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Workshop: Mathematics of Modern Machine Learning (M3L)

Transformers Provably Solve Parity Efficiently with Chain of Thought

Juno Kim · Taiji Suzuki

Keywords: [ transformers ] [ parity ] [ self-consistency ] [ chain of thought ]

Abstract: This work provides the first theoretical analysis of training transformers to solve complex problems by recursively generating intermediate states, analogous to fine-tuning for chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning. We consider training a one-layer transformer to solve the fundamental $k$-parity problem, extending the work on RNNs by \citet{Wies23}. We establish three key results: (1) any finite-precision gradient-based algorithm, without intermediate supervision, requires substantial iterations to solve parity with finite samples. (2) In contrast, when intermediate parities are incorporated into the loss function, our model can learn parity in one gradient update when aided by \emph{teacher forcing}, where ground-truth labels of the reasoning chain are provided at each generation step. (3) Even without teacher forcing, where the model must generate CoT chains end-to-end, parity can be learned efficiently if augmented data is employed to internally verify the soundness of intermediate steps. These results rigorously show that task decomposition and stepwise reasoning naturally arise from optimizing transformers with CoT; moreover, self-consistency checking can improve reasoning ability, aligning with empirical studies of CoT.

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