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Workshop: Workshop on Machine Learning and Compression

P-SpikeSSM: Harnessing Probabilistic Spiking State Space Models for Long-Range Dependency Tasks

Malyaban Bal · Abhronil Sengupta


Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are posited as a computationally efficient biologically plausible alternative to conventional neural architectures, with their core computational framework primarily using the leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neuron model. However, the limited hidden state representation of LIF neurons, characterized by a scalar membrane potential, and sequential spike generation process, poses challenges for effectively developing scalable spiking models to address long-range dependencies in sequence learning tasks. In this study, we develop a computationally efficient scalable probabilistic spiking learning framework for long-range dependency tasks leveraging the fundamentals of state space models. Unlike LIF neurons that rely on the determinitic Heaviside function for a sequential process of spike generation, we introduce a SpikeSampler layer that samples spikes stochastically based on an SSM-based neuronal model while allowing parallel computations. To address non-differentiability of the spiking operation and enable effective training, we also propose a surrogate function tailored for the stochastic nature of the SpikeSampler layer. To enhance inter-neuron communication, we introduce the SpikeMixer block, which integrates spikes from neuron populations in each layer. This is followed by a ClampFuse layer, incorporating a residual connection to capture complex dependencies, enabling scalability of the model. Our models attain state-of-the-art performance among SNN models across diverse long-range dependency tasks of the Long Range Arena benchmark and demonstrate sparse spiking pattern highlighting its computational efficiency.

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