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Physics-Constrained Comprehensive Optical Neural Networks

Yanbing Liu · JIANWEI QIN · Xi Yue · Yan Liu · Wei Li · Xun Liu · Ye · Guoqing Wang · Tianyu Li

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Wed 11 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


With the advantages of low latency, low power consumption, and high parallelism, optical neural networks (ONN) offer a promising solution for time-sensitive and resource-limited artificial intelligence applications. However, the performance of the ONN model is often diminished by the gap between the ideal simulated system and the actual physical system. To bridge the gap, this work conducts extensive experiments to investigate systematic errors in the optical physical system within the context of image classification tasks. Through our investigation, two quantifiable errors—light source instability and exposure time mismatches—significantly impact the prediction performance of ONN. To address these systematic errors, a physics-constrained ONN learning framework is constructed, including a well designed loss function to mitigate the effect of light fluctuations, a CCD adjustment strategy to alleviate the effects of exposure time mismatches and a ’physics-prior based’ error compensation network to manage other systematic errors, ensuring consistent light intensity across experimental results and simulations. In our experiments, the proposed method achieved a test classification accuracy of 96.5% on the MNIST dataset, a substantial improvement over the 61.6% achieved with the original ONN. For the more challenging QuickDraw16 and Fashion MNIST datasets, experimental accuracy improved from 63.0% to 85.7% and from 56.2% to 77.5%, respectively. Moreover, the comparison results further demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed physics-constrained ONN learning framework over state-of-the-art ONN approaches. This lays the groundwork for more robust and precise optical computing applications.

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