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Satformer: Accurate and Robust Traffic Data Estimation for Satellite Networks

Liang Qin · Xiyuan Liu · Wenting Wei · Liang Chengbin · Huaxi Gu

East Exhibit Hall A-C #4802
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Wed 11 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST


The operations and maintenance of satellite networks heavily depend on traffic measurements. Due to the large-scale and highly dynamic nature of satellite networks, global measurement encounters significant challenges in terms of complexity and overhead. Estimating global network traffic data from partial traffic measurements is a promising solution. However, the majority of current estimation methods concentrate on low-rank linear decomposition, which is unable to accurately estimate. The reason lies in its inability to capture the intricate nonlinear spatio-temporal relationship found in large-scale, highly dynamic traffic data. This paper proposes Satformer, an accurate and robust method for estimating traffic data in satellite networks. In Satformer, we innovatively incorporate an adaptive sparse spatio-temporal attention mechanism. In the mechanism, more attention is paid to specific local regions of the input tensor to improve the model's sensitivity on details and patterns. This method enhances its capability to capture nonlinear spatio-temporal relationships. Experiments on small, medium, and large-scale satellite networks datasets demonstrate that Satformer outperforms mathematical and neural baseline methods notably. It provides substantial improvements in reducing errors and maintaining robustness, especially for larger networks. The approach shows promise for deployment in actual systems.

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