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Improving the Learning Capability of Small-size Image Restoration Network by Deep Fourier Shifting

man zhou

East Exhibit Hall A-C #1206
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[ Paper [ Slides [ OpenReview
Fri 13 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST

Abstract: State-of-the-art image restoration methods currently face challenges in terms of computational requirements and performance, making them impractical for deployment on edge devices such as phones and resource-limited devices. As a result, there is a need to develop alternative solutions with efficient designs that can achieve comparable performance to transformer or large-kernel methods. This motivates our research to explore techniques for improving the capability of small-size image restoration standing on the success secret of large receptive filed.Targeting at expanding receptive filed, spatial-shift operator tailored for efficient spatial communication and has achieved remarkable advances in high-level image classification tasks, like $S^2$-MLP and ShiftVit. However, its potential has rarely been explored in low-level image restoration tasks. The underlying reason behind this obstacle is that image restoration is sensitive to the spatial shift that occurs due to severe region-aware information loss, which exhibits a different behavior from high-level tasks. To address this challenge and unleash the potential of spatial shift for image restoration, we propose an information-lossless shifting operator, i.e., Deep Fourier Shifting, that is customized for image restoration. To develop our proposed operator, we first revisit the principle of shift operator and apply it to the Fourier domain, where the shift operator can be modeled in an information-lossless Fourier cycling manner. Inspired by Fourier cycling, we design two variants of Deep Fourier Shifting, namely the amplitude-phase variant and the real-imaginary variant. These variants are generic operators that can be directly plugged into existing image restoration networks as a drop-in replacement for the standard convolution unit, consuming fewer parameters. Extensive experiments across multiple low-level tasks including image denoising, low-light image enhancement, guided image super-resolution, and image de-blurring demonstrate consistent performance gains obtained by our Deep Fourier Shifting while reducing the computation burden. Additionally, ablation studies verify the robustness of the shift displacement with stable performance improvement.

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