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Adversarially Robust Multi-task Representation Learning

Austin Watkins · Thanh Nguyen-Tang · Enayat Ullah · Raman Arora

West Ballroom A-D #5701
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Thu 12 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST


We study adversarially robust transfer learning, wherein, given labeled data on multiple (source) tasks, the goal is to train a model with small robust error on a previously unseen (target) task.In particular, we consider a multi-task representation learning (MTRL) setting, i.e., we assume that the source and target tasks admit a simple (linear) predictor on top of a shared representation (e.g., the final hidden layer of a deep neural network).In this general setting, we provide rates on~the excess adversarial (transfer) risk for Lipschitz losses and smooth nonnegative losses.These rates show that learning a representation using adversarial training on diverse tasks helps protect against inference-time attacks in data-scarce environments.Additionally, we provide novel rates for the single-task setting.

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