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Sample-Efficient Private Learning of Mixtures of Gaussians

Hassan Ashtiani · Mahbod Majid · Shyam Narayanan

West Ballroom A-D #6202
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Wed 11 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST

Abstract: We study the problem of learning mixtures of Gaussians with approximate differential privacy. We prove that roughly $kd^2 + k^{1.5} d^{1.75} + k^2 d$ samples suffice to learn a mixture of $k$ arbitrary $d$-dimensional Gaussians up to low total variation distance, with differential privacy. Our work improves over the previous best result (which required roughly $k^2 d^4$ samples) and is provably optimal when $d$ is much larger than $k^2$. Moreover, we give the first optimal bound for privately learning mixtures of $k$ univariate (i.e., $1$-dimensional) Gaussians. Importantly, we show that the sample complexity for learning mixtures of univariate Gaussians is linear in the number of components $k$, whereas the previous best sample complexity was quadratic in $k$. Our algorithms utilize various techniques, including the inverse sensitivity mechanism, sample compression for distributions, and methods for bounding volumes of sumsets.

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