Solving Zero-Sum Markov Games with Continuous State via Spectral Dynamic Embedding
Chenhao Zhou · Zebang Shen · zhang chao · Hanbin Zhao · Hui Qian
East Exhibit Hall A-C #4931
In this paper, we propose a provably efficient natural policy gradient algorithm called Spectral Dynamic Embedding Policy Optimization (\SDEPO) for two-player zero-sum stochastic Markov games with continuous state space and finite action space. In the policy evaluation procedure of our algorithm, a novel kernel embedding method is employed to construct a finite-dimensional linear approximations to the state-action value function. We explicitly analyze the approximation error in policy evaluation, and show that \SDEPO\ achieves an $\tilde{O}(\frac{1}{(1-\gamma)^3\epsilon})$ last-iterate convergence to the $\epsilon-$optimal Nash equilibrium, which is independent of the cardinality of the state space. The complexity result matches the best-known results for global convergence of policy gradient algorithms for single agent setting. Moreover, we also propose a practical variant of \SDEPO\ to deal with continuous action space and empirical results demonstrate the practical superiority of the proposed method.
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