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Segment Any Change

Zhuo Zheng · Yanfei Zhong · Liangpei Zhang · Stefano Ermon

East Exhibit Hall A-C #1300
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Fri 13 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST

Abstract: Visual foundation models have achieved remarkable results in zero-shot image classification and segmentation, but zero-shot change detection remains an open problem. In this paper, we propose the segment any change models (AnyChange), a new type of change detection model that supports zero-shot prediction and generalization on unseen change types and data distributions.AnyChange is built on the segment anything model (SAM) via our training-free adaptation method, bitemporal latent matching.By revealing and exploiting intra-image and inter-image semantic similarities in SAM's latent space, bitemporal latent matching endows SAM with zero-shot change detection capabilities in a training-free way. We also propose a point query mechanism to enable AnyChange's zero-shot object-centric change detection capability.We perform extensive experiments to confirm the effectiveness of AnyChange for zero-shot change detection.AnyChange sets a new record on the SECOND benchmark for unsupervised change detection, exceeding the previous SOTA by up to 4.4\% F$_1$ score, and achieving comparable accuracy with negligible manual annotations (1 pixel per image) for supervised change detection. Code is available at

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