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TinyLUT: Tiny Look-Up Table for Efficient Image Restoration at the Edge

Huanan LI · Juntao Guan · Lai Rui · Sijun Ma · Lin Gu · Noperson

East Exhibit Hall A-C #1911
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[ Paper [ Slides [ Poster [ OpenReview
Fri 13 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST

Abstract: Look-up tables(LUTs)-based methods have recently shown enormous potential in image restoration tasks, which are capable of significantly accelerating the inference. However, the size of LUT exhibits exponential growth with the convolution kernel size, creating a storage bottleneck for its broader application on edge devices. Here, we address the storage explosion challenge to promote the capacity of mapping the complex CNN models by LUT. We introduce an innovative separable mapping strategy to achieve over $7\times$ storage reduction, transforming the storage from exponential dependence on kernel size to a linear relationship. Moreover, we design a dynamic discretization mechanism to decompose the activation and compress the quantization scale that further shrinks the LUT storage by $4.48\times$. As a result, the storage requirement of our proposed TinyLUT is around 4.1\% of MuLUT-SDY-X2 and amenable to on-chip cache, yielding competitive accuracy with over $5\times$ lower inference latency on Raspberry 4B than FSRCNN. Our proposed TinyLUT enables superior inference speed on edge devices with new state-of-the-art accuracy on both of image super-resolution and denoising, showcasing the potential of applying this method to various image restoration tasks at the edge. The codes are available at:

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