Ensemble sampling for linear bandits: small ensembles suffice
David Janz · Alexander Litvak · Csaba Szepesvari
West Ballroom A-D #6800
We provide the first useful and rigorous analysis of ensemble sampling for the stochastic linear bandit setting. In particular, we show that, under standard assumptions, for a $d$-dimensional stochastic linear bandit with an interaction horizon $T$, ensemble sampling with an ensemble of size of order $\smash{d \log T}$ incurs regret at most of the order $\smash{(d \log T)^{5/2} \sqrt{T}}$. Ours is the first result in any structured setting not to require the size of the ensemble to scale linearly with $T$---which defeats the purpose of ensemble sampling---while obtaining near $\smash{\sqrt{T}}$ order regret. Our result is also the first to allow for infinite action sets.
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