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Spotlight Poster

StoryDiffusion: Consistent Self-Attention for Long-Range Image and Video Generation

Yupeng Zhou · Daquan Zhou · Ming-Ming Cheng · Jiashi Feng · Qibin Hou

East Exhibit Hall A-C #1709
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Fri 13 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST


For recent diffusion-based generative models, maintaining consistent content across a series of generated images, especially those containing subjects and complex details, presents a significant challenge. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective self-attention mechanism, termed Consistent Self-Attention, that boosts the consistency between the generated images. It can be used to augment pre-trained diffusion-based text-to-image models in a zero-shot manner. Based on the images with consistent content, we further show that our method can be extended to long range video generation by introducing a semantic space temporal motion prediction module, named Semantic Motion Predictor. It is trained to estimate the motion conditions between two provided images in the semantic spaces. This module converts the generated sequence of images into videos with smooth transitions and consistent subjects that are more stable than the modules based on latent spaces only, especially in the context of long video generation. By merging these two novel components, our framework, referred to as StoryDiffusion, can describe a text-based story with consistent images or videos encompassing a rich variety of contents. The proposed StoryDiffusion encompasses pioneering explorations in visual story generation with the presentation of images and videos, which we hope could inspire more research from the aspect of architectural modifications.

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