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Workshop: Mathematics of Modern Machine Learning (M3L)

Optimality and Adaptivity of Deep Neural Features for Instrumental Variable Regression

Juno Kim · Dimitri Meunier · Arthur Gretton · Taiji Suzuki · Zhu Li

Keywords: [ DFIV ] [ deep neural networks ] [ minimax optimality ] [ instrumental variable regression ]


We provide a theoretical convergence analysis of deep feature instrumental variable (DFIV) regression (Xu et al., 2021), a nonparametric approach to IV regression using data-adaptive features learned by deep neural networks in two stages. We prove that the DFIV algorithm achieves the minimax optimal learning rate when the target structural function lies in a Besov space. This is shown under standard nonparametric IV assumptions, and an additional assumption on the regularity of the conditional distribution between the covariate and the instrument. We further demonstrate that DFIV, as a data-adaptive algorithm, is superior to fixed-feature (kernel or sieve) IV methods in two ways. First, when the target function possesses low spatial homogeneity (i.e. has both smooth and spiky/discontinuous regions), DFIV still achieves the optimal rate, while fixed-feature methods are shown to be strictly suboptimal. Second, comparing with kernel-based two-stage regression estimators, DFIV is provably more data efficient in the Stage 1 samples.

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