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Continual Counting with Gradual Privacy Expiration

Joel Daniel Andersson · Monika Henzinger · Rasmus Pagh · Teresa Steiner · Jalaj Upadhyay

West Ballroom A-D #6203
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Thu 12 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST

Abstract: Differential privacy with gradual expiration models the setting where data items arrive in a stream and at a given time $t$ the privacy loss guaranteed for a data item seen at time $(t-d)$ is $\epsilon g(d)$, where $g$ is a monotonically non-decreasing function. We study the fundamental *continual (binary) counting* problem where each data item consists of a bit and the algorithm needs to output at each time step the sum of all the bits streamed so far. For a stream of length $T$ and privacy *without* expiration continual counting is possible with maximum (over all time steps) additive error $O(\log^2(T)/\varepsilon)$ and the best known lower bound is $\Omega(\log(T)/\varepsilon)$; closing this gap is a challenging open problem. We show that the situation is very different for privacy with gradual expiration by giving upper and lower bounds for a large set of expiration functions $g$. Specifically, our algorithm achieves an additive error of $O(\log(T)/\epsilon)$ for a large set of privacy expiration functions. We also give a lower bound that shows that if $C$ is the additive error of any $\epsilon$-DP algorithm for this problem, then the product of $C$ and the privacy expiration function after $2C$ steps must be $\Omega(\log(T)/\epsilon)$. Our algorithm matches this lower bound as its additive error is $O(\log(T)/\epsilon)$, even when $g(2C) = O(1)$.Our empirical evaluation shows that we achieve a slowly growing privacy loss that has significantly smaller empirical privacy loss for large values of $d$ than a natural baseline algorithm.

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