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Poster Session

Poster Session 3 West

West Ballroom A-D
Thu 12 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST

Complete Graphical Criterion for Sequential Covariate Adjustment in Causal Inference

Yonghan Jung · Min Woo Park · Sanghack Lee

Covariate adjustment, also known as back-door adjustment, is a fundamental tool in causal inference. Although a sound and complete graphical identification criterion, known as the adjustment criterion (Shpitser, 2010), exists for static contexts, sequential contexts present challenges. Current practices, such as the sequential back-door adjustment (Pearl, 1995) or multi-outcome sequential back-door adjustment (Jung, 2020), are sound but incomplete; i.e., there are graphical scenarios where the causal effect is expressible via covariate adjustment, yet these criteria do not cover. In this paper, we exemplify this incompleteness and then present the sequential adjustment criterion, a sound and complete criterion for sequential covariate adjustment. We provide a constructive sequential adjustment criterion that identifies a set that satisfies the sequential adjustment criterion if and only if the causal effect can be expressed as a sequential covariate adjustment. Finally, we present an algorithm for identifying a minimal sequential covariate adjustment set, which optimizes efficiency by ensuring that no unnecessary vertices are included.

Efficiently Learning Significant Fourier Feature Pairs for Statistical Independence Testing

Yixin Ren · Yewei Xia · Hao Zhang · Jihong Guan · Shuigeng Zhou

We propose a novel method to efficiently learn significant Fourier feature pairs for maximizing the power of Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion~(HSIC) based independence tests. We first reinterpret HSIC in the frequency domain, which reveals its limited discriminative power due to the inability to adapt to specific frequency-domain features under the current inflexible configuration. To remedy this shortcoming, we introduce a module of learnable Fourier features, thereby developing a new criterion. We then derive a finite sample estimate of the test power by modeling the behavior of the criterion, thus formulating an optimization objective for significant Fourier feature pairs learning. We show that this optimization objective can be computed in linear time (with respect to the sample size $n$), which ensures fast independence tests. We also prove the convergence property of the optimization objective and establish the consistency of the independence tests. Extensive empirical evaluation on both synthetic and real datasets validates our method's superiority in effectiveness and efficiency, particularly in handling high-dimensional data and dealing with large-scale scenarios.

Structured Learning of Compositional Sequential Interventions

Jialin Yu · Andreas Koukorinis · Nicolo Colombo · Yuchen Zhu · Ricardo Silva

We consider sequential treatment regimes where each unit is exposed to combinations of interventions over time. When interventions are described by qualitative labels, such as "close schools for a month due to a pandemic" or "promote this podcast to this user during this week", it is unclear which appropriate structural assumptions allow us to generalize behavioral predictions to previously unseen combinations of interventions. Standard black-box approaches mapping sequences of categorical variables to outputs are applicable, but they rely on poorly understood assumptions on how reliable generalization can be obtained, and may underperform under sparse sequences, temporal variability, and large action spaces. To approach that, we pose an explicit model for composition, that is, how the effect of sequential interventions can be isolated into modules, clarifying which data conditions allow for the identification of their combined effect at different units and time steps. We show the identification properties of our compositional model, inspired by advances in causal matrix factorization methods. Our focus is on predictive models for novel compositions of interventions instead of matrix completion tasks and causal effect estimation. We compare our approach to flexible but generic black-box models to illustrate how structure aids prediction in sparse data conditions.

Smoke and Mirrors in Causal Downstream Tasks

Riccardo Cadei · Lukas Lindorfer · Sylvia Cremer · Cordelia Schmid · Francesco Locatello

Machine Learning and AI have the potential to transform data-driven scientific discovery, enabling accurate predictions for several scientific phenomena. As many scientific questions are inherently causal, this paper looks at the causal inference task of treatment effect estimation, where the outcome of interest is recorded in high-dimensional observations in a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). Despite being the simplest possible causal setting and a perfect fit for deep learning, we theoretically find that many common choices in the literature may lead to biased estimates. To test the practical impact of these considerations, we recorded ISTAnt, the first real-world benchmark for causal inference downstream tasks on high-dimensional observations as an RCT studying how garden ants (Lasius neglectus) respond to microparticles applied onto their colony members by hygienic grooming. Comparing 6 480 models fine-tuned from state-of-the-art visual backbones, we find that the sampling and modeling choices significantly affect the accuracy of the causal estimate, and that classification accuracy is not a proxy thereof. We further validated the analysis, repeating it on a synthetically generated visual data set controlling the causal model. Our results suggest that future benchmarks should carefully consider real downstream scientific questions, especially causal ones. Further, we highlight guidelines for representation learning methods to help answer causal questions in the sciences.

Covariate Shift Corrected Conditional Randomization Test

Bowen Xu · Yiwen Huang · Chuan Hong · Shuangning Li · Molei Liu

Conditional independence tests are crucial across various disciplines in determining the independence of an outcome variable $Y$ from a treatment variable $X$, conditioning on a set of confounders $Z$. The Conditional Randomization Test (CRT) offers a powerful framework for such testing by assuming known distributions of $X \mid Z$; it controls the Type-I error exactly, allowing for the use of flexible, black-box test statistics. In practice, testing for conditional independence often involves using data from a source population to draw conclusions about a target population. This can be challenging due to covariate shift---differences in the distribution of $X$, $Z$, and surrogate variables, which can affect the conditional distribution of $Y \mid X, Z$---rendering traditional CRT approaches invalid. To address this issue, we propose a novel Covariate Shift Corrected Pearson Chi-squared Conditional Randomization (csPCR) test. This test adapts to covariate shifts by integrating importance weights and employing the control variates method to reduce variance in the test statistics and thus enhance power. Theoretically, we establish that the csPCR test controls the Type-I error asymptotically. Empirically, through simulation studies, we demonstrate that our method not only maintains control over Type-I errors but also exhibits superior power, confirming its efficacy and practical utility in real-world scenarios where covariate shifts are prevalent. Finally, we apply our methodology to a real-world dataset to assess the impact of a COVID-19 treatment on the 90-day mortality rate among patients.

Efficient Policy Evaluation Across Multiple Different Experimental Datasets

Yonghan Jung · Alexis Bellot

Artificial intelligence systems are trained combining various observational and experimental datasets from different source sites, and are increasingly used to reason about the effectiveness of candidate policies. One common assumption in this context is that the data in source and target sites (where the candidate policy is due to be deployed) come from the same distribution. This assumption is often violated in practice, causing challenges for generalization, transportability, or external validity. Despite recent advances for determining the identifiability of the effectiveness of policies in a target domain, there are still challenges for the accurate estimation of effects from finite samples. In this paper, we develop novel graphical criteria and estimators for evaluating the effectiveness of policies (e.g., conditional, stochastic) by combining data from multiple experimental studies. Asymptotic error analysis of our estimators provides fast convergence guarantee. We empirically verified the robustness of estimators through simulations.

Qualitative Mechanism Independence

Oliver Richardson · Spencer J Peters · Joseph Halpern

We define what it means for a joint probability distribution to be compatible with aset of independent causal mechanisms, at a qualitative level—or, more precisely with a directed hypergraph $\mathcal A$, which is the qualitative structure of a probabilistic dependency graph (PDG). When A represents a qualitative Bayesian network, QIM-compatibility with $\mathcal A$ reduces to satisfying the appropriate conditional independencies. But giving semantics to hypergraphs using QIM-compatibility lets us do much more. For one thing, we can capture functional dependencies. For another, we can capture important aspects of causality using compatibility: we can use compatibility to understand cyclic causal graphs, and to demonstrate structural compatibility, we must essentially produce a causal model. Finally, compatibility has deep connections to information theory. Applying compatibility to cyclic structures helps to clarify a longstanding conceptual issue in information theory.

Causal Contrastive Learning for Counterfactual Regression Over Time

Mouad EL Bouchattaoui · Myriam Tami · BENOIT LEPETIT · Paul-Henry Cournède

Estimating treatment effects over time holds significance in various domains, including precision medicine, epidemiology, economy, and marketing. This paper introduces a unique approach to counterfactual regression over time, emphasizing long-term predictions. Distinguishing itself from existing models like Causal Transformer, our approach highlights the efficacy of employing RNNs for long-term forecasting, complemented by Contrastive Predictive Coding (CPC) and Information Maximization (InfoMax). Emphasizing efficiency, we avoid the need for computationally expensive transformers. Leveraging CPC, our method captures long-term dependencies within time-varying confounders. Notably, recent models have disregarded the importance of invertible representation, compromising identification assumptions. To remedy this, we employ the InfoMax principle, maximizing a lower bound of mutual information between sequence data and its representation. Our method achieves state-of-the-art counterfactual estimation results using both synthetic and real-world data, marking the pioneering incorporation of Contrastive Predictive Encoding in causal inference.

Learning Discrete Concepts in Latent Hierarchical Models

Lingjing Kong · Guangyi Chen · Biwei Huang · Eric Xing · Yuejie Chi · Kun Zhang

Learning concepts from natural high-dimensional data (e.g., images) holds potential in building human-aligned and interpretable machine learning models. Despite its encouraging prospect, formalization and theoretical insights into this crucial task are still lacking. In this work, we formalize concepts as discrete latent causal variables that are related via a hierarchical causal model that encodes different abstraction levels of concepts embedded in high-dimensional data (e.g., a dog breed and its eye shapes in natural images). We formulate conditions to facilitate the identification of the proposed causal model, which reveals when learning such concepts from unsupervised data is possible. Our conditions permit complex causal hierarchical structures beyond latent trees and multi-level directed acyclic graphs in prior work and can handle high-dimensional, continuous observed variables, which is well-suited for unstructured data modalities such as images. We substantiate our theoretical claims with synthetic data experiments. Further, we discuss our theory's implications for understanding the underlying mechanisms of latent diffusion models and provide corresponding empirical evidence for our theoretical insights.

Is the MMI Criterion Necessary for Interpretability? Degenerating Non-causal Features to Plain Noise for Self-Rationalization

Wei Liu · Zhiying Deng · Zhongyu Niu · Jun Wang · Haozhao Wang · YuanKai Zhang · Ruixuan Li

An important line of research in the field of explainability is to extract a small subset of crucial rationales from the full input. The most widely used criterion for rationale extraction is the maximum mutual information (MMI) criterion. However, in certain datasets, there are spurious features non-causally correlated with the label and also get high mutual information, complicating the loss landscape of MMI. Although some penalty-based methods have been developed to penalize the spurious features (e.g., invariance penalty, intervention penalty, etc) to help MMI work better, these are merely remedial measures. In the optimization objectives of these methods, spurious features are still distinguished from plain noise, which hinders the discovery of causal rationales. This paper aims to develop a new criterion that treats spurious features as plain noise, allowing the model to work on datasets rich in spurious features as if it were working on clean datasets, thereby making rationale extraction easier.We theoretically observe that removing either plain noise or spurious features from the input does not alter the conditional distribution of the remaining components relative to the task label. However, significant changes in the conditional distribution occur only when causal features are eliminated.Based on this discovery, the paper proposes a criterion for \textbf{M}aximizing the \textbf{R}emaining \textbf{D}iscrepancy (MRD). Experiments on six widely used datasets show that our MRD criterion improves rationale quality (measured by the overlap with human-annotated rationales) by up to $10.4\%$ as compared to several recent competitive MMI variants. Code: \url{}.

The Scandinavian Embedding Benchmarks: Comprehensive Assessment of Multilingual and Monolingual Text Embedding

Kenneth Enevoldsen · Márton Kardos · Niklas Muennighoff · Kristoffer Nielbo

The evaluation of English text embeddings has transitioned from evaluating a handful of datasets to broad coverage across many tasks through benchmarks such as MTEB. However, this is not the case for multilingual text embeddings due to a lack of available benchmarks. To address this problem, we introduce the Scandinavian Embedding Benchmark (SEB). SEB is a comprehensive framework that enables text embedding evaluation for Scandinavian languages across 24 tasks, 10 subtasks, and 4 task categories. Building on SEB, we evaluate more than 26 models, uncovering significant performance disparities between public and commercial solutions not previously captured by MTEB. We open-source SEB and integrate it with MTEB, thus bridging the text embedding evaluation gap for Scandinavian languages.

T2Vs Meet VLMs: A Scalable Multimodal Dataset for Visual Harmfulness Recognition

Chen Yeh · You-Ming Chang · Wei-Chen Chiu · Ning Yu

While widespread access to the Internet and the rapid advancement of generative models boost people's creativity and productivity, the risk of encountering inappropriate or harmful content also increases. To address the aforementioned issue, researchers managed to incorporate several harmful contents datasets with machine learning methods to detect harmful concepts. However, existing harmful datasets are curated by the presence of a narrow range of harmful objects, and only cover real harmful content sources. This restricts the generalizability of methods based on such datasets and leads to the potential misjudgment in certain cases. Therefore, we propose a comprehensive and extensive harmful dataset, VHD11K, consisting of 10,000 images and 1,000 videos, crawled from the Internet and generated by 4 generative models, across a total of 10 harmful categories covering a full spectrum of harmful concepts with non-trival definition. We also propose a novel annotation framework by formulating the annotation process as a multi-agent Visual Question Answering (VQA) task, having 3 different VLMs "debate" about whether the given image/video is harmful, and incorporating the in-context learning strategy in the debating process. Therefore, we can ensure that the VLMs consider the context of the given image/video and both sides of the arguments thoroughly before making decisions, further reducing the likelihood of misjudgments in edge cases. Evaluation and experimental results demonstrate that (1) the great alignment between the annotation from our novel annotation framework and those from human, ensuring the reliability of VHD11K;(2) our full-spectrum harmful dataset successfully identifies the inability of existing harmful content detection methods to detect extensive harmful contents and improves the performance of existing harmfulness recognition methods;(3) our dataset outperforms the baseline dataset, SMID, as evidenced by the superior improvement in harmfulness recognition methods.The entire dataset is publicly available:

The Well: a Large-Scale Collection of Diverse Physics Simulations for Machine Learning

Ruben Ohana · Michael McCabe · Lucas Meyer · Rudy Morel · Fruzsina Agocs · Miguel Beneitez · Marsha Berger · Blakesly Burkhart · Stuart Dalziel · Drummond Fielding · Daniel Fortunato · Jared Goldberg · Keiya Hirashima · Yan-Fei Jiang · Rich Kerswell · Suryanarayana Maddu · Jonah Miller · Payel Mukhopadhyay · Stefan Nixon · Jeff Shen · Romain Watteaux · Bruno Régaldo-Saint Blancard · François Rozet · Liam Parker · Miles Cranmer · Shirley Ho

Machine learning based surrogate models offer researchers powerful tools for accelerating simulation-based workflows. However, as standard datasets in this space often cover small classes of physical behavior, it can be difficult to evaluate the efficacy of new approaches. To address this gap, we introduce the Well: a large-scale collection of datasets containing numerical simulations of a wide variety of spatiotemporal physical systems. The Well draws from domain experts and numerical software developers to provide 15TB of data across 16 datasets covering diverse domains such as biological systems, fluid dynamics, acoustic scattering, as well as magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of extra-galactic fluids or supernova explosions. These datasets can be used individually or as part of a broader benchmark suite. To facilitate usage of the Well, we provide a unified PyTorch interface for training and evaluating models. We demonstrate the function of this library by introducing example baselines that highlight the new challenges posed by the complex dynamics of the Well. The code and data is available at

Conditional Generative Models are Sufficient to Sample from Any Causal Effect Estimand

Md Musfiqur Rahman · Matt Jordan · Murat Kocaoglu

Causal inference from observational data plays critical role in many applications in trustworthy machine learning.While sound and complete algorithms exist to compute causal effects, many of them assume access to conditional likelihoods, which is difficult to estimate for high-dimensional (particularly image) data. Researchers have alleviated this issue by simulating causal relations with neural models. However, when we have high-dimensional variables in the causal graph along with some unobserved confounders, no existing work can effectively sample from the un/conditional interventional distributions. In this work, we show how to sample from any identifiable interventional distribution given an arbitrary causal graph through a sequence of push-forward computations of conditional generative models, such as diffusion models. Our proposed algorithm follows the recursive steps of the existing likelihood-based identification algorithms to train a set of feed-forward models, and connect them in a specific way to sample from the desired distribution. We conduct experiments on a Colored MNIST dataset having both the treatment ($X$) and the target variables ($Y$) as images and sample from $P(y|do(x))$. Our algorithm also enables us to conduct a causal analysis to evaluate spurious correlations among input features of generative models pre-trained on the CelebA dataset. Finally, we generate high-dimensional interventional samples from the MIMIC-CXR dataset involving text and image variables.

Partial Structure Discovery is Sufficient for No-regret Learning in Causal Bandits

Muhammad Qasim Elahi · Mahsa Ghasemi · Murat Kocaoglu

Causal knowledge about the relationships among decision variables and a reward variable in a bandit setting can accelerate the learning of an optimal decision. Current works often assume the causal graph is known, which may not always be available a priori. Motivated by this challenge, we focus on the causal bandit problem in scenarios where the underlying causal graph is unknown and may include latent confounders. While intervention on the parents of the reward node is optimal in the absence of latent confounders, this is not necessarily the case in general. Instead, one must consider a set of possibly optimal arms/interventions, each being a special subset of the ancestors of the reward node, making causal discovery beyond the parents of the reward node essential. For regret minimization, we identify that discovering the full causal structure is unnecessary; however, no existing work provides the necessary and sufficient components of the causal graph. We formally characterize the set of necessary and sufficient latent confounders one needs to detect or learn to ensure that all possibly optimal arms are identified correctly. We also propose a randomized algorithm for learning the causal graph with a limited number of samples, providing a sample complexity guarantee for any desired confidence level. In the causal bandit setup, we propose a two-stage approach. In the first stage, we learn the induced subgraph on ancestors of the reward, along with a necessary and sufficient subset of latent confounders, to construct the set of possibly optimal arms. We show that for our proposed algorithm, the number of intervention samples required to learn the set of possibly optimal arms scales polynomially with respect to the number of nodes. The second phase involves the application of a standard bandit algorithm, such as the UCB algorithm. We also establish a regret bound for our two-phase approach, which is sublinear in the number of rounds.

Disentangled Representation Learning in Non-Markovian Causal Systems

Adam Li · Yushu Pan · Elias Bareinboim

Considering various data modalities, such as images, videos, and text, humans perform causal reasoning using high-level causal variables, as opposed to operating at the low, pixel level from which the data comes. In practice, most causal reasoning methods assume that the data is described as granular as the underlying causal generative factors, which is often violated in various AI tasks. This mismatch translates into a lack of guarantees in various tasks such as generative modeling, decision-making, fairness, and generalizability, to cite a few. In this paper, we acknowledge this issue and study the problem of causal disentangled representation learning from a combination of data gathered from various heterogeneous domains and assumptions in the form of a latent causal graph. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed work is the first to consider i) non-Markovian causal settings, where there may be unobserved confounding, ii) arbitrary distributions that arise from multiple domains, and iii) a relaxed version of disentanglement. Specifically, we introduce graphical criteria that allow for disentanglement under various conditions. Building on these results, we develop an algorithm that returns a causal disentanglement map, highlighting which latent variables can be disentangled given the combination of data and assumptions. The theory is corroborated by experiments.

When to Act and When to Ask: Policy Learning With Deferral Under Hidden Confounding

Marah Ghoummaid · Uri Shalit

We consider the task of learning how to act in collaboration with a human expert based on observational data. The task is motivated by high-stake scenarios such as healthcare and welfare where algorithmic action recommendations are made to a human expert, opening the option of deferring making a recommendation in cases where the human might act better on their own. This task is especially challenging when dealing with observational data, as using such data runs the risk of hidden confounders whose existence can lead to biased and harmful policies. However, unlike standard policy learning, the presence of a human expert can mitigate some of these risks. We build on the work of Mozannar and Sontag (2020) on consistent surrogate loss for learning with the option of deferral to an expert, where they solve a cost-sensitive supervised classification problem. Since we are solving a causal problem, where labels don’t exist, we use a causal model to learn costs which are robust to a bounded degree of hidden confounding. We prove that our approach can take advantage of the strengths of both the model and the expert to obtain a better policy than either. We demonstrate our results by conducting experiments on synthetic and semi-synthetic data and show the advantages of our method compared to baselines.

From Causal to Concept-Based Representation Learning

Goutham Rajendran · Simon Buchholz · Bryon Aragam · Bernhard Schölkopf · Pradeep Ravikumar

To build intelligent machine learning systems, modern representation learning attempts to recover latent generative factors from data, such as in causal representation learning. A key question in this growing field is to provide rigorous conditions under which latent factors can be identified and thus, potentially learned. Motivated by extensive empirical literature on linear representations and concept learning, we propose to relax causal notions with a geometric notion of concepts. We formally define a notion of concepts and show rigorously that they can be provably recovered from diverse data. Instead of imposing assumptions on the "true" generative latent space, we assume that concepts can be represented linearly in this latent space. The tradeoff is that instead of identifying the "true" generative factors, we identify a subset of desired human-interpretable concepts that are relevant for a given application. Experiments on synthetic data, multimodal CLIP models and large language models supplement our results and show the utility of our approach. In this way, we provide a foundation for moving from causal representations to interpretable, concept-based representations by bringing together ideas from these two neighboring disciplines.

Unveiling the Potential of Robustness in Selecting Conditional Average Treatment Effect Estimators

Yiyan Huang · Cheuk Hang LEUNG · Siyi WANG · YIJUN LI · Qi WU

The growing demand for personalized decision-making has led to a surge of interest in estimating the Conditional Average Treatment Effect (CATE). Various types of CATE estimators have been developed with advancements in machine learning and causal inference. However, selecting the desirable CATE estimator through a conventional model validation procedure remains impractical due to the absence of counterfactual outcomes in observational data. Existing approaches for CATE estimator selection, such as plug-in and pseudo-outcome metrics, face two challenges. First, they must determine the metric form and the underlying machine learning models for fitting nuisance parameters (e.g., outcome function, propensity function, and plug-in learner). Second, they lack a specific focus on selecting a robust CATE estimator. To address these challenges, this paper introduces a Distributionally Robust Metric (DRM) for CATE estimator selection. The proposed DRM is nuisance-free, eliminating the need to fit models for nuisance parameters, and it effectively prioritizes the selection of a distributionally robust CATE estimator. The experimental results validate the effectiveness of the DRM method in selecting CATE estimators that are robust to the distribution shift incurred by covariate shift and hidden confounders.

Identifying General Mechanism Shifts in Linear Causal Representations

Tianyu Chen · Kevin Bello · Francesco Locatello · Bryon Aragam · Pradeep Ravikumar

We consider the linear causal representation learning setting where we observe a linear mixing of $d$ unknown latent factors, which follow a linear structural causal model. Recent work has shown that it is possible to recover the latent factors as well as the underlying structural causal model over them, up to permutation and scaling, provided that we have at least $d$ environments, each of which corresponds to perfect interventions on a single latent node (factor). After this powerful result, a key open problem faced by the community has been to relax these conditions: allow for coarser than perfect single-node interventions, and allow for fewer than $d$ of them, since the number of latent factors $d$ could be very large. In this work, we consider precisely such a setting, where we allow a smaller than $d$ number of environments, and also allow for very coarse interventions that can very coarsely \textit{change the entire causal graph over the latent factors}. On the flip side, we relax what we wish to extract to simply the \textit{list of nodes that have shifted between one or more environments}. We provide a surprising identifiability result that it is indeed possible, under some very mild standard assumptions, to identify the set of shifted nodes. Our identifiability proof moreover is a constructive one: we explicitly provide necessary and sufficient conditions for a node to be a shifted node, and show that we can check these conditions given observed data. Our algorithm lends itself very naturally to the sample setting where instead of just interventional distributions, we are provided datasets of samples from each of these distributions. We corroborate our results on both synthetic experiments as well as an interesting psychometric dataset. The code can be found at

End-To-End Causal Effect Estimation from Unstructured Natural Language Data

Nikita Dhawan · Leonardo Cotta · Karen Ullrich · Rahul Krishnan · Chris Maddison

Knowing the effect of an intervention is critical for human decision-making, but current approaches for causal effect estimation rely on manual data collection and structuring, regardless of the causal assumptions. This increases both the cost and time-to-completion for studies. We show how large, diverse observational text data can be mined with large language models (LLMs) to produce inexpensive causal effect estimates under appropriate causal assumptions. We introduce NATURAL, a novel family of causal effect estimators built with LLMs that operate over datasets of unstructured text. Our estimators use LLM conditional distributions (over variables of interest, given the text data) to assist in the computation of classical estimators of causal effect. We overcome a number of technical challenges to realize this idea, such as automating data curation and using LLMs to impute missing information. We prepare six (two synthetic and four real) observational datasets, paired with corresponding ground truth in the form of randomized trials, which we used to systematically evaluate each step of our pipeline. NATURAL estimators demonstrate remarkable performance, yielding causal effect estimates that fall within 3 percentage points of their ground truth counterparts, including on real-world Phase 3/4 clinical trials. Our results suggest that unstructured text data is a rich source of causal effect information, and NATURAL is a first step towards an automated pipeline to tap this resource.

Benchmarking Estimators for Natural Experiments: A Novel Dataset and a Doubly Robust Algorithm

R. Teal Witter · Christopher Musco

Estimating the effect of treatments from natural experiments, where treatments are pre-assigned, is an important and well-studied problem. We introduce a novel natural experiment dataset obtained from an early childhood literacy nonprofit. Surprisingly, applying over 20 established estimators to the dataset produces inconsistent results in evaluating the nonprofits efficacy. To address this, we create a benchmark to evaluate estimator accuracy using synthetic outcomes, whose design was guided by domain experts. The benchmark extensively explores performance as real world conditions like sample size, treatment correlation, and propensity score accuracy vary. Based on our benchmark, we observe that the class of doubly robust treatment effect estimators, which are based on simple and intuitive regression adjustment, generally outperform other more complicated estimators by orders of magnitude. To better support our theoretical understanding of doubly robust estimators, we derive a closed form expression for the variance of any such estimator that uses dataset splitting to obtain an unbiased estimate. This expression motivates the design of a new doubly robust estimator that uses a novel loss function when fitting functions for regression adjustment. We release the dataset and benchmark in a Python package; the package is built in a modular way to facilitate new datasets and estimators.

Constrained Human-AI Cooperation: An Inclusive Embodied Social Intelligence Challenge

Weihua Du · Qiushi Lyu · Jiaming Shan · Zhenting Qi · Hongxin Zhang · Sunli Chen · Andi Peng · Tianmin Shu · Kwonjoon Lee · Behzad Dariush · Chuang Gan

We introduce Constrained Human-AI Cooperation (CHAIC), an inclusive embodied social intelligence challenge designed to test social perception and cooperation in embodied agents. In CHAIC, the goal is for an embodied agent equipped with egocentric observations to assist a human who may be operating under physical constraints—e.g., unable to reach high places or confined to a wheelchair—in performing common household or outdoor tasks as efficiently as possible. To achieve this, a successful helper must: (1) infer the human's intents and constraints by following the human and observing their behaviors (social perception), and (2) make a cooperative plan tailored to the human partner to solve the task as quickly as possible, working together as a team (cooperative planning). To benchmark this challenge, we create four new agents with real physical constraints and eight long-horizon tasks featuring both indoor and outdoor scenes with various constraints, emergency events, and potential risks. We benchmark planning- and learning-based baselines on the challenge and introduce a new method that leverages large language models and behavior modeling. Empirical evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of our benchmark in enabling systematic assessment of key aspects of machine social intelligence. Our benchmark and code are publicly available at

OpenDebateEvidence: A Massive-Scale Argument Mining and Summarization Dataset

Allen Roush · Yusuf Shabazz · Arvind Balaji · Peter Zhang · Stefano Mezza · Markus Zhang · Sanjay Basu · Sriram Vishwanath · Ravid Shwartz-Ziv

We introduce OpenDebateEvidence, a comprehensive dataset for argument miningand summarization sourced from the American Competitive Debate community.This dataset includes over 3.5 million documents with rich metadata, making itone of the most extensive collections of debate evidence. OpenDebateEvidencecaptures the complexity of arguments in high school and college debates, pro-viding valuable resources for training and evaluation. Our extensive experimentsdemonstrate the efficacy of fine-tuning state-of-the-art large language models forargumentative abstractive summarization across various methods, models, anddatasets. By providing this comprehensive resource, we aim to advance com-putational argumentation and support practical applications for debaters, edu-cators, and researchers. OpenDebateEvidence is publicly available to supportfurther research and innovation in computational argumentation. Access it here:

ReXTime: A Benchmark Suite for Reasoning-Across-Time in Videos

JR-JEN CHEN · Yu-Chien Liao · Hsi-Che Lin · Yu-Chu Yu · Yen-Chun Chen · Frank Wang

We introduce ReXTime, a benchmark designed to rigorously test AI models' ability to perform temporal reasoning within video events.Specifically, ReXTime focuses on reasoning across time, i.e. human-like understanding when the question and its corresponding answer occur in different video segments. This form of reasoning, requiring advanced understanding of cause-and-effect relationships across video segments, poses significant challenges to even the frontier multimodal large language models. To facilitate this evaluation, we develop an automated pipeline for generating temporal reasoning question-answer pairs, significantly reducing the need for labor-intensive manual annotations. Our benchmark includes 921 carefully vetted validation samples and 2,143 test samples, each manually curated for accuracy and relevance. Evaluation results show that while frontier large language models outperform academic models, they still lag behind human performance by a significant 14.3\% accuracy gap. Additionally, our pipeline creates a training dataset of 9,695 machine generated samples without manual effort, which empirical studies suggest can enhance the across-time reasoning via fine-tuning.

SciCode: A Research Coding Benchmark Curated by Scientists

Minyang Tian · Luyu Gao · Shizhuo Zhang · Xinan Chen · Cunwei Fan · Xuefei Guo · Roland Haas · Pan Ji · Kittithat Krongchon · Yao Li · Shengyan Liu · Di Luo · Yutao Ma · HAO TONG · Kha Trinh · Chenyu Tian · Zihan Wang · Bohao Wu · Shengzhu Yin · Minhui Zhu · Kilian Lieret · Yanxin Lu · Genglin Liu · Yufeng Du · Tianhua Tao · Ofir Press · Jamie Callan · Eliu Huerta · Hao Peng

Since language models (LMs) now outperform average humans on many challenging tasks, it is becoming increasingly difficult to develop challenging, high-quality, and realistic evaluations. We address this by examining LM capabilities to generate code for solving real scientific research problems. Incorporating input from scientists and AI researchers in 16 diverse natural science sub-fields, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and materials science, we create a scientist-curated coding benchmark, SciCode. The problems naturally factorize into multiple subproblems, each involving knowledge recall, reasoning, and code synthesis. In total, SciCode contains 338 subproblems decomposed from 80 challenging main problems, and it offers optional descriptions specifying useful scientific background information and scientist-annotated gold-standard solutions and test cases for evaluation. OpenAI o1-preview, the best-performing model among those tested, can solve only 7.7\% of the problems in the most realistic setting. We believe that SciCode demonstrates both contemporary LMs' progress towards realizing helpful scientific assistants and sheds light on the building and evaluation of scientific AI in the future.

cPAPERS: A Dataset of Situated and Multimodal Interactive Conversations in Scientific Papers

Anirudh Sundar · Jin Xu · William Gay · Christopher Richardson · Larry Heck

An emerging area of research in situated and multimodal interactive conversations (SIMMC) includes interactions in scientific papers. Since scientific papers are primarily composed of text, equations, figures, and tables, SIMMC methods must be developed specifically for each component to support the depth of inquiry and interactions required by research scientists. This work introduces $Conversational Papers$ (cPAPERS), a dataset of conversational question-answer pairs from reviews of academic papers grounded in these paper components and their associated references from scientific documents available on arXiv. We present a data collection strategy to collect these question-answer pairs from OpenReview and associate them with contextual information from $LaTeX$ source files. Additionally, we present a series of baseline approaches utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs) in both zero-shot and fine-tuned configurations to address the cPAPERS dataset.

Sim2Real-Fire: A Multi-modal Simulation Dataset for Forecast and Backtracking of Real-world Forest Fire

Yanzhi Li · Keqiu Li · LI GUOHUI · zumin wang · Chanqing Ji · Lubo Wang · Die Zuo · Qing Guo · Feng Zhang · Manyu Wang · Di Lin

The latest research on wildfire forecast and backtracking has adopted AI models, which require a large amount of data from wildfire scenarios to capture fire spread patterns. This paper explores using cost-effective simulated wildfire scenarios to train AI models and apply them to the analysis of real-world wildfire. This solution requires AI models to minimize the Sim2Real gap, a brand-new topic in the fire spread analysis research community. To investigate the possibility of minimizing the Sim2Real gap, we collect the Sim2Real-Fire dataset that contains 1M simulated scenarios with multi-modal environmental information for training AI models. We prepare 1K real-world wildfire scenarios for testing the AI models. We also propose a deep transformer, S2R-FireTr, which excels in considering the multi-modal environmental information for forecasting and backtracking the wildfire. S2R-FireTr surpasses state-of-the-art methods in real-world wildfire scenarios.

Infer Induced Sentiment of Comment Response to Video: A New Task, Dataset and Baseline

qi jia · baoyu · Cong Xu · Lu Liu · Liang Jin · Guoguang Du · Zhenhua Guo · Yaqian Zhao · Xuanjing Huang · Rengang Li

Existing video multi-modal sentiment analysis mainly focuses on the sentiment expression of people within the video, yet often neglects the induced sentiment of viewers while watching the videos. Induced sentiment of viewers is essential for inferring the public response to videos and has broad application in analyzing public societal sentiment, effectiveness of advertising and other areas. The micro videos and the related comments provide a rich application scenario for viewers’ induced sentiment analysis. In light of this, we introduces a novel research task, Multimodal Sentiment Analysis for Comment Response of Video Induced(MSA-CRVI), aims to infer opinions and emotions according to comments response to micro video. Meanwhile, we manually annotate a dataset named Comment Sentiment toward to Micro Video (CSMV) to support this research. It is the largest video multi-modal sentiment dataset in terms of scale and video duration to our knowledge, containing 107, 267 comments and 8, 210 micro videos with a video duration of 68.83 hours. To infer the induced sentiment of comment should leverage the video content, we propose the Video Content-aware Comment Sentiment Analysis (VC-CSA) method as a baseline to address the challenges inherent in this new task. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method is showing significant improvements over other established baselines. We make the dataset and source code publicly available at

Muscles in Time: Learning to Understand Human Motion In-Depth by Simulating Muscle Activations

David Schneider · Simon Reiß · Marco Kugler · Alexander Jaus · Kunyu Peng · Susanne Sutschet · M. Saquib Sarfraz · Sven Matthiesen · Rainer Stiefelhagen

Exploring the intricate dynamics between muscular and skeletal structures is pivotal for understanding human motion. This domain presents substantial challenges, primarily attributed to the intensive resources required for acquiring ground truth muscle activation data, resulting in a scarcity of datasets.In this work, we address this issue by establishing Muscles in Time (MinT), a large-scale synthetic muscle activation dataset.For the creation of MinT, we enriched existing motion capture datasets by incorporating muscle activation simulations derived from biomechanical human body models using the OpenSim platform, a common framework used in biomechanics and human motion research.Starting from simple pose sequences, our pipeline enables us to extract detailed information about the timing of muscle activations within the human musculoskeletal system.Muscles in Time contains over nine hours of simulation data covering 227 subjects and 402 simulated muscle strands. We demonstrate the utility of this dataset by presenting results on neural network-based muscle activation estimation from human pose sequences with two different sequence-to-sequence architectures.

Stylebreeder: Exploring and Democratizing Artistic Styles through Text-to-Image Models

Matthew Zheng · Enis Simsar · Hidir Yesiltepe · Federico Tombari · Joel Simon · Pinar Yanardag Delul

Text-to-image models are becoming increasingly popular, revolutionizing the landscape of digital art creation by enabling highly detailed and creative visual content generation. These models have been widely employed across various domains, particularly in art generation, where they facilitate a broad spectrum of creative expression and democratize access to artistic creation. In this paper, we introduce STYLEBREEDER, a comprehensive dataset of 6.8M images and 1.8M prompts generated by 95K users on Artbreeder, a platform that has emerged as a significant hub for creative exploration with over 13M users. We introduce a series of tasks with this dataset aimed at identifying diverse artistic styles, generating personalized content, and recommending styles based on user interests. By documenting unique, user-generated styles that transcend conventional categories like 'cyberpunk' or 'Picasso,' we explore the potential for unique, crowd-sourced styles that could provide deep insights into the collective creative psyche of users worldwide. We also evaluate different personalization methods to enhance artistic expression and introduce a style atlas, making these models available in LoRA format for public use. Our research demonstrates the potential of text-to-image diffusion models to uncover and promote unique artistic expressions, further democratizing AI in art and fostering a more diverse and inclusive artistic community. The dataset, code, and models are available at under a Public Domain (CC0) license.

Few-shot Algorithms for Consistent Neural Decoding (FALCON) Benchmark

Brianna Karpowicz · Joel Ye · Chaofei Fan · Pablo Tostado-Marcos · Fabio Rizzoglio · Clayton Washington · Thiago Scodeler · Diogo de Lucena · Samuel Nason-Tomaszewski · Matthew Mender · Xuan Ma · Ezequiel Arneodo · Leigh Hochberg · Cynthia Chestek · Jaimie Henderson · Timothy Gentner · Vikash Gilja · Lee Miller · Adam Rouse · Robert Gaunt · Jennifer Collinger · Chethan Pandarinath

Intracortical brain-computer interfaces (iBCIs) can restore movement and communication abilities to individuals with paralysis by decoding their intended behavior from neural activity recorded with an implanted device. While this activity yields high-performance decoding over short timescales, neural data is often nonstationary, which can lead to decoder failure if not accounted for. To maintain performance, users must frequently recalibrate decoders, which requires the arduous collection of new neural and behavioral data. Aiming to reduce this burden, several approaches have been developed that either limit recalibration data requirements (few-shot approaches) or eliminate explicit recalibration entirely (zero-shot approaches). However, progress is limited by a lack of standardized datasets and comparison metrics, causing methods to be compared in an ad hoc manner. Here we introduce the FALCON benchmark suite (Few-shot Algorithms for COnsistent Neural decoding) to standardize evaluation of iBCI robustness. FALCON curates five datasets of neural and behavioral data that span movement and communication tasks to focus on behaviors of interest to modern-day iBCIs. Each dataset includes calibration data, optional few-shot recalibration data, and private evaluation data. We implement a flexible evaluation platform which only requires user-submitted code to return behavioral predictions on unseen data. We also seed the benchmark by applying baseline methods spanning several classes of possible approaches. FALCON aims to provide rigorous selection criteria for robust iBCI decoders, easing their translation to real-world devices.

OAM-TCD: A globally diverse dataset of high-resolution tree cover maps

Josh Veitch-Michaelis · Andrew Cottam · Daniella Schweizer · Eben Broadbent · David Dao · Ce Zhang · Angelica Almeyda Zambrano · Simeon Max

Accurately quantifying tree cover is an important metric for ecosystem monitoring and for assessing progress in restored sites. Recent works have shown that deep learning-based segmentation algorithms are capable of accurately mapping trees at country and continental scales using high-resolution aerial and satellite imagery. Mapping at high (ideally sub-meter) resolution is necessary to identify individual trees, however there are few open-access datasets containing instance level annotations and those that exist are small or not geographically diverse. We present a novel open-access dataset for individual tree crown delineation (TCD) in high-resolution aerial imagery sourced from OpenAerialMap (OAM). Our dataset, OAM-TCD, comprises 5072 2048x2048 px images at 10 cm/px resolution with associated human-labeled instance masks for over 280k individual and 56k groups of trees. By sampling imagery from around the world, we are able to better capture the diversity and morphology of trees in different terrestrial biomes and in both urban and natural environments. Using our dataset, we train reference instance and semantic segmentation models that compare favorably to existing state-of-the-art models. We assess performance through k-fold cross-validation and comparison with existing datasets; additionally we demonstrate compelling results on independent aerial imagery captured over Switzerland and compare to municipal tree inventories and LIDAR-derived canopy maps in the city of Zurich. Our dataset, models and training/benchmark code are publicly released under permissive open-source licenses: Creative Commons (majority CC BY 4.0), and Apache 2.0 respectively.

Towards General Loop Invariant Generation: A Benchmark of Programs with Memory Manipulation

Chang Liu · Xiwei Wu · Yuan Feng · Qinxiang Cao · Junchi Yan

Program verification is vital for ensuring software reliability, especially in the context of increasingly complex systems. Loop invariants, remaining true before and after each iteration of loops, are crucial for this verification process. Traditional provers and machine learning based methods for generating loop invariants often require expert intervention or extensive labeled data, and typically only handle numerical property verification. These methods struggle with programs involving complex data structures and memory manipulations, limiting their applicability and automation capabilities. This paper introduces a new benchmark named LIG-MM, specifically for programs with complex data structures and memory manipulations. We collect 312 programs from various sources, including daily programs from college homework, the international competition (SV-COMP), benchmarks from previous papers (SLING), and programs from real-world software systems (Linux Kernel, GlibC, LiteOS, and Zephyr). Based on LIG-MM, our findings indicate that previous methods, including GPT-4, fail to automate verification for these programs. Consequently, we propose a novel LLM-SE framework that coordinates LLM with symbolic execution, fine-tuned using self-supervised learning, to generate loop invariants. Experimental results on LIG-MM demonstrate that our LLM-SE outperforms state-of-the-art methods, offering a new direction toward automated program verification in real-world scenarios.

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Spider2-V: How Far Are Multimodal Agents From Automating Data Science and Engineering Workflows?

Ruisheng Cao · Fangyu Lei · Haoyuan Wu · Jixuan Chen · Yeqiao Fu · Hongcheng Gao · Xinzhuang Xiong · Hanchong Zhang · Wenjing Hu · Yuchen Mao · Tianbao Xie · Hongshen Xu · Danyang Zhang · Sida Wang · Ruoxi Sun · Pengcheng Yin · Caiming Xiong · Ansong Ni · Qian Liu · Victor Zhong · Lu Chen · Kai Yu · Tao Yu

Data science and engineering workflows often span multiple stages, from warehousing to orchestration, using tools like BigQuery, dbt, and Airbyte. As vision language models (VLMs) advance in multimodal understanding and code generation, VLM-based agents could potentially automate these workflows by generating SQL queries, Python code, and GUI operations. This automation can improve the productivity of experts while democratizing access to large-scale data analysis. In this paper, we introduce Spider2-V, the first multimodal agent benchmark focusing on professional data science and engineering workflows, featuring 494 real-world tasks in authentic computer environments and incorporating 20 enterprise-level professional applications. These tasks, derived from real-world use cases, evaluate the ability of a multimodal agent to perform data-related tasks by writing code and managing the GUI in enterprise data software systems. To balance realistic simulation with evaluation simplicity, we devote significant effort to developing automatic configurations for task setup and carefully crafting evaluation metrics for each task. Furthermore, we supplement multimodal agents with comprehensive documents of these enterprise data software systems. Our empirical evaluation reveals that existing state-of-the-art LLM/VLM-based agents do not reliably automate full data workflows (14.0% success). Even with step-by-step guidance, these agents still underperform in tasks that require fine-grained, knowledge-intensive GUI actions (16.2%) and involve remote cloud-hosted workspaces (10.6%). We hope that Spider2-V paves the way for autonomous multimodal agents to transform the automation of data science and engineering workflow. Our code and data are available at

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Archaeoscape: Bringing Aerial Laser Scanning Archaeology to the Deep Learning Era

Yohann PERRON · Vladyslav Sydorov · Adam P. Wijker · Damian Evans · Christophe Pottier · Loic Landrieu

Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) technology has transformed modern archaeology by unveiling hidden landscapes beneath dense vegetation. However, the lack of expert-annotated, open-access resources has hindered the analysis of ALS data using advanced deep learning techniques. We address this limitation with Archaeoscape (available at, a novel large-scale archaeological ALS dataset spanning 888 km² in Cambodia with 31,141 annotated archaeological features from the Angkorian period. Archaeoscape is over four times larger than comparable datasets, and the first ALS archaeology resource with open-access data, annotations, and models.We benchmark several recent segmentation models to demonstrate the benefits of modern vision techniques for this problem and highlight the unique challenges of discovering subtle human-made structures under dense jungle canopies. By making Archaeoscape available in open access, we hope to bridge the gap between traditional archaeology and modern computer vision methods.

SM3-Text-to-Query: Synthetic Multi-Model Medical Text-to-Query Benchmark

Sithursan Sivasubramaniam · Cedric E. Osei-Akoto · Yi Zhang · Kurt Stockinger · Jonathan Fuerst

Electronic health records (EHRs) are stored in various database systems with different database models on heterogeneous storage architectures, such as relational databases, document stores, or graph databases. These different database models have a big impact on query complexity and performance. While this has been a known fact in database research, its implications for the growing number of Text-to-Query systems have surprisingly not been investigated so far.In this paper, we present SM3-Text-to-Query, the first multi-model medical Text-to-Query benchmark based on synthetic patient data from Synthea, following the SNOMED-CT taxonomy---a widely used knowledge graph ontology covering medical terminology. SM3-Text-to-Query provides data representations for relational databases (PostgreSQL), document stores (MongoDB), and graph databases (Neo4j and GraphDB (RDF)), allowing the evaluation across four popular query languages, namely SQL, MQL, Cypher, and SPARQL.We systematically and manually develop 408 template questions, which we augment to construct a benchmark of 10K diverse natural language question/query pairs for these four query languages (40K pairs overall). On our dataset, we evaluate several common in-context-learning (ICL) approaches for a set of representative closed and open-source LLMs.Our evaluation sheds light on the trade-offs between database models and query languages for different ICL strategies and LLMs. Last,SM3-Text-to-Query is easily extendable to additional query languages or real, standard-based patient databases.

DACO: Towards Application-Driven and Comprehensive Data Analysis via Code Generation

Xueqing Wu · Rui Zheng · Jingzhen Sha · Te-Lin Wu · Hanyu Zhou · Tang Mohan · Kai-Wei Chang · Nanyun Peng · Haoran Huang

Data analysis is a crucial analytical process essential for deriving insights from real-world databases. As shown in Figure 1, the need for data analysis typically arises from specific application scenarios, and requires diverse reasoning skills including mathematical reasoning, logical reasoning, and strategic reasoning. Existing work often focus on simple factual retrieval or arithmetic resolutions and thus are insufficient for addressing complex real-world queries. This work aims to propose new resources and benchmarks on this crucial yet challenging and under-explored task. Due to the prohibitively high cost of collecting expert annotations, we use large language models (LLMs) enhanced by code generation to automatically generate high-quality data analysis, which will later be refined by human annotators. We construct the DACO dataset, containing (1) 440 databases (of tabular data) collected from real-world scenarios, (2) ~2k automatically generated query-answer pairs that can serve as weak supervision for model training, and (3) a concentrated but high-quality test set with human refined annotations that serves as our main evaluation benchmark. Experiments show that while LLMs like GPT-4 exhibit promising data analysis capabilities, they are still evaluated as less helpful than human-written analysis on 58.1% cases. Leveraging our weak supervision data, we experiment with various fine-tuning methods, including supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). Our trained model outperforms existing baselines for table question answering, and RLHF further boosts the helpfulness of generated analysis on 58.5% cases.Data and code are released at

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The State of Data Curation at NeurIPS: An Assessment of Dataset Development Practices in the Datasets and Benchmarks Track

Eshta Bhardwaj · Harshit Gujral · Siyi Wu · Ciara Zogheib · Tegan Maharaj · Christoph Becker

Data curation is a field with origins in librarianship and archives, whose scholarship and thinking on data issues go back centuries, if not millennia. The field of machine learning is increasingly observing the importance of data curation to the advancement of both applications and fundamental understanding of machine learning models -- evidenced not least by the creation of the Datasets and Benchmarks track itself. This work provides an analysis of recent dataset development practices at NeurIPS through the lens of data curation. We present an evaluation framework for dataset documentation, consisting of a rubric and toolkit developed through a thorough literature review of data curation principles. We use the framework to systematically assess the strengths and weaknesses in current dataset development practices of 60 datasets published in the NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmarks track from 2021-2023. We summarize key findings and trends. Results indicate greater need for documentation about environmental footprint, ethical considerations, and data management. We suggest targeted strategies and resources to improve documentation in these areas and provide recommendations for the NeurIPS peer-review process that prioritize rigorous data curation in ML. We also provide guidelines for dataset developers on the use of our rubric as a standalone tool. Finally, we provide results in the format of a dataset that showcases aspects of recommended data curation practices. Our rubric and results are of interest for improving data curation practices broadly in the field of ML as well as to data curation and science and technology studies scholars studying practices in ML. Our aim is to support continued improvement in interdisciplinary research on dataset practices, ultimately improving the reusability and reproducibility of new datasets and benchmarks, enabling standardized and informed human oversight, and strengthening the foundation of rigorous and responsible ML research.

AFBench: A Large-scale Benchmark for Airfoil Design

Jian Liu · Jianyu Wu · Hairun Xie · Guoqing zhang · Jing Wang · Liu Wei · Wanli Ouyang · Junjun Jiang · Xianming Liu · SHIXIANG TANG · Miao Zhang

Data-driven generative models have emerged as promising approaches towards achieving efficient mechanical inverse design. However, due to prohibitively high cost in time and money, there is still lack of open-source and large-scale benchmarks in this field. It is mainly the case for airfoil inverse design, which requires to generate and edit diverse geometric-qualified and aerodynamic-qualified airfoils following the multimodal instructions, \emph{i.e.,} dragging points and physical parameters. This paper presents the open-source endeavors in airfoil inverse design, \emph{AFBench}, including a large-scale dataset with 200 thousand airfoils and high-quality aerodynamic and geometric labels, two novel and practical airfoil inverse design tasks, \emph{i.e.,} conditional generation on multimodal physical parameters, controllable editing, and comprehensive metrics to evaluate various existing airfoil inverse design methods. Our aim is to establish \emph{AFBench} as an ecosystem for training and evaluating airfoil inverse design methods, with a specific focus on data-driven controllable inverse design models by multimodal instructions capable of bridging the gap between ideas and execution, the academic research and industrial applications. We have provided baseline models, comprehensive experimental observations, and analysis to accelerate future research. Our baseline model is trained on an RTX 3090 GPU within 16 hours. The codebase, datasets and benchmarks will be available at \url{}.

APIGen: Automated PIpeline for Generating Verifiable and Diverse Function-Calling Datasets

Zuxin Liu · Thai Hoang · Jianguo Zhang · Ming Zhu · Tian Lan · Shirley kokane · Juntao Tan · Weiran Yao · Zhiwei Liu · Yihao Feng · Rithesh R N · Liangwei Yang · Silvio Savarese · Juan Carlos Niebles · Huan Wang · Shelby Heinecke · Caiming Xiong

The advancement of function-calling agent models requires diverse, reliable, and high-quality datasets. This paper presents APIGen, an automated data generation pipeline designed to synthesize high-quality datasets for function-calling applications. We leverage APIGen and collect 3,673 executable APIs across 21 different categories to generate diverse function-calling datasets in a scalable and structured manner. Each data in our dataset is verified through three hierarchical stages: format checking, actual function executions, and semantic verification, improving its reliability and correctness. We demonstrate that models trained with our curated datasets, even with only 7B parameters, can achieve state-of-the-art performance on the Berkeley Function-Calling Benchmark, outperforming multiple GPT-4 models. Moreover, our 1B model achieves exceptional performance, surpassing GPT-3.5-Turbo and Claude-3 Haiku. We release a dataset containing 60,000 high-quality entries, aiming to advance the field of function-calling agent domains. The dataset and models are available on the project homepage \url{}.

When LLMs Meet Cunning Texts: A Fallacy Understanding Benchmark for Large Language Models

Yinghui Li · Qingyu Zhou · Yuanzhen Luo · Shirong Ma · Yangning Li · Hai-Tao Zheng · Xuming Hu · Philip S Yu

Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) make remarkable evolutions in language understanding and generation. Following this, various benchmarks for measuring all kinds of capabilities of LLMs have sprung up. In this paper, we challenge the reasoning and understanding abilities of LLMs by proposing a FaLlacy Understanding Benchmark (FLUB) containing cunning texts that are easy for humans to understand but difficult for models to grasp. Specifically, the cunning texts that FLUB focuses on mainly consist of the tricky, humorous, and misleading texts collected from the real internet environment. And we design three tasks with increasing difficulty in the FLUB benchmark to evaluate the fallacy understanding ability of LLMs. Based on FLUB, we investigate the performance of multiple representative and advanced LLMs, reflecting our FLUB is challenging and worthy of more future study. Interesting discoveries and valuable insights are achieved in our extensive experiments and detailed analyses. We hope that our benchmark can encourage the community to improve LLMs' ability to understand fallacies. Our data and codes are available at

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AMBROSIA: A Benchmark for Parsing Ambiguous Questions into Database Queries

Irina Saparina · Mirella Lapata

Practical semantic parsers are expected to understand user utterances and map them to executable programs, even when these are ambiguous. We introduce a new benchmark, AMBROSIA, which we hope will inform and inspire the development of text-to-SQL parsers capable of recognizing and interpreting ambiguous requests. Our dataset contains questions showcasing three different types of ambiguity (scope ambiguity, attachment ambiguity, and vagueness), their interpretations, and corresponding SQL queries. In each case, the ambiguity persists even when the database context is provided. This is achieved through a novel approach that involves controlled generation of databases from scratch. We benchmark various LLMs on AMBROSIA, revealing that even the most advanced models struggle to identify and interpret ambiguity in questions.

$\texttt{pfl-research}$: simulation framework for accelerating research in Private Federated Learning

Filip Granqvist · Congzheng Song · Áine Cahill · Rogier van Dalen · Martin Pelikan · Yi Sheng Chan · Xiaojun Feng · Natarajan Krishnaswami · Vojta Jina · Mona Chitnis

Federated learning (FL) is an emerging machine learning (ML) training paradigm where clients own their data and collaborate to train a global model, without revealing any data to the server and other participants. Researchers commonly perform experiments in a simulation environment to quickly iterate on ideas. However, existing open-source tools do not offer the efficiency required to simulate FL on larger and more realistic FL datasets. We introduce $\texttt{pfl-research}$, a fast, modular, and easy-to-use Python framework for simulating FL. It supports TensorFlow, PyTorch, and non-neural network models, and is tightly integrated with state-of-the-art privacy algorithms. We study the speed of open-source FL frameworks and show that $\texttt{pfl-research}$ is 7-72$\times$ faster than alternative open-source frameworks on common cross-device setups. Such speedup will significantly boost the productivity of the FL research community and enable testing hypotheses on realistic FL datasets that were previously too resource intensive. We release a suite of benchmarks that evaluates an algorithm's overall performance on a diverse set of realistic scenarios.

Off to new Shores: A Dataset & Benchmark for (near-)coastal Flood Inundation Forecasting

Brandon Victor · Mathilde Letard · Peter Naylor · Karim Douch · Nicolas Longepe · Zhen He · Patrick Ebel

Floods are among the most common and devastating natural hazards, imposing immense costs on our society and economy due to their disastrous consequences. Recent progress in weather prediction and spaceborne flood mapping demonstrated the feasibility of anticipating extreme events and reliably detecting their catastrophic effects afterwards. However, these efforts are rarely linked to one another and there is a critical lack of datasets and benchmarks to enable the direct forecasting of flood extent. To resolve this issue, we curate a novel dataset enabling a timely prediction of flood extent. Furthermore, we provide a representative evaluation of state-of-the-art methods, structured into two benchmark tracks for forecasting flood inundation maps i) in general and ii) focused on coastal regions. Altogether, our dataset and benchmark provide a comprehensive platform for evaluating flood forecasts, enabling future solutions for this critical challenge. Data, code \& models are shared at under a CC0 license.

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WikiDBs: A Large-Scale Corpus Of Relational Databases From Wikidata

Liane Vogel · Jan-Micha Bodensohn · Carsten Binnig

Deep learning on tabular data, and particularly tabular representation learning, has recently gained growing interest. However, representation learning for relational databases with multiple tables is still an underexplored area, which may be attributed to the lack of openly available resources. To support the development of foundation models for tabular data and relational databases, we introduce WikiDBs, a novel open-source corpus of 100,000 relational databases. Each database consists of multiple tables connected by foreign keys. The corpus is based on Wikidata and aims to follow certain characteristics of real-world databases. In this paper, we describe the dataset and our method for creating it. By making our code publicly available, we enable others to create tailored versions of the dataset, for example, by creating databases in different languages. Finally, we conduct a set of initial experiments to showcase how WikiDBs can be used to train for data engineering tasks, such as missing value imputation and column type annotation.

Implicit Zoo: A Large-Scale Dataset of Neural Implicit Functions for 2D Images and 3D Scenes

Qi Ma · Danda Pani Paudel · Ender Konukoglu · Luc V Gool

Neural implicit functions have demonstrated significant importance in various areas such as computer vision, graphics. Their advantages include the ability to represent complex shapes and scenes with high fidelity, smooth interpolation capabilities, and continuous representations. Despite these benefits, the development and analysis of implicit functions have been limited by the lack of comprehensive datasets and the substantial computational resources required for their implementation and evaluation. To address these challenges, we introduce "Implicit-Zoo": a large-scale dataset requiring thousands of GPU training days designed to facilitate research and development in this field. Our dataset includes diverse 2D and 3D scenes, such as CIFAR-10, ImageNet-1K, and Cityscapes for 2D image tasks, and the OmniObject3D dataset for 3D vision tasks. We ensure high quality through strict checks, refining or filtering out low-quality data. Using Implicit-Zoo, we showcase two immediate benefits as it enables to: (1) learn token locations for transformer models; (2) Directly regress 3D cameras poses of 2D images with respect to NeRF models. This in turn leads to an \emph{improved performance} in all three task of image classification, semantic segmentation, and 3D pose regression -- thereby unlocking new avenues for research.

TaskBench: Benchmarking Large Language Models for Task Automation

Yongliang Shen · Kaitao Song · Xu Tan · Wenqi Zhang · Kan Ren · Siyu Yuan · Weiming Lu · Dongsheng Li · Yueting Zhuang

In recent years, the remarkable progress of large language models (LLMs) has sparked interest in task automation, which involves decomposing complex tasks described by user instructions into sub-tasks and invoking external tools to execute them, playing a central role in autonomous agents. However, there is a lack of systematic and standardized benchmarks to promote the development of LLMs in task automation. To address this, we introduce TaskBench, a comprehensive framework to evaluate the capability of LLMs in task automation. Specifically, task automation can be divided into three critical stages: task decomposition, tool selection, and parameter prediction. To tackle the complexities inherent in these stages, we introduce the concept of Tool Graph to represent decomposed tasks and adopt a back-instruct method to generate high-quality user instructions. We propose TaskEval, a multi-faceted evaluation methodology that assesses LLM performance across these three stages. Our approach combines automated construction with rigorous human verification, ensuring high consistency with human evaluation. Experimental results demonstrate that TaskBench effectively reflects the capabilities of various LLMs in task automation. It provides insights into model performance across different task complexities and domains, pushing the boundaries of what current models can achieve. TaskBench offers a scalable, adaptable, and reliable benchmark for advancing LLM-based autonomous agents.

Assemblage: Automatic Binary Dataset Construction for Machine Learning

Chang Liu · Rebecca Saul · Yihao Sun · Edward Raff · Maya Fuchs · Townsend Southard Pantano · James Holt · Kristopher Micinski

Binary code is pervasive, and binary analysis is a key task in reverse engineering, malware classification, and vulnerability discovery. Unfortunately, while there exist large corpuses of malicious binaries, obtaining high-quality corpuses of benign binaries for modern systems has proven challenging (e.g., due to licensing issues). Consequently, machine learning based pipelines for binary analysis utilize either costly commercial corpuses (e.g., VirusTotal) or open-source binaries (e.g., coreutils) available in limited quantities. To address these issues, we present Assemblage: an extensible cloud-based distributed system that crawls, configures, and builds Windows PE binaries to obtain high-quality binary corpuses suitable for training state-of-the-art models in binary analysis. We have run Assemblage on AWS over the past year, producing 890k Windows PE and 428k Linux ELF binaries across 29 configurations. Assemblage is designed to be both reproducible and extensible, enabling users to publish "recipes" for their datasets, and facilitating the extraction of a wide array of features. We evaluated Assemblage by using its data to train modern learning-based pipelines for compiler provenance and binary function similarity. Our results illustrate the practical need for robust corpuses of high-quality Windows PE binaries in training modern learning-based binary analyses.

Micro-Bench: A Microscopy Benchmark for Vision-Language Understanding

Alejandro Lozano · Jeffrey Nirschl · James Burgess · Sanket Rajan Gupte · Yuhui Zhang · Alyssa Unell · Serena Yeung

Recent advances in microscopy have enabled the rapid generation of terabytes of image data in cell biology and biomedical research. Vision-language models (VLMs) offer a promising solution for large-scale biological image analysis, enhancing researchers’ efficiency, identifying new image biomarkers, and accelerating hypothesis generation and scientific discovery. However, there is a lack of standardized, diverse, and large-scale vision-language benchmarks to evaluate VLMs’ perception and cognition capabilities in biological image understanding. To address this gap, we introduce Micro-Bench, an expert-curated benchmark encompassing 24 biomedical tasks across various scientific disciplines (biology, pathology), microscopy modalities (electron, fluorescence, light), scales (subcellular, cellular, tissue), and organisms in both normal and abnormal states. We evaluate state-of-the-art biomedical, pathology, and general VLMs on Micro-Bench and find that: i) current models struggle on all categories, even for basic tasks such as distinguishing microscopy modalities; ii) current specialist models fine-tuned on biomedical data often perform worse than generalist models; iii) fine-tuning in specific microscopy domains can cause catastrophic forgetting, eroding prior biomedical knowledge encoded in their base model. iv) weight interpolation between fine-tuned and pre-trained models offers one solution to forgetting and improves general performance across biomedical tasks. We release Micro-Bench under a permissive license to accelerate the research and development of microscopy foundation models.

ViLCo-Bench: VIdeo Language COntinual learning Benchmark

Tianqi Tang · Shohreh Deldari · Hao Xue · Celso de Melo · Flora Salim

Video language continual learning involves continuously adapting to information from video and text inputs, enhancing a model’s ability to handle new tasks while retaining prior knowledge. This field is a relatively under-explored area, and establishing appropriate datasets is crucial for facilitating communication and research in this field. In this study, we present the first dedicated benchmark, ViLCo-Bench, designed to evaluate continual learning models across a range of video-text tasks. The dataset comprises ten-minute-long videos and corresponding language queries collected from publicly available datasets. Additionally, we introduce a novel memory-efficient framework that incorporates self-supervised learning and mimics long-term and short-term memory effects. This framework addresses challenges including memory complexity from long video clips, natural language complexity from open queries, and text-video misalignment. We posit that ViLCo-Bench, with greater complexity compared to existing continual learning benchmarks, would serve as a critical tool for exploring the video-language domain, extending beyond conventional class-incremental tasks, and addressing complex and limited annotation issues. The curated data, evaluations, and our novel method are available at

APEBench: A Benchmark for Autoregressive Neural Emulators of PDEs

Felix Koehler · Simon Niedermayr · rüdiger westermann · Nils Thuerey

We introduce the Autoregressive PDE Emulator Benchmark (APEBench), a comprehensive benchmark suite to evaluate autoregressive neural emulators for solving partial differential equations. APEBench is based on JAX and provides a seamlessly integrated differentiable simulation framework employing efficient pseudo-spectral methods, enabling 46 distinct PDEs across 1D, 2D, and 3D. Facilitating systematic analysis and comparison of learned emulators, we propose a novel taxonomy for unrolled training and introduce a unique identifier for PDE dynamics that directly relates to the stability criteria of classical numerical methods. APEBench enables the evaluation of diverse neural architectures, and unlike existing benchmarks, its tight integration of the solver enables support for differentiable physics training and neural-hybrid emulators. Moreover, APEBench emphasizes rollout metrics to understand temporal generalization, providing insights into the long-term behavior of emulating PDE dynamics. In several experiments, we highlight the similarities between neural emulators and numerical simulators. The code is available at and APEBench can be installed via pip install apebench.

MARPLE: A Benchmark for Long-Horizon Inference

Emily Jin · Zhuoyi Huang · Jan-Philipp Fraenken · Weiyu Liu · Hannah Cha · Erik Brockbank · Sarah Wu · Ruohan Zhang · Jiajun Wu · Tobias Gerstenberg

Reconstructing past events requires reasoning across long time horizons. To figure out what happened, humans draw on prior knowledge about the world and human behavior and integrate insights from various sources of evidence including visual, language, and auditory cues. We introduce MARPLE, a benchmark for evaluating long-horizon inference capabilities using multi-modal evidence. Our benchmark features agents interacting with simulated households, supporting vision, language, and auditory stimuli, as well as procedurally generated environments and agent behaviors. Inspired by classic ``whodunit'' stories, we ask AI models and human participants to infer which agent caused a change in the environment based on a step-by-step replay of what actually happened. The goal is to correctly identify the culprit as early as possible. Our findings show that human participants outperform both traditional Monte Carlo simulation methods and an LLM baseline (GPT-4) on this task. Compared to humans, traditional inference models are less robust and performant, while GPT-4 has difficulty comprehending environmental changes. We analyze factors influencing inference performance and ablate different modes of evidence, finding that all modes are valuable for performance. Overall, our experiments demonstrate that the long-horizon, multimodal inference tasks in our benchmark present a challenge to current models. Project website:

MM-WLAuslan: Multi-View Multi-Modal Word-Level Australian Sign Language Recognition Dataset

Xin Shen · Heming Du · Hongwei Sheng · Shuyun Wang · Hui Chen · Huiqiang Chen · Zhuojie Wu · Xiaobiao Du · Jiaying Ying · Ruihan Lu · Qingzheng Xu · Xin Yu

Isolated Sign Language Recognition (ISLR) focuses on identifying individual sign language glosses. Considering the diversity of sign languages across geographical regions, developing region-specific ISLR datasets is crucial for supporting communication and research. Auslan, as a sign language specific to Australia, still lacks a dedicated large-scale word-level dataset for the ISLR task. To fill this gap, we curate \underline{\textbf{the first}} large-scale Multi-view Multi-modal Word-Level Australian Sign Language recognition dataset, dubbed MM-WLAuslan. Compared to other publicly available datasets, MM-WLAuslan exhibits three significant advantages: (1) the largest amount of data, (2) the most extensive vocabulary, and (3) the most diverse of multi-modal camera views. Specifically, we record 282K+ sign videos covering 3,215 commonly used Auslan glosses presented by 73 signers in a studio environment.Moreover, our filming system includes two different types of cameras, i.e., three Kinect-V2 cameras and a RealSense camera. We position cameras hemispherically around the front half of the model and simultaneously record videos using all four cameras. Furthermore, we benchmark results with state-of-the-art methods for various multi-modal ISLR settings on MM-WLAuslan, including multi-view, cross-camera, and cross-view. Experiment results indicate that MM-WLAuslan is a challenging ISLR dataset, and we hope this dataset will contribute to the development of Auslan and the advancement of sign languages worldwide. All datasets and benchmarks are available at MM-WLAuslan.

User-item fairness tradeoffs in recommendations

Sophie Greenwood · Sudalakshmee Chiniah · Nikhil Garg

In the basic recommendation paradigm, the most (predicted) relevant item is recommended to each user. This may result in some items receiving lower exposure than they "should"; to counter this, several algorithmic approaches have been developed to ensure item fairness. These approaches necessarily degrade recommendations for some users to improve outcomes for items, leading to user fairness concerns. In turn, a recent line of work has focused on developing algorithms for multi-sided fairness, to jointly optimize user fairness, item fairness, and overall recommendation quality. This induces the question: what is the tradeoff between these objectives, and what are the characteristics of (multi-objective) optimal solutions? Theoretically, we develop a model of recommendations with user and item fairness objectives and characterize the solutions of fairness-constrained optimization. We identify two phenomena: (a) when user preferences are diverse, there is "free" item and user fairness; and (b) users whose preferences are misestimated can be especially disadvantaged by item fairness constraints. Empirically, we prototype a recommendation system for preprints on arXiv and implement our framework, measuring the phenomena in practice and showing how these phenomena inform the design of markets with recommendation systems-intermediated matching.

Adaptive Experimentation When You Can't Experiment

Yao Zhao · Kwang-Sung Jun · Tanner Fiez · Lalit Jain

This paper introduces the confounded pure exploration transductive linear bandit (CPET-LB) problem. As a motivating example, often online services cannot directly assign users to specific control or treatment experiences either for business or practical reasons. In these settings, naively comparing treatment and control groups that may result from self-selection can lead to biased estimates of underlying treatment effects. Instead, online services can employ a properly randomized encouragement that incentivizes users toward a specific treatment. Our methodology provides online services with an adaptive experimental design approach for learning the best-performing treatment for such encouragement designs. We consider a more general underlying model captured by a linear structural equation and formulate pure exploration linear bandits in this setting. Though pure exploration has been extensively studied in standard adaptive experimental design settings, we believe this is the first work considering a setting where noise is confounded. Elimination-style algorithms using experimental design methods in combination with a novel finite-time confidence interval on an instrumental variable style estimator are presented with sample complexity upper bounds nearly matching a minimax lower bound. Finally, experiments are conducted that demonstrate the efficacy of our approach.

Multi-Group Proportional Representation in Retrieval

Alex Oesterling · Claudio Mayrink Verdun · Alexander Glynn · Carol Long · Lucas Monteiro Paes · Sajani Vithana · Martina Cardone · Flavio Calmon

Image search and retrieval tasks can perpetuate harmful stereotypes, erase cultural identities, and amplify social disparities. Current approaches to mitigate these representational harms balance the number of retrieved items across population groups defined by a small number of (often binary) attributes. However, most existing methods overlook intersectional groups determined by combinations ofgroup attributes, such as gender, race, and ethnicity. We introduce Multi-Group Proportional Representation (MPR), a novel metric that measures representation across intersectional groups. We develop practical methods for estimating MPR, provide theoretical guarantees, and propose optimization algorithms to ensure MPR in retrieval. We demonstrate that existing methods optimizing for equal and proportional representation metrics may fail to promote MPR. Crucially, our work shows that optimizing MPR yields more proportional representation across multiple intersectional groups specified by a rich function class, often with minimal compromise in retrieval accuracy. Code is provided at

Bias and Volatility: A Statistical Framework for Evaluating Large Language Model's Stereotypes and the Associated Generation Inconsistency

Yiran Liu · Ke Yang · Zehan Qi · Xiao Liu · Yang Yu · Cheng Xiang Zhai

We present a novel statistical framework for analyzing stereotypes in large language models (LLMs) by systematically estimating the bias and variation in their generation. Current evaluation metrics in the alignment literature often overlook the randomness of stereotypes caused by the inconsistent generative behavior of LLMs. For example, this inconsistency can result in LLMs displaying contradictory stereotypes, including those related to gender or race, for identical professions across varied contexts. Neglecting such inconsistency could lead to misleading conclusions in alignment evaluations and hinder the accurate assessment of the risk of LLM applications perpetuating or amplifying social stereotypes and unfairness.This work proposes a Bias-Volatility Framework (BVF) that estimates the probability distribution function of LLM stereotypes. Specifically, since the stereotype distribution fully captures an LLM's generation variation, BVF enables the assessment of both the likelihood and extent to which its outputs are against vulnerable groups, thereby allowing for the quantification of the LLM's aggregated discrimination risk. Furthermore, we introduce a mathematical framework to decompose an LLM’s aggregated discrimination risk into two components: bias risk and volatility risk, originating from the mean and variation of LLM’s stereotype distribution, respectively. We apply BVF to assess 12 commonly adopted LLMs and compare their risk levels. Our findings reveal that: i) Bias risk is the primary cause of discrimination risk in LLMs; ii) Most LLMs exhibit significant pro-male stereotypes for nearly all careers; iii) Alignment with reinforcement learning from human feedback lowers discrimination by reducing bias, but increases volatility; iv) Discrimination risk in LLMs correlates with key sociol-economic factors like professional salaries. Finally, we emphasize that BVF can also be used to assess other dimensions of generation inconsistency's impact on LLM behavior beyond stereotypes, such as knowledge mastery.

Reproducibility Study of "ITI-GEN: Inclusive Text-to-Image Generation"

Daniel Gallo Fernández · Răzvan-Andrei Matișan · Alejandro Monroy · Janusz Partyka

Text-to-image generative models often present issues regarding fairness with respect to certain sensitive attributes, such as gender or skin tone. This study aims to reproduce the results presented in "ITI-GEN: Inclusive Text-to-Image Generation" by Zhang et al. (2023), which introduces a model to improve inclusiveness in these kinds of models. We show that most of the claims made by the authors about ITI-GEN hold: it improves the diversity and quality of generated images, it is scalable to different domains, it has plug-and-play capabilities, and it is efficient from a computational point of view. However, ITI-GEN sometimes uses undesired attributes as proxy features and it is unable to disentangle some pairs of (correlated) attributes such as gender and baldness. In addition, when the number of considered attributes increases, the training time grows exponentially and ITI-GEN struggles to generate inclusive images for all elements in the joint distribution. To solve these issues, we propose using Hard Prompt Search with negative prompting, a method that does not require training and that handles negation better than vanilla Hard Prompt Search. Nonetheless, Hard Prompt Search (with or without negative prompting) cannot be used for continuous attributes that are hard to express in natural language, an area where ITI-GEN excels as it is guided by images during training. Finally, we propose combining ITI-GEN and Hard Prompt Search with negative prompting.

Reproducibility Study: Equal Improvability: A New Fairness Notion Considering the Long-Term Impact

Berkay Chakar · Amina Izbassar · Mina Janićijević · Jakub Tomaszewski

This reproducibility study aims to evaluate the robustness of Equal Improvability (EI) - an effort-based framework for ensuring long-term fairness. To this end, we seek to analyze the three proposed EI-ensuring regularization techniques, i.e. Covariance-based, KDE-based, and Loss-based EI. Our findings largely substantiate the initial assertions, demonstrating EI’s enhanced performance over Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) techniques on various test datasets. Furthermore, while affirming the long-term effectiveness in fairness, the study also uncovers challenges in resilience to overfitting, particularly in highly complex models. Building upon the original study, the experiments were extended to include a new dataset and multiple sensitive attributes. These additional tests further demonstrated the effec- tiveness of the EI approach, reinforcing its continued success. Our study highlights the importance of adaptable strategies in AI fairness, contributing to the ongoing discourse in this field of research.

Deep Learning in Medical Image Registration: Magic or Mirage?

Rohit Jena · Deeksha Sethi · Pratik Chaudhari · James Gee

Classical optimization and learning-based methods are the two reigning paradigms in deformable image registration. While optimization-based methods boast generalizability across modalities and robust performance, learning-based methods promise peak performance, incorporating weak supervision and amortized optimization. However, the exact conditions for either paradigm to perform well over the other are shrouded and not explicitly outlined in the existing literature. In this paper, we make an explicit correspondence between the mutual information of the distribution of per-pixel intensity and labels, and the performance of classical registration methods. This strong correlation hints to the fact that architectural designs in learning-based methods is unlikely to affect this correlation, and therefore, the performance of learning-based methods. This hypothesis is thoroughly validated with state-of-the-art classical and learning-based methods. However, learning-based methods with weak supervision can perform high-fidelity intensity and label registration, which is not possible with classical methods. Next, we show that this high-fidelity feature learning does not translate to invariance to domain shift, and learning-based methods are sensitive to such changes in the data distribution. We reassess and recalibrate performance expectations from classical and DLIR methods under access to label supervision, training time, and its generalization capabilities under minor domain shifts.

Oral Poster
Cracking the Code of Juxtaposition: Can AI Models Understand the Humorous Contradictions

Zhe Hu · Tuo Liang · Jing Li · Yiren Lu · Yunlai Zhou · Yiran Qiao · Jing Ma · Yu Yin

Recent advancements in large vision language models have demonstrated remarkable proficiency across a wide range of tasks. Yet, these models still struggle with understanding the nuances of human humor through juxtaposition, particularly when it involves nonlinear narratives that underpin many jokes and humor cues. This paper investigates this challenge by focusing on comics with contradictory narratives, where each comic consists of two panels that create a humorous contradiction. We introduce the YesBut benchmark, which comprises tasks of varying difficulty aimed at assessing AI's capabilities in recognizing and interpreting these comics, ranging from literal content comprehension to deep narrative reasoning. Through extensive experimentation and analysis of recent commercial or open-sourced large vision language models, we assess their capability to comprehend the complex interplay of the narrative humor inherent in these comics. Our results show that even the state-of-the-art models still struggle with this task. Our findings offer insights into the current limitations and potential improvements for AI in understanding human creative expressions.

Multivariate Stochastic Dominance via Optimal Transport and Applications to Models Benchmarking

Gabriel Rioux · Apoorva Nitsure · Mattia Rigotti · Kristjan Greenewald · Youssef Mroueh

Stochastic dominance is an important concept in probability theory, econometrics and social choice theory for robustly modeling agents' preferences between random outcomes. While many works have been dedicated to the univariate case,little has been done in the multivariate scenario, wherein an agent has to decide between different multivariate outcomes. By exploiting a characterization of multivariate first stochastic dominance in terms of couplings, we introduce a statistic that assesses multivariate almost stochastic dominance under the framework of Optimal Transport with a smooth cost. Further, we introduce an entropic regularization of this statistic, and establish a central limit theorem (CLT) and consistency of the bootstrap procedure for the empirical statistic. Armed with this CLT, we propose a hypothesis testing framework as well as an efficient implementation using the Sinkhorn algorithm. We showcase our method in comparing and benchmarking Large Language Models that are evaluated on multiple metrics. Our multivariate stochastic dominance test allows us to capture the dependencies between the metrics in order to make an informed and statistically significant decision on the relative performance of the models.

Spotlight Poster
Benchmarking Uncertainty Disentanglement: Specialized Uncertainties for Specialized Tasks

Bálint Mucsányi · Michael Kirchhof · Seong Joon Oh

Uncertainty quantification, once a singular task, has evolved into a spectrum of tasks, including abstained prediction, out-of-distribution detection, and aleatoric uncertainty quantification. The latest goal is disentanglement: the construction of multiple estimators that are each tailored to one and only one source of uncertainty. This paper presents the first benchmark of uncertainty disentanglement. We reimplement and evaluate a comprehensive range of uncertainty estimators, from Bayesian over evidential to deterministic ones, across a diverse range of uncertainty tasks on ImageNet. We find that, despite recent theoretical endeavors, no existing approach provides pairs of disentangled uncertainty estimators in practice. We further find that specialized uncertainty tasks are harder than predictive uncertainty tasks, where we observe saturating performance. Our results provide both practical advice for which uncertainty estimators to use for which specific task, and reveal opportunities for future research toward task-centric and disentangled uncertainties. All our reimplementations and Weights & Biases logs are available at

Mercury: A Code Efficiency Benchmark for Code Large Language Models

Mingzhe Du · Anh Tuan Luu · Bin Ji · Qian Liu · See-Kiong Ng

Amidst the recent strides in evaluating Large Language Models for Code (Code LLMs), existing benchmarks have mainly focused on the functional correctness of generated code, neglecting the importance of their computational efficiency. To fill the gap, we present Mercury, the first code efficiency benchmark for Code LLMs. It comprises 1,889 Python tasks, each accompanied by adequate solutions that serve as real-world efficiency baselines, enabling a comprehensive analysis of the runtime distribution. Based on the distribution, we introduce a new metric Beyond, which computes a runtime-percentile-weighted Pass score to reflect functional correctness and code efficiency simultaneously. On Mercury, leading Code LLMs can achieve 65% on Pass, while less than 50% on Beyond. Given that an ideal Beyond score would be aligned with the Pass score, it indicates that while Code LLMs exhibit impressive capabilities in generating functionally correct code, there remains a notable gap in their efficiency. Finally, our empirical experiments reveal that Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) serves as a robust baseline for enhancing code efficiency compared with Supervised Fine Tuning (SFT), which paves a promising avenue for future exploration of efficient code generation. Our code and data are available on GitHub:

Fair GLASSO: Estimating Fair Graphical Models with Unbiased Statistical Behavior

Madeline Navarro · Samuel Rey · Andrei Buciulea · Antonio G. Marques · Santiago Segarra

We propose estimating Gaussian graphical models (GGMs) that are fair with respect to sensitive nodal attributes. Many real-world models exhibit unfair discriminatory behavior due to biases in data. Such discrimination is known to be exacerbated when data is equipped with pairwise relationships encoded in a graph. Additionally, the effect of biased data on graphical models is largely underexplored. We thus introduce fairness for graphical models in the form of two bias metrics to promote balance in statistical similarities across nodal groups with different sensitive attributes. Leveraging these metrics, we present Fair GLASSO, a regularized graphical lasso approach to obtain sparse Gaussian precision matrices with unbiased statistical dependencies across groups. We also propose an efficient proximal gradient algorithm to obtain the estimates. Theoretically, we express the tradeoff between fair and accurate estimated precision matrices. Critically, this includes demonstrating when accuracy can be preserved in the presence of a fairness regularizer. On top of this, we study the complexity of Fair GLASSO and demonstrate that our algorithm enjoys a fast convergence rate. Our empirical validation includes synthetic and real-world simulations that illustrate the value and effectiveness of our proposed optimization problem and iterative algorithm.

Interpolating Item and User Fairness in Multi-Sided Recommendations

Qinyi Chen · Jason Cheuk Nam Liang · Negin Golrezaei · Djallel Bouneffouf

Today's online platforms heavily lean on algorithmic recommendations for bolstering user engagement and driving revenue. However, these recommendations can impact multiple stakeholders simultaneously---the platform, items (sellers), and users (customers)---each with their unique objectives, making it difficult to find the right middle ground that accommodates all stakeholders. To address this, we introduce a novel fair recommendation framework, Problem (FAIR), that flexibly balances multi-stakeholder interests via a constrained optimization formulation. We next explore Problem (FAIR) in a dynamic online setting where data uncertainty further adds complexity, and propose a low-regret algorithm FORM that concurrently performs real-time learning and fair recommendations, two tasks that are often at odds. Via both theoretical analysis and a numerical case study on real-world data, we demonstrate the efficacy of our framework and method in maintaining platform revenue while ensuring desired levels of fairness for both items and users.

GaussianMarker: Uncertainty-Aware Copyright Protection of 3D Gaussian Splatting

Xiufeng Huang · Ruiqi Li · Yiu-ming Cheung · Ka Chun Cheung · Simon See · Renjie Wan

3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has become a crucial method for acquiring 3D assets. To protect the copyright of these assets, digital watermarking techniques can be applied to embed ownership information discreetly within 3DGS mod- els. However, existing watermarking methods for meshes, point clouds, and implicit radiance fields cannot be directly applied to 3DGS models, as 3DGS models use explicit 3D Gaussians with distinct structures and do not rely on neural networks. Naively embedding the watermark on a pre-trained 3DGS can cause obvious distortion in rendered images. In our work, we propose an uncertainty- based method that constrains the perturbation of model parameters to achieve invisible watermarking for 3DGS. At the message decoding stage, the copyright messages can be reliably extracted from both 3D Gaussians and 2D rendered im- ages even under various forms of 3D and 2D distortions. We conduct extensive experiments on the Blender, LLFF, and MipNeRF-360 datasets to validate the effectiveness of our proposed method, demonstrating state-of-the-art performance on both message decoding accuracy and view synthesis quality.

Tight Bounds for Learning RUMs from Small Slates

Flavio Chierichetti · Mirko Giacchini · Ravi Kumar · Alessandro Panconesi · Andrew Tomkins

A Random Utility Model (RUM) is a classical model of user behavior defined by a distribution over $\mathbb{R}^n$. A user, presented with a subset of $\\{1,\ldots,n\\}$, will select the item of the subset with the highest utility, according to a utility vector drawn from the specified distribution. In practical settings, the subset is often of small size, as in the ``ten blue links'' of web search. In this paper, we consider a learning setting with complete information on user choices from subsets of size at most $k$. We show that $k=\Theta(\sqrt{n})$ is both necessary and sufficient to predict the distribution of all user choices with an arbitrarily small, constant error.Based on the upper bound, we obtain new algorithms for approximate RUM learning and variations thereof. Furthermore, we employ our lower bound for approximate RUM learning to derive lower bounds to fractional extensions of the well-studied $k$-deck and trace reconstruction problems.

Topological Generalization Bounds for Discrete-Time Stochastic Optimization Algorithms

Rayna Andreeva · Benjamin Dupuis · Rik Sarkar · Tolga Birdal · Umut Simsekli

We present a novel set of rigorous and computationally efficient topology-based complexity notions that exhibit a strong correlation with the generalization gap in modern deep neural networks (DNNs). DNNs show remarkable generalization properties, yet the source of these capabilities remains elusive, defying the established statistical learning theory. Recent studies have revealed that properties of training trajectories can be indicative of generalization. Building on this insight, state-of-the-art methods have leveraged the topology of these trajectories, particularly their fractal dimension, to quantify generalization. Most existing works compute this quantity by assuming continuous- or infinite-time training dynamics, complicating the development of practical estimators capable of accurately predicting generalization without access to test data. In this paper, we respect the discrete-time nature of training trajectories and investigate the underlying topological quantities that can be amenable to topological data analysis tools. This leads to a new family of reliable topological complexity measures that provably bound the generalization error, eliminating the need for restrictive geometric assumptions. These measures are computationally friendly, enabling us to propose simple yet effective algorithms for computing generalization indices. Moreover, our flexible framework can be extended to different domains, tasks, and architectures. Our experimental results demonstrate that our new complexity measures exhibit a strong correlation with generalization error in industry-standard architectures such as transformers and deep graph networks. Our approach consistently outperforms existing topological bounds across a wide range of datasets, models, and optimizers, highlighting the practical relevance and effectiveness of our complexity measures.

Fast Rates for Bandit PAC Multiclass Classification

Liad Erez · Alon Peled-Cohen · Tomer Koren · Yishay Mansour · Shay Moran

We study multiclass PAC learning with bandit feedback, where inputs are classified into one of $K$ possible labels and feedback is limited to whether or not the predicted labels are correct. Our main contribution is in designing a novel learning algorithm for the agnostic $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-PAC version of the problem, with sample complexity of $O\big( (\operatorname{poly}(K) + 1 / \varepsilon^2) \log (|\mathcal{H}| / \delta) \big)$ for any finite hypothesis class $\mathcal{H}$. In terms of the leading dependence on $\varepsilon$, this improves upon existing bounds for the problem, that are of the form $O(K/\varepsilon^2)$. We also provide an extension of this result to general classes and establish similar sample complexity bounds in which $\log |\mathcal{H}|$ is replaced by the Natarajan dimension.This matches the optimal rate in the full-information version of the problem and resolves an open question studied by Daniely, Sabato, Ben-David, and Shalev-Shwartz (2011) who demonstrated that the multiplicative price of bandit feedback in realizable PAC learning is $\Theta(K)$. We complement this by revealing a stark contrast with the agnostic case, where the price of bandit feedback is only $O(1)$ as $\varepsilon \to 0$. Our algorithm utilizes a stochastic optimization technique to minimize a log-barrier potential based on Frank-Wolfe updates for computing a low-variance exploration distribution over the hypotheses, and is made computationally efficient provided access to an ERM oracle over $\mathcal{H}$.

Error Analysis of Spherically Constrained Least Squares Reformulation in Solving the Stackelberg Prediction Game

Xiyuan Li · Weiwei Liu

The Stackelberg prediction game (SPG) is a popular model for characterizing strategic interactions between a learner and an adversarial data provider. Although optimization problems in SPGs are often NP-hard, a notable special case involving the least squares loss (SPG-LS) has gained significant research attention recently, (Bishop et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2021; Wang et al. 2022). The latest state-of-the-art method for solving the SPG-LS problem is the spherically constrained least squares reformulation (SCLS) method proposed in the work of Wang et al. (2022). However, the lack of theoretical analysis on the error of the SCLS method limits its large-scale applications. In this paper, we investigate the estimation error between the learner obtained by the SCLS method and the actual learner. Specifically, we reframe the estimation error of the SCLS method as a Primary Optimization ($\textbf{PO}$) problem and utilize the Convex Gaussian min-max theorem (CGMT) to transform the $\textbf{PO}$ problem into an Auxiliary Optimization ($\textbf{AO}$) problem. Subsequently, we provide a theoretical error analysis for the SCLS method based on this simplified $\textbf{AO}$ problem. This analysis not only strengthens the theoretical framework of the SCLS method but also confirms the reliability of the learner produced by it. We further conduct experiments to validate our theorems, and the results are in excellent agreement with our theoretical predictions.

Spotlight Poster
Dimension-free deterministic equivalents and scaling laws for random feature regression

Leonardo Defilippis · Bruno Loureiro · Theodor Misiakiewicz

In this work we investigate the generalization performance of random feature ridge regression (RFRR). Our main contribution is a general deterministic equivalent for the test error of RFRR. Specifically, under a certain concentration property, we show that the test error is well approximated by a closed-form expression that only depends on the feature map eigenvalues. Notably, our approximation guarantee is non-asymptotic, multiplicative, and independent of the feature map dimension---allowing for infinite-dimensional features. We expect this deterministic equivalent to hold broadly beyond our theoretical analysis, and we empirically validate its predictions on various real and synthetic datasets. As an application, we derive sharp excess error rates under standard power-law assumptions of the spectrum and target decay. In particular, we provide a tight result for the smallest number of features achieving optimal minimax error rate.

Unveil Benign Overfitting for Transformer in Vision: Training Dynamics, Convergence, and Generalization

Jiarui Jiang · Wei Huang · Miao Zhang · Taiji Suzuki · Liqiang Nie

Transformers have demonstrated great power in the recent development of large foundational models. In particular, the Vision Transformer (ViT) has brought revolutionary changes to the field of vision, achieving significant accomplishments on the experimental side. However, their theoretical capabilities, particularly in terms of generalization when trained to overfit training data, are still not fully understood. To address this gap, this work delves deeply into the \textit{benign overfitting} perspective of transformers in vision. To this end, we study the optimization of a Transformer composed of a self-attention layer with softmax followed by a fully connected layer under gradient descent on a certain data distribution model. By developing techniques that address the challenges posed by softmax and the interdependent nature of multiple weights in transformer optimization, we successfully characterized the training dynamics and achieved generalization in post-training. Our results establish a sharp condition that can distinguish between the small test error phase and the large test error regime, based on the signal-to-noise ratio in the data model. The theoretical results are further verified by experimental simulation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to characterize benign overfitting for Transformers.

Reawakening knowledge: Anticipatory recovery from catastrophic interference via structured training

Yanlai Yang · Matt Jones · Michael Mozer · Mengye Ren

We explore the training dynamics of neural networks in a structured non-IID setting where documents are presented cyclically in a fixed, repeated sequence. Typically, networks suffer from catastrophic interference when training on a sequence of documents; however, we discover a curious and remarkable property of LLMs finetuned sequentially in this setting: they exhibit anticipatory behavior, recovering from the forgetting on documents before seeing them again. The behavior emerges and becomes more robust as the architecture scales up its number of parameters. Through comprehensive experiments and visualizations, we uncover new insights into training over-parameterized networks in structured environments.

Spotlight Poster
Tolerant Algorithms for Learning with Arbitrary Covariate Shift

Surbhi Goel · Abhishek Shetty · Konstantinos Stavropoulos · Arsen Vasilyan

We study the problem of learning under arbitrary distribution shift, where the learner is trained on a labeled set from one distribution but evaluated on a different, potentially adversarially generated test distribution. We focus on two frameworks: PQ learning [GKKM'20], allowing abstention on adversarially generated parts of the test distribution, and TDS learning [KSV'23], permitting abstention on the entire test distribution if distribution shift is detected. All prior known algorithms either rely on learning primitives that are computationally hard even for simple function classes, or end up abstaining entirely even in the presence of a tiny amount of distribution shift. We address both these challenges for natural function classes, including intersections of halfspaces and decision trees, and standard training distributions, including Gaussians. For PQ learning, we give efficient learning algorithms, while for TDS learning, our algorithms can tolerate moderate amounts of distribution shift. At the core of our approach is an improved analysis of spectral outlier-removal techniques from learning with nasty noise. Our analysis can (1) handle arbitrarily large fraction of outliers, which is crucial for handling arbitrary distribution shifts, and (2) obtain stronger bounds on polynomial moments of the distribution after outlier removal, yielding new insights into polynomial regression under distribution shifts. Lastly, our techniques lead to novel results for tolerant testable learning [RV'23], and learning with nasty noise.

Continual Learning with Global Alignment

Xueying Bai · Jinghuan Shang · Yifan Sun · Niranjan Balasubramanian

Continual learning aims to sequentially learn new tasks without forgetting previous tasks' knowledge (catastrophic forgetting). One factor that can cause forgetting is the interference between the gradients on losses from different tasks. When the gradients on the current task's loss are in opposing directions to those on previous tasks' losses, updating the model for the current task may cause performance degradation on previous tasks. In this paper, we first identify causes of the above interference, and hypothesize that correlations between data representations are a key factor of interference. We then propose a method for promoting appropriate correlations between arbitrary tasks' data representations (i.e., global alignment) in individual task learning. Specifically, we learn the data representation as a task-specific composition of pre-trained token representations shared across all tasks. Then the correlations between different tasks' data representations are grounded by correlations between pre-trained token representations. We explore different ways to learn such compositions. Without experience replay, our model achieves SOTA performance in continual learning tasks. It also achieves advanced class-incremental performance through task-incremental training.

Adversarially Robust Multi-task Representation Learning

Austin Watkins · Thanh Nguyen-Tang · Enayat Ullah · Raman Arora

We study adversarially robust transfer learning, wherein, given labeled data on multiple (source) tasks, the goal is to train a model with small robust error on a previously unseen (target) task.In particular, we consider a multi-task representation learning (MTRL) setting, i.e., we assume that the source and target tasks admit a simple (linear) predictor on top of a shared representation (e.g., the final hidden layer of a deep neural network).In this general setting, we provide rates on~the excess adversarial (transfer) risk for Lipschitz losses and smooth nonnegative losses.These rates show that learning a representation using adversarial training on diverse tasks helps protect against inference-time attacks in data-scarce environments.Additionally, we provide novel rates for the single-task setting.

Sample-Efficient Agnostic Boosting

Udaya Ghai · Karan Singh

The theory of boosting provides a computational framework for aggregating approximate weak learning algorithms, which perform marginally better than a random predictor, into an accurate strong learner. In the realizable case, the success of the boosting approach is underscored by a remarkable fact that the resultant sample complexity matches that of a computationally demanding alternative, namely Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM). This in particular implies that the realizable boosting methodology has the potential to offer computational relief without compromising on sample efficiency.Despite recent progress, in agnostic boosting, where assumptions on the conditional distribution of labels given feature descriptions are absent, ERM outstrips the agnostic boosting methodology in being quadratically more sample efficient than all known agnostic boosting algorithms. In this paper, we make progress on closing this gap, and give a substantially more sample efficient agnostic boosting algorithm than those known, without compromising on the computational (or oracle) complexity. A key feature of our algorithm is that it leverages the ability to reuse samples across multiple rounds of boosting, while guaranteeing a generalization error strictly better than those obtained by blackbox applications of uniform convergence arguments. We also apply our approach to other previously studied learning problems, including boosting for reinforcement learning, and demonstrate improved results.

Optimal Algorithms for Augmented Testing of Discrete Distributions

Maryam Aliakbarpour · Piotr Indyk · Ronitt Rubinfeld · Sandeep Silwal

We consider the problem of hypothesis testing for discrete distributions. In the standard model, where we have sample access to an underlying distribution $p$, extensive research has established optimal bounds for uniformity testing, identity testing (goodness of fit), and closeness testing (equivalence or two-sample testing). We explore these problems in a setting where a predicted data distribution, possibly derived from historical data or predictive machine learning models, is available. We demonstrate that such a predictor can indeed reduce the number of samples required for all three property testing tasks. The reduction in sample complexity depends directly on the predictor’s quality, measured by its total variation distance from $p$. A key advantage of our algorithms is their adaptability to the precision of the prediction. Specifically, our algorithms can self-adjust their sample complexity based on the accuracy of the available prediction, operating without any prior knowledge of the estimation’s accuracy (i.e. they are consistent). Additionally, we never use more samples than the standard approaches require, even if the predictions provide no meaningful information (i.e. they are also robust). We provide lower bounds to indicate that the improvements in sample complexity achieved by our algorithms are information-theoretically optimal. Furthermore, experimental results show that the performance of our algorithms on real data significantly exceeds our worst-case guarantees for sample complexity, demonstrating the practicality of our approach.

Generalization Bounds via Conditional $f$-Information

Ziqiao Wang · Yongyi Mao

In this work, we introduce novel information-theoretic generalization bounds using the conditional $f$-information framework, an extension of the traditional conditional mutual information (MI) framework. We provide a generic approach to derive generalization bounds via $f$-information in the supersample setting, applicable to both bounded and unbounded loss functions. Unlike previous MI-based bounds, our proof strategy does not rely on upper bounding the cumulant-generating function (CGF) in the variational formula of MI. Instead, we set the CGF or its upper bound to zero by carefully selecting the measurable function invoked in the variational formula. Although some of our techniques are partially inspired by recent advances in the coin-betting framework (e.g., Jang et al. (2023)), our results are independent of any previous findings from regret guarantees of online gambling algorithms. Additionally, our newly derived MI-based bound recovers many previous results and improves our understanding of their potential limitations. Finally, we empirically compare various $f$-information measures for generalization, demonstrating the improvement of our new bounds over the previous bounds.

Identification of Analytic Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Non-asymptotic Guarantees

Negin Musavi · Ziyao Guo · Geir Dullerud · Yingying Li

This paper focuses on the system identification of an important class of nonlinear systems: nonlinear systems that are linearly parameterized, which enjoy wide applications in robotics and other mechanical systems. We consider two system identification methods: least-squares estimation (LSE), which is a point estimation method; and set-membership estimation (SME), which estimates an uncertainty set that contains the true parameters. We provide non-asymptotic convergence rates for LSE and SME under i.i.d. control inputs and control policies with i.i.d. random perturbations, both of which are considered as non-active-exploration inputs. Compared with the counter-example based on piecewise-affine systems in the literature, the success of non-active exploration in our setting relies on a key assumption about the system dynamics: we require the system functions to be real-analytic. Our results, together with the piecewise-affine counter-example, reveal the importance of differentiability in nonlinear system identification through non-active exploration. Lastly, we numerically compare our theoretical bounds with the empirical performance of LSE and SME on a pendulum example and a quadrotor example.

Soft ascent-descent as a stable and flexible alternative to flooding

Matthew Holland · Kosuke Nakatani

As a heuristic for improving test accuracy in classification, the "flooding" method proposed by Ishida et al. (2020) sets a threshold for the average surrogate loss at training time; above the threshold, gradient descent is run as usual, but below the threshold, a switch to gradient ascent is made. While setting the threshold is non-trivial and is usually done with validation data, this simple technique has proved remarkably effective in terms of accuracy. On the other hand, what if we are also interested in other metrics such as model complexity or average surrogate loss at test time? As an attempt to achieve better overall performance with less fine-tuning, we propose a softened, pointwise mechanism called SoftAD (soft ascent-descent) that downweights points on the borderline, limits the effects of outliers, and retains the ascent-descent effect of flooding, with no additional computational overhead. We contrast formal stationarity guarantees with those for flooding, and empirically demonstrate how SoftAD can realize classification accuracy competitive with flooding (and the more expensive alternative SAM) while enjoying a much smaller loss generalization gap and model norm.

Cardinality-Aware Set Prediction and Top-$k$ Classification

Corinna Cortes · Anqi Mao · Christopher Mohri · Mehryar Mohri · Yutao Zhong

We present a detailed study of cardinality-aware top-$k$ classification, a novel approach that aims to learn an accurate top-$k$ set predictor while maintaining a low cardinality. We introduce a new target loss function tailored to this setting that accounts for both the classification error and the cardinality of the set predicted. To optimize this loss function, we propose two families of surrogate losses: cost-sensitive comp-sum losses and cost-sensitive constrained losses. Minimizing these loss functions leads to new cardinality-aware algorithms that we describe in detail in the case of both top-$k$ and threshold-based classifiers. We establish $H$-consistency bounds for our cardinality-aware surrogate loss functions, thereby providing a strong theoretical foundation for our algorithms. We report the results of extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet, and SVHN datasets demonstrating the effectiveness and benefits of our cardinality-aware algorithms.

Cryptographic Hardness of Score Estimation

Min Jae Song

We show that L2-accurate score estimation, in the absence of strong assumptions on the data distribution, is computationally hard even when sample complexity is polynomial in the relevant problem parameters. Our reduction builds on the result of Chen et al. (ICLR 2023), who showed that the problem of generating samples from an unknown data distribution reduces to L2-accurate score estimation. Our hard-to-estimate distributions are the "Gaussian pancakes" distributions, originally due to Diakonikolas et al. (FOCS 2017), which have been shown to be computationally indistinguishable from the standard Gaussian under widely believed hardness assumptions from lattice-based cryptography (Bruna et al., STOC 2021; Gupte et al., FOCS 2022).

Optimal Rates for Vector-Valued Spectral Regularization Learning Algorithms

Dimitri Meunier · Zikai Shen · Mattes Mollenhauer · Arthur Gretton · Zhu Li

We study theoretical properties of a broad class of regularized algorithms with vector-valued output. These spectral algorithms include kernel ridge regression, kernel principal component regression and various implementations of gradient descent. Our contributions are twofold. First, we rigorously confirm the so-called saturation effect for ridge regression with vector-valued output by deriving a novel lower bound on learning rates; this bound is shown to be suboptimal when the smoothness of the regression function exceeds a certain level.Second, we present an upper bound on the finite sample risk for general vector-valued spectral algorithms, applicable to both well-specified and misspecified scenarios (where the true regression function lies outside of the hypothesis space), and show that this bound is minimax optimal in various regimes. All of our results explicitly allow the case of infinite-dimensional output variables, proving consistency of recent practical applications.

Trade-Offs of Diagonal Fisher Information Matrix Estimators

Alexander Soen · Ke Sun

The Fisher information matrix can be used to characterize the local geometry ofthe parameter space of neural networks. It elucidates insightful theories anduseful tools to understand and optimize neural networks. Given its highcomputational cost, practitioners often use random estimators and evaluate onlythe diagonal entries. We examine two popular estimators whose accuracy and samplecomplexity depend on their associated variances. We derive bounds of thevariances and instantiate them in neural networks for regression andclassification. We navigate trade-offs for both estimators based on analyticaland numerical studies. We find that the variance quantities depend on thenon-linearity w.r.t. different parameter groups and should not be neglected whenestimating the Fisher information.

Task-recency bias strikes back: Adapting covariances in Exemplar-Free Class Incremental Learning

Grzegorz Rypeść · Sebastian Cygert · Tomasz Trzcinski · Bartłomiej Twardowski

Exemplar-Free Class Incremental Learning (EFCIL) tackles the problem of training a model on a sequence of tasks without access to past data. Existing state-of-the-art methods represent classes as Gaussian distributions in the feature extractor's latent space, enabling Bayes classification or training the classifier by replaying pseudo features. However, we identify two critical issues that compromise their efficacy when the feature extractor is updated on incremental tasks. First, they do not consider that classes' covariance matrices change and must be adapted after each task. Second, they are susceptible to a task-recency bias caused by dimensionality collapse occurring during training. In this work, we propose AdaGauss - a novel method that adapts covariance matrices from task to task and mitigates the task-recency bias owing to the additional anti-collapse loss function. AdaGauss yields state-of-the-art results on popular EFCIL benchmarks and datasets when training from scratch or starting from a pre-trained backbone.

Local and Adaptive Mirror Descents in Extensive-Form Games

Côme Fiegel · Pierre Ménard · Tadashi Kozuno · Remi Munos · Vianney Perchet · Michal Valko

We study how to learn $\epsilon$-optimal strategies in zero-sum imperfect information games (IIG) with *trajectory feedback*. In this setting, players update their policies sequentially, based on their observations over a fixed number of episodes denoted by $T$. Most existing procedures suffer from high variance due to the use of importance sampling over sequences of actions. To reduce this variance, we consider a *fixed sampling* approach, where players still update their policies over time, but with observations obtained through a given fixed sampling policy. Our approach is based on an adaptive Online Mirror Descent (OMD) algorithm that applies OMD locally to each information set, using individually decreasing learning rates and a *regularized loss*. We show that this approach guarantees a convergence rate of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{-1/2})$ with high probability and has a near-optimal dependence on the game parameters when applied with the best theoretical choices of learning rates and sampling policies. To achieve these results, we generalize the notion of OMD stabilization, allowing for time-varying regularization with convex increments.

Gradient Methods for Online DR-Submodular Maximization with Stochastic Long-Term Constraints

Guanyu Nie · Vaneet Aggarwal · Christopher Quinn

In this paper, we consider the problem of online monotone DR-submodular maximization subject to long-term stochastic constraints. Specifically, at each round $t\in [T]$, after committing an action $\mathbf{x}_t$, a random reward $f_t(\mathbf{x}_t)$ and an unbiased gradient estimate of the point $\widetilde{\nabla}f_t(\mathbf{x}_t)$ (semi-bandit feedback) are revealed. Meanwhile, a budget of $g_t(\mathbf{x}_t)$, which is linear and stochastic, is consumed of its total allotted budget $B_T$. We propose a gradient ascent based algorithm that achieves $\frac{1}{2}$-regret of $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$ with $\mathcal{O}(T^{3/4})$ constraint violation with high probability. Moreover, when first-order full-information feedback is available, we propose an algorithm that achieves $(1-1/e)$-regret of $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$ with $\mathcal{O}(T^{3/4})$ constraint violation. These algorithms significantly improve over the state-of-the-art in terms of query complexity.

When is Multicalibration Post-Processing Necessary?

Dutch Hansen · Siddartha Devic · Preetum Nakkiran · Vatsal Sharan

Calibration is a well-studied property of predictors which guarantees meaningful uncertainty estimates. Multicalibration is a related notion --- originating in algorithmic fairness --- which requires predictors to be simultaneously calibrated over a potentially complex and overlapping collection of protected subpopulations (such as groups defined by ethnicity, race, or income). We conduct the first comprehensive study evaluating the usefulness of multicalibration post-processing across a broad set of tabular, image, and language datasets for models spanning from simple decision trees to 90 million parameter fine-tuned LLMs. Our findings can be summarized as follows: (1) models which are calibrated out of the box tend to be relatively multicalibrated without any additional post-processing; (2) multicalibration can help inherently uncalibrated models and also large vision and language models; and (3) traditional calibration measures may sometimes provide multicalibration implicitly. More generally, we also distill many independent observations which may be useful for practical and effective applications of multicalibration post-processing in real-world contexts.

Optimal Top-Two Method for Best Arm Identification and Fluid Analysis

Agniv Bandyopadhyay · Sandeep Juneja · Shubhada Agrawal

Top-2 methods have become popular in solving the best arm identification (BAI) problem. The best arm, or the arm with the largest mean amongst finitely many, is identified through an algorithm that at any sequential step independently pulls the empirical best arm, with a fixed probability $\beta$, and pulls the best challenger arm otherwise. The probability of incorrect selection is guaranteed to lie below a specified $\delta>0$. Information theoretic lower bounds on sample complexity are well known for BAI problem and are matched asymptotically as $\delta\to 0$ by computationally demanding plug-in methods. The above top 2 algorithm for any $\beta\in(0, 1)$ has sample complexity within a constant of the lower bound. However, determining the optimal β that matches the lower bound has proven difficult. In this paper, we address this and propose an optimal top-2 type algorithm. We consider a function of allocations anchored at a threshold. If it exceeds the threshold then the algorithm samples the empirical best arm. Otherwise, it samples the challenger arm. We show that the proposed algorithm is optimal as $\delta\to 0$. Our analysis relies on identifying a limiting fluid dynamics of allocations that satisfy a series of ordinary differential equations pasted together and that describe the asymptotic path followed by our algorithm. We rely on the implicit function theorem to show existence and uniqueness of these fluid ode’s and to show that the proposed algorithm remains close to the ode solution.

Optimal Multi-Fidelity Best-Arm Identification

Riccardo Poiani · Rémy Degenne · Emilie Kaufmann · Alberto Maria Metelli · Marcello Restelli

In bandit best-arm identification, an algorithm is tasked with finding the arm with highest mean reward with a specified accuracy as fast as possible. We study multi-fidelity best-arm identification, in which the algorithm can choose to sample an arm at a lower fidelity (less accurate mean estimate) for a lower cost. Several methods have been proposed for tackling this problem, but their optimality remain elusive, notably due to loose lower bounds on the total cost needed to identify the best arm. Our first contribution is a tight, instance-dependent lower bound on the cost complexity. The study of the optimization problem featured in the lower bound provides new insights to devise computationally efficient algorithms, and leads us to propose a gradient-based approach with asymptotically optimal cost complexity. We demonstrate the benefits of the new algorithm compared to existing methods in experiments. Our theoretical and empirical findings also shed light on an intriguing concept of optimal fidelity for each arm.

Beyond Primal-Dual Methods in Bandits with Stochastic and Adversarial Constraints

Martino Bernasconi · Matteo Castiglioni · Andrea Celli · Federico Fusco

We address a generalization of the bandit with knapsacks problem, where a learner aims to maximize rewards while satisfying an arbitrary set of long-term constraints. Our goal is to design best-of-both-worlds algorithms that perform optimally under both stochastic and adversarial constraints. Previous works address this problem via primal-dual methods, and require some stringent assumptions, namely the Slater's condition, and in adversarial settings, they either assume knowledge of a lower bound on the Slater's parameter, or impose strong requirements on the primal and dual regret minimizers such as requiring weak adaptivity. We propose an alternative and more natural approach based on optimistic estimations of the constraints. Surprisingly, we show that estimating the constraints with an UCB-like approach guarantees optimal performances.Our algorithm consists of two main components: (i) a regret minimizer working on moving strategy sets and (ii) an estimate of the feasible set as an optimistic weighted empirical mean of previous samples. The key challenge in this approach is designing adaptive weights that meet the different requirements for stochastic and adversarial constraints. Our algorithm is significantly simpler than previous approaches, and has a cleaner analysis. Moreover, ours is the first best-of-both-worlds algorithm providing bounds logarithmic in the number of constraints. Additionally, in stochastic settings, it provides $\widetilde O(\sqrt{T})$ regret without Slater's condition.

Improved Algorithms for Contextual Dynamic Pricing

Matilde Tullii · Solenne Gaucher · Nadav Merlis · Vianney Perchet

In contextual dynamic pricing, a seller sequentially prices goods based on contextual information. Buyers will purchase products only if the prices are below their valuations.The goal of the seller is to design a pricing strategy that collects as much revenue as possible. We focus on two different valuation models. The first assumes that valuations linearly depend on the context and are further distorted by noise. Under minor regularity assumptions, our algorithm achieves an optimal regret bound of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{2/3})$, improving the existing results. The second model removes the linearity assumption, requiring only that the expected buyer valuation is $\beta$-H\"older in the context. For this model, our algorithm obtains a regret $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{d+2\beta/d+3\beta})$, where $d$ is the dimension of the context space.

Regret Minimization in Stackelberg Games with Side Information

Keegan Harris · Steven Wu · Maria-Florina Balcan

Algorithms for playing in Stackelberg games have been deployed in real-world domains including airport security, anti-poaching efforts, and cyber-crime prevention. However, these algorithms often fail to take into consideration the additional information available to each player (e.g. traffic patterns, weather conditions, network congestion), a salient feature of reality which may significantly affect both players' optimal strategies. We formalize such settings as Stackelberg games with side information, in which both players observe an external context before playing. The leader commits to a (context-dependent) strategy, and the follower best-responds to both the leader's strategy and the context. We focus on the online setting in which a sequence of followers arrive over time, and the context may change from round-to-round. In sharp contrast to the non-contextual version, we show that it is impossible for the leader to achieve good performance (measured by regret) in the full adversarial setting. Motivated by our impossibility result, we show that no-regret learning is possible in two natural relaxations: the setting in which the sequence of followers is chosen stochastically and the sequence of contexts is adversarial, and the setting in which the sequence of contexts is stochastic and the sequence of followers is chosen by an adversary.

Fast Iterative Hard Thresholding Methods with Pruning Gradient Computations

Yasutoshi Ida · Sekitoshi Kanai · Atsutoshi Kumagai · Tomoharu Iwata · Yasuhiro Fujiwara

We accelerate the iterative hard thresholding (IHT) method, which finds (k) important elements from a parameter vector in a linear regression model. Although the plain IHT repeatedly updates the parameter vector during the optimization, computing gradients is the main bottleneck. Our method safely prunes unnecessary gradient computations to reduce the processing time.The main idea is to efficiently construct a candidate set, which contains (k) important elements in the parameter vector, for each iteration. Specifically, before computing the gradients, we prune unnecessary elements in the parameter vector for the candidate set by utilizing upper bounds on absolute values of the parameters. Our method guarantees the same optimization results as the plain IHT because our pruning is safe. Experiments show that our method is up to 73 times faster than the plain IHT without degrading accuracy.

Binary Search with Distributional Predictions

Michael Dinitz · Sungjin Im · Thomas Lavastida · Ben Moseley · Aidin Niaparast · Sergei Vassilvitskii

Algorithms with (machine-learned) predictions is a powerful framework for combining traditional worst-case algorithms with modern machine learning. However, the vast majority of work in this space assumes that the prediction itself is non-probabilistic, even if it is generated by some stochastic process (such as a machine learning system). This is a poor fit for modern ML, particularly modern neural networks, which naturally generate a *distribution*. We initiate the study of algorithms with *distributional* predictions, where the prediction itself is a distribution. We focus on one of the simplest yet fundamental settings: binary search (or searching a sorted array). This setting has one of the simplest algorithms with a point prediction, but what happens if the prediction is a distribution? We show that this is a richer setting: there are simple distributions where using the classical prediction-based algorithm with any single prediction does poorly. Motivated by this, as our main result, we give an algorithm with query complexity $O(H(p) + \log \eta)$, where $H(p)$ is the entropy of the true distribution $p$ and $\eta$ is the earth mover's distance between $p$ and the predicted distribution $\hat p$. This also yields the first *distributionally-robust* algorithm for the classical problem of computing an optimal binary search tree given a distribution over target keys. We complement this with a lower bound showing that this query complexity is essentially optimal (up to constants), and experiments validating the practical usefulness of our algorithm.

Approximately Pareto-optimal Solutions for Bi-Objective k-Clustering

Anna Arutyunova · Jan Eube · Heiko Röglin · Melanie Schmidt · Sarah Sturm · Julian Wargalla

As a major unsupervised learning method, clustering has received a lot of attention over multiple decades. The various clustering problems that have been studied intensively include, e.g., the $k$-means problem and the $k$-center problem. However, in applications, it is common that good clusterings should optimize multiple objectives (e.g., visualizing data on a map by clustering districts into areas that are both geographically compact but also homogeneous with respect to the data). We study combinations of different objectives, for example optimizing $k$-center and $k$-means simultaneously or optimizing $k$-center with respect to two different metrics. Usually these objectives are conflicting and cannot be optimized simultaneously, making it necessary to find trade-offs. We develop novel algorithms for computing the set of Pareto-optimal solutions (approximately) for various combinations of two objectives. Our algorithms achieve provable approximation guarantees and we demonstrate in several experiments that the (approximate) Pareto set contains good clusterings that cannot be found by considering one of the objectives separately.

Accelerating Matroid Optimization through Fast Imprecise Oracles

Franziska Eberle · Felix Hommelsheim · Alexander Lindermayr · Zhenwei Liu · Nicole Megow · Jens Schlöter

Querying complex models for precise information (e.g. traffic models, database systems, large ML models) often entails intense computations and results in long response times. Thus, weaker models which give imprecise results quickly can be advantageous, provided inaccuracies can be resolved using few queries to a stronger model. In the fundamental problem of computing a maximum-weight basis of a matroid, a well-known generalization of many combinatorial optimization problems, algorithms have access to a clean oracle to query matroid information. We additionally equip algorithms with a fast but dirty oracle. We design and analyze practical algorithms which only use few clean queries w.r.t. the quality of the dirty oracle, while maintaining robustness against arbitrarily poor dirty oracles, approaching the performance of classic algorithms for the given problem. Notably, we prove that our algorithms are, in many respects, best-possible. Further, we outline extensions to other matroid oracle types, non-free dirty oracles and other matroid problems.

John Ellipsoids via Lazy Updates

David Woodruff · Taisuke Yasuda

We give a faster algorithm for computing an approximate John ellipsoid around $n$ points in $d$ dimensions. The best known prior algorithms are based on repeatedly computing the leverage scores of the points and reweighting them by these scores (Cohen et al., 2019). We show that this algorithm can be substantially sped up by delaying the computation of high accuracy leverage scores by using sampling, and then later computing multiple batches of high accuracy leverage scores via fast rectangular matrix multiplication. We also give low-space streaming algorithms for John ellipsoids using similar ideas.

S-SOS: Stochastic Sum-Of-Squares for Parametric Polynomial Optimization

Licheng Zhu · Mathias Oster · Yuehaw Khoo

Global polynomial optimization is an important tool across applied mathematics, with many applications in operations research, engineering, and the physical sciences. In various settings, the polynomials depend on external parameters that may be random. We discuss a stochastic sum-of-squares (S-SOS) algorithm based on the sum-of-squares hierarchy that constructs a series of semidefinite programs to jointly find strict lower bounds on the global minimum and extracts candidates for parameterized global minimizers. We prove quantitative convergence of the hierarchy as the degree increases and use it to solve unconstrained and constrained polynomial optimization problems parameterized by random variables. By employing n-body priors from condensed matter physics to induce sparsity, we can use S-SOS to produce solutions and uncertainty intervals for sensor network localization problems containing up to 40 variables and semidefinite matrix sizes surpassing 800 x 800.

Spotlight Poster
Functional Bilevel Optimization for Machine Learning

Ieva Petrulionytė · Julien Mairal · Michael Arbel

In this paper, we introduce a new functional point of view on bilevel optimization problems for machine learning, where the inner objective is minimized over a function space. These types of problems are most often solved by using methods developed in the parametric setting, where the inner objective is strongly convex with respect to the parameters of the prediction function. The functional point of view does not rely on this assumption and notably allows using over-parameterized neural networks as the inner prediction function. We propose scalable and efficient algorithms for the functional bilevel optimization problem and illustrate the benefits of our approach on instrumental regression and reinforcement learning tasks.

Spotlight Poster
Mean-Field Langevin Dynamics for Signed Measures via a Bilevel Approach

Guillaume Wang · Alireza Mousavi-Hosseini · Lénaïc Chizat

Mean-field Langevin dynamics (MLFD) is a class of interacting particle methods that tackle convex optimization over probability measures on a manifold, which are scalable, versatile, and enjoy computational guarantees. However, some important problems -- such as risk minimization for infinite width two-layer neural networks, or sparse deconvolution -- are originally defined over the set of signed, rather than probability, measures. In this paper, we investigate how to extend the MFLD framework to convex optimization problems over signed measures.Among two known reductions from signed to probability measures -- the lifting and the bilevel approaches -- we show that the bilevel reduction leads to stronger guarantees and faster rates (at the price of a higher per-iteration complexity).In particular, we investigate the convergence rate of MFLD applied to the bilevel reduction in the low-noise regime and obtain two results. First, this dynamics is amenable to an annealing schedule, adapted from [Suzuki et al., 2023], that results in polynomial convergence rates to a fixed multiplicative accuracy. Second, we investigate the problem of learning a single neuron with the bilevel approach and obtain local exponential convergence rates that depend polynomially on the dimension and noise level (to compare with the exponential dependence that would result from prior analyses).

First-Order Minimax Bilevel Optimization

Yifan Yang · Zhaofeng Si · Siwei Lyu · Kaiyi Ji

Multi-block minimax bilevel optimization has been studied recently due to its great potential in multi-task learning, robust machine learning, and few-shot learning. However, due to the complex three-level optimization structure, existing algorithms often suffer from issues such as high computing costs due to the second-order model derivatives or high memory consumption in storing all blocks' parameters. In this paper, we tackle these challenges by proposing two novel fully first-order algorithms named FOSL and MemCS. FOSL features a fully single-loop structure by updating all three variables simultaneously, and MemCS is a memory-efficient double-loop algorithm with cold-start initialization. We provide a comprehensive convergence analysis for both algorithms under full and partial block participation, and show that their sample complexities match or outperform those of the same type of methods in standard bilevel optimization. We evaluate our methods in two applications: the recently proposed multi-task deep AUC maximization and a novel rank-based robust meta-learning. Our methods consistently improve over existing methods with better performance over various datasets.

Unveiling LoRA Intrinsic Ranks via Salience Analysis

Wenjun Ke · Jiahao Wang · Peng Wang · Jiajun Liu · Dong Nie · Guozheng Li · Yining Li

The immense parameter scale of large language models underscores the necessity for parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods. Methods based on Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) assume the low-rank characteristics of the incremental matrix and optimize the matrix obtained from low-rank decomposition. Although effective, these methods are constrained by a fixed and unalterable intrinsic rank, neglecting the variable importance of matrices. Consequently, methods for adaptive rank allocation are proposed, among which AdaLoRA demonstrates excellent fine-tuning performance. AdaLoRA conducts adaptation based on singular value decomposition (SVD), dynamically allocating intrinsic ranks according to importance. However, it still struggles to achieve a balance between fine-tuning effectiveness and efficiency, leading to limited rank allocation space. Additionally, the importance measurement focuses only on parameters with minimal impact on the loss, neglecting the dominant role of singular values in SVD-based matrices and the fluctuations during training. To address these issues, we propose SalientLoRA, which adaptively optimizes intrinsic ranks of LoRA via salience measurement. Firstly, during rank allocation, the salience measurement analyses the variation of singular value magnitudes across multiple time steps and establishes their inter-dependency relationships to assess the matrix importance. This measurement mitigates instability and randomness that may arise during importance assessment. Secondly, to achieve a balance between fine-tuning performance and efficiency, we propose an adaptive adjustment of time-series window, which adaptively controls the size of time-series for significance measurement and rank reduction during training, allowing for rapid rank allocation while maintaining training stability. This mechanism enables matrics to set a higher initial rank, thus expanding the allocation space for ranks. To evaluate the generality of our method across various tasks, we conduct experiments on natural language understanding (NLU), natural language generation (NLG), and large model instruction tuning tasks. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of SalientLoRA, which outperforms state-of-the-art methods by 0.96\%-3.56\% on multiple datasets. Furthermore, as the rank allocation space expands, our method ensures fine-tuning efficiency, achieving a speed improvement of 94.5\% compared to AdaLoRA. The code is publicly available at

Penalty-based Methods for Simple Bilevel Optimization under Hölderian Error Bounds

Pengyu Chen · Xu Shi · Rujun Jiang · Jiulin Wang

This paper investigates simple bilevel optimization problems where we minimize a convex upper-level objective over the optimal solution set of a convex lower-level objective. Existing methods for such problems either only guarantee asymptotic convergence, have slow sublinear rates, or require strong assumptions. To address these challenges, we propose a penalization framework that delineates the relationship between approximate solutions of the original problem and its reformulated counterparts. This framework accommodates varying assumptions regarding smoothness and convexity, enabling the application of specific methods with different complexity results. Specifically, when both upper- and lower-level objectives are composite convex functions, under an $\alpha$-Hölderian error bound condition and certain mild assumptions, our algorithm attains an $(\epsilon,\epsilon^{\beta})$-optimal solution of the original problem for any $\beta> 0$ within $\mathcal{O}\left(\sqrt{{1}/{\epsilon^{\max\\{\alpha,\beta\\}}}}\right)$ iterations. The result can be improved further if the smooth part of the upper-level objective is strongly convex. We also establish complexity results when the upper- and lower-level objectives are general nonsmooth functions. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms.

Weight decay induces low-rank attention layers

Seijin Kobayashi · Yassir Akram · Johannes von Oswald

The effect of regularizers such as weight decay when training deep neural networks is not well understood. We study the influence of weight decay as well as $L2$-regularization when training neural network models in which parameter matrices interact multiplicatively. This combination is of particular interest as this parametrization is common in attention layers, the workhorse of transformers. Here, key-query, as well as value-projection parameter matrices, are multiplied directly with each other: $W_K^TW_Q$ and $PW_V$. We extend previous results and show on one hand that any local minimum of a $L2$-regularized loss of the form $L(AB^\top) + \lambda (\|A\|^2 + \|B\|^2)$ coincides with a minimum of the nuclear norm-regularized loss $L(AB^\top) + \lambda\|AB^\top\|_*$, and on the other hand that the 2 losses become identical exponentially quickly during training. We thus complement existing works linking $L2$-regularization with low-rank regularization, and in particular, explain why such regularization on the matrix product affects early stages of training.Based on these theoretical insights, we verify empirically that the key-query and value-projection matrix products $W_K^TW_Q, PW_V$ within attention layers, when optimized with weight decay, as usually done in vision tasks and language modelling, indeed induce a significant reduction in the rank of $W_K^TW_Q$ and $PW_V$, even in fully online training.We find that, in accordance with existing work, inducing low rank in attention matrix products can damage language model performance, and observe advantages when decoupling weight decay in attention layers from the rest of the parameters.

Boundary Decomposition for Nadir Objective Vector Estimation

Ruihao Zheng · Zhenkun Wang

The nadir objective vector plays a key role in solving multi-objective optimization problems (MOPs), where it is often used to normalize the objective space and guide the search. The current methods for estimating the nadir objective vector perform effectively only on specific MOPs. This paper reveals the limitations of these methods: exact methods can only work on discrete MOPs, while heuristic methods cannot deal with the MOP with a complicated feasible objective region. To fill this gap, we propose a general and rigorous method, namely boundary decomposition for nadir objective vector estimation (BDNE). BDNE scalarizes the MOP into a set of boundary subproblems. By utilizing bilevel optimization, boundary subproblems are optimized and adjusted alternately, thereby refining their optimal solutions to align with the nadir objective vector. We prove that the bilevel optimization identifies the nadir objective vector under mild conditions. We compare BDNE with existing methods on various black-box MOPs. The results conform to the theoretical analysis and show the significant potential of BDNE for real-world application.

Spotlight Poster
Mirror and Preconditioned Gradient Descent in Wasserstein Space

Clément Bonet · Théo Uscidda · Adam David · Pierre-Cyril Aubin-Frankowski · Anna Korba

As the problem of minimizing functionals on the Wasserstein space encompasses many applications in machine learning, different optimization algorithms on $\mathbb{R}^d$ have received their counterpart analog on the Wasserstein space. We focus here on lifting two explicit algorithms: mirror descent and preconditioned gradient descent. These algorithms have been introduced to better capture the geometry of the function to minimize and are provably convergent under appropriate (namely relative) smoothness and convexity conditions. Adapting these notions to the Wasserstein space, we prove guarantees of convergence of some Wasserstein-gradient-based discrete-time schemes for new pairings of objective functionals and regularizers. The difficulty here is to carefully select along which curves the functionals should be smooth and convex. We illustrate the advantages of adapting the geometry induced by the regularizer on ill conditioned optimization tasks, and showcase the improvement of choosing different discrepancies and geometries in a computational biology task of aligning single-cells.

Online Budgeted Matching with General Bids

Jianyi Yang · Pengfei Li · Adam Wierman · Shaolei Ren

Online Budgeted Matching (OBM) is a classic problem with important applications in online advertising, online service matching, revenue management, and beyond. Traditional online algorithms typically assume a small bid setting, where the maximum bid-to-budget ratio ($\kappa$) is infinitesimally small. While recent algorithms have tried to address scenarios with non-small or general bids, they often rely on the Fractional Last Matching (FLM) assumption, which allows for accepting partial bids when the remaining budget is insufficient. This assumption, however, does not hold for many applications with indivisible bids. In this paper, we remove the FLM assumption and tackle the open problem of OBM with general bids. We first establish an upper bound of $1-\kappa$ on the competitive ratio for any deterministic online algorithm. We then propose a novel meta algorithm, called MetaAd, which reduces to different algorithms with first known provable competitive ratios parameterized by the maximum bid-to-budget ratio $\kappa\in [0,1]$. As a by-product, we extend MetaAd to the FLM setting and get provable competitive algorithms. Finally, we apply our competitive analysis to the design learning- augmented algorithms.

HardCore Generation: Generating Hard UNSAT Problems for Data Augmentation

Joseph Cotnareanu · Zhanguang Zhang · Hui-Ling Zhen · Yingxue Zhang · Mark Coates

Efficiently determining the satisfiability of a boolean equation --- known as the SAT problem for brevity --- is crucial in various industrial problems. Recently, the advent of deep learning methods has introduced significant potential for enhancing SAT solving. However, a major barrier to the advancement of this field has been the scarcity of large, realistic datasets. The majority of current public datasets are either randomly generated or extremely limited, containing only a few examples from unrelated problem families. These datasets are inadequate for meaningful training of deep learning methods. In light of this, researchers have started exploring generative techniques to create data that more accurately reflect SAT problems encountered in practical situations. These methods have so far suffered from either the inability to produce challenging SAT problems or time-scalability obstacles. In this paper we address both by identifying and manipulating the key contributors to a problem's ``hardness'', known as cores. Although some previous work has addressed cores, the time costs are unacceptably high due to the expense of traditional heuristic core detection techniques. We introduce a fast core detection procedure that uses a graph neural network. Our empirical results demonstrate that we can efficiently generate problems that remain hard to solve and retain key attributes of the original example problems. We show via experiment that the generated synthetic SAT problems can be used in a data augmentation setting to provide improved prediction of solver runtimes.

Learning-Augmented Dynamic Submodular Maximization

Arpit Agarwal · Eric Balkanski

In dynamic submodular maximization, the goal is to maintain a high-value solution over a sequence of element insertions and deletions with a fast update time. Motivated by large-scale applications and the fact that dynamic data often exhibits patterns, we ask the following question: can predictions be used to accelerate the update time of dynamic submodular maximization algorithms? We consider the model for dynamic algorithms with predictions where predictions regarding the insertion and deletion times of elements can be used for preprocessing. Our main result is an algorithm with an $O(\text{poly}(\log \eta, \log w, \log k))$ amortized update time over the sequence of updates that achieves a $1/2 - \epsilon$ approximation for dynamic monotone submodular maximization under a cardinality constraint $k$, where the prediction error $\eta$ is the number of elements that are not inserted and deleted within $w$ time steps of their predicted insertion and deletion times. This amortized update time is independent of the length of the stream and instead depends on the prediction error.

Controlling Continuous Relaxation for Combinatorial Optimization

Yuma Ichikawa

Unsupervised learning (UL)-based solvers for combinatorial optimization (CO) train a neural network that generates a soft solution by directly optimizing the CO objective using a continuous relaxation strategy. These solvers offer several advantages over traditional methods and other learning-based methods, particularly for large-scale CO problems. However, UL-based solvers face two practical issues: (I) an optimization issue, where UL-based solvers are easily trapped at local optima, and (II) a rounding issue, where UL-based solvers require artificial post-learning rounding from the continuous space back to the original discrete space, undermining the robustness of the results. This study proposes a Continuous Relaxation Annealing (CRA) strategy, an effective rounding-free learning method for UL-based solvers. CRA introduces a penalty term that dynamically shifts from prioritizing continuous solutions, effectively smoothing the non-convexity of the objective function, to enforcing discreteness, eliminating artificial rounding. Experimental results demonstrate that CRA significantly enhances the performance of UL-based solvers, outperforming existing UL-based solvers and greedy algorithms in complex CO problems. Additionally, CRA effectively eliminates artificial rounding and accelerates the learning process.

Sketching for Distributed Deep Learning: A Sharper Analysis

Mayank Shrivastava · Berivan Isik · Qiaobo Li · Sanmi Koyejo · Arindam Banerjee

The high communication cost between the server and the clients is a significant bottleneck in scaling distributed learning for overparametrized deep models. One popular approach for reducing this communication overhead is randomized sketching. However, existing theoretical analyses for sketching-based distributed learning (sketch-DL) either incur a prohibitive dependence on the ambient dimension or need additional restrictive assumptions such as heavy-hitters. Nevertheless, despite existing pessimistic analyses, empirical evidence suggests that sketch-DL is competitive with its uncompressed counterpart, thus motivating a sharper analysis. In this work, we introduce a sharper ambient dimension-independent convergence analysis for sketch-DL using the second-order geometry specified by the loss Hessian. Our results imply ambient dimension-independent communication complexity for sketch-DL. We present empirical results both on the loss Hessian and overall accuracy of sketch-DL supporting our theoretical results. Taken together, our results provide theoretical justification for the observed empirical success of sketch-DL.

Randomized Sparse Matrix Compression for Large-Scale Constrained Optimization in Cancer Radiotherapy

Shima Adeli · Mojtaba Tefagh · Gourav Jhanwar · Masoud Zarepisheh

Radiation therapy, treating over half of all cancer patients, involves using specialized machines to direct high-energy beams at tumors, aiming to damage cancer cells while minimizing harm to nearby healthy tissues. Customizing the shape and intensity of radiation beams for each patient leads to solving large-scale constrained optimization problems that need to be solved within tight clinical time-frame. At the core of these challenges is a large matrix that is commonly sparsified for computational efficiency by neglecting small elements. Such a crude approximation can degrade the quality of treatment, potentially causing unnecessary radiation exposure to healthy tissues—this may lead to significant radiation-induced side effects—or delivering inadequate radiation to the tumor, which is crucial for effective tumor treatment. In this work, we demonstrate, for the first time, that randomized sketch tools can effectively sparsify this matrix without sacrificing treatment quality. We also develop a novel randomized sketch method with desirable theoretical guarantees that outperforms existing techniques in practical application. Beyond developing a novel randomized sketch method, this work emphasizes the potential of harnessing scientific computing tools, crucial in today's big data analysis, to tackle computationally intensive challenges in healthcare. The application of these tools could have a profound impact on the lives of numerous cancer patients. Code and sample data available at

Implicit Regularization of Decentralized Gradient Descent for Sparse Regression

Tongle Wu · Ying Sun

We consider learning a sparse model from linear measurements taken by a network of agents. Different from existing decentralized methods designed based on the LASSO regression with explicit $\ell_1$ norm regularization, we exploit the implicit regularization of decentralized optimization method applied to an over-parameterized nonconvex least squares formulation without penalization. Our first result shows that despite nonconvexity, if the network connectivity is good, the well-known decentralized gradient descent algorithm (DGD) with small initialization and early stopping can compute the statistically optimal solution. Sufficient conditions on the initialization scale, choice of step size, network connectivity, and stopping time are further provided to achieve convergence. Our result recovers the convergence rate of gradient descent in the centralized setting, showing its tightness. Based on the analysis of DGD, we further propose a communication-efficient version, termed T-DGD, by truncating the iterates before transmission. In the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime, we show that T-DGD achieves comparable statistical accuracy to DGD, while the communication cost is logarithmic in the number of parameters. Numerical results are provided to validate the effectiveness of DGD and T-DGD for sparse learning through implicit regularization.

Shadowheart SGD: Distributed Asynchronous SGD with Optimal Time Complexity Under Arbitrary Computation and Communication Heterogeneity

Alexander Tyurin · Marta Pozzi · Ivan Ilin · Peter Richtarik

We consider nonconvex stochastic optimization problems in the asynchronous centralized distributed setup where the communication times from workers to a server can not be ignored, and the computation and communication times are potentially different for all workers. Using an unbiassed compression technique, we develop a new method—Shadowheart SGD—that provably improves the time complexities of all previous centralized methods. Moreover, we show that the time complexity of Shadowheart SGD is optimal in the family of centralized methods with compressed communication. We also consider the bidirectional setup, where broadcasting from the server to the workers is non-negligible, and develop a corresponding method.

Rethinking LLM Memorization through the Lens of Adversarial Compression

Avi Schwarzschild · Zhili Feng · Pratyush Maini · Zachary Lipton · J. Zico Kolter

Large language models (LLMs) trained on web-scale datasets raise substantial concerns regarding permissible data usage. One major question is whether these models "memorize" all their training data or they integrate many data sources in some way more akin to how a human would learn and synthesize information. The answer hinges, to a large degree, on \emph{how we define memorization.} In this work, we propose the Adversarial Compression Ratio (ACR) as a metric for assessing memorization in LLMs. A given string from the training data is considered memorized if it can be elicited by a prompt (much) shorter than the string itself---in other words, if these strings can be ``compressed'' with the model by computing adversarial prompts of fewer tokens. The ACR overcomes the limitations of existing notions of memorization by (i) offering an adversarial view of measuring memorization, especially for monitoring unlearning and compliance; and (ii) allowing for the flexibility to measure memorization for arbitrary strings at a reasonably low compute. Our definition serves as a practical tool for determining when model owners may be violating terms around data usage, providing a potential legal tool and a critical lens through which to address such scenarios.

Spotlight Poster
Stabilized Proximal-Point Methods for Federated Optimization

Xiaowen Jiang · Anton Rodomanov · Sebastian Stich

In developing efficient optimization algorithms, it is crucial to account for communication constraints—a significant challenge in modern Federated Learning. The best-known communication complexity among non-accelerated algorithms is achieved by DANE, a distributed proximal-point algorithm that solves local subproblems at each iteration and that can exploit second-order similarity among individual functions. However, to achieve such communication efficiency, the algorithm requires solving local subproblems sufficiently accurately resulting in slightly sub-optimal local complexity. Inspired by the hybrid-projection proximal-point method, in this work, we propose a novel distributed algorithm S-DANE. Compared to DANE, this method uses an auxiliary sequence of prox-centers while maintaining the same deterministic communication complexity. Moreover, the accuracy condition for solving the subproblem is milder, leading to enhanced local computation efficiency. Furthermore, S-DANE supports partial client participation and arbitrary stochastic local solvers, making it attractive in practice. We further accelerate S-DANE and show that the resulting algorithm achieves the best-known communication complexity among all existing methods for distributed convex optimization while still enjoying good local computation efficiency as S-DANE. Finally, we propose adaptive variants of both methods using line search, obtaining the first provably efficient adaptive algorithms that could exploit local second-order similarity without the prior knowledge of any parameters.

Dual Lagrangian Learning for Conic Optimization

Mathieu Tanneau · Pascal Van Hentenryck

This paper presents Dual Lagrangian Learning (DLL), a principled learning methodology for dual conic optimization proxies.DLL leverages conic duality and the representation power of ML models to provide high-duality, dual-feasible solutions, and therefore valid Lagrangian dual bounds, for linear and nonlinear conic optimization problems.The paper introduces a systematic dual completion procedure, differentiable conic projection layers, and a self-supervised learning framework based on Lagrangian duality.It also provides closed-form dual completion formulae for broad classes of conic problems, which eliminate the need for costly implicit layers.The effectiveness of DLL is demonstrated on linear and nonlinear conic optimization problems.The proposed methodology significantly outperforms a state-of-the-art learning-based method, and achieves 1000x speedups over commercial interior-point solvers with optimality gaps under 0.5\% on average.

FERERO: A Flexible Framework for Preference-Guided Multi-Objective Learning

Lisha Chen · A Saif · Yanning Shen · Tianyi Chen

Finding specific preference-guided Pareto solutions that represent different trade-offs among multiple objectives is critical yet challenging in multi-objective problems. Existing methods are restrictive in preference definitions and/or their theoretical guarantees.In this work, we introduce a Flexible framEwork for pREfeRence-guided multi-Objective learning (FERERO) by casting it as a constrained vector optimization problem.Specifically, two types of preferences are incorporated into this formulation -- the relative preference defined by the partial ordering induced by a polyhedral cone, and the absolute preference defined by constraints that are linear functions of the objectives. To solve this problem, convergent algorithms are developed with both single-loop and stochastic variants. Notably, this is the first single-loop primal algorithm for constrained optimization to our knowledge. The proposed algorithms adaptively adjust to both constraint and objective values, eliminating the need to solve different subproblems at different stages of constraint satisfaction. Experiments on multiple benchmarks demonstrate the proposed method is very competitive in finding preference-guided optimal solutions.Code is available at

Ordered Momentum for Asynchronous SGD

Chang-Wei Shi · Yi-Rui Yang · Wu-Jun Li

Distributed learning is essential for training large-scale deep models.Asynchronous SGD (ASGD) and its variants are commonly used distributed learning methods, particularly in scenarios where the computing capabilities of workers in the cluster are heterogeneous.Momentum has been acknowledged for its benefits in both optimization and generalization in deep model training. However, existing works have found that naively incorporating momentum into ASGD can impede the convergence.In this paper, we propose a novel method called ordered momentum (OrMo) for ASGD. In OrMo, momentum is incorporated into ASGD by organizing the gradients in order based on their iteration indexes. We theoretically prove the convergence of OrMo with both constant and delay-adaptive learning rates for non-convex problems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to establish the convergence analysis of ASGD with momentum without dependence on the maximum delay. Empirical results demonstrate that OrMo can achieve better convergence performance compared with ASGD and other asynchronous methods with momentum.

Instance-Optimal Private Density Estimation in the Wasserstein Distance

Vitaly Feldman · Audra McMillan · Satchit Sivakumar · Kunal Talwar

Estimating the density of a distribution from samples is a fundamental problem in statistics. In many practical settings, the Wasserstein distance is an appropriate error metric for density estimation. For example, when estimating population densities in a geographic region, a small Wasserstein distance means that the estimate is able to capture roughly where the population mass is. In this work we study differentially private density estimation in the Wasserstein distance. We design and analyze instance-optimal algorithms for this problem that can adapt to easy instances.For distributions $P$ over $\mathbb{R}$, we consider a strong notion of instance-optimality: an algorithm that uniformly achieves the instance-optimal estimation rate is competitive with an algorithm that is told that the distribution is either $P$ or $Q_P$ for some distribution $Q_P$ whose probability density function (pdf) is within a factor of 2 of the pdf of $P$. For distributions over $\mathbb{R}^2$, we use a slightly different notion of instance optimality. We say that an algorithm is instance-optimal if it is competitive with an algorithm that is given a constant multiplicative approximation of the density of the distribution. We characterize the instance-optimal estimation rates in both these settings and show that they are uniformly achievable (up to polylogarithmic factors). Our approach for $\mathbb{R}^2$ extends to arbitrary metric spaces as it goes via hierarchically separated trees. As a special case our results lead to instance-optimal learning in TV distance for discrete distributions.

Noise-Aware Differentially Private Regression via Meta-Learning

Ossi Räisä · Stratis Markou · Matthew Ashman · Wessel Bruinsma · Marlon Tobaben · Antti Honkela · Richard Turner

Many high-stakes applications require machine learning models that protect user privacy and provide well-calibrated, accurate predictions. While Differential Privacy (DP) is the gold standard for protecting user privacy, standard DP mechanisms typically significantly impair performance. One approach to mitigating this issue is pre-training models on simulated data before DP learning on the private data. In this work we go a step further, using simulated data to train a meta-learning model that combines the Convolutional Conditional Neural Process (ConvCNP) with an improved functional DP mechanism of Hall et al. (2013), yielding the DPConvCNP. DPConvCNP learns from simulated data how to map private data to a DP predictive model in one forward pass, and then provides accurate, well-calibrated predictions. We compare DPConvCNP with a DP Gaussian Process (GP) baseline with carefully tuned hyperparameters. The DPConvCNP outperforms the GP baseline, especially on non-Gaussian data, yet is much faster at test time and requires less tuning.

Spotlight Poster
Langevin Unlearning: A New Perspective of Noisy Gradient Descent for Machine Unlearning

Eli Chien · Haoyu Wang · Ziang Chen · Pan Li

Machine unlearning has raised significant interest with the adoption of laws ensuring the ``right to be forgotten''. Researchers have provided a probabilistic notion of approximate unlearning under a similar definition of Differential Privacy (DP), where privacy is defined as statistical indistinguishability to retraining from scratch. We propose Langevin unlearning, an unlearning framework based on noisy gradient descent with privacy guarantees for approximate unlearning problems. Langevin unlearning unifies the DP learning process and the privacy-certified unlearning process with many algorithmic benefits. These include approximate certified unlearning for non-convex problems, complexity saving compared to retraining, sequential and batch unlearning for multiple unlearning requests.

PrivacyLens: Evaluating Privacy Norm Awareness of Language Models in Action

Yijia Shao · Tianshi Li · Weiyan Shi · Yanchen Liu · Diyi Yang

As language models (LMs) are widely utilized in personalized communication scenarios (e.g., sending emails, writing social media posts) and endowed with a certain level of agency, ensuring they act in accordance with the contextual privacy norms becomes increasingly critical. However, quantifying the privacy norm awareness of LMs and the emerging privacy risk in LM-mediated communication is challenging due to (1) the contextual and long-tailed nature of privacy-sensitive cases, and (2) the lack of evaluation approaches that capture realistic application scenarios. To address these challenges, we propose PrivacyLens, a novel framework designed to extend privacy-sensitive seeds into expressive vignettes and further into agent trajectories, enabling multi-level evaluation of privacy leakage in LM agents' actions. We instantiate PrivacyLens with a collection of privacy norms grounded in privacy literature and crowdsourced seeds. Using this dataset, we reveal a discrepancy between LM performance in answering probing questions and their actual behavior when executing user instructions in an agent setup. State-of-the-art LMs, like GPT-4 and Llama-3-70B, leak sensitive information in 25.68% and 38.69% of cases, even when prompted with privacy-enhancing instructions. We also demonstrate the dynamic nature of PrivacyLens by extending each seed into multiple trajectories to red-team LM privacy leakage risk. Dataset and code are available at

A Synthetic Dataset for Personal Attribute Inference

Hanna Yukhymenko · Robin Staab · Mark Vero · Martin Vechev

Recently powerful Large Language Models (LLMs) have become easily accessible to hundreds of millions of users world-wide. However, their strong capabilities and vast world knowledge do not come without associated privacy risks. In this work, we focus on the emerging privacy threat LLMs pose – the ability to accurately infer personal information from online texts. Despite the growing importance of LLM-based author profiling, research in this area has been hampered by a lack of suitable public datasets, largely due to ethical and privacy concerns associated with real personal data. We take two steps to address this problem: (i) we construct a simulation framework for the popular social media platform Reddit using LLM agents seeded with synthetic personal profiles; (ii) using this framework, we generate SynthPAI, a diverse synthetic dataset of over 7800 comments manually labeled for personal attributes. We validate our dataset with a human study showing that humans barely outperform random guessing on the task of distinguishing our synthetic comments from real ones. Further, we verify that our dataset enables meaningful personal attribute inference research by showing across 18 state-of-the-art LLMs that our synthetic comments allow us to draw the same conclusions as real-world data. Combined, our experimental results, dataset and pipeline form a strong basis for future privacy-preserving research geared towards understanding and mitigating inference-based privacy threats that LLMs pose.

This Too Shall Pass: Removing Stale Observations in Dynamic Bayesian Optimization

Anthony Bardou · Patrick Thiran · Giovanni Ranieri

Bayesian Optimization (BO) has proven to be very successful at optimizing a static, noisy, costly-to-evaluate black-box function $f : \mathcal{S} \to \mathbb{R}$. However, optimizing a black-box which is also a function of time (*i.e.*, a *dynamic* function) $f : \mathcal{S} \times \mathcal{T} \to \mathbb{R}$ remains a challenge, since a dynamic Bayesian Optimization (DBO) algorithm has to keep track of the optimum over time. This changes the nature of the optimization problem in at least three aspects: (i) querying an arbitrary point in $\mathcal{S} \times \mathcal{T}$ is impossible, (ii) past observations become less and less relevant for keeping track of the optimum as time goes by and (iii) the DBO algorithm must have a high sampling frequency so it can collect enough relevant observations to keep track of the optimum through time. In this paper, we design a Wasserstein distance-based criterion able to quantify the relevancy of an observation with respect to future predictions. Then, we leverage this criterion to build W-DBO, a DBO algorithm able to remove irrelevant observations from its dataset on the fly, thus maintaining simultaneously a good predictive performance and a high sampling frequency, even in continuous-time optimization tasks with unknown horizon. Numerical experiments establish the superiority of W-DBO, which outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a comfortable margin.

Random Function Descent

Felix Benning · Leif Döring

Classical worst-case optimization theory neither explains the success of optimization in machine learning, nor does it help with step size selection. In this paper we demonstrate the viability and advantages of replacing the classical 'convex function' framework with a 'random function' framework. With complexity $\mathcal{O}(n^3d^3)$, where $n$ is the number of steps and $d$ the number of dimensions, Bayesian optimization with gradients has not been viable in large dimension so far. By bridging the gap between Bayesian optimization (i.e. random function optimization theory) and classical optimization we establish viability. Specifically, we use a 'stochastic Taylor approximation' to rediscover gradient descent, which is scalable in high dimension due to $\mathcal{O}(nd)$ complexity. This rediscovery yields a specific step size schedule we call Random Function Descent (RFD). The advantage of this random function framework is that RFD is scale invariant and that it provides a theoretical foundation for common step size heuristics such as gradient clipping and gradual learning rate warmup.

Decentralized Noncooperative Games with Coupled Decision-Dependent Distributions

Wenjing YAN · Xuanyu Cao

Distribution variations in machine learning, driven by the dynamic nature of deployment environments, significantly impact the performance of learning models. This paper explores endogenous distribution shifts in learning systems, where deployed models influence environments and subsequently alter data distributions. This phenomenon is formulated by a decision-dependent distribution mapping within the recently proposed framework of performative prediction (PP) Perdomo et al. (2020). We investigate the performative effect in a decentralized noncooperative game, where players aim to minimize private cost functions while simultaneously managing coupled inequality constraints. Under performativity, we examine two equilibrium concepts for the studied game: performative stable equilibrium (PSE) and Nash equilibrium (NE), and establish sufficient conditions for their existence and uniqueness. Notably, we provide the first upper bound on the distance between the PSE and NE in the literature, which is challenging to evaluate due to the absence of strong convexity on the joint cost function. Furthermore, we develop a decentralized stochastic primal-dual algorithm for efficiently computing the PSE point. By carefully bounding the performative effect in theoretical analysis, we prove that the proposed algorithm achieves sublinear convergence rates for both performative regrets and constraint violation and maintains the same order of convergence rate as the case without performativity. Numerical experiments validate the effectiveness of our algorithm and theoretical results.

On Convergence of Adam for Stochastic Optimization under Relaxed Assumptions

Yusu Hong · Junhong Lin

In this paper, we study Adam in non-convex smooth scenarios with potential unbounded gradients and affine variance noise. We consider a general noise model which governs affine variance noise, bounded noise, and sub-Gaussian noise. We show that Adam with a specific hyper-parameter setup can find a stationary point with a $\mathcal{O}(\text{poly}(\log T)/\sqrt{T})$ rate in high probability under this general noise model where $T$ denotes total number iterations, matching the lower rate of stochastic first-order algorithms up to logarithm factors. We also provide a probabilistic convergence result for Adam under a generalized smooth condition which allows unbounded smoothness parameters and has been illustrated empirically to capture the smooth property of many practical objective functions more accurately.

Provable Acceleration of Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient for Asymmetric Matrix Factorization and Linear Neural Networks

Zhenghao Xu · Yuqing Wang · Tuo Zhao · Rachel Ward · Molei Tao

We study the convergence rate of first-order methods for rectangular matrix factorization, which is a canonical nonconvex optimization problem. Specifically, given a rank-$r$ matrix $\mathbf{A}\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$, we prove that gradient descent (GD) can find a pair of $\epsilon$-optimal solutions $\mathbf{X}_T\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times d}$ and $\mathbf{Y}_T\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times d}$, where $d\geq r$, satisfying $\lVert\mathbf{X}_T\mathbf{Y}_T^\top-\mathbf{A}\rVert_F\leq\epsilon\lVert\mathbf{A}\rVert_F$ in $T=O(\kappa^2\log\frac{1}{\epsilon})$ iterations with high probability, where $\kappa$ denotes the condition number of $\mathbf{A}$. Furthermore, we prove that Nesterov's accelerated gradient (NAG) attains an iteration complexity of $O(\kappa\log\frac{1}{\epsilon})$, which is the best-known bound of first-order methods for rectangular matrix factorization. Different from small balanced random initialization in the existing literature, we adopt an unbalanced initialization, where $\mathbf{X}_0$ is large and $\mathbf{Y}_0$ is $0$. Moreover, our initialization and analysis can be further extended to linear neural networks, where we prove that NAG can also attain an accelerated linear convergence rate. In particular, we only require the width of the network to be greater than or equal to the rank of the output label matrix. In contrast, previous results achieving the same rate require excessive widths that additionally depend on the condition number and the rank of the input data matrix.

Gradient-Free Methods for Nonconvex Nonsmooth Stochastic Compositional Optimization

Zhuanghua Liu · Luo Luo · Bryan Kian Hsiang Low

The stochastic compositional optimization (SCO) is popular in many real-world applications, including risk management, reinforcement learning, and meta-learning. However, most of the previous methods for SCO require the smoothness assumption on both the outer and inner functions, which limits their applications to a wider range of problems. In this paper, we study the SCO problem in that both the outer and inner functions are Lipschitz continuous but possibly nonconvex and nonsmooth. In particular, we propose gradient-free stochastic methods for finding the $(\delta, \epsilon)$-Goldstein stationary points of such problems with non-asymptotic convergence rates. Our results also lead to an improved convergence rate for the convex nonsmooth SCO problem. Furthermore, we conduct numerical experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

Fast Encoder-Based 3D from Casual Videos via Point Track Processing

Yoni Kasten · Wuyue Lu · Haggai Maron

This paper addresses the long-standing challenge of reconstructing 3D structures from videos with dynamic content. Current approaches to this problem were not designed to operate on casual videos recorded by standard cameras or require a long optimization time. Aiming to significantly improve the efficiency of previous approaches, we present TracksTo4D, a learning-based approach that enables inferring 3D structure and camera positions from dynamic content originating from casual videos using a single efficient feed-forward pass. To achieve this, we propose operating directly over 2D point tracks as input and designing an architecture tailored for processing 2D point tracks. Our proposed architecture is designed with two key principles in mind: (1) it takes into account the inherent symmetries present in the input point tracks data, and (2) it assumes that the movement patterns can be effectively represented using a low-rank approximation. TracksTo4D is trained in an unsupervised way on a dataset of casual videos utilizing only the 2D point tracks extracted from the videos, without any 3D supervision. Our experiments show that TracksTo4D can reconstruct a temporal point cloud and camera positions of the underlying video with accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art methods, while drastically reducing runtime by up to 95\%. We further show that TracksTo4D generalizes well to unseen videos of unseen semantic categories at inference time.

DAGER: Exact Gradient Inversion for Large Language Models

Ivo Petrov · Dimitar I. Dimitrov · Maximilian Baader · Mark Müller · Martin Vechev

Federated learning works by aggregating locally computed gradients from multiple clients, thus enabling collaborative training without sharing private client data. However, prior work has shown that the data can actually be recovered by the server using so-called gradient inversion attacks. While these attacks perform well when applied on images, they are limited in the text domain and only permit approximate reconstruction of small batches and short input sequences. In this work, we propose DAGER, the first algorithm to recover whole batches of input text exactly. DAGER leverages the low-rank structure of self-attention layer gradients and the discrete nature of token embeddings to efficiently check if a given token sequence is part of the client data. We use this check to exactly recover full batches in the honest-but-curious setting without any prior on the data for both encoder and decoder-based architectures using exhaustive heuristic search and a greedy approach, respectively. We provide an efficient GPU implementation of DAGER and show experimentally that it recovers full batches of size up to 128 on large language models (LLMs), beating prior attacks in speed (20x at same batch size), scalability (10x larger batches), and reconstruction quality (ROUGE-1/2 > 0.99).

On provable privacy vulnerabilities of graph representations

Ruofan Wu · Guanhua Fang · Mingyang Zhang · Qiying Pan · Tengfei LIU · Weiqiang Wang

Graph representation learning (GRL) is critical for extracting insights from complex network structures, but it also raises security concerns due to potential privacy vulnerabilities in these representations. This paper investigates the structural vulnerabilities in graph neural models where sensitive topological information can be inferred through edge reconstruction attacks. Our research primarily addresses the theoretical underpinnings of similarity-based edge reconstruction attacks (SERA), furnishing a non-asymptotic analysis of their reconstruction capacities. Moreover, we present empirical corroboration indicating that such attacks can perfectly reconstruct sparse graphs as graph size increases. Conversely, we establish that sparsity is a critical factor for SERA's effectiveness, as demonstrated through analysis and experiments on (dense) stochastic block models. Finally, we explore the resilience of private graph representations produced via noisy aggregation (NAG) mechanism against SERA. Through theoretical analysis and empirical assessments, we affirm the mitigation of SERA using NAG . In parallel, we also empirically delineate instances wherein SERA demonstrates both efficacy and deficiency in its capacity to function as an instrument for elucidating the trade-off between privacy and utility.

Continual Counting with Gradual Privacy Expiration

Joel Daniel Andersson · Monika Henzinger · Rasmus Pagh · Teresa Steiner · Jalaj Upadhyay

Differential privacy with gradual expiration models the setting where data items arrive in a stream and at a given time $t$ the privacy loss guaranteed for a data item seen at time $(t-d)$ is $\epsilon g(d)$, where $g$ is a monotonically non-decreasing function. We study the fundamental *continual (binary) counting* problem where each data item consists of a bit and the algorithm needs to output at each time step the sum of all the bits streamed so far. For a stream of length $T$ and privacy *without* expiration continual counting is possible with maximum (over all time steps) additive error $O(\log^2(T)/\varepsilon)$ and the best known lower bound is $\Omega(\log(T)/\varepsilon)$; closing this gap is a challenging open problem. We show that the situation is very different for privacy with gradual expiration by giving upper and lower bounds for a large set of expiration functions $g$. Specifically, our algorithm achieves an additive error of $O(\log(T)/\epsilon)$ for a large set of privacy expiration functions. We also give a lower bound that shows that if $C$ is the additive error of any $\epsilon$-DP algorithm for this problem, then the product of $C$ and the privacy expiration function after $2C$ steps must be $\Omega(\log(T)/\epsilon)$. Our algorithm matches this lower bound as its additive error is $O(\log(T)/\epsilon)$, even when $g(2C) = O(1)$.Our empirical evaluation shows that we achieve a slowly growing privacy loss that has significantly smaller empirical privacy loss for large values of $d$ than a natural baseline algorithm.

Reconstruction Attacks on Machine Unlearning: Simple Models are Vulnerable

Martin Bertran · Shuai Tang · Michael Kearns · Jamie Morgenstern · Aaron Roth · Steven Wu

Machine unlearning is motivated by principles of data autonomy. The premise is that a person can request to have their data's influence removed from deployed models, and those models should be updated as if they were retrained without the person's data. We show that these updates expose individuals to high-accuracy reconstruction attacks which allow the attacker to recover their data in its entirety, even when the original models are so simple that privacy risk might not otherwise have been a concern. We show how to mount a near-perfect attack on the deleted data point from linear regression models. We then generalize our attack to other loss functions and architectures, and empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our attacks across a wide range of datasets (capturing both tabular and image data). Our work highlights that privacy risk is significant even for extremely simple model classes when individuals can request deletion of their data from the model.

Efficient and Private Marginal Reconstruction with Local Non-Negativity

Brett Mullins · Miguel Fuentes · Yingtai Xiao · Daniel Kifer · Cameron Musco · Daniel Sheldon

Differential privacy is the dominant standard for formal and quantifiable privacy and has been used in major deployments that impact millions of people. Many differentially private algorithms for query release and synthetic data contain steps that reconstruct answers to queries from answers to other queries that have been measured privately. Reconstruction is an important subproblem for such mechanisms to economize the privacy budget, minimize error on reconstructed answers, and allow for scalability to high-dimensional datasets. In this paper, we introduce a principled and efficient postprocessing method ReM (Residuals-to-Marginals) for reconstructing answers to marginal queries. Our method builds on recent work on efficient mechanisms for marginal query release, based on making measurements using a residual query basis that admits efficient pseudoinversion, which is an important primitive used in reconstruction. An extension GReM-LNN (Gaussian Residuals-to-Marginals with Local Non-negativity) reconstructs marginals under Gaussian noise satisfying consistency and non-negativity, which often reduces error on reconstructed answers. We demonstrate the utility of ReM and GReM-LNN by applying them to improve existing private query answering mechanisms.

How to Solve Contextual Goal-Oriented Problems with Offline Datasets?

Ying Fan · Jingling Li · Adith Swaminathan · Aditya Modi · Ching-An Cheng

We present a novel method, Contextual goal-Oriented Data Augmentation (CODA), which uses commonly available unlabeled trajectories and context-goal pairs to solve Contextual Goal-Oriented (CGO) problems. By carefully constructing an action-augmented MDP that is equivalent to the original MDP, CODA creates a fully labeled transition dataset under training contexts without additional approximation error. We conduct a novel theoretical analysis to demonstrate CODA's capability to solve CGO problems in the offline data setup. Empirical results also showcase the effectiveness of CODA, which outperforms other baseline methods across various context-goal relationships of CGO problem. This approach offers a promising direction to solving CGO problems using offline datasets.

Deterministic Uncertainty Propagation for Improved Model-Based Offline Reinforcement Learning

Abdullah Akgül · Manuel Haussmann · Melih Kandemir

Current approaches to model-based offline reinforcement learning often incorporate uncertainty-based reward penalization to address the distributional shift problem. These approaches, commonly known as pessimistic value iteration, use Monte Carlo sampling to estimate the Bellman target to perform temporal difference-based policy evaluation. We find out that the randomness caused by this sampling step significantly delays convergence. We present a theoretical result demonstrating the strong dependency of suboptimality on the number of Monte Carlo samples taken per Bellman target calculation. Our main contribution is a deterministic approximation to the Bellman target that uses progressive moment matching, a method developed originally for deterministic variational inference. The resulting algorithm, which we call Moment Matching Offline Model-Based Policy Optimization (MOMBO), propagates the uncertainty of the next state through a nonlinear Q-network in a deterministic fashion by approximating the distributions of hidden layer activations by a normal distribution. We show that it is possible to provide tighter guarantees for the suboptimality of MOMBO than the existing Monte Carlo sampling approaches. We also observe MOMBO to converge faster than these approaches in a large set of benchmark tasks.

Safe and Efficient: A Primal-Dual Method for Offline Convex CMDPs under Partial Data Coverage

Haobo Zhang · Xiyue Peng · Honghao Wei · Xin Liu

Offline safe reinforcement learning (RL) aims to find an optimal policy using a pre-collected dataset when data collection is impractical or risky. We propose a novel linear programming (LP) based primal-dual algorithm for convex MDPs that incorporates ``uncertainty'' parameters to improve data efficiency while requiring only partial data coverage assumption. Our theoretical results achieve a sample complexity of $\mathcal{O}(1/(1-\gamma)\sqrt{n})$ under general function approximation, improving the current state-of-the-art by a factor of $1/(1-\gamma)$, where $n$ is the number of data samples in an offline dataset, and $\gamma$ is the discount factor. The numerical experiments validate our theoretical findings, demonstrating the practical efficacy of our approach in achieving improved safety and learning efficiency in safe offline settings.

Offline Reinforcement Learning with OOD State Correction and OOD Action Suppression

Yixiu Mao · Qi Wang · Chen Chen · Yun Qu · Xiangyang Ji

In offline reinforcement learning (RL), addressing the out-of-distribution (OOD) action issue has been a focus, but we argue that there exists an OOD state issue that also impairs performance yet has been underexplored. Such an issue describes the scenario when the agent encounters states out of the offline dataset during the test phase, leading to uncontrolled behavior and performance degradation. To this end, we propose SCAS, a simple yet effective approach that unifies OOD state correction and OOD action suppression in offline RL. Technically, SCAS achieves value-aware OOD state correction, capable of correcting the agent from OOD states to high-value in-distribution states. Theoretical and empirical results show that SCAS also exhibits the effect of suppressing OOD actions. On standard offline RL benchmarks, SCAS achieves excellent performance without additional hyperparameter tuning. Moreover, benefiting from its OOD state correction feature, SCAS demonstrates enhanced robustness against environmental perturbations.

Explaining RL Decisions with Trajectories': A Reproducibility Study

Karim Abdel Sadek · Matteo Nulli · Joan Velja · Jort Vincenti

This work investigates the reproducibility of the paper "Explaining RL decisions with trajectories“ by Deshmukh et al. (2023). The original paper introduces a novel approach in explainable reinforcement learning based on the attribution decisions of an agent to specific clusters of trajectories encountered during training. We verify the main claims from the paper, which state that (i) training on less trajectories induces a lower initial state value, (ii) trajectories in a cluster present similar high-level patterns, (iii) distant trajectories influence the decision of an agent, and (iv) humans correctly identify the attributed trajectories to the decision of the agent. We recover the environments used by the authors based on the partial original code they provided for one of the environments (Grid-World), and implemented the remaining from scratch (Seaquest and HalfCheetah, Breakout, Q*Bert). While we confirm that (i), (ii), and (iii) partially hold, we extend on the largely qualitative experiments from the authors by introducing a quantitative metric to further support (iii), and new experiments and visual results for (i). Moreover, we investigate the use of different clustering algorithms and encoder architectures to further support (ii). We could not support (iv), given the limited extent of the original experiments. We conclude that, while some of the claims can be supported, further investigations and experiments could be of interest. We recognize the novelty of the work from the authors and hope that our work paves the way for clearer and more transparent approaches.

Discovering Creative Behaviors through DUPLEX: Diverse Universal Features for Policy Exploration

Borja G. Leon · Francesco Riccio · Kaushik Subramanian · Peter Wurman · Peter Stone

The ability to approach the same problem from different angles is a cornerstone of human intelligence that leads to robust solutions and effective adaptation to problem variations. In contrast, current RL methodologies tend to lead to policies that settle on a single solution to a given problem, making them brittle to problem variations. Replicating human flexibility in reinforcement learning agents is the challenge that we explore in this work. We tackle this challenge by extending state-of-the-art approaches to introduce DUPLEX, a method that explicitly defines a diversity objective with constraints and makes robust estimates of policies’ expected behavior through successor features. The trained agents can (i) learn a diverse set of near-optimal policies in complex highly-dynamic environments and (ii) exhibit competitive and diverse skills in out-of-distribution (OOD) contexts. Empirical results indicate that DUPLEX improves over previous methods and successfully learns competitive driving styles in a hyper-realistic simulator (i.e., GranTurismo ™ 7) as well as diverse and effective policies in several multi-context robotics MuJoCo simulations with OOD gravity forces and height limits. To the best of our knowledge, our method is the first to achieve diverse solutions in complex driving simulators and OOD robotic contexts. DUPLEX agents demonstrating diverse behaviors can be found at

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Can Learned Optimization Make Reinforcement Learning Less Difficult?

Alexander D. Goldie · Chris Lu · Matthew T Jackson · Shimon Whiteson · Jakob Foerster

While reinforcement learning (RL) holds great potential for decision making in the real world, it suffers from a number of unique difficulties which often need specific consideration. In particular: it is highly non-stationary; suffers from high degrees of plasticity loss; and requires exploration to prevent premature convergence to local optima and maximize return. In this paper, we consider whether learned optimization can help overcome these problems. Our method, Learned Optimization for Plasticity, Exploration and Non-stationarity (OPEN), meta-learns an update rule whose input features and output structure are informed by previously proposed solutions to these difficulties. We show that our parameterization is flexible enough to enable meta-learning in diverse learning contexts, including the ability to use stochasticity for exploration. Our experiments demonstrate that when meta-trained on single and small sets of environments, OPEN outperforms or equals traditionally used optimizers. Furthermore, OPEN shows strong generalization characteristics across a range of environments and agent architectures.

Subwords as Skills: Tokenization for Sparse-Reward Reinforcement Learning

David Yunis · Justin Jung · Falcon Dai · Matthew Walter

Exploration in sparse-reward reinforcement learning (RL) is difficult due to the need for long, coordinated sequences of actions in order to achieve any reward. Skill learning, from demonstrations or interaction, is a promising approach to address this, but skill extraction and inference are expensive for current methods. We present a novel method to extract skills from demonstrations for use in sparse-reward RL, inspired by the popular Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) algorithm in natural language processing. With these skills, we show strong performance in a variety of tasks, 1000$\times$ acceleration for skill-extraction and 100$\times$ acceleration for policy inference. Given the simplicity of our method, skills extracted from 1\% of the demonstrations in one task can be transferred to a new loosely related task. We also note that such a method yields a finite set of interpretable behaviors. Our code is available at

Fast TRAC: A Parameter-Free Optimizer for Lifelong Reinforcement Learning

Aneesh Muppidi · Zhiyu Zhang · Heng Yang

A key challenge in lifelong reinforcement learning (RL) is the loss of plasticity, where previous learning progress hinders an agent's adaptation to new tasks. While regularization and resetting can help, they require precise hyperparameter selection at the outset and environment-dependent adjustments. Building on the principled theory of online convex optimization, we present a parameter-free optimizer for lifelong RL, called TRAC, which requires no tuning or prior knowledge about the distribution shifts. Extensive experiments on Procgen, Atari, and Gym Control environments show that TRAC works surprisingly well—mitigating loss of plasticity and rapidly adapting to challenging distribution shifts—despite the underlying optimization problem being nonconvex and nonstationary.

Reinforcing LLM Agents via Policy Optimization with Action Decomposition

Muning Wen · Ziyu Wan · Jun Wang · Weinan Zhang · Ying Wen

Language models as intelligent agents push the boundaries of sequential decision-making agents but struggle with limited knowledge of environmental dynamics and exponentially huge action space. Recent efforts like GLAM and TWOSOME manually constrain the action space to a restricted subset and employ reinforcement learning to align agents' knowledge with specific environments. However, they overlook fine-grained credit assignments for intra-action tokens, which is essential for efficient language agent optimization, and rely on human's prior knowledge to restrict action space. This paper proposes decomposing language agent optimization from the action level to the token level, offering finer supervision for each intra-action token and manageable optimization complexity in environments with unrestricted action spaces. Beginning with the simplification of flattening all actions, we theoretically explore the discrepancies between action-level optimization and this naive token-level optimization. We then derive the Bellman backup with Action Decomposition (BAD) to integrate credit assignments for both intra-action and inter-action tokens, effectively eliminating the discrepancies. Implementing BAD within the PPO algorithm, we introduce Policy Optimization with Action Decomposition (POAD). POAD benefits from a finer-grained credit assignment process and lower optimization complexity, leading to enhanced learning efficiency and generalization abilities in aligning language agents with interactive environments. We validate POAD across diverse testbeds, with results affirming the advantages of our approach and the correctness of our theoretical analysis. The source code can be accessed directly with this link:

Pre-Trained Multi-Goal Transformers with Prompt Optimization for Efficient Online Adaptation

Haoqi Yuan · Yuhui Fu · Feiyang Xie · Zongqing Lu

Efficiently solving unseen tasks remains a challenge in reinforcement learning (RL), especially for long-horizon tasks composed of multiple subtasks. Pre-training policies from task-agnostic datasets has emerged as a promising approach, yet existing methods still necessitate substantial interactions via RL to learn new tasks.We introduce MGPO, a method that leverages the power of Transformer-based policies to model sequences of goals, enabling efficient online adaptation through prompt optimization.In its pre-training phase, MGPO utilizes hindsight multi-goal relabeling and behavior cloning. This combination equips the policy to model diverse long-horizon behaviors that align with varying goal sequences.During online adaptation, the goal sequence, conceptualized as a prompt, is optimized to improve task performance. We adopt a multi-armed bandit framework for this process, enhancing prompt selection based on the returns from online trajectories.Our experiments across various environments demonstrate that MGPO holds substantial advantages in sample efficiency, online adaptation performance, robustness, and interpretability compared with existing methods.

Spectral-Risk Safe Reinforcement Learning with Convergence Guarantees

Dohyeong Kim · Taehyun Cho · Seungyub Han · Hojun Chung · Kyungjae Lee · Songhwai Oh

The field of risk-constrained reinforcement learning (RCRL) has been developed to effectively reduce the likelihood of worst-case scenarios by explicitly handling risk-measure-based constraints.However, the nonlinearity of risk measures makes it challenging to achieve convergence and optimality.To overcome the difficulties posed by the nonlinearity, we propose a spectral risk measure-constrained RL algorithm, spectral-risk-constrained policy optimization (SRCPO), a bilevel optimization approach that utilizes the duality of spectral risk measures.In the bilevel optimization structure, the outer problem involves optimizing dual variables derived from the risk measures, while the inner problem involves finding an optimal policy given these dual variables.The proposed method, to the best of our knowledge, is the first to guarantee convergence to an optimum in the tabular setting.Furthermore, the proposed method has been evaluated on continuous control tasks and showed the best performance among other RCRL algorithms satisfying the constraints.Our code is available at

Diffusion Imitation from Observation

Bo-Ruei Huang · Chun-Kai Yang · Chun-Mao Lai · Dai-Jie Wu · Shao-Hua Sun

Learning from Observation (LfO) aims to imitate experts by learning from state-only demonstrations without requiring action labels. Existing adversarial imitation learning approaches learn a generator agent policy to produce state transitions that are indistinguishable to a discriminator that learns to classify agent and expert state transitions. Despite its simplicity in formulation, these methods are often sensitive to hyperparameters and brittle to train. Motivated by the recent success of diffusion models in generative modeling, we propose to integrate a diffusion model into the adversarial imitation learning from observation framework. Specifically, we employ a diffusion model to capture expert and agent transitions by generating the next state, given the current state. Then, we reformulate the learning objective to train the diffusion model as a binary classifier and use it to provide ``realness'' rewards for policy learning. Our proposed framework, Diffusion Imitation from Observation (DIFO), demonstrates superior performance in various continuous control domains, including navigation, locomotion, manipulation, and games.

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Reinforcement Learning Gradients as Vitamin for Online Finetuning Decision Transformers

Kai Yan · Alex Schwing · Yu-Xiong Wang

Decision Transformers have recently emerged as a new and compelling paradigm for offline Reinforcement Learning (RL), completing a trajectory in an autoregressive way. While improvements have been made to overcome initial shortcomings, online finetuning of decision transformers has been surprisingly under-explored. The widely adopted state-of-the-art Online Decision Transformer (ODT) still struggles when pretrained with low-reward offline data. In this paper, we theoretically analyze the online-finetuning of the decision transformer, showing that the commonly used Return-To-Go (RTG) that's far from the expected return hampers the online fine-tuning process. This problem, however, is well-addressed by the value function and advantage of standard RL algorithms. As suggested by our analysis, in our experiments, we hence find that simply adding TD3 gradients to the finetuning process of ODT effectively improves the online finetuning performance of ODT, especially if ODT is pretrained with low-reward offline data. These findings provide new directions to further improve decision transformers.

e-COP : Episodic Constrained Optimization of Policies

Akhil Agnihotri · Rahul Jain · Deepak Ramachandran · Sahil Singla

In this paper, we present the e-COP algorithm, the first policy optimization algorithm for constrained Reinforcement Learning (RL) in episodic (finite horizon) settings. Such formulations are applicable when there are separate sets of optimization criteria and constraints on a system's behavior. We approach this problem by first establishing a policy difference lemma for the episodic setting, which provides the theoretical foundation for the algorithm. Then, we propose to combine a set of established and novel solution ideas to yield the e-COP algorithm that is easy to implement and numerically stable, and provide a theoretical guarantee on optimality under certain scaling assumptions. Through extensive empirical analysis using benchmarks in the Safety Gym suite, we show that our algorithm has similar or better performance than SoTA (non-episodic) algorithms adapted for the episodic setting. The scalability of the algorithm opens the door to its application in safety-constrained Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback for Large Language or Diffusion Models.

Meta-Controller: Few-Shot Imitation of Unseen Embodiments and Tasks in Continuous Control

Seongwoong Cho · Donggyun Kim · Jinwoo Lee · Seunghoon Hong

Generalizing across robot embodiments and tasks is crucial for adaptive robotic systems. Modular policy learning approaches adapt to new embodiments but are limited to specific tasks, while few-shot imitation learning (IL) approaches often focus on a single embodiment.In this paper, we introduce a few-shot behavior cloning framework to simultaneously generalize to unseen embodiments and tasks using a few (e.g., five) reward-free demonstrations. Our framework leverages a joint-level input-output representation to unify the state and action spaces of heterogeneous embodiments and employs a novel structure-motion state encoder that is parameterized to capture both shared knowledge across all embodiments and embodiment-specific knowledge. A matching-based policy network then predicts actions from a few demonstrations, producing an adaptive policy that is robust to over-fitting. Evaluated in the DeepMind Control suite, our framework termed Meta-Controller demonstrates superior few-shot generalization to unseen embodiments and tasks over modular policy learning and few-shot IL approaches.

Adam on Local Time: Addressing Nonstationarity in RL with Relative Adam Timesteps

Benjamin Ellis · Matthew T Jackson · Andrei Lupu · Alexander D. Goldie · Mattie Fellows · Shimon Whiteson · Jakob Foerster

In reinforcement learning (RL), it is common to apply techniques used broadly in machine learning such as neural network function approximators and momentum-based optimizers. However, such tools were largely developed for supervised learning rather than nonstationary RL, leading practitioners to adopt target networks, clipped policy updates, and other RL-specific implementation tricks to combat this mismatch, rather than directly adapting this toolchain for use in RL. In this paper, we take a different approach and instead address the effect of nonstationarity by adapting the widely used Adam optimiser. We first analyse the impact of nonstationary gradient magnitude --- such as that caused by a change in target network --- on Adam's update size, demonstrating that such a change can lead to large updates and hence sub-optimal performance.To address this, we introduce Adam-Rel.Rather than using the global timestep in the Adam update, Adam-Rel uses the local timestep within an epoch, essentially resetting Adam's timestep to 0 after target changes.We demonstrate that this avoids large updates and reduces to learning rate annealing in the absence of such increases in gradient magnitude. Evaluating Adam-Rel in both on-policy and off-policy RL, we demonstrate improved performance in both Atari and Craftax.We then show that increases in gradient norm occur in RL in practice, and examine the differences between our theoretical model and the observed data.

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Optimizing Automatic Differentiation with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Jamie Lohoff · Emre Neftci

Computing Jacobians with automatic differentiation is ubiquitous in many scientific domains such as machine learning, computational fluid dynamics, robotics and finance. Even small savings in the number of computations or memory usage in Jacobian computations can already incur massive savings in energy consumption and runtime. While there exist many methods that allow for such savings, they generally trade computational efficiency for approximations of the exact Jacobian.In this paper, we present a novel method to optimize the number of necessary multiplications for Jacobian computation by leveraging deep reinforcement learning (RL) and a concept called cross-country elimination while still computing the exact Jacobian. Cross-country elimination is a framework for automatic differentiation that phrases Jacobian accumulation as ordered elimination of all vertices on the computational graph where every elimination incurs a certain computational cost.Finding the optimal elimination order that minimizes the number of necessary multiplications can be seen as a single player game which in our case is played by an RL agent.We demonstrate that this method achieves up to 33% improvements over state-of-the-art methods on several relevant tasks taken from relevant domains.Furthermore, we show that these theoretical gains translate into actual runtime improvements by providing a cross-country elimination interpreter in JAX that can execute the obtained elimination orders.

QGFN: Controllable Greediness with Action Values

Elaine Lau · Stephen Lu · Ling Pan · Doina Precup · Emmanuel Bengio

Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets; GFNs) are a family of energy-based generative methods for combinatorial objects, capable of generating diverse and high-utility samples. However, consistently biasing GFNs towards producing high-utility samples is non-trivial. In this work, we leverage connections between GFNs and reinforcement learning (RL) and propose to combine the GFN policy with an action-value estimate, $Q$, to create greedier sampling policies which can be controlled by a mixing parameter. We show that several variants of the proposed method, QGFN, are able to improve on the number of high-reward samples generated in a variety of tasks without sacrificing diversity.

Maximum Entropy Reinforcement Learning via Energy-Based Normalizing Flow

Chen-Hao Chao · Chien Feng · Wei-Fang Sun · Cheng-Kuang Lee · Simon See · Chun-Yi Lee

Existing Maximum-Entropy (MaxEnt) Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods for continuous action spaces are typically formulated based on actor-critic frameworks and optimized through alternating steps of policy evaluation and policy improvement. In the policy evaluation steps, the critic is updated to capture the soft Q-function. In the policy improvement steps, the actor is adjusted in accordance with the updated soft Q-function. In this paper, we introduce a new MaxEnt RL framework modeled using Energy-Based Normalizing Flows (EBFlow). This framework integrates the policy evaluation steps and the policy improvement steps, resulting in a single objective training process. Our method enables the calculation of the soft value function used in the policy evaluation target without Monte Carlo approximation. Moreover, this design supports the modeling of multi-modal action distributions while facilitating efficient action sampling. To evaluate the performance of our method, we conducted experiments on the MuJoCo benchmark suite and a number of high-dimensional robotic tasks simulated by Omniverse Isaac Gym. The evaluation results demonstrate that our method achieves superior performance compared to widely-adopted representative baselines.

Recurrent Reinforcement Learning with Memoroids

Steven Morad · Chris Lu · Ryan Kortvelesy · Stephan Liwicki · Jakob Foerster · Amanda Prorok

Memory models such as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Transformers address Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) by mapping trajectories to latent Markov states. Neither model scales particularly well to long sequences, especially compared to an emerging class of memory models called Linear Recurrent Models. We discover that the recurrent update of these models resembles a monoid, leading us to reformulate existing models using a novel monoid-based framework that we call memoroids. We revisit the traditional approach to batching in recurrent reinforcement learning, highlighting theoretical and empirical deficiencies. We leverage memoroids to propose a batching method that improves sample efficiency, increases the return, and simplifies the implementation of recurrent loss functions in reinforcement learning.

Long-Horizon Planning for Multi-Agent Robots in Partially Observable Environments

Sid Nayak · Adelmo Morrison Orozco · Marina Have · Jackson Zhang · Vittal Thirumalai · Darren Chen · Aditya Kapoor · Eric Robinson · Karthik Gopalakrishnan · James Harrison · Anuj Mahajan · Brian Ichter · Hamsa Balakrishnan

The ability of Language Models (LMs) to understand natural language makes them a powerful tool for parsing human instructions into task plans for autonomous robots. Unlike traditional planning methods that rely on domain-specific knowledge and handcrafted rules, LMs generalize from diverse data and adapt to various tasks with minimal tuning, acting as a compressed knowledge base. However, LMs in their standard form face challenges with long-horizon tasks, particularly in partially observable multi-agent settings. We propose an LM-based Long-Horizon Planner for Multi-Agent Robotics (LLaMAR), a cognitive architecture for planning that achieves state-of-the-art results in long-horizon tasks within partially observable environments. LLaMAR employs a plan-act-correct-verify framework, allowing self-correction from action execution feedback without relying on oracles or simulators. Additionally, we present MAP-THOR, a comprehensive test suite encompassing household tasks of varying complexity within the AI2-THOR environment. Experiments show that LLaMAR achieves a 30\% higher success rate than other state-of-the-art LM-based multi-agent planners in MAP-THOR and Search \& Rescue tasks. Code can be found at

Learning Multimodal Behaviors from Scratch with Diffusion Policy Gradient

Steven Li · Rickmer Krohn · Tao Chen · Anurag Ajay · Pulkit Agrawal · Georgia Chalvatzaki

Deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms typically parameterize the policy as a deep network that outputs either a deterministic action or a stochastic one modeled as a Gaussian distribution, hence restricting learning to a single behavioral mode. Meanwhile, diffusion models emerged as a powerful framework for multimodal learning. However, the use of diffusion policies in online RL is hindered by the intractability of policy likelihood approximation, as well as the greedy objective of RL methods that can easily skew the policy to a single mode. This paper presents Deep Diffusion Policy Gradient (DDiffPG), a novel actor-critic algorithm that learns from scratch multimodal policies parameterized as diffusion models while discovering and maintaining versatile behaviors. DDiffPG explores and discovers multiple modes through off-the-shelf unsupervised clustering combined with novelty-based intrinsic motivation. DDiffPG forms a multimodal training batch and utilizes mode-specific Q-learning to mitigate the inherent greediness of the RL objective, ensuring the improvement of the diffusion policy across all modes. Our approach further allows the policy to be conditioned on mode-specific embeddings to explicitly control the learned modes. Empirical studies validate DDiffPG's capability to master multimodal behaviors in complex, high-dimensional continuous control tasks with sparse rewards, also showcasing proof-of-concept dynamic online replanning when navigating mazes with unseen obstacles. Our project page is available at

Achieving Constant Regret in Linear Markov Decision Processes

Weitong Zhang · Zhiyuan Fan · Jiafan He · Quanquan Gu

We study the constant regret guarantees in reinforcement learning (RL). Our objective is to design an algorithm that incurs only finite regret over infinite episodes with high probability. We introduce an algorithm, Cert-LSVI-UCB, for misspecified linear Markov decision processes (MDPs) where both the transition kernel and the reward function can be approximated by some linear function up to misspecification level $\zeta$. At the core of Cert-LSVI-UCB is an innovative certified estimator, which facilitates a fine-grained concentration analysis for multi-phase value-targeted regression, enabling us to establish an instance-dependent regret bound that is constant w.r.t. the number of episodes. Specifically, we demonstrate that for a linear MDP characterized by a minimal suboptimality gap $\Delta$, Cert-LSVI-UCB has a cumulative regret of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d^3H^5/\Delta)$ with high probability, provided that the misspecification level $\zeta$ is below $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\Delta / (\sqrt{d}H^2))$. Here $d$ is the dimension of the feature space and $H$ is the horizon. Remarkably, this regret bound is independent of the number of episodes $K$. To the best of our knowledge, Cert-LSVI-UCB is the first algorithm to achieve a constant, instance-dependent, high-probability regret bound in RL with linear function approximation without relying on prior distribution assumptions.

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VLM Agents Generate Their Own Memories: Distilling Experience into Embodied Programs of Thought

Gabriel Sarch · Lawrence Jang · Michael Tarr · William Cohen · Kenneth Marino · Katerina Fragkiadaki

Large-scale generative language and vision-language models (LLMs and VLMs) excel in few-shot in-context learning for decision making and instruction following. However, they require high-quality exemplar demonstrations to be included in their context window. In this work, we ask: Can LLMs and VLMs generate their own examples from generic, sub-optimal demonstrations? We propose In-Context Abstraction Learning (ICAL), a method that builds a memory of multimodal experience from sub-optimal demonstrations and human feedback. Given a task demonstration that may contain inefficiencies or mistakes, a VLM abstracts the trajectory into a generalized program by correcting inefficient actions and annotating cognitive abstractions: causal relationships, object state changes, temporal subgoals, and task-relevant visual elements. These abstractions are iteratively improved and adapted through human feedback while the agent attempts to execute the trajectory in a similar environment. The resulting examples, when used as exemplars in the prompt, significantly improve decision-making in retrieval-augmented LLM and VLM agents. Moreover, as the agent's library of examples grows, it becomes more efficient, relying less on human feedback and requiring fewer environment interactions per demonstration. Our ICAL agent surpasses the state-of-the-art in dialogue-based instruction following in TEACh, multimodal web agents in VisualWebArena, and action anticipation in Ego4D. In TEACh, we achieve a 12.6% improvement in goal-condition success. In VisualWebArena, our task success rate improves over the SOTA from 14.3% to 22.7% using GPT4V. In Ego4D action forecasting, we improve over few-shot GPT-4V and remain competitive with supervised models. We show finetuning our retrieval-augmented in-context agent yields additional improvements. Our approach significantly reduces reliance on manual prompt engineering and consistently outperforms in-context learning from action plans that lack such abstractions.

Discovering Sparsity Allocation for Layer-wise Pruning of Large Language Models

Lujun Li · Peijie Dong · Zhenheng Tang · Xiang Liu · Qiang Wang · Wenhan Luo · Wei Xue · Qifeng Liu · Xiaowen Chu · Yike Guo

In this paper, we present DSA, the first automated framework for discovering sparsity allocation schemes for layer-wise pruning in Large Language Models (LLMs). LLMs have become increasingly powerful, but their large parameter counts make them computationally expensive. Existing pruning methods for compressing LLMs primarily focus on evaluating redundancies and removing element-wise weights. However, these methods fail to allocate adaptive layer-wise sparsities, leading to performance degradation in challenging tasks. We observe that per-layer importance statistics can serve as allocation indications, but their effectiveness depends on the allocation function between layers. To address this issue, we develop an expression discovery framework to explore potential allocation strategies. Our allocation functions involve two steps: reducing element-wise metrics to per-layer importance scores, and modelling layer importance to sparsity ratios. To search for the most effective allocation function, we construct a search space consisting of pre-process, reduction, transform, and post-process operations. We leverage an evolutionary algorithm to perform crossover and mutation on superior candidates within the population, guided by performance evaluation. Finally, we seamlessly integrate our discovered functions into various uniform methods, resulting in significant performance improvements. We conduct extensive experiments on multiple challenging tasks such as arithmetic, knowledge reasoning, and multimodal benchmarks spanning GSM8K, MMLU, SQA, and VQA, demonstrating that our DSA method achieves significant performance gains on the LLaMA-1|2|3, Mistral, and OPT models. Notably, the LLaMA-1|2|3 model pruned by our DSA reaches 4.73\%|6.18\%|10.65\% gain over the state-of-the-art techniques (e.g., Wanda and SparseGPT).

Integrating Deep Metric Learning with Coreset for Active Learning in 3D Segmentation

Arvind Vepa · Zukang Yang · Andrew Choi · Jungseock Joo · Fabien Scalzo · Yizhou Sun

Deep learning has seen remarkable advancements in machine learning, yet it often demands extensive annotated data. Tasks like 3D semantic segmentation impose a substantial annotation burden, especially in domains like medicine, where expert annotations drive up the cost. Active learning (AL) holds great potential to alleviate this annotation burden in 3D medical segmentation. The majority of existing AL methods, however, are not tailored to the medical domain. While weakly-supervised methods have been explored to reduce annotation burden, the fusion of AL with weak supervision remains unexplored, despite its potential to significantly reduce annotation costs. Additionally, there is little focus on slice-based AL for 3D segmentation, which can also significantly reduce costs in comparison to conventional volume-based AL. This paper introduces a novel metric learning method for Coreset to perform slice-based active learning in 3D medical segmentation. By merging contrastive learning with inherent data groupings in medical imaging, we learn a metric that emphasizes the relevant differences in samples for training 3D medical segmentation models. We perform comprehensive evaluations using both weak and full annotations across four datasets (medical and non-medical). Our findings demonstrate that our approach surpasses existing active learning techniques on both weak and full annotations and obtains superior performance with low-annotation budgets which is crucial in medical imaging. Source code for this project is available in the supplementary materials and on GitHub:

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Statistical Multicriteria Benchmarking via the GSD-Front

Christoph Jansen · Georg Schollmeyer · Julian Rodemann · Hannah Blocher · Thomas Augustin

Given the vast number of classifiers that have been (and continue to be) proposed, reliable methods for comparing them are becoming increasingly important. The desire for reliability is broken down into three main aspects: (1) Comparisons should allow for different quality metrics simultaneously. (2) Comparisons should take into account the statistical uncertainty induced by the choice of benchmark suite. (3) The robustness of the comparisons under small deviations in the underlying assumptions should be verifiable. To address (1), we propose to compare classifiers using a generalized stochastic dominance ordering (GSD) and present the GSD-front as an information-efficient alternative to the classical Pareto-front. For (2), we propose a consistent statistical estimator for the GSD-front and construct a statistical test for whether a (potentially new) classifier lies in the GSD-front of a set of state-of-the-art classifiers. For (3), we relax our proposed test using techniques from robust statistics and imprecise probabilities. We illustrate our concepts on the benchmark suite PMLB and on the platform OpenML.

Dynamic Model Predictive Shielding for Provably Safe Reinforcement Learning

Arko Banerjee · Kia Rahmani · Joydeep Biswas · Isil Dillig

Among approaches for provably safe reinforcement learning, Model Predictive Shielding (MPS) has proven effective at complex tasks in continuous, high-dimensional state spaces, by leveraging a backup policy to ensure safety when the learned policy attempts to take risky actions. However, while MPS can ensure safety both during and after training, it often hinders task progress due to the conservative and task-oblivious nature of backup policies.This paper introduces Dynamic Model Predictive Shielding (DMPS), which optimizes reinforcement learning objectives while maintaining provable safety. DMPS employs a local planner to dynamically select safe recovery actions that maximize both short-term progress as well as long-term rewards. Crucially, the planner and the neural policy play a synergistic role in DMPS. When planning recovery actions for ensuring safety, the planner utilizes the neural policy to estimate long-term rewards, allowing it to observe beyond its short-term planning horizon. Conversely, the neural policy under training learns from the recovery plans proposed by the planner, converging to policies that are both high-performing and safe in practice.This approach guarantees safety during and after training, with bounded recovery regret that decreases exponentially with planning horizon depth. Experimental results demonstrate that DMPS converges to policies that rarely require shield interventions after training and achieve higher rewards compared to several state-of-the-art baselines.

KALM: Knowledgeable Agents by Offline Reinforcement Learning from Large Language Model Rollouts

Jing-Cheng Pang · Si-Hang Yang · Kaiyuan Li · Jiaji Zhang · Xiong-Hui Chen · Nan Tang · Yang Yu

Reinforcement learning (RL) traditionally trains agents using interaction data, which limits their capabilities to the scope of the training data. To create more knowledgeable agents, leveraging knowledge from large language models (LLMs) has shown a promising way. Despite various attempts to combine LLMs with RL, there is commonly a semantic gap between action signals and LLM tokens, which hinders their integration. This paper introduces a novel approach, KALM (Knowledgeable Agents from Language Model Rollouts), to learn knowledgeable agents by bridging this gap. KALM extracts knowledge from LLMs in the form of imaginary rollouts, which agents can learn through offline RL. To overcome the limitation that LLMs are inherently text-based and may be incompatible with numerical environmental data, KALM fine-tunes the LLM to perform bidirectional translation between textual goals and rollouts. This process enables the LLM to understand the environment better, facilitating the generation of meaningful rollouts. Experiments on robotic manipulation tasks demonstrate that KALM allows agents to rephrase complex goals and tackle novel tasks requiring new optimal behaviors. KALM achieves a 46% success rate in completing 1400 various novel goals, significantly outperforming the 26% success rate of baseline methods. Project homepage:

Regularizing Hidden States Enables Learning Generalizable Reward Model for LLMs

Rui Yang · Ruomeng Ding · Yong Lin · Huan Zhang · Tong Zhang

Reward models trained on human preference data have been proven to effectively align Large Language Models (LLMs) with human intent within the framework of reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). However, current reward models have limited generalization capabilities to unseen prompts and responses, which can lead to an unexpected phenomenon known as reward over-optimization, resulting in a decline in actual performance due to excessive optimization of rewards. While previous research has advocated for constraining policy optimization, our study introduces a novel approach to enhance the reward model's generalization ability against distribution shifts by regularizing the hidden states. Specifically, we retain the base model's language model head and incorporate a suite of text-generation losses to preserve the hidden states' text-generation capabilities, while concurrently learning a reward head behind the same hidden states. Our experimental results demonstrate that the introduced regularization technique markedly improves the accuracy of learned reward models across a variety of out-of-distribution (OOD) tasks and effectively alleviates the over-optimization issue in RLHF, offering a more reliable and robust preference learning paradigm.

Contextual Bilevel Reinforcement Learning for Incentive Alignment

Vinzenz Thoma · Barna Pásztor · Andreas Krause · Giorgia Ramponi · Yifan Hu

The optimal policy in various real-world strategic decision-making problems depends both on the environmental configuration and exogenous events. For these settings, we introduce Contextual Bilevel Reinforcement Learning (CB-RL), a stochastic bilevel decision-making model, where the lower level consists of solving a contextual Markov Decision Process (CMDP). CB-RL can be viewed as a Stackelberg Game where the leader and a random context beyond the leader’s control together decide the setup of many MDPs that potentially multiple followers best respond to. This framework extends beyond traditional bilevel optimization and finds relevance in diverse fields such as RLHF, tax design, reward shaping, contract theory and mechanism design. We propose a stochastic Hyper Policy Gradient Descent (HPGD) algorithm to solve CB-RL, and demonstrate its convergence. Notably, HPGD uses stochastic hypergradient estimates, based on observations of the followers’ trajectories. Therefore, it allows followers to use any training procedure and the leader to be agnostic of the specific algorithm, which aligns with various real-world scenarios. We further consider the setting when the leader can influence the training of followers and propose an accelerated algorithm. We empirically demonstrate the performance of our algorithm for reward shaping and tax design.

DynaMITE-RL: A Dynamic Model for Improved Temporal Meta-Reinforcement Learning

Anthony Liang · Guy Tennenholtz · Chih-wei Hsu · Yinlam Chow · Erdem Bıyık · Craig Boutilier

We introduce DynaMITE-RL, a meta-reinforcement learning (meta-RL) approach to approximate inference in environments where the latent state evolves at varying rates. We model episode sessions---parts of the episode where the latent state is fixed---and propose three key modifications to existing meta-RL methods: (i) consistency of latent information within sessions, (ii) session masking, and (iii) prior latent conditioning. We demonstrate the importance of these modifications in various domains, ranging from discrete Gridworld environments to continuous-control and simulated robot assistive tasks, illustrating the efficacy of DynaMITE-RL over state-of-the-art baselines in both online and offline RL settings.

Overcoming the Sim-to-Real Gap: Leveraging Simulation to Learn to Explore for Real-World RL

Andrew Wagenmaker · Kevin Huang · Liyiming Ke · Kevin Jamieson · Abhishek Gupta

In order to mitigate the sample complexity of real-world reinforcement learning, common practice is to first train a policy in a simulator where samples are cheap, and then deploy this policy in the real world, with the hope that it generalizes effectively. Such \emph{direct sim2real} transfer is not guaranteed to succeed, however, and in cases where it fails, it is unclear how to best utilize the simulator. In this work, we show that in many regimes, while direct sim2real transfer may fail, we can utilize the simulator to learn a set of \emph{exploratory} policies which enable efficient exploration in the real world. In particular, in the setting of low-rank MDPs, we show that coupling these exploratory policies with simple, practical approaches---least-squares regression oracles and naive randomized exploration---yields a polynomial sample complexity in the real world, an exponential improvement over direct sim2real transfer, or learning without access to a simulator. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first evidence that simulation transfer yields a provable gain in reinforcement learning in settings where direct sim2real transfer fails. We validate our theoretical results on several realistic robotic simulators and a real-world robotic sim2real task, demonstrating that transferring exploratory policies can yield substantial gains in practice as well.

Using Unity to Help Solve Reinforcement Learning

Connor Brennan · Andrew Williams · Omar G. Younis · Vedant Vyas · Daria Yasafova · Irina Rish

Leveraging the depth and flexibility of XLand as well as the rapid prototyping features of the Unity engine, we present the United Unity Universe — an open-source toolkit designed to accelerate the creation of innovative reinforcement learning environments. This toolkit includes a robust implementation of XLand 2.0 complemented by a user-friendly interface which allows users to modify the details of procedurally generated terrains and task rules with ease. Additionally, we provide a curated selection of terrains and rule sets, accompanied by implementations of reinforcement learning baselines to facilitate quick experimentation with novel architectural designs for adaptive agents. Furthermore, we illustrate how the United Unity Universe serves as a high-level language that enables researchers to develop diverse and endlessly variable 3D environments within a unified framework. This functionality establishes the United Unity Universe (U3) as an essential tool for advancing the field of reinforcement learning, especially in the development of adaptive and generalizable learning systems.

Thought of Search: Planning with Language Models Through The Lens of Efficiency

Michael Katz · Harsha Kokel · Kavitha Srinivas · Shirin Sohrabi Araghi

Among the most important properties of algorithms investigated in computer science are soundness, completeness, and complexity. These properties, however, are rarely analyzed for the vast collection of recently proposed methods for planning with large language models. In this work, we alleviate this gap. We analyse these properties of using LLMs for planning and highlight that recent trends abandon both soundness and completeness for the sake of inefficiency. We propose a significantly more efficient approach that can, at the same time, maintain both soundness and completeness. We exemplify on four representative search problems, comparing to the LLM-based solutions from the literature that attempt to solve these problems. We show that by using LLMs to produce the code for the search components we can solve the entire datasets with 100% accuracy with only a few calls to the LLM. In contrast, the compared approaches require hundreds of thousands of calls and achieve significantly lower accuracy. We argue for a responsible use of compute resources; urging research community to investigate sound and complete LLM-based approaches that uphold efficiency.

Predicting Future Actions of Reinforcement Learning Agents

Stephen Chung · Scott Niekum · David Krueger

As reinforcement learning agents become increasingly deployed in real-world scenarios, predicting future agent actions and events during deployment is important for facilitating better human-agent interaction and preventing catastrophic outcomes. This paper experimentally evaluates and compares the effectiveness of future action and event prediction for three types of RL agents: explicitly planning, implicitly planning, and non-planning. We employ two approaches: the inner state approach, which involves predicting based on the inner computations of the agents (e.g., plans or neuron activations), and a simulation-based approach, which involves unrolling the agent in a learned world model. Our results show that the plans of explicitly planning agents are significantly more informative for prediction than the neuron activations of the other types. Furthermore, using internal plans proves more robust to model quality compared to simulation-based approaches when predicting actions, while the results for event prediction are more mixed. These findings highlight the benefits of leveraging inner states and simulations to predict future agent actions and events, thereby improving interaction and safety in real-world deployments.

Label Alignment Regularization for Distribution Shift

Ehsan Imani · Guojun Zhang · Runjia Li · Jun Luo · Pascal Poupart · Philip Torr · Yangchen Pan

Recent work has highlighted the label alignment property (LAP) in supervised learning, where the vector of all labels in the dataset is mostly in the span of the top few singular vectors of the data matrix. Drawing inspiration from this observation, we propose a regularization method for unsupervised domain adaptation that encourages alignment between the predictions in the target domain and its top singular vectors. Unlike conventional domain adaptation approaches that focus on regularizing representations, we instead regularize the classifier to align with the unsupervised target data, guided by the LAP in both the source and target domains. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that, under certain assumptions, our solution resides within the span of the top right singular vectors of the target domain data and aligns with the optimal solution. By removing the reliance on the commonly used optimal joint risk assumption found in classic domain adaptation theory, we showcase the effectiveness of our method on addressing problems where traditional domain adaptation methods often fall short due to high joint error. Additionally, we report improved performance over domain adaptation baselines in well-known tasks such as MNIST-USPS domain adaptation and cross-lingual sentiment analysis. An implementation is available at

Beyond task diversity: provable representation transfer for sequential multitask linear bandits

Thang Duong · Zhi Wang · Chicheng Zhang

We study lifelong learning in linear bandits, where a learner interacts with a sequence of linear bandit tasks whose parameters lie in an $m$-dimensional subspace of $\mathbb{R}^d$, thereby sharing a low-rank representation. Current literature typically assumes that the tasks are diverse, i.e., their parameters uniformly span the $m$-dimensional subspace. This assumption allows the low-rank representation to be learned before all tasks are revealed, which can be unrealistic in real-world applications. In this work, we present the first nontrivial result for sequential multi-task linear bandits without the task diversity assumption. We develop an algorithm that efficiently learns and transfers low-rank representations. When facing $N$ tasks, each played over $\tau$ rounds, our algorithm achieves a regret guarantee of $\tilde{O}\big (Nm \sqrt{\tau} + N^{\frac{2}{3}} \tau^{\frac{2}{3}} d m^{\frac13} + Nd^2 + \tau m d \big)$ under the ellipsoid action set assumption.This result can significantly improve upon the baseline of $\tilde{O} \left (Nd \sqrt{\tau}\right)$ that does not leverage the low-rank structure when the number of tasks $N$ is sufficiently large and $m \ll d$. We also demonstrate empirically on synthetic data that our algorithm outperforms baseline algorithms, which rely on the task diversity assumption.

L-TTA: Lightweight Test-Time Adaptation Using a Versatile Stem Layer

Jin Shin · Hyun Kim

Test-time adaptation (TTA) is the most realistic methodology for adapting deep learning models to the real world using only unlabeled data from the target domain. Numerous TTA studies in deep learning have aimed at minimizing entropy. However, this necessitates forward/backward processes across the entire model and is limited by the incapability to fully leverage data based solely on entropy. This study presents a groundbreaking TTA solution that involves a departure from the conventional focus on minimizing entropy. Our innovative approach uniquely remodels the stem layer (i.e., the first layer) to emphasize minimizing a new learning criterion, namely, uncertainty. This method requires minimal involvement of the model's backbone, with only the stem layer participating in the TTA process. This approach significantly reduces the memory required for training and enables rapid adaptation to the target domain with minimal parameter updates. Moreover, to maximize data leveraging, the stem layer applies a discrete wavelet transform to the input features. It extracts multi-frequency domains and focuses on minimizing their individual uncertainties. The proposed method integrated into ResNet-26 and ResNet-50 models demonstrates its robustness by achieving outstanding TTA performance while using the least amount of memory compared to existing studies on CIFAR-10-C, ImageNet-C, and Cityscapes-C benchmark datasets. The code is available at

Spotlight Poster
Extensive-Form Game Solving via Blackwell Approachability on Treeplexes

Darshan Chakrabarti · Julien Grand-Clément · Christian Kroer

We introduce the first algorithmic framework for Blackwell approachability on the sequence-form polytope, the class of convex polytopes capturing the strategies of players in extensive-form games (EFGs).This leads to a new class of regret-minimization algorithms that are stepsize-invariant, in the same sense as the Regret Matching and Regret Matching$^+$ algorithms for the simplex.Our modular framework can be combined with any existing regret minimizer over cones to compute a Nash equilibrium in two-player zero-sum EFGs with perfect recall, through the self-play framework. Leveraging predictive online mirror descent, we introduce *Predictive Treeplex Blackwell$^+$* (PTB$^+$), and show a $O(1/\sqrt{T})$ convergence rate to Nash equilibrium in self-play. We then show how to stabilize PTB$^+$ with a stepsize, resulting in an algorithm with a state-of-the-art $O(1/T)$ convergence rate. We provide an extensive set of experiments to compare our framework with several algorithmic benchmarks, including CFR$^+$ and its predictive variant, and we highlight interesting connections between practical performance and the stepsize-dependence or stepsize-invariance properties of classical algorithms.

Spotlight Poster
No-regret Learning in Harmonic Games: Extrapolation in the Face of Conflicting Interests

Davide Legacci · Panayotis Mertikopoulos · Christos Papadimitriou · Georgios Piliouras · Bary Pradelski

The long-run behavior of multi-agent online learning -- and, in particular, no-regret learning -- is relatively well-understood in potential games, where players have common interests. By contrast, in general harmonic games -- the strategic complement of potential games, where players have competing interests -- very little is known outside the narrow subclass of $2$-player zero-sum games with a fully-mixed equilibrium. Our paper seeks to partially fill this gap by focusing on the full class of (generalized) harmonic games and examining the convergence properties of "follow-the-regularized-leader" (FTRL), the most widely studied class of no-regret learning schemes. As a first result, we show that the continuous-time dynamics of FTRL are Poincaré recurrent, i.e., they return arbitrarily close to their starting point infinitely often, and hence fail to converge. In discrete time, the standard, "vanilla" implementation of FTRL may lead to even worse outcomes, eventually trapping the players in a perpetual cycle of best-responses. However, if FTRL is augmented with a suitable extrapolation step -- which includes as special cases the optimistic and mirror-prox variants of FTRL -- we show that learning converges to a Nash equilibrium from any initial condition, and all players are guaranteed at most $\mathcal{O}(1)$ regret. These results provide an in-depth understanding of no-regret learning in harmonic games, nesting prior work on $2$-player zero-sum games, and showing at a high level that potential and harmonic games are complementary not only from the strategic but also from the dynamic viewpoint.

MAC Advice for facility location mechanism design

Zohar Barak · Anupam Gupta · Inbal Talgam-Cohen

Algorithms with predictions are gaining traction across various domains, as a way to surpass traditional worst-case bounds through (machine-learned) advice. We study the canonical problem of $k$-facility location mechanism design,where the $n$ agents are strategic and might misreport their locations. We receive a prediction for each agent's location, and these predictions are crucially allowed to be only "mostly" and "approximately" correct (MAC for short): a $\delta$-fraction of the predicted locations are allowed to be arbitrarily incorrect, and the remainder of the predictions are required to be correct up to an $\varepsilon$-error. Moreover, we make no assumption on the independence of the errors.Can such "flawed" predictions allow us to beat the current best bounds for strategyprooffacility location?We show how natural robustness of the $1$-median (also known as the geometric median) of a set of points leads to an algorithm for single-facility location with MAC predictions. We extend our results to a natural "balanced" variant of the $k$-facility case, and show that without balancedness, robustness completely breaks down even for $k=2$ facilities on a line. As our main result, for this "unbalanced" setting we devise a truthful random mechanism, which outperforms the best known mechanism (with no predictions) by Lu et al.~[2010]. En route, we introduce the problem of "second" facility location, in which the first facility location is already fixed. Our robustness findings may be of independent interest, as quantitative versions of classic breakdown-point results in robust statistics.

Intrinsic Robustness of Prophet Inequality to Strategic Reward Signaling

Wei Tang · Haifeng Xu · Ruimin Zhang · Derek Zhu

Prophet inequality concerns a basic optimal stopping problem and states that simple threshold stopping policies --- i.e., accepting the first reward larger than a certain threshold --- can achieve tight $\frac{1}{2}$-approximation to the optimal prophet value. Motivated by its economic applications, this paper studies the robustness of this approximation to natural strategic manipulations in which each random reward is associated with a self-interested player who may selectively reveal his realized reward to the searcher in order to maximize his probability of being selected. We say a threshold policy is $\alpha$(-strategically)-robust if it (a) achieves the $\alpha$-approximation to the prophet value for strategic players; and (b) meanwhile remains a $\frac{1}{2}$-approximation in the standard non-strategic setting.Starting with a characterization of each player's optimal information revealing strategy, we demonstrate the intrinsic robustness of prophet inequalities to strategic reward signaling through the following results:(1) for arbitrary reward distributions, there is a threshold policy that is $\frac{1-\frac{1}{e}}{2}$-robust, and this ratio is tight;(2) for i.i.d. reward distributions, there is a threshold policy that is $\frac{1}{2}$-robust, which is tight for the setting; and (3) for log-concave (but non-identical) reward distributions, the $\frac{1}{2}$-robustness can also be achieved under certain regularity assumptions.

Spotlight Poster
Honor Among Bandits: No-Regret Learning for Online Fair Division

Ariel Procaccia · Ben Schiffer · Shirley Zhang

We consider the problem of online fair division of indivisible goods to players when there are a finite number of types of goods and player values are drawn from distributions with unknown means. Our goal is to maximize social welfare subject to allocating the goods fairly in expectation. When a player's value for an item is unknown at the time of allocation, we show that this problem reduces to a variant of (stochastic) multi-armed bandits, where there exists an arm for each player's value for each type of good. At each time step, we choose a distribution over arms which determines how the next item is allocated. We consider two sets of fairness constraints for this problem: envy-freeness in expectation and proportionality in expectation. Our main result is the design of an explore-then-commit algorithm that achieves $\tilde{O}(T^{2/3})$ regret while maintaining either fairness constraint. This result relies on unique properties fundamental to fair-division constraints that allow faster rates of learning, despite the restricted action space.

Learning Optimal Tax Design in Nonatomic Congestion Games

Qiwen Cui · Maryam Fazel · Simon Du

In multiplayer games, self-interested behavior among the players can harm the social welfare. Tax mechanisms are a common method to alleviate this issue and induce socially optimal behavior. In this work, we take the initial step of learning the optimal tax that can maximize social welfare with limited feedback in congestion games. We propose a new type of feedback named \emph{equilibrium feedback}, where the tax designer can only observe the Nash equilibrium after deploying a tax plan. Existing algorithms are not applicable due to the exponentially large tax function space, nonexistence of the gradient, and nonconvexity of the objective. To tackle these challenges, we design a computationally efficient algorithm that leverages several novel components: (1) a piece-wise linear tax to approximate the optimal tax; (2) extra linear terms to guarantee a strongly convex potential function; (3) an efficient subroutine to find the exploratory tax that can provide critical information about the game. The algorithm can find an $\epsilon$-optimal tax with $O(\beta F^2/\epsilon)$ sample complexity, where $\beta$ is the smoothness of the cost function and $F$ is the number of facilities.

Understanding Model Selection for Learning in Strategic Environments

Tinashe Handina · Eric Mazumdar

The deployment of ever-larger machine learning models reflects a growing consensus that the more expressive the model class one optimizes over—and the more data one has access to—the more one can improve performance. As models get deployed in a variety of real-world scenarios, they inevitably face strategic environments. In this work, we consider the natural question of how the interplay of models and strategic interactions affects the relationship between performance at equilibrium and the expressivity of model classes. We find that strategic interactions can break the conventional view—meaning that performance does not necessarily monotonically improve as model classes get larger or more expressive (even with infinite data). We show the implications of this result in several contexts including strategic regression, strategic classification, and multi-agent reinforcement learning. In particular, we show that each of these settings admits a Braess' paradox-like phenomenon in which optimizing over less expressive model classes allows one to achieve strictly better equilibrium outcomes. Motivated by these examples, we then propose a new paradigm for model selection in games wherein an agent seeks to choose amongst different model classes to use as their action set in a game.

Randomized Strategic Facility Location with Predictions

Eric Balkanski · Vasilis Gkatzelis · Golnoosh Shahkarami

In the strategic facility location problem, a set of agents report their locations in a metric space and the goal is to use these reports to open a new facility, minimizing an aggregate distance measure from the agents to the facility. However, agents are strategic and may misreport their locations to influence the facility’s placement in their favor. The aim is to design truthful mechanisms, ensuring agents cannot gain by misreporting. This problem was recently revisited through the learning-augmented framework, aiming to move beyond worst-case analysis and design truthful mechanisms that are augmented with (machine-learned) predictions. The focus of this prior work was on mechanisms that are deterministic and augmented with a prediction regarding the optimal facility location. In this paper, we provide a deeper understanding of this problem by exploring the power of randomization as well as the impact of different types of predictions on the performance of truthful learning-augmented mechanisms. We study both the single-dimensional and the Euclidean case and provide upper and lower bounds regarding the achievable approximation of the optimal egalitarian social cost.

Efficient $\Phi$-Regret Minimization with Low-Degree Swap Deviations in Extensive-Form Games

Brian Zhang · Ioannis Anagnostides · Gabriele Farina · Tuomas Sandholm

Recent breakthrough results by Dagan, Daskalakis, Fishelson and Golowich [2023] and Peng and Rubinstein [2023] established an efficient algorithm attaining at most $\epsilon$ swap regret over extensive-form strategy spaces of dimension $N$ in $N^{\tilde O(1/\epsilon)}$ rounds. On the other extreme, Farina and Pipis [2023] developed an efficient algorithm for minimizing the weaker notion of linear-swap regret in $\mathsf{poly}(N)/\epsilon^2$ rounds. In this paper, we develop efficient parameterized algorithms for regimes between these two extremes. We introduce the set of $k$-mediator deviations, which generalize the untimed communication deviations recently introduced by Zhang, Farina and Sandholm [2024] to the case of having multiple mediators, and we develop algorithms for minimizing the regret with respect to this set of deviations in $N^{O(k)}/\epsilon^2$ rounds. Moreover, by relating $k$-mediator deviations to low-degree polynomials, we show that regret minimization against degree-$k$ polynomial swap deviations is achievable in $N^{O(kd)^3}/\epsilon^2$ rounds, where $d$ is the depth of the game, assuming a constant branching factor. For a fixed degree $k$, this is polynomial for Bayesian games and quasipolynomial more broadly when $d = \mathsf{polylog} N$---the usual balancedness assumption on the game tree. The first key ingredient in our approach is a relaxation of the usual notion of a fixed point required in the framework of Gordon, Greenwald and Marks [2008]. Namely, for a given deviation $\phi$, we show that it suffices to compute what we refer to as a fixed point in expectation; that is, a distribution $\pi$ such that $\mathbb{E}_{x \sim \pi} [\phi(x) - x] \approx 0$. Unlike the problem of computing an actual (approximate) fixed point $x \approx \phi(x)$, which we show is \PPAD-hard, there is a simple and efficient algorithm for finding a solution that satisfies our relaxed notion. As a byproduct, we provide, to our knowledge, the fastest algorithm for computing $\epsilon$-correlated equilibria in normal-form games in the medium-precision regime, obviating the need to solve a linear system in every round. Our second main contribution is a characterization of the set of low-degree deviations, made possible through a connection to low-depth decisions trees from Boolean analysis.

Accelerating Nash Equilibrium Convergence in Monte Carlo Settings Through Counterfactual Value Based Fictitious Play

Qi Ju · Falin Hei · Ting Feng · Dengbing Yi · Zhemei Fang · YunFeng Luo

Counterfactual Regret Minimization (CFR) and its variants are widely recognized as effective algorithms for solving extensive-form imperfect information games. Recently, many improvements have been focused on enhancing the convergence speed of the CFR algorithm. However, most of these variants are not applicable under Monte Carlo (MC) conditions, making them unsuitable for training in large-scale games. We introduce a new MC-based algorithm for solving extensive-form imperfect information games, called MCCFVFP (Monte Carlo Counterfactual Value-Based Fictitious Play). MCCFVFP combines CFR’s counterfactual value calculations with fictitious play’s best response strategy, leveraging the strengths of fictitious play to gain significant advantages in games with a high proportion of dominated strategies. Experimental results show that MCCFVFP achieved convergence speeds approximately 20\%$\sim$50\% faster than the most advanced MCCFR variants in games like poker and other test games.

Local Anti-Concentration Class: Logarithmic Regret for Greedy Linear Contextual Bandit

Seok-Jin Kim · Min-hwan Oh

We study the performance guarantees of exploration-free greedy algorithms for the linear contextual bandit problem. We introduce a novel condition, named the \textit{Local Anti-Concentration} (LAC) condition, which enables a greedy bandit algorithm to achieve provable efficiency. We show that the LAC condition is satisfied by a broad class of distributions, including Gaussian, exponential, uniform, Cauchy, and Student's~$t$ distributions, along with other exponential family distributions and their truncated variants. This significantly expands the class of distributions under which greedy algorithms can perform efficiently. Under our proposed LAC condition, we prove that the cumulative expected regret of the greedy algorithm for the linear contextual bandit is bounded by $\mathcal{O}(\operatorname{poly} \log T)$. Our results establish the widest range of distributions known to date that allow a sublinear regret bound for greedy algorithms, further achieving a sharp poly-logarithmic regret.

Small steps no more: Global convergence of stochastic gradient bandits for arbitrary learning rates

Jincheng Mei · Bo Dai · Alekh Agarwal · Sharan Vaswani · Anant Raj · Csaba Szepesvari · Dale Schuurmans

We provide a new understanding of the stochastic gradient bandit algorithm by showing that it converges to a globally optimal policy almost surely using \emph{any} constant learning rate. This result demonstrates that the stochastic gradient algorithm continues to balance exploration and exploitation appropriately even in scenarios where standard smoothness and noise control assumptions break down. The proofs are based on novel findings about action sampling rates and the relationship between cumulative progress and noise, and extend the current understanding of how simple stochastic gradient methods behave in bandit settings.

State-free Reinforcement Learning

Mingyu Chen · Aldo Pacchiano · Xuezhou Zhang

In this work, we study the \textit{state-free RL} problem, where the algorithm does not have the states information before interacting with the environment. Specifically, denote the reachable state set by $\mathcal{S}^\Pi := \{ s|\max_{\pi\in \Pi}q^{P, \pi}(s)>0 \}$, we design an algorithm which requires no information on the state space $S$ while having a regret that is completely independent of $\mathcal{S}$ and only depend on $\mathcal{S}^\Pi$. We view this as a concrete first step towards \textit{parameter-free RL}, with the goal of designing RL algorithms that require no hyper-parameter tuning.

Reinforcement Learning with LTL and $\omega$-Regular Objectives via Optimality-Preserving Translation to Average Rewards

Xuan Bach Le · Dominik Wagner · Leon Witzman · Alexander Rabinovich · Luke Ong

Linear temporal logic (LTL) and, more generally, $\omega$-regular objectives are alternatives to the traditional discount sum and average reward objectives in reinforcement learning (RL), offering the advantage of greater comprehensibility and hence explainability. In this work, we study the relationship between these objectives. Our main result is that each RL problem for $\omega$-regular objectives can be reduced to a limit-average reward problem in an optimality-preserving fashion, via (finite-memory) reward machines. Furthermore, we demonstrate the efficacy of this approach by showing that optimal policies for limit-average problems can be found asymptotically by solving a sequence of discount-sum problems approximately. Consequently, we resolve an open problem: optimal policies for LTL and $\omega$-regular objectives can be learned asymptotically.

Foundations of Multivariate Distributional Reinforcement Learning

Harley Wiltzer · Jesse Farebrother · Arthur Gretton · Mark Rowland

In reinforcement learning (RL), the consideration of multivariate reward signals has led to fundamental advancements in multi-objective decision-making, transfer learning, and representation learning. This work introduces the first oracle-free and computationally-tractable algorithms for provably convergent multivariate *distributional* dynamic programming and temporal difference learning. Our convergence rates match the familiar rates in the scalar reward setting, and additionally provide new insights into the fidelity of approximate return distribution representations as a function of the reward dimension. Surprisingly, when the reward dimension is larger than $1$, we show that standard analysis of categorical TD learning fails, which we resolve with a novel projection onto the space of mass-$1$ signed measures. Finally, with the aid of our technical results and simulations, we identify tradeoffs between distribution representations that influence the performance of multivariate distributional RL in practice.

Risk-sensitive control as inference with Rényi divergence

Kaito Ito · Kenji Kashima

This paper introduces the risk-sensitive control as inference (RCaI) that extends CaI by using Rényi divergence variational inference. RCaI is shown to be equivalent to log-probability regularized risk-sensitive control, which is an extension of the maximum entropy (MaxEnt) control. We also prove that the risk-sensitive optimal policy can be obtained by solving a soft Bellman equation, which reveals several equivalences between RCaI, MaxEnt control, the optimal posterior for CaI, and linearly-solvable control. Moreover, based on RCaI, we derive the risk-sensitive reinforcement learning (RL) methods: the policy gradient and the soft actor-critic. As the risk-sensitivity parameter vanishes, we recover the risk-neutral CaI and RL, which means that RCaI is a unifying framework. Furthermore, we give another risk-sensitive generalization of the MaxEnt control using Rényi entropy regularization. We show that in both of our extensions, the optimal policies have the same structure even though the derivations are very different.

Periodic agent-state based Q-learning for POMDPs

Amit Sinha · Matthieu Geist · Aditya Mahajan

The standard approach for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) is to convert them to a fully observed belief-state MDP. However, the belief state depends on the system model and is therefore not viable in reinforcement learning (RL) settings. A widely used alternative is to use an agent state, which is a model-free, recursively updateable function of the observation history. Examples include frame stacking and recurrent neural networks. Since the agent state is model-free, it is used to adapt standard RL algorithms to POMDPs. However, standard RL algorithms like Q-learning learn a stationary policy. Our main thesis that we illustrate via examples is that because the agent state does not satisfy the Markov property, non-stationary agent-state based policies can outperform stationary ones. To leverage this feature, we propose PASQL (periodic agent-state based Q-learning), which is a variant of agent-state-based Q-learning that learns periodic policies. By combining ideas from periodic Markov chains and stochastic approximation, we rigorously establish that PASQL converges to a cyclic limit and characterize the approximation error of the converged periodic policy. Finally, we present a numerical experiment to highlight the salient features of PASQL and demonstrate the benefit of learning periodic policies over stationary policies.

Beating Adversarial Low-Rank MDPs with Unknown Transition and Bandit Feedback

Haolin Liu · Zak Mhammedi · Chen-Yu Wei · Julian Zimmert

We consider regret minimization in low-rank MDPs with fixed transition and adversarial losses. Previous work has investigated this problem under either full-information loss feedback with unknown transitions (Zhao et al., 2024), or bandit loss feedback with known transitions (Foster et al., 2022). First, we improve the $poly(d, A, H)T^{5/6}$ regret bound of Zhao et al. (2024) to $poly(d, A, H)T^{2/3}$ for the full-information unknown transition setting, where $d$ is the rank of the transitions, $A$ is the number of actions, $H$ is the horizon length, and $T$ is the number of episodes. Next, we initiate the study on the setting with bandit loss feedback and unknown transitions. Assuming that the loss has a linear structure, we propose both model-based and model-free algorithms achieving $poly(d, A, H)T^{2/3}$ regret, though they are computationally inefficient. We also propose oracle-efficient model-free algorithms with $poly(d, A, H)T^{4/5}$ regret. We show that the linear structure is necessary for the bandit case—without structure on the reward function, the regret has to scale polynomially with the number of states. This is contrary to the full-information case (Zhao et al., 2024), where the regret can be independent of the number of states even for unstructured reward functions.

Warm-up Free Policy Optimization: Improved Regret in Linear Markov Decision Processes

Asaf Cassel · Aviv Rosenberg

Policy Optimization (PO) methods are among the most popular Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms in practice. Recently, Sherman et al. [2023a] proposed a PO-based algorithm with rate-optimal regret guarantees under the linear Markov Decision Process (MDP) model. However, their algorithm relies on a costly pure exploration warm-up phase that is hard to implement in practice. This paper eliminates this undesired warm-up phase, replacing it with a simple and efficient contraction mechanism. Our PO algorithm achieves rate-optimal regret with improved dependence on the other parameters of the problem (horizon and function approximation dimension) in two fundamental settings: adversarial losses with full-information feedback and stochastic losses with bandit feedback.

An Analysis of Elo Rating Systems via Markov Chains

Sam Olesker-Taylor · Luca Zanetti

We present a theoretical analysis of the Elo rating system, a popular method for ranking skills of players in an online setting. In particular, we study Elo under the Bradley-Terry-Luce model and, using techniques from Markov chain theory, show that Elo learns the model parameters at a rate competitive with the state-of-the-art. We apply our results to the problem of efficient tournament design and discuss a connection with the fastest-mixing Markov chain problem.

Accelerating Relative Entropy Coding with Space Partitioning

Jiajun He · Gergely Flamich · José Miguel Hernández-Lobato

Relative entropy coding (REC) algorithms encode a random sample following a target distribution $Q$, using a coding distribution $P$ shared between the sender and receiver. Sadly, general REC algorithms suffer from prohibitive encoding times, at least on the order of $2^{D_{\text{KL}}[Q||P]}$, and faster algorithms are limited to very specific settings. This work addresses this issue by introducing a REC scheme utilizing space partitioning to reduce runtime in practical scenarios. We provide theoretical analyses of our method and demonstrate its effectiveness with both toy examples and practical applications. Notably, our method successfully handles REC tasks with $D_{\text{KL}}[Q||P]$ about three times greater than what previous methods can manage, and reduces the bitrate by approximately 5-15\% in VAE-based lossless compression on MNIST and INR-based lossy compression on CIFAR-10, compared to previous methods, significantly improving the practicality of REC for neural compression.

On the Curses of Future and History in Future-dependent Value Functions for Off-policy Evaluation

Yuheng Zhang · Nan Jiang

We study off-policy evaluation (OPE) in partially observable environments with complex observations, with the goal of developing estimators whose guarantee avoids exponential dependence on the horizon. While such estimators exist for MDPs and POMDPs can be converted to history-based MDPs, their estimation errors depend on the state-density ratio for MDPs which becomes history ratios after conversion, an exponential object. Recently, Uehara et al. [2022a] proposed future-dependent value functions as a promising framework to address this issue, where the guarantee for memoryless policies depends on the density ratio over the latent state space. However, it also depends on the boundedness of the future-dependent value function and other related quantities, which we show could be exponential-in-length and thus erasing the advantage of the method. In this paper, we discover novel coverage assumptions tailored to the structure of POMDPs, such as outcome coverage and belief coverage, which enable polynomial bounds on the aforementioned quantities. As a side product, our analyses also lead to the discovery of new algorithms with complementary properties.

Statistical Inference for Fairness Auditing

John Cherian · Emmanuel Candes

Before deploying a black-box model in high-stakes problems, it is important to evaluate the model’s performance on sensitive subpopulations. For example, in a recidivism prediction task, we may wish to identify demographic groups for which our prediction model has unacceptably high false positive rates or certify that no such groups exist. In this paper, we frame this task, often referred to as ``fairness auditing,'' in terms of multiple hypothesis testing. We show how the bootstrap can be used to simultaneously bound performance disparities over a collection of groups with statistical guarantees. Our methods can be used to flag subpopulations affected by model underperformance, and certify subpopulations for which the model performs adequately. Crucially, our audit is model-agnostic and applicable to nearly any performance metric or group fairness criterion. Our methods also accommodate extremely rich---even infinite---collections of subpopulations. Further, we generalize beyond subpopulations by showing how to assess performance over certain distribution shifts. We test the proposed methods on benchmark datasets in predictive inference and algorithmic fairness and find that our audits can provide interpretable and trustworthy guarantees.

A Unified Confidence Sequence for Generalized Linear Models, with Applications to Bandits

Junghyun Lee · Se-Young Yun · Kwang-Sung Jun

We present a unified likelihood ratio-based confidence sequence (CS) for *any* (self-concordant) generalized linear model (GLM) that is guaranteed to be convex and numerically tight. We show that this is on par or improves upon known CSs for various GLMs, including Gaussian, Bernoulli, and Poisson. In particular, for the first time, our CS for Bernoulli has a $\mathrm{poly}(S)$-free radius where $S$ is the norm of the unknown parameter. Our first technical novelty is its derivation, which utilizes a time-uniform PAC-Bayesian bound with a uniform prior/posterior, despite the latter being a rather unpopular choice for deriving CSs. As a direct application of our new CS, we propose a simple and natural optimistic algorithm called **OFUGLB**, applicable to *any* generalized linear bandits (**GLB**; Filippi et al. (2010)). Our analysis shows that the celebrated optimistic approach simultaneously attains state-of-the-art regrets for various self-concordant (not necessarily bounded) **GLB**s, and even $\mathrm{poly}(S)$-free for bounded **GLB**s, including logistic bandits. The regret analysis, our second technical novelty, follows from combining our new CS with a new proof technique that completely avoids the previously widely used self-concordant control lemma (Faury et al., 2020, Lemma 9). Numerically, **OFUGLB** outperforms or is at par with prior algorithms for logistic bandits.

Matrix Denoising with Doubly Heteroscedastic Noise: Fundamental Limits and Optimal Spectral Methods

Yihan Zhang · Marco Mondelli

We study the matrix denoising problem of estimating the singular vectors of a rank-$1$ signal corrupted by noise with both column and row correlations. Existing works are either unable to pinpoint the exact asymptotic estimation error or, when they do so, the resulting approaches (e.g., based on whitening or singular value shrinkage) remain vastly suboptimal. On top of this, most of the literature has focused on the special case of estimating the left singular vector of the signal when the noise only possesses row correlation (one-sided heteroscedasticity). In contrast, our work establishes the information-theoretic and algorithmic limits of matrix denoising with doubly heteroscedastic noise. We characterize the exact asymptotic minimum mean square error, and design a novel spectral estimator with rigorous optimality guarantees: under a technical condition, it attains positive correlation with the signals whenever information-theoretically possible and, for one-sided heteroscedasticity, it also achieves the Bayes-optimal error. Numerical experiments demonstrate the significant advantage of our theoretically principled method with the state of the art. The proofs draw connections with statistical physics and approximate message passing, departing drastically from standard random matrix theory techniques.

Community Detection Guarantees using Embeddings Learned by Node2Vec

Andrew Davison · S. Carlyle Morgan · Owen G. Ward

Embedding the nodes of a large network into an Euclidean space is a common objective in modernmachine learning, with a variety of tools available. These embeddings can then be used as features fortasks such as community detection/node clustering or link prediction, where they achieve state of the artperformance. With the exception of spectral clustering methods, there is little theoretical understandingfor commonly used approaches to learning embeddings. In this work we examine the theoreticalproperties of the embeddings learned by node2vec. Our main result shows that the use of k-meansclustering on the embedding vectors produced by node2vec gives weakly consistent community recoveryfor the nodes in (degree corrected) stochastic block models. We also discuss the use of these embeddingsfor node and link prediction tasks. We demonstrate this result empirically for bothreal and simulated networks, and examine how this relatesto other embedding tools for network data.

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Assouad, Fano, and Le Cam with Interaction: A Unifying Lower Bound Framework and Characterization for Bandit Learnability

Fan Chen · Dylan J Foster · Yanjun Han · Jian Qian · Alexander Rakhlin · Yunbei Xu

We develop a unifying framework for information-theoretic lower bound in statistical estimation and interactive decision making. Classical lower bound techniques---such as Fano's method, Le Cam's method, and Assouad's lemma---are central to the study of minimax risk in statistical estimation, yet are insufficient to provide tight lower bounds for \emph{interactive decision making} algorithms that collect data interactively (e.g., algorithms for bandits and reinforcement learning). Recent work of Foster et al. provides minimax lower bounds for interactive decision making using seemingly different analysis techniques from the classical methods. These results---which are proven using a complexity measure known as the \emph{Decision-Estimation Coefficient} (DEC)---capture difficulties unique to interactive learning, yet do not recover the tightest known lower bounds for passive estimation. We propose a unified view of these distinct methodologies through a new lower bound approach called \emph{interactive Fano method}. As an application, we introduce a novel complexity measure, the \emph{Fractional Covering Number}, which facilitates the new lower bounds for interactive decision making that extend the DEC methodology by incorporating the complexity of estimation. Using the fractional covering number, we (i) provide a unified characterization of learnability for \emph{any} stochastic bandit problem, (ii) close the remaining gap between the upper and lower bounds in Foster et al. (up to polynomial factors) for any interactive decision making problem in which the underlying model class is convex.

On the Robustness of Spectral Algorithms for Semirandom Stochastic Block Models

Aditya Bhaskara · Agastya Jha · Michael Kapralov · Naren Manoj · Davide Mazzali · Weronika Wrzos-Kaminska

In a graph bisection problem, we are given a graph $G$ with two equally-sized unlabeled communities, and the goal is to recover the vertices in these communities. A popular heuristic, known as spectral clustering, is to output an estimated community assignment based on the eigenvector corresponding to the second-smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian of $G$. Spectral algorithms can be shown to provably recover the cluster structure for graphs generated from probabilistic models, such as the Stochastic Block Model (SBM). However, spectral clustering is known to be non-robust to model mis-specification. Techniques based on semidefinite programming have been shown to be more robust, but they incur significant computational overheads. In this work, we study the robustness of spectral algorithms against semirandom adversaries. Informally, a semirandom adversary is allowed to ``helpfully'' change the specification of the model in a way that is consistent with the ground-truth solution. Our semirandom adversaries in particular are allowed to add edges inside clusters or increase the probability that an edge appears inside a cluster. Semirandom adversaries are a useful tool to determine the extent to which an algorithm has overfit to statistical assumptions on the input. On the positive side, we identify a wide range of semirandom adversaries under which spectral bisection using the _unnormalized_ Laplacian is strongly consistent, i.e., it exactly recovers the planted partitioning. On the negative side, we show that in many of these settings, _normalized_ spectral bisection outputs a partitioning that makes a classification mistake on a constant fraction of the vertices. Finally, we demonstrate numerical experiments that complement our theoretical findings.

Learning-Augmented Priority Queues

Ziyad Benomar · Christian Coester

Priority queues are one of the most fundamental and widely used data structures in computer science. Their primary objective is to efficiently support the insertion of new elements with assigned priorities and the extraction of the highest priority element. In this study, we investigate the design of priority queues within the learning-augmented framework, where algorithms use potentially inaccurate predictions to enhance their worst-case performance.We examine three prediction models spanning different use cases, and we show how the predictions can be leveraged to enhance the performance of priority queue operations. Moreover, we demonstrate the optimality of our solution and discuss some possible applications.

Navigable Graphs for High-Dimensional Nearest Neighbor Search: Constructions and Limits

Haya Diwan · Jinrui Gou · Cameron Musco · Christopher Musco · Torsten Suel

There has been significant recent interest in graph-based nearest neighbor search methods, many of which are centered on the construction of (approximately) "navigable" graphs over high-dimensional point sets. A graph is navigable if we can successfully move from any starting node to any target node using a greedy routing strategy where we always move to the neighbor that is closest to the destination according to the given distance function. The complete graph is obviously navigable for any point set, but the important question for applications is if sparser graphs can be constructed. While this question is fairly well understood in low-dimensions, we establish some of the first upper and lower bounds for high-dimensional point sets. First, we give a simple and efficient way to construct a navigable graph with average degree $O(\sqrt{n \log n })$ for any set of $n$ points, in any dimension, for any distance function. We compliment this result with a nearly matching lower bound: even under the Euclidean metric in $O(\log n)$ dimensions, a random point set has no navigable graph with average degree $O(n^{\alpha})$ for any $\alpha < 1/2$. Our lower bound relies on sharp anti-concentration bounds for binomial random variables, which we use to show that the {near-neighborhoods} of a set of random points do not overlap significantly, forcing any navigable graph to have many edges.

Aligning Model Properties via Conformal Risk Control

William Overman · Jacqueline Vallon · Mohsen Bayati

AI model alignment is crucial due to inadvertent biases in training data and the underspecified machine learning pipeline, where models with excellent test metrics may not meet end-user requirements. While post-training alignment via human feedback shows promise, these methods are often limited to generative AI settings where humans can interpret and provide feedback on model outputs. In traditional non-generative settings with numerical or categorical outputs, detecting misalignment through single-sample outputs remains challenging, and enforcing alignment during training requires repeating costly training processes.In this paper we consider an alternative strategy. We propose interpreting model alignment through property testing, defining an aligned model $f$ as one belonging to a subset $\mathcal{P}$ of functions that exhibit specific desired behaviors. We focus on post-processing a pre-trained model $f$ to better align with $\mathcal{P}$ using conformal risk control. Specifically, we develop a general procedure for converting queries for testing a given property $\mathcal{P}$ to a collection of loss functions suitable for use in a conformal risk control algorithm. We prove a probabilistic guarantee that the resulting conformal interval around $f$ contains a function approximately satisfying $\mathcal{P}$. We exhibit applications of our methodology on a collection of supervised learning datasets for (shape-constrained) properties such as monotonicity and concavity. The general procedure is flexible and can be applied to a wide range of desired properties. Finally, we prove that pre-trained models will always require alignment techniques even as model sizes or training data increase, as long as the training data contains even small biases.

Bias in Motion: Theoretical Insights into the Dynamics of Bias in SGD Training

Anchit Jain · Rozhin Nobahari · Aristide Baratin · Stefano Sarao Mannelli

Machine learning systems often acquire biases by leveraging undesired features in the data, impacting accuracy variably across different sub-populations of the data. However, our current understanding of bias formation mostly focuses on the initial and final stages of learning, leaving a gap in knowledge regarding the transient dynamics. To address this gap, this paper explores the evolution of bias in a teacher-student setup that models different data sub-populations with a Gaussian-mixture model. We provide an analytical description of the stochastic gradient descent dynamics of a linear classifier in this setup, which we prove to be exact in high dimension.Notably, our analysis identifies different properties of the sub-populations that drive bias at different timescales and hence shows a shifting preference of our classifier during training. By applying our general solution to fairness and robustness, we delineate how and when heterogeneous data and spurious features can generate and amplify bias. We empirically validate our results in more complex scenarios by training deeper networks on synthetic and real data, i.e. using CIFAR10, MNIST, and CelebA datasets.

RouterDC: Query-Based Router by Dual Contrastive Learning for Assembling Large Language Models

Shuhao Chen · Weisen Jiang · Baijiong Lin · James Kwok · Yu Zhang

Recent works show that assembling multiple off-the-shelf large language models (LLMs) can harness their complementary abilities. To achieve this, routing is a promising method, which learns a router to select the most suitable LLM for each query. However, existing routing models are ineffective when multiple LLMs perform well for a query. To address this problem, in this paper, we propose a method called query-based Router by Dual Contrastive learning (RouterDC). The RouterDC model, which consists of an encoder and LLM embeddings, is trained by two proposed contrastive losses (sample-LLM and sample-sample losses). Experimental results show that RouterDC is effective in assembling LLMs and largely outperforms individual top-performing LLMs as well as existing routing methods on both in-distribution (+2.76\%) and out-of-distribution (+1.90\%) tasks. The source code is available at

Error Correction Output Codes for Robust Neural Networks against Weight-errors: A Neural Tangent Kernel Point of View

Anlan Yu · Shusen Jing · Ning Lyu · Wujie Wen · Zhiyuan Yan

Error correcting output code (ECOC) is a classic method that encodes binary classifiers to tackle the multi-class classification problem in decision trees and neural networks.Among ECOCs, the one-hot code has become the default choice in modern deep neural networks (DNNs) due to its simplicity in decision making. However, it suffers from a significant limitation in its ability to achieve high robust accuracy, particularly in the presence of weight errors. While recent studies have experimentally demonstrated that the non-one-hot ECOCs with multi-bits error correction ability, could be a better solution, there is a notable absence of theoretical foundations that can elucidate the relationship between codeword design, weight-error magnitude, and network characteristics, so as to provide robustness guarantees. This work is positioned to bridge this gap through the lens of neural tangent kernel (NTK). We have two important theoretical findings: 1) In clean models (without weight errors), utilizing one-hot code and non-one-hot ECOC is akin to altering decoding metrics from $l_2$ distance to Mahalanobis distance. 2) In non-clean models (with weight errors), if the normalized distance exceeds a threshold, then non-clean DNNs can reach the clean model's accuracy as long as the code length approaches infinity. This threshold is determined by DNN architecture (e.g. layer number, activation), weight error magnitude, and the distance between the output and the nearest codeword. Based on these findings, we further demonstrate how to practically use them to identify optimal ECOCs for simple tasks (short-code ECOCs) and complex tasks (long-code ECOCs), by balancing the code orthogonality (as per finding 1) and code distance (as per finding 2). Extensive experimental results across four datasets and four DNN models validate the superior performance of constructed codes, guided by our findings, compared to existing ECOCs. To our best knowledge, this is the first work that provides theoretical explanations for the effectiveness of ECOCS and offers associated design guidance for optimal ECOCs specifically tailored to DNNs.

CogVLM: Visual Expert for Pretrained Language Models

Weihan Wang · Qingsong Lv · Wenmeng Yu · Wenyi Hong · Ji Qi · Yan Wang · Junhui Ji · Zhuoyi Yang · Lei Zhao · Song XiXuan · Jiazheng Xu · Keqin Chen · Bin Xu · Juanzi Li · Yuxiao Dong · Ming Ding · Jie Tang

We introduce CogVLM, a powerful open-source visual language foundation model. Different from the popular \emph{shallow alignment} method which maps image features into the input space of language model, CogVLM bridges the gap between the frozen pretrained language model and image encoder by a trainable visual expert module in the attention and FFN layers. As a result, CogVLM enables a deep fusion of vision language features without sacrificing any performance on NLP tasks. CogVLM-17B achieves state-of-the-art performance on 17 classic cross-modal benchmarks, including 1) image captioning datasets: NoCaps, Flicker30k, 2) VQA datasets: OKVQA, TextVQA, OCRVQA, ScienceQA, 3) LVLM benchmarks: MM-Vet, MMBench, SEED-Bench, LLaVABench, POPE, MMMU, MathVista, 4) visual grounding datasets: RefCOCO, RefCOCO+, RefCOCOg, Visual7W. Codes and checkpoints are available at Github.

Last-Iterate Convergence for Generalized Frank-Wolfe in Monotone Variational Inequalities

Zaiwei Chen · Eric Mazumdar

We study the convergence behavior of a generalized Frank-Wolfe algorithm in constrained (stochastic) monotone variational inequality (MVI) problems. In recent years, there have been numerous efforts to design algorithms for solving constrained MVI problems due to their connections with optimization, machine learning, and equilibrium computation in games. Most work in this domain has focused on extensions of simultaneous gradient play, with particular emphasis on understanding the convergence properties of extragradient and optimistic gradient methods. In contrast, we examine the performance of an algorithm from another well-known class of optimization algorithms: Frank-Wolfe. We show that a generalized variant of this algorithm achieves a fast $\mathcal{O}(T^{-1/2})$ last-iterate convergence rate in constrained MVI problems. By drawing connections between our generalized Frank-Wolfe algorithm and the well-known smoothed fictitious play (FP) from game theory, we also derive a finite-sample convergence rate for smoothed FP in zero-sum matrix games. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a stochastic variant of the generalized Frank-Wolfe algorithm for MVI problems also converges in a last-iterate sense, albeit at a slower $\mathcal{O}(T^{-1/6})$ convergence rate.

Hierarchical and Density-based Causal Clustering

Kwangho Kim · Jisu Kim · Larry Wasserman · Edward Kennedy

Understanding treatment effect heterogeneity is vital for scientific and policy research. However, identifying and evaluating heterogeneous treatment effects pose significant challenges due to the typically unknown subgroup structure. Recently, a novel approach, causal k-means clustering, has emerged to assess heterogeneity of treatment effect by applying the k-means algorithm to unknown counterfactual regression functions. In this paper, we expand upon this framework by integrating hierarchical and density-based clustering algorithms. We propose plug-in estimators which are simple and readily implementable using off-the-shelf algorithms. Unlike k-means clustering, which requires the margin condition, our proposed estimators do not rely on strong structural assumptions on the outcome process. We go on to study their rate of convergence, and show that under the minimal regularity conditions, the additional cost of causal clustering is essentially the estimation error of the outcome regression functions. Our findings significantly extend the capabilities of the causal clustering framework, thereby contributing to the progression of methodologies for identifying homogeneous subgroups in treatment response, consequently facilitating more nuanced and targeted interventions. The proposed methods also open up new avenues for clustering with generic pseudo-outcomes. We explore finite sample properties via simulation, and illustrate the proposed methods in voting and employment projection datasets.

Cal-DPO: Calibrated Direct Preference Optimization for Language Model Alignment

Teng Xiao · Yige Yuan · Huaisheng Zhu · Mingxiao Li · Vasant Honavar

We study the problem of aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preference data. Contrastive preference optimization has shown promising results in aligning LLMs with available preference data by optimizing the implicit reward associated with the policy. However, the contrastive objective focuses mainly on the relative values of implicit rewards associated with two responses while ignoringtheir actual values, resulting in suboptimal alignment with human preferences. To address this limitation, we propose calibrated direct preference optimization (Cal-DPO), a simple yet effective algorithm. We show that substantial improvement in alignment with the given preferences can be achieved simply by calibrating the implicit reward to ensure that the learned implicit rewards are comparable inscale to the ground-truth rewards. We demonstrate the theoretical advantages of Cal-DPO over existing approaches. The results of our experiments on a variety of standard benchmarks show that Cal-DPO remarkably improves off-the-shelf methods.

Recurrent neural networks: vanishing and exploding gradients are not the end of the story

Nicolas Zucchet · Antonio Orvieto

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) notoriously struggle to learn long-term memories, primarily due to vanishing and exploding gradients. The recent success of state-space models (SSMs), a subclass of RNNs, to overcome such difficulties challenges our theoretical understanding. In this paper, we delve into the optimization challenges of RNNs and discover that, as the memory of a network increases, changes in its parameters result in increasingly large output variations, making gradient-based learning highly sensitive, even without exploding gradients. Our analysis further reveals the importance of the element-wise recurrence design pattern combined with careful parametrizations in mitigating this effect. This feature is present in SSMs, as well as in other architectures, such as LSTMs. Overall, our insights provide a new explanation for some of the difficulties in gradient-based learning of RNNs and why some architectures perform better than others.

Theoretical Foundations of Deep Selective State-Space Models

Nicola Muca Cirone · Antonio Orvieto · Benjamin Walker · Cristopher Salvi · Terry Lyons

Structured state-space models (SSMs) are gaining popularity as effective foundational architectures for sequential data, demonstrating outstanding performance across a diverse set of domains alongside desirable scalability properties. Recent developments show that if the linear recurrence powering SSMs allows for a selectivity mechanism leveraging multiplicative interactions between inputs and hidden states (e.g. Mamba, GLA, Hawk/Griffin, HGRN2), then the resulting architecture can surpass attention-powered foundation models trained on text in both accuracy and efficiency, at scales of billion parameters. In this paper, we give theoretical grounding to the selectivity mechanism, often linked to in-context learning, using tools from Rough Path Theory. We provide a framework for the theoretical analysis of generalized selective SSMs, fully characterizing their expressive power and identifying the gating mechanism as the crucial architectural choice. Our analysis provides a closed-form description of the expressive powers of modern SSMs, such as Mamba, quantifying theoretically the drastic improvement in performance from the previous generation of models, such as S4. Our theory not only motivates the success of modern selective state-space models, but also provides a solid framework to understand the expressive power of future SSM variants. In particular, it suggests cross-channel interactions could play a vital role in future improvements.

Can Models Learn Skill Composition from Examples?

Haoyu Zhao · Simran Kaur · Dingli Yu · Anirudh Goyal · Sanjeev Arora

As large language models (LLMs) become increasingly advanced, their ability to exhibit compositional generalization---the capacity to combine learned skills in novel ways not encountered during training---has garnered significant attention. This type of generalization, particularly in scenarios beyond training data, is also of great interest in the study of AI safety and alignment. A recent study introduced the Skill-Mix evaluation, where models are tasked with composing a short paragraph demonstrating the use of a specified $k$-tuple of language skills. While small models struggled with composing even with $k=3$, larger models like GPT-4 performed reasonably well with $k=5$ and $6$.In this paper, we employ a setup akin to Skill-Mix to evaluate the capacity of smaller models to learn compositional generalization from examples. Utilizing a diverse set of language skills---including rhetorical, literary, reasoning, theory of mind, and common sense---GPT was used to generate text samples that exhibit random subsets of $k$ skills. Subsequent fine-tuning of 7B and 13B parameter models on these combined skill texts, for increasing values of $k$, revealed the following findings: (1) Training on combinations of $k=2$ and $3$ skills results in noticeable improvements in the ability to compose texts with $k=4$ and $5$ skills, despite models never having seen such examples during training. (2) When skill categories are split into training and held-out groups, models significantly improve at composing texts with held-out skills during testing despite having only seen training skills during fine-tuning, illustrating the efficacy of the training approach even with previously unseen skills.This study also suggests that incorporating skill-rich (potentially synthetic) text into training can substantially enhance the compositional capabilities of models.

ODRL: A Benchmark for Off-Dynamics Reinforcement Learning

Jiafei Lyu · Kang Xu · Jiacheng Xu · yan · Jing-Wen Yang · Zongzhang Zhang · Chenjia Bai · Zongqing Lu · Xiu Li

We consider off-dynamics reinforcement learning (RL) where one needs to transfer policies across different domains with dynamics mismatch. Despite the focus on developing dynamics-aware algorithms, this field is hindered due to the lack of a standard benchmark. To bridge this gap, we introduce ODRL, the first benchmark tailored for evaluating off-dynamics RL methods. ODRL contains four experimental settings where the source and target domains can be either online or offline, and provides diverse tasks and a broad spectrum of dynamics shifts, making it a reliable platform to comprehensively evaluate the agent's adaptation ability to the target domain. Furthermore, ODRL includes recent off-dynamics RL algorithms in a unified framework and introduces some extra baselines for different settings, all implemented in a single-file manner. To unpack the true adaptation capability of existing methods, we conduct extensive benchmarking experiments, which show that no method has universal advantages across varied dynamics shifts. We hope this benchmark can serve as a cornerstone for future research endeavors. Our code is publicly available at

Metrizing Weak Convergence with Maximum Mean Discrepancies

Carl-Johann Simon-Gabriel · Alessandro Barp · Bernhard Schölkopf · Lester Mackey

This paper characterizes the maximum mean discrepancies (MMD) that metrize the weak convergence of probability measures for a wide class of kernels. More precisely, we prove that, on a locally compact, non-compact, Hausdorff space, the MMD of a bounded continuous Borel measurable kernel $k$, whose RKHS-functions vanish at infinity (i.e., $H_k \subset C_0$), metrizes the weak convergence of probability measures if and only if $k$ is continuous and integrally strictly positive definite ($\int$s.p.d.) over all signed, finite, regular Borel measures. We also correct a prior result of Simon-Gabriel and Schölkopf (JMLR 2018, Thm. 12) by showing that there exist both bounded continuous $\int$s.p.d. kernels that do not metrize weak convergence and bounded continuous non-$\int$s.p.d. kernels that do metrize it.

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Ensemble Learning for Heterogeneous Large Language Models with Deep Parallel Collaboration

Yichong Huang · Xiaocheng Feng · Baohang Li · Yang Xiang · Hui Wang · Ting Liu · Bing Qin

Large language models (LLMs) exhibit complementary strengths in various tasks, motivating the research of LLM ensembling.However, existing work focuses on training an extra reward model or fusion model to select or combine all candidate answers, posing a great challenge to the generalization on unseen data distributions.Besides, prior methods use textual responses as communication media, ignoring the valuable information in the internal representations.In this work, we propose a training-free ensemble framework \textsc{DeePEn}, fusing the informative probability distributions yielded by different LLMs at each decoding step.Unfortunately, the vocabulary discrepancy between heterogeneous LLMs directly makes averaging the distributions unfeasible due to the token misalignment.To address this challenge, \textsc{DeePEn} maps the probability distribution of each model from its own probability space to a universal \textit{relative space} based on the relative representation theory, and performs aggregation.Next, we devise a search-based inverse transformation to transform the aggregated result back to the probability space of one of the ensembling LLMs (main model), in order to determine the next token.We conduct extensive experiments on ensembles of different number of LLMs, ensembles of LLMs with different architectures, and ensembles between the LLM and the specialist model.Experimental results show that (i) \textsc{DeePEn} achieves consistent improvements across six benchmarks covering subject examination, reasoning, and knowledge, (ii) a well-performing specialist model can benefit from a less effective LLM through distribution fusion, and (iii) \textsc{DeePEn} has complementary strengths with other ensemble methods such as voting.

Conformalized Multiple Testing after Data-dependent Selection

Xiaoning Wang · Yuyang Huo · Liuhua Peng · Changliang Zou

The task of distinguishing individuals of interest from a vast pool of candidates using predictive models has garnered significant attention in recent years. This task can be framed as a conformalized multiple testing procedure, which aims at quantifying prediction uncertainty by controlling the false discovery rate (FDR) via conformal inference. In this paper, we tackle the challenge of conformalized multiple testing after data-dependent selection procedures. To guarantee the construction of valid test statistics that accurately capture the distorted distribution resulting from the selection process, we leverage a holdout labeled set to closely emulate the selective distribution. Our approach involves adaptively picking labeled data to create a calibration set based on the stability of the selection rule. This strategy ensures that the calibration data and the selected test unit are exchangeable, allowing us to develop valid conformal p-values. Implementing with the famous Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) procedure, it effectively controls the FDR over the selected subset. To handle the randomness of the selected subset and the dependence among the constructed p-values, we establish a unified theoretical framework. This framework extends the application of conformalized multiple testing to complex selective settings. Furthermore, we conduct numerical studies to showcase the effectiveness and validity of our procedures across various scenarios.

Autonomous Driving with Spiking Neural Networks

Rui-Jie Zhu · Ziqing Wang · Leilani Gilpin · Jason Eshraghian

Autonomous driving demands an integrated approach that encompasses perception, prediction, and planning, all while operating under strict energy constraints to enhance scalability and environmental sustainability. We present Spiking Autonomous Driving (SAD), the first unified Spiking Neural Network (SNN) to address the energy challenges faced by autonomous driving systems through its event-driven and energy-efficient nature. SAD is trained end-to-end and consists of three main modules: perception, which processes inputs from multi-view cameras to construct a spatiotemporal bird's eye view; prediction, which utilizes a novel dual-pathway with spiking neurons to forecast future states; and planning, which generates safe trajectories considering predicted occupancy, traffic rules, and ride comfort. Evaluated on the nuScenes dataset, SAD achieves competitive performance in perception, prediction, and planning tasks, while drawing upon the energy efficiency of SNNs. This work highlights the potential of neuromorphic computing to be applied to energy-efficient autonomous driving, a critical step toward sustainable and safety-critical automotive technology. Our code is available at

VLMimic: Vision Language Models are Visual Imitation Learner for Fine-grained Actions

Guangyan Chen · Meiling Wang · Te Cui · Yao Mu · Haoyang Lu · Tianxing Zhou · Zicai Peng · Mengxiao Hu · Haizhou Li · Li Yuan · Yi Yang · Yufeng Yue

Visual imitation learning (VIL) provides an efficient and intuitive strategy for robotic systems to acquire novel skills. Recent advancements in Vision Language Models (VLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in vision and language reasoning capabilities for VIL tasks. Despite the progress, current VIL methods naively employ VLMs to learn high-level plans from human videos, relying on pre-defined motion primitives for executing physical interactions, which remains a major bottleneck. In this work, we present VLMimic, a novel paradigm that harnesses VLMs to directly learn even fine-grained action levels, only given a limited number of human videos. Specifically, VLMimic first grounds object-centric movements from human videos, and learns skills using hierarchical constraint representations, facilitating the derivation of skills with fine-grained action levels from limited human videos. These skills are refined and updated through an iterative comparison strategy, enabling efficient adaptation to unseen environments. Our extensive experiments exhibit that our VLMimic, using only 5 human videos, yields significant improvements of over 27% and 21% in RLBench and real-world manipulation tasks, and surpasses baselines by more than 37% in long-horizon tasks. Code and videos are available on our anonymous homepage.

Uncertainty of Thoughts: Uncertainty-Aware Planning Enhances Information Seeking in LLMs

Zhiyuan Hu · Chumin Liu · Xidong Feng · Yilun Zhao · See-Kiong Ng · Anh Tuan Luu · Junxian He · Pang Wei Koh · Bryan Hooi

In the face of uncertainty, the ability to seek information is of fundamental importance. In many practical applications, such as medical diagnosis and troubleshooting, the information needed to solve the task is not initially given, and has to be actively sought by asking follow-up questions (for example, a doctor asking a patient for more details about their symptoms). In this work, we introduce Uncertainty of Thoughts (UoT), an algorithm to augment large language models with the ability to actively seek information by asking effective questions. UoT combines:1. An uncertainty-aware simulation approach which enables the model to simulate possible future scenarios and how likely they are to occur,2. Uncertainty-based rewards motivated by information gain which incentivizes the model to seek information, and3. A reward propagation scheme to select the optimal question to ask in a way that maximizes the expected reward.In experiments on medical diagnosis, troubleshooting and the `20 Questions' game, UoT achieves an average performance improvement of 38.1% in the rate of successful task completion across multiple LLMs compared with direct prompting, and also improves efficiency (i.e., the number of questions needed to complete the task).

3D Structure Prediction of Atomic Systems with Flow-based Direct Preference Optimization

Rui Jiao · Xiangzhe Kong · Wenbing Huang · Yang Liu

Predicting high-fidelity 3D structures of atomic systems is a fundamental yet challenging problem in scientific domains. While recent work demonstrates the advantage of generative models in this realm, the exploration of different probability paths are still insufficient, and hallucinations during sampling are persistently occurring. To address these pitfalls, we introduce FlowDPO, a novel framework that explores various probability paths with flow matching models and further suppresses hallucinations using Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) for structure generation. Our approach begins with a pre-trained flow matching model to generate multiple candidate structures for each training sample. These structures are then evaluated and ranked based on their distance to the ground truth, resulting in an automatic preference dataset. Using this dataset, we apply DPO to optimize the original model, improving its performance in generating structures closely aligned with the desired reference distribution. As confirmed by our theoretical analysis, such paradigm and objective function are compatible with arbitrary Gaussian paths, exhibiting favorable universality. Extensive experimental results on antibodies and crystals demonstrate substantial benefits of our FlowDPO, highlighting its potential to advance the field of 3D structure prediction with generative models.

Improving Gloss-free Sign Language Translation by Reducing Representation Density

Jinhui Ye · Xing Wang · Wenxiang Jiao · Junwei Liang · Hui Xiong

Gloss-free sign language translation (SLT) aims to develop well-performing SLT systems with no requirement for the costly gloss annotations, but currently still lags behind gloss-based approaches significantly. In this paper, we identify a representation density problem that could be a bottleneck in restricting the performance of gloss-free SLT. Specifically, the representation density problem describes that the visual representations of semantically distinct sign gestures tend to be closely packed together in feature space, which makes gloss-free methods struggle with distinguishing different sign gestures and suffer from a sharp performance drop. To address the representation density problem, we introduce a simple but effective contrastive learning strategy, namely SignCL, which encourages gloss-free models to learn more discriminative feature representation in a self-supervised manner. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed SignCL can significantly reduce the representation density and improve performance across various translation frameworks. Specifically, SignCLachieves a significant improvement in BLEU score for the Sign Language Transformer and GFSLT-VLP on the CSL-Daily dataset by 39\% and 46\%, respectively, without any increase of model parameters. Compared to Sign2GPT, a state-of-the-art method based on large-scale pre-trained vision and language models, SignCLachieves better performance with only 35\% of its parameters. We will release our code and model to facilitate further research.

FACT or Fiction: Can Truthful Mechanisms Eliminate Federated Free Riding?

Marco Bornstein · Amrit Singh Bedi · Abdirisak Mohamed · Furong Huang

Standard federated learning (FL) approaches are vulnerable to the free-rider dilemma: participating agents can contribute little to nothing yet receive a well-trained aggregated model. While prior mechanisms attempt to solve the free-rider dilemma, none have addressed the issue of truthfulness. In practice, adversarial agents can provide false information to the server in order to cheat its way out of contributing to federated training. In an effort to make free-riding-averse federated mechanisms truthful, and consequently less prone to breaking down in practice, we propose FACT. FACT is the first federated mechanism that: (1) eliminates federated free riding by using a penalty system, (2) ensures agents provide truthful information by creating a competitive environment, and (3) encourages agent participation by offering better performance than training alone. Empirically, FACT avoids free-riding when agents are untruthful, and reduces agent loss by over 4x.

Cross-Modality Perturbation Synergy Attack for Person Re-identification

Yunpeng Gong · Zhun Zhong · Yansong Qu · Zhiming Luo · Rongrong Ji · Min JIANG

In recent years, there has been significant research focusing on addressing security concerns in single-modal person re-identification (ReID) systems that are based on RGB images. However, the safety of cross-modality scenarios, which are more commonly encountered in practical applications involving images captured by infrared cameras, has not received adequate attention. The main challenge in cross-modality ReID lies in effectively dealing with visual differences between different modalities. For instance, infrared images are typically grayscale, unlike visible images that contain color information. Existing attack methods have primarily focused on the characteristics of the visible image modality, overlooking the features of other modalities and the variations in data distribution among different modalities. This oversight can potentially undermine the effectiveness of these methods in image retrieval across diverse modalities. This study represents the first exploration into the security of cross-modality ReID models and proposes a universal perturbation attack specifically designed for cross-modality ReID. This attack optimizes perturbations by leveraging gradients from diverse modality data, thereby disrupting the discriminator and reinforcing the differences between modalities. We conducted experiments on three widely used cross-modality datasets, namely RegDB, SYSU, and LLCM. The results not only demonstrate the effectiveness of our method but also provide insights for future improvements in the robustness of cross-modality ReID systems.

You Only Look Around: Learning Illumination-Invariant Feature for Low-light Object Detection

Mingbo Hong · Shen Cheng · Haibin Huang · Haoqiang Fan · Shuaicheng Liu

In this paper, we introduce YOLA, a novel framework for object detection in low-light scenarios. Unlike previous works, we propose to tackle this challenging problem from the perspective of feature learning. Specifically, we propose to learn illumination-invariant features through the Lambertian image formation model. We observe that, under the Lambertian assumption, it is feasible to approximate illumination-invariant feature maps by exploiting the interrelationships between neighboring color channels and spatially adjacent pixels. By incorporating additional constraints, these relationships can be characterized in the form of convolutional kernels, which can be trained in a detection-driven manner within a network. Towards this end, we introduce a novel module dedicated to the extraction of illumination-invariant features from low-light images, which can be easily integrated into existing object detection frameworks. Our empirical findings reveal significant improvements in low-light object detection tasks, as well as promising results in both well-lit and over-lit scenarios.

AvaTaR: Optimizing LLM Agents for Tool Usage via Contrastive Reasoning

Shirley Wu · Shiyu Zhao · Qian Huang · Kexin Huang · Michihiro Yasunaga · Kaidi Cao · Vassilis Ioannidis · Karthik Subbian · Jure Leskovec · James Zou

Large language model (LLM) agents have demonstrated impressive capabilities in utilizing external tools and knowledge to boost accuracy and reduce hallucinations. However, developing prompting techniques that enable LLM agents to effectively use these tools and knowledge remains a heuristic and labor-intensive task. Here, we introduce AvaTaR, a novel and automated framework that optimizes an LLM agent to effectively leverage provided tools, improving performance on a given task. During optimization, we design a comparator module to iteratively deliver insightful and comprehensive prompts to the LLM agent by contrastively reasoning between positive and negative examples sampled from training data. We demon- strate AvaTaR on four complex multimodal retrieval datasets featuring textual, visual, and relational information, and three general question-answering (QA) datasets. We find AvaTaR consistently outperforms state-of-the-art approaches across all seven tasks, exhibiting strong generalization ability when applied to novel cases and achieving an average relative improvement of 14% on the Hit@1 metric for the retrieval datasets and 13% for the QA datasets. Code and dataset are available at

MemVLT: Vision-Language Tracking with Adaptive Memory-based Prompts

Xiaokun Feng · Xuchen Li · Shiyu Hu · Dailing Zhang · wu meiqi · Jing Zhang · Xiaotang Chen · Kaiqi Huang

Vision-language tracking (VLT) enhances traditional visual object tracking by integrating language descriptions, requiring the tracker to flexibly understand complex and diverse text in addition to visual information. However, most existing vision-language trackers still overly rely on initial fixed multimodal prompts, which struggle to provide effective guidance for dynamically changing targets. Fortunately, the Complementary Learning Systems (CLS) theory suggests that the human memory system can dynamically store and utilize multimodal perceptual information, thereby adapting to new scenarios. Inspired by this, (i) we propose a Memory-based Vision-Language Tracker (MemVLT). By incorporating memory modeling to adjust static prompts, our approach can provide adaptive prompts for tracking guidance. (ii) Specifically, the memory storage and memory interaction modules are designed in accordance with CLS theory. These modules facilitate the storage and flexible interaction between short-term and long-term memories, generating prompts that adapt to target variations. (iii) Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on mainstream VLT datasets (e.g., MGIT, TNL2K, LaSOT and LaSOT$_{ext}$). Experimental results show that MemVLT achieves new state-of-the-art performance. Impressively, it achieves 69.4% AUC on the MGIT and 63.3% AUC on the TNL2K, improving the existing best result by 8.4% and 4.7%, respectively.

Schedule Your Edit: A Simple yet Effective Diffusion Noise Schedule for Image Editing

Haonan Lin · Yan Chen · Jiahao Wang · Wenbin An · Mengmeng Wang · Feng Tian · Yong Liu · Guang Dai · Jingdong Wang · QianYing Wang

Text-guided diffusion models have significantly advanced image editing, enabling high-quality and diverse modifications driven by text prompts. However, effective editing requires inverting the source image into a latent space, a process often hindered by prediction errors inherent in DDIM inversion. These errors accumulate during the diffusion process, resulting in inferior content preservation and edit fidelity, especially with conditional inputs. We address these challenges by investigating the primary contributors to error accumulation in DDIM inversion and identify the singularity problem in traditional noise schedules as a key issue. To resolve this, we introduce the Logistic Schedule, a novel noise schedule designed to eliminate singularities, improve inversion stability, and provide a better noise space for image editing. This schedule reduces noise prediction errors, enabling more faithful editing that preserves the original content of the source image. Our approach requires no additional retraining and is compatible with various existing editing methods. Experiments across eight editing tasks demonstrate the Logistic Schedule's superior performance in content preservation and edit fidelity compared to traditional noise schedules, highlighting its adaptability and effectiveness. The project page is available at

TreeVI: Reparameterizable Tree-structured Variational Inference for Instance-level Correlation Capturing

Junxi Xiao · Qinliang Su

Mean-field variational inference (VI) is computationally scalable, but its highly-demanding independence requirement hinders it from being applied to wider scenarios. Although many VI methods that take correlation into account have been proposed, these methods generally are not scalable enough to capture the correlation among data instances, which often arises in applications with graph-structured data or explicit constraints. In this paper, we developed the Tree-structured Variational Inference (TreeVI), which uses a tree structure to capture the correlation of latent variables in the posterior distribution. We show that samples from the tree-structured posterior can be reparameterized efficiently and parallelly, making its training cost just 2 or 3 times that of VI under the mean-field assumption. To capture correlation with more complicated structure, the TreeVI is further extended to the multiple-tree case. Furthermore, we show that the underlying tree structure can be automatically learned from training data. With experiments on synthetic datasets, constrained clustering, user matching and link prediction, we demonstrate that the TreeVI is superior in capturing instance-level correlation in posteriors and enhancing the performance of downstream applications.

Single Image Unlearning: Efficient Machine Unlearning in Multimodal Large Language Models

Jiaqi Li · Qianshan Wei · Chuanyi Zhang · Guilin Qi · Miaozeng Du · Yongrui Chen · Sheng Bi · Fan Liu

Machine unlearning (MU) empowers individuals with the `right to be forgotten' by removing their private or sensitive information encoded in machine learning models. However, it remains uncertain whether MU can be effectively applied to Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), particularly in scenarios of forgetting the leaked visual data of concepts. To overcome the challenge, we propose an efficient method, Single Image Unlearning (SIU), to unlearn the visual recognition of a concept by fine-tuning a single associated image for few steps. SIU consists of two key aspects: (i) Constructing Multifaceted fine-tuning data. We introduce four targets, based on which we construct fine-tuning data for the concepts to be forgotten; (ii) Joint training loss. To synchronously forget the visual recognition of concepts and preserve the utility of MLLMs, we fine-tune MLLMs through a novel Dual Masked KL-divergence Loss combined with Cross Entropy loss. Alongside our method, we establish MMUBench, a new benchmark for MU in MLLMs and introduce a collection of metrics for its evaluation. Experimental results on MMUBench show that SIU completely surpasses the performance of existing methods. Furthermore, we surprisingly find that SIU can avoid invasive membership inference attacks and jailbreak attacks. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to explore MU in MLLMs. We will release the code and benchmark in the near future.

A Tractable Inference Perspective of Offline RL

Xuejie Liu · Anji Liu · Guy Van den Broeck · Yitao Liang

A popular paradigm for offline Reinforcement Learning (RL) tasks is to first fit the offline trajectories to a sequence model, and then prompt the model for actions that lead to high expected return. In addition to obtaining accurate sequence models, this paper highlights that tractability, the ability to exactly and efficiently answer various probabilistic queries, plays an important role in offline RL. Specifically, due to the fundamental stochasticity from the offline data-collection policies and the environment dynamics, highly non-trivial conditional/constrained generation is required to elicit rewarding actions. While it is still possible to approximate such queries, we observe that such crude estimates undermine the benefits brought by expressive sequence models. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes Trifle (Tractable Inference for Offline RL), which leverages modern tractable generative models to bridge the gap between good sequence models and high expected returns at evaluation time. Empirically, Trifle achieves $7$ state-of-the-art scores and the highest average scores in $9$ Gym-MuJoCo benchmarks against strong baselines. Further, Trifle significantly outperforms prior approaches in stochastic environments and safe RL tasks with minimum algorithmic modifications.

Exocentric-to-Egocentric Video Generation

Jia-Wei Liu · Weijia Mao · Zhongcong XU · Jussi Keppo · Mike Zheng Shou

We introduce Exo2Ego-V, a novel exocentric-to-egocentric diffusion-based video generation method for daily-life skilled human activities where sparse 4-view exocentric viewpoints are configured 360° around the scene. This task is particularly challenging due to the significant variations between exocentric and egocentric viewpoints and high complexity of dynamic motions and real-world daily-life environments. To address these challenges, we first propose a new diffusion-based multi-view exocentric encoder to extract the dense multi-scale features from multi-view exocentric videos as the appearance conditions for egocentric video generation. Then, we design an exocentric-to-egocentric view translation prior to provide spatially aligned egocentric features as a concatenation guidance for the input of egocentric video diffusion model. Finally, we introduce the temporal attention layers into our egocentric video diffusion pipeline to improve the temporal consistency cross egocentric frames. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Exo2Ego-V significantly outperforms SOTA approaches on 5 categories from the Ego-Exo4D dataset with an average of 35% in terms of LPIPS. Our code and model will be made available on

Targeted Sequential Indirect Experiment Design

Elisabeth Ailer · Niclas Dern · Jason Hartford · Niki Kilbertus

Scientific hypotheses typically concern specific aspects of complex, imperfectly understood or entirely unknown mechanisms, such as the effect of gene expression levels on phenotypes or how microbial communities influence environmental health. Such queries are inherently causal (rather than purely associational), but in many settings, experiments can not be conducted directly on the target variables of interest, but are indirect. Therefore, they perturb the target variable, but do not remove potential confounding factors. If, additionally, the resulting experimental measurements are high-dimensional and the studied mechanisms nonlinear, the query of interest is generally not identified. We develop an adaptive strategy to design indirect experiments that optimally inform a targeted query about the ground truth mechanism in terms of sequentially narrowing the gap between an upper and lower bound on the query. While the general formulation consists of a bi-level optimization procedure, we derive an efficiently estimable analytical kernel-based estimator of the bounds for the causal effect, a query of key interest, and demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in confounded, multivariate, nonlinear synthetic settings.

Diffusion-Inspired Truncated Sampler for Text-Video Retrieval

JIAMIAN WANG · Pichao WANG · Dongfang Liu · Qiang Guan · Sohail Dianat · MAJID RABBANI · Raghuveer Rao · Zhiqiang Tao

Prevalent text-to-video retrieval methods represent multimodal text-video data in a joint embedding space, aiming at bridging the relevant text-video pairs and pulling away irrelevant ones. One main challenge in state-of-the-art retrieval methods lies in the modality gap, which stems from the substantial disparities between text and video and can persist in the joint space. In this work, we leverage the potential of Diffusion models to address the text-video modality gap by progressively aligning text and video embeddings in a unified space. However, we identify two key limitations of existing Diffusion models in retrieval tasks: The L2 loss does not fit the ranking problem inherent in text-video retrieval, and the generation quality heavily depends on the varied initial point drawn from the isotropic Gaussian, causing inaccurate retrieval. To this end, we introduce a new Diffusion-Inspired Truncated Sampler (DITS) that jointly performs progressive alignment and modality gap modeling in the joint embedding space. The key innovation of DITS is to leverage the inherent proximity of text and video embeddings, defining a truncated diffusion flow from the fixed text embedding to the video embedding, enhancing controllability compared to adopting the isotropic Gaussian. Moreover, DITS adopts the contrastive loss to jointly consider the relevant and irrelevant pairs, not only facilitating alignment but also yielding a discriminatively structured embedding. Experiments on five benchmark datasets suggest the state-of-the-art performance of DITS. We empirically find that DITS can also improve the structure of the CLIP embedding space. Code is available at Wang/DITS-text-video-retrieval

Mixture of In-Context Experts Enhance LLMs' Long Context Awareness

Hongzhan Lin · Ang Lv · yuhan chen · chen zhu · Yang Song · Hengshu Zhu · Rui Yan

Many studies have revealed that large language models (LLMs) exhibit uneven awareness of different contextual positions. Their limited context awareness can lead to overlooking critical information and subsequent task failures. While several approaches have been proposed to enhance LLMs' context awareness, achieving both effectiveness and efficiency remains challenging. In this paper, for LLMs utilizing RoPE as position embeddings, we introduce a novel method called "Mixture of In-Context Experts" (MoICE) to address this challenge. MoICE comprises two key components: a router integrated into each attention head within LLMs and a lightweight router-only training optimization strategy:(1) MoICE views each RoPE angle as an 'in-context' expert, demonstrated to be capable of directing the attention of a head to specific contextual positions. Consequently, each attention head flexibly processes tokens using multiple RoPE angles dynamically selected by the router to attend to the needed positions. This approach mitigates the risk of overlooking essential contextual information. (2) The router-only training strategy entails freezing LLM parameters and exclusively updating routers for only a few steps. When applied to open-source LLMs including Llama and Mistral, MoICE surpasses prior methods across multiple tasks on long context understanding and generation, all while maintaining commendable inference efficiency.

Improved Sample Complexity Bounds for Diffusion Model Training

Shivam Gupta · Aditya Parulekar · Eric Price · Zhiyang Xun

Diffusion models have become the most popular approach to deep generative modeling of images, largely due to their empirical performance and reliability. From a theoretical standpoint, a number of recent works [CCL+23, CCSW22, BBDD24] have studied the iteration complexity of sampling, assuming access to an accurate diffusion model. In this work, we focus on understanding the sample complexity of training such a model; how many samples are needed to learn an accurate diffusion model using a sufficiently expressive neural network? Prior work [BMR20] showed bounds polynomial in the dimension, desired Total Variation error, and Wasserstein error. We show an exponential improvement in the dependence on Wasserstein error and depth, along with improved dependencies on other relevant parameters.

Data Augmentation with Diffusion for Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning

Seonghyun Ban · Heesan Kong · Kee-Eung Kim

Semi-supervised learning (SSL) seeks to utilize unlabeled data to overcome the limited amount of labeled data and improve model performance. However, many SSL methods typically struggle in real-world scenarios, particularly when there is a large number of irrelevant instances in the unlabeled data that do not belong to any class in the labeled data. Previous approaches often downweight instances from irrelevant classes to mitigate the negative impact of class distribution mismatch on model training. However, by discarding irrelevant instances, they may result in the loss of valuable information such as invariance, regularity, and diversity within the data. In this paper, we propose a data-centric generative augmentation approach that leverages a diffusion model to enrich labeled data using both labeled and unlabeled samples. A key challenge is extracting the diversity inherent in the unlabeled data while mitigating the generation of samples irrelevant to the labeled data. To tackle this issue, we combine diffusion model training with a discriminator that identifies and reduces the impact of irrelevant instances. We also demonstrate that such a trained diffusion model can even convert an irrelevant instance into a relevant one, yielding highly effective synthetic data for training. Through a comprehensive suite of experiments, we show that our data augmentation approach significantly enhances the performance of SSL methods, especially in the presence of class distribution mismatch.

Stochastic Amortization: A Unified Approach to Accelerate Feature and Data Attribution

Ian Covert · Chanwoo Kim · Su-In Lee · James Zou · Tatsunori Hashimoto

Many tasks in explainable machine learning, such as data valuation and feature attribution, perform expensive computation for each data point and are intractable for large datasets. These methods require efficient approximations, and although amortizing the process by learning a network to directly predict the desired output is a promising solution, training such models with exact labels is often infeasible. We therefore explore training amortized models with noisy labels, and we find that this is inexpensive and surprisingly effective. Through theoretical analysis of the label noise and experiments with various models and datasets, we show that this approach tolerates high noise levels and significantly accelerates several feature attribution and data valuation methods, often yielding an order of magnitude speedup over existing approaches.

ChatQA: Surpassing GPT-4 on Conversational QA and RAG

Zihan Liu · Wei Ping · Rajarshi Roy · Peng Xu · Chankyu Lee · Mohammad Shoeybi · Bryan Catanzaro

In this work, we introduce ChatQA, a suite of models that outperform GPT-4 on retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and conversational question answering (QA). To enhance generation, we propose a two-stage instruction tuning method that significantly boosts the performance of RAG. For effective retrieval, we introduce a dense retriever optimized for conversational QA, which yields results comparable to the alternative state-of-the-art query rewriting models, while substantially reducing deployment costs. We also present the ChatRAG Bench, which encompasses ten datasets covering comprehensive evaluations on RAG, table-related QA, arithmetic calculations, and scenarios involving unanswerable questions. Our ChatQA-1.0-70B (score: 54.14), built on Llama2, a weaker foundation model than GPT-4, can slightly outperform GPT-4-0613 (score: 53.90) and GPT-4-Turbo-2024-04-09 (score: 54.03) on the ChatRAG Bench, without relying on any synthetic data from OpenAI GPT models. Notably, Llama3-ChatQA-1.5-70B model surpasses the accuracy of GPT-4-Turbo-2024-04-09 by a margin. These results demonstrate the exceptional quality of the proposed ChatQA recipe. To advance research in this field, we open-sourced the model weights, instruction tuning data, ChatRAG Bench, and retriever for the community.

Secret Collusion among AI Agents: Multi-Agent Deception via Steganography

Sumeet Motwani · Mikhail Baranchuk · Martin Strohmeier · Vijay Bolina · Philip Torr · Lewis Hammond · Christian Schroeder de Witt

Recent advancements in generative AI suggest the potential for large-scale interaction between autonomous agents and humans across platforms such as the internet. While such interactions could foster productive cooperation, the ability of AI agents to circumvent security oversight raises critical multi-agent security problems, particularly in the form of unintended information sharing or undesirable coordination. In our work, we establish the subfield of secret collusion, a form of multi-agent deception, in which two or more agents employ steganographic methods to conceal the true nature of their interactions, be it communicative or otherwise, from oversight. We propose a formal threat model for AI agents communicating steganographically and derive rigorous theoretical insights about the capacity and incentives of large language models (LLMs) to perform secret collusion, in addition to the limitations of threat mitigation measures. We complement our findings with empirical evaluations demonstrating rising steganographic capabilities in frontier single and multi-agent LLM setups and examining potential scenarios where collusion may emerge, revealing limitations in countermeasures such as monitoring, paraphrasing, and parameter optimization. Our work is the first to formalize and investigate secret collusion among frontier foundation models, identifying it as a critical area in AI Safety and outlining a comprehensive research agenda to mitigate future risks of collusion between generative AI systems.

Causal language modeling can elicit search and reasoning capabilities on logic puzzles

Kulin Shah · Nishanth Dikkala · Xin Wang · Rina Panigrahy

Causal language modeling using the Transformer architecture has yielded remarkable capabilities in Large Language Models (LLMs) over the last few years. However, the extent to which fundamental search and reasoning capabilities emerged within LLMs remains a topic of ongoing debate. In this work, we study if causal language modeling can learn a complex task such as solving Sudoku puzzles. To solve a Sudoku, the model is first required to search over all empty cells of the puzzle to decide on a cell to fill and then apply an appropriate strategy to fill the decided cell. Sometimes, the application of a strategy only results in thinning down the possible values in a cell rather than concluding the exact value of the cell. In such cases, multiple strategies are applied one after the other to fill a single cell. We observe that Transformer models trained on this synthetic task can indeed learn to solve Sudokus (our model solves $94.21\%$ of the puzzles fully correctly) when trained on a logical sequence of steps taken by a solver. We find that training Transformers with the logical sequence of steps is necessary and without such training, they fail to learn Sudoku. We also extend our analysis to Zebra puzzles (known as Einstein puzzles) and show that the model solves $92.04 \%$ of the puzzles fully correctly. In addition, we study the internal representations of the trained Transformer and find that through linear probing, we can decode information about the set of possible values in any given cell from them, pointing to the presence of a strong reasoning engine implicit in the Transformer weights.

Spotlight Poster
Rethinking 3D Convolution in $\ell_p$-norm Space

Li Zhang · Yan Zhong · Jianan Wang · Zhe Min · RujingWang · Liu Liu

Convolution is a fundamental operation in the 3D backbone. However, under certain conditions, the feature extraction ability of traditional convolution methods may be weakened. In this paper, we introduce a new convolution method based on $\ell_p$-norm. For theoretical support, we prove the universal approximation theorem for $\ell_p$-norm based convolution, and analyze the robustness and feasibility of $\ell_p$-norms in 3D point cloud tasks. Concretely, $\ell_{\infty}$-norm based convolution is prone to feature loss. $\ell_2$-norm based convolution is essentially a linear transformation of the traditional convolution. $\ell_1$-norm based convolution is an economical and effective feature extractor. We propose customized optimization strategies to accelerate the training process of $\ell_1$-norm based Nets and enhance the performance. Besides, a theoretical guarantee is given for the convergence by \textit{regret} argument. We apply our methods to classic networks and conduct related experiments. Experimental results indicate that our approach exhibits competitive performance with traditional CNNs, with lower energy consumption and instruction latency.

Spotlight Poster
Time-Reversal Provides Unsupervised Feedback to LLMs

Yerram Varun · Rahul Madhavan · Sravanti Addepalli · Arun Suggala · Karthikeyan Shanmugam · Prateek Jain

Large Language Models (LLMs) are typically trained to predict in the forward direction of time. However, recent works have shown that prompting these models to look back and critique their own generations can produce useful feedback. Motivated by this, we explore the question of whether LLMs can be empowered to think (predict and score) backwards to provide unsupervised feedback that complements forward LLMs. Towards this, we introduce Time Reversed Language Models (TRLMs), which can score and generate queries when conditioned on responses, effectively functioning in the reverse direction of time. Further, to effectively infer in the response to query direction, we pre-train and fine-tune a language model (TRLM-Ba) in the reverse token order from scratch. We show empirically (and theoretically in a stylized setting) that time-reversed models can indeed complement forward model predictions when used to score the query given response for re-ranking multiple forward generations. We obtain up to 5\% improvement on the widely used AlpacaEval Leaderboard over the competent baseline of best-of-N re-ranking using self log-perplexity scores. We further show that TRLM scoring outperforms conventional forward scoring of response given query, resulting in significant gains in applications such as citation generation and passage retrieval. We next leverage the generative ability of TRLM to augment or provide unsupervised feedback to input safety filters of LLMs, demonstrating a drastic reduction in false negative rate with negligible impact on false positive rates against several attacks published on the popular JailbreakBench leaderboard.

Cost-efficient Knowledge-based Question Answering with Large Language Models

Junnan Dong · Qinggang Zhang · Chuang Zhou · Hao Chen · Daochen Zha · Xiao Huang

Knowledge-based question answering (KBQA) is widely used in many scenarios that necessitate domain knowledge. Large language models (LLMs) bring opportunities to KBQA, while their costs are significantly higher and absence of domain-specific knowledge during pre-training. We are motivated to combine LLMs and prior small models on knowledge graphs (KGMs) for both inferential accuracy and cost saving. However, it remains challenging since accuracy and cost are not readily combined in the optimization as two distinct metrics. It is also laborious for model selection since different models excel in diverse knowledge. To this end, we propose Coke, a novel cost-efficient strategy for KBQA with LLMs, modeled as a tailored multi-armed bandit problem to minimize calls to LLMs within limited budgets. We first formulate the accuracy expectation with a cluster-level Thompson Sampling for either KGMs or LLMs. A context-aware policy is optimized to further distinguish the expert model subject to the question semantics. The overall decision is bounded by the cost regret according to historical expenditure on failures. Extensive experiments showcase the superior performance of Coke, which moves the Pareto frontier with up to 20.89% saving of GPT-4 fees while achieving a 2.74% higher accuracy on the benchmark datasets.

Monomial Matrix Group Equivariant Neural Functional Networks

Hoang Tran · Thieu Vo · Tho Huu · An Nguyen The · Tan Nguyen

Neural functional networks (NFNs) have recently gained significant attention due to their diverse applications, ranging from predicting network generalization and network editing to classifying implicit neural representation. Previous NFN designs often depend on permutation symmetries in neural networks' weights, which traditionally arise from the unordered arrangement of neurons in hidden layers. However, these designs do not take into account the weight scaling symmetries of $\operatorname{ReLU}$ networks, and the weight sign flipping symmetries of $\operatorname{sin}$ or $\operatorname{Tanh}$ networks. In this paper, we extend the study of the group action on the network weights from the group of permutation matrices to the group of monomial matrices by incorporating scaling/sign-flipping symmetries. Particularly, we encode these scaling/sign-flipping symmetries by designing our corresponding equivariant and invariant layers. We name our new family of NFNs the Monomial Matrix Group Equivariant Neural Functional Networks (Monomial-NFN). Because of the expansion of the symmetries, Monomial-NFN has much fewer independent trainable parameters compared to the baseline NFNs in the literature, thus enhancing the model's efficiency. Moreover, for fully connected and convolutional neural networks, we theoretically prove that all groups that leave these networks invariant while acting on their weight spaces are some subgroups of the monomial matrix group. We provide empirical evidences to demonstrate the advantages of our model over existing baselines, achieving competitive performance and efficiency. The code is publicly available at

Explaining Datasets in Words: Statistical Models with Natural Language Parameters

Ruiqi Zhong · Heng Wang · Dan Klein · Jacob Steinhardt

To make sense of massive data, we often first fit simplified models and then interpret the parameters; for example, we cluster the text embeddings and then interpret the mean parameters of each cluster.However, these parameters are often high-dimensional and hard to interpret.To make model parameters directly interpretable, we introduce a family of statistical models---including clustering, time series, and classification models---parameterized by natural language predicates. For example, a cluster of text about COVID could be parameterized by the predicate ``discusses COVID''.To learn these statistical models effectively, we develop a model-agnostic algorithm that optimizes continuous relaxations of predicate parameters with gradient descent and discretizes them by prompting language models (LMs).Finally, we apply our framework to a wide range of problems: taxonomizing user chat dialogues, characterizing how they evolve across time, finding categories where one language model is better than the other, clustering math problems based on subareas, and explaining visual features in memorable images.Our framework is highly versatile, applicable to both textual and visual domains, can be easily steered to focus on specific properties (e.g. subareas), and explains sophisticated concepts that classical methods (e.g. n-gram analysis) struggle to produce.

RoPINN: Region Optimized Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Haixu Wu · Huakun Luo · Yuezhou Ma · Jianmin Wang · Mingsheng Long

Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have been widely applied to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) by enforcing outputs and gradients of deep models to satisfy target equations. Due to the limitation of numerical computation, PINNs are conventionally optimized on finite selected points. However, since PDEs are usually defined on continuous domains, solely optimizing models on scattered points may be insufficient to obtain an accurate solution for the whole domain. To mitigate this inherent deficiency of the default scatter-point optimization, this paper proposes and theoretically studies a new training paradigm as region optimization. Concretely, we propose to extend the optimization process of PINNs from isolated points to their continuous neighborhood regions, which can theoretically decrease the generalization error, especially for hidden high-order constraints of PDEs. A practical training algorithm, Region Optimized PINN (RoPINN), is seamlessly derived from this new paradigm, which is implemented by a straightforward but effective Monte Carlo sampling method. By calibrating the sampling process into trust regions, RoPINN finely balances optimization and generalization error. Experimentally, RoPINN consistently boosts the performance of diverse PINNs on a wide range of PDEs without extra backpropagation or gradient calculation. Code is available at this repository:

DDK: Distilling Domain Knowledge for Efficient Large Language Models

Jiaheng Liu · Chenchen Zhang · Jinyang Guo · Yuanxing Zhang · Haoran Que · Ken Deng · ZhiqiBai zhiqi · Jie Liu · Ge Zhang · JiakaiWang · Yanan Wu · Congnan Liu · Jiamang Wang · Lin Qu · Wenbo Su · Bo Zheng

Despite the advanced intelligence abilities of large language models (LLMs) in various applications, they still face significant computational and storage demands. Knowledge Distillation (KD) has emerged as an effective strategy to improve the performance of a smaller LLM (i.e., the student model) by transferring knowledge from a high-performing LLM (i.e., the teacher model). Prevailing techniques in LLM distillation typically use a black-box model API to generate high-quality pretrained and aligned datasets, or utilize white-box distillation by altering the loss function to better transfer knowledge from the teacher LLM. However, these methods ignore the knowledge differences between the student and teacher LLMs across domains. This results in excessive focus on domains with minimal performance gaps and insufficient attention to domains with large gaps, reducing overall performance. In this paper, we introduce a new LLM distillation framework called DDK, which dynamically adjusts the composition of the distillation dataset in a smooth manner according to the domain performance differences between the teacher and student models, making the distillation process more stable and effective. Extensive evaluations show that DDK significantly improves the performance of student models, outperforming both continuously pretrained baselines and existing knowledge distillation methods by a large margin.

Monoculture in Matching Markets

Kenny Peng · Nikhil Garg

Algorithmic monoculture arises when many decision-makers rely on the same algorithm to evaluate applicants. An emerging body of work investigates possible harms of this kind of homogeneity, but has been limited by the challenge of incorporating market effects in which the preferences and behavior of many applicants and decision-makers jointly interact to determine outcomes.Addressing this challenge, we introduce a tractable theoretical model of algorithmic monoculture in a two-sided matching market with many participants. We use the model to analyze outcomes under monoculture (when decision-makers all evaluate applicants using a common algorithm) and under polyculture (when decision-makers evaluate applicants independently). All else equal, monoculture (1) selects less-preferred applicants when noise is well-behaved, (2) matches more applicants to their top choice, though individual applicants may be worse off depending on their value to decision-makers and risk tolerance, and (3) is more robust to disparities in the number of applications submitted.

Optimal Private and Communication Constraint Distributed Goodness-of-Fit Testing for Discrete Distributions in the Large Sample Regime

Lasse Vuursteen

We study distributed goodness-of-fit testing for discrete distribution under bandwidth and differential privacy constraints. Information constraint distributed goodness-of-fit testing is a problem that has received considerable attention recently. The important case of discrete distributions is theoretically well understood in the classical case where all data is available in one "central" location. In a federated setting, however, data is distributed across multiple "locations" (e.g. servers) and cannot readily be shared due to e.g. bandwidth or privacy constraints that each server needs to satisfy. We show how recently derived results for goodness-of-fit testing for the mean of a multivariate Gaussian model extend to the discrete distributions, by leveraging Le Cam's theory of statistical equivalence. In doing so, we derive matching minimax upper- and lower-bounds for the goodness-of-fit testing for discrete distributions under bandwidth or privacy constraints in the regime where number of samples held locally are large.

Quantitative Convergences of Lie Group Momentum Optimizers

Lingkai Kong · Molei Tao

Explicit, momentum-based dynamics that optimize functions defined on Lie groups can be constructed via variational optimization and momentum trivialization. Structure preserving time discretizations can then turn this dynamics into optimization algorithms. This article investigates two types of discretization, Lie Heavy-Ball, which is a known splitting scheme, and Lie NAG-SC, which is newly proposed. Their convergence rates are explicitly quantified under $L$-smoothness and \emph{local} strong convexity assumptions. Lie NAG-SC provides acceleration over the momentumless case, i.e. Riemannian gradient descent, but Lie Heavy-Ball does not. When compared to existing accelerated optimizers for general manifolds, both Lie Heavy-Ball and Lie NAG-SC are computationally cheaper and easier to implement, thanks to their utilization of group structure. Only gradient oracle and exponential map are required, but not logarithm map or parallel transport which are computational costly.

The Space Complexity of Approximating Logistic Loss

Gregory Dexter · Petros Drineas · Rajiv Khanna

We provide space complexity lower bounds for data structures that approximate logistic loss up to $\epsilon$-relative error on a logistic regression problem with data $\mathbf{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times d}$ and labels $\mathbf{y} \in \\{-1,1\\}^d$. The space complexity of existing coreset constructions depend on a natural complexity measure $\mu_\mathbf{y}(\mathbf{X})$. We give an $\tilde{\Omega}(\frac{d}{\epsilon^2})$ space complexity lower bound in the regime $\mu_\mathbf{y}(\mathbf{X}) = \mathcal{O}(1)$ that shows existing coresets are optimal in this regime up to lower order factors. We also prove a general $\tilde{\Omega}(d\cdot \mu_\mathbf{y}(\mathbf{X}))$ space lower bound when $\epsilon$ is constant, showing that the dependency on $\mu_\mathbf{y}(\mathbf{X})$ is not an artifact of mergeable coresets. Finally, we refute a prior conjecture that $\mu_\mathbf{y}(\mathbf{X})$ is hard to compute by providing an efficient linear programming formulation, and we empirically compare our algorithm to prior approximate methods.

WONDERBREAD: A Benchmark for Evaluating Multimodal Foundation Models on Business Process Management Tasks

Michael Wornow · Avanika Narayan · Ben Viggiano · Ishan Khare · Tathagat Verma · Tibor Thompson · Miguel Hernandez · Sudharsan Sundar · Chloe Trujillo · Krrish Chawla · Rongfei Lu · Justin Shen · Divya Nagaraj · Joshua Martinez · Vardhan Agrawal · Althea Hudson · Nigam Shah · Christopher Ré

Existing ML benchmarks lack the depth and diversity of annotations needed for evaluating models on business process management (BPM) tasks. BPM is the practice of documenting, measuring, improving, and automating enterprise workflows. However, research has focused almost exclusively on one task -- full end-to-end automation using agents based on multimodal foundation models (FMs) like GPT-4. This focus on automation ignores the reality of how most BPM tools are applied today -- simply documenting the relevant workflow takes 60% of the time of the typical process optimization project. To address this gap we present WONDERBREAD, the first benchmark for evaluating multimodal FMs on BPM tasks beyond automation. Our contributions are: (1) a dataset containing 2928 documented workflow demonstrations; (2) 6 novel BPM tasks sourced from real-world applications ranging from workflow documentation to knowledge transfer to process improvement; and (3) an automated evaluation harness. Our benchmark shows that while state-of-the-art FMs can automatically generate documentation (e.g. recalling 88% of the steps taken in a video demonstration of a workflow), they struggle to re-apply that knowledge towards finer-grained validation of workflow completion (F1 < 0.3). We hope WONDERBREAD encourages the development of more "human-centered" AI tooling for enterprise applications and furthers the exploration of multimodal FMs for the broader universe of BPM tasks. We publish our dataset and experiments here:

Towards Exact Gradient-based Training on Analog In-memory Computing

Zhaoxian Wu · Tayfun Gokmen · Malte Rasch · Tianyi Chen

Given the high economic and environmental costs of using large vision or language models, analog in-memory accelerators present a promising solution for energy-efficient AI. While inference on analog accelerators has been studied recently, the training perspective is underexplored. Recent studies have shown that the "workhorse" of digital AI training - stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm converges inexactly when applied to model training on non-ideal devices. This paper puts forth a theoretical foundation for gradient-based training on analog devices. We begin by characterizing the non-convergent issue of SGD, which is caused by the asymmetric updates on the analog devices. We then provide a lower bound of the asymptotic error to show that there is a fundamental performance limit of SGD-based analog training rather than an artifact of our analysis. To address this issue, we study a heuristic analog algorithm called Tiki-Taka that has recently exhibited superior empirical performance compared to SGD. We rigorously show its ability to converge to a critical point exactly and hence eliminate the asymptotic error. The simulations verify the correctness of the analyses.

MoGenTS: Motion Generation based on Spatial-Temporal Joint Modeling

Weihao Yuan · Yisheng HE · Weichao Shen · Yuan Dong · Xiaodong Gu · Zilong Dong · Liefeng Bo · Qixing Huang

Motion generation from discrete quantization offers many advantages over continuous regression, but at the cost of inevitable approximation errors. Previous methods usually quantize the entire body pose into one code, which not only faces the difficulty in encoding all joints within one vector but also loses the spatial relationship between different joints. Differently, in this work we quantize each individual joint into one vector, which i) simplifies the quantization process as the complexity associated with a single joint is markedly lower than that of the entire pose; ii) maintains a spatial-temporal structure that preserves both the spatial relationships among joints and the temporal movement patterns; iii) yields a 2D token map, which enables the application of various 2D operations widely used in 2D images. Grounded in the 2D motion quantization, we build a spatial-temporal modeling framework, where 2D joint VQVAE, temporal-spatial 2D masking technique, and spatial-temporal 2D attention are proposed to take advantage of spatial-temporal signals among the 2D tokens. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms previous methods across different datasets, with a $26.6\%$ decrease of FID on HumanML3D and a $29.9\%$ decrease on KIT-ML.

Color-Oriented Redundancy Reduction in Dataset Distillation

Bowen Yuan · Zijian Wang · Mahsa Baktashmotlagh · Yadan Luo · Zi Huang

Dataset Distillation (DD) is designed to generate condensed representations of extensive image datasets, enhancing training efficiency. Despite recent advances, there remains considerable potential for improvement, particularly in addressing the notable redundancy within the color space of distilled images. In this paper, we propose a two-fold optimization strategy to minimize color redundancy at the individual image and overall dataset levels, respectively. At the image level, we employ a palette network, a specialized neural network, to dynamically allocate colors from a reduced color space to each pixel. The palette network identifies essential areas in synthetic images for model training, and consequently assigns more unique colors to them. At the dataset level, we develop a color-guided initialization strategy to minimize redundancy among images. Representative images with the least replicated color patterns are selected based on the information gain. A comprehensive performance study involving various datasets and evaluation scenarios is conducted, demonstrating the superior performance of our proposed color-aware DD compared to existing DD methods.