and the residual ratio of active nodes $\textstyle \mathcal{S_t}$ during the process. We show $\overline{\operatorname{vol}}{ (\mathcal S_t)}/\overline{\gamma_t} \leq 1/\epsilon$ and prove APPR admits a new runtime bound $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\overline{\operatorname{vol}}(\mathcal S_t)/(\alpha\overline{\gamma_t}))$ mirroring the actual performance. Furthermore, when the geometric mean of residual reduction is $\Theta(\sqrt{\alpha})$, then there exists $c \in (0,2)$ such that the local Chebyshev method has runtime $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\overline{\operatorname{vol}}(\mathcal{S_t})/(\sqrt{\alpha}(2-c)))$ without the monotonicity assumption. Numerical results confirm the efficiency of this novel framework and show up to a hundredfold speedup over corresponding standard solvers on real-world graphs.
AdaFlow: Imitation Learning with Variance-Adaptive Flow-Based Policies
Xixi Hu · Qiang Liu · Xingchao Liu · Bo Liu
Diffusion-based imitation learning improves Behavioral Cloning (BC) on multi-modal decision-making, but comes at the cost of significantly slower inference due to the recursion in the diffusion process. It urges us to design efficient policy generators while keeping the ability to generate diverse actions. To address this challenge, we propose AdaFlow, an imitation learning framework based on flow-based generative modeling. AdaFlow represents the policy with state-conditioned ordinary differential equations (ODEs), which are known as probability flows. We reveal an intriguing connection between the conditional variance of their training loss and the discretization error of the ODEs.With this insight, we propose a variance-adaptive ODE solver that can adjust its step size in the inference stage, makingAdaFlow an adaptive decision-maker, offering rapid inference without sacrificing diversity. Interestingly, it automatically reduces to a one-step generator when the action distribution is uni-modal. Our comprehensive empirical evaluation shows that AdaFlow achieves high performance with fast inference speed.