Neural MONOBLOC Black is a series of 8 furniture pieces generated directly in 3D with a custom fine-tuned (via dreambooth) prolificDreamer model and fabricated in an artisanal way with 100% upcycled wood. It was completed and launched as an exhibition (23rd April – 7th May 2024) at Singapore’s National Design Centre, with support from DesignSingapore Council and University of the Arts Singapore (UAS), and as part of a satellite event at the Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia 2024 ( MONOBLOC Black reflects on the world’s most widely/cheaply/quickly produced and disposed chair – the typically white stackable plastic MONOBLOC chair. The Monobloc chair is also the most common chair imagery on the internet, thus automatically finding its way into any datasets used to train today’s most powerful foundation AI models such as ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion. The exhibition presents 3 acts of aesthetic subversion through the Monobloc and raises questions on our all-too-human conception and perception of what design is and can be.