Workshop: NeuroAI: Fusing Neuroscience and AI for Intelligent Solutions
Asynchronous Hebbian/anti-Hebbian networks
Henrique Reis Aguiar · Matthias Hennig
Lateral inhibition models coupled with Hebbian plasticity have been shown to learn factorised causal representations of input stimuli, for instance oriented edges are learned from natural images. Currently, these models require the recurrent dynamics to settle into a stable state before weight changes can be applied, which is not only biologically implausible but also impractical for real-time learning systems. Here, we propose a new Hebbian learning rule which is implemented using plausible biological mechanisms that have been observed experimentally. We find that this rule allows for efficient, time-continuous learning of factorised representations, very similar to the classic non-continuous Hebbian/anti-Hebbian learning. Furthermore, we show that this rule naturally prevents catastrophic forgetting when stimuli from different distributions is shown sequentially.