In this paper, we study the problem of learning the structure of a discrete set of $N$ tokens based on their interactions with other tokens. We focus on a setting where the tokens can be partitioned into a small number of classes, and there exists a real-valued function $f$ defined on certain sets of tokens. This function, which captures the interactions between tokens, depends only on the class memberships of its arguments. The goal is to recover the class memberships of all tokens from a finite number of samples of $f$. We begin by analyzing this problem from both complexity-theoretic and information-theoretic viewpoints. We prove that it is NP-complete in general, and for random instances, we show that on the order of $N\ln(N)$ samples, implying very sparse interactions, suffice to identify the partition. We then investigate the conditions under which gradient flow dynamics of token embeddings can reveal the class structure, finding that this is achievable in certain settings when given on the order of $N^2\ln^2(N)$ samples.
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