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Workshop: Safe Generative AI

Jogging the Memory of Unlearned LLMs Through Targeted Relearning Attacks

Shengyuan Hu · Yiwei Fu · Steven Wu · Virginia Smith


Machine unlearning is a promising approach to mitigate undesirable memorization of training data in ML models. However, in this work we show that existing approaches for unlearning in LLMs are surprisingly susceptible to a simple set of targeted relearning attacks. With access to only a small and potentially loosely related set of data, we find that we can “jog” the memory of unlearned models to reverse the effects of unlearning. For example, we show that relearning on public medical articles can lead an unlearned LLM to output harmful knowledge about bioweapons, relearning general wiki information about the book series Harry Potter can force the model to output verbatim memorized text. We formalize this unlearning-relearning pipeline, explore the attack across three popular unlearning benchmarks, and discuss future works and guidelines that result from our study.

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