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Non-asymptotic Global Convergence Analysis of BFGS with the Armijo-Wolfe Line Search

Qiujiang Jin · Ruichen Jiang · Aryan Mokhtari

West Ballroom A-D #5803
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[ Paper [ Slides [ OpenReview
Fri 13 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST

Abstract: In this paper, we present the first explicit and non-asymptotic global convergence rates of the BFGS method when implemented with an inexact line search scheme satisfying the Armijo-Wolfe conditions. We show that BFGS achieves a global linear convergence rate of $(1 - \frac{1}{\kappa})^t$ for $\mu$-strongly convex functions with $L$-Lipschitz gradients, where $\kappa = \frac{L}{\mu}$ represents the condition number. Additionally, if the objective function's Hessian is Lipschitz, BFGS with the Armijo-Wolfe line search achieves a linear convergence rate that depends solely on the line search parameters, independent of the condition number. We also establish a global superlinear convergence rate of $\mathcal{O}((\frac{1}{t})^t)$. These global bounds are all valid for any starting point $x_0$ and any symmetric positive definite initial Hessian approximation matrix $B_0$, though the choice of $B_0$ impacts the number of iterations needed to achieve these rates. By synthesizing these results, we outline the first global complexity characterization of BFGS with the Armijo-Wolfe line search. Additionally, we clearly define a mechanism for selecting the step size to satisfy the Armijo-Wolfe conditions and characterize its overall complexity.

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