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TextCtrl: Diffusion-based Scene Text Editing with Prior Guidance Control

Weichao Zeng · Yan Shu · Zhenhang Li · Dongbao Yang · Yu Zhou

West Ballroom A-D #7001
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Wed 11 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


Centred on content modification and style preservation, Scene Text Editing (STE) remains a challenging task despite considerable progress in text-to-image synthesis and text-driven image manipulation recently. GAN-based STE methods generally encounter a common issue of model generalization, while Diffusion-based STE methods suffer from undesired style deviations. To address these problems, we propose TextCtrl, a diffusion-based method that edits text with prior guidance control. Our method consists of two key components: (i) By constructing fine-grained text style disentanglement and robust text glyph structure representation, TextCtrl explicitly incorporates Style-Structure guidance into model design and network training, significantly improving text style consistency and rendering accuracy. (ii) To further leverage the style prior, a Glyph-adaptive Mutual Self-attention mechanism is proposed which deconstructs the implicit fine-grained features of the source image to enhance style consistency and vision quality during inference. Furthermore, to fill the vacancy of the real-world STE evaluation benchmark, we create the first real-world image-pair dataset termed ScenePair for fair comparisons. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of TextCtrl compared with previous methods concerning both style fidelity and text accuracy. Project page:

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