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EMGBench: Benchmarking Out-of-Distribution Generalization and Adaptation for Electromyography

Jehan Yang · Maxwell Soh · Vivianna Lieu · Douglas Weber · Zackory Erickson

West Ballroom A-D #5408
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Thu 12 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


This paper introduces the first generalization and adaptation benchmark using machine learning for evaluating out-of-distribution performance of electromyography (EMG) classification algorithms. The ability of an EMG classifier to handle inputs drawn from a different distribution than the training distribution is critical for real-world deployment as a control interface. By predicting the user’s intended gesture using EMG signals, we can create a wearable solution to control assistive technologies, such as computers, prosthetics, and mobile manipulator robots. This new out-of-distribution benchmark consists of two major tasks that have utility for building robust and adaptable control interfaces: 1) intersubject classification, and 2) adaptation using train-test splits for time-series. This benchmark spans nine datasets, the largest collection of EMG datasets in a benchmark. Among these, a new dataset is introduced, featuring a novel, easy-to-wear high-density EMG wearable for data collection. The lack of open-source benchmarks has made comparing accuracy results between papers challenging for the EMG research community. This new benchmark provides researchers with a valuable resource for analyzing practical measures of out-of-distribution performance for EMG datasets. Our code and data from our new dataset can be found at

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