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Inversion-based Latent Bayesian Optimization

Jaewon Chu · Jinyoung Park · Seunghun Lee · Hyunwoo Kim

West Ballroom A-D #6205
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Wed 11 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST

Abstract: Latent Bayesian optimization (LBO) approaches have successfully adopted Bayesian optimization over a continuous latent space by employing an encoder-decoder architecture to address the challenge of optimization in a high dimensional or discrete input space. LBO learns a surrogate model to approximate the black-box objective function in the latent space. However, we observed that most LBO methods suffer from the `misalignment problem', which is induced by the reconstruction error of the encoder-decoder architecture. It hinders learning an accurate surrogate model and generating high-quality solutions. In addition, several trust region-based LBO methods select the anchor, the center of the trust region, based solely on the objective function value without considering the trust region's potential to enhance the optimization process. To address these issues, we propose $\textbf{Inv}$ersion-based Latent $\textbf{B}$ayesian $\textbf{O}$ptimization (InvBO), a plug-and-play module for LBO. InvBO consists of two components: an inversion method and a potential-aware trust region anchor selection. The inversion method searches the latent code that completely reconstructs the given target data. The potential-aware trust region anchor selection considers the potential capability of the trust region for better local optimization. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of InvBO on nine real-world benchmarks, such as molecule design and arithmetic expression fitting tasks. Code is available at

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