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ACFun: Abstract-Concrete Fusion Facial Stylization

Jiapeng Ji · Kun Wei · Ziqi Zhang · Cheng Deng

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Fri 13 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST


Owing to advancements in image synthesis techniques, stylization methodologies for large models have garnered remarkable outcomes. However, when it comes to processing facial images, the outcomes frequently fall short of expectations. Facial stylization is predominantly challenged by two significant hurdles. Firstly, obtaining a large dataset of high-quality stylized images is difficult. The scarcity and diversity of artistic styles make it impractical to compile comprehensive datasets for each style. Secondly, while many methods can transfer colors and strokes from style images, these elements alone cannot fully capture a specific style, which encompasses both concrete and abstract visual elements. Additionally, facial stylization often alters the visual features of the face, making it challenging to balance these changes with the need to retain facial information. To address these issues, we propose a novel method called ACFun, which uses only one style image and one facial image for facial stylization. ACFun comprises an Abstract Fusion Module (AFun) and a Concrete Fusion Module (CFun), which separately learn the abstract and concrete features of the style and face. We also design a Face and Style Imagery Alignment Loss to align the style image with the face image in the latent space. Finally, we generate styled facial images from noise directly to complete the facial stylization task. Experiments show that our method outperforms others in facial stylization, producing highly artistic and visually pleasing results.

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