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Oral Session 2A: Agents

East Ballroom A, B
Wed 11 Dec 3:30 p.m. PST — 4:30 p.m. PST
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Wed 11 Dec. 15:30 - 15:50 PST

Enhancing Preference-based Linear Bandits via Human Response Time

Shen Li · Yuyang Zhang · Zhaolin Ren · Claire Liang · Na Li · Julie A Shah

Interactive preference learning systems infer human preferences by presenting queries as pairs of options and collecting binary choices. Although binary choices are simple and widely used, they provide limited information about preference strength. To address this, we leverage human response times, which are inversely related to preference strength, as an additional signal. We propose a computationally efficient method that combines choices and response times to estimate human utility functions, grounded in the EZ diffusion model from psychology. Theoretical and empirical analyses show that for queries with strong preferences, response times complement choices by providing extra information about preference strength, leading to significantly improved utility estimation. We incorporate this estimator into preference-based linear bandits for fixed-budget best-arm identification. Simulations on three real-world datasets demonstrate that using response times significantly accelerates preference learning compared to choice-only approaches. Additional materials, such as code, slides, and talk video, are available at

Wed 11 Dec. 15:50 - 16:10 PST

Embodied Agent Interface: Benchmarking LLMs for Embodied Decision Making

Manling Li · Shiyu Zhao · Qineng Wang · Kangrui Wang · Yu Zhou · Sanjana Srivastava · Cem Gokmen · Tony Lee · Erran Li Li · Ruohan Zhang · Weiyu Liu · Percy Liang · Fei-Fei Li · Jiayuan Mao · Jiajun Wu

We aim to evaluate Large Language Models (LLMs) for embodied decision making. While a significant body of work has been leveraging LLMs for decision making in embodied environments, we still lack a systematic understanding of their performance because they are usually applied in different domains, for different purposes, and built based on different inputs and outputs. Furthermore, existing evaluations tend to rely solely on a final success rate, making it difficult to pinpoint what ability is missing in LLMs and where the problem lies, which in turn blocks embodied agents from leveraging LLMs effectively and selectively. To address these limitations, we propose a generalized interface (Embodied Agent Interface) that supports the formalization of various types of tasks and input-output specifications of LLM-based modules. Specifically, it allows us to unify 1) a broad set of embodied decision-making tasks involving both state and temporally extended goals, 2) four commonly-used LLM-based modules for decision making: goal interpretation, subgoal decomposition, action sequencing, and transition modeling, and 3) a collection of fine-grained metrics that break down evaluation into error types, such as hallucination errors, affordance errors, and various types of planning errors. Overall, our benchmark offers a comprehensive assessment of LLMs’ performance for different subtasks, pinpointing the strengths and weaknesses in LLM-powered embodied AI systems and providing insights into the effective and selective use of LLMs in embodied decision making.

Wed 11 Dec. 16:10 - 16:30 PST

AgentBoard: An Analytical Evaluation Board of Multi-turn LLM Agents

Ma Chang · Junlei Zhang · Zhihao Zhu · Cheng Yang · Yujiu Yang · Yaohui Jin · Zhenzhong Lan · Lingpeng Kong · Junxian He

Evaluating large language models (LLMs) as general-purpose agents is essential for understanding their capabilities and facilitating their integration into practical applications. However, the evaluation process presents substantial challenges. A primary obstacle is the benchmarking of agent performance across diverse scenarios within a unified framework, especially in maintaining partially-observable environments and ensuring multi-round interactions. Moreover, current evaluation frameworks mostly focus on the final success rate, revealing few insights during the process and failing to provide a deep understanding of the model abilities. To address these challenges, we introduce AgentBoard, a pioneering comprehensive benchmark and accompanied open-source evaluation framework tailored to analytical evaluation of LLM agents. AgentBoard offers a fine-grained progress rate metric that captures incremental advancements as well as a comprehensive evaluation toolkit that features easy assessment of agents for multi-faceted analysis through interactive visualization. This not only sheds light on the capabilities and limitations of LLM agents but also propels the interpretability of their performance to the forefront. Ultimately, AgentBoard serves as a significant step towards demystifying agent behaviors and accelerating the development of stronger LLM agents.