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Workshop: Towards Safe & Trustworthy Agents

Getting By Goal Misgeneralization With a Little Help From a Mentor

Tu Trinh · Mohamad Hosein Danesh · Khanh Nguyen · Benjamin Plaut


While reinforcement learning (RL) agents often perform well during training, they can struggle with distribution shift in real-world deployments. One particularly severe risk of distribution shift is goal misgeneralization, where the agent learns a proxy goal that coincides with the true goal during training but not during deployment. In this paper, we explore whether allowing an agent to ask for help from a supervisor in unfamiliar situations can mitigate this issue. We focus on agents trained with PPO in the CoinRun environment, a setting known to exhibit goal misgeneralization. We evaluate multiple methods for determining when the agent should request help and find that asking for help consistently improves performance. However, we also find that methods based on the agent's internal state fail to proactively request help, instead waiting until mistakes have already occurred. Further investigation suggests that the agent's internal state does not represent the coin at all, highlighting the importance of learning nuanced representations, the risks of ignoring everything not immediately relevant to reward, and the necessity of developing ask-for-help strategies tailored to the agent's training algorithm.

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