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Learning to Understand: Identifying Interactions via the Möbius Transform

Justin Kang · Yigit Efe Erginbas · Landon Butler · Ramtin Pedarsani · Kannan Ramchandran

East Exhibit Hall A-C #3204
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Fri 13 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST

Abstract: One of the key challenges in machine learning is to find interpretable representations of learned functions. The Möbius transform is essential for this purpose, as its coefficients correspond to unique *importance scores* for *sets of input variables*. This transform is closely related to widely used game-theoretic notions of importance like the *Shapley* and *Bhanzaf value*, but it also captures crucial higher-order interactions. Although computing the Möbius Transform of a function with $n$ inputs involves $2^n$ coefficients, it becomes tractable when the function is *sparse* and of *low-degree* as we show is the case for many real-world functions. Under these conditions, the complexity of the transform computation is significantly reduced. When there are $K$ non-zero coefficients, our algorithm recovers the Möbius transform in $O(Kn)$ samples and $O(Kn^2)$ time asymptotically under certain assumptions, the first non-adaptive algorithm to do so. We also uncover a surprising connection between group testing and the Möbius transform. For functions where all interactions involve at most $t$ inputs, we use group testing results to compute the Möbius transform with $O(Kt\log n)$ sample complexity and $O(K\mathrm{poly}(n))$ time. A robust version of this algorithm withstands noise and maintains this complexity. This marks the first $n$ sub-linear query complexity, noise-tolerant algorithm for the Möbius transform. While our algorithms are conceptualized in an idealized setting, they indicate that the Möbius transform is a potent tool for interpreting deep learning models.

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