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Be Confident in What You Know: Bayesian Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning of Vision Foundation Models

Deep Pandey · Spandan Pyakurel · Qi Yu

East Exhibit Hall A-C #4608
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Wed 11 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST

Abstract: Large transformer-based foundation models have been commonly used as pre-trained models that can be adapted to different challenging datasets and settings with state-of-the-art generalization performance. Parameter efficient fine-tuning ($\texttt{PEFT}$) provides promising generalization performance in adaptation while incurring minimum computational overhead. However, adaptation of these foundation models through $\texttt{PEFT}$ leads to accurate but severely underconfident models, especially in few-shot learning settings. Moreover, the adapted models lack accurate fine-grained uncertainty quantification capabilities limiting their broader applicability in critical domains. To fill out this critical gap, we develop a novel lightweight {Bayesian Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning} (referred to as $\texttt{Bayesian-PEFT}$) framework for large transformer-based foundation models. The framework integrates state-of-the-art $\texttt{PEFT}$ techniques with two Bayesian components to address the under-confidence issue while ensuring reliable prediction under challenging few-shot settings. The first component performs base rate adjustment to strengthen the prior belief corresponding to the knowledge gained through pre-training, making the model more confident in its predictions; the second component builds an evidential ensemble that leverages belief regularization to ensure diversity among different ensemble components.Our thorough theoretical analysis justifies that the Bayesian components can ensure reliable and accurate few-shot adaptations with well-calibrated uncertainty quantification. Extensive experiments across diverse datasets, few-shot learning scenarios, and multiple $\texttt{PEFT}$ techniques demonstrate the outstanding prediction and calibration performance by $\texttt{Bayesian-PEFT}$.

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