Tensor-Based Synchronization and the Low-Rankness of the Block Trifocal Tensor
Daniel Miao · Gilad Lerman · Joe Kileel
East Exhibit Hall A-C #1107
The block tensor of trifocal tensors provides crucial geometric information on the three-view geometry of a scene. The underlying synchronization problem seeks to recover camera poses (locations and orientations up to a global transformation) from the block trifocal tensor. We establish an explicit Tucker factorization of this tensor, revealing a low multilinear rank of $(6,4,4)$ independent of the number of cameras under appropriate scaling conditions. We prove that this rank constraint provides sufficient information for camera recovery in the noiseless case. The constraint motivates a synchronization algorithm based on the higher-order singular value decomposition of the block trifocal tensor. Experimental comparisons with state-of-the-art global synchronization methods on real datasets demonstrate the potential of this algorithm for significantly improving location estimation accuracy. Overall this work suggests that higher-order interactions in synchronization problems can be exploited to improve performance, beyond the usual pairwise-based approaches.
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