Competition: Auto-Bidding in Large-Scale Auctions: Learning Decision-Making in Uncertain and Competitive Games
AIGB Track Winner (CleanDiffuser) Presentation
Zhenrui Zheng · Yifu Yuan · Zibin Dong · Yi Ma
The authors propose a diffusion bidding policy named DARE, which integrates ensemble Q-learning and action re-labeling. The approach first systematically analyzes the bidding trajectory dataset, clustering critical indicators in the decision-making process, and then implements ensemble Q-learning based on the simplified representation. DARE subsequently backtracks the optimal action in the trajectory using the ensemble Q-function and relabels the dataset. The approach employs a diffusion policy to aggregate multi-peak distribution policies from ensemble Q-functions, thereby enhancing generalization capabilities beyond the original distribution and forming an end-to-end bidding decision model.
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