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FIFO-Diffusion: Generating Infinite Videos from Text without Training

Jihwan Kim · Junoh Kang · Jinyoung Choi · Bohyung Han

East Exhibit Hall A-C #1609
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Thu 12 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


We propose a novel inference technique based on a pretrained diffusion model for text-conditional video generation. Our approach, called FIFO-Diffusion, is conceptually capable of generating infinitely long videos without additional training. This is achieved by iteratively performing diagonal denoising, which simultaneously processes a series of consecutive frames with increasing noise levels in a queue; our method dequeues a fully denoised frame at the head while enqueuing a new random noise frame at the tail. However, diagonal denoising is a double-edged sword as the frames near the tail can take advantage of cleaner frames by forward reference but such a strategy induces the discrepancy between training and inference. Hence, we introduce latent partitioning to reduce the training-inference gap and lookahead denoising to leverage the benefit of forward referencing. Practically, FIFO-Diffusion consumes a constant amount of memory regardless of the target video length given a baseline model, while well-suited for parallel inference on multiple GPUs. We have demonstrated the promising results and effectiveness of the proposed methods on existing text-to-video generation baselines. Generated video examples and source codes are available at our project page.

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