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Workshop: Multimodal Algorithmic Reasoning Workshop

Contrasting with Symile: Simple Model-Agnostic Representation Learning for Unlimited Modalities

Adriel Saporta · Aahlad Manas Puli · Mark Goldstein · Rajesh Ranganath

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Sun 15 Dec 2:15 p.m. PST — 4:15 p.m. PST


While contrastive learning approaches, such as CLIP, are generally applied to two modalities, domains such as robotics, healthcare, and video need to support many types of data at once. We show that the pairwise application of CLIP fails to capture joint information between modalities, thereby limiting the quality of the learned representations. To address this issue, we present Symile, a simple contrastive learning approach that captures higher-order information between any number of modalities. Symile provides a flexible, architecture-agnostic objective for learning modality-specific representations. Symile outperforms pairwise CLIP, even with modalities missing in the data, on cross-modal classification and retrieval across several experiments including on an original multilingual dataset of 33M image, text and audio samples. All datasets and code used in this work are publicly available at

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