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Training-Free Open-Ended Object Detection and Segmentation via Attention as Prompts

Zhiwei Lin · Yongtao Wang · Zhi Tang

East Exhibit Hall A-C #1206
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Thu 12 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


Existing perception models achieve great success by learning from large amounts of labeled data, but they still struggle with open-world scenarios. To alleviate this issue, researchers introduce open-set perception tasks to detect or segment unseen objects in the training set. However, these models require predefined object categories as inputs during inference, which are not available in real-world scenarios. Recently, researchers pose a new and more practical problem, i.e., open-ended object detection, which discovers unseen objects without any object categories as inputs. In this paper, we present VL-SAM, a training-free framework that combines the generalized object recognition model (i.e., Vision-Language Model) with the generalized object localization model (i.e., Segment-Anything Model), to address the open-ended object detection and segmentation task. Without additional training, we connect these two generalized models with attention maps as the prompts. Specifically, we design an attention map generation module by employing head aggregation and a regularized attention flow to aggregate and propagate attention maps across all heads and layers in VLM, yielding high-quality attention maps. Then, we iteratively sample positive and negative points from the attention maps with a prompt generation module and send the sampled points to SAM to segment corresponding objects. Experimental results on the long-tail instance segmentation dataset (LVIS) show that our method surpasses the previous open-ended method on the object detection task and can provide additional instance segmentation masks. Besides, VL-SAM achieves favorable performance on the corner case object detection dataset (CODA), demonstrating the effectiveness of VL-SAM in real-world applications. Moreover, VL-SAM exhibits good model generalization that can incorporate various VLMs and SAMs.

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