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Spotlight Poster

Procedure-Aware Surgical Video-language Pretraining with Hierarchical Knowledge Augmentation

Kun Yuan · vinkle srivastav · Nassir Navab · Nicolas Padoy

East Exhibit Hall A-C #3801
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[ Paper [ Slides [ OpenReview
Wed 11 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


Surgical video-language pretraining (VLP) faces unique challenges due to the knowledge domain gap and the scarcity of multi-modal data. This study aims to bridge the gap by addressing issues regarding textual information loss in surgical lecture videos and the spatial-temporal challenges of surgical VLP. To tackle these issues, we propose a hierarchical knowledge augmentation approach and a novel Procedure-Encoded Surgical Knowledge-Augmented Video-Language Pretraining (PeskaVLP) framework. The proposed knowledge augmentation approach uses large language models (LLM) to refine and enrich surgical concepts, thus providing comprehensive language supervision and reducing the risk of overfitting. The PeskaVLP framework combines language supervision with visual self-supervision, constructing hard negative samples and employing a Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) based loss function to effectively comprehend the cross-modal procedural alignment. Extensive experiments on multiple public surgical scene understanding and cross-modal retrieval datasets show that our proposed method significantly improves zero-shot transferring performance and offers a generalist visual repre- sentation for further advancements in surgical scene understanding. The source code will be available at

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