Workshop: The Fourth Workshop on Efficient Natural Language and Speech Processing (ENLSP-IV): Highlighting New Architectures for Future Foundation Models
GEAR: An Efficient Error Reduction Framework for KV Cache Compression in LLM Inference
· Qingru Zhang · Souvik Kundu · Geonhwa Jeong · Zaoxing Liu · Tushar Krishna · Tuo Zhao
Keywords: [ Efficient Inference ]
Key-value (KV) caching has become the de-facto technique to accelerate generation speed for large language models (LLMs) inference. However, the growing cache demand with increasing sequence length has transformed LLM inference to be a memory bound problem, significantly constraining the system throughput. Existing methods rely on dropping unimportant tokens or quantizing entries group-wise. Such methods, however, often incur high approximation errors to represent the compressed matrices. The autoregressive decoding process further compounds the error of each step, resulting in critical deviation in model generation and deterioration of performance. To tackle this challenge, we propose GEAR, an efficient error reduction framework that augments a quantization scheme with two error reduction components and achieves near-lossless performance at high compression ratios. GEAR first applies quantization to majority of entries of similar magnitudes to ultra-low precision. It then employs a low-rank matrix to approximate the quantization error, and a sparse matrix to remedy individual errors from outlier entries. By adeptly integrating three techniques, GEAR is able to fully exploit their synergistic potentials. Our experiments show that GEAR can maintain similar accuracy to that of FP16 cache with improvement up to 24.42% over the SOTA baselines at 2-bit compression. Additionally, compared to LLM inference with FP16 KV cache, GEAR can reduce peak-memory of up to $2.39\times$, bringing $2.1\times\sim 5.07\times$ throughput improvement. Our code will be publicly available.
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