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Beyond task diversity: provable representation transfer for sequential multitask linear bandits

Thang Duong · Zhi Wang · Chicheng Zhang

West Ballroom A-D #6601
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Thu 12 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST

Abstract: We study lifelong learning in linear bandits, where a learner interacts with a sequence of linear bandit tasks whose parameters lie in an $m$-dimensional subspace of $\mathbb{R}^d$, thereby sharing a low-rank representation. Current literature typically assumes that the tasks are diverse, i.e., their parameters uniformly span the $m$-dimensional subspace. This assumption allows the low-rank representation to be learned before all tasks are revealed, which can be unrealistic in real-world applications. In this work, we present the first nontrivial result for sequential multi-task linear bandits without the task diversity assumption. We develop an algorithm that efficiently learns and transfers low-rank representations. When facing $N$ tasks, each played over $\tau$ rounds, our algorithm achieves a regret guarantee of $\tilde{O}\big (Nm \sqrt{\tau} + N^{\frac{2}{3}} \tau^{\frac{2}{3}} d m^{\frac13} + Nd^2 + \tau m d \big)$ under the ellipsoid action set assumption.This result can significantly improve upon the baseline of $\tilde{O} \left (Nd \sqrt{\tau}\right)$ that does not leverage the low-rank structure when the number of tasks $N$ is sufficiently large and $m \ll d$. We also demonstrate empirically on synthetic data that our algorithm outperforms baseline algorithms, which rely on the task diversity assumption.

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