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Causal Bandits for Linear Structural Equation Models

Burak Varici · Karthikeyan Shanmugam · Prasanna Sattigeri · Ali Tajer

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Wed 11 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST

Abstract: This paper studies the problem of designing an optimal sequence of interventions in a causal graphical model to minimize cumulative regret with respect to the best intervention in hindsight. This is, naturally, posed as a causal bandit problem. The focus is on causal bandits for linear structural equation models (SEMs) and soft interventions. It is assumed that the graph's structure is known and has $N$ nodes. Two linear mechanisms, one soft intervention and one observational, are assumed for each node, giving rise to $2^N$ possible interventions. The majority of the existing causal bandit algorithms assume that at least the interventional distributions of the reward node's parents are fully specified. However, there are $2^N$ such distributions (one corresponding to each intervention), acquiring which becomes prohibitive even in moderate-sized graphs. This paper dispenses with the assumption of knowing these distributions or their marginals. Two algorithms are proposed for the frequentist (UCB-based) and Bayesian (Thompson sampling-based) settings. The key idea of these algorithms is to avoid directly estimating the $2^N$ reward distributions and instead estimate the parameters that fully specify the SEMs (linear in $N$) and use them to compute the rewards. In both algorithms, under boundedness assumptions on noise and the parameter space, the cumulative regrets scale as $\tilde{\cal O} (d^{L+\frac{1}{2}} \sqrt{NT})$, where $d$ is the graph's maximum degree, and $L$ is the length of its longest causal path. Additionally, a minimax lower of $\Omega(d^{\frac{L}{2}-2}\sqrt{T})$ is presented, which suggests that the achievable and lower bounds conform in their scaling behavior with respect to the horizon $T$ and graph parameters $d$ and $L$.

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