Can neural operators always be continuously discretized?
Takashi Furuya · Michael Puthawala · Matti Lassas · Maarten V. de Hoop
East Exhibit Hall A-C #2405
In this work we consider the problem of discretization of neural operators in a general setting. Using category theory, we give a no-go theorem that shows that diffeomorphisms between Hilbert spaces may not admit any continuous approximations by diffeomorphisms on finite spaces, even if the discretization is non-linear. This shows how infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces and finite-dimensional vector spaces fundamentally differ. A key take-away is that to obtain discretization invariance, considerable effort is needed to ensure that finite-dimensional approximations of neural operator converge not only as sequences of functions, but that their representations converge in a suitable sense as well. With this perspective, we give several positive results. We first show that strongly monotone diffeomorphism operators always admit finite-dimensional strongly monotone diffeomorphisms. Next we show that bilipschitz neural operators may always be written via the repeated alternating composition of strongly monotone neural operators and invertible linear maps. We also show that such operators may be inverted locally via iteration provided that such inverse exists. Finally, we conclude by showing how our framework may be used `out of the box' to prove quantitative approximation results for discretization of neural operators.