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TrajCLIP: Pedestrian trajectory prediction method using contrastive learning and idempotent networks

Pengfei Yao · Yinglong Zhu · Huikun Bi · Tianlu Mao · Zhaoqi Wang

East Exhibit Hall A-C #2605
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Wed 11 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


The distribution of pedestrian trajectories is highly complex and influenced by the scene, nearby pedestrians, and subjective intentions. This complexity presents challenges for modeling and generalizing trajectory prediction. Previous methods modeled the feature space of future trajectories based on the high-dimensional feature space of historical trajectories, but this approach is suboptimal because it overlooks the similarity between historical and future trajectories. Our proposed method, TrajCLIP, utilizes contrastive learning and idempotent generative networks to address this issue. By pairing historical and future trajectories and applying contrastive learning on the encoded feature space, we enforce same-space consistency constraints. To manage complex distributions, we use idempotent loss and tightness loss to control over-expansion in the latent space. Additionally, we have developed a trajectory interpolation algorithm and synthetic trajectory data to enhance model capacity and improve generalization. Experimental results on public datasets demonstrate that TrajCLIP achieves state-of-the-art performance and excels in scene-to-scene transfer, few-shot transfer, and online learning tasks.

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