Dual Risk Minimization: Towards Next-Level Robustness in Fine-tuning Zero-Shot Models
Kaican Li · Weiyan XIE · Yongxiang Huang · Didan Deng · Lanqing Hong · Zhenguo Li · Ricardo Silva · Nevin L. Zhang
East Exhibit Hall A-C #2203
Wed 11 Dec 11 a.m. PST
— 2 p.m. PST
Fine-tuning foundation models often compromises their robustness to distribution shifts. To remedy this, most robust fine-tuning methods aim to preserve the pre-trained features. However, not all pre-trained features are robust and those methods are largely indifferent to which ones to preserve. We propose dual risk minimization (DRM), which combines empirical risk minimization with worst-case risk minimization, to better preserve the core features of downstream tasks. In particular, we utilize core-feature descriptions generated by LLMs to induce core-based zero-shot predictions which then serve as proxies to estimate the worst-case risk. DRM balances two crucial aspects of model robustness: expected performance and worst-case performance, establishing a new state of the art on various real-world benchmarks. DRM significantly improves the out-of-distribution performance of CLIP ViT-L/14@336 on ImageNet (75.9$\to$77.1), WILDS-iWildCam (47.1$\to$51.8), and WILDS-FMoW (50.7$\to$53.1); opening up new avenues for robust fine-tuning. Our code is available at
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