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Workshop: Workshop on Machine Learning and Compression

The Rate-Distortion-Perception Trade-Off with Algorithmic Realism

Yassine Hamdi · Aaron Wagner · Deniz Gunduz


Realism constraints (or constraints on perceptual quality) have received considerable recent attention within the context of lossy compression, particularly of images. Theoretical studies of lossy compression indicate that high-rate common randomness between the compressor and the decompressor is a valuable resource for achieving realism. On the other hand, the utility of significant amounts of common randomness at test time has not been noted in practice. We offer an explanation for this discrepancy by considering a realism constraint that requires satisfying a universal critic that inspects realizations of individual compressed images, or batches thereof. We characterize the optimal rate-distortion-perception trade-off under such a realism constraint, and show that it is asymptotically achievable without any common randomness, unless the batch size is impractically large.

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