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The Bayesian sampling in a canonical recurrent circuit with a diversity of inhibitory interneurons

Eryn Sale · Wenhao Zhang

East Exhibit Hall A-C #3807
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Thu 12 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST


Accumulating evidence suggests stochastic cortical circuits can perform sampling-based Bayesian inference to compute the latent stimulus posterior. Canonical cortical circuits consist of excitatory (E) neurons and types of inhibitory (I) interneurons. Nevertheless, nearly no sampling neural circuit models consider the diversity of interneurons, and thus how interneurons contribute to sampling remains poorly understood. To provide theoretical insight, we build a nonlinear canonical circuit model consisting of recurrently connected E neurons and two types of I neurons including Parvalbumin (PV) and Somatostatin (SOM) neurons. The E neurons are modeled as a canonical ring (attractor) model, receiving global inhibition from PV neurons, and locally tuning-dependent inhibition from SOM neurons.We theoretically analyze the nonlinear circuit dynamics and analytically identify the Bayesian sampling algorithm performed by the circuit dynamics. We found a reduced circuit with only E and PV neurons performs Langevin sampling, and the inclusion of SOM neurons with tuning-dependent inhibition speeds up the sampling via upgrading the Langevin into Hamiltonian sampling. Moreover, the Hamiltonian framework requires SOM neurons to receive no direct feedforward connections, consistent with neuroanatomy. Our work provides overarching connections between nonlinear circuits with various types of interneurons and sampling algorithms, deepening our understanding of circuit implementation of Bayesian inference.

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