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Workshop: D3S3: Data-driven and Differentiable Simulations, Surrogates, and Solvers

When Differentiable Programming Meets Spectral PDE Solver

Qijia Jiang

Keywords: [ Operator learning ] [ Harmonic Analysis ] [ Implicit layer ] [ Differentiable programming ]


We aim to combine data and physics for designing more accurate and faster PDE solvers. We reinterpret the data-driven machine learning approach of \cite{mishra2018machine} through a dynamical system perspective and draw a connection to neural ODE and implicit layer neural network architectures. These in turn inspire a class of sample-efficient spectral PDE solvers (with an encoder - processor - decoder structure) that can be trained end-to-end in a memory-efficient way. The crucial benefit of the methods is that they are resolution-invariant and guaranteed to be consistent.

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