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Learning Distributions on Manifolds with Free-Form Flows

Peter Sorrenson · Felix Draxler · Armand Rousselot · Sander Hummerich · Ullrich Köthe

East Exhibit Hall A-C #2710
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Thu 12 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST


We propose Manifold Free-Form Flows (M-FFF), a simple new generative model for data on manifolds. The existing approaches to learning a distribution on arbitrary manifolds are expensive at inference time, since sampling requires solving a differential equation. Our method overcomes this limitation by sampling in a single function evaluation. The key innovation is to optimize a neural network via maximum likelihood on the manifold, possible by adapting the free-form flow framework to Riemannian manifolds. M-FFF is straightforwardly adapted to any manifold with a known projection. It consistently matches or outperforms previous single-step methods specialized to specific manifolds. It is typically two orders of magnitude faster than multi-step methods based on diffusion or flow matching, achieving better likelihoods in several experiments. We provide our code at

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