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Achieving Optimal Clustering in Gaussian Mixture Models with Anisotropic Covariance Structures
Xin Chen · Anderson Ye Zhang
West Ballroom A-D #6906
Wed 11 Dec 10 a.m. PST — 11 a.m. PST
We study clustering under anisotropic Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs), where covariance matrices from different clusters are unknown and are not necessarily the identity matrix. We analyze two anisotropic scenarios: homogeneous, with identical covariance matrices, and heterogeneous, with distinct matrices per cluster. For these models, we derive minimax lower bounds that illustrate the critical influence of covariance structures on clustering accuracy. To solve the clustering problem, we consider a variant of Lloyd's algorithm, adapted to estimate and utilize covariance information iteratively. We prove that the adjusted algorithm not only achieves the minimax optimality but also converges within a logarithmic number of iterations, thus bridging the gap between theoretical guarantees and practical efficiency.