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EDT: An Efficient Diffusion Transformer Framework Inspired by Human-like Sketching

Xinwang Chen · Ning Liu · Yichen Zhu · Feifei Feng · Jian Tang

East Exhibit Hall A-C #2709
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Wed 11 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


Transformer-based Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs) have shown more potential than CNN-based DPMs, yet their extensive computational requirements hinder widespread practical applications. To reduce the computation budget of transformer-based DPMs, this work proposes the Efficient Diffusion Transformer (EDT) framework. This framework includes a lightweight-design diffusion model architecture, and a training-free Attention Modulation Matrix and its alternation arrangement in EDT inspired by human-like sketching. Additionally, we propose a token relation-enhanced masking training strategy tailored explicitly for EDT to augment its token relation learning capability. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of EDT. The EDT framework reduces training and inference costs and surpasses existing transformer-based diffusion models in image synthesis performance, thereby achieving a significant overall enhancement. With lower FID, EDT-S, EDT-B, and EDT-XL attained speed-ups of 3.93x, 2.84x, and 1.92x respectively in the training phase, and 2.29x, 2.29x, and 2.22x respectively in inference, compared to the corresponding sizes of MDTv2. Our code is available at

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