Poster Session
Poster Session 5 West
West Ballroom A-D
Do Finetti: On Causal Effects for Exchangeable Data
Siyuan Guo · Chi Zhang · Karthika Mohan · Ferenc Huszar · Bernhard Schölkopf
We study causal effect estimation in a setting where the data are not i.i.d.$\ $(independent and identically distributed). We focus on exchangeable data satisfying an assumption of independent causal mechanisms. Traditional causal effect estimation frameworks, e.g., relying on structural causal models and do-calculus, are typically limited to i.i.d. data and do not extend to more general exchangeable generative processes, which naturally arise in multi-environment data. To address this gap, we develop a generalized framework for exchangeable data and introduce a truncated factorization formula that facilitates both the identification and estimation of causal effects in our setting. To illustrate potential applications, we introduce a causal Pólya urn model and demonstrate how intervention propagates effects in exchangeable data settings. Finally, we develop an algorithm that performs simultaneous causal discovery and effect estimation given multi-environment data.
Identifiability Analysis of Linear ODE Systems with Hidden Confounders
Yuanyuan Wang · Biwei Huang · Wei Huang · Xi Geng · Mingming Gong
The identifiability analysis of linear Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) systems is a necessary prerequisite for making reliable causal inferences about these systems. While identifiability has been well studied in scenarios where the system is fully observable, the conditions for identifiability remain unexplored when latent variables interact with the system. This paper aims to address this gap by presenting a systematic analysis of identifiability in linear ODE systems incorporating hidden confounders. Specifically, we investigate two cases of such systems. In the first case, latent confounders exhibit no causal relationships, yet their evolution adheres to specific functional forms, such as polynomial functions of time $t$. Subsequently, we extend this analysis to encompass scenarios where hidden confounders exhibit causal dependencies, with the causal structure of latent variables described by a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). The second case represents a more intricate variation of the first case, prompting a more comprehensive identifiability analysis. Accordingly, we conduct detailed identifiability analyses of the second system under various observation conditions, including both continuous and discrete observations from single or multiple trajectories. To validate our theoretical results, we perform a series of simulations, which support and substantiate our findings.
QWO: Speeding Up Permutation-Based Causal Discovery in LiGAMs
Mohammad Shahverdikondori · Ehsan Mokhtarian · Negar Kiyavash
Causal discovery is essential for understanding relationships among variables of interest in many scientific domains. In this paper, we focus on permutation-based methods for learning causal graphs in Linear Gaussian Acyclic Models (LiGAMs), where the permutation encodes a causal ordering of the variables. Existing methods in this setting are not scalable due to their high computational complexity. These methods are comprised of two main components: (i) constructing a specific DAG, $\mathcal{G}^\pi$, for a given permutation $\pi$, which represents the best structure that can be learned from the available data while adhering to $\pi$, and (ii) searching over the space of permutations (i.e., causal orders) to minimize the number of edges in $\mathcal{G}^\pi$. We introduce QWO, a novel approach that significantly enhances the efficiency of computing $\mathcal{G}^\pi$ for a given permutation $\pi$. QWO has a speed-up of $O(n^2)$ ($n$ is the number of variables) compared to the state-of-the-art BIC-based method, making it highly scalable. We show that our method is theoretically sound and can be integrated into existing search strategies such as GRASP and hill-climbing-based methods to improve their performance.
Identification and Estimation of the Bi-Directional MR with Some Invalid Instruments
Feng Xie · Zhen Yao · Lin Xie · Yan Zeng · Zhi Geng
We consider the challenging problem of estimating causal effects from purely observational data in the bi-directional Mendelian randomization (MR), where some invalid instruments, as well as unmeasured confounding, usually exist. To address this problem, most existing methods attempt to find proper valid instrumental variables (IVs) for the target causal effect by expert knowledge or by assuming that the causal model is a one-directional MR model. As such, in this paper, we first theoretically investigate the identification of the bi-directional MR from observational data. In particular, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions under which valid IV sets are correctly identified such that the bi-directional MR model is identifiable, including the causal directions of a pair of phenotypes (i.e., the treatment and outcome).Moreover, based on the identification theory, we develop a cluster fusion-like method to discover valid IV sets and estimate the causal effects of interest.We theoretically demonstrate the correctness of the proposed algorithm.Experimental results show the effectiveness of our method for estimating causal effects in both one-directional and bi-directional MR models.
Detecting and Measuring Confounding Using Causal Mechanism Shifts
Abbavaram Gowtham Reddy · Vineeth N Balasubramanian
Detecting and measuring confounding effects from data is a key challenge in causal inference. Existing methods frequently assume causal sufficiency, disregarding the presence of unobserved confounding variables. Causal sufficiency is both unrealistic and empirically untestable. Additionally, existing methods make strong parametric assumptions about the underlying causal generative process to guarantee the identifiability of confounding variables. Relaxing the causal sufficiency and parametric assumptions and leveraging recent advancements in causal discovery and confounding analysis with non-i.i.d. data, we propose a comprehensive approach for detecting and measuring confounding. We consider various definitions of confounding and introduce tailored methodologies to achieve three objectives: (i) detecting and measuring confounding among a set of variables, (ii) separating observed and unobserved confounding effects, and (iii) understanding the relative strengths of confounding bias between different sets of variables. We present useful properties of a confounding measure and present measures that satisfy those properties. Our empirical results support the usefulness of the proposed measures.
Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects by Combining Weak Instruments and Observational Data
Miruna Oprescu · Nathan Kallus
Accurately predicting conditional average treatment effects (CATEs) is crucial in personalized medicine and digital platform analytics. Since the treatments of interest often cannot be directly randomized, observational data is leveraged to learn CATEs, but this approach can incur significant bias from unobserved confounding. One strategy to overcome these limitations is to leverage instrumental variables (IVs) as latent quasi-experiments, such as randomized intent-to-treat assignments or randomized product recommendations. This approach, on the other hand, can suffer from low compliance, i.e., IV weakness. Some subgroups may even exhibit zero compliance, meaning we cannot instrument for their CATEs at all. In this paper, we develop a novel approach to combine IV and observational data to enable reliable CATE estimation in the presence of unobserved confounding in the observational data and low compliance in the IV data, including no compliance for some subgroups. We propose a two-stage framework that first learns \textit{biased} CATEs from the observational data, and then applies a compliance-weighted correction using IV data, effectively leveraging IV strength variability across covariates. We characterize the convergence rates of our method and validate its effectiveness through a simulation study. Additionally, we demonstrate its utility with real data by analyzing the heterogeneous effects of 401(k) plan participation on wealth.
Identifying Selections for Unsupervised Subtask Discovery
Yiwen Qiu · Yujia Zheng · Kun Zhang
When solving long-horizon tasks, it is intriguing to decompose the high-level task into subtasks. Decomposing experiences into reusable subtasks can improve data efficiency, accelerate policy generalization, and in general provide promising solutions to multi-task reinforcement learning and imitation learning problems. However, the concept of subtasks is not sufficiently understood and modeled yet, and existing works often overlook the true structure of the data generation process: subtasks are the results of a selection mechanism on actions, rather than possible underlying confounders or intermediates. Specifically, we provide a theory to identify, and experiments to verify the existence of selection variables in such data. These selections serve as subgoals that indicate subtasks and guide policy. In light of this idea, we develop a sequential non-negative matrix factorization (seq- NMF) method to learn these subgoals and extract meaningful behavior patterns as subtasks. Our empirical results on a challenging Kitchen environment demonstrate that the learned subtasks effectively enhance the generalization to new tasks in multi-task imitation learning scenarios. The codes are provided at this link.
Causal Effect Identification in a Sub-Population with Latent Variables
Amir Mohammad Abouei · Ehsan Mokhtarian · Negar Kiyavash · Matthias Grossglauser
The s-ID problem seeks to compute a causal effect in a specific sub-population from the observational data pertaining to the same sub population (Abouei et al., 2023). This problem has been addressed when all the variables in the system are observable. In this paper, we consider an extension of the s-ID problem that allows for the presence of latent variables. To tackle the challenges induced by the presence of latent variables in a sub-population, we first extend the classical relevant graphical definitions, such as c-components and Hedges, initially defined for the so-called ID problem (Pearl, 1995; Tian & Pearl, 2002), to their new counterparts. Subsequently, we propose a sound algorithm for the s-ID problem with latent variables.
On Causal Discovery in the Presence of Deterministic Relations
Loka Li · Haoyue Dai · Hanin Al Ghothani · Biwei Huang · Jiji Zhang · Shahar Harel · Isaac Bentwich · Guangyi Chen · Kun Zhang
Many causal discovery methods typically rely on the assumption of independent noise, yet real-life situations often involve deterministic relationships. In these cases, observed variables are represented as deterministic functions of their parental variables without noise.When determinism is present, constraint-based methods encounter challenges due to the violation of the faithfulness assumption. In this paper, we find, supported by both theoretical analysis and empirical evidence, that score-based methods with exact search can naturally address the issues of deterministic relations under rather mild assumptions. Nonetheless, exact score-based methods can be computationally expensive. To enhance the efficiency and scalability, we develop a novel framework for causal discovery that can detect and handle deterministic relations, called Determinism-aware Greedy Equivalent Search (DGES). DGES comprises three phases: (1) identify minimal deterministic clusters (i.e., a minimal set of variables with deterministic relationships), (2) run modified Greedy Equivalent Search (GES) to obtain an initial graph, and (3) perform exact search exclusively on the deterministic cluster and its neighbors. The proposed DGES accommodates both linear and nonlinear causal relationships, as well as both continuous and discrete data types. Furthermore, we investigate the identifiability conditions of DGES. We conducted extensive experiments on both simulated and real-world datasets to show the efficacy of our proposed method.
Towards Estimating Bounds on the Effect of Policies under Unobserved Confounding
Alexis Bellot · Silvia Chiappa
As many practical fields transition to provide personalized decisions, data is increasingly relevant to support the evaluation of candidate plans and policies (e.g., guidelines for the treatment of disease, government directives, etc.). In the machine learning literature, significant efforts have been put into developing machinery to predict the effectiveness of policies efficiently. The challenge is that, in practice, the effectiveness of a candidate policy is not always identifiable, i.e., not uniquely estimable from the combination of the available data and assumptions about the domain at hand (e.g., encoded in a causal graph). In this paper, we develop graphical characterizations and estimation tools to bound the effect of policies given a causal graph and observational data collected in non-identifiable settings. Specifically, our contributions are two-fold: (1) we derive analytical bounds for general probabilistic and conditional policies that are tighter than existing results, (2) we develop an estimation framework to estimate bounds from finite samples, applicable in higher-dimensional spaces and continuously-valued data. We further show that the resulting estimators have favourable statistical properties such as fast convergence and robustness to model misspecification.
InfiBench: Evaluating the Question-Answering Capabilities of Code Large Language Models
Linyi Li · Shijie Geng · Zhenwen Li · Yibo He · Hao Yu · Ziyue Hua · Guanghan Ning · Siwei Wang · Tao Xie · Hongxia Yang
Large Language Models for code (code LLMs) have witnessed tremendous progress in recent years. With the rapid development of code LLMs, many popular evaluation benchmarks, such as HumanEval, DS-1000, and MBPP, have emerged to measure the performance of code LLMs with a particular focus on code generation tasks. However, they are insufficient to cover the full range of expected capabilities of code LLMs, which span beyond code generation to answering diverse coding-related questions. To fill this gap, we propose InfiBench, the first large-scale freeform question-answering (QA) benchmark for code to our knowledge, comprising 234 carefully selected high-quality Stack Overflow questions that span across 15 programming languages. InfiBench uses four types of model-free automatic metrics to evaluate response correctness where domain experts carefully concretize the criterion for each question. We conduct a systematic evaluation for over 100 latest code LLMs on InfiBench, leading to a series of novel and insightful findings. Our detailed analyses showcase potential directions for further advancement of code LLMs. InfiBench is fully open source at and continuously expanding to foster more scientific and systematic practices for code LLM evaluation.
Shopping MMLU: A Massive Multi-Task Online Shopping Benchmark for Large Language Models
Yilun Jin · Zheng Li · Chenwei Zhang · Tianyu Cao · Yifan Gao · Pratik Jayarao · Mao Li · Xin Liu · Ritesh Sarkhel · Xianfeng Tang · Haodong Wang · Zhengyang Wang · Wenju Xu · Jingfeng Yang · Qingyu Yin · Xian Li · Priyanka Nigam · Yi Xu · Kai Chen · Qiang Yang · Meng Jiang · Bing Yin
Online shopping is a complex multi-task, few-shot learning problem with a wide and evolving range of entities, relations, and tasks. However, existing models and benchmarks are commonly tailored to specific tasks, falling short of capturing the full complexity of online shopping. Large Language Models (LLMs), with their multi-task and few-shot learning abilities, have the potential to profoundly transform online shopping by alleviating task-specific engineering efforts and by providing users with interactive conversations. Despite the potential, LLMs face unique challenges in online shopping, such as domain-specific concepts, implicit knowledge, and heterogeneous user behaviors. Motivated by the potential and challenges, we propose Shopping MMLU, a diverse multi-task online shopping benchmark derived from real-world Amazon data. Shopping MMLU consists of 57 tasks covering 4 major shopping skills: concept understanding, knowledge reasoning, user behavior alignment, and multi-linguality, and can thus comprehensively evaluate the abilities of LLMs as general shop assistants. With Shoppping MMLU, we benchmark over 20 existing LLMs and uncover valuable insights about practices and prospects of building versatile LLM-based shop assistants. Shopping MMLU can be publicly accessed at In addition, with Shopping MMLU, we are hosting a competition in KDD Cup 2024 with over 500 participating teams. The winning solutions and the associated workshop can be accessed at our website
PutnamBench: Evaluating Neural Theorem-Provers on the Putnam Mathematical Competition
George Tsoukalas · Jasper Lee · John Jennings · Jimmy Xin · Michelle Ding · Michael Jennings · Amitayush Thakur · Swarat Chaudhuri
We present PutnamBench, a new multi-language benchmark for evaluating the ability of neural theorem-provers to solve competition mathematics problems. PutnamBench consists of 1692 hand-constructed formalizations of 640 theorems sourced from the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, the premier undergraduate-level mathematics competition in North America. All the problems have formalizations in Lean 4 and Isabelle; a substantial subset also has Coq formalizations. PutnamBench requires significant problem-solving ability and proficiency in a broad range of topics taught in undergraduate mathematics courses. We use PutnamBench to evaluate several established neural and symbolic theorem-provers. These approaches can only solve a handful of the PutnamBench problems, establishing the benchmark as a difficult open challenge for research on neural theorem-proving. PutnamBench is available at
BIOSCAN-5M: A Multimodal Dataset for Insect Biodiversity
Zahra Gharaee · Scott C. Lowe · ZeMing Gong · Pablo Millan Arias · Nicholas Pellegrino · Austin T. Wang · Joakim Bruslund Haurum · Iuliia Eyriay · Lila Kari · Dirk Steinke · Graham Taylor · Paul Fieguth · Angel Chang
As part of an ongoing worldwide effort to comprehend and monitor insect biodiversity, this paper presents the BIOSCAN-5M Insect dataset to the machine learning community and establish several benchmark tasks. BIOSCAN-5M is a comprehensive dataset containing multi-modal information for over 5 million insect specimens, and it significantly expands existing image-based biological datasets by including taxonomic labels, raw nucleotide barcode sequences, assigned barcode index numbers, geographical, and size information. We propose three benchmark experiments to demonstrate the impact of the multi-modal data types on the classification and clustering accuracy. First, we pretrain a masked language model on the DNA barcode sequences of the BIOSCAN-5M dataset, and demonstrate the impact of using this large reference library on species- and genus-level classification performance. Second, we propose a zero-shot transfer learning task applied to images and DNA barcodes to cluster feature embeddings obtained from self-supervised learning, to investigate whether meaningful clusters can be derived from these representation embeddings. Third, we benchmark multi-modality by performing contrastive learning on DNA barcodes, image data, and taxonomic information. This yields a general shared embedding space enabling taxonomic classification using multiple types of information and modalities. The code repository of the BIOSCAN-5M Insect dataset is available at
ReMI: A Dataset for Reasoning with Multiple Images
Mehran Kazemi · Nishanth Dikkala · Ankit Anand · Petar Devic · Ishita Dasgupta · Fangyu Liu · Bahare Fatemi · Pranjal Awasthi · Sreenivas Gollapudi · Dee Guo · Ahmed Qureshi
With the continuous advancement of large language models (LLMs), it is essential to create new benchmarks to evaluate their expanding capabilities and identify areas for improvement. This work focuses on multi-image reasoning, an emerging capability in state-of-the-art LLMs. We introduce ReMI, a dataset designed to assess LLMs' ability to reason with multiple images. This dataset encompasses a diverse range of tasks, spanning various reasoning domains such as math, physics, logic, code, table/chart understanding, and spatial and temporal reasoning. It also covers a broad spectrum of characteristics found in multi-image reasoning scenarios. We have benchmarked several cutting-edge LLMs using ReMI and found a substantial gap between their performance and human-level proficiency. This highlights the challenges in multi-image reasoning and the need for further research. Our analysis also reveals the strengths and weaknesses of different models, shedding light on the types of reasoning that are currently attainable and areas where future models require improvement. We anticipate that ReMI will be a valuable resource for developing and evaluating more sophisticated LLMs capable of handling real-world multi-image understanding tasks.
IaC-Eval: A Code Generation Benchmark for Cloud Infrastructure-as-Code Programs
Patrick Tser Jern Kon · Jiachen Liu · Yiming Qiu · Weijun Fan · Ting He · Lei Lin · Haoran Zhang · Owen Park · George Elengikal · Yuxin Kang · Ang Chen · Mosharaf Chowdhury · Myungjin Lee · Xinyu Wang
Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC), an important component of cloud computing, allows the definition of cloud infrastructure in high-level programs. However, developing IaC programs is challenging, complicated by factors that include the burgeoning complexity of the cloud ecosystem (e.g., diversity of cloud services and workloads), and the relative scarcity of IaC-specific code examples and public repositories. While large language models (LLMs) have shown promise in general code generation and could potentially aid in IaC development, no benchmarks currently exist for evaluating their ability to generate IaC code. We present IaC-Eval, a first step in this research direction. IaC-Eval's dataset includes 458 human-curated scenarios covering a wide range of popular AWS services, at varying difficulty levels. Each scenario mainly comprises a natural language IaC problem description and an infrastructure intent specification. The former is fed as user input to the LLM, while the latter is a general notion used to verify if the generated IaC program conforms to the user's intent; by making explicit the problem's requirements that can encompass various cloud services, resources and internal infrastructure details. Our in-depth evaluation shows that contemporary LLMs perform poorly on IaC-Eval, with the top-performing model, GPT-4, obtaining a pass@1 accuracy of 19.36%. In contrast, it scores 86.6% on EvalPlus, a popular Python code generation benchmark, highlighting a need for advancements in this domain. We open-source the IaC-Eval dataset and evaluation framework at to enable future research on LLM-based IaC code generation.
Building Timeseries Dataset: Empowering Large-Scale Building Analytics
Arian Prabowo · Xiachong LIN · Imran Razzak · Hao Xue · Emily Yap · Matthew Amos · Flora Salim
Buildings play a crucial role in human well-being, influencing occupant comfort, health, and safety.Additionally, they contribute significantly to global energy consumption, accounting for one-third of total energy usage, and carbon emissions.Optimizing building performance presents a vital opportunity to combat climate change and promote human flourishing.However, research in building analytics has been hampered by the lack of accessible, available, and comprehensive real-world datasets on multiple building operations.In this paper, we introduce the Building TimeSeries (BTS) dataset.Our dataset covers three buildings over a three-year period, comprising more than ten thousand timeseries data points with hundreds of unique ontologies.Moreover, the metadata is standardized using the Brick schema.To demonstrate the utility of this dataset, we performed benchmarks on two tasks: timeseries ontology classification and zero-shot forecasting.These tasks represent an essential initial step in addressing challenges related to interoperability in building analytics.Access to the dataset and the code used for benchmarking are available here:
OVT-B: A New Large-Scale Benchmark for Open-Vocabulary Multi-Object Tracking
Haiji Liang · Ruize Han
Open-vocabulary object perception has become an important topic in artificial intelligence, which aims to identify objects with novel classes that have not been seen during training. Under this setting, open-vocabulary object detection (OVD) in a single image has been studied in many literature. However, open-vocabulary object tracking (OVT) from a video has been studied less, and one reason is the shortage of benchmarks. In this work, we have built a new large-scale benchmark for open-vocabulary multi-object tracking namely OVT-B. OVT-B contains 1,048 categories of objects and 1,973 videos with 637,608 bounding box annotations, which is much larger than the sole open-vocabulary tracking dataset, i.e., OVTAO-val dataset (200+ categories, 900+ videos). The proposed OVT-B can be used as a new benchmark to pave the way for OVT research. We also develop a simple yet effective baseline method for OVT. It integrates the motion features for object tracking, which is an important feature for MOT but is ignored in previous OVT methods. Experimental results have verified the usefulness of the proposed benchmark and the effectiveness of our method. We have released the benchmark to the public at
Beyond Aesthetics: Cultural Competence in Text-to-Image Models
Nithish Kannen Senthilkumar · Arif Ahmad · Marco Andreetto · Vinodkumar Prabhakaran · Utsav Prabhu · Adji Bousso Dieng · Pushpak Bhattacharyya · Shachi Dave
Text-to-Image (T2I) models are being increasingly adopted in diverse global communities where they create visual representations of their unique cultures. Current T2I benchmarks primarily focus on faithfulness, aesthetics, and realism of generated images, overlooking the critical dimension of cultural competence. In this work, we introduce a framework to evaluate cultural competence of T2I models along two crucial dimensions: cultural awareness and cultural diversity, and present a scalable approach using a combination of structured knowledge bases and large language models to build a large dataset of cultural artifacts to enable this evaluation. In particular, we apply this approach to build CUBE (CUltural BEnchmark for Text-to-Image models), a first-of-its-kind benchmark to evaluate cultural competence of T2I models. CUBE covers cultural artifacts associated with 8 countries across different geo-cultural regions and along 3 concepts: cuisine, landmarks, and art. CUBE consists of 1) CUBE-1K, a set of high-quality prompts that enable the evaluation of cultural awareness, and 2) CUBE-CSpace, a larger dataset of cultural artifacts that serves as grounding to evaluate cultural diversity. We also introduce cultural diversity as a novel T2I evaluation component, leveraging quality-weighted Vendi score. Our evaluations reveal significant gaps in the cultural awareness of existing models across countries and provide valuable insights into the cultural diversity of T2I outputs for underspecified prompts. Our methodology is extendable to other cultural regions and concepts and can facilitate the development of T2I models that better cater to the global population.
StackEval: Benchmarking LLMs in Coding Assistance
Nidhish Shah · Zulkuf Genc · Dogu Araci
We present two comprehensive benchmarks to evaluate the performance of language models in coding assistance tasks, covering code writing, debugging, code review, and conceptual understanding. Our main contribution includes two curated datasets: StackEval, a large-scale benchmark derived from Stack Overflow questions, and StackUnseen, a dynamic benchmark featuring the most recent Stack Overflow content. These benchmarks offer novel insights into the capabilities and limitations of LLMs, particularly in handling new and emerging content. Additionally, we assess LLMs' proficiency as judges for coding tasks using a curated, human-annotated dataset, exploring their evaluation capabilities and potential biases, including whether they favor their own generated solutions. Our findings underscore the potential of these benchmarks to advance LLM development and application in coding assistance. To ensure reproducibility, we publicly share our datasets and evaluation code at
IndicVoices-R: Unlocking a Massive Multilingual Multi-speaker Speech Corpus for Scaling Indian TTS
Ashwin Sankar · Srija Anand · Praveen Varadhan · Sherry Thomas · Mehak Singal · Shridhar Kumar · Deovrat Mehendale · Aditi Krishana · Giri Raju · Mitesh Khapra
Recent advancements in text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis show that large-scale models trained with extensive web data produce highly natural-sounding output. However, such data is scarce for Indian languages due to the lack of high-quality, manually subtitled data on platforms like LibriVox or YouTube. To address this gap, we enhance existing large-scale ASR datasets containing natural conversations collected in low-quality environments to generate high-quality TTS training data. Our pipeline leverages the cross-lingual generalization of denoising and speech enhancement models trained on English and applied to Indian languages. This results in IndicVoices-R (IV-R), the largest multilingual Indian TTS dataset derived from an ASR dataset, with 1,704 hours of high-quality speech from 10,496 speakers across 22 Indian languages. IV-R matches the quality of gold-standard TTS datasets like LJSpeech, LibriTTS, and IndicTTS. We also introduce the IV-R Benchmark, the first to assess zero-shot, few-shot, and many-shot speaker generalization capabilities of TTS models on Indian voices, ensuring diversity in age, gender, and style. We demonstrate that fine-tuning an English pre-trained model on a combined dataset of high-quality IndicTTS and our IV-R dataset results in better zero-shot speaker generalization compared to fine-tuning on the IndicTTS dataset alone. Further, our evaluation reveals limited zero-shot generalization for Indian voices in TTS models trained on prior datasets, which we improve by fine-tuning the model on our data containing diverse set of speakers across language families. We open-source code and data for all 22 official Indian languages.
PersonalSum: A User-Subjective Guided Personalized Summarization Dataset for Large Language Models
Lemei Zhang · Peng Liu · Marcus Henriksboe · Even Lauvrak · Jon Atle Gulla · Heri Ramampiaro
With the rapid advancement of Natural Language Processing in recent years, numerous studies have shown that generic summaries generated by Large Language Models (LLMs) can sometimes surpass those annotated by experts, such as journalists, according to human evaluations. However, there is limited research on whether these generic summaries meet the individual needs of ordinary people. The biggest obstacle is the lack of human-annotated datasets from the general public. Existing work on personalized summarization often relies on pseudo datasets created from generic summarization datasets or controllable tasks that focus on specific named entities or other aspects, such as the length and specificity of generated summaries, collected from hypothetical tasks without the annotators' initiative. To bridge this gap, we propose a high-quality, personalized, manually annotated summarization dataset called PersonalSum. This dataset is the first to investigate whether the focus of public readers differs from the generic summaries generated by LLMs. It includes user profiles, personalized summaries accompanied by source sentences from given articles, and machine-generated generic summaries along with their sources. We investigate several personal signals — entities/topics, plot, and structure of articles—that may affect the generation of personalized summaries using LLMs in a few-shot in-context learning scenario. Our preliminary results and analysis indicate that entities/topics are merely one of the key factors that impact the diverse preferences of users, and personalized summarization remains a significant challenge for existing LLMs.
emg2qwerty: A Large Dataset with Baselines for Touch Typing using Surface Electromyography
Viswanath Sivakumar · Jeffrey Seely · Alan Du · Sean Bittner · Adam Berenzweig · Anuoluwapo Bolarinwa · Alex Gramfort · Michael Mandel
Surface electromyography (sEMG) non-invasively measures signals generated by muscle activity with sufficient sensitivity to detect individual spinal neurons and richness to identify dozens of gestures and their nuances. Wearable wrist-based sEMG sensors have the potential to offer low friction, subtle, information rich, always available human-computer inputs. To this end, we introduce emg2qwerty, a large-scale dataset of non-invasive electromyographic signals recorded at the wrists while touch typing on a QWERTY keyboard, together with ground-truth annotations and reproducible baselines. With 1,135 sessions spanning 108 users and 346 hours of recording, this is the largest such public dataset to date. These data demonstrate non-trivial, but well defined hierarchical relationships both in terms of the generative process, from neurons to muscles and muscle combinations, as well as in terms of domain shift across users and user sessions. Applying standard modeling techniques from the closely related field of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), we show strong baseline performance on predicting key-presses using sEMG signals alone. We believe the richness of this task and dataset will facilitate progress in several problems of interest to both the machine learning and neuroscientific communities. Dataset and code can be accessed at
Is Function Similarity Over-Engineered? Building a Benchmark
Rebecca Saul · Chang Liu · Noah Fleischmann · Richard Zak · Kristopher Micinski · Edward Raff · James Holt
Binary analysis is a core component of many critical security tasks, including reverse engineering, malware analysis, and vulnerability detection. Manual analysis is often time-consuming, but identifying commonly-used or previously-seen functions can reduce the time it takes to understand a new file. However, given the complexity of assembly, and the NP-hard nature of determining function equivalence, this task is extremely difficult. Common approaches often use sophisticated disassembly and decompilation tools, graph analysis, and other expensive pre-processing steps to perform function similarity searches over some corpus. In this work, we identify a number of discrepancies between the current research environment and the underlying application need. To remedy this, we build a new benchmark, REFuSe-Bench, for binary function similarity detection consisting of high-quality datasets and tests that better reflect real-world use cases. In doing so, we address issues like data duplication and accurate labeling, experiment with real malware, and perform the first serious evaluation of ML binary function similarity models on Windows data. Our benchmark reveals that a new, simple baseline — one which looks at only the raw bytes of a function, and requires no disassembly or other pre-processing --- is able to achieve state-of-the-art performance in multiple settings. Our findings challenge conventional assumptions that complex models with highly-engineered features are being used to their full potential, and demonstrate that simpler approaches can provide significant value.
SETLEXSEM CHALLENGE: Using Set Operations to Evaluate the Lexical and Semantic Robustness of Language Models
Nicholas Dronen · Bardiya Akhbari · Manish Digambar Gawali
Set theory is foundational to mathematics and, when sets are finite, to reasoning about the world. An intelligent system should perform set operations consistently, regardless of superficial variations in the operands. Initially designed for semantically-oriented NLP tasks, large language models (LLMs) are now being evaluated on algorithmic tasks. Because sets are comprised of arbitrary symbols (e.g. numbers, words), they provide an opportunity to test, systematically, the invariance of LLMs’ algorithmic abilities under simple lexical or semantic variations. To this end, we present the SETLEXSEM CHALLENGE, a synthetic benchmark that evaluates the performance of LLMs on set operations. SETLEXSEM assesses the robustness of LLMs’ instruction-following abilities under various conditions, focusing on the set operations and the nature and construction of the set members. Evaluating seven LLMs with SETLEXSEM, we find that they exhibit poor robust- ness to variation in both operation and operands. We show – via the framework’s systematic sampling of set members along lexical and semantic dimensions – that LLMs are not only not robust to variation along these dimensions but demonstrate unique failure modes in particular, easy-to-create semantic groupings of "deceptive" sets. We find that rigorously measuring language model robustness to variation in frequency and length is challenging and present an analysis that measures them in- dependently. The code for reproducing the results of this paper, and for generating the SETLEXSEM CHALLENGE dataset, is available
Multi-modal Situated Reasoning in 3D Scenes
Xiongkun Linghu · Jiangyong Huang · Xuesong Niu · Xiaojian (Shawn) Ma · Baoxiong Jia · Siyuan Huang
Situation awareness is essential for understanding and reasoning about 3D scenes in embodied AI agents. However, existing datasets and benchmarks for situated understanding suffer from severe limitations in data modality, scope, diversity, and scale. To address these limitations, we propose Multi-modal Situated Question Answering (MSQA), a large-scale multi-modal situated reasoning dataset, scalably collected leveraging 3D scene graphs and vision-language models (VLMs) across a diverse range of real-world 3D scenes. MSQA includes 251K situated questionanswering pairs across 9 distinct question categories, covering complex scenarios and object modalities within 3D scenes. We introduce a novel interleaved multimodal input setting in our benchmark to provide both texts, images, and point clouds for situation and question description, aiming to resolve ambiguity in describing situations with single-modality inputs (e.g., texts). Additionally, we devise the Multi-modal Next-step Navigation (MSNN) benchmark to evaluate models’ grounding of actions and transitions between situations. Comprehensive evaluations on reasoning and navigation tasks highlight the limitations of existing vision-language models and underscore the importance of handling multi-modal interleaved inputs and situation modeling. Experiments on data scaling and crossdomain transfer further demonstrate the effectiveness of leveraging MSQA as a pre-training dataset for developing more powerful situated reasoning models, contributing to advancements in 3D scene understanding for embodied AI.
CARE: a Benchmark Suite for the Classification and Retrieval of Enzymes
Jason Yang · Ariane Mora · Shengchao Liu · Bruce Wittmann · Animashree Anandkumar · Frances Arnold · Yisong Yue
Enzymes are important proteins that catalyze chemical reactions. In recent years, machine learning methods have emerged to predict enzyme function from sequence; however, there are no standardized benchmarks to evaluate these methods. We introduce CARE, a benchmark and dataset suite for the Classification And Retrieval of Enzymes (CARE). CARE centers on two tasks: (1) classification of a protein sequence by its enzyme commission (EC) number and (2) retrieval of an EC number given a chemical reaction. For each task, we design train-test splits to evaluate different kinds of out-of-distribution generalization that are relevant to real use cases. For the classification task, we provide baselines for state-of-the-art methods. Because the retrieval task has not been previously formalized, we propose a method called Contrastive Reaction-EnzymE Pretraining (CREEP) as one of the first baselines for this task and compare it to the recent method, CLIPZyme. CARE is available at
DreamCatcher: A Wearer-aware Multi-modal Sleep Event Dataset Based on Earables in Non-restrictive Environments
Zeyu Wang · Xiyuxing Zhang · Ruotong Yu · Yuntao Wang · Kenneth Christofferson · Jingru Zhang · Alex Mariakakis · Yuanchun Shi
Poor quality sleep can be characterized by the occurrence of events ranging from body movement to breathing impairment. Widely available earbuds equipped with sensors (also known as earables) can be combined with a sleep event detection algorithm to offer a convenient alternative to laborious clinical tests for individuals suffering from sleep disorders. Although various solutions utilizing such devices have been proposed to detect sleep events, they ignore the fact that individuals often share sleeping spaces with roommates or couples. To address this issue, we introduce DreamCatcher, the first publicly available dataset for wearer-aware sleep event algorithm development on earables. DreamCatcher encompasses eight distinct sleep events, including synchronous dual-channel audio and motion data collected from 12 pairs (24 participants) totaling 210 hours (420 hour.person) with fine-grained label. We tested multiple benchmark models on three tasks related to sleep event detection, demonstrating the usability and unique challenge of DreamCatcher. We hope that the proposed DreamCatcher can inspire other researchers to further explore efficient wearer-aware human vocal activity sensing on earables. DreamCatcher is publicly available at
The iNaturalist Sounds Dataset
Mustafa Chasmai · Alexander Shepard · Subhransu Maji · Grant Van Horn
We present the iNaturalist Sounds Dataset (iNatSounds), a collection of 230,000 audio files capturing sounds from over 5,500 species, contributed by more than 27,000 recordists worldwide. The dataset encompasses sounds from birds, mammals, insects, reptiles, and amphibians, with audio and species labels derived from observations submitted to iNaturalist, a global citizen science platform. Each recording in the dataset varies in length and includes a single species annotation. We benchmark multiple backbone architectures, comparing multiclass classification objectives with multilabel objectives. Despite weak labeling, we demonstrate that iNatSounds serves as a useful pretraining resource by benchmarking it on strongly labeled downstream evaluation datasets. The dataset is available as a single, freely accessible archive, promoting accessibility and research in this important domain. We envision models trained on this data powering next-generation public engagement applications, and assisting biologists, ecologists, and land use managers in processing large audio collections, thereby contributing to the understanding of species compositions in diverse soundscapes.
BertaQA: How Much Do Language Models Know About Local Culture?
Julen Etxaniz · Gorka Azkune · Aitor Soroa · Oier Lacalle · Mikel Artetxe
Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit extensive knowledge about the world, but most evaluations have been limited to global or anglocentric subjects. This raises the question of how well these models perform on topics relevant to other cultures, whose presence on the web is not that prominent. To address this gap, we introduce BertaQA, a multiple-choice trivia dataset that is parallel in English and Basque. The dataset consists of a local subset with questions pertinent to the Basque culture, and a global subset with questions of broader interest. We find that state-of-the-art LLMs struggle with local cultural knowledge, even as they excel on global topics. However, we show that continued pre-training in Basque significantly improves the models' performance on Basque culture, even when queried in English. To our knowledge, this is the first solid evidence of knowledge transfer from a low-resource to a high-resource language. Our analysis sheds light on the complex interplay between language and knowledge, and reveals that some prior findings do not fully hold when reassessed on local topics. Our dataset and evaluation code are available under open licenses at
OpenSatMap: A Fine-grained High-resolution Satellite Dataset for Large-scale Map Construction
Hongbo Zhao · Lue Fan · Yuntao Chen · Haochen Wang · yuran Yang · Xiaojuan Jin · YIXIN ZHANG · GAOFENG MENG · ZHAO-XIANG ZHANG
In this paper, we propose OpenSatMap, a fine-grained, high-resolution satellite dataset for large-scale map construction. Map construction is one of the foundations of the transportation industry, such as navigation and autonomous driving. Extracting road structures from satellite images is an efficient way to construct large-scale maps. However, existing satellite datasets provide only coarse semantic-level labels with a relatively low resolution (up to level 19), impeding the advancement of this field. In contrast, the proposed OpenSatMap (1) has fine-grained instance-level annotations; (2) consists of high-resolution images (level 20); (3) is currently the largest one of its kind; (4) collects data with high diversity. Moreover, OpenSatMap covers and aligns with the popular nuScenes dataset and Argoverse 2 dataset to potentially advance autonomous driving technologies. By publishing and maintaining the dataset, we provide a high-quality benchmark for satellite-based map construction and downstream tasks like autonomous driving.
WelQrate: Defining the Gold Standard in Small Molecule Drug Discovery Benchmarking
Yunchao Liu · Ha Dong · Xin Wang · Rocco Moretti · Yu Wang · Zhaoqian Su · Jiawei Gu · Bobby Bodenheimer · Charles Weaver · Jens Meiler · Tyler Derr
While deep learning has revolutionized computer-aided drug discovery, the AI community has predominantly focused on model innovation and placed less emphasis on establishing best benchmarking practices. We posit that without a sound model evaluation framework, the AI community's efforts cannot reach their full potential, thereby slowing the progress and transfer of innovation into real-world drug discovery.Thus, in this paper, we seek to establish a new gold standard for small molecule drug discovery benchmarking, WelQrate. Specifically, our contributions are threefold: WelQrate dataset collection - we introduce a meticulously curated collection of 9 datasets spanning 5 therapeutic target classes. Our hierarchical curation pipelines, designed by drug discovery experts, go beyond the primary high-throughput screen by leveraging additional confirmatory and counter screens along with rigorous domain-driven preprocessing, such as Pan-Assay Interference Compounds (PAINS) filtering, to ensure the high-quality data in the datasets; WelQrate Evaluation Framework - we propose a standardized model evaluation framework considering high-quality datasets, featurization, 3D conformation generation, evaluation metrics, and data splits, which provides a reliable benchmarking for drug discovery experts conducting real-world virtual screening; Benchmarking - we evaluate model performance through various research questions using the WelQrate dataset collection, exploring the effects of different models, dataset quality, featurization methods, and data splitting strategies on the results.In summary, we recommend adopting our proposed WelQrate as the gold standard in small molecule drug discovery benchmarking. The WelQrate dataset collection, along with the curation codes, and experimental scripts are all publicly available at
Learning to Balance Altruism and Self-interest Based on Empathy in Mixed-Motive Games
Fanqi Kong · Yizhe Huang · Song-Chun Zhu · Siyuan Qi · Xue Feng
Real-world multi-agent scenarios often involve mixed motives, demanding altruistic agents capable of self-protection against potential exploitation. However, existing approaches often struggle to achieve both objectives. In this paper, based on that empathic responses are modulated by learned social relationships between agents, we propose LASE (**L**earning to balance **A**ltruism and **S**elf-interest based on **E**mpathy), a distributed multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm that fosters altruistic cooperation through gifting while avoiding exploitation by other agents in mixed-motive games. LASE allocates a portion of its rewards to co-players as gifts, with this allocation adapting dynamically based on the social relationship --- a metric evaluating the friendliness of co-players estimated by counterfactual reasoning. In particular, social relationship measures each co-player by comparing the estimated $Q$-function of current joint action to a counterfactual baseline which marginalizes the co-player's action, with its action distribution inferred by a perspective-taking module. Comprehensive experiments are performed in spatially and temporally extended mixed-motive games, demonstrating LASE's ability to promote group collaboration without compromising fairness and its capacity to adapt policies to various types of interactive co-players.
EpiCare: A Reinforcement Learning Benchmark for Dynamic Treatment Regimes
Mason Hargrave · Alex Spaeth · Logan Grosenick
Healthcare applications pose significant challenges to existing reinforcement learning (RL) methods due to implementation risks, low data availability, short treatment episodes, sparse rewards, partial observations, and heterogeneous treatment effects. Despite significant interest in using RL to generate dynamic treatment regimes for longitudinal patient care scenarios, no standardized benchmark has yet been developed.To fill this need we introduce Episodes of Care (EpiCare), a benchmark designed to mimic the challenges associated with applying RL to longitudinal healthcare settings. We leverage this benchmark to test five state-of-the-art offline RL models as well as five common off-policy evaluation (OPE) techniques.Our results suggest that while offline RL may be capable of improving upon existing standards of care given large data availability, its applicability does not appear to extend to the moderate to low data regimes typical of healthcare settings. Additionally, we demonstrate that several OPE techniques which have become standard in the the medical RL literature fail to perform adequately on our benchmark. These results suggest that the performance of RL models in dynamic treatment regimes may be difficult to meaningfully evaluate using current OPE methods, indicating that RL for this application may still be in its early stages. We hope that these results along with the benchmark itself will facilitate the comparison of existing methods and inspire further research into techniques that increase the practical applicability of medical RL.
LLM-AutoDA: Large Language Model-Driven Automatic Data Augmentation for Long-tailed Problems
Pengkun Wang · Zhe Zhao · HaiBin Wen · Fanfu Wang · Binwu Wang · Qingfu Zhang · Yang Wang
The long-tailed distribution is the underlying nature of real-world data, and it presents unprecedented challenges for training deep learning models. Existing long-tailed learning paradigms based on re-balancing or data augmentation have partially alleviated the long-tailed problem. However, they still have limitations, such as relying on manually designed augmentation strategies, having a limited search space, and using fixed augmentation strategies. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a novel LLM-based long-tailed data augmentation framework called LLM-AutoDA, which leverages large-scale pretrained models to automatically search for the optimal augmentation strategies suitable for long-tailed data distributions. In addition, it applies this strategy to the original imbalanced data to create an augmented dataset and fine-tune the underlying long-tailed learning model. The performance improvement on the validation set serves as a reward signal to update the generation model, enabling the generation of more effective augmentation strategies in the next iteration. We conducted extensive experiments on multiple mainstream long-tailed learning benchmarks. The results show that LLM-AutoDA outperforms state-of-the-art data augmentation methods and other re-balancing methods significantly.
CharXiv: Charting Gaps in Realistic Chart Understanding in Multimodal LLMs
Zirui Wang · Mengzhou Xia · Luxi He · Howard Chen · Yitao Liu · Richard Zhu · Kaiqu Liang · Xindi Wu · Haotian Liu · Sadhika Malladi · Chevalier · Sanjeev Arora · Danqi Chen
Chart understanding plays a pivotal role when applying Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) to real-world tasks such as analyzing scientific papers or financial reports. However, existing datasets often focus on oversimplified and homogeneous charts with template-based questions, leading to an overly optimistic measure of progress. We demonstrate that although open-source models can appear to outperform strong proprietary models on these benchmarks, a simple stress test with slightly different charts or questions deteriorates performance by up to 34.5%. In this work, we propose CharXiv, a comprehensive evaluation suite involving 2,323 natural, challenging, and diverse charts from scientific papers. CharXiv includes two types of questions: 1) descriptive questions about examining basic chart elements and 2) reasoning questions that require synthesizing information across complex visual elements in the chart. To ensure quality, all charts and questions are handpicked, curated, and verified by human experts. Our results reveal a substantial, previously underestimated gap between the reasoning skills of the strongest proprietary model (i.e., GPT-4o), which achieves 47.1% accuracy, and the strongest open-source model (i.e., InternVL Chat V1.5), which achieves 29.2%. All models lag far behind human performance of 80.5%, underscoring weaknesses in the chart understanding capabilities of existing MLLMs. We hope that CharXiv facilitates future research on MLLM chart understanding by providing a more realistic and faithful measure of progress. Project website:
DiscoveryWorld: A Virtual Environment for Developing and Evaluating Automated Scientific Discovery Agents
Peter Jansen · Marc-Alexandre Côté · Tushar Khot · Erin Bransom · Bhavana Dalvi Mishra · Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder · Oyvind Tafjord · Peter Clark
Automated scientific discovery promises to accelerate progress across scientific domains, but evaluating an agent's capacity for end-to-end scientific reasoning is challenging as running real-world experiments is often prohibitively expensive or infeasible. In this work we introduce DiscoveryWorld, a virtual environment that enables benchmarking an agent's ability to perform complete cycles of novel scientific discovery in an inexpensive, simulated, multi-modal, long-horizon, and fictional setting.DiscoveryWorld consists of 24 scientific tasks across three levels of difficulty, each with parametric variations that provide new discoveries for agents to make across runs. Tasks require an agent to form hypotheses, design and run experiments, analyze results, and act on conclusions. Task difficulties are normed to range from straightforward to challenging for human scientists with advanced degrees. DiscoveryWorld further provides three automatic metrics for evaluating performance, including: (1) binary task completion, (2) fine-grained report cards detailing procedural scoring of task-relevant actions, and (3) the accuracy of discovered explanatory knowledge.While simulated environments such as DiscoveryWorld are low-fidelity compared to the real world, we find that strong baseline agents struggle on most DiscoveryWorld tasks, highlighting the utility of using simulated environments as proxy tasks for near-term development of scientific discovery competency in agents.
emg2pose: A Large and Diverse Benchmark for Surface Electromyographic Hand Pose Estimation
Sasha Salter · Richard Warren · Collin Schlager · Adrian Spurr · Shangchen Han · Rohin Bhasin · Yujun Cai · Peter Walkington · Anuoluwapo Bolarinwa · Robert Wang · Nathan Danielson · Josh Merel · Eftychios Pnevmatikakis · Jesse Marshall
Hands are the primary means through which humans interact with the world. Reliable and always-available hand pose inference could yield new and intuitive control schemes for human-computer interactions, particularly in virtual and augmented reality. Computer vision is effective but requires one or multiple cameras and can struggle with occlusions, limited field of view, and poor lighting. Wearable wrist-based surface electromyography (sEMG) presents a promising alternative as an always-available modality sensing muscle activities that drive hand motion. However, sEMG signals are strongly dependent on user anatomy and sensor placement; existing sEMG models have thus required hundreds of users and device placements to effectively generalize for tasks other than pose inference. To facilitate progress on sEMG pose inference, we introduce the emg2pose benchmark, which is to our knowledge the first publicly available dataset of high-quality hand pose labels and wrist sEMG recordings. emg2pose contains 2kHz, 16 channel sEMG and pose labels from a 26-camera motion capture rig for 193 users, 370 hours, and 29 stages with diverse gestures - a scale comparable to vision-based hand pose datasets. We provide competitive baselines and challenging tasks evaluating real-world generalization scenarios: held-out users, sensor placements, and stages. This benchmark provides the machine learning community a platform for exploring complex generalization problems, holding potential to significantly enhance the development of sEMG-based human-computer interactions.
GTA: A Benchmark for General Tool Agents
Jize Wang · Ma Zerun · Yining Li · Songyang Zhang · Cailian Chen · Kai Chen · Xinyi Le
In developing general-purpose agents, significant focus has been placed on integrating large language models (LLMs) with various tools. This poses a challenge to the tool-use capabilities of LLMs. However, there are evident gaps between existing tool evaluations and real-world scenarios. Current evaluations often use AI-generated queries, single-step tasks, dummy tools, and text-only inputs, which fail to reveal the agents' real-world problem-solving abilities effectively. To address this, we propose GTA, a benchmark for General Tool Agents, featuring three main aspects: (i) Real user queries: human-written queries with simple real-world objectives but implicit tool-use, requiring the LLM to reason the suitable tools and plan the solution steps. (ii) Real deployed tools: an evaluation platform equipped with tools across perception, operation, logic, and creativity categories to evaluate the agents' actual task execution performance. (iii) Real multimodal inputs: authentic image files, such as spatial scenes, web page screenshots, tables, code snippets, and printed/handwritten materials, used as the query contexts to align with real-world scenarios closely. We designed 229 real-world tasks and executable tool chains to evaluate mainstream LLMs. Our findings show that real-world user queries are challenging for existing LLMs, with GPT-4 completing less than 50\% of the tasks and most LLMs achieving below 25\%. This evaluation reveals the bottlenecks in the tool-use capabilities of current LLMs in real-world scenarios, which is beneficial for the advancement of general-purpose tool agents. Dataset and code are available at
PINNacle: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Solving PDEs
Hao Zhongkai · Jiachen Yao · Chang Su · Hang Su · Ziao Wang · Fanzhi Lu · Zeyu Xia · Yichi Zhang · Songming Liu · Lu Lu · Jun Zhu
While significant progress has been made on Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs), a comprehensive comparison of these methods across a wide range of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) is still lacking. This study introduces PINNacle, a benchmarking tool designed to fill this gap. PINNacle provides a diverse dataset, comprising over 20 distinct PDEs from various domains, including heat conduction, fluid dynamics, biology, and electromagnetics. These PDEs encapsulate key challenges inherent to real-world problems, such as complex geometry, multi-scale phenomena, nonlinearity, and high dimensionality. PINNacle also offers a user-friendly toolbox, incorporating about 10 state-of-the-art PINN methods for systematic evaluation and comparison. We have conducted extensive experiments with these methods, offering insights into their strengths and weaknesses. In addition to providing a standardized means of assessing performance, PINNacle also offers an in-depth analysis to guide future research, particularly in areas such as domain decomposition methods and loss reweighting for handling multi-scale problems and complex geometry. To the best of our knowledge, it is the largest benchmark with a diverse and comprehensive evaluation that will undoubtedly foster further research in PINNs.
CaptainCook4D: A Dataset for Understanding Errors in Procedural Activities
Rohith Peddi · Shivvrat Arya · Bharath Challa · Likhitha Pallapothula · Akshay Vyas · Bhavya Gouripeddi · Qifan Zhang · Jikai Wang · Vasundhara Komaragiri · Eric Ragan · Nicholas Ruozzi · Yu Xiang · Vibhav Gogate
Following step-by-step procedures is an essential component of various activities carried out by individuals in their daily lives. These procedures serve as a guiding framework that helps to achieve goals efficiently, whether it is assembling furniture or preparing a recipe. However, the complexity and duration of procedural activities inherently increase the likelihood of making errors. Understanding such procedural activities from a sequence of frames is a challenging task that demands an accurate interpretation of visual information and the ability to reason about the structure of the activity. To this end, we collect a new egocentric 4D dataset, CaptainCook4D, comprising 384 recordings (94.5 hours) of people performing recipes in real kitchen environments. This dataset consists of two distinct types of activity: one in which participants adhere to the provided recipe instructions and another in which they deviate and induce errors. We provide 5.3K step annotations and 10K fine-grained action annotations and benchmark the dataset for the following tasks: error recognition, multistep localization and procedure learning.
dopanim: A Dataset of Doppelganger Animals with Noisy Annotations from Multiple Humans
Marek Herde · Denis Huseljic · Lukas Rauch · Bernhard Sick
Human annotators typically provide annotated data for training machine learning models, such as neural networks. Yet, human annotations are subject to noise, impairing generalization performances. Methodological research on approaches counteracting noisy annotations requires corresponding datasets for a meaningful empirical evaluation. Consequently, we introduce a novel benchmark dataset, dopanim, consisting of about 15,750 animal images of 15 classes with ground truth labels. For approximately 10,500 of these images, 20 humans provided over 52,000 annotations with an accuracy of circa 67%. Its key attributes include (1) the challenging task of classifying doppelganger animals, (2) human-estimated likelihoods as annotations, and (3) annotator metadata. We benchmark well-known multi-annotator learning approaches using seven variants of this dataset and outline further evaluation use cases such as learning beyond hard class labels and active learning. Our dataset and a comprehensive codebase are publicly available to emulate the data collection process and to reproduce all empirical results.
Copycats: the many lives of a publicly available medical imaging dataset
Amelia Jiménez-Sánchez · Natalia-Rozalia Avlona · Dovile Juodelyte · Théo Sourget · Caroline Vang-Larsen · Anna Rogers · Hubert Zając · Veronika Cheplygina
Medical Imaging (MI) datasets are fundamental to artificial intelligence in healthcare. The accuracy, robustness, and fairness of diagnostic algorithms depend on the data (and its quality) used to train and evaluate the models. MI datasets used to be proprietary, but have become increasingly available to the public, including on community-contributed platforms (CCPs) like Kaggle or HuggingFace. While open data is important to enhance the redistribution of data's public value, we find that the current CCP governance model fails to uphold the quality needed and recommended practices for sharing, documenting, and evaluating datasets. In this paper, we conduct an analysis of publicly available machine learning datasets on CCPs, discussing datasets' context, and identifying limitations and gaps in the current CCP landscape. We highlight differences between MI and computer vision datasets, particularly in the potentially harmful downstream effects from poor adoption of recommended dataset management practices. We compare the analyzed datasets across several dimensions, including data sharing, data documentation, and maintenance. We find vague licenses, lack of persistent identifiers and storage, duplicates, and missing metadata, with differences between the platforms. Our research contributes to efforts in responsible data curation and AI algorithms for healthcare.
BiVLC: Extending Vision-Language Compositionality Evaluation with Text-to-Image Retrieval
Imanol Miranda · Ander Salaberria · Eneko Agirre · Gorka Azkune
Existing Vision-Language Compositionality (VLC) benchmarks like SugarCrepe are formulated as image-to-text retrieval problems, where, given an image, the models need to select between the correct textual description and a synthetic hard negative text. In this work, we present the Bidirectional Vision-Language Compositionality (BiVLC) dataset. The novelty of BiVLC is to add a synthetic hard negative image generated from the synthetic text, resulting in two image-to-text retrieval examples (one for each image) and, more importantly, two text-to-image retrieval examples (one for each text). Human annotators filter out ill-formed examples ensuring the validity of the benchmark. The experiments on BiVLC uncover a weakness of current multimodal models, as they perform poorly in the text-to-image direction. In fact, when considering both retrieval directions, the conclusions obtained in previous works change significantly. In addition to the benchmark, weshow that a contrastive model trained using synthetic images and texts significantly improves over the base model in SugarCrepe and in BiVLC for both retrieval directions. The gap to human performance in BiVLC confirms that Vision-Language Compositionality is still a challenging problem.
Indoor Air Quality Dataset with Activities of Daily Living in Low to Middle-income Communities
Prasenjit Karmakar · Swadhin Pradhan · Sandip Chakraborty
In recent years, indoor air pollution has posed a significant threat to our society, claiming over 3.2 million lives annually. Developing nations, such as India, are most affected since lack of knowledge, inadequate regulation, and outdoor air pollution lead to severe daily exposure to pollutants. However, only a limited number of studies have attempted to understand how indoor air pollution affects developing countries like India. To address this gap, we present spatiotemporal measurements of air quality from 30 indoor sites over six months during summer and winter seasons. The sites are geographically located across four regions of type: rural, suburban, and urban, covering the typical low to middle-income population in India. The dataset contains various types of indoor environments (e.g., studio apartments, classrooms, research laboratories, food canteens, and residential households), and can provide the basis for data-driven learning model research aimed at coping with unique pollution patterns in developing countries. This unique dataset demands advanced data cleaning and imputation techniques for handling missing data due to power failure or network outages during data collection. Furthermore, through a simple speech-to-text application, we provide real-time indoor activity labels annotated by occupants. Therefore, environmentalists and ML enthusiasts can utilize this dataset to understand the complex patterns of the pollutants under different indoor activities, identify recurring sources of pollution, forecast exposure, improve floor plans and room structures of modern indoor designs, develop pollution-aware recommender systems, etc.
FT-AED: Benchmark Dataset for Early Freeway Traffic Anomalous Event Detection
Austin Coursey · Junyi Ji · Marcos Quinones Grueiro · William Barbour · Yuhang Zhang · Tyler Derr · Gautam Biswas · Daniel Work
Early and accurate detection of anomalous events on the freeway, such as accidents, can improve emergency response and clearance. However, existing delays and mistakes from manual crash reporting records make it a difficult problem to solve. Current large-scale freeway traffic datasets are not designed for anomaly detection and ignore these challenges. In this paper, we introduce the first large-scale lane-level freeway traffic dataset for anomaly detection. Our dataset consists of a month of weekday radar detection sensor data collected in 4 lanes along an 18-mile stretch of Interstate 24 heading toward Nashville, TN, comprising over 3.7 million sensor measurements. We also collect official crash reports from the Tennessee Department of Transportation Traffic Management Center and manually label all other potential anomalies in the dataset. To show the potential for our dataset to be used in future machine learning and traffic research, we benchmark numerous deep learning anomaly detection models on our dataset. We find that unsupervised graph neural network autoencoders are a promising solution for this problem and that ignoring spatial relationships leads to decreased performance. We demonstrate that our methods can reduce reporting delays by over 10 minutes on average while detecting 75% of crashes. Our dataset and all preprocessing code needed to get started are publicly released at to facilitate future research.
STimage-1K4M: A histopathology image-gene expression dataset for spatial transcriptomics
Jiawen Chen · Muqing Zhou · Wenrong Wu · Jinwei Zhang · Yun Li · Didong Li
Recent advances in multi-modal algorithms have driven and been driven by the increasing availability of large image-text datasets, leading to significant strides in various fields, including computational pathology. However, in most existing medical image-text datasets, the text typically provides high-level summaries that may not sufficiently describe sub-tile regions within a large pathology image. For example, an image might cover an extensive tissue area containing cancerous and healthy regions, but the accompanying text might only specify that this image is a cancer slide, lacking the nuanced details needed for in-depth analysis. In this study, we introduce STimage-1K4M, a novel dataset designed to bridge this gap by providing genomic features for sub-tile images. STimage-1K4M contains 1,149 images derived from spatial transcriptomics data, which captures gene expression information at the level of individual spatial spots within a pathology image. Specifically, each image in the dataset is broken down into smaller sub-image tiles, with each tile paired with $15,000-30,000$ dimensional gene expressions. With $4,293,195$ pairs of sub-tile images and gene expressions, STimage-1K4M offers unprecedented granularity, paving the way for a wide range of advanced research in multi-modal data analysis an innovative applications in computational pathology, and beyond.
RClicks: Realistic Click Simulation for Benchmarking Interactive Segmentation
Anton Antonov · Andrei Moskalenko · Denis Shepelev · Alexander Krapukhin · Konstantin Soshin · Anton Konushin · Vlad Shakhuro
The emergence of Segment Anything (SAM) sparked research interest in the field of interactive segmentation, especially in the context of image editing tasks and speeding up data annotation. Unlike common semantic segmentation, interactive segmentation methods allow users to directly influence their output through prompts (e.g. clicks). However, click patterns in real-world interactive segmentation scenarios remain largely unexplored. Most methods rely on the assumption that users would click in the center of the largest erroneous area. Nevertheless, recent studies show that this is not always the case. Thus, methods may have poor performance in real-world deployment despite high metrics in a baseline benchmark. To accurately simulate real-user clicks, we conducted a large crowdsourcing study of click patterns in an interactive segmentation scenario and collected 475K real-user clicks. Drawing on ideas from saliency tasks, we develop a clickability model that enables sampling clicks, which closely resemble actual user inputs. Using our model and dataset, we propose RClicks benchmark for a comprehensive comparison of existing interactive segmentation methods on realistic clicks. Specifically, we evaluate not only the average quality of methods, but also the robustness w.r.t. click patterns. According to our benchmark, in real-world usage interactive segmentation models may perform worse than it has been reported in the baseline benchmark, and most of the methods are not robust. We believe that RClicks is a significant step towards creating interactive segmentation methods that provide the best user experience in real-world cases.
CoMix: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Multi-Task Comic Understanding
Emanuele Vivoli · Marco Bertini · Dimosthenis Karatzas
The comic domain is rapidly advancing with the development of single-page analysis and synthesis models. However, evaluation metrics and datasets lag behind, often limited to small-scale or single-style test sets. We introduce a novel benchmark, CoMix, designed to evaluate the multi-task capabilities of models in comic analysis. Unlike existing benchmarks that focus on isolated tasks such as object detection or text recognition, CoMix addresses a broader range of tasks including object detection, speaker identification, character re-identification, reading order, and multi-modal reasoning tasks like character naming and dialogue generation. Our benchmark comprises three existing datasets with expanded annotations to support multi-task evaluation. To mitigate the over-representation of manga-style data, we have incorporated a new dataset of carefully selected American comic-style books, thereby enriching the diversity of comic styles. CoMix is designed to assess pre-trained models in zero-shot and limited fine-tuning settings, probing their transfer capabilities across different comic styles and tasks. The validation split of the benchmark is publicly available for research purposes, and an evaluation server for the held-out test split is also provided. Comparative results between human performance and state-of-the-art models reveal a significant performance gap, highlighting substantial opportunities for advancements in comic understanding. The dataset, baseline models, and code are accessible at This initiative sets a new standard for comprehensive comic analysis, providing the community with a common benchmark for evaluation on a large and varied set.
Towards Reliable Model Selection for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: An Empirical Study and A Certified Baseline
Dapeng Hu · Romy Luo · Jian Liang · Chuan Sheng Foo
Selecting appropriate hyperparameters is crucial for unlocking the full potential of advanced unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) methods in unlabeled target domains. Although this challenge remains under-explored, it has recently garnered increasing attention with the proposals of various model selection methods. Reliable model selection should maintain performance across diverse UDA methods and scenarios, especially avoiding highly risky worst-case selections—selecting the model or hyperparameter with the worst performance in the pool.\textit{Are existing model selection methods reliable and versatile enough for different UDA tasks?} In this paper, we provide a comprehensive empirical study involving 8 existing model selection approaches to answer this question. Our evaluation spans 12 UDA methods across 5 diverse UDA benchmarks and 5 popular UDA scenarios.Surprisingly, we find that none of these approaches can effectively avoid the worst-case selection. In contrast, a simple but overlooked ensemble-based selection approach, which we call EnsV, is both theoretically and empirically certified to avoid the worst-case selection, ensuring high reliability. Additionally, EnsV is versatile for various practical but challenging UDA scenarios, including validation of open-partial-set UDA and source-free UDA.Finally, we call for more attention to the reliability of model selection in UDA: avoiding the worst-case is as significant as achieving peak selection performance and should not be overlooked when developing new model selection methods. Code is available at
Vocal Call Locator Benchmark (VCL) for localizing rodent vocalizations from multi-channel audio
Ralph Peterson · Aramis Tanelus · Christopher Ick · Bartul Mimica · Niegil Francis Muttath Joseph · Violet Ivan · Aman Choudhri · Annegret Falkner · Mala Murthy · David Schneider · Dan Sanes · Alex Williams
Understanding the behavioral and neural dynamics of social interactions is a goalof contemporary neuroscience. Many machine learning methods have emergedin recent years to make sense of complex video and neurophysiological data thatresult from these experiments. Less focus has been placed on understanding howanimals process acoustic information, including social vocalizations. A criticalstep to bridge this gap is determining the senders and receivers of acoustic infor-mation in social interactions. While sound source localization (SSL) is a classicproblem in signal processing, existing approaches are limited in their ability tolocalize animal-generated sounds in standard laboratory environments. Advancesin deep learning methods for SSL are likely to help address these limitations,however there are currently no publicly available models, datasets, or benchmarksto systematically evaluate SSL algorithms in the domain of bioacoustics. Here,we present the VCL Benchmark: the first large-scale dataset for benchmarkingSSL algorithms in rodents. We acquired synchronized video and multi-channelaudio recordings of 767,295 sounds with annotated ground truth sources across 9conditions. The dataset provides benchmarks which evaluate SSL performance onreal data, simulated acoustic data, and a mixture of real and simulated data. Weintend for this benchmark to facilitate knowledge transfer between the neuroscienceand acoustic machine learning communities, which have had limited overlap.
Beyond Prompts: Dynamic Conversational Benchmarking of Large Language Models
David Castillo-Bolado · Joseph Davidson · Finlay Gray · Marek Rosa
We introduce a dynamic benchmarking system for conversational agents that evaluates their performance through a single, simulated, and lengthy user$\leftrightarrow$agent interaction. The interaction is a conversation between the user and agent, where multiple tasks are introduced and then undertaken concurrently. We context switch regularly to interleave the tasks, which constructs a realistic testing scenario in which we assess the Long-Term Memory, Continual Learning, and Information Integration capabilities of the agents. Results from both proprietary and open-source Large-Language Models show that LLMs in general perform well on single-task interactions, but they struggle on the same tasks when they are interleaved. Notably, short-context LLMs supplemented with an LTM system perform as well as or better than those with larger contexts. Our benchmark suggests that there are other challenges for LLMs responding to more natural interactions that contemporary benchmarks have heretofore not been able to capture.
ERBench: An Entity-Relationship based Automatically Verifiable Hallucination Benchmark for Large Language Models
Jio Oh · Soyeon Kim · Junseok Seo · Jindong Wang · Ruochen Xu · Xing Xie · Steven Whang
Large language models (LLMs) have achieved unprecedented performances in various applications, yet evaluating them is still challenging. Existing benchmarks are either manually constructed or are automatic, but lack the ability to evaluate the thought process of LLMs with arbitrary complexity. We contend that utilizing existing relational databases based on the entity-relationship (ER) model is a promising approach for constructing benchmarks as they contain structured knowledge that can be used to question LLMs. Unlike knowledge graphs, which are also used to evaluate LLMs, relational databases have integrity constraints that can be used to better construct complex in-depth questions and verify answers: (1) functional dependencies can be used to pinpoint critical keywords that an LLM must know to properly answer a given question containing certain attribute values; and (2) foreign key constraints can be used to join relations and construct multi-hop questions, which can be arbitrarily long and used to debug intermediate answers. We thus propose ERBench, which uses these integrity constraints to convert any database into an LLM benchmark. ERBench supports continuous evaluation as databases change, multimodal questions, and various prompt engineering techniques. In our experiments, we construct LLM benchmarks using databases of multiple domains and make an extensive comparison of contemporary LLMs. We show how ERBench can properly evaluate any LLM by not only checking for answer correctness, but also effectively verifying the rationales by looking for the right keywords.
Fit for our purpose, not yours: Benchmark for a low-resource, Indigenous language
Suzanne Duncan · Gianna Leoni · Lee Steven · Keoni K Mahelona · Peter Lucas K Jones
Influential and popular benchmarks in AI are largely irrelevant to developing NLP tools for low-resource, Indigenous languages. With the primary goal of measuring the performance of general-purpose AI systems, these benchmarks fail to give due consideration and care to individual language communities, especially low-resource languages. The datasets contain numerous grammatical and orthographic errors, poor pronunciation, limited vocabulary, and the content lacks cultural relevance to the language community. To overcome the issues with these benchmarks, we have created a dataset for te reo Māori (the Indigenous language of Aotearoa/New Zealand) to pursue NLP tools that are ‘fit-for-our-purpose’. This paper demonstrates how low-resourced, Indigenous languages can develop tailored, high-quality benchmarks that; i. Consider the impact of colonisation on their language; ii. Reflect the diversity of speakers in the language community; iii. Support the aspirations for the tools they are developing and their language revitalisation efforts.
Learning Versatile Skills with Curriculum Masking
Yao Tang · Zhihui Xie · Zichuan Lin · Deheng Ye · Shuai Li
Masked prediction has emerged as a promising pretraining paradigm in offline reinforcement learning (RL) due to its versatile masking schemes, enabling flexible inference across various downstream tasks with a unified model. Despite the versatility of masked prediction, it remains unclear how to balance the learning of skills at different levels of complexity. To address this, we propose CurrMask, a curriculum masking pretraining paradigm for sequential decision making. Motivated by how humans learn by organizing knowledge in a curriculum, CurrMask adjusts its masking scheme during pretraining for learning versatile skills. Through extensive experiments, we show that CurrMask exhibits superior zero-shot performance on skill prompting tasks, goal-conditioned planning tasks, and competitive finetuning performance on offline RL tasks. Additionally, our analysis of training dynamics reveals that CurrMask gradually acquires skills of varying complexity by dynamically adjusting its masking scheme.
Testably Learning Polynomial Threshold Functions
Lucas Slot · Stefan Tiegel · Manuel Wiedmer
Rubinfeld \& Vasilyan recently introduced the framework of *testable learning* as an extension of the classical agnostic model. It relaxes distributional assumptions which are difficult to verify by conditions that can be checked efficiently by a *tester*. The tester has to accept whenever the data truly satisfies the original assumptions, and the learner has to succeed whenever the tester accepts. We focus on the setting where the tester has to accept standard Gaussian data. There, it is known that basic concept classes such as halfspaces can be learned testably with the same time complexity as in the (distribution-specific) agnostic model. In this work, we ask whether there is a price to pay for testably learning more complex concept classes. In particular, we consider polynomial threshold functions (PTFs), which naturally generalize halfspaces. We show that PTFs of arbitrary constant degree can be testably learned up to excess error $\varepsilon > 0$ in time $n^{\mathrm{poly}(1/\varepsilon)}$. This qualitatively matches the best known guarantees in the agnostic model. Our results build on a connection between testable learning and *fooling*. In particular, we show that distributions that approximately match at least $\mathrm{poly}(1/\varepsilon)$ moments of the standard Gaussian fool constant-degree PTFs (up to error $\varepsilon$). As a secondary result, we prove that a direct approach to show testable learning (without fooling), which was successfully used for halfspaces, cannot work for PTFs.
Wide Two-Layer Networks can Learn from Adversarial Perturbations
Soichiro Kumano · Hiroshi Kera · Toshihiko Yamasaki
Adversarial examples have raised several open questions, such as why they can deceive classifiers and transfer between different models. A prevailing hypothesis to explain these phenomena suggests that adversarial perturbations appear as random noise but contain class-specific features. This hypothesis is supported by the success of perturbation learning, where classifiers trained solely on adversarial examples and the corresponding incorrect labels generalize well to correctly labeled test data. Although this hypothesis and perturbation learning are effective in explaining intriguing properties of adversarial examples, their solid theoretical foundation is limited. In this study, we theoretically explain the counterintuitive success of perturbation learning. We assume wide two-layer networks and the results hold for any data distribution. We prove that adversarial perturbations contain sufficient class-specific features for networks to generalize from them. Moreover, the predictions of classifiers trained on mislabeled adversarial examples coincide with those of classifiers trained on correctly labeled clean samples. The code is available at
Algorithmic Collective Action in Recommender Systems: Promoting Songs by Reordering Playlists
Joachim Baumann · Celestine Mendler-Dünner
We investigate algorithmic collective action in transformer-based recommender systems. Our use case is a collective of fans aiming to promote the visibility of an underrepresented artist by strategically placing one of their songs in the existing playlists they control. We introduce two easily implementable strategies to select the position at which to insert the song and boost recommendations at test time. The strategies exploit statistical properties of the learner to leverage discontinuities in the recommendations, and the long-tail nature of song distributions. We evaluate the efficacy of our strategies using a publicly available recommender system model released by a major music streaming platform. Our findings reveal that even small collectives (controlling less than 0.01\% of the training data) can achieve up to $40\times$ more test time recommendations than songs with similar training set occurrences, on average. Focusing on the externalities of the strategy, we find that the recommendations of other songs are largely preserved, and the newly gained recommendations are distributed across various artists. Together, our findings demonstrate how carefully designed collective action strategies can be effective while not necessarily being adversarial.
Improving Subgroup Robustness via Data Selection
Saachi Jain · Kimia Hamidieh · Kristian Georgiev · Andrew Ilyas · Marzyeh Ghassemi · Aleksander Madry
Machine learning models can often fail on subgroups that are underrepresentedduring training. While dataset balancing can improve performance onunderperforming groups, it requires access to training group annotations and canend up removing large portions of the dataset. In this paper, we introduceData Debiasing with Datamodels (D3M), a debiasing approachwhich isolates and removes specific training examples that drive the model'sfailures on minority groups. Our approach enables us to efficiently traindebiased classifiers while removing only a small number of examples, and doesnot require training group annotations or additional hyperparameter tuning.
CultureLLM: Incorporating Cultural Differences into Large Language Models
Cheng Li · Mengzhuo Chen · Jindong Wang · Sunayana Sitaram · Xing Xie
Large language models (LLMs) have been observed to exhibit bias towards certain cultures due to the predominance of training data obtained from English corpora. Considering that multilingual cultural data is often expensive to procure, existing methodologies address this challenge through prompt engineering or culture-specific pre-training. However, these strategies may neglect the knowledge deficiency of low-resource cultures and necessitate substantial computing resources. In this paper, we propose CultureLLM, a cost-effective solution to integrate cultural differences into LLMs. CultureLLM employs the World Value Survey (WVS) as seed data and generates semantically equivalent training data through the proposed semantic data augmentation. Utilizing only $50$ seed samples from WVS with augmented data, we fine-tune culture-specific LLMs as well as a unified model (CultureLLM-One) for $9$ cultures, encompassing both rich and low-resource languages. Extensive experiments conducted on $60$ culture-related datasets reveal that CultureLLM significantly surpasses various counterparts such as GPT-3.5 (by $8.1$\%) and Gemini Pro (by $9.5$\%), demonstrating performance comparable to or exceeding that of GPT-4. Our human study indicates that the generated samples maintain semantic equivalence to the original samples, offering an effective solution for LLMs augmentation. Code is released at
Fair Bilevel Neural Network (FairBiNN): On Balancing fairness and accuracy via Stackelberg Equilibrium
Mehdi Yazdani-Jahromi · Ali Khodabandeh Yalabadi · Amirarsalan Rajabi · Aida Tayebi · Ivan Garibay · OZLEM GARIBAY
The persistent challenge of bias in machine learning models necessitates robust solutions to ensure parity and equal treatment across diverse groups, particularly in classification tasks. Current methods for mitigating bias often result in information loss and an inadequate balance between accuracy and fairness. To address this, we propose a novel methodology grounded in bilevel optimization principles. Our deep learning-based approach concurrently optimizes for both accuracy and fairness objectives, and under certain assumptions, achieving proven Pareto optimal solutions while mitigating bias in the trained model. Theoretical analysis indicates that the upper bound on the loss incurred by this method is less than or equal to the loss of the Lagrangian approach, which involves adding a regularization term to the loss function. We demonstrate the efficacy of our model primarily on tabular datasets such as UCI Adult and Heritage Health. When benchmarked against state-of-the-art fairness methods, our model exhibits superior performance, advancing fairness-aware machine learning solutions and bridging the accuracy-fairness gap. The implementation of FairBiNN is available on
The Fairness-Quality Tradeoff in Clustering
Rashida Hakim · Ana-Andreea Stoica · Christos Papadimitriou · Mihalis Yannakakis
Fairness in clustering has been considered extensively in the past; however, the trade-off between the two objectives --- e.g., can we sacrifice just a little in the quality of the clustering to significantly increase fairness, or vice-versa? --- has rarely been addressed. We introduce novel algorithms for tracing the complete trade-off curve, or Pareto front, between quality and fairness in clustering problems; that is, computing all clusterings that are not dominated in both objectives by other clusterings. Unlike previous work that deals with specific objectives for quality and fairness, we deal with all objectives for fairness and quality in two general classes encompassing most of the special cases addressed in previous work. Our algorithm must take exponential time in the worst case as the Parero front itself can be exponential. Even when the Pareto front is polynomial, our algorithm may take exponential time, and we prove that this is inevitable unless P = NP. However, we also present a new polynomial-time algorithm for computing the entire Pareto front when the cluster centers are fixed, and for perhaps the most natural fairness objective: minimizing the sum, over all clusters, of the imbalance between the two groups in each cluster.
Mind the Graph When Balancing Data for Fairness or Robustness
Jessica Schrouff · Alexis Bellot · Amal Rannen-Triki · Alan Malek · Isabela Albuquerque · Arthur Gretton · Alexander D'Amour · Silvia Chiappa
Failures of fairness or robustness in machine learning predictive settings can be due to undesired dependencies between covariates, outcomes and auxiliary factors of variation. A common strategy to mitigate these failures is data balancing, which attempts to remove those undesired dependencies. In this work, we define conditions on the training distribution for data balancing to lead to fair or robust models. Our results display that in many cases, the balanced distribution does not correspond to selectively removing the undesired dependencies in a causal graph of the task, leading to multiple failure modes and even interference with other mitigation techniques such as regularization. Overall, our results highlight the importance of taking the causal graph into account before performing data balancing.
Proportional Fairness in Clustering: A Social Choice Perspective
Leon Kellerhals · Jannik Peters
We study the proportional clustering problem of Chen et al. (ICML'19) and relate it to the area of multiwinner voting in computational social choice. We show that any clustering satisfying a weak proportionality notion of Brill and Peters (EC'23) simultaneously obtains the best known approximations to the proportional fairness notion of Chen et al., but also to individual fairness (Jung et al., FORC'20) and the ``core'' (Li et al., ICML'21). In fact, we show that any approximation to proportional fairness is also an approximation to individual fairness and vice versa. Finally, we also study stronger notions of proportional representation, in which deviations do not only happen to single, but multiple candidate centers, and show that stronger proportionality notions of Brill and Peters imply approximations to these stronger guarantees.
Towards a Theoretical Understanding of the 'Reversal Curse' via Training Dynamics
Hanlin Zhu · Baihe Huang · Shaolun Zhang · Michael Jordan · Jiantao Jiao · Yuandong Tian · Stuart J Russell
Auto-regressive large language models (LLMs) show impressive capacities to solve many complex reasoning tasks while struggling with some simple logical reasoning tasks such as inverse search: when trained on ''$A \to B$'' (e.g., *Tom is the parent of John*), LLM fails to directly conclude ''$B \gets A$'' (e.g., *John is the child of Tom*) during inference even if the two sentences are semantically identical, which is known as the ''reversal curse''. In this paper, we theoretically analyze the reversal curse via the training dynamics of (stochastic) gradient descent for two auto-regressive models: (1) a bilinear model that can be viewed as a simplification of a one-layer transformer; (2) one-layer transformers under certain assumptions. Our analysis reveals that for both models, the reversal curse is a consequence of the (effective) model weights *asymmetry*, i.e., the increase of weights from a token $A$ to token $B$ during training does not necessarily cause the increase of the weights from $B$ to $A$, which is caused by the training dynamics under certain choice of loss function and the optimization space of model parameters. Moreover, our analysis can be naturally applied to other logical reasoning tasks such as chain-of-thought (COT), which provides a new perspective different from previous work that focuses on expressivity. Finally, we conduct experiments to validate our theory on multi-layer transformers under different settings. Our code is available at [](
SeafloorAI: A Large-scale Vision-Language Dataset for Seafloor Geological Survey
Kien Nguyen · Fengchun Qiao · Arthur Trembanis · Xi Peng
A major obstacle to the advancements of machine learning models in marine science, particularly in sonar imagery analysis, is the scarcity of AI-ready datasets. While there have been efforts to make AI-ready sonar image dataset publicly available, they suffer from limitations in terms of environment setting and scale. To bridge this gap, we introduce $\texttt{SeafloorAI}$, the first extensive AI-ready datasets for seafloor mapping across 5 geological layers that is curated in collaboration with marine scientists. We further extend the dataset to $\texttt{SeafloorGenAI}$ by incorporating the language component in order to facilitate the development of both $\textit{vision}$- and $\textit{language}$-capable machine learning models for sonar imagery. The dataset consists of 62 geo-distributed data surveys spanning 17,300 square kilometers, with 696K sonar images, 827K annotated segmentation masks, 696K detailed language descriptions and approximately 7M question-answer pairs. By making our data processing source code publicly available, we aim to engage the marine science community to enrich the data pool and inspire the machine learning community to develop more robust models. This collaborative approach will enhance the capabilities and applications of our datasets within both fields.
On the Efficiency of ERM in Feature Learning
Ayoub El Hanchi · Chris Maddison · Murat Erdogdu
Given a collection of feature maps indexed by a set $\mathcal{T}$, we study the performance of empirical risk minimization (ERM) on regression problems with square loss over the union of the linear classes induced by these feature maps. This setup aims at capturing the simplest instance of feature learning, where the model is expected to jointly learn from the data an appropriate feature map and a linear predictor. We start by studying the asymptotic quantiles of the excess risk of sequences of empirical risk minimizers. Remarkably, we show that when the set $\mathcal{T}$ is not too large and when there is a unique optimal feature map, these quantiles coincide, up to a factor of two, with those of the excess risk of the oracle procedure, which knows a priori this optimal feature map and deterministically outputs an empirical risk minimizer from the associated optimal linear class. We complement this asymptotic result with a non-asymptotic analysis that quantifies the decaying effect of the global complexity of the set $\mathcal{T}$ on the excess risk of ERM, and relates it to the size of the sublevel sets of the suboptimality of the feature maps. As an application of our results, we characterize the performance of the best subset selection procedure in sparse linear regression under general assumptions.
TOPA: Extending Large Language Models for Video Understanding via Text-Only Pre-Alignment
Wei Li · Hehe Fan · Yongkang Wong · Mohan Kankanhalli · Yi Yang
Recent advancements in image understanding have benefited from the extensive use of web image-text pairs. However, video understanding remains a challenge despite the availability of substantial web video-text data. This difficulty primarily arises from the inherent complexity of videos and the inefficient language supervision in recent web-collected video-text datasets. In this paper, we introduce Text-Only Pre-Alignment (TOPA), a novel approach to extend large language models (LLMs) for video understanding, without the need for pre-training on real video data. Specifically, we first employ an advanced LLM to automatically generate Textual Videos comprising continuous textual frames, along with corresponding annotations to simulate real video-text data. Then, these annotated textual videos are used to pre-align a language-only LLM with the video modality. To bridge the gap between textual and real videos, we employ the CLIP model as the feature extractor to align image and text modalities. During text-only pre-alignment, the continuous textual frames, encoded as a sequence of CLIP text features, are analogous to continuous CLIP image features, thus aligning the LLM with real video representation. Extensive experiments, including zero-shot evaluation and finetuning on various video understanding tasks, demonstrate that TOPA is an effective and efficient framework for aligning video content with LLMs. In particular, without training on any video data, the TOPA-Llama2-13B model achieves a Top-1 accuracy of 51.0% on the challenging long-form video understanding benchmark, Egoschema. This performance surpasses previous video-text pre-training approaches and proves competitive with recent GPT-3.5 based video agents.
Fair Online Bilateral Trade
François Bachoc · Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi · Tom Cesari · Roberto Colomboni
In online bilateral trade, a platform posts prices to incoming pairs of buyers and sellers that have private valuations for a certain good. If the price is lower than the buyers' valuation and higher than the sellers' valuation, then a trade takes place. Previous work focused on the platform perspective, with the goal of setting prices maximizing the *gain from trade* (the sum of sellers' and buyers' utilities). Gain from trade is, however, potentially unfair to traders, as they may receive highly uneven shares of the total utility. In this work we enforce fairness by rewarding the platform with the _fair gain from trade_, defined as the minimum between sellers' and buyers' utilities.After showing that any no-regret learning algorithm designed to maximize the sum of the utilities may fail badly with fair gain from trade, we present our main contribution: a complete characterization of the regret regimes for fair gain from trade when, after each interaction, the platform only learns whether each trader accepted the current price. Specifically, we prove the following regret bounds: $\Theta(\ln T)$ in the deterministic setting, $\Omega(T)$ in the stochastic setting, and $\tilde{\Theta}(T^{2/3})$ in the stochastic setting when sellers' and buyers' valuations are independent of each other. We conclude by providing tight regret bounds when, after each interaction, the platform is allowed to observe the true traders' valuations.
Building a stable classifier with the inflated argmax
Jake Soloff · Rina Barber · Rebecca Willett
We propose a new framework for algorithmic stability in the context of multiclass classification. In practice, classification algorithms often operate by first assigning a continuous score (for instance, an estimated probability) to each possible label, then taking the maximizer---i.e., selecting the class that has the highest score. A drawback of this type of approach is that it is inherently unstable, meaning that it is very sensitive to slight perturbations of the training data, since taking the maximizer is discontinuous. Motivated by this challenge, we propose a pipeline for constructing stable classifiers from data, using bagging (i.e., resampling and averaging) to produce stable continuous scores, and then using a stable relaxation of argmax, which we call the "inflated argmax", to convert these scores to a set of candidate labels. The resulting stability guarantee places no distributional assumptions on the data, does not depend on the number of classes or dimensionality of the covariates, and holds for any base classifier. Using a common benchmark data set, we demonstrate that the inflated argmax provides necessary protection against unstable classifiers, without loss of accuracy.
Recursive PAC-Bayes: A Frequentist Approach to Sequential Prior Updates with No Information Loss
Yi-Shan Wu · Yijie Zhang · Badr-Eddine Cherief-Abdellatif · Yevgeny Seldin
PAC-Bayesian analysis is a frequentist framework for incorporating prior knowledge into learning. It was inspired by Bayesian learning, which allows sequential data processing and naturally turns posteriors from one processing step into priors for the next. However, despite two and a half decades of research, the ability to update priors sequentially without losing confidence information along the way remained elusive for PAC-Bayes. While PAC-Bayes allows construction of data-informed priors, the final confidence intervals depend only on the number of points that were not used for the construction of the prior, whereas confidence information in the prior, which is related to the number of points used to construct the prior, is lost. This limits the possibility and benefit of sequential prior updates, because the final bounds depend only on the size of the final batch.We present a novel and, in retrospect, surprisingly simple and powerful PAC-Bayesian procedure that allows sequential prior updates with no information loss. The procedure is based on a novel decomposition of the expected loss of randomized classifiers. The decomposition rewrites the loss of the posterior as an excess loss relative to a downscaled loss of the prior plus the downscaled loss of the prior, which is bounded recursively. As a side result, we also present a generalization of the split-kl and PAC-Bayes-split-kl inequalities to discrete random variables, which we use for bounding the excess losses, and which can be of independent interest. In empirical evaluation the new procedure significantly outperforms state-of-the-art.
Learning a Single Neuron Robustly to Distributional Shifts and Adversarial Label Noise
Shuyao Li · Sushrut Karmalkar · Ilias Diakonikolas · Jelena Diakonikolas
We study the problem of learning a single neuron with respect to the $L_2^2$-loss in the presence of adversarial distribution shifts, where the labels can be arbitrary, and the goal is to find a "best-fit" function.More precisely, given training samples from a reference distribution $p_0$, the goal is to approximate the vector $\mathbf{w}^*$which minimizes the squared loss with respect to the worst-case distribution that is close in $\chi^2$-divergence to $p_{0}$.We design a computationally efficient algorithm that recovers a vector $ \hat{\mathbf{w}}$satisfying $\mathbb{E}\_{p^*} (\sigma(\hat{\mathbf{w}} \cdot \mathbf{x}) - y)^2 \leq C \hspace{0.2em} \mathbb{E}\_{p^*} (\sigma(\mathbf{w}^* \cdot \mathbf{x}) - y)^2 + \epsilon$, where $C>1$ is a dimension-independent constant and $(\mathbf{w}^*, p^*)$ is the witness attaining the min-max risk$\min_{\mathbf{w}:\|\mathbf{w}\| \leq W} \max\_{p} \mathbb{E}\_{(\mathbf{x}, y) \sim p} (\sigma(\mathbf{w} \cdot \mathbf{x}) - y)^2 - \nu \chi^2(p, p_0)$.Our algorithm follows the primal-dual framework and is designed by directly bounding the risk with respect to the original, nonconvex $L_2^2$ loss.From an optimization standpoint, our work opens new avenues for the design of primal-dual algorithms under structured nonconvexity.
Federated Learning from Vision-Language Foundation Models: Theoretical Analysis and Method
Bikang Pan · Wei Huang · Ye Shi
Integrating pretrained vision-language foundation models like CLIP into federated learning has attracted significant attention for enhancing generalization across diverse tasks. Typically, federated learning of vision-language models employs prompt learning to reduce communication and computational costs, i.e., prompt-based federated learning. However, there is limited theoretical analysis to understand the performance of prompt-based federated learning. In this work, we construct a theoretical analysis framework for prompt-based federated learning via feature learning theory. Specifically, we monitor the evolution of signal learning and noise memorization in prompt-based federated learning, demonstrating that performance can be assessed by the ratio of task-relevant to task-irrelevant coefficients. Furthermore, we draw an analogy between income and risk in portfolio optimization and the task-relevant and task-irrelevant terms in feature learning. Leveraging inspiration from portfolio optimization that combining two independent assets will maintain the income while reducing the risk, we introduce two prompts: global prompt and local prompt to construct a prompt portfolio to balance the generalization and personalization. Consequently, we showed the performance advantage of the prompt portfolio and derived the optimal mixing coefficient. These theoretical claims have been further supported by empirical experiments.
On the Limitations of Fractal Dimension as a Measure of Generalization
Charlie Tan · Inés García-Redondo · Qiquan Wang · Michael Bronstein · Anthea Monod
Bounding and predicting the generalization gap of overparameterized neural networks remains a central open problem in theoretical machine learning. There is a recent and growing body of literature that proposes the framework of fractals to model optimization trajectories of neural networks, motivating generalization bounds and measures based on the fractal dimension of the trajectory. Notably, the persistent homology dimension has been proposed to correlate with the generalization gap. This paper performs an empirical evaluation of these persistent homology-based generalization measures, with an in-depth statistical analysis. Our study reveals confounding effects in the observed correlation between generalization and topological measures due to the variation of hyperparameters. We also observe that fractal dimension fails to predict generalization of models trained from poor initializations. We lastly reveal the intriguing manifestation of model-wise double descent in these topological generalization measures. Our work forms a basis for a deeper investigation of the causal relationships between fractal geometry, topological data analysis, and neural network optimization.
Stability and Generalization of Asynchronous SGD: Sharper Bounds Beyond Lipschitz and Smoothness
Xiaoge Deng · Tao Sun · Shengwei Li · Dongsheng Li · Xicheng Lu
Asynchronous stochastic gradient descent (ASGD) has evolved into an indispensable optimization algorithm for training modern large-scale distributed machine learning tasks. Therefore, it is imperative to explore the generalization performance of the ASGD algorithm. However, the existing results are either pessimistic and vacuous or restricted by strict assumptions that fail to reveal the intrinsic impact of asynchronous training on generalization. In this study, we establish sharper stability and generalization bounds for ASGD under much weaker assumptions. Firstly, this paper studies the on-average model stability of ASGD and provides a non-vacuous upper bound on the generalization error, without relying on the Lipschitz assumption. Furthermore, we investigate the excess generalization error of the ASGD algorithm, revealing the effects of asynchronous delay, model initialization, number of training samples and iterations on generalization performance. Secondly, for the first time, this study explores the generalization performance of ASGD in the non-smooth case. We replace smoothness with the much weaker Hölder continuous assumption and achieve similar generalization results as in the smooth case. Finally, we validate our theoretical findings by training numerous machine learning models, including convex problems and non-convex tasks in computer vision and natural language processing.
Dynamics of Supervised and Reinforcement Learning in the Non-Linear Perceptron
Christian Schmid · James M Murray
The ability of a brain or a neural network to efficiently learn depends crucially on both the task structure and the learning rule.Previous works have analyzed the dynamical equations describing learning in the relatively simplified context of the perceptron under assumptions of a student-teacher framework or a linearized output. While these assumptions have facilitated theoretical understanding, they have precluded a detailed understanding of the roles of the nonlinearity and input-data distribution in determining the learning dynamics, limiting the applicability of the theories to real biological or artificial neural networks.Here, we use a stochastic-process approach to derive flow equations describing learning, applying this framework to the case of a nonlinear perceptron performing binary classification. We characterize the effects of the learning rule (supervised or reinforcement learning, SL/RL) and input-data distribution on the perceptron's learning curve and the forgetting curve as subsequent tasks are learned.In particular, we find that the input-data noise differently affects the learning speed under SL vs. RL, as well as determines how quickly learning of a task is overwritten by subsequent learning. Additionally, we verify our approach with real data using the MNIST dataset.This approach points a way toward analyzing learning dynamics for more-complex circuit architectures.
Online Learning with Sublinear Best-Action Queries
Matteo Russo · Andrea Celli · Riccardo Colini Baldeschi · Federico Fusco · Daniel Haimovich · Dima Karamshuk · Stefano Leonardi · Niek Tax
In online learning, a decision maker repeatedly selects one of a set of actions, with the goal of minimizing the overall loss incurred. Following the recent line of research on algorithms endowed with additional predictive features, we revisit this problem by allowing the decision maker to acquire additional information on the actions to be selected. In particular, we study the power of \emph{best-action queries}, which reveal beforehand the identity of the best action at a given time step. In practice, predictive features may be expensive, so we allow the decision maker to issue at most $k$ such queries.We establish tight bounds on the performance any algorithm can achieve when given access to $k$ best-action queries for different types of feedback models. In particular, we prove that in the full feedback model, $k$ queries are enough to achieve an optimal regret of $\Theta(\min\{\sqrt T, \frac{T}{k}\})$. This finding highlights the significant multiplicative advantage in the regret rate achievable with even a modest (sublinear) number $k \in \Omega(\sqrt{T})$ of queries. Additionally, we study the challenging setting in which the only available feedback is obtained during the time steps corresponding to the $k$ best-action queries. There, we provide a tight regret rate of $\Theta(\min\{\frac{T}{\sqrt k},\frac{T^2}{k^2}\})$, which improves over the standard $\Theta(\frac{T}{\sqrt k})$ regret rate for label efficient prediction for $k \in \Omega(T^{2/3})$.
Exploration, Exploitation, and Engagement in Multi-Armed Bandits with Abandonment
Zixian Yang · Xin Liu · Lei Ying
The traditional multi-armed bandit (MAB) model for recommendation systems assumes the user stays in the system for the entire learning horizon. In new online education platforms such as ALEKS or new video recommendation systems such as TikTok, the amount of time a user spends on the app depends on how engaging the recommended contents are. Users may temporarily leave the system if the recommended items cannot engage the users. To understand the exploration, exploitation, and engagement in these systems, we propose a new model, called MAB-A where ``A'' stands for abandonment and the abandonment probability depends on the current recommended item and the user's past experience (called state). We propose two algorithms, ULCB and KL-ULCB, both of which do more exploration (being optimistic) when the user likes the previous recommended item and less exploration (being pessimistic) when the user does not. We prove that both ULCB and KL-ULCB achieve logarithmic regret, $O(\log K)$, where $K$ is the number of visits (or episodes). Furthermore, the regret bound under KL-ULCB is asymptotically sharp. We also extend the proposed algorithms to the general-state setting. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms have significantly lower regret than the traditional UCB and KL-UCB, and Q-learning-based algorithms.
Multi-Label Learning with Stronger Consistency Guarantees
Anqi Mao · Mehryar Mohri · Yutao Zhong
We present a detailed study of surrogate losses and algorithms for multi-label learning, supported by $H$-consistency bounds. We first show that, for the simplest form of multi-label loss (the popular Hamming loss), the well-known consistent binary relevance surrogate suffers from a sub-optimal dependency on the number of labels in terms of $H$-consistency bounds, when using smooth losses such as logistic losses. Furthermore, this loss function fails to account for label correlations. To address these drawbacks, we introduce a novel surrogate loss, *multi-label logistic loss*, that accounts for label correlations and benefits from label-independent $H$-consistency bounds. We then broaden our analysis to cover a more extensive family of multi-label losses, including all common ones and a new extension defined based on linear-fractional functions with respect to the confusion matrix. We also extend our multi-label logistic losses to more comprehensive multi-label comp-sum losses, adapting comp-sum losses from standard classification to the multi-label learning. We prove that this family of surrogate losses benefits from $H$-consistency bounds, and thus Bayes-consistency, across any general multi-label loss. Our work thus proposes a unified surrogate loss framework benefiting from strong consistency guarantees for any multi-label loss, significantly expanding upon previous work which only established Bayes-consistency and for specific loss functions. Additionally, we adapt constrained losses from standard classification to multi-label constrained losses in a similar way, which also benefit from $H$-consistency bounds and thus Bayes-consistency for any multi-label loss. We further describe efficient gradient computation algorithms for minimizing the multi-label logistic loss.
Implicit Optimization Bias of Next-token Prediction in Linear Models
Christos Thrampoulidis
We initiate an investigation into the optimization properties of next-token prediction (NTP), the dominant training paradigm for modern language models. Specifically, we study the structural properties of the solutions selected by gradient-based optimizers among the many possible minimizers of the NTP objective. By framing NTP as cross-entropy minimization across \emph{distinct} contexts, each tied with a \emph{sparse} conditional probability distribution across a finite vocabulary of tokens, we introduce ``NTP-separability conditions'' that enable reaching the data-entropy lower bound. With this setup, and focusing on linear models with fixed context embeddings, we characterize the optimization bias of gradient descent (GD): Within the data subspace defined by the sparsity patterns of distinct contexts, GD selects parameters that equate the logits' differences of in-support tokens to their log-odds. In the orthogonal subspace, the GD parameters diverge in norm and select the direction that maximizes a margin specific to NTP. These findings extend previous research on implicit bias in one-hot classification to the NTP setting, highlighting key differences and prompting further research into the optimization and generalization properties of NTP, irrespective of the specific architecture used to generate the context embeddings.
Adam has become one of the most favored optimizers in deep learning problems. Despite its success in practice, numerous mysteries persist regarding its theoretical understanding. In this paper, we study the implicit bias of Adam in linear logistic regression. Specifically, we show that when the training data are linearly separable, the iterates of Adam converge towards a linear classifier that achieves the maximum $\ell_\infty$-margin in direction. Notably, for a general class of diminishing learning rates, this convergence occurs within polynomial time. Our result shed light on the difference between Adam and (stochastic) gradient descent from a theoretical perspective.
Sharpness-diversity tradeoff: improving flat ensembles with SharpBalance
Haiquan Lu · Xiaotian Liu · Yefan Zhou · Qunli Li · Kurt Keutzer · Michael Mahoney · Yujun Yan · Huanrui Yang · Yaoqing Yang
Recent studies on deep ensembles have identified the sharpness of the local minima of individual learners and the diversity of the ensemble members as key factors in improving test-time performance. Building on this, our study investigates the interplay between sharpness and diversity within deep ensembles, illustrating their crucial role in robust generalization to both in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) data. We discover a trade-off between sharpness and diversity: minimizing the sharpness in the loss landscape tends to diminish the diversity of individual members within the ensemble, adversely affecting the ensemble's improvement. The trade-off is justified through our rigorous theoretical analysis and verified empirically through extensive experiments. To address the issue of reduced diversity, we introduce SharpBalance, a novel training approach that balances sharpness and diversity within ensembles. Theoretically, we show that our training strategy achieves a better sharpness-diversity trade-off. Empirically, we conducted comprehensive evaluations in various data sets (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, TinyImageNet) and showed that SharpBalance not only effectively improves the sharpness-diversity trade-off but also significantly improves ensemble performance in ID and OOD scenarios.
Mean-Field Analysis for Learning Subspace-Sparse Polynomials with Gaussian Input
Ziang Chen · Rong Ge
In this work, we study the mean-field flow for learning subspace-sparse polynomials using stochastic gradient descent and two-layer neural networks, where the input distribution is standard Gaussian and the output only depends on the projection of the input onto a low-dimensional subspace. We establish a necessary condition for SGD-learnability, involving both the characteristics of the target function and the expressiveness of the activation function. In addition, we prove that the condition is almost sufficient, in the sense that a condition slightly stronger than the necessary condition can guarantee the exponential decay of the loss functional to zero.
Learning from higher-order correlations, efficiently: hypothesis tests, random features, and neural networks
Eszter Szekely · Lorenzo Bardone · Federica Gerace · Sebastian Goldt
Neural networks excel at discovering statistical patterns inhigh-dimensional data sets. In practice, higher-order cumulants, which quantifythe non-Gaussian correlations between three or more variables, are particularlyimportant for the performance of neural networks. But how efficient are neuralnetworks at extracting features from higher-order cumulants? We study thisquestion in the spiked cumulant model, where the statistician needs to recover aprivileged direction or "spike'' from the order-$p\ge 4$ cumulantsof $d$-dimensional inputs. We first discuss the fundamental statistical andcomputational limits of recovering the spike by analysing the number of samples $n$ required to strongly distinguish between inputs from the spikedcumulant model and isotropic Gaussian inputs. Existing literature established the presence of a wide statistical-to-computational gap in this problem. We deepen this line of work by finding an exact formula for the likelihood ratio norm which proves that statisticaldistinguishability requires $n\gtrsim d$ samples, while distinguishing the twodistributions in polynomial time requires $n \gtrsim d^2$ samples for a wideclass of algorithms, i.e. those covered by the low-degree conjecture. Numerical experiments show that neural networks do indeed learn to distinguishthe two distributions with quadratic sample complexity, while ``lazy'' methodslike random features are not better than random guessing in this regime. Ourresults show that neural networks extract information from higher-ordercorrelations in the spiked cumulant model efficiently, and reveal a large gap inthe amount of data required by neural networks and random features to learn fromhigher-order cumulants.
How many classifiers do we need?
Hyunsuk Kim · Liam Hodgkinson · Ryan Theisen · Michael Mahoney
As performance gains through scaling data and/or model size experience diminishing returns, it is becoming increasingly popular to turn to ensembling, where the predictions of multiple models are combined to improve accuracy. In this paper, we provide a detailed analysis of how the disagreement and the polarization (a notion we introduce and define in this paper) among classifiers relate to the performance gain achieved by aggregating individual classifiers, for majority vote strategies in classification tasks.We address these questions in the following ways. (1) An upper bound for polarization is derived, and we propose what we call a neural polarization law: most interpolating neural network models are 4/3-polarized. Our empirical results not only support this conjecture but also show that polarization is nearly constant for a dataset, regardless of hyperparameters or architectures of classifiers. (2) The error rate of the majority vote classifier is considered under restricted entropy conditions, and we present a tight upper bound that indicates that the disagreement is linearly correlated with the error rate, and that the slope is linear in the polarization.(3) We prove results for the asymptotic behavior of the disagreement in terms of the number of classifiers, which we show can help in predicting the performance for a larger number of classifiers from that of a smaller number. Our theoretical findings are supported by empirical results on several image classification tasks with various types of neural networks.
Improved Sample Complexity for Multiclass PAC Learning
Steve Hanneke · Shay Moran · Qian Zhang
We aim to understand the optimal PAC sample complexity in multiclass learning. While finiteness of the Daniely-Shalev-Shwartz (DS) dimension has been shown to characterize the PAC learnability of a concept class [Brukhim, Carmon, Dinur, Moran, and Yehudayoff, 2022], there exist polylog factor gaps in the leading term of the sample complexity. In this paper, we reduce the gap in terms of the dependence on the error parameter to a single log factor and also propose two possible routes towards completely resolving the optimal sample complexity, each based on a key open question we formulate: one concerning list learning with bounded list size, the other concerning a new type of shifting for multiclass concept classes. We prove that a positive answer to either of the two questions would completely resolve the optimal sample complexity up to log factors of the DS dimension.
Understanding the Gains from Repeated Self-Distillation
Divyansh Pareek · Simon Du · Sewoong Oh
Self-Distillation is a special type of knowledge distillation where the student model has the same architecture as the teacher model. Despite using the same architecture and the same training data, self-distillation has been empirically observed to improve performance, especially when applied repeatedly. For such a process, there is a fundamental question of interest: How much gain is possible by applying multiple steps of self-distillation? To investigate this relative gain, we propose using the simple but canonical task of linear regression. Our analysis shows that the excess risk achieved by multi-step self-distillation can significantly improve upon a single step of self-distillation, reducing the excess risk by a factor of $d$, where $d$ is the input dimension. Empirical results on regression tasks from the UCI repository show a reduction in the learnt model's risk (MSE) by up to $47$%.
Generalized Linear Bandits with Limited Adaptivity
Ayush Sawarni · Nirjhar Das · Siddharth Barman · Gaurav Sinha
We study the generalized linear contextual bandit problem within the constraints of limited adaptivity. In this paper, we present two algorithms, B-GLinCB and RS-GLinCB, that address, respectively, two prevalent limited adaptivity settings. Given a budget $M$ on the number of policy updates, in the first setting, the algorithm needs to decide upfront $M$ rounds at which it will update its policy, while in the second setting it can adaptively perform $M$ policy updates during its course. For the first setting, we design an algorithm B-GLinCB, that incurs $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret when $M = \Omega( \log{\log T} )$ and the arm feature vectors are generated stochastically. For the second setting, we design an algorithm RS-GLinCB that updates its policy $\tilde{O}(\log^2 T)$ times and achieves a regret of $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ even when the arm feature vectors are adversarially generated. Notably, in these bounds, we manage to eliminate the dependence on a key instance dependent parameter $\kappa$, that captures non-linearity of the underlying reward model. Our novel approach for removing this dependence for generalized linear contextual bandits might be of independent interest.
Dynamic Service Fee Pricing under Strategic Behavior: Actions as Instruments and Phase Transition
Rui Ai · David Simchi-Levi · Feng Zhu
We study a dynamic pricing problem for third-party platform service fees under strategic, far-sighted customers. In each time period, the platform sets a service fee based on historical data, observes the resulting transaction quantities, and collects revenue. The platform also monitors equilibrium prices influenced by both demand and supply. The objective is to maximize total revenue over a time horizon $T$. Our problem incorporates three practical challenges: (a) initially, the platform lacks knowledge of the demand side beforehand, necessitating a balance between exploring (learning the demand curve) and exploiting (maximizing revenue) simultaneously; (b) since only equilibrium prices and quantities are observable, traditional Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimators would be biased and inconsistent; (c) buyers are rational and strategic, seeking to maximize their consumer surplus and potentially misrepresenting their preferences. To address these challenges, we propose novel algorithmic solutions. Our approach involves: (i) a carefully designed active randomness injection to balance exploration and exploitation effectively; (ii) using non-i.i.d. actions as instrumental variables (IV) to consistently estimate demand; (iii) a low-switching cost design that promotes nearly truthful buyer behavior. We show an expected regret bound of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}} (\sqrt{T}\wedge\sigma_S^{-2})$ and demonstrate its optimality, up to logarithmic factors, with respect to both the time horizon $T$ and the randomness in supply $\sigma_S$. Despite its simplicity, our model offers valuable insights into the use of actions as estimation instruments, the benefits of low-switching pricing policies in mitigating strategic buyer behavior, and the role of supply randomness in facilitating exploration which leads to a phase transition of policy performance.
Nearly Minimax Optimal Submodular Maximization with Bandit Feedback
Artin Tajdini · Lalit Jain · Kevin Jamieson
We consider maximizing an unknown monotonic, submodular set function $f: 2^{[n]} \rightarrow [0,1]$ with cardinality constraint under stochastic bandit feedback. At each time $t=1,\dots,T$ the learner chooses a set $S_t \subset [n]$ with $|S_t| \leq k$ and receives reward $f(S_t) + \eta_t$ where $\eta_t$ is mean-zero sub-Gaussian noise. The objective is to minimize the learner's regret with respect to an approximation of the maximum $f(S_*)$ with $|S_*| = k$, obtained through robust greedy maximization of $f$. To date, the best regret bound in the literature scales as $k n^{1/3} T^{2/3}$. And by trivially treating every set as a unique arm one deduces that $\sqrt{ {n \choose k} T }$ is also achievable using standard multi-armed bandit algorithms. In this work, we establish the first minimax lower bound for this setting that scales like $\tilde{\Omega}(\min_{L \le k}(L^{1/3}n^{1/3}T^{2/3} + \sqrt{{n \choose k - L}T}))$. For a slightly restricted algorithm class, we prove a stronger regret lower bound of $\tilde{\Omega}(\min_{L \le k}(Ln^{1/3}T^{2/3} + \sqrt{{n \choose k - L}T}))$. Moreover, we propose an algorithm Sub-UCB that achieves regret $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\min_{L \le k}(Ln^{1/3}T^{2/3} + \sqrt{{n \choose k - L}T}))$ capable of matching the lower bound on regret for the restricted class up to logarithmic factors.
Symmetric Linear Bandits with Hidden Symmetry
Phuong Nam Tran · The Anh Ta · Debmalya Mandal · Long Tran-Thanh
High-dimensional linear bandits with low-dimensional structure have received considerable attention in recent studies due to their practical significance. The most common structure in the literature is sparsity. However, it may not be available in practice. Symmetry, where the reward is invariant under certain groups of transformations on the set of arms, is another important inductive bias in the high-dimensional case that covers many standard structures, including sparsity. In this work, we study high-dimensional symmetric linear bandits where the symmetry is hidden from the learner, and the correct symmetry needs to be learned in an online setting. We examine the structure of a collection of hidden symmetry and provide a method based on model selection within the collection of low-dimensional subspaces. Our algorithm achieves a regret bound of $ O(d_0^{2/3} T^{2/3} \log(d))$, where $d$ is the ambient dimension which is potentially very large, and $d_0$ is the dimension of the true low-dimensional subspace such that $d_0 \ll d$. With an extra assumption on well-separated models, we can further improve the regret to $ O(d_0 \sqrt{T\log(d)} )$.
Melting Pot Contest: Charting the Future of Generalized Cooperative Intelligence
Rakshit Trivedi · Akbir Khan · Jesse Clifton · Lewis Hammond · Edgar Duenez-Guzman · Dipam Chakraborty · John Agapiou · Jayd Matyas · Sasha Vezhnevets · Barna Pásztor · Yunke Ao · Omar G. Younis · Jiawei Huang · Benjamin Swain · Haoyuan Qin · Deng · Ziwei Deng · Utku Erdoğanaras · Yue Zhao · Marko Tesic · Natasha Jaques · Jakob Foerster · Vincent Conitzer · José Hernández-Orallo · Dylan Hadfield-Menell · Joel Leibo
Multi-agent AI research promises a path to develop human-like and human-compatible intelligent technologies that complement the solipsistic view of other approaches, which mostly do not consider interactions between agents. Aiming to make progress in this direction, the Melting Pot contest 2023 focused on the problem of cooperation among interacting agents and challenged researchers to push the boundaries of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) for mixed-motive games. The contest leveraged the Melting Pot environment suite to rigorously evaluate how well agents can adapt their cooperative skills to interact with novel partners in unforeseen situations. Unlike other reinforcement learning challenges, this challenge focused on social rather than environmental generalization. In particular, a population of agents performs well in Melting Pot when its component individuals are adept at finding ways to cooperate both with others in their population and with strangers. Thus Melting Pot measures cooperative intelligence.The contest attracted over 600 participants across 100+ teams globally and was a success on multiple fronts: (i) it contributed to our goal of pushing the frontiers of MARL towards building more cooperatively intelligent agents, evidenced by several submissions that outperformed established baselines; (ii) it attracted a diverse range of participants, from independent researchers to industry affiliates and academic labs, both with strong background and new interest in the area alike, broadening the field’s demographic and intellectual diversity; and (iii) analyzing the submitted agents provided important insights, highlighting areas for improvement in evaluating agents' cooperative intelligence. This paper summarizes the design aspects and results of the contest and explores the potential of Melting Pot as a benchmark for studying Cooperative AI. We further analyze the top solutions and conclude with a discussion on promising directions for future research.
Online Convex Optimisation: The Optimal Switching Regret for all Segmentations Simultaneously
Stephen Pasteris · Chris Hicks · Vasilios Mavroudis · Mark Herbster
We consider the classic problem of online convex optimisation. Whereas the notion of static regret is relevant for stationary problems, the notion of switching regret is more appropriate for non-stationary problems. A switching regret is defined relative to any segmentation of the trial sequence, and is equal to the sum of the static regrets of each segment. In this paper we show that, perhaps surprisingly, we can achieve the asymptotically optimal switching regret on every possible segmentation simultaneously. Our algorithm for doing so is very efficient: having a space and per-trial time complexity that is logarithmic in the time-horizon. Our algorithm also obtains novel bounds on its dynamic regret: being adaptive to variations in the rate of change of the comparator sequence.
Sequential Probability Assignment with Contexts: Minimax Regret, Contextual Shtarkov Sums, and Contextual Normalized Maximum Likelihood
Ziyi Liu · Idan Attias · Dan Roy
We study the fundamental problem of sequential probability assignment, also known as online learning with logarithmic loss, with respect to an arbitrary, possibly nonparametric hypothesis class. Our goal is to obtain a complexity measure for the hypothesis class that characterizes the minimax regret and to determine a general, minimax optimal algorithm. Notably, the sequential $\ell_{\infty}$ entropy, extensively studied in the literature (Rakhlin and Sridharan, 2015, Bilodeau et al., 2020, Wu et al., 2023), was shown to not characterize minimax regret in general. Inspired by the seminal work of Shtarkov (1987) and Rakhlin, Sridharan, and Tewari (2010), we introduce a novel complexity measure, the \emph{contextual Shtarkov sum}, corresponding to the Shtarkov sum after projection onto a multiary context tree, and show that the worst case log contextual Shtarkov sum equals the minimax regret. Using the contextual Shtarkov sum, we derive the minimax optimal strategy, dubbed \emph{contextual Normalized Maximum Likelihood} (cNML). Our results hold for sequential experts, beyond binary labels, which are settings rarely considered in prior work. To illustrate the utility of this characterization, we provide a short proof of a new regret upper bound in terms of sequential $\ell_{\infty}$ entropy, unifying and sharpening state-of-the-art bounds by Bilodeau et al. (2020) and Wu et al. (2023).
Bandits with Preference Feedback: A Stackelberg Game Perspective
Barna Pásztor · Parnian Kassraie · Andreas Krause
Bandits with preference feedback present a powerful tool for optimizing unknown target functions when only pairwise comparisons are allowed instead of direct value queries. This model allows for incorporating human feedback into online inference and optimization and has been employed in systems for tuning large language models.The problem is fairly understood in toy settings with linear target functions or over finite small domains that limits practical interest.Taking the next step, we consider infinite domains and kernelized rewards. In this setting, selecting a pair of actions is quite challenging and requires balancing exploration and exploitation at two levels: within the pair, and along the iterations of the algorithm.We propose MaxMinLCB, which emulates this trade-off as a zero-sum Stackelberg game and chooses action pairs that are informative and have favorable reward values. MaxMinLCB consistently outperforms algorithms in the literature and satisfies an anytime-valid rate-optimal regret guarantee. This is owed to our novel preference-based confidence sequences for kernelized logistic estimators, which are of independent interest.
Optimization Algorithm Design via Electric Circuits
Stephen Boyd · Tetiana Parshakova · Ernest Ryu · Jaewook J. Suh
We present a novel methodology for convex optimization algorithm design using ideas from electric RLC circuits. Given an optimization problem, the first stage of the methodology is to design an appropriate electric circuit whose continuous-time dynamics converge to the solution of the optimization problem at hand. Then, the second stage is an automated, computer-assisted discretization of the continuous-time dynamics, yielding a provably convergent discrete-time algorithm. Our methodology recovers many classical (distributed) optimization algorithms and enables users to quickly design and explore a wide range of new algorithms with convergence guarantees.
Stacking Your Transformers: A Closer Look at Model Growth for Efficient LLM Pre-Training
Wenyu Du · Tongxu Luo · Zihan Qiu · Zeyu Huang · Yikang Shen · Reynold Cheng · Yike Guo · Jie Fu
LLMs are computationally expensive to pre-train due to their large scale.Model growth emerges as a promising approach by leveraging smaller models to accelerate the training of larger ones. However, the viability of these model growth methods in efficient LLM pre-training remains underexplored.This work identifies three critical $\underline{\textit{O}}$bstacles: ($\textit{O}$1) lack of comprehensive evaluation, ($\textit{O}$2) untested viability for scaling, and ($\textit{O}$3) lack of empirical guidelines.To tackle $\textit{O}$1, we summarize existing approaches into four atomic growth operators and systematically evaluate them in a standardized LLM pre-training setting.Our findings reveal that a depthwise stacking operator, called $G_{\text{stack}}$, exhibits remarkable acceleration in training, leading to decreased loss and improved overall performance on eight standard NLP benchmarks compared to strong baselines. Motivated by these promising results, we conduct extensive experiments to delve deeper into $G_{\text{stack}}$ to address $\textit{O}$2 and $\textit{O}$3.For $\textit{O}$2 (untested scalability), our study shows that $G_{\text{stack}}$ is scalable and consistently performs well, with experiments up to 7B LLMs after growth and pre-training LLMs with 750B tokens.For example, compared to a conventionally trained 7B model using 300B tokens, our $G_{\text{stack}}$ model converges to the same loss with 194B tokens, resulting in a 54.6\% speedup. We further address $\textit{O}$3 (lack of empirical guidelines) by formalizing guidelines to determine growth timing and growth factor for $G_{\text{stack}}$, making it practical in general LLM pre-training.We also provide in-depth discussions and comprehensive ablation studies of $G_{\text{stack}}$. Our code and pre-trained model are available at
Sparse maximal update parameterization: A holistic approach to sparse training dynamics
Nolan Dey · Shane Bergsma · Joel Hestness
Several challenges make it difficult for sparse neural networks to compete with dense models. First, setting a large fraction of weights to zero impairs forward and gradient signal propagation. Second, sparse studies often need to test multiple sparsity levels, while also introducing new hyperparameters (HPs), leading to prohibitive tuning costs. Indeed, the standard practice is to re-use the learning HPs originally crafted for dense models. Unfortunately, we show sparse anddense networks do not share the same optimal HPs. Without stable dynamics and effective training recipes, it is costly to test sparsity at scale, which is key to surpassing dense networks and making the business case for sparsity acceleration in hardware.A holistic approach is needed to tackle these challenges and we propose S$\textmu$Par as one such approach. For random unstructured static sparsity, S$\textmu$Par ensures activations, gradients, and weight updates all scale independently of sparsity level. Further, by reparameterizing the HPs, S$\textmu$Par enables the same HP values to be optimal as we vary both sparsity level and model width. HPs can be tuned on small dense networks and transferred to large sparse models, greatly reducing tuning costs. On large-scale language modeling, S$\textmu$Par shows increasing improvements over standard parameterization as sparsity increases, leading up to 11.9\% relative loss improvement at 99.2\% sparsity. A minimal implementation of S$\textmu$Par is available at
Don't Compress Gradients in Random Reshuffling: Compress Gradient Differences
Abdurakhmon Sadiev · Grigory Malinovsky · Eduard Gorbunov · Igor Sokolov · Ahmed Khaled · Konstantin Burlachenko · Peter Richtarik
Gradient compression is a popular technique for improving communication complexity of stochastic first-order methods in distributed training of machine learning models. However, the existing works consider only with-replacement sampling of stochastic gradients. In contrast, it is well-known in practice and recently confirmed in theory that stochastic methods based on without-replacement sampling, e.g., Random Reshuffling (RR) method, perform better than ones that sample the gradients with-replacement. In this work, we close this gap in the literature and provide the first analysis of methods with gradient compression and without-replacement sampling. We first develop a distributed variant of random reshuffling with gradient compression (Q-RR), and show how to reduce the variance coming from gradient quantization through the use of control iterates. Next, to have a better fit to Federated Learning applications, we incorporate local computation and propose a variant of Q-RR called Q-NASTYA. Q-NASTYA uses local gradient steps and different local and global stepsizes. Next, we show how to reduce compression variance in this setting as well. Finally, we prove the convergence results for the proposed methods and outline several settings in which they improve upon existing algorithms.
A Bayesian Approach to Data Point Selection
XINNUO XU · Minyoung Kim · Royson Lee · Brais Martinez · Timothy Hospedales
Data point selection (DPS) is becoming a critical topic in deep learning due to the ease of acquiring uncurated training data compared to the difficulty of obtaining curated or processed data. Existing approaches to DPS are predominantly based on a bi-level optimisation (BLO) formulation, which is demanding in terms of memory and computation, and exhibits some theoretical defects regarding minibatches.Thus, we propose a novel Bayesian approach to DPS. We view the DPS problem as posterior inference in a novel Bayesian model where the posterior distributions of the instance-wise weights and the main neural network parameters are inferred under a reasonable prior and likelihood model.We employ stochastic gradient Langevin MCMC sampling to learn the main network and instance-wise weights jointly, ensuring convergence even with minibatches. Our update equation is comparable to the widely used SGD and much more efficient than existing BLO-based methods. Through controlled experiments in both the vision and language domains, we present the proof-of-concept. Additionally, we demonstrate that our method scales effectively to large language models and facilitates automated per-task optimization for instruction fine-tuning datasets.
SymILO: A Symmetry-Aware Learning Framework for Integer Linear Optimization
Qian Chen · Tianjian Zhang · Linxin Yang · Qingyu Han · Akang Wang · Ruoyu Sun · Xiaodong Luo · Tsung-Hui Chang
Integer linear programs (ILPs) are commonly employed to model diverse practical problems such as scheduling and planning. Recently, machine learning techniques have been utilized to solve ILPs. A straightforward idea is to train a model via supervised learning, with an ILP as the input and an optimal solution as the label. An ILP is symmetric if its variables can be permuted without changing the problem structure, resulting in numerous equivalent and optimal solutions. Randomly selecting an optimal solution as the label can introduce variability in the training data, which may hinder the model from learning stable patterns. In this work, we incorporate the intrinsic symmetry of ILPs and propose a novel training framework called SymILO. Specifically, we modify the learning task by introducing solution permutation along with neural network weights as learnable parameters and then design an alternating algorithm to jointly optimize the loss function.We conduct extensive experiments on ILPs involving different symmetries and the computational results demonstrate that our symmetry-aware approach significantly outperforms three existing methods----achieving $50.3\\%$, $66.5\\%$, and $45.4\\%$ average improvements, respectively.
CRONOS: Enhancing Deep Learning with Scalable GPU Accelerated Convex Neural Networks
Miria Feng · Zachary Frangella · Mert Pilanci
We introduce the CRONOS algorithm for convex optimization of two-layer neural networks. CRONOS is the first algorithm capable of scaling to high-dimensional datasets such as ImageNet, which are ubiquitous in modern deep learning. This significantly improves upon prior work, which has been restricted to downsampled versions of MNIST and CIFAR-10.Taking CRONOS as a primitive, we then develop a new algorithm called CRONOS-AM, which combines CRONOS with alternating minimization, to obtain an algorithm capable of training multi-layer networks with arbitrary architectures.Our theoretical analysis proves that CRONOS converges to the global minimum of the convex reformulation under mild assumptions. In addition, we validate the efficacy of CRONOS and CRONOS-AM through extensive large-scale numerical experiments with GPU acceleration in JAX.Our results show that CRONOS-AM can obtain comparable or better validation accuracy than predominant tuned deep learning optimizers on vision and language tasks with benchmark datasets such as ImageNet and IMDb.To the best of our knowledge, CRONOS is the first algorithm which utilizes the convex reformulation to enhance performance on large-scale learning tasks.
Scalable Kernel Inverse Optimization
Youyuan Long · Tolga Ok · Pedro Zattoni Scroccaro · Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani
Inverse Optimization (IO) is a framework for learning the unknown objective function of an expert decision-maker from a past dataset.In this paper, we extend the hypothesis class of IO objective functions to a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS), thereby enhancing feature representation to an infinite-dimensional space.We demonstrate that a variant of the representer theorem holds for a specific training loss, allowing the reformulation of the problem as a finite-dimensional convex optimization program.To address scalability issues commonly associated with kernel methods, we propose the Sequential Selection Optimization (SSO) algorithm to efficiently train the proposed Kernel Inverse Optimization (KIO) model.Finally, we validate the generalization capabilities of the proposed KIO model and the effectiveness of the SSO algorithm through learning-from-demonstration tasks on the MuJoCo benchmark.
The Power of Extrapolation in Federated Learning
Hanmin Li · Kirill Acharya · Peter Richtarik
We propose and study several server-extrapolation strategies for enhancing the theoretical and empirical convergence properties of the popular federated learning optimizer FedProx [Li et al., 2020]. While it has long been known that some form of extrapolation can help in the practice of FL, only a handful of works provide any theoretical guarantees. The phenomenon seems elusive, and our current theoretical understanding remains severely incomplete. In our work, we focus on smooth convex or strongly convex problems in the interpolation regime. In particular, we propose Extrapolated FedProx (FedExProx), and study three extrapolation strategies: a constant strategy (depending on various smoothness parameters and the number of participating devices), and two smoothness-adaptive strategies; one based on the notion of gradient diversity (FedExProx-GraDS), and the other one based on the stochastic Polyak stepsize (FedExProx-StoPS). Our theory is corroborated with carefully constructed numerical experiments.
Learning with Fitzpatrick Losses
Seta Rakotomandimby · Jean-Philippe Chancelier · Michel De Lara · Mathieu Blondel
Fenchel-Young losses are a family of loss functions, encompassing the squared,logistic and sparsemax losses, among others. They are convex w.r.t. the modeloutput and the target, separately. Each Fenchel-Young loss is implicitly associatedwith a link function, that maps model outputs to predictions. For instance, thelogistic loss is associated with the soft argmax link function. Can we build newloss functions associated with the same link function as Fenchel-Young losses?In this paper, we introduce Fitzpatrick losses, a new family of separately convexloss functions based on the Fitzpatrick function. A well-known theoretical tool inmaximal monotone operator theory, the Fitzpatrick function naturally leads to arefined Fenchel-Young inequality, making Fitzpatrick losses tighter than Fenchel-Young losses, while maintaining the same link function for prediction. As anexample, we introduce the Fitzpatrick logistic loss and the Fitzpatrick sparsemaxloss, counterparts of the logistic and the sparsemax losses. This yields two newtighter losses associated with the soft argmax and the sparse argmax, two of themost ubiquitous output layers used in machine learning. We study in details theproperties of Fitzpatrick losses and, in particular, we show that they can be seen asFenchel-Young losses using a modified, target-dependent generating function. Wedemonstrate the effectiveness of Fitzpatrick losses for label proportion estimation.
A Primal-Dual-Assisted Penalty Approach to Bilevel Optimization with Coupled Constraints
Liuyuan Jiang · Quan Xiao · Victor Tenorio · Fernando Real-Rojas · Antonio G. Marques · Tianyi Chen
Interest in bilevel optimization has grown in recent years, partially due to its relevance for challenging machine-learning problems. Several exciting recent works have been centered around developing efficient gradient-based algorithms that can solve bilevel optimization problems with provable guarantees. However, the existing literature mainly focuses on bilevel problems either without constraints, or featuring only simple constraints that do not couple variables across the upper and lower levels, excluding a range of complex applications. Our paper studies this challenging but less explored scenario and develops a (fully) first-order algorithm, which we term BLOCC, to tackle BiLevel Optimization problems with Coupled Constraints. We establish rigorous convergence theory for the proposed algorithm and demonstrate its effectiveness on two well-known real-world applications - support vector machine (SVM) - based model training and infrastructure planning in transportation networks.
SPARKLE: A Unified Single-Loop Primal-Dual Framework for Decentralized Bilevel Optimization
Shuchen Zhu · Boao Kong · Songtao Lu · Xinmeng Huang · Kun Yuan
This paper studies decentralized bilevel optimization, in which multiple agents collaborate to solve problems involving nested optimization structures with neighborhood communications. Most existing literature primarily utilizes gradient tracking to mitigate the influence of data heterogeneity, without exploring other well-known heterogeneity-correction techniques such as EXTRA or Exact Diffusion. Additionally, these studies often employ identical decentralized strategies for both upper- and lower-level problems, neglecting to leverage distinct mechanisms across different levels. To address these limitations, this paper proposes SPARKLE, a unified single-loop primal-dual algorithm framework for decentralized bilevel optimization. SPARKLE offers the flexibility to incorporate various heterogeneity-correction strategies into the algorithm. Moreover, SPARKLE allows for different strategies to solve upper- and lower-level problems. We present a unified convergence analysis for SPARKLE, applicable to all its variants, with state-of-the-art convergence rates compared to existing decentralized bilevel algorithms. Our results further reveal that EXTRA and Exact Diffusion are more suitable for decentralized bilevel optimization, and using mixed strategies in bilevel algorithms brings more benefits than relying solely on gradient tracking.
An Accelerated Gradient Method for Convex Smooth Simple Bilevel Optimization
Jincheng Cao · Ruichen Jiang · Erfan Yazdandoost Hamedani · Aryan Mokhtari
In this paper, we focus on simple bilevel optimization problems, where we minimize a convex smooth objective function over the optimal solution set of another convex smooth constrained optimization problem. We present a novel bilevel optimization method that locally approximates the solution set of the lower-level problem using a cutting plane approach and employs an accelerated gradient-based update to reduce the upper-level objective function over the approximated solution set. We measure the performance of our method in terms of suboptimality and infeasibility errors and provide non-asymptotic convergence guarantees for both error criteria. Specifically, when the feasible set is compact, we show that our method requires at most $\mathcal{O}(\max\\{1/\sqrt{\epsilon_{f}}, 1/\epsilon_g\\})$ iterations to find a solution that is $\epsilon_f$-suboptimal and $\epsilon_g$-infeasible. Moreover, under the additional assumption that the lower-level objective satisfies the $r$-th Hölderian error bound, we show that our method achieves an iteration complexity of $\mathcal{O}(\max\\{\epsilon_{f}^{-\frac{2r-1}{2r}},\epsilon_{g}^{-\frac{2r-1}{2r}}\\})$, which matches the optimal complexity of single-level convex constrained optimization when $r=1$.
Tighter Convergence Bounds for Shuffled SGD via Primal-Dual Perspective
Xufeng Cai · Cheuk Yin Lin · Jelena Diakonikolas
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is perhaps the most prevalent optimization method in modern machine learning. Contrary to the empirical practice of sampling from the datasets \emph{without replacement} and with (possible) reshuffling at each epoch, the theoretical counterpart of SGD usually relies on the assumption of \emph{sampling with replacement}. It is only very recently that SGD using sampling without replacement -- shuffled SGD -- has been analyzed with matching upper and lower bounds. However, we observe that those bounds are too pessimistic to explain often superior empirical performance of data permutations (sampling without replacement) over vanilla counterparts (sampling with replacement) on machine learning problems. Through fine-grained analysis in the lens of primal-dual cyclic coordinate methods and the introduction of novel smoothness parameters, we present several results for shuffled SGD on smooth and non-smooth convex losses, where our novel analysis framework provides tighter convergence bounds over all popular shuffling schemes (IG, SO, and RR). Notably, our new bounds predict faster convergence than existing bounds in the literature -- by up to a factor of $O(\sqrt{n})$, mirroring benefits from tighter convergence bounds using component smoothness parameters in randomized coordinate methods. Lastly, we numerically demonstrate on common machine learning datasets that our bounds are indeed much tighter, thus offering a bridge between theory and practice.
Sample-Efficient Geometry Reconstruction from Euclidean Distances using Non-Convex Optimization
Ipsita Ghosh · Abiy Tasissa · Christian Kümmerle
The problem of finding suitable point embedding or geometric configurations given only Euclidean distance information of point pairs arises both as a core task and as a sub-problem in a variety of machine learning applications. In this paper, we aim to solve this problem given a minimal number of distance samples. To this end, we leverage continuous and non-convex rank minimization formulations of the problem and establish a local convergence guarantee for a variant of iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS), which applies if a minimal random set of observed distances is provided. As a technical tool, we establish a restricted isometry property (RIP) restricted to a tangent space of the manifold of symmetric rank-$r$ matrices given random Euclidean distance measurements, which might be of independent interest for the analysis of other non-convex approaches. Furthermore, we assess data efficiency, scalability and generalizability of different reconstruction algorithms through numerical experiments with simulated data as well as real-world data, demonstrating the proposed algorithm's ability to identify the underlying geometry from fewer distance samples compared to the state-of-the-art. The Matlab code can be found at \href{}{github\_SEGRED}
On Learning Multi-Modal Forgery Representation for Diffusion Generated Video Detection
Xiufeng Song · Xiao Guo · Jiache Zhang · Qirui Li · LEI BAI · Xiaoming Liu · Guangtao Zhai · Xiaohong Liu
Large numbers of synthesized videos from diffusion models pose threats to information security and authenticity, leading to an increasing demand for generated content detection. However, existing video-level detection algorithms primarily focus on detecting facial forgeries and often fail to identify diffusion-generated content with a diverse range of semantics. To advance the field of video forensics, we propose an innovative algorithm named Multi-Modal Detection(MM-Det) for detecting diffusion-generated videos. MM-Det utilizes the profound perceptual and comprehensive abilities of Large Multi-modal Models (LMMs) by generating a Multi-Modal Forgery Representation (MMFR) from LMM's multi-modal space, enhancing its ability to detect unseen forgery content. Besides, MM-Det leverages an In-and-Across Frame Attention (IAFA) mechanism for feature augmentation in the spatio-temporal domain. A dynamic fusion strategy helps refine forgery representations for the fusion. Moreover, we construct a comprehensive diffusion video dataset, called Diffusion Video Forensics (DVF), across a wide range of forgery videos. MM-Det achieves state-of-the-art performance in DVF, demonstrating the effectiveness of our algorithm. Both source code and DVF are available at
Single-Loop Stochastic Algorithms for Difference of Max-Structured Weakly Convex Functions
Quanqi Hu · Qi Qi · Zhaosong Lu · Tianbao Yang
In this paper, we study a class of non-smooth non-convex problems in the form of $\min_{x}[\max_{y\in\mathcal Y}\phi(x, y) - \max_{z\in\mathcal Z}\psi(x, z)]$, where both $\Phi(x) = \max_{y\in\mathcal Y}\phi(x, y)$ and $\Psi(x)=\max_{z\in\mathcal Z}\psi(x, z)$ are weakly convex functions, and $\phi(x, y), \psi(x, z)$ are strongly concave functions in terms of $y$ and $z$, respectively. It covers two families of problems that have been studied but are missing single-loop stochastic algorithms, i.e., difference of weakly convex functions and weakly convex strongly-concave min-max problems. We propose a stochastic Moreau envelope approximate gradient method dubbed SMAG, the first single-loop algorithm for solving these problems, and provide a state-of-the-art non-asymptotic convergence rate. The key idea of the design is to compute an approximate gradient of the Moreau envelopes of $\Phi, \Psi$ using only one step of stochastic gradient update of the primal and dual variables. Empirically, we conduct experiments on positive-unlabeled (PU) learning and partial area under ROC curve (pAUC) optimization with an adversarial fairness regularizer to validate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms.
High-probability complexity bounds for stochastic non-convex minimax optimization
Yassine Laguel · Yasa Syed · Necdet Serhat Aybat · Mert Gurbuzbalaban
Stochastic smooth nonconvex minimax problems are prevalent in machine learning, e.g., GAN training, fair classification, and distributionally robust learning. Stochastic gradient descent ascent (GDA)-type methods are popular in practice due to their simplicity and single-loop nature. However, there is a significant gap between the theory and practice regarding high-probability complexity guarantees for these methods on stochastic nonconvex minimax problems. Existing high-probability bounds for GDA-type single-loop methods only apply to convex/concave minimax problems and to particular non-monotone variational inequality problems under some restrictive assumptions. In this work, we address this gap by providing the first high-probability complexity guarantees for nonconvex/PL minimax problems corresponding to a smooth function that satisfies the PL-condition in the dual variable. Specifically, we show that when the stochastic gradients are light-tailed, the smoothed alternating GDA method can compute an $\varepsilon$-stationary point within $\mathcal{O}(\frac{\ell \kappa^2 \delta^2}{\varepsilon^4} + \frac{\kappa}{\varepsilon^2}(\ell+\delta^2\log({1}/{\bar{q}})))$ stochastic gradient calls with probability at least $1-\bar{q}$ for any $\bar{q}\in(0,1)$, where $\mu$ is the PL constant, $\ell$ is the Lipschitz constant of the gradient, $\kappa=\ell/\mu$ is the condition number, and $\delta^2$ denotes a bound on the variance of stochastic gradients. We also present numerical results on a nonconvex/PL problem with synthetic data and on distributionally robust optimization problems with real data, illustrating our theoretical findings.
Sample-efficient Bayesian Optimisation Using Known Invariances
Theodore Brown · Alexandru Cioba · Ilija Bogunovic
Bayesian optimisation (BO) is a powerful framework for global optimisation of costly functions, using predictions from Gaussian process models (GPs). In this work, we apply BO to functions that exhibit invariance to a known group of transformations. We show that vanilla and constrained BO algorithms are inefficient when optimising such invariant objectives, and provide a method for incorporating group invariances into the kernel of the GP to produce invariance-aware algorithms that achieve significant improvements in sample efficiency. We derive a bound on the maximum information gain of these invariant kernels, and provide novel upper and lower bounds on the number of observations required for invariance-aware BO algorithms to achieve $\epsilon$-optimality. We demonstrate our method's improved performance on a range of synthetic invariant and quasi-invariant functions. We also apply our method in the case where only some of the invariance is incorporated into the kernel, and find that these kernels achieve similar gains in sample efficiency at significantly reduced computational cost. Finally, we use invariant BO to design a current drive system for a nuclear fusion reactor, finding a high-performance solution where non-invariant methods failed.
Query-Efficient Correlation Clustering with Noisy Oracle
Yuko Kuroki · Atsushi Miyauchi · Francesco Bonchi · Wei Chen
We study a general clustering setting in which we have $n$ elements to be clustered, and we aim to perform as few queries as possible to an oracle that returns a noisy sample of the weighted similarity between two elements. Our setting encompasses many application domains in which the similarity function is costly to compute and inherently noisy. We introduce two novel formulations of online learning problems rooted in the paradigm of Pure Exploration in Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandits (PE-CMAB): fixed confidence and fixed budget settings. For both settings, we design algorithms that combine a sampling strategy with a classic approximation algorithm for correlation clustering and study their theoretical guarantees. Our results are the first examples of polynomial-time algorithms that work for the case of PE-CMAB in which the underlying offline optimization problem is NP-hard.
Transition Constrained Bayesian Optimization via Markov Decision Processes
Jose Pablo Folch · Calvin Tsay · Robert Lee · Behrang Shafei · Weronika Ormaniec · Andreas Krause · Mark van der Wilk · Ruth Misener · Mojmir Mutny
Bayesian optimization is a methodology to optimize black-box functions. Traditionally, it focuses on the setting where you can arbitrarily query the search space. However, many real-life problems do not offer this flexibility; in particular, the search space of the next query may depend on previous ones. Example challenges arise in the physical sciences in the form of local movement constraints, required monotonicity in certain variables, and transitions influencing the accuracy of measurements. Altogether, such transition constraints necessitate a form of planning. This work extends classical Bayesian optimization via the framework of Markov Decision Processes. We iteratively solve a tractable linearization of our utility function using reinforcement learning to obtain a policy that plans ahead for the entire horizon. This is a parallel to the optimization of an acquisition function in policy space. The resulting policy is potentially history-dependent and non-Markovian. We showcase applications in chemical reactor optimization, informative path planning, machine calibration, and other synthetic examples.
Active Set Ordering
Quoc Phong Nguyen · Sunil Gupta · Svetha Venkatesh · Bryan Kian Hsiang Low · Patrick Jaillet
In this paper, we formalize the active set ordering problem, which involves actively discovering a set of inputs based on their orderings determined by expensive evaluations of a blackbox function. We then propose the mean prediction (MP) algorithm and theoretically analyze it in terms of the regret of predicted pairwise orderings between inputs. Notably, as a special case of this framework, we can cast Bayesian optimization as an active set ordering problem by recognizing that maximizers can be identified solely by comparison rather than by precisely estimating the function evaluations. As a result, we are able to construct the popular Gaussian process upper confidence bound (GP-UCB) algorithm through the lens of ordering with several nuanced insights. We empirically validate the performance of our proposed solution using various synthetic functions and real-world datasets.
Bayesian Optimization of Functions over Node Subsets in Graphs
Huidong Liang · Xingchen Wan · Xiaowen Dong
We address the problem of optimizing over functions defined on node subsets in a graph. The optimization of such functions is often a non-trivial task given their combinatorial, black-box and expensive-to-evaluate nature. Although various algorithms have been introduced in the literature, most are either task-specific or computationally inefficient and only utilize information about the graph structure without considering the characteristics of the function. To address these limitations, we utilize Bayesian Optimization (BO), a sample-efficient black-box solver, and propose a novel framework for combinatorial optimization on graphs. More specifically, we map each $k$-node subset in the original graph to a node in a new combinatorial graph and adopt a local modeling approach to efficiently traverse the latter graph by progressively sampling its subgraphs using a recursive algorithm. Extensive experiments under both synthetic and real-world setups demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed BO framework on various types of graphs and optimization tasks, where its behavior is analyzed in detail with ablation studies.
Private Attribute Inference from Images with Vision-Language Models
Batuhan Tömekçe · Mark Vero · Robin Staab · Martin Vechev
As large language models (LLMs) become ubiquitous in our daily tasks and digital interactions, associated privacy risks are increasingly in focus. While LLM privacy research has primarily focused on the leakage of model training data, it has recently been shown that LLMs can make accurate privacy-infringing inferences from previously unseen texts. With the rise of vision-language models (VLMs), capable of understanding both images and text, a key question is whether this concern transfers to the previously unexplored domain of benign images posted online. To answer this question, we compile an image dataset with human-annotated labels of the image owner's personal attributes. In order to understand the privacy risks posed by VLMs beyond traditional human attribute recognition, our dataset consists of images where the inferable private attributes do not stem from direct depictions of humans. On this dataset, we evaluate 7 state-of-the-art VLMs, finding that they can infer various personal attributes at up to 77.6% accuracy. Concerningly, we observe that accuracy scales with the general capabilities of the models, implying that future models can be misused as stronger inferential adversaries, establishing an imperative for the development of adequate defenses.
PANORAMIA: Privacy Auditing of Machine Learning Models without Retraining
Mishaal Kazmi · Hadrien Lautraite · Alireza Akbari · Qiaoyue Tang · Mauricio Soroco · Tao Wang · Sébastien Gambs · Mathias Lécuyer
We present PANORAMIA, a privacy leakage measurement framework for machine learning models that relies on membership inference attacks using generated data as non-members. By relying on generated non-member data, PANORAMIA eliminates the common dependency of privacy measurement tools on in-distribution non-member data. As a result, PANORAMIA does not modify the model, training data, or training process, and only requires access to a subset of the training data. We evaluate PANORAMIA on ML models for image and tabular data classification, as well as on large-scale language models.
Universal Exact Compression of Differentially Private Mechanisms
Yanxiao Liu · Wei-Ning Chen · Ayfer Ozgur · Cheuk Ting Li
To reduce the communication cost of differential privacy mechanisms, we introduce a novel construction, called Poisson private representation (PPR), designed to compress and simulate any local randomizer while ensuring local differential privacy. Unlike previous simulation-based local differential privacy mechanisms, PPR exactly preserves the joint distribution of the data and the output of the original local randomizer. Hence, the PPR-compressed privacy mechanism retains all desirable statistical properties of the original privacy mechanism such as unbiasedness and Gaussianity. Moreover, PPR achieves a compression size within a logarithmic gap from the theoretical lower bound. Using the PPR, we give a new order-wise trade-off between communication, accuracy, central and local differential privacy for distributed mean estimation. Experiment results on distributed mean estimation show that PPR consistently gives a better trade-off between communication, accuracy and central differential privacy compared to the coordinate subsampled Gaussian mechanism, while also providing local differential privacy.
On the Benefits of Public Representations for Private Transfer Learning under Distribution Shift
Pratiksha Thaker · Amrith Setlur · Steven Wu · Virginia Smith
Public pretraining is a promising approach to improve differentially private model training. However, recent work has noted that many positive research results studying this paradigm only consider in-distribution tasks, and may not apply to settings where there is distribution shift between the pretraining and finetuning data---a scenario that is likely when finetuning private tasks due to the sensitive nature of the data. In this work, we show empirically across three tasks that even in settings with large distribution shift, where both zero-shot performance from public data and training from scratch with private data give unusably weak results, public features can in fact improve private training accuracy by up to 67\% over private training from scratch. We provide a theoretical explanation for this phenomenon, showing that if the public and private data share a low-dimensional representation, public representations can improve the sample complexity of private training even if it is \emph{impossible} to learn the private task from the public data alone. Altogether, our results provide evidence that public data can indeed make private training practical in realistic settings of extreme distribution shift.
From Similarity to Superiority: Channel Clustering for Time Series Forecasting
Jialin Chen · Jan Eric Lenssen · Aosong Feng · Weihua Hu · Matthias Fey · Leandros Tassiulas · Jure Leskovec · Rex Ying
Time series forecasting has attracted significant attention in recent decades. Previous studies have demonstrated that the Channel-Independent (CI) strategy improves forecasting performance by treating different channels individually, while it leads to poor generalization on unseen instances and ignores potentially necessary interactions between channels. Conversely, the Channel-Dependent (CD) strategy mixes all channels with even irrelevant and indiscriminate information, which, however, results in oversmoothing issues and limits forecasting accuracy. There is a lack of channel strategy that effectively balances individual channel treatment for improved forecasting performance without overlooking essential interactions between channels. Motivated by our observation of a correlation between the time series model's performance boost against channel mixing and the intrinsic similarity on a pair of channels, we developed a novel and adaptable \textbf{C}hannel \textbf{C}lustering \textbf{M}odule (CCM). CCM dynamically groups channels characterized by intrinsic similarities and leverages cluster information instead of individual channel identities, combining the best of CD and CI worlds. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that CCM can (1) boost the performance of CI and CD models by an average margin of 2.4% and 7.2% on long-term and short-term forecasting, respectively; (2) enable zero-shot forecasting with mainstream time series forecasting models; (3) uncover intrinsic time series patterns among channels and improve interpretability of complex time series models.
Exclusively Penalized Q-learning for Offline Reinforcement Learning
Junghyuk Yeom · Yonghyeon Jo · Jeongmo Kim · Sanghyeon Lee · Seungyul Han
Constraint-based offline reinforcement learning (RL) involves policy constraints or imposing penalties on the value function to mitigate overestimation errors caused by distributional shift. This paper focuses on a limitation in existing offline RL methods with penalized value function, indicating the potential for underestimation bias due to unnecessary bias introduced in the value function. To address this concern, we propose Exclusively Penalized Q-learning (EPQ), which reduces estimation bias in the value function by selectively penalizing states that are prone to inducing estimation errors. Numerical results show that our method significantly reduces underestimation bias and improves performance in various offline control tasks compared to other offline RL methods.
DMC-VB: A Benchmark for Representation Learning for Control with Visual Distractors
Joseph Ortiz · Antoine Dedieu · Wolfgang Lehrach · J Swaroop Guntupalli · Carter Wendelken · Ahmad Humayun · Sivaramakrishnan Swaminathan · Guangyao Zhou · Miguel Lazaro-Gredilla · Kevin Murphy
Learning from previously collected data via behavioral cloning or offline reinforcement learning (RL) is a powerful recipe for scaling generalist agents by avoiding the need for expensive online learning. Despite strong generalization in some respects, agents are often remarkably brittle to minor visual variations in control-irrelevant factors such as the background or camera viewpoint. In this paper, we present theDeepMind Control Visual Benchmark (DMC-VB), a dataset collected in the DeepMind Control Suite to evaluate the robustness of offline RL agents for solving continuous control tasks from visual input in the presence of visual distractors. In contrast to prior works, our dataset (a) combines locomotion and navigation tasks of varying difficulties, (b) includes static and dynamic visual variations, (c) considers data generated by policies with different skill levels, (d) systematically returns pairs of state and pixel observation, (e) is an order of magnitude larger, and (f) includes tasks with hidden goals. Accompanying our dataset, we propose three benchmarks to evaluate representation learning methods for pretraining, and carry out experiments on several recently proposed methods. First, we find that pretrained representations do not help policy learning on DMC-VB, and we highlight a large representation gap between policies learned on pixel observations and on states. Second, we demonstrate when expert data is limited, policy learning can benefit from representations pretrained on (a) suboptimal data, and (b) tasks with stochastic hidden goals. Our dataset and benchmark code to train and evaluate agents are available at
DOPPLER: Differentially Private Optimizers with Low-pass Filter for Privacy Noise Reduction
Xinwei Zhang · Zhiqi Bu · Mingyi Hong · Meisam Razaviyayn
Privacy is a growing concern in modern deep-learning systems and applications. Differentially private (DP) training prevents the leakage of sensitive information in the collected training data from the trained machine learning models. DP optimizers, including DP stochastic gradient descent (DPSGD) and its variants, privatize the training procedure by gradient clipping and DP noise injection. However, in practice, DP models trained using DPSGD and its variants often suffer from significant model performance degradation. Such degradation prevents the application of DP optimization in many key tasks, such as foundation model pretraining. In this paper, we provide a novel signal processing perspective to the design and analysis of DP optimizers. We show that a ''frequency domain'' operation called low-pass filtering can be used to effectively reduce the impact of DP noise. More specifically, by defining the ''frequency domain'' for both the gradient and differential privacy (DP) noise, we have developed a new component, called DOPPLER. This component is designed for DP algorithms and works by effectively amplifying the gradient while suppressing DP noise within this frequency domain. As a result, it maintains privacy guarantees and enhances the quality of the DP-protected model. Our experiments show that the proposed DP optimizers with a low-pass filter outperform their counterparts without the filter on various models and datasets. Both theoretical and practical evidence suggest that the DOPPLER is effective in closing the gap between DP and non-DP training.
Differentially Private Equivalence Testing for Continuous Distributions and Applications
Or Sheffet · Daniel Omer
We present the first algorithm for testing equivalence between two continuous distributions using differential privacy (DP). Our algorithm is a private version of the algorithm of Diakonikolas et al. The algorithm of Diakonikolas et al uses the data itself to repeatedly discretize the real line so that --- when the two distributions are far apart in ${\cal A}_k$-norm --- one of the discretized distributions exhibits large $L_2$-norm difference; and upon repeated sampling such large gap would be detected. Designing its private analogue poses two difficulties. First, our DP algorithm can not resample new datapoints as a change to a single datapoint may lead to a very large change in the descretization of the real line. In contrast, the (sorted) index of the discretization point changes only by $1$ between neighboring instances, and so we use a novel algorithm that set the discretization points using random Bernoulli noise, resulting in only a few buckets being affected under the right coupling. Second, our algorithm, which doesn't resample data, requires we also revisit the utility analysis of the original algorithm and prove its correctness w.r.t. the original sorted data; a problem we tackle using sampling a subset of Poisson-drawn size from each discretized bin. Lastly, since any distribution can be reduced to a continuous distribution, our algorithm is successfully carried to multiple other families of distributions and thus has numerous applications.
Pandora's Box: Towards Building Universal Attackers against Real-World Large Vision-Language Models
Daizong Liu · Mingyu Yang · Xiaoye Qu · Pan Zhou · Xiang Fang · Keke Tang · Yao Wan · Lichao Sun
Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities across a wide range of multimodal understanding tasks. Nevertheless, these models are susceptible to adversarial examples. In real-world applications, existing LVLM attackers generally rely on the detailed prior knowledge of the model to generate effective perturbations. Moreover, these attacks are task-specific, leading to significant costs for designing perturbation. Motivated by the research gap and practical demands, in this paper, we make the first attempt to build a universal attacker against real-world LVLMs, focusing on two critical aspects: (i) restricting access to only the LVLM inputs and outputs. (ii) devising a universal adversarial patch, which is task-agnostic and can deceive any LVLM-driven task when applied to various inputs. Specifically, we start by initializing the location and the pattern of the adversarial patch through random sampling, guided by the semantic distance between their output and the target label. Subsequently, we maintain a consistent patch location while refining the pattern to enhance semantic resemblance to the target. In particular, our approach incorporates a diverse set of LVLM task inputs as query samples to approximate the patch gradient, capitalizing on the importance of distinct inputs. In this way, the optimized patch is universally adversarial against different tasks and prompts, leveraging solely gradient estimates queried from the model. Extensive experiments are conducted to verify the strong universal adversarial capabilities of our proposed attack with prevalent LVLMs including LLaVA, MiniGPT-4, Flamingo, and BLIP-2, spanning a spectrum of tasks, all achieved without delving into the details of the model structures.
Private Online Learning via Lazy Algorithms
Hilal Asi · Tomer Koren · Daogao Liu · Kunal Talwar
We study the problem of private online learning, specifically, online prediction from experts (OPE) and online convex optimization (OCO). We propose a new transformation that transforms lazy online learning algorithms into private algorithms. We apply our transformation for differentially private OPE and OCO using existing lazy algorithms for these problems. Our final algorithms obtain regret which significantly improves the regret in the high privacy regime $\varepsilon \ll 1$, obtaining $\sqrt{T \log d} + T^{1/3} \log(d)/\varepsilon^{2/3}$ for DP-OPE and $\sqrt{T} + T^{1/3} \sqrt{d}/\varepsilon^{2/3}$ for DP-OCO. We also complement our results with a lower bound for DP-OPE, showing that these rates are optimal for a natural family of low-switching private algorithms.
In this paper, we study differentially private (DP) algorithms for computing the geometric median (GM) of a dataset: Given $n$ points, $x_1,\dots,x_n$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$, the goal is to find a point $\theta$ that minimizes the sum of the Euclidean distances to these points, i.e., $\sum_{i=1}^{n} \lVert|\theta - x_i\rVert_2$. Off-the-shelf methods, such as DP-GD, require strong a priori knowledge locating the data within a ball of radius $R$, and the excess risk of the algorithm depends linearly on $R$. In this paper, we ask: can we design an efficient and private algorithm with an excess error guarantee that scales with the (unknown) radius containing the majority of the datapoints? Our main contribution is a pair of polynomial-time DP algorithms for the task of private GM with an excess error guarantee that scales with the effective diameter of the datapoints. Additionally, we propose an inefficient algorithm based on the inverse smooth sensitivity mechanism, which satisfies the more restrictive notion of pure DP. We complement our results with a lower bound and demonstrate the optimality of our polynomial-time algorithms in terms of sample complexity.
Ferrari: Federated Feature Unlearning via Optimizing Feature Sensitivity
Hanlin Gu · WinKent Ong · Chee Seng Chan · Lixin Fan
The advent of Federated Learning (FL) highlights the practical necessity for the ’right to be forgotten’ for all clients, allowing them to request data deletion from the machine learning model’s service provider. This necessity has spurred a growing demand for Federated Unlearning (FU). Feature unlearning has gained considerable attention due to its applications in unlearning sensitive, backdoor, and biased features. Existing methods employ the influence function to achieve feature unlearning, which is impractical for FL as it necessitates the participation of other clients, if not all, in the unlearning process. Furthermore, current research lacks an evaluation of the effectiveness of feature unlearning. To address these limitations, we define feature sensitivity in evaluating feature unlearning according to Lipschitz continuity. This metric characterizes the model output’s rate of change or sensitivity to perturbations in the input feature. We then propose an effective federated feature unlearning framework called Ferrari, which minimizes feature sensitivity. Extensive experimental results and theoretical analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of Ferrari across various feature unlearning scenarios, including sensitive, backdoor, and biased features. The code is publicly available at
PrivCirNet: Efficient Private Inference via Block Circulant Transformation
Tianshi Xu · Lemeng Wu · Runsheng Wang · Meng Li
Homomorphic encryption (HE)-based deep neural network (DNN) inference protects data and model privacy but suffers from significant computation overhead. We observe transforming the DNN weights into circulant matrices converts general matrix-vector multiplications into HE-friendly 1-dimensional convolutions, drastically reducing the HE computation cost. Hence, in this paper, we propose PrivCirNet, a protocol/network co-optimization framework based on block circulant transformation. At the protocol level, PrivCirNet customizes the HE encoding algorithm that is fully compatible with the block circulant transformation and reduces the computation latency in proportion to the block size. At the network level, we propose a latency-aware formulation to search for the layer-wise block size assignment based on second-order information. PrivCirNet also leverages layer fusion to further reduce the inference cost. We compare PrivCirNet with the state-of-the-art HE-based framework Bolt (IEEE S\&P 2024) and HE-friendly pruning method SpENCNN (ICML 2023). For ResNet-18 and Vision Transformer (ViT) on Tiny ImageNet, PrivCirNet reduces latency by $5.0\times$ and $1.3\times$ with iso-accuracy over Bolt, respectively, and improves accuracy by $4.1$\% and $12$\% over SpENCNN, respectively. For MobileNetV2 on ImageNet, PrivCirNet achieves $1.7\times$ lower latency and $4.2$\% better accuracy over Bolt and SpENCNN, respectively. Our code and checkpoints are available on Git Hub.
Membership Inference Attacks against Fine-tuned Large Language Models via Self-prompt Calibration
Wenjie Fu · Huandong Wang · Chen Gao · Guanghua Liu · Yong Li · Tao Jiang
Membership Inference Attacks (MIA) aim to infer whether a target data record has been utilized for model training or not. Existing MIAs designed for large language models (LLMs) can be bifurcated into two types: reference-free and reference-based attacks. Although reference-based attacks appear promising performance by calibrating the probability measured on the target model with reference models, this illusion of privacy risk heavily depends on a reference dataset that closely resembles the training set. Both two types of attacks are predicated on the hypothesis that training records consistently maintain a higher probability of being sampled. However, this hypothesis heavily relies on the overfitting of target models, which will be mitigated by multiple regularization methods and the generalization of LLMs. Thus, these reasons lead to high false-positive rates of MIAs in practical scenarios.We propose a Membership Inference Attack based on Self-calibrated Probabilistic Variation (SPV-MIA). Specifically, we introduce a self-prompt approach, which constructs the dataset to fine-tune the reference model by prompting the target LLM itself. In this manner, the adversary can collect a dataset with a similar distribution from public APIs.Furthermore, we introduce probabilistic variation, a more reliable membership signal based on LLM memorization rather than overfitting, from which we rediscover the neighbour attack with theoretical grounding. Comprehensive evaluation conducted on three datasets and four exemplary LLMs shows that SPV-MIA raises the AUC of MIAs from 0.7 to a significantly high level of 0.9. Our code and dataset are available at:
Trap-MID: Trapdoor-based Defense against Model Inversion Attacks
ZhenTing Liu · ShangTse Chen
Model Inversion (MI) attacks pose a significant threat to the privacy of Deep Neural Networks by recovering training data distribution from well-trained models. While existing defenses often rely on regularization techniques to reduce information leakage, they remain vulnerable to recent attacks. In this paper, we propose the Trapdoor-based Model Inversion Defense (Trap-MID) to mislead MI attacks. A trapdoor is integrated into the model to predict a specific label when the input is injected with the corresponding trigger. Consequently, this trapdoor information serves as the "shortcut" for MI attacks, leading them to extract trapdoor triggers rather than private data. We provide theoretical insights into the impacts of trapdoor's effectiveness and naturalness on deceiving MI attacks. In addition, empirical experiments demonstrate the state-of-the-art defense performance of Trap-MID against various MI attacks without the requirements for extra data or large computational overhead. Our source code is publicly available at
Adaptive $Q$-Aid for Conditional Supervised Learning in Offline Reinforcement Learning
Jeonghye Kim · Suyoung Lee · Woojun Kim · Youngchul Sung
Offline reinforcement learning (RL) has progressed with return-conditioned supervised learning (RCSL), but its lack of stitching ability remains a limitation. We introduce $Q$-Aided Conditional Supervised Learning (QCS), which effectively combines the stability of RCSL with the stitching capability of $Q$-functions. By analyzing $Q$-function over-generalization, which impairs stable stitching, QCS adaptively integrates $Q$-aid into RCSL's loss function based on trajectory return. Empirical results show that QCS significantly outperforms RCSL and value-based methods, consistently achieving or exceeding the highest trajectory returns across diverse offline RL benchmarks. QCS represents a breakthrough in offline RL, pushing the limits of what can be achieved and fostering further innovations.
Exploring the Edges of Latent State Clusters for Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning
Yuanlin Duan · Guofeng Cui · He Zhu
Exploring unknown environments efficiently is a fundamental challenge in unsupervised goal-conditioned reinforcement learning. While selecting exploratory goals at the frontier of previously explored states is an effective strategy, the policy during training may still have limited capability of reaching rare goals on the frontier, resulting in reduced exploratory behavior. We propose "Cluster Edge Exploration" (CE$^2$), a new goal-directed exploration algorithm that when choosing goals in sparsely explored areas of the state space gives priority to goal states that remain accessible to the agent. The key idea is clustering to group states that are easily reachable from one another by the current policy under training in a latent space, and traversing to states holding significant exploration potential on the boundary of these clusters before doing exploratory behavior. In challenging robotics environments including navigating a maze with a multi-legged ant robot, manipulating objects with a robot arm on a cluttered tabletop, and rotating objects in the palm of an anthropomorphic robotic hand, CE$^2$ demonstrates superior efficiency in exploration compared to baseline methods and ablations.
Provable Partially Observable Reinforcement Learning with Privileged Information
Yang Cai · Xiangyu Liu · Argyris Oikonomou · Kaiqing Zhang
Partial observability of the underlying states generally presents significant challenges for reinforcement learning (RL). In practice, certain privileged information , e.g., the access to states from simulators, has been exploited in training and achieved prominent empirical successes. To better understand the benefits of privileged information, we revisit and examine several simple and practically used paradigms in this setting, with both computation and sample efficiency analyses. Specifically, we first formalize the empirical paradigm of expert distillation (also known as teacher-student learning), demonstrating its pitfall in finding near-optimal policies. We then identify a condition of the partially observable environment, the deterministic filter condition, under which expert distillation achieves sample and computational complexities that are both polynomial. Furthermore, we investigate another successful empirical paradigm of asymmetric actor-critic, and focus on the more challenging setting of observable partially observable Markov decision processes. We develop a belief-weighted optimistic asymmetric actor-critic algorithm with polynomial sample and quasi-polynomial computational complexities, where one key component is a new provable oracle for learning belief states that preserve filter stability under a misspecified model, which may be of independent interest. Finally, we also investigate the provable efficiency of partially observable multi-agent RL (MARL) with privileged information. We develop algorithms with the feature of centralized-training-with-decentralized-execution, a popular framework in empirical MARL, with polynomial sample and (quasi-)polynomial computational complexity in both paradigms above. Compared with a few recent related theoretical studies, our focus is on understanding practically inspired algorithmic paradigms, without computationally intractable oracles.
OPERA: Automatic Offline Policy Evaluation with Re-weighted Aggregates of Multiple Estimators
Allen Nie · Yash Chandak · Christina Yuan · Anirudhan Badrinath · Yannis Flet-Berliac · Emma Brunskill
Offline policy evaluation (OPE) allows us to evaluate and estimate a new sequential decision-making policy's performance by leveraging historical interaction data collected from other policies. Evaluating a new policy online without a confident estimate of its performance can lead to costly, unsafe, or hazardous outcomes, especially in education and healthcare. Several OPE estimators have been proposed in the last decade, many of which have hyperparameters and require training. Unfortunately, choosing the best OPE algorithm for each task and domain is still unclear. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm that adaptively blends a set of OPE estimators given a dataset without relying on an explicit selection using a statistical procedure. We prove that our estimator is consistent and satisfies several desirable properties for policy evaluation. Additionally, we demonstrate that when compared to alternative approaches, our estimator can be used to select higher-performing policies in healthcare and robotics. Our work contributes to improving ease of use for a general-purpose, estimator-agnostic, off-policy evaluation framework for offline RL.
Making Offline RL Online: Collaborative World Models for Offline Visual Reinforcement Learning
Qi Wang · Junming Yang · Yunbo Wang · Xin Jin · Wenjun Zeng · Xiaokang Yang
Training offline RL models using visual inputs poses two significant challenges, i.e., the overfitting problem in representation learning and the overestimation bias for expected future rewards. Recent work has attempted to alleviate the overestimation bias by encouraging conservative behaviors. This paper, in contrast, tries to build more flexible constraints for value estimation without impeding the exploration of potential advantages. The key idea is to leverage off-the-shelf RL simulators, which can be easily interacted with in an online manner, as the “test bed” for offline policies. To enable effective online-to-offline knowledge transfer, we introduce CoWorld, a model-based RL approach that mitigates cross-domain discrepancies in state and reward spaces. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of CoWorld, outperforming existing RL approaches by large margins.
Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction with Missing Data: Datasets, Imputation, and Benchmarking
Pranav Singh Chib · Pravendra Singh
Pedestrian trajectory prediction is crucial for several applications such as robotics and self-driving vehicles. Significant progress has been made in the past decade thanks to the availability of pedestrian trajectory datasets, which enable trajectory prediction methods to learn from pedestrians' past movements and predict future trajectories. However, these datasets and methods typically assume that the observed trajectory sequence is complete, ignoring real-world issues such as sensor failure, occlusion, and limited fields of view that can result in missing values in observed trajectories. To address this challenge, we present TrajImpute, a pedestrian trajectory prediction dataset that simulates missing coordinates in the observed trajectory, enhancing real-world applicability. TrajImpute maintains a uniform distribution of missing data within the observed trajectories. In this work, we comprehensively examine several imputation methods to reconstruct the missing coordinates and benchmark them for imputing pedestrian trajectories. Furthermore, we provide a thorough analysis of recent trajectory prediction methods and evaluate the performance of these models on the imputed trajectories. Our experimental evaluation of the imputation and trajectory prediction methods offers several valuable insights. Our dataset provides a foundational resource for future research on imputation-aware pedestrian trajectory prediction, potentially accelerating the deployment of these methods in real-world applications. Publicly accessible links to the datasets and code files are available at
Logarithmic Smoothing for Pessimistic Off-Policy Evaluation, Selection and Learning
Otmane Sakhi · Imad Aouali · Pierre Alquier · Nicolas Chopin
This work investigates the offline formulation of the contextual bandit problem, where the goal is to leverage past interactions collected under a behavior policy to evaluate, select, and learn new, potentially better-performing, policies. Motivated by critical applications, we move beyond point estimators. Instead, we adopt the principle of pessimism where we construct upper bounds that assess a policy's worst-case performance, enabling us to confidently select and learn improved policies. Precisely, we introduce novel, fully empirical concentration bounds for a broad class of importance weighting risk estimators. These bounds are general enough to cover most existing estimators and pave the way for the development of new ones. In particular, our pursuit of the tightest bound within this class motivates a novel estimator (LS), that logarithmically smoothes large importance weights. The bound for LS is provably tighter than its competitors, and naturally results in improved policy selection and learning strategies. Extensive policy evaluation, selection, and learning experiments highlight the versatility and favorable performance of LS.
XLand-MiniGrid: Scalable Meta-Reinforcement Learning Environments in JAX
Alexander Nikulin · Vladislav Kurenkov · Ilya Zisman · Artem Agarkov · Viacheslav Sinii · Sergey Kolesnikov
Inspired by the diversity and depth of XLand and the simplicity and minimalism of MiniGrid, we present XLand-MiniGrid, a suite of tools and grid-world environments for meta-reinforcement learning research. Written in JAX, XLand-MiniGrid is designed to be highly scalable and can potentially run on GPU or TPU accelerators, democratizing large-scale experimentation with limited resources. Along with the environments, XLand-MiniGrid provides pre-sampled benchmarks with millions of unique tasks of varying difficulty and easy-to-use baselines that allow users to quickly start training adaptive agents. In addition, we have conducted a preliminary analysis of scaling and generalization, showing that our baselines are capable of reaching millions of steps per second during training and validating that the proposed benchmarks are challenging. XLand-MiniGrid is open-source and available at \url{}.
The Ladder in Chaos: Improving Policy Learning by Harnessing the Parameter Evolving Path in A Low-dimensional Space
Hongyao Tang · Min Zhang · Chen Chen · Jianye Hao
Knowing the learning dynamics of policy is significant to unveiling the mysteries of Reinforcement Learning (RL). It is especially crucial yet challenging to Deep RL, from which the remedies to notorious issues like sample inefficiency and learning instability could be obtained. In this paper, we study how the policy networks of typical DRL agents evolve during the learning process by empirically investigating several kinds of temporal change for each policy parameter. In popular MuJoCo and DeepMind Control Suite (DMC) environments, we find common phenomena for TD3 and RAD agents: (1) the activity of policy network parameters is highly asymmetric and policy networks advance monotonically along a very limited number of major parameter directions; (2) severe detours occur in parameter update and harmonic-like changes are observed for all minor parameter directions. By performing a novel temporal SVD along the policy learning path, the major and minor parameter directions are identified as the columns of the right unitary matrix associated with dominant and insignificant singular values respectively. Driven by the discoveries above, we propose a simple and effective method, called Policy Path Trimming and Boosting (PPTB), as a general plug-in improvement to DRL algorithms. The key idea of PPTB is to trim the policy learning path by canceling the policy updates in minor parameter directions, and boost the learning path by encouraging the advance in major directions. In experiments, we demonstrate that our method improves the learning performance of TD3, RAD, and DoubleDQN regarding scores and efficiency in MuJoCo, DMC, and MinAtar tasks respectively.
Do's and Don'ts: Learning Desirable Skills with Instruction Videos
HYUNSEUNG KIM · BYUNG KUN LEE · Hojoon Lee · Dongyoon Hwang · Donghu Kim · Jaegul Choo
Unsupervised skill discovery is a learning paradigm that aims to acquire diverse behaviors without explicit rewards. However, it faces challenges in learning complex behaviors and often leads to learning unsafe or undesirable behaviors. For instance, in various continuous control tasks, current unsupervised skill discovery methods succeed in learning basic locomotions like standing but struggle with learning more complex movements such as walking and running. Moreover, they may acquire unsafe behaviors like tripping and rolling or navigate to undesirable locations such as pitfalls or hazardous areas. In response, we present DoDont (Do’s and Dont’s), an instruction-based skill discovery algorithm composed of two stages. First, in instruction learning stage, DoDont leverages action-free instruction videos to train an instruction network to distinguish desirable transitions from undesirable ones. Then, in the skill learning stage, the instruction network adjusts the reward function of the skill discovery algorithm to weight the desired behaviors. Specifically, we integrate the instruction network into a distance-maximizing skill discovery algorithm, where the instruction network serves as the distance function. Empirically, with less than 8 instruction videos, DoDont effectively learns desirable behaviors and avoids undesirable ones across complex continuous control tasks. Code and videos are available at
Effective Exploration Based on the Structural Information Principles
Xianghua Zeng · Hao Peng · Angsheng Li
Traditional information theory provides a valuable foundation for Reinforcement Learning (RL), particularly through representation learning and entropy maximiza tion for agent exploration. However, existing methods primarily concentrate on modeling the uncertainty associated with RL’s random variables, neglecting the in herent structure within the state and action spaces. In this paper, we propose a novel Structural Information principles-based Effective Exploration framework, namely SI2E. Structural mutual information between two variables is defined to address the single-variable limitation in structural information, and an innovative embedding principle is presented to capture dynamics-relevant state-action representations. The SI2E analyzes value differences in the agent’s policy between state-action pairs and minimizes structural entropy to derive the hierarchical state-action struc ture, referred to as the encoding tree. Under this tree structure, value-conditional structural entropy is defined and maximized to design an intrinsic reward mechanism that avoids redundant transitions and promotes enhanced coverage in the state-action space. Theoretical connections are established between SI2E and classical information-theoretic methodologies, highlighting our framework’s rationality and advantage. Comprehensive evaluations in the MiniGrid, MetaWorld, and DeepMind Control Suite benchmarks demonstrate that SI2E significantly outperforms state-of-the-art exploration baselines regarding final performance and sample efficiency, with maximum improvements of 37.63% and 60.25%, respectively.
Exploiting the Replay Memory Before Exploring the Environment: Enhancing Reinforcement Learning Through Empirical MDP Iteration
Hongming Zhang · Chenjun Xiao · Chao Gao · Han Wang · bo xu · Martin Müller
Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms are typically based on optimizing a Markov Decision Process (MDP) using the optimal Bellman equation. Recent studies have revealed that focusing the optimization of Bellman equations solely on in-sample actions tends to result in more stable optimization, especially in the presence of function approximation. Upon on these findings, in this paper, we propose an Empirical MDP Iteration (EMIT) framework. EMIT constructs a sequence of empirical MDPs using data from the growing replay memory. For each of these empirical MDPs, it learns an estimated Q-function denoted as $\widehat{Q}$. The key strength is that by restricting the Bellman update to in-sample bootstrapping, each empirical MDP converges to a unique optimal $\widehat{Q}$ function. Furthermore, gradually expanding from the empirical MDPs to the original MDP induces a monotonic policy improvement. Instead of creating entirely new algorithms, we demonstrate that EMIT can be seamlessly integrated with existing online RL algorithms, effectively acting as a regularizer for contemporary Q-learning methods. We show this by implementing EMIT for two representative RL algorithms, DQN and TD3. Experimental results on Atari and MuJoCo benchmarks show that EMIT significantly reduces estimation errors and substantially improves the performance of both algorithms.
Policy-shaped prediction: avoiding distractions in model-based reinforcement learning
Miles Hutson · Isaac Kauvar · Nick Haber
Model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) is a promising route to sample-efficient policy optimization. However, a known vulnerability of reconstruction-based MBRL consists of scenarios in which detailed aspects of the world are highly predictable, but irrelevant to learning a good policy. Such scenarios can lead the model to exhaust its capacity on meaningless content, at the cost of neglecting important environment dynamics. While existing approaches attempt to solve this problem, we highlight its continuing impact on leading MBRL methods ---including DreamerV3 and DreamerPro--- with a novel environment where background distractions are intricate, predictable, and useless for planning future actions. To address this challenge we develop a method for focusing the capacity of the world model through a synergy of a pretrained segmentation model, a task-aware reconstruction loss, and adversarial learning. Our method outperforms a variety of other approaches designed to reduce the impact of distractors, and is an advance towards robust model-based reinforcement learning.
Bigger, Regularized, Optimistic: scaling for compute and sample efficient continuous control
Michal Nauman · Mateusz Ostaszewski · Krzysztof Jankowski · Piotr Miłoś · Marek Cygan
Sample efficiency in Reinforcement Learning (RL) has traditionally been driven by algorithmic enhancements. In this work, we demonstrate that scaling can also lead to substantial improvements. We conduct a thorough investigation into the interplay of scaling model capacity and domain-specific RL enhancements. These empirical findings inform the design choices underlying our proposed BRO (Bigger, Regularized, Optimistic) algorithm. The key innovation behind BRO is that strong regularization allows for effective scaling of the critic networks, which, paired with optimistic exploration, leads to superior performance. BRO achieves state-of-the-art results, significantly outperforming the leading model-based and model-free algorithms across 40 complex tasks from the DeepMind Control, MetaWorld, and MyoSuite benchmarks. BRO is the first model-free algorithm to achieve near-optimal policies in the notoriously challenging Dog and Humanoid tasks.
Robust Reinforcement Learning from Corrupted Human Feedback
Alexander Bukharin · Ilgee Hong · Haoming Jiang · Zichong Li · Qingru Zhang · Zixuan Zhang · Tuo Zhao
Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) provides a principled framework for aligning AI systems with human preference data. For various reasons, e.g., personal bias, context ambiguity, lack of training, etc, human annotators may give incorrect or inconsistent preference labels. To tackle this challenge, we propose a robust RLHF approach -- $R^3M$, which models the potentially corrupted preference label as sparse outliers. Accordingly, we formulate the robust reward learning as an $\ell_1$-regularized maximum likelihood estimation problem. Computationally, we develop an efficient alternating optimization algorithm, which only incurs negligible computational overhead compared with the standard RLHF approach. Theoretically, we prove that under proper regularity conditions, $R^3M$ can consistently learn the underlying reward and identify outliers, provided that the number of outlier labels scales sublinearly with the preference sample size. Furthermore, we remark that $R^3M$ is versatile and can be extended to various preference optimization methods, including direct preference optimization (DPO). Our experiments on robotic control and natural language generation with large language models (LLMs) show that $R^3M$ improves robustness of the reward against several types of perturbations to the preference data.
Parseval Regularization for Continual Reinforcement Learning
Wesley Chung · Lynn Cherif · Doina Precup · David Meger
Plasticity loss, trainability loss, and primacy bias have been identified as issues arising when training deep neural networks on sequences of tasks---referring to the increased difficulty in training on new tasks.We propose to use Parseval regularization, which maintains orthogonality of weight matrices, to preserve useful optimization properties and improve training in a continual reinforcement learning setting.We show that it provides significant benefits to RL agents on a suite of gridworld, CARL and MetaWorld tasks.We conduct comprehensive ablations to identify the source of its benefits and investigate the effect of certain metrics associated to network trainability including weight matrix rank, weight norms and policy entropy.
AMAGO-2: Breaking the Multi-Task Barrier in Meta-Reinforcement Learning with Transformers
Jake Grigsby · Justin Sasek · Samyak Parajuli · Ikechukwu D. Adebi · Amy Zhang · Yuke Zhu
Language models trained on diverse datasets unlock generalization by in-context learning. Reinforcement Learning (RL) policies can achieve a similar effect by meta-learning within the memory of a sequence model. However, meta-RL research primarily focuses on adapting to minor variations of a single task. It is difficult to scale towards more general behavior without confronting challenges in multi-task optimization, and few solutions are compatible with meta-RL's goal of learning from large training sets of unlabeled tasks. To address this challenge, we revisit the idea that multi-task RL is bottlenecked by imbalanced training losses created by uneven return scales across different tasks. We build upon recent advancements in Transformer-based (in-context) meta-RL and evaluate a simple yet scalable solution where both an agent's actor and critic objectives are converted to classification terms that decouple optimization from the current scale of returns. Large-scale comparisons in Meta-World ML45, Multi-Game Procgen, Multi-Task POPGym, Multi-Game Atari, and BabyAI find that this design unlocks significant progress in online multi-task adaptation and memory problems without explicit task labels.
Diffusion for World Modeling: Visual Details Matter in Atari
Eloi Alonso · Adam Jelley · Vincent Micheli · Anssi Kanervisto · Amos Storkey · Tim Pearce · François Fleuret
World models constitute a promising approach for training reinforcement learning agents in a safe and sample-efficient manner. Recent world models predominantly operate on sequences of discrete latent variables to model environment dynamics. However, this compression into a compact discrete representation may ignore visual details that are important for reinforcement learning. Concurrently, diffusion models have become a dominant approach for image generation, challenging well-established methods modeling discrete latents. Motivated by this paradigm shift, we introduce DIAMOND (DIffusion As a Model Of eNvironment Dreams), a reinforcement learning agent trained in a diffusion world model. We analyze the key design choices that are required to make diffusion suitable for world modeling, and demonstrate how improved visual details can lead to improved agent performance. DIAMOND achieves a mean human normalized score of 1.46 on the competitive Atari 100k benchmark; a new best for agents trained entirely within a world model. We further demonstrate that DIAMOND's diffusion world model can stand alone as an interactive neural game engine by training on static Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gameplay. To foster future research on diffusion for world modeling, we release our code, agents, videos and playable world models at
DiffTORI: Differentiable Trajectory Optimization for Deep Reinforcement and Imitation Learning
Weikang Wan · Ziyu Wang · Yufei Wang · Zackory Erickson · David Held
This paper introduces DiffTORI, which utilizes $\textbf{Diff}$erentiable $\textbf{T}$rajectory $\textbf{O}$ptimization as the policy representation to generate actions for deep $\textbf{R}$einforcement and $\textbf{I}$mitation learning. Trajectory optimization is a powerful and widely used algorithm in control, parameterized by a cost and a dynamics function. The key to our approach is to leverage the recent progress in differentiable trajectory optimization, which enables computing the gradients of the loss with respect to the parameters of trajectory optimization. As a result, the cost and dynamics functions of trajectory optimization can be learned end-to-end. DiffTORI addresses the “objective mismatch” issue of prior model-based RL algorithms, as the dynamics model in DiffTORI is learned to directly maximize task performance by differentiating the policy gradient loss through the trajectory optimization process. We further benchmark DiffTORI for imitation learning on standard robotic manipulation task suites with high-dimensional sensory observations and compare our method to feedforward policy classes as well as Energy-Based Models (EBM) and Diffusion. Across 15 model based RL tasks and 35 imitation learning tasks with high-dimensional image and point cloud inputs, DiffTORI outperforms prior state-of-the-art methods in both domains.
Adaptive Preference Scaling for Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback
Ilgee Hong · Zichong Li · Alexander Bukharin · Yixiao Li · Haoming Jiang · Tianbao Yang · Tuo Zhao
Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is a prevalent approach to align AI systems with human values by learning rewards from human preference data. Due to various reasons, however, such data typically takes the form of rankings over pairs of trajectory segments, which fails to capture the varying strengths of preferences across different pairs. In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive preference loss, underpinned by distributionally robust optimization (DRO), designed to address this uncertainty in preference strength. By incorporating an adaptive scaling parameter into the loss for each pair, our method increases the flexibility of the reward function. Specifically, it assigns small scaling parameters to pairs with ambiguous preferences, leading to more comparable rewards, and large scaling parameters to those with clear preferences for more distinct rewards. Computationally, our proposed loss function is strictly convex and univariate with respect to each scaling parameter, enabling its efficient optimization through a simple second-order algorithm. Our method is versatile and can be readily adapted to various preference optimization frameworks, including direct preference optimization (DPO). Our experiments with robotic control and natural language generation with large language models (LLMs) show that our method not only improves policy performance but also aligns reward function selection more closely with policy optimization, simplifying the hyperparameter tuning process.
Hierarchical Programmatic Option Framework
Yu-An Lin · Chen-Tao Lee · Chih-Han Yang · Guan-Ting Liu · Shao-Hua Sun
Deep reinforcement learning aims to learn deep neural network policies to solve large-scale decision-making problems. However, approximating policies using deep neural networks makes it difficult to interpret the learned decision-making process. To address this issue, prior works (Trivedi et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2023; Carvalho et al., 2024) proposed to use human-readable programs as policies to increase the interpretability of the decision-making pipeline. Nevertheless, programmatic policies generated by these methods struggle to effectively solve long and repetitive RL tasks and cannot generalize to even longer horizons during testing. To solve these problems, we propose the Hierarchical Programmatic Option framework (HIPO), which aims to solve long and repetitive RL problems with human-readable programs as options (low-level policies). Specifically, we propose a method that retrieves a set of effective, diverse, and compatible programs as options. Then, we learn a high-level policy to effectively reuse these programmatic options to solve reoccurring subtasks. Our proposed framework outperforms programmatic RL and deep RL baselines on various tasks. Ablation studies justify the effectiveness of our proposed search algorithm for retrieving a set of programmatic options.
Deep Policy Gradient Methods Without Batch Updates, Target Networks, or Replay Buffers
Gautham Vasan · Mohamed Elsayed · Seyed Alireza Azimi · Jiamin He · Fahim Shahriar · Colin Bellinger · Martha White · Rupam Mahmood
Modern deep policy gradient methods achieve effective performance on simulated robotic tasks, but they all require large replay buffers or expensive batch updates, or both, making them incompatible for real systems with resource-limited computers. We show that these methods fail catastrophically when limited to small replay buffers or during incremental learning, where updates only use the most recent sample without batch updates or a replay buffer. We propose a novel incremental deep policy gradient method --- Action Value Gradient (AVG) and a set of normalization and scaling techniques to address the challenges of instability in incremental learning. On robotic simulation benchmarks, we show that AVG is the only incremental method that learns effectively, often achieving final performance comparable to batch policy gradient methods. This advancement enabled us to show for the first time effective deep reinforcement learning with real robots using only incremental updates, employing a robotic manipulator and a mobile robot.
C-GAIL: Stabilizing Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning with Control Theory
Tianjiao Luo · Tim Pearce · Huayu Chen · Jianfei Chen · Jun Zhu
Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) provides a promising approach to training a generative policy to imitate a demonstrator. It uses on-policy Reinforcement Learning (RL) to optimize a reward signal derived from an adversarial discriminator. However, optimizing GAIL is difficult in practise, with the training loss oscillating during training, slowing convergence. This optimization instability can prevent GAIL from finding a good policy, harming its final performance. In this paper, we study GAIL’s optimization from a control-theoretic perspective. We show that GAIL cannot converge to the desired equilibrium. In response, we analyze the training dynamics of GAIL in function space and design a novel controller that not only pushes GAIL to the desired equilibrium but also achieves asymptotic stability in a simplified “one-step” setting. Going from theory to practice, we propose Controlled-GAIL (C-GAIL), which adds a differentiable regularization term on the GAIL objective to stabilize training. Empirically, the C-GAIL regularizer improves the training of various existing GAIL methods, including the popular GAIL-DAC, by speeding up the convergence, reducing the range of oscillation, and matching the expert distribution more closely.
Q-learning is widely used algorithm in reinforcement learning (RL) community. Under the lookup table setting, its convergence is well established. However, its behavior is known to be unstable with the linear function approximation case. This paper develops a new Q-learning algorithm, called RegQ, that converges when linear function approximation is used. We prove that simply adding an appropriate regularization term ensures convergence of the algorithm. Its stability is established using a recent analysis tool based on switching system models. Moreover, we experimentally show that RegQ converges in environments where Q-learning with linear function approximation has known to diverge. An error bound on the solution where the algorithm converges is also given.
The Power of Resets in Online Reinforcement Learning
Zak Mhammedi · Dylan J Foster · Alexander Rakhlin
Simulators are a pervasive tool in reinforcement learning, but most existing algorithms cannot efficiently exploit simulator access -- particularly in high-dimensional domains that require general function approximation. We explore the power of simulators through online reinforcement learning with local simulator access (or, local planning), an RL protocol where the agent is allowed to reset to previously observed states and follow their dynamics during training. We use local simulator access to unlock new statistical guarantees that were previously out of reach:- We show that MDPs with low coverability (Xie et al. 2023) -- a general structural condition that subsumes Block MDPs and Low-Rank MDPs -- can be learned in a sample-efficient fashion with only Q⋆-realizability (realizability of the optimal state-value function); existing online RL algorithms require significantly stronger representation conditions.- As a consequence, we show that the notorious Exogenous Block MDP problem (Efroni et al. 2022) is tractable under local simulator access.The results above are achieved through a computationally inefficient algorithm. We complement them with a more computationally efficient algorithm, RVFS (Recursive Value Function Search), which achieves provable sample complexity guarantees under a strengthened statistical assumption known as pushforward coverability. RVFS can be viewed as a principled, provable counterpart to a successful empirical paradigm that combines recursive search (e.g., MCTS) with value function approximation.
Provably Efficient Reinforcement Learning with Multinomial Logit Function Approximation
Long-Fei Li · Yu-Jie Zhang · Peng Zhao · Zhi-Hua Zhou
We study a new class of MDPs that employs multinomial logit (MNL) function approximation to ensure valid probability distributions over the state space. Despite its significant benefits, incorporating the non-linear function raises substantial challenges in both *statistical* and *computational* efficiency. The best-known result of Hwang and Oh [2023] has achieved an $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(\kappa^{-1}dH^2\sqrt{K})$ regret upper bound, where $\kappa$ is a problem-dependent quantity, $d$ is the feature dimension, $H$ is the episode length, and $K$ is the number of episodes. However, we observe that $\kappa^{-1}$ exhibits polynomial dependence on the number of reachable states, which can be as large as the state space size in the worst case and thus undermines the motivation for function approximation. Additionally, their method requires storing all historical data and the time complexity scales linearly with the episode count, which is computationally expensive. In this work, we propose a statistically efficient algorithm that achieves a regret of $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(dH^2\sqrt{K} + \kappa^{-1}d^2H^2)$, eliminating the dependence on $\kappa^{-1}$ in the dominant term for the first time. We then address the computational challenges by introducing an enhanced algorithm that achieves the same regret guarantee but with only constant cost. Finally, we establish the first lower bound for this problem, justifying the optimality of our results in $d$ and $K$.
N-agent Ad Hoc Teamwork
Caroline Wang · Muhammad Arrasy Rahman · Ishan Durugkar · Elad Liebman · Peter Stone
Current approaches to learning cooperative multi-agent behaviors assume relatively restrictive settings. In standard fully cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning, the learning algorithm controls *all* agents in the scenario, while in ad hoc teamwork, the learning algorithm usually assumes control over only a *single* agent in the scenario. However, many cooperative settings in the real world are much less restrictive. For example, in an autonomous driving scenario, a company might train its cars with the same learning algorithm, yet once on the road, these cars must cooperate with cars from another company. Towards expanding the class of scenarios that cooperative learning methods may optimally address, we introduce $N$*-agent ad hoc teamwork* (NAHT), where a set of autonomous agents must interact and cooperate with dynamically varying numbers and types of teammates. This paper formalizes the problem, and proposes the *Policy Optimization with Agent Modelling* (POAM) algorithm. POAM is a policy gradient, multi-agent reinforcement learning approach to the NAHT problem, that enables adaptation to diverse teammate behaviors by learning representations of teammate behaviors. Empirical evaluation on tasks from the multi-agent particle environment and StarCraft II shows that POAM improves cooperative task returns compared to baseline approaches, and enables out-of-distribution generalization to unseen teammates.
Episodic Future Thinking Mechanism for Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning
Dongsu Lee · Minhae Kwon
Understanding cognitive processes in multi-agent interactions is a primary goal in cognitive science. It can guide the direction of artificial intelligence (AI) research toward social decision-making in multi-agent systems, which includes uncertainty from character heterogeneity. In this paper, we introduce episodic future thinking (EFT) mechanism for a reinforcement learning (RL) agent, inspired by the cognitive processes observed in animals. To enable future thinking functionality, we first develop a multi-character policy that captures diverse characters with an ensemble of heterogeneous policies. The character of an agent is defined as a different weight combination on reward components, representing distinct behavioral preferences. The future thinking agent collects observation-action trajectories of the target agents and leverages the pre-trained multi-character policy to infer their characters. Once the character is inferred, the agent predicts the upcoming actions of target agents and simulates the potential future scenario. This capability allows the agent to adaptively select the optimal action, considering the predicted future scenario in multi-agent scenarios. To evaluate the proposed mechanism, we consider the multi-agent autonomous driving scenario in which autonomous vehicles with different driving traits are on the road. Simulation results demonstrate that the EFT mechanism with accurate character inference leads to a higher reward than existing multi-agent solutions. We also confirm that the effect of reward improvement remains valid across societies with different levels of character diversity.
Inverse Factorized Soft Q-Learning for Cooperative Multi-agent Imitation Learning
The Viet Bui · Tien Mai · Thanh Nguyen
This paper concerns imitation learning (IL) in cooperative multi-agent systems.The learning problem under consideration poses several challenges, characterized by high-dimensional state and action spaces and intricate inter-agent dependencies. In a single-agent setting, IL was shown to be done efficiently via an inverse soft-Q learning process. However, extending this framework to a multi-agent context introduces the need to simultaneously learn both local value functions to capture local observations and individual actions, and a joint value function for exploiting centralized learning.In this work, we introduce a new multi-agent IL algorithm designed to address these challenges. Our approach enables thecentralized learning by leveraging mixing networks to aggregate decentralized Q functions.We further establish conditions for the mixing networks under which the multi-agent IL objective function exhibits convexity within the Q function space.We present extensive experiments conducted on some challenging multi-agent game environments, including an advanced version of the Star-Craft multi-agent challenge (SMACv2), which demonstrates the effectiveness of our algorithm.
Flipping-based Policy for Chance-Constrained Markov Decision Processes
Xun Shen · Shuo Jiang · Akifumi Wachi · Kazumune Hashimoto · Sebastien Gros
Safe reinforcement learning (RL) is a promising approach for many real-world decision-making problems where ensuring safety is a critical necessity. In safe RL research, while expected cumulative safety constraints (ECSCs) are typically the first choices, chance constraints are often more pragmatic for incorporating safety under uncertainties. This paper proposes a \textit{flipping-based policy} for Chance-Constrained Markov Decision Processes (CCMDPs). The flipping-based policy selects the next action by tossing a potentially distorted coin between two action candidates. The probability of the flip and the two action candidates vary depending on the state. We establish a Bellman equation for CCMDPs and further prove the existence of a flipping-based policy within the optimal solution sets. Since solving the problem with joint chance constraints is challenging in practice, we then prove that joint chance constraints can be approximated into Expected Cumulative Safety Constraints (ECSCs) and that there exists a flipping-based policy in the optimal solution sets for constrained MDPs with ECSCs. As a specific instance of practical implementations, we present a framework for adapting constrained policy optimization to train a flipping-based policy. This framework can be applied to other safe RL algorithms. We demonstrate that the flipping-based policy can improve the performance of the existing safe RL algorithms under the same limits of safety constraints on Safety Gym benchmarks.
Adversarially Trained Weighted Actor-Critic for Safe Offline Reinforcement Learning
Honghao Wei · Xiyue Peng · Arnob Ghosh · Xin Liu
We propose WSAC (Weighted Safe Actor-Critic), a novel algorithm for Safe Offline Reinforcement Learning (RL) under functional approximation, which can robustly optimize policies to improve upon an arbitrary reference policy with limited data coverage. WSAC is designed as a two-player Stackelberg game to optimize a refined objective function. The actor optimizes the policy against two adversarially trained value critics with small importance-weighted Bellman errors, which focus on scenarios where the actor's performance is inferior to the reference policy. In theory, we demonstrate that when the actor employs a no-regret optimization oracle, WSAC achieves a number of guarantees: $(i)$ For the first time in the safe offline RL setting, we establish that WSAC can produce a policy that outperforms {\bf any} reference policy while maintaining the same level of safety, which is critical to designing a safe algorithm for offline RL. $(ii)$ WSAC achieves the optimal statistical convergence rate of $1/\sqrt{N}$ to the reference policy, where $N$ is the size of the offline dataset. $(iii)$ We theoretically show that WSAC guarantees a safe policy improvement across a broad range of hyperparameters that control the degree of pessimism, indicating its practical robustness. Additionally, we offer a practical version of WSAC and compare it with existing state-of-the-art safe offline RL algorithms in several continuous control environments. WSAC outperforms all baselines across a range of tasks, supporting the theoretical results.
Robust Reinforcement Learning with General Utility
Ziyi Chen · Yan Wen · Zhengmian Hu · Heng Huang
Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem with general utility is a powerful decision making framework that covers standard RL with cumulative cost, exploration problems, and demonstration learning. Existing works on RL with general utility do not consider the robustness under environmental perturbation, which is important to adapt RL system in the real-world environment that differs from the training environment. To train a robust policy, we propose a robust RL framework with general utility, which subsumes many existing RL frameworks including RL, robust RL, RL with general utility, constrained RL, robust constrained RL, pure exploration, robust entropy regularized RL, etc. Then we focus on popular convex utility functions, with which our proposed learning framework is a challenging nonconvex-nonconcave minimax optimization problem, and design a two-phase stochastic policy gradient type algorithm and obtain its sample complexity result for gradient convergence. Furthermore, for convex utility on a widely used polyhedral ambiguity set, we design an algorithm and obtain its convergence rate to a global optimal solution.
Action Gaps and Advantages in Continuous-Time Distributional Reinforcement Learning
Harley Wiltzer · Marc Bellemare · David Meger · Patrick Shafto · Yash Jhaveri
When decisions are made at high frequency, traditional reinforcement learning (RL) methods struggle to accurately estimate action values. In turn, their performance is inconsistent and often poor. Whether the performance of distributional RL (DRL) agents suffers similarly, however, is unknown. In this work, we establish that DRL agents are sensitive to the decision frequency. We prove that action-conditioned return distributions collapse to their underlying policy's return distribution as the decision frequency increases. We quantify the rate of collapse of these return distributions and exhibit that their statistics collapse at different rates. Moreover, we define distributional perspectives on action gaps and advantages. In particular, we introduce the superiority as a probabilistic generalization of the advantage---the core object of approaches to mitigating performance issues in high-frequency value-based RL. In addition, we build a superiority-based DRL algorithm. Through simulations in an option-trading domain, we validate that proper modeling of the superiority distribution produces improved controllers at high decision frequencies.
Machine learning (ML) is playing an increasingly important role in scientific research. In conjunction with classical statistical approaches, ML-assisted analytical strategies have shown great promise in accelerating research findings. This has also opened a whole field of methodological research focusing on integrative approaches that leverage both ML and statistics to tackle data science challenges. One type of study that has quickly gained popularity employs ML to predict unobserved outcomes in massive samples, and then uses predicted outcomes in downstream statistical inference. However, existing methods designed to ensure the validity of this type of post-prediction inference are limited to very basic tasks such as linear regression analysis. This is because any extension of these approaches to new, more sophisticated statistical tasks requires task-specific algebraic derivations and software implementations, which ignores the massive library of existing software tools already developed for the same scientific problem given observed data. This severely constrains the scope of application for post-prediction inference. To address this challenge, we introduce a novel statistical framework named PSPS for task-agnostic ML-assisted inference. It provides a post-prediction inference solution that can be easily plugged into almost any established data analysis routines. It delivers valid and efficient inference that is robust to arbitrary choice of ML model, allowing nearly all existing statistical frameworks to be incorporated into the analysis of ML-predicted data. Through extensive experiments, we showcase our method’s validity, versatility, and superiority compared to existing approaches. Our software is available at
Dimension reduction (DR) is an important and widely studied technique in exploratory data analysis. However, traditional DR methods are not applicable to datasets with with a contrastive structure, where data are split into a foreground group of interest (case or treatment group), and a background group (control group). This type of data, common in biomedical studies, necessitates contrastive dimension reduction (CDR) methods to effectively capture information unique to or enriched in the foreground group relative to the background group. Despite the development of various CDR methods, two critical questions remain underexplored: when should these methods be applied, and how can the information unique to the foreground group be quantified? In this work, we address these gaps by proposing a hypothesis test to determine the existence of contrastive information, and introducing a contrastive dimension estimator (CDE) to quantify the unique components in the foreground group. We provide theoretical support for our methods and validate their effectiveness through extensive simulated, semi-simulated, and real experiments involving images, gene expressions, protein expressions, and medical sensors, demonstrating their ability to identify the unique information in the foreground group.
Meta-Reinforcement Learning with Universal Policy Adaptation: Provable Near-Optimality under All-task Optimum Comparator
Siyuan Xu · Minghui Zhu
Meta-reinforcement learning (Meta-RL) has attracted attention due to its capability to enhance reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms, in terms of data efficiency and generalizability. In this paper, we develop a bilevel optimization framework for meta-RL (BO-MRL) to learn the meta-prior for task-specific policy adaptation, which implements multiple-step policy optimization on one-time data collection. Beyond existing meta-RL analyses, we provide upper bounds of the expected optimality gap over the task distribution. This metric measures the distance of the policy adaptation from the learned meta-prior to the task-specific optimum, and quantifies the model's generalizability to the task distribution. We empirically validate the correctness of the derived upper bounds and demonstrate the superior effectiveness of the proposed algorithm over benchmarks.
Scaling Laws for Reward Model Overoptimization in Direct Alignment Algorithms
Rafael Rafailov · Yaswanth Chittepu · Ryan Park · Harshit Sushil Sikchi · Joey Hejna · Brad Knox · Chelsea Finn · Scott Niekum
Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF)has been crucial to the recent success of Large Language Models (LLMs), however it is often a complex and brittle process. In the classical RLHF framework, a reward model is first trained to represent human preferences, which is in turn used by an online reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm to optimized the LLM. A prominent issue with such methods is reward over-optimization or reward hacking, where the performance as measured by the learned proxy reward model increases, but the true model quality plateaus or even deteriorates. Direct Alignment Algorithms (DDAs), such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) have emerged as alternatives to the classical RLHF pipeline. However, despite not training a separate proxy reward model or using RL, they still commonly deteriorate from over-optimization. While the so-called reward hacking phenomenon is not well-defined for DAAs, we still uncover similar trends: at higher KL-budgets, DAA algorithms exhibit similar degradation patters to their classic RLHF counterparts. In particular, we find that DAA methods deteriorate not only across a wide range of KL-budgets, but also often before even a single epoch of the dataset is completed. Through extensive empirical experimentation this work formulates the reward over-optimization or hacking problem for DAAs and explores its consequences across objectives, training regimes, and model scales.
Fixed Confidence Best Arm Identification in the Bayesian Setting
Kyoungseok Jang · Junpei Komiyama · Kazutoshi Yamazaki
We consider the fixed-confidence best arm identification (FC-BAI) problem in the Bayesian setting. This problem aims to find the arm of the largest mean with a fixed confidence level when the bandit model has been sampled from the known prior. Most studies on the FC-BAI problem have been conducted in the frequentist setting, where the bandit model is predetermined before the game starts. We show that the traditional FC-BAI algorithms studied in the frequentist setting, such as track-and-stop and top-two algorithms, result in arbitrarily suboptimal performances in the Bayesian setting. We also obtain a lower bound of the expected number of samples in the Bayesian setting and introduce a variant of successive elimination that has a matching performance with the lower bound up to a logarithmic factor. Simulations verify the theoretical results.
RoME: A Robust Mixed-Effects Bandit Algorithm for Optimizing Mobile Health Interventions
Easton Huch · Jieru Shi · Madeline R Abbott · Jessica Golbus · Alexander Moreno · Walter Dempsey
Mobile health leverages personalized and contextually tailored interventions optimized through bandit and reinforcement learning algorithms. In practice, however, challenges such as participant heterogeneity, nonstationarity, and nonlinear relationships hinder algorithm performance. We propose RoME, a Robust Mixed-Effects contextual bandit algorithm that simultaneously addresses these challenges via (1) modeling the differential reward with user- and time-specific random effects, (2) network cohesion penalties, and (3) debiased machine learning for flexible estimation of baseline rewards. We establish a high-probability regret bound that depends solely on the dimension of the differential-reward model, enabling us to achieve robust regret bounds even when the baseline reward is highly complex. We demonstrate the superior performance of the RoME algorithm in a simulation and two off-policy evaluation studies.
Strategic Linear Contextual Bandits
Thomas Kleine Buening · Aadirupa Saha · Christos Dimitrakakis · Haifeng Xu
Motivated by the phenomenon of strategic agents gaming a recommender system to maximize the number of times they are recommended to users, we study a strategic variant of the linear contextual bandit problem, where the arms can strategically misreport privately observed contexts to the learner. We treat the algorithm design problem as one of mechanism design under uncertainty and propose the Optimistic Grim Trigger Mechanism (OptGTM) that incentivizes the agents (i.e., arms) to report their contexts truthfully while simultaneously minimizing regret. We also show that failing to account for the strategic nature of the agents results in linear regret. However, a trade-off between mechanism design and regret minimization appears to be unavoidable. More broadly, this work aims to provide insight into the intersection of online learning and mechanism design.
How does Inverse RL Scale to Large State Spaces? A Provably Efficient Approach
Filippo Lazzati · Mirco Mutti · Alberto Maria Metelli
In online Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL), the learner can collect samples about the dynamics of the environment to improve itsestimate of the reward function. Since IRL suffers from identifiability issues, many theoretical works on online IRL focus on estimating the entire set of rewards that explain the demonstrations, named the feasible reward set. However, none of the algorithms available in literature can scale to problems with large state spaces. In this paper, we focus on the online IRL problem in Linear Markov DecisionProcesses (MDPs). We show that the structure offered by Linear MDPs is not sufficient for efficiently estimating the feasible set when the state space is large. As a consequence, we introduce the novel framework of rewards compatibility, which generalizes the notion of feasible set, and we develop CATY-IRL, a sample efficient algorithm whose complexity is independent of the size of the state space in Linear MDPs. When restricted to the tabular setting, we demonstrate that CATY-IRL is minimax optimal up to logarithmic factors. As a by-product, we show that Reward-Free Exploration (RFE) enjoys the same worst-case rate, improving over the state-of-the-art lower bound. Finally, we devise a unifying framework for IRL and RFE that may be of independent interest.
WorldCoder, a Model-Based LLM Agent: Building World Models by Writing Code and Interacting with the Environment
Hao Tang · Darren Key · Kevin Ellis
We give a model-based agent that builds a Python program representing its knowledge of the world based on its interactions with the environment. The world model tries to explain its interactions, while also being optimistic about what reward it can achieve. We define this optimism as a logical constraint between a program and a planner. We study our agent on gridworlds, and on task planning, finding our approach is more sample-efficient compared to deep RL, more compute-efficient compared to ReAct-style agents, and that it can transfer its knowledge across environments by editing its code.
The surprising efficiency of temporal difference learning for rare event prediction
Xiaoou Cheng · Jonathan Weare
We quantify the efficiency of temporal difference (TD) learning over the direct, or Monte Carlo (MC), estimator for policy evaluation in reinforcement learning, with an emphasis on estimation of quantities related to rare events. Policy evaluation is complicated in the rare event setting by the long timescale of the event and by the need for \emph{relative accuracy} in estimates of very small values. Specifically, we focus on least-squares TD (LSTD) prediction for finite state Markov chains, and show that LSTD can achieve relative accuracy far more efficiently than MC. We prove a central limit theorem for the LSTD estimator and upper bound the \emph{relative asymptotic variance} by simple quantities characterizing the connectivity of states relative to the transition probabilities between them. Using this bound, we show that, even when both the timescale of the rare event and the relative accuracy of the MC estimator are exponentially large in the number of states, LSTD maintains a fixed level of relative accuracy with a total number of observed transitions of the Markov chain that is only \emph{polynomially} large in the number of states.
Designing causal bandit algorithms depends on two central categories of assumptions: (i) the extent of information about the underlying causal graphs and (ii) the extent of information about interventional statistical models. There have been extensive recent advances in dispensing with assumptions on either category. These include assuming known graphs but unknown interventional distributions, and the converse setting of assuming unknown graphs but access to restrictive hard/$\operatorname{do}$ interventions, which removes the stochasticity and ancestral dependencies. Nevertheless, the problem in its general form, i.e., _unknown_ graph and _unknown_ stochastic intervention models, remains open. This paper addresses this problem and establishes that in a graph with $N$ nodes, maximum in-degree $d$ and maximum causal path length $L$, after $T$ interaction rounds the regret upper bound scales as $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}((cd)^{L-\frac{1}{2}}\sqrt{T} + d + RN)$ where $c>1$ is a constant and $R$ is a measure of intervention power. A universal minimax lower bound is also established, which scales as $\Omega(d^{L-\frac{3}{2}}\sqrt{T})$. Importantly, the graph size $N$ has a diminishing effect on the regret as $T$ grows. These bounds have matching behavior in $T$, exponential dependence on $L$, and polynomial dependence on $d$ (with the gap $d\ $). On the algorithmic aspect, the paper presents a novel way of designing a computationally efficient CB algorithm, addressing a challenge that the existing CB algorithms using soft interventions face.
Robust group and simultaneous inferences for high-dimensional single index model
Weichao Yang · Hongwei Shi · Xu Guo · Changliang Zou
The high-dimensional single index model (SIM), which assumes that the response is independent of the predictors given a linear combination of predictors, has drawn attention due to its flexibility and interpretability, but its efficiency is adversely affected by outlying observations and heavy-tailed distributions. This paper introduces a robust procedure by recasting the SIM into a pseudo-linear model with transformed responses. It relaxes the distributional conditions on random errors from sub-Gaussian to more general distributions and thus it is robust with substantial efficiency gain for heavy-tailed random errors. Under this paradigm, we provide asymptotically honest group inference procedures based on the idea of orthogonalization, which enjoys the feature that it does not require the zero and nonzero coefficients to be well-separated. Asymptotic null distribution and bootstrap implementation are both established. Moreover, we develop a multiple testing procedure for determining if the individual coefficients are relevant simultaneously, and show that it is able to control the false discovery rate asymptotically. Numerical results indicate that the new procedures can be highly competitive among existing methods, especially for heavy-tailed errors.
Toward Conditional Distribution Calibration in Survival Prediction
Shi-ang Qi · Yakun Yu · Russell Greiner
Survival prediction often involves estimating the time-to-event distribution from censored datasets. Previous approaches have focused on enhancing discrimination and marginal calibration. In this paper, we highlight the significance of conditional calibration for real-world applications – especially its role in individual decision-making. We propose a method based on conformal prediction that uses the model’s predicted individual survival probability at that instance’s observed time. This method effectively improves the model’s marginal and conditional calibration, without compromising discrimination. We provide asymptotic theoretical guarantees for both marginal and conditional calibration and test it extensively across 15 diverse real-world datasets, demonstrating the method’s practical effectiveness andversatility in various settings.
Conditional Outcome Equivalence: A Quantile Alternative to CATE
Josh Givens · Henry Reeve · Song Liu · Katarzyna Reluga
The conditional quantile treatment effect (CQTE) can provide insight into the effect of a treatment beyond the conditional average treatment effect (CATE). This ability to provide information over multiple quantiles of the response makes the CQTE especially valuable in cases where the effect of a treatment is not well-modelled by a location shift, even conditionally on the covariates. Nevertheless, the estimation of the CQTE is challenging and often depends upon the smoothness of the individual quantiles as a function of the covariates rather than smoothness of the CQTE itself. This is in stark contrast to the CATE where it is possible to obtain high-quality estimates which have less dependency upon the smoothness of the nuisance parameters when the CATE itself is smooth. Moreover, relative smoothness of the CQTE lacks the interpretability of smoothness of the CATE making it less clear whether it is a reasonable assumption to make. We combine the desirable properties of the CATE and CQTE by considering a new estimand, the conditional quantile comparator (CQC). The CQC not only retains information about the whole treatment distribution, similar to the CQTE, but also having more natural examples of smoothness and is able to leverage simplicity in an auxiliary estimand. We provide finite sample bounds on the error of our estimator, demonstrating its ability to exploit simplicity. We validate our theory in numerical simulations which show that our method produces more accurate estimates than baselines. Finally, we apply our methodology to a study on the effect of employment incentives on earnings across different age groups. We see that our method is able to reveal heterogeneity of the effect across different quantiles.
We consider the problem of active learning on graphs for node-level tasks, which has crucial applications in many real-world networks where labeling node responses is expensive. In this paper, we propose an offline active learning method that selects nodes to query by explicitly incorporating information from both the network structure and node covariates. Building on graph signal recovery theories and the random spectral sparsification technique, the proposed method adopts a two-stage biased sampling strategy that takes both informativeness and representativeness into consideration for node querying. Informativeness refers to the complexity of graph signals that are learnable from the responses of queried nodes, while representativeness refers to the capacity of queried nodes to control generalization errors given noisy node-level information. We establish a theoretical relationship between generalization error and the number of nodes selected by the proposed method. Our theoretical results demonstrate the trade-off between Informativeness and representativeness in active learning. Extensive numerical experiments show that the proposed method is competitive with existing graph-based active learning methods, especially when node covariates and responses contain noises. Additionally, the proposed method is applicable to both regression and classification tasks on graphs.
Active preference learning for ordering items in- and out-of-sample
Herman Bergström · Emil Carlsson · Devdatt Dubhashi · Fredrik Johansson
Learning an ordering of items based on pairwise comparisons is useful when items are difficult to rate consistently on an absolute scale, for example, when annotators have to make subjective assessments. When exhaustive comparison is infeasible, actively sampling item pairs can reduce the number of annotations necessary for learning an accurate ordering. However, many algorithms ignore shared structure between items, limiting their sample efficiency and precluding generalization to new items. It is also common to disregard how noise in comparisons varies between item pairs, despite it being informative of item similarity. In this work, we study active preference learning for ordering items with contextual attributes, both in- and out-of-sample. We give an upper bound on the expected ordering error of a logistic preference model as a function of which items have been compared. Next, we propose an active learning strategy that samples items to minimize this bound by accounting for aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty in comparisons. We evaluate the resulting algorithm, and a variant aimed at reducing model misspecification, in multiple realistic ordering tasks with comparisons made by human annotators. Our results demonstrate superior sample efficiency and generalization compared to non-contextual ranking approaches and active preference learning baselines.
Sample Complexity Reduction via Policy Difference Estimation in Tabular Reinforcement Learning
Adhyyan Narang · Andrew Wagenmaker · Lillian Ratliff · Kevin Jamieson
In this paper, we study the non-asymptotic sample complexity for the pure exploration problem in contextual bandits and tabular reinforcement learning (RL): identifying an $\epsilon$-optimal policy from a set of policies $\Pi$ with high probability. Existing work in bandits has shown that it is possible to identify the best policy by estimating only the *difference* between the behaviors of individual policies–which can have substantially lower variance than estimating the behavior of each policy directly—yet the best-known complexities in RL fail to take advantage of this, and instead estimate the behavior of each policy directly. Does it suffice to estimate only the differences in the behaviors of policies in RL? We answer this question positively for contextual bandits, but in the negative for tabular RL, showing a separation between contextual bandits and RL. However, inspired by this, we show that it *almost* suffices to estimate only the differences in RL: if we can estimate the behavior of a *single* reference policy, it suffices to only estimate how any other policy deviates from this reference policy. We develop an algorithm which instantiates this principle and obtains, to the best of our knowledge, the tightest known bound on the sample complexity of tabular RL.
Is O(log N) practical? Near-Equivalence Between Delay Robustness and Bounded Regret in Bandits and RL
Enoch H. Kang · P. R. Kumar
Interactive decision making, encompassing bandits, contextual bandits, and reinforcement learning, has recently been of interest to theoretical studies of experimentation design and recommender system algorithm research. One recent finding in this area is that the well-known Graves-Lai constant being zero is a necessary and sufficient condition for achieving bounded (or constant) regret in interactive decision-making. As this condition may be a strong requirement for many applications, the practical usefulness of pursuing bounded regret has been questioned. In this paper, we show that the condition of the Graves-Lai constant being zero is also necessary for a consistent algorithm to achieve delay model robustness when reward delays are unknown (i.e., when feedback is anonymous). Here, model robustness is measured in terms of $\epsilon$-robustness, one of the most widely used and one of the least adversarial robustness concepts in the robust statistics literature. In particular, we show that $\epsilon$-robustness cannot be achieved for a consistent (i.e., uniformly sub-polynomial regret) algorithm, however small the nonzero $\epsilon$ value is, when the Grave-Lai constant is not zero. While this is a strongly negative result, we also provide a positive result for linear rewards models (contextual linear bandits, reinforcement learning with linear MDP) that the Grave-Lai constant being zero is also sufficient for achieving bounded regret without any knowledge of delay models, i.e., the best of both the efficiency world and the delay robustness world.
Theoretical Analysis of Weak-to-Strong Generalization
Hunter Lang · David Sontag · Aravindan Vijayaraghavan
Strong student models can learn from weaker teachers: when trained on the predictions of a weaker model, a strong pretrained student can learn to correct the weak model’s errors and generalize to examples where the teacher is not confident, even when these examples are excluded from training. This enables learning from cheap, incomplete, and possibly incorrect label information, such as coarse logical rules or the generations of a language model. We show that existing weak supervision theory results fail to account for both of these effects, which we call pseudolabel correction and coverage expansion, respectively. We give a new bound based on expansion properties of the data distribution and student hypothesis class that directly accounts for pseudolabel correction and coverage expansion. Our bound generalizes results from the co-training and self-training literature and captures the intuition that weak-to-strong generalization occurs when the mistakes of the weak model are hard for the strong model to fit without incurring additional error. We show that these expansion properties can be checked from finite data and give empirical evidence that they hold in practice.
FedGTST: Boosting Global Transferability of Federated Models via Statistics Tuning
Evelyn Ma · Chao Pan · S. Rasoul Etesami · Han Zhao · Olgica Milenkovic
The performance of Transfer Learning (TL) significantly depends on effective pretraining, which not only requires extensive amounts of data but also substantial computational resources. As a result, in practice, it is challenging to successfully perform TL at the level of individual model developers. Federated Learning (FL) addresses these challenges by enabling collaboration among individual clients through an indirect expansion of the available dataset, distribution of the computation burden across different entities, and privacy-preserving communication mechanisms. Despite several attempts to devise effective transferable FL approaches, several important issues remain unsolved. First, existing methods in this setting primarily focus on optimizing transferability within their local client domains, thereby ignoring transferability over the global learning domain. Second, most approaches focus on analyzing indirect transferability metrics, which does not allow for accurate assessment of the final target loss and extent of transferability. To address these issues, we introduce two important FL features into the model. The first boosts transferability via an exchange protocol between the clients and the server that includes information about cross-client Jacobian (gradient) norms. The second feature promotes an increase of the average of the Jacobians of the clients at the server side, which is subsequently used as a local regularizer that reduces the cross-client Jacobian variance. A rigorous analysis of our transferable federated algorithm, termed FedGTST (Federated Global Transferability via Statistics Tuning), reveals that increasing the averaged Jacobian norm across clients and reducing its variance ensures tight control of the target loss. This insight leads to the first known upper bound on the target loss of transferable federated learning in terms of the source loss and source-target domain discrepancy. Extensive experimental results on datasets including MNIST → MNIST-M and CIFAR10 → SVHN suggest that FedGTST significantly outperforms other relevant baselines, such as FedSR. For example, on the second source-target dataset pair, we improve the accuracy of FedSR by 9.8% and that of FedIIR by 7.6% when the backbone used is LeNet.
Interpret Your Decision: Logical Reasoning Regularization for Generalization in Visual Classification
Zhaorui Tan · Xi Yang · Qiufeng Wang · Anh Nguyen · Kaizhu Huang
Vision models excel in image classification but struggle to generalize to unseen data, such as classifying images from unseen domains or discovering novel categories. In this paper, we explore the relationship between logical reasoning and deep learning generalization in visual classification. A logical regularization termed L-Reg is derived which bridges a logical analysis framework to image classification. Our work reveals that L-Reg reduces the complexity of the model in terms of the feature distribution and classifier weights. Specifically, we unveil the interpretability brought by L-Reg, as it enables the model to extract the salient features, such as faces to persons, for classification. Theoretical analysis and experiments demonstrate that L-Reg enhances generalization across various scenarios, including multi-domain generalization and generalized category discovery. In complex real-world scenarios where images span unknown classes and unseen domains, L-Reg consistently improves generalization, highlighting its practical efficacy.
PACE: Marrying generalization in PArameter-efficient fine-tuning with Consistency rEgularization
Yao Ni · Shan Zhang · Piotr Koniusz
Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) effectively adapts pre-trained transformers to downstream tasks. However, the optimization of tasks performance often comes at the cost of generalizability in fine-tuned models. To address this issue, we theoretically connect smaller weight gradient norms during training and larger datasets to the improvements in model generalization. Motivated by this connection, we propose reducing gradient norms for enhanced generalization and aligning fine-tuned model with the pre-trained counterpart to retain knowledge from large-scale pre-training data. Yet, naive alignment does not guarantee gradient reduction and can potentially cause gradient explosion, complicating efforts to manage gradients. To address such an issue, we propose PACE, marrying generalization of PArameter-efficient fine-tuning with Consistency rEgularization. We perturb features learned from the adapter with the multiplicative noise and ensure the fine-tuned model remains consistent for same sample under different perturbations. Theoretical analysis shows that PACE not only implicitly regularizes gradients for enhanced generalization, but also implicitly aligns the fine-tuned and pre-trained models to retain knowledge. Experimental evidence supports our theories. PACE surpasses existing PEFT methods in visual adaptation tasks (VTAB-1k, FGVC, few-shot learning, domain adaptation) showcasing its potential for resource-efficient fine-tuning. It also improves LoRA in text classification (GLUE) and mathematical reasoning (GSM-8K).
Label Noise: Ignorance Is Bliss
Yilun Zhu · Jianxin Zhang · Aditya Gangrade · Clay Scott
We establish a new theoretical framework for learning under multi-class, instance-dependent label noise. This framework casts learning with label noise as a form of domain adaptation, in particular, domain adaptation under posterior drift. We introduce the concept of \emph{relative signal strength} (RSS), a pointwise measure that quantifies the transferability from noisy to clean posterior. Using RSS, we establish nearly matching upper and lower bounds on the excess risk. Our theoretical findings support the simple \emph{Noise Ignorant Empirical Risk Minimization (NI-ERM)} principle, which minimizes empirical risk while ignoring label noise. Finally, we translate this theoretical insight into practice: by using NI-ERM to fit a linear classifier on top of a self-supervised feature extractor, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on the CIFAR-N data challenge.
Optimal Aggregation of Prediction Intervals under Unsupervised Domain Shift
Jiawei Ge · Debarghya Mukherjee · Jianqing Fan
As machine learning models are increasingly deployed in dynamic environments, it becomes paramount to assess and quantify uncertainties associated with distribution shifts.A distribution shift occurs when the underlying data-generating process changes, leading to a deviation in the model's performance. The prediction interval, which captures the range of likely outcomes for a given prediction, serves as a crucial tool for characterizing uncertainties induced by their underlying distribution. In this paper, we propose methodologies for aggregating prediction intervals to obtain one with minimal width and adequate coverage on the target domain under unsupervised domain shift, under which we have labeled samples from a related source domain and unlabeled covariates from the target domain.Our analysis encompasses scenarios where the source and the target domain are related via i) a bounded density ratio, and ii) a measure-preserving transformation.Our proposed methodologies are computationally efficient and easy to implement. Beyond illustrating the performance of our method through real-world datasets, we also delve into the theoretical details. This includes establishing rigorous theoretical guarantees, coupled with finite sample bounds, regarding the coverage and width of our prediction intervals. Our approach excels in practical applications and is underpinned by a solid theoretical framework, ensuring its reliability and effectiveness across diverse contexts.
Nonparametric Evaluation of Noisy ICA Solutions
Syamantak Kumar · Derek Bean · peter j bickel · Purnamrita Sarkar
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) was introduced in the 1980's as a model for Blind Source Separation (BSS), which refers to the process of recovering the sources underlying a mixture of signals, with little knowledge about the source signals or the mixing process. While there are many sophisticated algorithms for estimation, different methods have different shortcomings. In this paper, we develop a nonparametric score to adaptively pick the right algorithm for ICA with arbitrary Gaussian noise. The novelty of this score stems from the fact that it just assumes a finite second moment of the data and uses the characteristic function to evaluate the quality of the estimated mixing matrix without any knowledge of the parameters of the noise distribution. In addition, we propose some new contrast functions and algorithms that enjoy the same fast computability as existing algorithms like FASTICA and JADE but work in domains where the former may fail. While these also may have weaknesses, our proposed diagnostic, as shown by our simulations, can remedy them. Finally, we propose a theoretical framework to analyze the local and global convergence properties of our algorithms.
Excluding the Irrelevant: Focusing Reinforcement Learning through Continuous Action Masking
Roland Stolz · Hanna Krasowski · Jakob Thumm · Michael Eichelbeck · Philipp Gassert · Matthias Althoff
Continuous action spaces in reinforcement learning (RL) are commonly defined as multidimensional intervals. While intervals usually reflect the action boundaries for tasks well, they can be challenging for learning because the typically large global action space leads to frequent exploration of irrelevant actions. Yet, little task knowledge can be sufficient to identify significantly smaller state-specific sets of relevant actions. Focusing learning on these relevant actions can significantly improve training efficiency and effectiveness. In this paper, we propose to focus learning on the set of relevant actions and introduce three continuous action masking methods for exactly mapping the action space to the state-dependent set of relevant actions. Thus, our methods ensure that only relevant actions are executed, enhancing the predictability of the RL agent and enabling its use in safety-critical applications. We further derive the implications of the proposed methods on the policy gradient. Using proximal policy optimization ( PPO), we evaluate our methods on four control tasks, where the relevant action set is computed based on the system dynamics and a relevant state set. Our experiments show that the three action masking methods achieve higher final rewards and converge faster than the baseline without action masking.
Can an AI Agent Safely Run a Government? Existence of Probably Approximately Aligned Policies
Frédéric Berdoz · Roger Wattenhofer
While autonomous agents often surpass humans in their ability to handle vast and complex data, their potential misalignment (i.e., lack of transparency regarding their true objective) has thus far hindered their use in critical applications such as social decision processes. More importantly, existing alignment methods provide no formal guarantees on the safety of such models. Drawing from utility and social choice theory, we provide a novel quantitative definition of alignment in the context of social decision-making. Building on this definition, we introduce probably approximately aligned (i.e., near-optimal) policies, and we derive a sufficient condition for their existence. Lastly, recognizing the practical difficulty of satisfying this condition, we introduce the relaxed concept of safe (i.e., nondestructive) policies, and we propose a simple yet robust method to safeguard the black-box policy of any autonomous agent, ensuring all its actions are verifiably safe for the society.
Distributionally Robust Reinforcement Learning with Interactive Data Collection: Fundamental Hardness and Near-Optimal Algorithms
Miao Lu · Han Zhong · Tong Zhang · Jose Blanchet
The sim-to-real gap, which represents the disparity between training and testing environments, poses a significant challenge in reinforcement learning (RL). A promising approach to addressing this challenge is distributionally robust RL, often framed as a robust Markov decision process (RMDP). In this framework, the objective is to find a robust policy that achieves good performance under the worst-case scenario among all environments within a pre-specified uncertainty set centered around the training environment. Unlike previous work, which relies on a generative model or a pre-collected offline dataset enjoying good coverage of the deployment environment, we tackle robust RL via interactive data collection, where the learner interacts with the training environment only and refines the policy through trial and error. In this robust RL paradigm, two main challenges emerge: managing distributional robustness while striking a balance between exploration and exploitation during data collection. Initially, we establish that sample-efficient learning without additional assumptions is unattainable owing to the curse of support shift; i.e., the potential disjointedness of the distributional supports between the training and testing environments. To circumvent such a hardness result, we introduce the vanishing minimal value assumption to RMDPs with a total-variation (TV) distance robust set, postulating that the minimal value of the optimal robust value function is zero. We prove that such an assumption effectively eliminates the support shift issue for RMDPs with a TV distance robust set, and present an algorithm with a provable sample complexity guarantee. Our work makes the initial step to uncovering the inherent difficulty of robust RL via interactive data collection and sufficient conditions for designing a sample-efficient algorithm accompanied by sharp sample complexity analysis.
Model-free Low-Rank Reinforcement Learning via Leveraged Entry-wise Matrix Estimation
Stefan Stojanovic · Yassir Jedra · Alexandre Proutiere
We consider the problem of learning an $\varepsilon$-optimal policy in controlled dynamical systems with low-rank latent structure. For this problem, we present LoRa-PI (Low-Rank Policy Iteration), a model-free learning algorithm alternating between policy improvement and policy evaluation steps. In the latter, the algorithm estimates the low-rank matrix corresponding to the (state, action) value function of the current policy using the following two-phase procedure. The entries of the matrix are first sampled uniformly at random to estimate, via a spectral method, the *leverage scores* of its rows and columns. These scores are then used to extract a few important rows and columns whose entries are further sampled. The algorithm exploits these new samples to complete the matrix estimation using a CUR-like method. For this leveraged matrix estimation procedure, we establish entry-wise guarantees that remarkably, do not depend on the coherence of the matrix but only on its spikiness. These guarantees imply that LoRa-PI learns an $\varepsilon$-optimal policy using $\tilde{\cal O}({(S+A)\over \mathrm{poly}(1-\gamma)\varepsilon^2})$ samples where $S$ (resp. $A$) denotes the number of states (resp. actions) and $\gamma$ the discount factor. Our algorithm achieves this order-optimal (in $S$, $A$ and $\varepsilon$) sample complexity under milder conditions than those assumed in previously proposed approaches.
How Does Variance Shape the Regret in Contextual Bandits?
Zeyu Jia · Jian Qian · Alexander Rakhlin · Chen-Yu Wei
We consider realizable contextual bandits with general function approximation, investigating how small reward variance can lead to better-than-minimax regret bounds. Unlike in minimax regret bounds, we show that the eluder dimension $d_{\text{elu}}$$-$a measure of the complexity of the function class$-$plays a crucial role in variance-dependent bounds. We consider two types of adversary: (1) Weak adversary: The adversary sets the reward variance before observing the learner's action. In this setting, we prove that a regret of $\Omega( \sqrt{ \min (A, d_{\text{elu}}) \Lambda } + d_{\text{elu}} )$ is unavoidable when $d_{\text{elu}} \leq \sqrt{A T}$, where $A$ is the number of actions, $T$ is the total number of rounds, and $\Lambda$ is the total variance over $T$ rounds. For the $A\leq d_{\text{elu}}$ regime, we derive a nearly matching upper bound $\tilde{O}( \sqrt{ A\Lambda } + d_{\text{elu} } )$ for the special case where the variance is revealed at the beginning of each round. (2) Strong adversary: The adversary sets the reward variance after observing the learner's action. We show that a regret of $\Omega( \sqrt{ d_{\text{elu}} \Lambda } + d_{\text{elu}} )$ is unavoidable when $\sqrt{ d_{\text{elu}} \Lambda } + d_{\text{elu}} \leq \sqrt{A T}$. In this setting, we provide an upper bound of order $\tilde{O}( d_{\text{elu}}\sqrt{ \Lambda } + d_{\text{elu}} )$.Furthermore, we examine the setting where the function class additionally provides distributional information of the reward, as studied by Wang et al. (2024). We demonstrate that the regret bound $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{d_{\text{elu}} \Lambda} + d_{\text{elu}})$ established in their work is unimprovable when $\sqrt{d_{\text{elu}} \Lambda} + d_{\text{elu}}\leq \sqrt{AT}$. However, with a slightly different definition of the total variance and with the assumption that the reward follows a Gaussian distribution, one can achieve a regret of $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{A\Lambda} + d_{\text{elu}})$.
Mutual Information Estimation via $f$-Divergence and Data Derangements
Nunzio Alexandro Letizia · Nicola Novello · Andrea M Tonello
Estimating mutual information accurately is pivotal across diverse applications, from machine learning to communications and biology, enabling us to gain insights into the inner mechanisms of complex systems. Yet, dealing with high-dimensional data presents a formidable challenge, due to its size and the presence of intricate relationships. Recently proposed neural methods employing variational lower bounds on the mutual information have gained prominence. However, these approaches suffer from either high bias or high variance, as the sample size and the structure of the loss function directly influence the training process. In this paper, we propose a novel class of discriminative mutual information estimators based on the variational representation of the $f$-divergence. We investigate the impact of the permutation function used to obtain the marginal training samples and present a novel architectural solution based on derangements. The proposed estimator is flexible since it exhibits an excellent bias/variance trade-off. The comparison with state-of-the-art neural estimators, through extensive experimentation within established reference scenarios, shows that our approach offers higher accuracy and lower complexity.
User-Creator Feature Polarization in Recommender Systems with Dual Influence
Tao Lin · Kun Jin · Andrew Estornell · Xiaoying Zhang · Yiling Chen · Yang Liu
Recommender systems serve the dual purpose of presenting relevant content to users and helping content creators reach their target audience. The dual nature of these systems naturally influences both users and creators: users' preferences are affected by the items they are recommended, while creators may be incentivized to alter their content to attract more users. We define a model, called user-creator feature dynamics, to capture the dual influence of recommender systems. We prove that a recommender system with dual influence is guaranteed to polarize, causing diversity loss in the system. We then investigate, both theoretically and empirically, approaches for mitigating polarization and promoting diversity in recommender systems. Unexpectedly, we find that common diversity-promoting approaches do not work in the presence of dual influence, while relevancy-optimizing methods like top-$k$ truncation can prevent polarization and improve diversity of the system.
Incentivizing Quality Text Generation via Statistical Contracts
Eden Saig · Ohad Einav · Inbal Talgam-Cohen
While the success of large language models (LLMs) increases demand for machine-generated text, current pay-per-token pricing schemes create a misalignment of incentives known in economics as moral hazard: Text-generating agents have strong incentive to cut costs by preferring a cheaper model over the cutting-edge one, and this can be done “behind the scenes” since the agent performs inference internally. In this work, we approach this issue from an economic perspective, by proposing a pay-for-performance, contract-based framework for incentivizing quality. We study a principal-agent game where the agent generates text using costly inference, and the contract determines the principal’s payment for the text according to an automated quality evaluation. Since standard contract theory is inapplicable when internal inference costs are unknown, we introduce cost-robust contracts. As our main theoretical contribution, we characterize optimal cost-robust contracts through a direct correspondence to optimal composite hypothesis tests from statistics, generalizing a result of Saig et al. (NeurIPS’23). We evaluate our framework empirically by deriving contracts for a range of objectives and LLM evaluation benchmarks, and find that cost-robust contracts sacrifice only a marginal increase in objective value compared to their cost-aware counterparts.
Fast Last-Iterate Convergence of Learning in Games Requires Forgetful Algorithms
Yang Cai · Gabriele Farina · Julien Grand-Clément · Christian Kroer · Chung-Wei Lee · Haipeng Luo · Weiqiang Zheng
Self play via online learning is one of the premier ways to solve large-scale zero-sum games, both in theory and practice. Particularly popular algorithms include optimistic multiplicative weights update (OMWU) and optimistic gradient-descent-ascent (OGDA). While both algorithms enjoy $O(1/T)$ ergodic convergence to Nash equilibrium in two-player zero-sum games, OMWU offers several advantages, including logarithmic dependence on the size of the payoff matrix and $\tilde{O}(1/T)$ convergence to coarse correlated equilibria even in general-sum games. However, in terms of last-iterate convergence in two-player zero-sum games, an increasingly popular topic in this area, OGDA guarantees that the duality gap shrinks at a rate of $(1/\sqrt{T})$, while the best existing last-iterate convergence for OMWU depends on some game-dependent constant that could be arbitrarily large. This begs the question: is this potentially slow last-iterate convergence an inherent disadvantage of OMWU, or is the current analysis too loose? Somewhat surprisingly, we show that the former is true. More generally, we prove that a broad class of algorithms that do not forget the past quickly all suffer the same issue: for any arbitrarily small $\delta>0$, there exists a $2\times 2$ matrix game such that the algorithm admits a constant duality gap even after $1/\delta$ rounds. This class of algorithms includes OMWU and other standard optimistic follow-the-regularized-leader algorithms.
Bias Detection via Signaling
Yiling Chen · Tao Lin · Ariel Procaccia · Aaditya Ramdas · Itai Shapira
We introduce and study the problem of detecting whether an agent is updating their prior beliefs given new evidence in an optimal way that is Bayesian, or whether they are biased towards their own prior. In our model, biased agents form posterior beliefs that are a convex combination of their prior and the Bayesian posterior, where the more biased an agent is, the closer their posterior is to the prior. Since we often cannot observe the agent's beliefs directly, we take an approach inspired by information design. Specifically, we measure an agent's bias by designing a signaling scheme and observing the actions they take in response to different signals, assuming that they are maximizing their own expected utility; our goal is to detect bias with a minimum number of signals. Our main results include a characterization of scenarios where a single signal suffices and a computationally efficient algorithm to compute optimal signaling schemes.
Almost Free: Self-concordance in Natural Exponential Families and an Application to Bandits
Shuai Liu · Alex Ayoub · Flore Sentenac · Xiaoqi Tan · Csaba Szepesvari
We prove that single-parameter natural exponential families with subexponential tails are self-concordant with polynomial-sized parameters. For subgaussian natural exponential families we establish an exact characterization of the growth rate of the self-concordance parameter. Applying these findings to bandits allows us to fill gaps in the literature: We show that optimistic algorithms for generalized linear bandits enjoy regret bounds that are both second-order (scale with the variance of the optimal arm's reward distribution) and free of an exponential dependence on the bound of the problem parameter in the leading term. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first regret bound for generalized linear bandits with subexponential tails, broadening the class of problems to include Poisson, exponential and gamma bandits.
The Benefits of Balance: From Information Projections to Variance Reduction
Lang Liu · Ronak Mehta · Soumik Pal · Zaid Harchaoui
Data balancing across multiple modalities and sources appears in various forms in foundation models in machine learning and AI, e.g., in CLIP and DINO. We show that data balancing across modalities and sources actually offers an unsuspected benefit: variance reduction. We present a non-asymptotic statistical bound that quantifies this variance reduction effect and relates it to the eigenvalue decay of Markov operators. Furthermore, we describe how various forms of data balancing in contrastive multimodal learning and self-supervised clustering can be better understood, and even improved upon, owing to our variance reduction viewpoint.
Minimum Entropy Coupling with Bottleneck
Reza Ebrahimi · Jun Chen · Ashish Khisti
This paper investigates a novel lossy compression framework operating under logarithmic loss, designed to handle situations where the reconstruction distribution diverges from the source distribution. This framework is especially relevant for applications that require joint compression and retrieval, and in scenarios involving distributional shifts due to processing. We show that the proposed formulation extends the classical minimum entropy coupling framework by integrating a bottleneck, allowing for controlled variability in the degree of stochasticity in the coupling.We explore the decomposition of the Minimum Entropy Coupling with Bottleneck (MEC-B) into two distinct optimization problems: Entropy-Bounded Information Maximization (EBIM) for the encoder, and Minimum Entropy Coupling (MEC) for the decoder. Through extensive analysis, we provide a greedy algorithm for EBIM with guaranteed performance, and characterize the optimal solution near functional mappings, yielding significant theoretical insights into the structural complexity of this problem.Furthermore, we illustrated the practical application of MEC-B through experiments in Markov Coding Games (MCGs) under rate limits. These games simulate a communication scenario within a Markov Decision Process, where an agent must transmit a compressed message from a sender to a receiver through its actions. Our experiments highlighted the trade-offs between MDP rewards and receiver accuracy across various compression rates, showcasing the efficacy of our method compared to conventional compression baseline.
In-and-Out: Algorithmic Diffusion for Sampling Convex Bodies
Yunbum Kook · Santosh Vempala · Matthew Zhang
We present a new random walk for uniformly sampling high-dimensional convex bodies. It achieves state-of-the-art runtime complexity with stronger guarantees on the output than previously known, namely in Rényi divergence (which implies TV, $\mathcal{W}_2$, KL, $\chi^2$). The proof departs from known approaches for polytime algorithms for the problem - we utilize a stochastic diffusion perspective to show contraction to the target distribution with the rate of convergence determined by functional isoperimetric constants of the stationary density.
An In-depth Investigation of Sparse Rate Reduction in Transformer-like Models
Yunzhe Hu · Difan Zou · Dong Xu
Deep neural networks have long been criticized for being black-box. To unveil the inner workings of modern neural architectures, a recent work proposed an information-theoretic objective function called Sparse Rate Reduction (SRR) and interpreted its unrolled optimization as a Transformer-like model called Coding Rate Reduction Transformer (CRATE). However, the focus of the study was primarily on the basic implementation, and whether this objective is optimized in practice and its causal relationship to generalization remain elusive. Going beyond this study, we derive different implementations by analyzing layer-wise behaviors of CRATE, both theoretically and empirically. To reveal the predictive power of SRR on generalization, we collect a set of model variants induced by varied implementations and hyperparameters and evaluate SRR as a complexity measure based on its correlation with generalization. Surprisingly, we find out that SRR has a positive correlation coefficient and outperforms other baseline measures, such as path-norm and sharpness-based ones. Furthermore, we show that generalization can be improved using SRR as regularization on benchmark image classification datasets. We hope this paper can shed light on leveraging SRR to design principled models and study their generalization ability.
On the Ability of Developers' Training Data Preservation of Learnware
Hao-Yi Lei · Zhi-Hao Tan · Zhi-Hua Zhou
The learnware paradigm aims to enable users to leverage numerous existing well-trained models instead of building machine learning models from scratch. In this paradigm, developers worldwide can submit their well-trained models spontaneously into a learnware dock system, and the system helps developers generate specification for each model to form a learnware. As the key component, a specification should characterize the capabilities of the model, enabling it to be adequately identified and reused, while preserving the developer's original data. Recently, the RKME (Reduced Kernel Mean Embedding) specification was proposed and most commonly utilized. This paper provides a theoretical analysis of RKME specification about its preservation ability for developer's training data. By modeling it as a geometric problem on manifolds and utilizing tools from geometric analysis, we prove that the RKME specification is able to disclose none of the developer's original data and possesses robust defense against common inference attacks, while preserving sufficient information for effective learnware identification.
Optimal Algorithms for Learning Partitions with Faulty Oracles
Adela DePavia · Olga Medrano Martin del Campo · Erasmo Tani
We consider a clustering problem where a learner seeks to partition a finite set by querying a faulty oracle. This models applications where learners crowdsource information from non-expert human workers or conduct noisy experiments to determine group structure. The learner aims to exactly recover a partition by submitting queries of the form ``are $u$ and $v$ in the same group?'' for any pair of elements $u$ and $v$ in the set. Moreover, because the learner only has access to faulty sources of information, they require an error-tolerant algorithm for this task: i.e. they must fully recover the correct partition, even if up to $\ell$ answers are incorrect, for some error-tolerance parameter $\ell$. We study the question: for any given error-tolerance $\ell$, what is the minimum number of queries needed to learn a finite set partition of $n$ elements into $k$ groups? We design algorithms for this task and prove that they achieve optimal query complexity. To analyze our algorithms, we first highlight a connection between this task and correlation clustering. We then use this connection to build a Rényi-Ulam style analytical framework for this problem, which yields matching lower bounds. Our analysis also reveals an inherent asymmetry between the query complexity necessary to be robust against false negative errors as opposed to false positive errors.
HEMM: Holistic Evaluation of Multimodal Foundation Models
Paul Pu Liang · Akshay Goindani · Talha Chafekar · Leena Mathur · Haofei Yu · Ruslan Salakhutdinov · Louis-Philippe Morency
Multimodal foundation models that can holistically process text alongside images, video, audio, and other sensory modalities are increasingly used in a variety of real-world applications. However, it is challenging to characterize and study progress in multimodal foundation models, given the range of possible modeling decisions, tasks, and domains. In this paper, we introduce Holistic Evaluation of Multimodal Models (HEMM) to systematically evaluate the capabilities of multimodal foundation models across a set of 3 dimensions: basic skills, information flow, and real-world use cases. Basic multimodal skills are internal abilities required to solve problems, such as learning interactions across modalities, fine-grained alignment, multi-step reasoning, and the ability to handle external knowledge. Information flow studies how multimodal content changes during a task through querying, translation, editing, and fusion. Use cases span domain-specific challenges introduced in real-world multimedia, affective computing, natural sciences, healthcare, and human-computer interaction applications. Through comprehensive experiments across the 30 tasks in HEMM, we (1) identify key dataset dimensions (e.g., basic skills, information flows, and use cases) that pose challenges to today’s models, and (2) distill performance trends regarding how different modeling dimensions (e.g., scale, pre-training data, multimodal alignment, pre-training, and instruction tuning objectives) influence performance. Our conclusions regarding challenging multimodal interactions, use cases, and tasks requiring reasoning and external knowledge, the benefits of data and model scale, and the impacts of instruction-tuning yield actionable insights for future work in multimodal foundation models.
Retrospective for the Dynamic Sensorium Competition for predicting large-scale mouse primary visual cortex activity from videos
Polina Turishcheva · Paul Fahey · Michaela Vystrčilová · Laura Hansel · Rachel Froebe · Kayla Ponder · Yongrong Qiu · Konstantin Willeke · Mohammad Bashiri · Ruslan Baikulov · Yu Zhu · Lei Ma · Shan Yu · Tiejun Huang · Bryan Li · Wolf De Wulf · Nina Kudryashova · Matthias Hennig · Nathalie Rochefort · Arno Onken · Eric Y. Wang · Zhiwei Ding · Andreas Tolias · Fabian Sinz · Alexander Ecker
Understanding how biological visual systems process information is challenging because of the nonlinear relationship between visual input and neuronal responses. Artificial neural networks allow computational neuroscientists to create predictive models that connect biological and machine vision.Machine learning has benefited tremendously from benchmarks that compare different models on the same task under standardized conditions. However, there was no standardized benchmark to identify state-of-the-art dynamic models of the mouse visual system.To address this gap, we established the SENSORIUM 2023 Benchmark Competition with dynamic input, featuring a new large-scale dataset from the primary visual cortex of ten mice. This dataset includes responses from 78,853 neurons to 2 hours of dynamic stimuli per neuron, together with behavioral measurements such as running speed, pupil dilation, and eye movements.The competition ranked models in two tracks based on predictive performance for neuronal responses on a held-out test set: one focusing on predicting in-domain natural stimuli and another on out-of-distribution (OOD) stimuli to assess model generalization.As part of the NeurIPS 2023 Competition Track, we received more than 160 model submissions from 22 teams. Several new architectures for predictive models were proposed, and the winning teams improved the previous state-of-the-art model by 50\%. Access to the dataset as well as the benchmarking infrastructure will remain online at
Private and Personalized Frequency Estimation in a Federated Setting
Amrith Setlur · Vitaly Feldman · Kunal Talwar
Motivated by the problem of next word prediction on user devices we introduce and study the problem of personalized frequency histogram estimation in a federated setting. In this problem, over some domain, each user observes a number of samples from a distribution which is specific to that user. The goal is to compute for all users a personalized estimate of the user's distribution with error measured in KL divergence. We focus on addressing two central challenges: statistical heterogeneity and protection of user privacy.Our approach to the problem relies on discovering and exploiting similar subpopulations of users which are often present and latent in real-world data, while minimizing user privacy leakage at the same time. We first present a non-private clustering-based algorithm for the problem, and give a provably joint differentially private version of it with a private data-dependent initialization scheme. Next, we propose a simple data model which is based on a mixture of Dirichlet distributions, to formally motivate our non-private algorithm and demonstrate some properties of its components. Finally, we provide an extensive empirical evaluation of our private and non-private algorithms under varying levels of statistical and size heterogeneity on the Reddit, StackOverflow, and Amazon Reviews datasets. Our results demonstrate significant improvements over standard and clustering-based baselines, and in particular, they show that it is possible to improve over direct personalization of a single global model.
Learning to Shape In-distribution Feature Space for Out-of-distribution Detection
Yonggang Zhang · Jie Lu · Bo Peng · Zhen Fang · Yiu-ming Cheung
Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is critical for deploying machine learning models in the open world. To design scoring functions that discern OOD data from the in-distribution (ID) cases from a pre-trained discriminative model, existing methods tend to make rigorous distributional assumptions either explicitly or implicitly due to the lack of knowledge about the learned feature space in advance. The mismatch between the learned and assumed distributions motivates us to raise a fundamental yet under-explored question: \textit{Is it possible to deterministically model the feature distribution while pre-training a discriminative model?}This paper gives an affirmative answer to this question by presenting a Distributional Representation Learning (\texttt{DRL}) framework for OOD detection. In particular, \texttt{DRL} explicitly enforces the underlying feature space to conform to a pre-defined mixture distribution, together with an online approximation of normalization constants to enable end-to-end training. Furthermore, we formulate \texttt{DRL} into a provably convergent Expectation-Maximization algorithm to avoid trivial solutions and rearrange the sequential sampling to guide the training consistency. Extensive evaluations across mainstream OOD detection benchmarks empirically manifest the superiority of the proposed \texttt{DRL} over its advanced counterparts.
Online Feature Updates Improve Online (Generalized) Label Shift Adaptation
Ruihan Wu · Siddhartha Datta · Yi Su · Dheeraj Baby · Yu-Xiang Wang · Kilian Weinberger
This paper addresses the prevalent issue of label shift in an online setting with missing labels, where data distributions change over time and obtaining timely labels is challenging. While existing methods primarily focus on adjusting or updating the final layer of a pre-trained classifier, we explore the untapped potential of enhancing feature representations using unlabeled data at test-time. Our novel method, Online Label Shift adaptation with Online Feature Updates (OLS-OFU), leverages self-supervised learning to refine the feature extraction process, thereby improving the prediction model. By carefully designing the algorithm, theoretically OLS-OFU maintains the similar online regret convergence to the results in the literature while taking the improved features into account. Empirically, it achieves substantial improvements over existing methods, which is as significant as the gains existing methods have over the baseline (i.e., without distribution shift adaptations).
Breaking Long-Tailed Learning Bottlenecks: A Controllable Paradigm with Hypernetwork-Generated Diverse Experts
Zhe Zhao · HaiBin Wen · Zikang Wang · Pengkun Wang · Fanfu Wang · Song Lai · Qingfu Zhang · Yang Wang
Traditional long-tailed learning methods often perform poorly when dealing with inconsistencies between training and test data distributions, and they cannot flexibly adapt to different user preferences for trade-offs between head and tail classes. To address this issue, we propose a novel long-tailed learning paradigm that aims to tackle distribution shift in real-world scenarios and accommodate different user preferences for the trade-off between head and tail classes. We generate a set of diverse expert models via hypernetworks to cover all possible distribution scenarios, and optimize the model ensemble to adapt to any test distribution. Crucially, in any distribution scenario, we can flexibly output a dedicated model solution that matches the user's preference. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method not only achieves higher performance ceilings but also effectively overcomes distribution shift while allowing controllable adjustments according to user preferences. We provide new insights and a paradigm for the long-tailed learning problem, greatly expanding its applicability in practical scenarios. The code can be found here:
Diffusion Spectral Representation for Reinforcement Learning
Dmitry Shribak · Chen-Xiao Gao · Yitong Li · Chenjun Xiao · Bo Dai
Diffusion-based models have achieved notable empirical successes in reinforcement learning (RL) due to their expressiveness in modeling complex distributions. Despite existing methods being promising, the key challenge of extending existing methods for broader real-world applications lies in the computational cost at inference time, i.e., sampling from a diffusion model is considerably slow as it often requires tens to hundreds of iterations to generate even one sample. To circumvent this issue, we propose to leverage the flexibility of diffusion models for RL from a representation learning perspective. In particular, by exploiting the connection between diffusion models and energy-based models, we develop Diffusion Spectral Representation (Diff-SR), a coherent algorithm framework that enables extracting sufficient representations for value functions in Markov decision processes (MDP) and partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDP). We further demonstrate how Diff-SR facilitates efficient policy optimization and practical algorithms while explicitly bypassing the difficulty and inference cost of sampling from the diffusion model. Finally, we provide comprehensive empirical studies to verify the benefits of Diff-SR in delivering robust and advantageous performance across various benchmarks with both fully and partially observable settings.
Optimizing the coalition gain in Online Auctions with Greedy Structured Bandits
Dorian Baudry · Hugo Richard · Maria Cherifa · Vianney Perchet · Clément Calauzènes
Motivated by online display advertising, this work considers repeated second-price auctions, where agents sample their value from an unknown distribution with cumulative distribution function $F$. In each auction $t$, a decision-maker bound by limited observations selects $n_t$ agents from a coalition of $N$ to compete for a prize with $p$ other agents, aiming to maximize the cumulative reward of the coalition across all auctions.The problem is framed as an $N$-armed structured bandit, each number of player sent being an arm $n$, with expected reward $r(n)$ fully characterized by $F$ and $p+n$. We present two algorithms, Local-Greedy (LG) and Greedy-Grid (GG), both achieving *constant* problem-dependent regret. This relies on three key ingredients: **1.** an estimator of $r(n)$ from feedback collected from any arm $k$, **2.** concentration bounds of these estimates for $k$ within an estimation neighborhood of $n$ and **3.** the unimodality property of $r$ under standard assumptions on $F$. Additionally, GG exhibits problem-independent guarantees on top of best problem-dependent guarantees. However, by avoiding to rely on confidence intervals, LG practically outperforms GG, as well as standard unimodal bandit algorithms such as OSUB or multi-armed bandit algorithms.
Exploring the Role of Large Language Models in Prompt Encoding for Diffusion Models
Bingqi Ma · ZHUOFAN ZONG · Guanglu Song · Hongsheng Li · Yu Liu
Large language models based on decoder-only transformers have demonstrated superior text understanding capabilities compared to CLIP and T5-series models.However, the paradigm for utilizing current advanced LLMs in text-to-image diffusion models remains to be explored.We observed an unusual phenomenon: directly using a large language model as the prompt encoder significantly degrades the prompt-following ability in image generation.We identified two main obstacles behind this issue.One is the misalignment between the next token prediction training in LLM and the requirement for discriminative prompt features in diffusion models.The other is the intrinsic positional bias introduced by the decoder-only architecture.To deal with this issue, we propose a novel framework to fully harness the capabilities of LLMs.Through the carefully designed usage guidance, we effectively enhance the text representation capability of the LLM for prompt encoding and eliminate its inherent positional bias.This allows us to flexibly integrate state-of-the-art LLMs into the text-to-image generation model.Furthermore, we also provide an effective manner to fuse multiple LLMs into our framework.Considering the excellent performance and scaling capabilities demonstrated by the transformer architecture, we further design an LLM-Infused Diffusion Transformer (LI-DIT)based on the framework.We conduct extensive experiments to validate LI-DIT across model size and data size.Benefiting from the inherent ability of the LLMs and our innovative designs, the prompt understanding performance of LI-DIT easily surpasses state-of-the-art open-source models as well as mainstream closed-source commercial models including Stable Diffusion 3, DALL-E 3, and Midjourney V6.
Diffusion Policies Creating a Trust Region for Offline Reinforcement Learning
Tianyu Chen · Zhendong Wang · Mingyuan Zhou
Offline reinforcement learning (RL) leverages pre-collected datasets to train optimal policies. Diffusion Q-Learning (DQL), introducing diffusion models as a powerful and expressive policy class, significantly boosts the performance of offline RL. However, its reliance on iterative denoising sampling to generate actions slows down both training and inference. While several recent attempts have tried to accelerate diffusion-QL, the improvement in training and/or inference speed often results in degraded performance. In this paper, we introduce a dual policy approach, Diffusion Trusted Q-Learning (DTQL), which comprises a diffusion policy for pure behavior cloning and a practical one-step policy. We bridge the two polices by a newly introduced diffusion trust region loss. The diffusion policy maintains expressiveness, while the trust region loss directs the one-step policy to explore freely and seek modes within the region defined by the diffusion policy. DTQL eliminates the need for iterative denoising sampling during both training and inference, making it remarkably computationally efficient. We evaluate its effectiveness and algorithmic characteristics against popular Kullback-Leibler (KL) based distillation methods in 2D bandit scenarios and gym tasks. We then show that DTQL could not only outperform other methods on the majority of the D4RL benchmark tasks but also demonstrate efficiency in training and inference speeds. The PyTorch implementation is available at
SIRIUS : Contexual Sparisty with Correction for Efficient LLMs
Yang Zhou · Zhuoming Chen · Zhaozhuo Xu · Victoria Lin · Beidi Chen
With the blossom of large language models (LLM), inference efficiency becomes increasingly important. Various approximate methods are proposed to reduce the cost at inference time. Contextual Sparsity (CS) is appealing for its training-free nature and its ability to reach a higher compression ratio seemingly without significant performance degradation. However, after a comprehensive evaluation of contextual sparsity methods on various complex generation tasks, we find that although CS succeeds in prompt-understanding tasks, it significantly degrades the model performance for reasoning, deduction, and knowledge-based tasks. Despite the gap in end-to-end accuracy, we observed that sparse models and original models often share the general problem-solving logic and require only a few token corrections to recover the original model performance. This paper introduces SIRIUS, an efficient correction mechanism, which significantly boosts CS models on reasoning tasks while maintaining its efficiency gain. SIRIUS is evaluated on 6 models with 8 difficult generation tasks in reasoning, deduction, and coding and shows consistent effectiveness and efficiency. Also, we carefully develop a system implementation for SIRIUS and show that SIRIUS delivers theoretical latency reduction with roughly a 20% reduction in latency for 8B model on-chip and a 35% reduction in latency for 70B model offloading. We open-source our implementation of Sirius at
Dynamic Subgroup Identification in Covariate-adjusted Response-adaptive Randomization Experiments
Yanping Li · Jingshen Wang · Waverly Wei
Identifying subgroups with differential responses to treatment is pivotal in randomized clinical trials, as tailoring treatments to specific subgroups can advance personalized medicine. Upon trial completion, identifying best-performing subgroups–those with the most beneficial treatment effects–is crucial for optimizing resource allocation or mitigating adverse treatment effects. However, traditional clinical trials are not customized for the goal of identifying best-performing subgroups because they typically pre-define subgroups at the beginning of the trial and adhere to a fixed subgroup treatment allocation rule, leading to inefficient use of experimental efforts. While some adaptive experimental strategies exist for the identification of the single best subgroup, they commonly do not enable the identification of the best set of subgroups. To address these challenges, we propose a dynamic subgroup identification covariate-adjusted response-adaptive randomization (CARA) design strategy with the following key features: (i) Our approach is an adaptive experimental strategy that allows the dynamic identification of the best subgroups and the revision of treatment allocation towards the goal of correctly identifying the best subgroups based on collected experimental data. (ii) Our design handles ties between subgroups effectively, merging those with similar treatment effects to maximize experimental efficiency. In the theoretical investigations, we demonstrate that our design has a higher probability of correctly identifying the best set of subgroups compared to conventional designs. Additionally, we prove the statistical validity of our estimator for the best subgroup treatment effect, demonstrating its asymptotic normality and semiparametric efficiency. Finally, we validate our design using synthetic data from a clinical trial on cirrhosis.
Alleviating Distortion in Image Generation via Multi-Resolution Diffusion Models and Time-Dependent Layer Normalization
Qihao Liu · Zhanpeng Zeng · Ju He · Qihang Yu · Xiaohui Shen · Liang-Chieh Chen
This paper presents innovative enhancements to diffusion models by integrating a novel multi-resolution network and time-dependent layer normalization.Diffusion models have gained prominence for their effectiveness in high-fidelity image generation.While conventional approaches rely on convolutional U-Net architectures, recent Transformer-based designs have demonstrated superior performance and scalability.However, Transformer architectures, which tokenize input data (via "patchification"), face a trade-off between visual fidelity and computational complexity due to the quadratic nature of self-attention operations concerning token length.While larger patch sizes enable attention computation efficiency, they struggle to capture fine-grained visual details, leading to image distortions.To address this challenge, we propose augmenting the **Di**ffusion model with the **M**ulti-**R**esolution network (DiMR), a framework that refines features across multiple resolutions, progressively enhancing detail from low to high resolution.Additionally, we introduce Time-Dependent Layer Normalization (TD-LN), a parameter-efficient approach that incorporates time-dependent parameters into layer normalization to inject time information and achieve superior performance.Our method's efficacy is demonstrated on the class-conditional ImageNet generation benchmark, where DiMR-XL variants surpass previous diffusion models, achieving FID scores of 1.70 on ImageNet $256 \times 256$ and 2.89 on ImageNet $512 \times 512$. Our best variant, DiMR-G, further establishes a state-of-the-art 1.63 FID on ImageNet $256 \times 256$.
Large Language Models as Urban Residents: An LLM Agent Framework for Personal Mobility Generation
WANG JIAWEI · Renhe Jiang · Chuang Yang · Zengqing Wu · makoto onizuka · Ryosuke Shibasaki · Noboru Koshizuka · Chuan Xiao
This paper introduces a novel approach using Large Language Models (LLMs) integrated into an agent framework for flexible and effective personal mobility generation. LLMs overcome the limitations of previous models by effectively processing semantic data and offering versatility in modeling various tasks. Our approach addresses three research questions: aligning LLMs with real-world urban mobility data, developing reliable activity generation strategies, and exploring LLM applications in urban mobility. The key technical contribution is a novel LLM agent framework that accounts for individual activity patterns and motivations, including a self-consistency approach to align LLMs with real-world activity data and a retrieval-augmented strategy for interpretable activity generation. We evaluate our LLM agent framework and compare it with state-of-the-art personal mobility generation approaches, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach and its potential applications in urban mobility. Overall, this study marks the pioneering work of designing an LLM agent framework for activity generation based on real-world human activity data, offering a promising tool for urban mobility analysis.
I2EBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Instruction-based Image Editing
Yiwei Ma · Jiayi Ji · Ke Ye · Weihuang Lin · Zhibin Wang · Yonghan Zheng · Qiang Zhou · Xiaoshuai Sun · Rongrong Ji
Significant progress has been made in the field of Instruction-based Image Editing (IIE). However, evaluating these models poses a significant challenge. A crucial requirement in this field is the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation benchmark for accurately assessing editing results and providing valuable insights for its further development. In response to this need, we propose I2EBench, a comprehensive benchmark designed to automatically evaluate the quality of edited images produced by IIE models from multiple dimensions. I2EBench consists of 2,000+ images for editing, along with 4,000+ corresponding original and diverse instructions. It offers three distinctive characteristics: 1) Comprehensive Evaluation Dimensions: I2EBench comprises 16 evaluation dimensions that cover both high-level and low-level aspects, providing a comprehensive assessment of each IIE model. 2) Human Perception Alignment: To ensure the alignment of our benchmark with human perception, we conducted an extensive user study for each evaluation dimension. 3) Valuable Research Insights: By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of existing IIE models across the 16 dimensions, we offer valuable research insights to guide future development in the field. We will open-source I2EBench, including all instructions, input images, human annotations, edited images from all evaluated methods, and a simple script for evaluating the results from new IIE models. The code, dataset, and generated images from all IIE models are provided in GitHub:
Teach Better or Show Smarter? On Instructions and Exemplars in Automatic Prompt Optimization
Xingchen Wan · Ruoxi Sun · Hootan Nakhost · Sercan Arik
Large language models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities but their performance is heavily reliant on effective prompt engineering. Automatic prompt optimization (APO) methods are designed to automate this and can be broadly categorized into those targeting instructions (instruction optimization, IO) vs. those targeting exemplars (exemplar optimization, EO). Despite their shared objective, these have evolved rather independently, with IO receiving more research attention recently. This paper seeks to bridge this gap by comprehensively comparing the performance of representative IO and EO techniques both isolation and combination on a diverse set of challenging tasks. Our findings reveal that intelligently reusing model-generated input-output pairs obtained from evaluating prompts on the validation set as exemplars, consistently improves performance on top of IO methods but is currently under-investigated. We also find that despite the recent focus on IO, how we select exemplars can outweigh how we optimize instructions, with EO strategies as simple as random search outperforming state-of-the-art IO methods with seed instructions without any optimization. Moreover, we observe a synergy between EO and IO, with optimal combinations surpassing the individual contributions. We conclude that studying exemplar optimization both as a standalone method and its optimal combination with instruction optimization remain a crucial aspect of APO and deserve greater consideration in future research, even in the era of highly capable instruction-following models.
Understanding Visual Feature Reliance through the Lens of Complexity
Thomas Fel · Louis Béthune · Andrew Lampinen · Thomas Serre · Katherine Hermann
Recent studies suggest that deep learning models' inductive bias towards favoring simpler features may be an origin of shortcut learning. Yet, there has been limited focus on understanding the complexities of the myriad features that models learn. In this work, we introduce a new metric for quantifying feature complexity, based on V-information and capturing whether a feature requires complex computational transformations to be extracted. Using this V-information metric, we analyze the complexities of 10,000 features—represented as directions in the penultimate layer—that were extracted from a standard ImageNet-trained vision model. Our study addresses four key questions:First, we ask what features look like as a function of complexity, and find a spectrum of simple-to-complex features present within the model. Second, we ask when features are learned during training. We find that simpler features dominate early in training, and more complex features emerge gradually. Third, we investigate where within the network simple and complex features "flow," and find that simpler features tend to bypass the visual hierarchy via residual connections. Fourth, we explore the connection between features' complexity and their importance for driving the network's decision. We find that complex features tend to be less important. Surprisingly, important features become accessible at earlier layers during training, like a "sedimentation process," allowing the model to build upon these foundational elements.
GDeR: Safeguarding Efficiency, Balancing, and Robustness via Prototypical Graph Pruning
Guibin Zhang · Haonan Dong · yuchen zhang · Zhixun Li · Dingshuo Chen · Kai Wang · Tianlong Chen · Yuxuan Liang · Dawei Cheng · Kun Wang
Training high-quality deep models necessitates vast amounts of data, resulting in overwhelming computational and memory demands. Recently, data pruning, distillation, and coreset selection have been developed to streamline data volume by \textit{retaining}, \textit{synthesizing}, or \textit{selecting} a small yet informative subset from the full set. Among these methods, data pruning incurs the least additional training cost and offers the most practical acceleration benefits. However, it is the most vulnerable, often suffering significant performance degradation with imbalanced or biased data schema, thus raising concerns about its accuracy and reliability in on-device deployment. Therefore, there is a looming need for a new data pruning paradigm that maintains the efficiency of previous practices while ensuring balance and robustness.Unlike the fields of computer vision and natural language processing, where mature solutions have been developed to address these issues, graph neural networks (GNNs) continue to struggle with increasingly large-scale, imbalanced, and noisy datasets, lacking a unified dataset pruning solution. To achieve this, we introduce a novel dynamic soft-pruning method, \ourmethod, designed to update the training ``basket'' during the process using trainable prototypes. \ourmethod first constructs a well-modeled graph embedding hypersphere and then samples \textit{representative, balanced, and unbiased subsets} from this embedding space, which achieves the goal we called {\fontfamily{lmtt}\selectfont \textbf{Graph Training Debugging}}.Extensive experiments on four datasets across three GNN backbones, demonstrate that \ourmethod (I) achieves or surpasses the performance of the full dataset with $30\%\sim50\%$ fewer training samples, (II) attains up to a $2.81\times$ lossless training speedup, and (III) outperforms state-of-the-art pruning methods in imbalanced training and noisy training scenarios by $0.3\%\sim4.3\%$ and $3.6\%\sim7.8\%$, respectively.
Local to Global: Learning Dynamics and Effect of Initialization for Transformers
Ashok Vardhan Makkuva · Marco Bondaschi · Adway Girish · Alliot Nagle · Hyeji Kim · Michael Gastpar · Chanakya Ekbote
In recent years, transformer-based models have revolutionized deep learning, particularly in sequence modeling. To better understand this phenomenon, there is a growing interest in using Markov input processes to study transformers. However, our current understanding in this regard remains limited with many fundamental questions about how transformers learn Markov chains still unanswered. In this paper, we address this by focusing on first-order Markov chains and single-layer transformers, providing a comprehensive characterization of the learning dynamics in this context. Specifically, we prove that transformer parameters trained on next-token prediction loss can either converge to global or local minima, contingent on the initialization and the Markovian data properties, and we characterize the precise conditions under which this occurs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result of its kind highlighting the role of initialization. We further demonstrate that our theoretical findings are corroborated by empirical evidence. Based on these insights, we provide guidelines for the initialization of single-layer transformers and demonstrate their effectiveness. Finally, we outline several open problems in this arena. Code is available at: \url{}.
MindMerger: Efficiently Boosting LLM Reasoning in non-English Languages
Zixian Huang · Wenhao Zhu · Gong Cheng · Lei Li · Fei Yuan
Reasoning capabilities are crucial for Large Language Models~(LLMs), yet a notable gap exists between English and non-English languages. To bridge this disparity, some works fine-tune LLMs to relearn reasoning capabilities in non-English languages, while others replace non-English inputs with an external model's outputs such as English translation text to circumvent the challenge of LLM understanding non-English. Unfortunately, these methods often underutilize the built-in skilled reasoning and useful language understanding capabilities of LLMs. In order to better utilize the minds of reasoning and language understanding in LLMs, we propose a new method, namely MergeMinds, which merges LLMs with the external language understanding capabilities from multilingual models to boost the multilingual reasoning performance. Furthermore, a two-step training scheme is introduced to first train to embeded the external capabilities into LLMs and then train the collaborative utilization of the external capabilities and the built-in capabilities in LLMs. Experiments on three multilingual reasoning datasets and a language understanding dataset demonstrate that MergeMinds consistently outperforms all baselines, especially in low-resource languages. Without updating the parameters of LLMs, the average accuracy improved by 6.7 and 8.0 across all languages and low-resource languages on the MGSM dataset, respectively.
A Theoretical Understanding of Self-Correction through In-context Alignment
Yifei Wang · Yuyang Wu · Zeming Wei · Stefanie Jegelka · Yisen Wang
Going beyond mimicking limited human experiences, recent studies show initial evidence that, like humans, large language models (LLMs) are capable of improving their abilities purely by self-correction, i.e., correcting previous responses through self-examination, as seen in models like OpenAI o1. Nevertheless, little is known about how such capabilities arise. In this work, based on a simplified setup akin to an alignment task, we theoretically analyze self-correction from an in-context learning perspective, showing that when LLMs give relatively accurate self-examinations as rewards, they are capable of refining responses in an in-context way. Notably, going beyond previous theories on over-simplified linear transformers, our theoretical construction underpins the roles of several key designs of realistic transformers for self-correction: softmax attention, multi-head attention, and the MLP block. We validate these findings extensively on synthetic datasets. Inspired by these findings, we propose a simple self-correction strategy, Checking as Context (CaC), which finds novel applications in alleviating social bias and defending against LLM jailbreaks. We believe that these findings will inspire further research on understanding, exploiting, and enhancing self-correction for building better foundation models. Code is at
Rethinking Exploration in Reinforcement Learning with Effective Metric-Based Exploration Bonus
Yiming Wang · Kaiyan Zhao · Furui Liu · Leong Hou U
Enhancing exploration in reinforcement learning (RL) through the incorporation of intrinsic rewards, specifically by leveraging *state discrepancy* measures within various metric spaces as exploration bonuses, has emerged as a prevalent strategy to encourage agents to visit novel states. The critical factor lies in how to quantify the difference between adjacent states as *novelty* for promoting effective exploration.Nonetheless, existing methods that evaluate state discrepancy in the latent space under $L_1$ or $L_2$ norm often depend on count-based episodic terms as scaling factors for exploration bonuses, significantly limiting their scalability. Additionally, methods that utilize the bisimulation metric for evaluating state discrepancies face a theory-practice gap due to improper approximations in metric learning, particularly struggling with *hard exploration* tasks. To overcome these challenges, we introduce the **E**ffective **M**etric-based **E**xploration-bonus (EME). EME critically examines and addresses the inherent limitations and approximation inaccuracies of current metric-based state discrepancy methods for exploration, proposing a robust metric for state discrepancy evaluation backed by comprehensive theoretical analysis. Furthermore, we propose the diversity-enhanced scaling factor integrated into the exploration bonus to be dynamically adjusted by the variance of prediction from an ensemble of reward models, thereby enhancing exploration effectiveness in particularly challenging scenarios. Extensive experiments are conducted on hard exploration tasks within Atari games, Minigrid, Robosuite, and Habitat, which illustrate our method's scalability to various scenarios. The project website can be found at
Exploitation of a Latent Mechanism in Graph Contrastive Learning: Representation Scattering
Dongxiao He · Lianze Shan · Jitao Zhao · Hengrui Zhang · Zhen Wang · Weixiong Zhang
Graph Contrastive Learning (GCL) has emerged as a powerful approach for generating graph representations without the need for manual annotation. Most advanced GCL methods fall into three main frameworks: node discrimination, group discrimination, and bootstrapping schemes, all of which achieve comparable performance. However, the underlying mechanisms and factors that contribute to their effectiveness are not yet fully understood. In this paper, we revisit these frameworks and reveal a common mechanism—representation scattering—that significantly enhances their performance. Our discovery highlights an essential feature of GCL and unifies these seemingly disparate methods under the concept of representation scattering. To leverage this insight, we introduce Scattering Graph Representation Learning (SGRL), a novel framework that incorporates a new representation scattering mechanism designed to enhance representation diversity through a center-away strategy. Additionally, consider the interconnected nature of graphs, we develop a topology-based constraint mechanism that integrates graph structural properties with representation scattering to prevent excessive scattering. We extensively evaluate SGRL across various downstream tasks on benchmark datasets, demonstrating its efficacy and superiority over existing GCL methods. Our findings underscore the significance of representation scattering in GCL and provide a structured framework for harnessing this mechanism to advance graph representation learning. The code of SGRL is at
Quantifying Aleatoric Uncertainty of the Treatment Effect: A Novel Orthogonal Learner
Valentyn Melnychuk · Stefan Feuerriegel · Mihaela van der Schaar
Estimating causal quantities from observational data is crucial for understanding the safety and effectiveness of medical treatments. However, to make reliable inferences, medical practitioners require not only estimating averaged causal quantities, such as the conditional average treatment effect, but also understanding the randomness of the treatment effect as a random variable. This randomness is referred to as aleatoric uncertainty and is necessary for understanding the probability of benefit from treatment or quantiles of the treatment effect. Yet, the aleatoric uncertainty of the treatment effect has received surprisingly little attention in the causal machine learning community. To fill this gap, we aim to quantify the aleatoric uncertainty of the treatment effect at the covariate-conditional level, namely, the conditional distribution of the treatment effect (CDTE). Unlike average causal quantities, the CDTE is not point identifiable without strong additional assumptions. As a remedy, we employ partial identification to obtain sharp bounds on the CDTE and thereby quantify the aleatoric uncertainty of the treatment effect. We then develop a novel, orthogonal learner for the bounds on the CDTE, which we call AU-learner. We further show that our AU-learner has several strengths in that it satisfies Neyman-orthogonality and, thus, quasi-oracle efficiency. Finally, we propose a fully-parametric deep learning instantiation of our AU-learner.
The Closeness of In-Context Learning and Weight Shifting for Softmax Regression
Shuai Li · Zhao Song · Yu Xia · Tong Yu · Tianyi Zhou
Large language models (LLMs) are known for their exceptional performance in natural language processing, making them highly effective in many human life-related tasks. The attention mechanism in the Transformer architecture is a critical component of LLMs, as it allows the model to selectively focus on specific input parts. The softmax unit, which is a key part of the attention mechanism, normalizes the attention scores. Hence, the performance of LLMs in various NLP tasks depends significantly on the crucial role played by the attention mechanism with the softmax unit.In-context learning is one of the celebrated abilities of recent LLMs. Without further parameter updates, Transformers can learn to predict based on few in-context examples. However, the reason why Transformers becomes in-context learners is not well understood.Recently, in-context learning has been studied from a mathematical perspective with simplified linear self-attention without softmax unit. Based on a linear regression formulation $\min_x\| Ax - b \|_2$, existing works show linear Transformers' capability of learning linear functions in context. The capability of Transformers with softmax unit approaching full Transformers, however, remains unexplored.In this work, we study the in-context learning based on a softmax regression formulation $\min_{x} \| \langle \exp(Ax), {\bf 1}_n \rangle^{-1} \exp(Ax) - b \|_2$. We show the upper bounds of the data transformations induced by a single self-attention layer with softmax unit and by gradient-descent on a $\ell_2$ regression loss for softmax prediction function.Our theoretical results imply that when training self-attention-only Transformers for fundamental regression tasks, the models learned by gradient-descent and Transformers show great similarity.
ContextGS : Compact 3D Gaussian Splatting with Anchor Level Context Model
Yufei Wang · Zhihao Li · Lanqing Guo · Wenhan Yang · Alex Kot · Bihan Wen
Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has become a promising framework for novel view synthesis, offering fast rendering speeds and high fidelity. However, the large number of Gaussians and their associated attributes require effective compression techniques. Existing methods primarily compress neural Gaussians individually and independently, i.e., coding all the neural Gaussians at the same time, with little design for their interactions and spatial dependence. Inspired by the effectiveness of the context model in image compression, we propose the first autoregressive model at the anchor level for 3DGS compression in this work. We divide anchors into different levels and the anchors that are not coded yet can be predicted based on the already coded ones in all the coarser levels, leading to more accurate modeling and higher coding efficiency. To further improve the efficiency of entropy coding, e.g., to code the coarsest level with no already coded anchors, we propose to introduce a low-dimensional quantized feature as the hyperprior for each anchor, which can be effectively compressed. Our work pioneers the context model in the anchor level for 3DGS representation, yielding an impressive size reduction of over 100 times compared to vanilla 3DGS and 15 times compared to the most recent state-of-the-art work Scaffold-GS, while achieving comparable or even higher rendering quality.
Label Delay in Online Continual Learning
Botos Csaba · Wenxuan Zhang · Matthias Müller · Ser Nam Lim · Philip Torr · Adel Bibi
Online continual learning, the process of training models on streaming data, has gained increasing attention in recent years. However, a critical aspect often overlooked is the label delay, where new data may not be labeled due to slow and costly annotation processes. We introduce a new continual learning framework with explicit modeling of the label delay between data and label streams over time steps. In each step, the framework reveals both unlabeled data from the current time step t and labels delayed with d steps, from the time step t−d. In our extensive experiments amounting to 1060 GPU days, we show that merely augmenting the computational resources is insufficient to tackle this challenge. Our findings underline a notable performance decline when solely relying on labeled data when the label delay becomes significant. More surprisingly, when using state-of-the-art SSL and TTA techniques to utilize the newer, unlabeled data, they fail to surpass the performance of a naïve method that simply trains on the delayed supervised stream. To this end, we introduce a simple, efficient baseline that rehearses from the labeled memory samples that are most similar to the new unlabeled samples. This method bridges the accuracy gap caused by label delay without significantly increasing computational complexity. We show experimentally that our method is the least affected by the label delay factor and in some cases successfully recovers the accuracy of the non-delayed counterpart. We conduct various ablations and sensitivity experiments, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach.
S$^{2}$FT: Efficient, Scalable and Generalizable LLM Fine-tuning by Structured Sparsity
Xinyu Yang · Jixuan Leng · Geyang Guo · Jiawei Zhao · Ryumei Nakada · Linjun Zhang · Huaxiu Yao · Beidi Chen
Current PEFT methods for LLMs can achieve high quality, efficient training, or scalable serving, but not all three simultaneously. To address this limitation, we investigate sparse fine-tuning and observe a remarkable improvement in generalization ability. Utilizing this key insight, we propose a family of Structured Sparse Fine-Tuning (S${^2}$FT) methods for LLMs, which concurrently achieve state-of-the-art fine-tuning performance, training efficiency, and inference scalability. S${^2}$FT accomplishes this by "selecting sparsely and computing densely". Based on the coupled structures in LLMs, \model selects a few attention heads and channels in the MHA and FFN modules for each Transformer block, respectively. Next, it co-permutes the weight matrices on both sides of all coupled structures to connect the selected subsets in each layer into a dense submatrix. Finally, S${^2}$FT performs in-place gradient updates on all selected submatrices.Through theoretical analyses and empirical results, our method prevents forgetting while simplifying optimization, delivers SOTA performance on both commonsense and arithmetic reasoning with 4.6% and 1.3% average improvements compared to LoRA, and surpasses full FT by 11.5% when generalizing to various domains after instruction tuning. Using our partial back-propagation algorithm, S${^2}$FT saves training memory up to 3$\times$ and improves latency by 1.5-2.7$\times$ compared to full FT, while achieving an average 10\% improvement over LoRA on both metrics. We further demonstrate that the weight updates in S${^2}$FT can be decoupled into adapters, enabling effective fusion, fast switch, and efficient parallelism when serving multiple fine-tuned models.
Flex-MoE: Modeling Arbitrary Modality Combination via the Flexible Mixture-of-Experts
Sukwon Yun · Inyoung Choi · Jie Peng · Yangfan Wu · Jingxuan Bao · Qiyiwen Zhang · Jiayi Xin · Qi Long · Tianlong Chen
Multimodal learning has gained increasing importance across various fields, offering the ability to integrate data from diverse sources such as images, text, and personalized records, which are frequently observed in medical domains. However, in scenarios where some modalities are missing, many existing frameworks struggle to accommodate arbitrary modality combinations, often relying heavily on a single modality or complete data. This oversight of potential modality combinations limits their applicability in real-world situations. To address this challenge, we propose Flex-MoE (Flexible Mixture-of-Experts), a new framework designed to flexibly incorporate arbitrary modality combinations while maintaining robustness to missing data. The core idea of Flex-MoE is to first address missing modalities using a new missing modality bank that integrates observed modality combinations with the corresponding missing ones. This is followed by a uniquely designed Sparse MoE framework. Specifically, Flex-MoE first trains experts using samples with all modalities to inject generalized knowledge through the generalized router ($\mathcal{G}$-Router). The $\mathcal{S}$-Router then specializes in handling fewer modality combinations by assigning the top-1 gate to the expert corresponding to the observed modality combination. We evaluate Flex-MoE on the ADNI dataset, which encompasses four modalities in the Alzheimer's Disease domain, as well as on the MIMIC-IV dataset. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of Flex-MoE, highlighting its ability to model arbitrary modality combinations in diverse missing modality scenarios. Code is available at: \url{}.
Action Imitation in Common Action Space for Customized Action Image Synthesis
wang lin · Jingyuan Chen · Jiaxin Shi · Zirun Guo · Yichen Zhu · Zehan Wang · Tao Jin · Zhou Zhao · Fei Wu · Shuicheng Yan · Hanwang Zhang
We propose a novel method, \textbf{TwinAct}, to tackle the challenge of decoupling actions and actors in order to customize the text-guided diffusion models (TGDMs) for few-shot action image generation. TwinAct addresses the limitations of existing methods that struggle to decouple actions from other semantics (e.g., the actor's appearance) due to the lack of an effective inductive bias with few exemplar images. Our approach introduces a common action space, which is a textual embedding space focused solely on actions, enabling precise customization without actor-related details. Specifically, TwinAct involves three key steps: 1) Building common action space based on a set of representative action phrases; 2) Imitating the customized action within the action space; and 3) Generating highly adaptable customized action images in diverse contexts with action similarity loss. To comprehensively evaluate TwinAct, we construct a novel benchmark, which provides sample images with various forms of actions. Extensive experiments demonstrate TwinAct's superiority in generating accurate, context-independent customized actions while maintaining the identity consistency of different subjects, including animals, humans, and even customized actors.
ReFT: Representation Finetuning for Language Models
Zhengxuan Wu · Aryaman Arora · Zheng Wang · Atticus Geiger · Dan Jurafsky · Christopher D Manning · Christopher Potts
Parameter-efficient finetuning (PEFT) methods seek to adapt large neural models via updates to a small number of weights. However, much prior interpretability work has shown that representations encode rich semantic information, suggesting that editing representations might be a more powerful alternative. We pursue this hypothesis by developing a family of Representation Finetuning (ReFT) methods. ReFT methods operate on a frozen base model and learn task-specific interventions on hidden representations. We define a strong instance of the ReFT family, Low-rank Linear Subspace ReFT (LoReFT), and we identify an ablation of this method that trades some performance for increased efficiency. Both are drop-in replacements for existing PEFTs and learn interventions that are 15x--65x more parameter-efficient than LoRA. We showcase LoReFT on eight commonsense reasoning tasks, four arithmetic reasoning tasks, instruction-tuning, and GLUE. In all these evaluations, our ReFTs deliver the best balance of efficiency and performance, and almost always outperform state-of-the-art PEFTs. Upon publication, we will publicly release our generic ReFT training library.
What Rotary Position Embedding Can Tell Us: Identifying Query and Key Weights Corresponding to Basic Syntactic or High-level Semantic Information
Yiting Chen · Junchi Yan
Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) have successfully handled various tasks. As one fundamental module in Transformers, position encoding encodes the positional information of tokens in a sequence. Specifically, rotary position embedding (RoPE), one of the most widely used techniques, encodes the positional information by dividing the query or key value with $d$ elements into $d/2$ pairs and rotating the 2d vectors corresponding to each pair of elements. Therefore, the direction of each pair and the position-related rotation jointly determine the attention score. In this paper, we show that the direction of the 2d pair is largely affected by the angle between the corresponding weight vector pair. We theoretically show that non-orthogonal weight vector pairs lead to great attention on tokens at a certain relative position and are less sensitive to the input which may correspond to basic syntactic information. Meanwhile, the orthogonal weight vector pairs are more flexible regarding the relative position, which may correspond to high-level syntactic information. Empirical evidence supports the hypothesis that shallow layers of LLMs focus more on local syntax and deep layers focus more on high-level semantics. Furthermore, we show that LLMs fine-tuning mainly changes the pairs of weight vectors that are nearly orthogonal, i.e., the weight corresponding to high-level semantics, which enables the reduction of the number of trainable parameters during fine-tuning without sacrificing performance. We propose a method namely Angle-based Weight Selection (AWS) to reduce the fine-tuning overhead and verify the effectiveness of the proposed method on widely used Alpaca fine-tuned Llama-2.
Changing the Training Data Distribution to Reduce Simplicity Bias Improves In-distribution Generalization
Dang Nguyen · Paymon Haddad · Eric Gan · Baharan Mirzasoleiman
Can we modify the training data distribution to encourage the underlying optimization method toward finding solutions with superior generalization performance on in-distribution data? In this work, we approach this question for the first time by comparing the inductive bias of gradient descent (GD) with that of sharpness-aware minimization (SAM). By studying a two-layer CNN, we rigorously prove that SAM learns different features more uniformly, particularly in early epochs. That is, SAM is less susceptible to simplicity bias compared to GD. We also show that examples constraining features that are learned early are separable from the rest based on the model’s output. Based on this observation, we propose a method that (i) clusters examples based on the network output early in training, (ii) identifies a cluster of examples with similar network output, and (iii) upsamples the rest of examples only once to alleviate the simplicity bias. We show empirically that USEFUL effectively improves the generalization performance on the original data distribution when training with various gradient methods, including (S)GD and SAM. Notably, we demonstrate that our method can be combined with SAM variants and existing data augmentation strategies to achieve, to the best of our knowledge, state-of-the-art performance for training ResNet18 on CIFAR10, STL10, CINIC10, Tiny-ImageNet; ResNet34 on CIFAR100; and VGG19 and DenseNet121 on CIFAR10.
Don't Look Twice: Faster Video Transformers with Run-Length Tokenization
Rohan Choudhury · Guanglei Zhu · Sihan Liu · Koichiro Niinuma · Kris Kitani · László Jeni
Video transformers are slow to train due to extremely large numbers of input tokens, even though many video tokens are repeated over time. Existing methods to remove uninformative tokens either have significant overhead, negating any speedup, or require tuning for different datasets and examples. We present Run-Length Tokenization (RLT), a simple approach to speed up video transformers inspired by run-length encoding for data compression. RLT efficiently finds and removes `runs' of patches that are repeated over time before model inference, then replaces them with a single patch and a positional encoding to represent the resulting token's new length. Our method is content-aware, requiring no tuning for different datasets, and fast, incurring negligible overhead. RLT yields a large speedup in training, reducing the wall-clock time to fine-tune a video transformer by 30% while matching baseline model performance. RLT also works without training, increasing model throughput by 35% with only 0.1% drop in accuracy.RLT speeds up training at 30 FPS by more than 100%, and on longer video datasets, can reduce the token count by up to 80\%. Our project page is at
Symmetry-Informed Governing Equation Discovery
Jianke Yang · Wang Rao · Nima Dehmamy · Robin Walters · Rose Yu
Despite the advancements in learning governing differential equations from observations of dynamical systems, data-driven methods are often unaware of fundamental physical laws, such as frame invariance. As a result, these algorithms may search an unnecessarily large space and discover less accurate or overly complex equations. In this paper, we propose to leverage symmetry in automated equation discovery to compress the equation search space and improve the accuracy and simplicity of the learned equations. Specifically, we derive equivariance constraints from the time-independent symmetries of ODEs. Depending on the types of symmetries, we develop a pipeline for incorporating symmetry constraints into various equation discovery algorithms, including sparse regression and genetic programming. In experiments across diverse dynamical systems, our approach demonstrates better robustness against noise and recovers governing equations with significantly higher probability than baselines without symmetry.
Learning Elastic Costs to Shape Monge Displacements
Michal Klein · Aram-Alexandre Pooladian · Pierre Ablin · Eugene Ndiaye · Jonathan Niles-Weed · Marco Cuturi
Given a source and a target probability measure, the Monge problem studies efficient ways to map the former onto the latter.This efficiency is quantified by defining a *cost* function between source and target data. Such a cost is often set by default in the machine learning literature to the squared-Euclidean distance, $\ell^2\_2(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}):=\tfrac12\|\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{y}\|\_2^2$.The benefits of using *elastic* costs, defined using a regularizer $\tau$ as $c(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}):=\ell^2_2(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y})+\tau(\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{y})$, was recently highlighted in (Cuturi et al. 2023). Such costs shape the *displacements* of Monge maps $T$, namely the difference between a source point and its image $T(\mathbf{x})-\mathbf{x}$, by giving them a structure that matches that of the proximal operator of $\tau$.In this work, we make two important contributions to the study of elastic costs:*(i)* For any elastic cost, we propose a numerical method to compute Monge maps that are provably optimal. This provides a much-needed routine to create synthetic problems where the ground-truth OT map is known, by analogy to the Brenier theorem, which states that the gradient of any convex potential is always a valid Monge map for the $\ell_2^2$ cost; *(ii)* We propose a loss to *learn* the parameter $\theta$ of a parameterized regularizer $\tau_\theta$, and apply it in the case where $\tau_{A}({\bf z}):=\|A^\perp {\bf z}\|^2_2$. This regularizer promotes displacements that lie on a low-dimensional subspace of $\mathbb{R}^d$, spanned by the $p$ rows of $A\in\mathbb{R}^{p\times d}$. We illustrate the soundness of our procedure on synthetic data, generated using our first contribution, in which we show near-perfect recovery of $A$'s subspace using only samples. We demonstrate the applicability of this method by showing predictive improvements on single-cell data tasks.
On Feature Learning in Structured State Space Models
Leena Chennuru Vankadara · Jin Xu · Moritz Haas · Volkan Cevher
This paper studies the scaling behavior of state-space models (SSMs) and their structured variants, such as Mamba, that have recently arisen in popularity as alternatives to transformer-based neural network architectures. Specifically, we focus on the capability of SSMs to learn features as their network width approaches infinity. Our findings reveal that established scaling rules, such as the Maximal Update Parameterization, fail to support feature learning as these models cannot be represented in the form of Tensor Programs. Additionally, we demonstrate that spectral scaling conditions, shown to be effective for feature learning in a host of other architectures, do not hold the same implications for SSMs. Through a detailed signal propagation analysis in SSMs, both forward and backward, we identify the appropriate scaling necessary for non-trivial feature evolution in the infinite-width limit. Our proposed scaling shows behavior akin to the Maximal Update Parameterization, such as improved stability, better generalization, and transferability of optimal hyper-parameters from small to large scale SSMs.
LoTLIP: Improving Language-Image Pre-training for Long Text Understanding
Wei Wu · Kecheng Zheng · Shuailei Ma · Fan Lu · Yuxin Guo · Yifei Zhang · Wei Chen · Qingpei Guo · Yujun Shen · Zheng-Jun Zha
In this work, we empirically confirm that the key reason causing such an issue is that the training images are usually paired with short captions, leaving certain tokens easily overshadowed by salient tokens. Towards this problem, our initial attempt is to relabel the data with long captions, however, directly learning with which may lead to performance degradation in understanding short text (e.g., in the image classification task). Then, after incorporating corner tokens to aggregate diverse textual information, we manage to help the model catch up to its original level of short text understanding yet greatly enhance its capability of long text understanding. We further look into whether the model can continuously benefit from longer captions and notice a clear trade-off between the performance and the efficiency. Finally, we validate the effectiveness of our approach using a self-constructed large-scale dataset, which consists of 100M long caption oriented text-image pairs. Our method achieves superior performance in long-text-image retrieval tasks. The project page is available at
Neural network learns low-dimensional polynomials with SGD near the information-theoretic limit
Jason Lee · Kazusato Oko · Taiji Suzuki · Denny Wu
We study the problem of gradient descent learning of a single-index target function $f_*(\boldsymbol{x}) = \textstyle\sigma_*\left(\langle\boldsymbol{x},\boldsymbol{\theta}\rangle\right)$ under isotropic Gaussian data in $\mathbb{R}^d$, where the unknown link function $\sigma_*:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ has information exponent $p$ (defined as the lowest degree in the Hermite expansion). Prior works showed that gradient-based training of neural networks can learn this target with $n\gtrsim d^{\Theta(p)}$ samples, and such complexity is predicted to be necessary by the correlational statistical query lower bound. Surprisingly, we prove that a two-layer neural network optimized by an SGD-based algorithm (on the squared loss) learns $f_*$ with a complexity that is not governed by the information exponent. Specifically, for arbitrary polynomial single-index models, we establish a sample and runtime complexity of $n \simeq T = \Theta(d\cdot\mathrm{polylog} d)$, where $\Theta(\cdot)$ hides a constant only depending on the degree of $\sigma_*$; this dimension dependence matches the information theoretic limit up to polylogarithmic factors. More generally, we show that $n\gtrsim d^{(p_*-1)\vee 1}$ samples are sufficient to achieve low generalization error, where $p_* \le p$ is the \textit{generative exponent} of the link function. Core to our analysis is the reuse of minibatch in the gradient computation, which gives rise to higher-order information beyond correlational queries.
Learning from Highly Sparse Spatio-temporal Data
Leyan Deng · Chenwang Wu · Defu Lian · Enhong Chen
Incomplete spatio-temporal data in real-world has spawned many research.However, existing methods often utilize iterative message-passing across temporal and spatial dimensions, resulting in substantial information loss and high computational cost.We provide a theoretical analysis revealing that such iterative models are not only susceptible to data sparsity but also to graph sparsity, causing unstable performances on different datasets.To overcome these limitations, we introduce a novel method named One-step Propagation and Confidence-based Refinement (OPCR).In the first stage, OPCR leverages inherent spatial and temporal relationships by employing sparse attention mechanism.These modules propagate limited observations directly to the global context through one-step imputation, which are theoretically effected only by data sparsity.Following this, we assign confidence levels to the initial imputations by correlating missing data with valid data.This confidence-based propagation refines the seperate spatial and temporal imputation results through spatio-temporal dependencies.We evaluate the proposed model across various downstream tasks involving highly sparse spatio-temporal data.Empirical results indicate that our model outperforms state-of-the-art imputation methods, demonstrating its superior effectiveness and robustness.
Everyday Object Meets Vision-and-Language Navigation Agent via Backdoor
Keji He · Kehan Chen · Jiawang Bai · Yan Huang · Qi Wu · Shu-Tao Xia · Liang Wang
Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) requires an agent to dynamically explore environments following natural language.The VLN agent, closely integrated into daily lives, poses a substantial threat to the security of privacy and property upon the occurrence of malicious behavior.However, this serious issue has long been overlooked.In this paper, we pioneer the exploration of an object-aware backdoored VLN, achieved by implanting object-aware backdoors during the training phase. Tailored to the unique VLN nature of cross-modality and continuous decision-making, we propose a novel backdoored VLN paradigm: IPR Backdoor. This enables the agent to act in abnormal behavior once encountering the object triggers during language-guided navigation in unseen environments, thereby executing an attack on the target scene.Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in both physical and digital spaces across different VLN agents, as well as its robustness to various visual and textual variations. Additionally, our method also well ensures navigation performance in normal scenarios with remarkable stealthiness.
Quantum Algorithms for Non-smooth Non-convex Optimization
Chengchang Liu · Chaowen Guan · Jianhao He · John C. S. Lui
This paper considers the problem for finding the $(\delta,\epsilon)$-Goldstein stationary point of Lipschitz continuous objective, which is a rich function class to cover a great number of important applications. We construct a novel zeroth-order quantum estimator for the gradient of the smoothed surrogate. Based on such estimator, we propose a novel quantum algorithm that achieves a query complexity of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d^{3/2}\delta^{-1}\epsilon^{-3})$ on the stochastic function value oracle, where $d$ is the dimension of the problem. We also enhance the query complexity to $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d^{3/2}\delta^{-1}\epsilon^{-7/3})$ by introducing a variance reduction variant. Our findings demonstrate the clear advantages of utilizing quantum techniques for non-convex non-smooth optimization, as they outperform the optimal classical methods on the dependency of $\epsilon$ by a factor of $\epsilon^{-2/3}$.
HORSE: Hierarchical Representation for Large-Scale Neural Subset Selection
Binghui Xie · Yixuan Wang · Yongqiang Chen · Kaiwen Zhou · Yu Li · Wei Meng · James Cheng
Subset selection tasks, such as anomaly detection and compound selection in AI-assisted drug discovery, are crucial for a wide range of applications. Learning subset-valued functions with neural networks has achieved great success by incorporating permutation invariance symmetry into the architecture. However, existing neural set architectures often struggle to either capture comprehensive information from the superset or address complex interactions within the input. Additionally, they often fail to perform in scenarios where superset sizes surpass available memory capacity. To address these challenges, we introduce the novel concept of the Identity Property, which requires models to integrate information from the originating set, resulting in the development of neural networks that excel at performing effective subset selection from large supersets. Moreover, we present the Hierarchical Representation of Neural Subset Selection (HORSE), an attention-based method that learns complex interactions and retains information from both the input set and the optimal subset supervision signal. Specifically, HORSE enables the partitioning of the input ground set into manageable chunks that can be processed independently and then aggregated, ensuring consistent outcomes across different partitions. Through extensive experimentation, we demonstrate that HORSE significantly enhances neural subset selection performance by capturing more complex information and surpasses state-of-the-art methods in handling large-scale inputs by a margin of up to 20%.
Real-time Stereo-based 3D Object Detection for Streaming Perception
Changcai Li · Zonghua Gu · Gang Chen · Libo Huang · Wei Zhang · Huihui Zhou
The ability to promptly respond to environmental changes is crucial for the perception system of autonomous driving. Recently, a new task called streaming perception was proposed. It jointly evaluate the latency and accuracy into a single metric for video online perception. In this work, we introduce StreamDSGN, the first real-time stereo-based 3D object detection framework designed for streaming perception. StreamDSGN is an end-to-end framework that directly predicts the 3D properties of objects in the next moment by leveraging historical information, thereby alleviating the accuracy degradation of streaming perception. Further, StreamDSGN applies three strategies to enhance the perception accuracy: (1) A feature-flow-based fusion method, which generates a pseudo-next feature at the current moment to address the misalignment issue between feature and ground truth. (2) An extra regression loss for explicit supervision of object motion consistency in consecutive frames. (3) A large kernel backbone with a large receptive field for effectively capturing long-range spatial contextual features caused by changes in object positions. Experiments on the KITTI Tracking dataset show that, compared with the strong baseline, StreamDSGN significantly improves the streaming average precision by up to 4.33%. Our code is available at