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Ask, Attend, Attack: An Effective Decision-Based Black-Box Targeted Attack for Image-to-Text Models

Qingyuan Zeng · Zhenzhong Wang · Yiu-ming Cheung · Min JIANG

East Exhibit Hall A-C #2011
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Thu 12 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


While image-to-text models have demonstrated significant advancements in various vision-language tasks, they remain susceptible to adversarial attacks. Existing white-box attacks on image-to-text models require access to the architecture, gradients, and parameters of the target model, resulting in low practicality. Although the recently proposed gray-box attacks have improved practicality, they suffer from semantic loss during the training process, which limits their targeted attack performance. To advance adversarial attacks of image-to-text models, this paper focuses on a challenging scenario: decision-based black-box targeted attacks where the attackers only have access to the final output text and aim to perform targeted attacks. Specifically, we formulate the decision-based black-box targeted attack as a large-scale optimization problem. To efficiently solve the optimization problem, a three-stage process \textit{Ask, Attend, Attack}, called \textit{AAA}, is proposed to coordinate with the solver. \textit{Ask} guides attackers to create target texts that satisfy the specific semantics. \textit{Attend} identifies the crucial regions of the image for attacking, thus reducing the search space for the subsequent \textit{Attack}. \textit{Attack} uses an evolutionary algorithm to attack the crucial regions, where the attacks are semantically related to the target texts of \textit{Ask}, thus achieving targeted attacks without semantic loss. Experimental results on transformer-based and CNN+RNN-based image-to-text models confirmed the effectiveness of our proposed \textit{AAA}.

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