Workshop: Adaptive Foundation Models: Evolving AI for Personalized and Efficient Learning
XLand-100B: A Large-Scale Multi-Task Dataset for In-Context Reinforcement Learning
Alexander Nikulin · Ilya Zisman · Alexey Zemtsov · Vladislav Kurenkov
Following the success of the in-context learning paradigm in large-scale language and computer vision models, the recently emerging field of in-context reinforcement learning is experiencing a rapid growth. However, its development has been held back by the lack of challenging benchmarks, as all the experiments have been carried out in simple environments and on small-scale datasets. We present **XLand-100B**, a large-scale dataset for in-context reinforcement learning based on the XLand-MiniGrid environment, as a first step to alleviate this problem. It contains complete learning histories for nearly $30,000$ different tasks, covering $100$B transitions and $2.5$B episodes. It took $50,000$ GPU hours to collect the dataset, which is beyond the reach of most academic labs. We also benchmark common in-context RL baselines and show that they struggle to generalize to novel and diverse tasks. With this substantial effort, we aim to democratize research in the rapidly growing field of in-context reinforcement learning and provide a solid foundation for further scaling.
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